STH :: Volume #11

#1026: Joy after sorrow

This is Ancient Star so how strange?” Dragon Horse is surprised, the ground everywhere is large hole, even stone mountain of distant place wait/etc. also so, bumpy, tattered and torn. “这颗古星怎么这么怪?”龙马惊讶,地上到处都是大洞,连远处的石山等也如此,坑坑洼洼,千疮百孔。 Several people of revealed the look of surprise, this region was too strange, everywhere is the great holes, probably was received the impact of meteor shower, everywhere is the gulf and large hole. 几人都不禁露出异色,这片地域太怪了,到处都是巨洞,像是遭受过流星雨的冲击,处处是深坑与大洞 Not is quite a little right, this should not be the meteorite hit, cavern that some probably creatures drills, but such large surface area is really a little unusual.” “有点不太对劲,这不应该是陨石撞击出来的,像是某种生物钻出来的洞穴,可这么大面积真是有点不同寻常。” After they look out into the distance, discovered that on this planet has many region this, few half Ancient Star so, does not know what's the matter. 当他们极目远眺后,发现这颗行星上有很多区域都这样,少半颗古星都如此,不知道怎么回事。 These, first discovered this Five Colored Alter to say leave alone again, earlier leaves here, perhaps next stood can achieve Big Dip­per Star Domain.” “别管这些了,先找出这五色祭坛再说,早点离开这里,也许下一站地就能够达到北斗星域了。” They seek separately, like this spans the Star Domain Teleportation Formation stage to be extremely precious, generally will have the magic formation protection, without Secret Art cannot seek. 他们分头寻找,这样跨越星域传送阵台极其珍贵,一般都会有法阵守护,没有秘法根本寻不出来。 Went bad, the Five Colors shrine moved out, not here.” “坏了,五色神坛被人搬走了,不在这里了。” Several people discovered Ancient magic formation, but was damaged, here bumpy, the big limestone caves, Dao Runes wait/etc. were all incomplete, this has destroyed. 几人发现了上古法阵,但是遭到了破坏,这里坑坑洼洼,有一大片溶洞,道纹等全都残缺不全了,此阵已毁。 Their complexions changed, had a premonition that the important matter is not wonderful, foundation that such withered planet has not survived, if were stranded in this place if headed toward disaster. 他们的脸色都变了,预感到大事不妙,这样一颗枯星没有一点生存下去的基础,要是被困在此地等若走上了绝路。 Is who took Five Colored Alter?” They are surprised uncertain, this is not the good sign, thinks that is confined one dead on-board, they revealed the worried look. “是谁将五色祭坛取走了?”他们都惊疑不定,这可不是什么好兆头,想到坐困一颗死星上,他们都露出了忧色。 We separate to look to look, I thought this stars are not very simple, these strange holes seem like what drill.” “我们分开去找找看,我觉得这颗星辰很不简单,这些怪洞像是什么钻出来的。” They start to handle affairs separately, charges into a side respectively, finds out powerful divine sense to start the rug search, seeks for the fresh hope. 他们开始分头行事,各冲向一方,探出强大的神念展开地毯式搜索,寻找生的希望。 It is not difficult to see the individual effort tiny, once were stranded on withered planet on if broke the road ahead, may die in universe Starry Sky. 从中也不难看出个人力量的渺小,一旦被困于一颗枯星上就等若断了前路,可能会死在宇宙星空中。 Also only has to achieve the boundary of Saint, had one in the possibility in the universe travelling, otherwise for the ants, is hard to be intimate the strength of body to cross Starry Sky eventually. 也唯有达到圣人之境,才有了一丝在宇宙中旅行的可能,不然终究是为蝼蚁,难以靠己身的力量横渡星空 Buzz “嗡” Suddenly, Ye Fan heard the sound of fluttering, very grating, probably a sword is trembling lightly, is indistinct to put on the strength of gold splitting stone to fluctuate. 突然,叶凡听到了振翅的声响,非常的刺耳,像是道剑在轻颤,隐约间有穿金裂石之力波动而出。 Sharp divine light cuts together from that nighttime sky, he saw taking the form of wing dragon-like creatures, the body can be several meters, the dive, in the mouth spouted together the dazzling light blade. 一道犀利的神光从那夜空中斩来,他见到了一头形似翼龙般生物,身体能有几米长,俯冲而下,口中喷出一道炫目的光刃。 