STH :: Volume #11

#1025: Journey to the West immortal

This goes to the Starry Sky trillion li (0.5 km), goes to Other Shore, was far away, filled unknown. In the darkness, the Ye Fan body splits the immeasurable light, covers child Huahua, because here does not have the air, is respirable, only to depend upon divine force. 此去星空亿万里,前往彼岸,路途遥远,充满了未知。黑暗中,叶凡身绽无量光,将孩童花花笼罩,因为这里没有空气,不能呼吸,只能依靠神力 This is one lets the person the tranquil journey, even cultivation deep such as Divine Knight and Dragon Horse state of mind fluctuates, even the first time are stepped Starry Sky, do not say Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan. 这是一个让人不能平静的旅途,即便道行深如神骑士龙马都心绪起伏,连他们都是第一次踏上星空,就更不要说张清扬龙宇轩了。 Master, can Big Dip­per Star Domain what appearance, really see other races Saint?” “师傅,北斗星域什么样子,