Bang “砰” Ye Fan stretches out one finger/refers, the flaming golden light departs together, immediately pierced the forehead of this life, dies a violent death at the scene, under the corpse crashes the upper air. 叶凡伸出一指,一道炽盛的金光飞出,当即就将这个生灵的眉心洞穿了,当场死于非命,尸体坠落下高空。 However, matter has not terminated, the sound that because above the clouds flutters is lingering on faintly, then the same life blots out the sky , the life that dozens over a hundred take the form of winged dragon, emits a piece of light blade, cut. 然而,事情并没有就此完结,因为云朵上方振翅的声音不绝于耳,接着同样的生灵铺天盖地而下,数十上百头形似翼龙的生灵,喷吐出一片光刃,斩了下来。 Everyone strongly in the same place!” Ye Fan shouted, he feared that Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan left behind, was struck to kill by this crowd of unknown creatures, these thing quantities were hard to estimate. “大家集中在一起!”叶凡喝道,他怕张清扬龙宇轩落单,被这群未知的生物击杀,这些东西数量难以估算。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” Ye Fan lightly shouted, in the forehead magnificent light flashes, a cauldron departs, the boundless atmosphere, shakes directly to the upper air. In an instant the flesh and blood flying in all directions, several hundred wing dragon-like lives all turned into blood mist, was struck to kill in the sky. 叶凡一声轻喝,眉心内光华一闪,一口鼎飞出,苍茫大气,直接震向高空。刹那间血肉横飞,数百头翼龙般的生灵全都化成了血雾,被击杀在了天空中。 Divine Knight, Zhang Qingyang wait/etc. caught up, they strongly in the same place, look up to the vault of heaven together, discrete treatment, because cannot a little. 神骑士张清扬等都赶了过来,他们集中在一起,一同仰望天穹,谨慎的对待,因为绝不能只有这么一点。 They have believed firmly, this Ancient Star tattered and torn definitely is related with these creatures, few half stars pulled out to empty quickly, simply unimaginable. 他们已经确信,这颗古星之所以千疮百孔肯定是与这些生物有关,少半颗星辰都快被掏空了,简直不可想象。 Looks quickly, what is that? Long Yuxuan direction horizon end. “快看,那是什么?龙宇轩指向天际尽头。 There mist thick being able to melt, appears at this star light point night constrains especially, such as mountain side Hong general wells up, letting the person is going to suffocate. 那里的雾气浓的化不开,在这星光点点的夜晚尤显得压抑,如一片山洪一般涌来,让人将要窒息。 „A giant battleship?!” “一艘巨大的战舰?!” The horizon end, big stretch of shadow true blotting out the sky, gave to block Starry Sky, quick arrived at them at present, the dense, incomparable compelling person, making the person blood be about to solidify. 天际尽头,一大片阴影真正的铺天盖地,将星空都给挡住了,很快就到了他们的眼前,黑压压,无比的迫人,让人血液都快凝固了。 This is giant islands, can hang unexpectedly from the sky flies!” “这是一片巨大的岛屿,竟然可以悬在空中飞行!” Said that is the islands is not quite right, or can call it piece of float Continent, the state of god probably keeps aloof, may overlook all in land. 说是岛屿也不太对,或者可以称之为一片悬浮的大陆,像是高高在上的神之国度,可俯瞰大地上的一切。 Buzz “嗡” The sound of fluttering resounds through the nighttime sky, have several dived by ten thousand taking the form of winged dragon tyrannical creatures, all displays magic spell together, the thunder, the violent storm, various types of sword light dance in the air. 振翅的声音响彻夜空,足足有数以万只的形似翼龙的强横生物俯冲了下来,全都一起施展法术,电闪雷鸣,狂风暴雨,还有各种剑光飞舞。 Any being hard wound to them, even Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan can resist, but so many unions in together fearsome, the ant bites to death the shape! 任何一头都难以伤到他们,连张清扬龙宇轩都可以对抗,但是这么多联合在一起就过于可怖了,蚁多咬死象! I come!” “我来!” The Dragon Horse four hooves soar, ascend to heaven on, the opens the mouth is one howls greatly, the dreadful flame to/clashes, a Dao Severing King acts crazy, that is extremely fearful, immediately has the big piece winged dragon crashes, dense and numerous, is ordinary with the boiled dumpling. 龙马四蹄腾空,登天而上,张口就是一声大啸,滔天的火焰冲起,一个斩道王者发飙,那是极其可怕的,当下有大片的“翼龙”坠落,密密麻麻,跟煮饺子一般。 In the sky, the flame is dreadful, spreads the intermittent barbecue taste, Dragon Horse vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered ten directions, sweeps away all obstacles, great war in the midair, over ten thousand monsters almost died certainly a cleanness. 天空中,火光滔天,传出阵阵烤肉味,龙马纵横十方,所向披靡,在半空中大战,上万头怪物几乎死绝了个干净。 Situation is not a little wonderful!” Ye Fan frowns, is staring at that float Continent in sky, how to see feels like Mother Nest. “情况有点不妙!”叶凡蹙眉,盯着那块悬浮在天空中的大陆,怎么看都觉得像是一个母巢 Really, a sad and shrill scream sends out, the biography to the land, in the earth's crust boiling, spurts to be thin immediately various brilliance, another life from underground runs out. 果然,一声凄厉的尖叫发出,传向大地上,地壳中顿时沸腾,喷薄出各种光彩,一头又一头生灵自地下冲出。 Went bad, on this Ancient Star everywhere is this monster, the quantity were too many, we kill the ceaselessness!” “坏了,这颗古星上到处都是这种怪物,数量太多了,我们杀之不绝!” These take the form of winged dragon Mutant Beast originally in the deep sleep, but all regained consciousness from the earth's crust deep place at this time, each and every one rushes to be first, kills to Ye Fan their several people. 这些形似翼龙异兽原本都在沉睡,可此时全都从地壳深处苏醒了,一个个争先恐后,杀向叶凡他们几人。 This many, from the space to the ground are!” Even Dragon Horse was afraid. “这得有多少只,从天上到地上都是!”连龙马都心虚了。 This is not tens of thousands is so simple, cannot count, dense and numerous, under the earth's crust, has in the sky on that Continent, has the large expanse of dark cloud to clash unceasingly, obstructs the day to shade. 这已经不是几万只那么简单,根本就数不过来,密密麻麻,地壳下、还有天空中那块大陆上,不断有成片的乌云冲来,遮天蔽地。 Human, rare, so many years passed by, once again met.” Experiences together the powerful divine sense fluctuation on that Continent. “人类,难得啊,这么多年过去了,又一次相见了。”在那块大陆上出现一道强大的神念波动。 Then, runs out of piece of Five Colors winged dragon, just now wants powerful many times compared with it, is precisely takes ten thousand as the quantity unit. 接着,冲出一片五色翼龙”,比之方才都要强大很多倍,且是以“万”为数量单位。 Ye Fan takes in Huahua Space Artifact hastily, all soars with several other people, goes all-out to prey, does not kill off these lives not to have the means to go on living. 叶凡连忙将花花收进空间法器中,与其他几人全都腾空而起,尽全力搏杀,不杀光这些生灵是没有办法活下去的。 “噗” Dragon Knight bloody battle all directions, in hand the long spear/gun became worthy of the reputation slaughter Dragon Spear, flies to shoot vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, every has piece of powerful creatures to crash one time, the blood splash blooms unceasingly. 骑士血战八方,手中的的长枪成了名副其实的屠龙枪,纵横飞射,每一次都有一片强大的生物坠落,血花不断绽放。 Dragon Horse also goes all out, does not know that killed tens of thousands winged dragon, the whole body dyed the blood-color, but could not kill, because the quantity many letting people felt dizzy. 龙马也拼命,也不知杀了几万头“翼龙”,浑身都染成了血色,但就是杀不完,因为数量多的让人眼晕。 Gives me dead!” “都给我去死!” The Dragon Horse opens the mouth puts out alms bowl, from incomplete Holy Weapon that Spiritual Mountain obtains, this ancient weapon might strangely big, has Saint's coercion, hundreds of thousands winged dragon turn into bloody pulp at the scene fully, dies in the midair. 龙马张口吐出一个钵盂,是在自灵山得到的残缺圣兵,这种古兵威力奇大,有圣人的威压,当场足有十几万头翼龙化成血泥,死在半空中。 However, above Continent assorted magnificent light soars to the heavens, seven dragon shape monsters prance, the body blooming seven colors ray, stimulates to movement powerful Forbidden Artifact together, shelled. 然而,上方的大陆各色光华冲霄,有七头龙形怪物腾跃而出,身体绽放七色光芒,共同催动一件强大的禁器,轰击了过来。 Bang “轰” The dazzling glare illuminated entire Ancient Star, just like white snow everywhere, if ten rounds of Sun blast out together, the powerful fluctuation of energy proliferated, turns into peerless sword qi to divide together. 耀眼的强光照亮了整颗古星,宛如白雪遍地,又如十轮太阳一同炸开,强大的能量波动扩散,化成一道绝世剑气劈了过来。 Works as “当” alms bowl shivers, then a ka-cha resounding, above presents a huge fissure, almost the direct crack is two halves, obviously is Forbidden Artifact that Archaic Saint leaves behind, making this incomplete Buddhist Weapon be damaged. 钵盂颤抖,而后喀嚓一声脆响,上面出现一道巨大的裂痕,差点直接裂为两半,显然是远古圣人留下的禁器,让这残缺的佛兵都受损了。 “噗” The Dragon Horse big mouth coughed up blood, received the heavy wound, the Forbidden Artifact might certainly incomparable, making it eat one to owe greatly. 龙马大口咳血,受了不轻的创伤,禁器的威力强绝无比,让它吃了一个大亏。 „When human, I waits for you to be many, but comes for this altar?” “人类,我等候你们多时了,可是为这个祭坛而来?” In the sky presents Nine Colored dragon shape creatures, is huger, with hill, stands erect on that piece of Continent, absolutely is tyrannical Dao Severing person. 天空中出现一头九色龙形生物,更为巨大,跟一座小山似的,屹立在那片大陆上,绝对是一个强横的斩道者 In his palm refers , the Five Colored Alter ups and downs, flow Five Colors magnificent light, Star Domain that precisely Ye Fan they must seek for transmit ancient formation. 在其掌指间,有一座五色祭坛沉沉浮浮,流动出五色光华,正是叶凡他们所要寻找的星域传送古阵 How we cooperate, you said stimulate to movement the magic formation method, I provided this Formation Altar, departed together.” This obviously is the king in Mother Nest, everywhere winged dragon is its people. “我们合作如何,你们说出催动法阵的方法,我提供此阵台,一起离去。”这显然是母巢中的王,漫天的翼龙都是它的子民。 Ye Fan indicated that can discuss, happy does not fear, lets Divine Knight they and others there, he ascends to heaven alone on. 叶凡表示可以相谈,怡然不惧,让神骑士他们等在那里,他独自登天而上。 How do you know open this altar?” This most powerful dragon shape creatures asked. “你知晓如何开启这座祭坛?”这头最为强大的龙形生物问道。 Naturally knows.” Ye Fan is staring at the altar, discovered that has not damaged, reason that cannot open is only because several stone gloss are gloomy, exhausted the strength of embodiment. He pours did not worry, because the body also has this type of Five Colors stone, can extract the strength of this special space to pour into the altar. “自然知晓。”叶凡盯着祭坛,发现并没有破损,之所以不能开启了只是因为有几块石头光泽暗淡,耗尽了内蕴的力量。他倒也不担心,因为身上亦有这种五色石,可以抽出这种特别的空间之力注入祭坛。 Such being the case, you stay behind!” This dragon shape creatures cold and gloomy saying, took out more powerful Forbidden Artifact, downward suppress and kill, it wants to ruin Ye Fan's fleshly body, leaves behind its Primordial Spirit. “既然如此,那你就留下吧!”这头龙形生物森冷的说道,祭出一宗更为强大的禁器,向下镇杀,它想毁掉叶凡的肉身,留下其元神 However, light flashes, this Ye Fan vanished all of a sudden, this is the One Qi Becomes Three Purities wonderful technique, Ye Fan makes this strand of Purity Qi disperse ahead of time, his True Body already touring this Continent, took out cauldron violent force suppress and kill! 然而,光影一闪,这个叶凡一下子就消失了,这是一气化三清妙术,叶凡提前让这缕清气散开,他的真身已经登临这块大陆,祭出鼎猛力镇杀 Bang “轰” After his Dao Severing, has not run into the true archenemy, these stimulates to movement Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron to strike time full power, divine force rushes, vast boundless, hit to be split up like Continent huge Mother Nest this at the scene. 斩道后还没有遇到过真正的大敌,这一次催动万物母气鼎全力一击,神力澎湃,浩瀚无边,当场将这块如大陆般巨大的母巢打了个四分五裂。 At that moment does not know that has many ten thousand lives to turn into the bloody water, large expanse of crash, the trim sky was dyed for the blood-color. 当下也不知道有多少万只生灵化成血水,成片的坠落,整片天空都被染为了血色。 This lair blasts out, probably held horse peak, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, is takes the form of everywhere the winged dragon tyrannical species, all shouting, the eye was red, chases down Ye Fan together. 这处巢穴炸开,像是捅了马峰,天上地下,到处都是形似翼龙的强横物种,全都嘶吼着,眼睛都红了,一起追杀叶凡 Walks, we go to Foreign Domain!” “走,我们去域外!” Ye Fan felt not very wonderful, these lives kill the ceaselessness, under earth's crust with sky about in the same place, becomes one piece ***, they were submerged thoroughly! 叶凡感觉很不妙,这些生灵杀之不绝,地壳下与天空中的合在一起,成为了一片***,他们彻底被淹没了! Finally he and Divine Knight have Dragon Horse to be tyrannical enough, has a bloody road, ran out of this planet, arrives at Foreign Domain to get rid of the pursuing troops. 总算他与神骑士还有龙马足够强横,生生杀出一条血路,冲出了这颗行星,来到域外才摆脱追兵。 This were also too many, only if we ruin this Ancient Star, otherwise kills radically not, what thing is this?” Dragon Horse is angry. “这也太多了,除非我们将这颗古星毁掉,不然根本杀之不尽,这到底是什么东西?”龙马气恼。 Divine Knight said: In ancient book has the record, this is Dragonic Ant, the vitality is powerful, the reproduction is especially quickly, the can compare ant, needs the living environment and human is entirely different, swallows the ore directly, derived the life to need.” 神骑士道:“古书中有记载,这是蚁龙,生命力强大,繁殖特别快,堪比蚂蚁,所需生存环境与人类大不相同,直接吞噬矿石等,汲取生命所需。” Although said that this planet is very small, but few half stars had been swallowed by them, this was also somewhat odd, really does not know that survived many generations.” “虽然说这颗行星很小,但是少半颗星辰都被他们吞噬过了,这也还是有些离谱了,真不知生存多少代了。” Quantity are too many, entire Ancient Star is this mutant insect, we kill radically not, can only kill that several tyrannicalally, snatches the altar.” “数量太多,整颗古星都是这种异虫,我们根本杀之不尽,只能去袭杀那几头最强横的,将祭坛抢过来。” However they somewhat are actually cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, feared that in aiming at the Insect King process does not ruin the altar carefully. 然而他们却有些投鼠忌器,怕在针对虫王的过程中不小心毁掉祭坛。 These Dragonic Ant in this Ancient Star do not know that multiplied many for ten thousand years, middle had several absolute Dao Severing, hit back to have Archaic Saint's Forbidden Artifact, really some nasty.” “这些蚁龙在这颗古星也不知道繁衍多少万年了,当中有几个绝对斩道了,还手持有远古圣人的禁器,真的有些难以对付。” Ye Fan thinks, said: In willpower with my cauldron copes with them.” 叶凡想了想,道:“以我鼎内的念力来对付他们吧。” At this point, he reverses Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, inside whether there is Faith Power completely, Grand Falls lets fall probably generally, flows does not calculate big Ancient Star to this. 说到这里,他将万物母气鼎倒转,里面有无尽的信仰之力,像是大瀑布一般垂落,流淌向这颗不算大的古星 Bang “轰” Arrives just like the desert, this regarding believing the Celestial Court's person is purest Holy Force, however regarding others is actually Karma Fire! 宛若瀚海降临,这对于信仰天庭的人来说是最为纯净的圣力,然而对于其他人来说却是业火 After all Faith Power fall, under turned into a sea of fire probably, dozens over a million divine insect all shouted, turns into bunch of torches! 当所有信仰之力落下后,下方像是化成了一座火海,数十上百万的神虫全都嘶吼了起来,化成一束束火炬! While executes that several Dragonic Ant kings randomly!” “趁乱毙掉那几头蚁龙王!” They killed once again, Ye Fan took the black arrow, the continual start, kills several giants, resists Saint's Forbidden Artifact. 他们又一次杀了下去,叶凡将黑箭取了出来,连续开动,射杀几个巨头,抵挡圣人的禁器 Did not have dense and numerous divine insect to prevent, relatively was directly easy to the previous several giants, but also killed Sun and Moon lost radiance, this was not the showdown of strength, this was great war of Holy Artifact to Forbidden Artifact! 没有了密密麻麻的神虫阻挡,直接对上几个巨头相对容易了很多,但也杀了个日月无光,这不是自身实力的对决,这是圣器禁器大战 A side is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, the other side grasps powerful Forbidden Artifact, launched crosscut saw great war, but still Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, demons weeping, spirits crying, fought intensified. 一方投鼠忌器,另一方掌握有强大的禁器,展开了一场拉锯大战,但依然天崩地裂,鬼哭神嚎,战到了白热化 Although Forbidden Artifact use is limited, every time will use to consume some Magical Artifact lives one time, but also extremely will be fearful, the might will be swift and fierce. 尽管禁器使用次数有限,每用一次都都会耗掉法器部分寿命,但却也极度可怕,威力凌厉无匹。 Dragon Horse alms bowl was almost destroyed, lets serious that it loves dearly, air/Qi yelled, wishes one could to kill a cleanness these Insect King. 龙马钵盂几乎都被打碎了,让它心疼的不得了,气的嗷嗷大叫,恨不得将那些虫王杀个干净。 Depends on the Ye Fan's black arrow might certainly, attack power is extremely high, has destroyed two Forbidden Artifact, if not for has scruples the altar to ruin, possibly the accomplishment has gone well. 倚仗叶凡的黑箭威力强绝,杀伤力极高,已经摧毁了两件禁器,若不是顾忌祭坛毁掉,可能已经建功得手了。 Insect King that Forbidden Artifact was too terrifying, is the Archaic Saint sacrifice refining up personally, is swifter and fiercer than general Holy Weapon!” Divine Knight knits the brows, great war such time, he carried the severe wound. 虫王的那宗禁器太恐怖了,为远古圣人亲手祭炼,比一般的圣兵都要凌厉!”神骑士皱眉,大战这么时间,他都身负重伤了。 Finally, Forbidden Artifact all destroys. 最终,禁器皆毁。 Ye Fan Primordial Spirit and Dao Fusion, the Heaven and Earth time solidified at crucial moments probably, only golden tiny being hold the cauldron, flew, in the Insect King inconceivable vision its suppress and kill. 叶凡于关键时刻元神合道,天地时间像是凝固了,唯有一个金色的小人抱鼎而出,飞了过去,在虫王不可思议的目光中将其镇杀 Before this is him, had once displayed forbidden technique, after Divine Form, Primordial Spirit and Dao Fusion, holds one that the cauldron changes into runs away, the unique extra mundane, may realize short time freeze. 这是他以前就曾施展过的禁法,神形之后,元神合道,抱鼎化为遁去的一,超脱世外,可实现短暂的时间凝固 Five Colored Alter was recaptured, almost became angry out of shame by that Insect King, destroys in the hand, they achieved wishes to obtain enlightenment finally the Star Domain Teleportation Formation stage. 五色祭坛被夺回,差点被那虫王恼羞成怒,毁在手中,他们终于是如愿得道了星域传送阵台。 This Ancient Star was almost bevelled, after long time crosscut saw great war, Ye Fan they must recompense to hope finally. 这颗古星几乎被削平了,历经多日的拉锯大战,叶凡他们终于得偿所愿。 This starting off!” “该上路了!” However, the next station still disappointed them, was not Big Dipper ancient Star Domain, they arrived at a dead star. 然而,下一站依然让他们失望了,并不是北斗星域,他们又来到了一颗死星。 And in the following six months, they only crossed *** Ancient Star, every encountered frigid great war one time, time-consuming really great, in the heart is very heavy, this mostly to lead to Immortal Ascension Ancient Star road. 且在接下来的半年里,他们只横渡了***颗古星,每一次都遭遇了惨烈的大战,耗时甚巨,心中无比沉重,这多半是通向“飞仙古星的路。 Oh!” A Ye Fan deep sigh. “唉!”叶凡一声长叹。 On this day, their silent stepping Five Colored Alter, appears when another world, when stands after the land the Ye Fan facial expression shakes, loses the sound said: Undying Mountain!” 就在这一日,他们沉默的踏上五色祭坛,出现在另一个世界时,当站在大地上后叶凡神情一震,失声道:“不死山!”
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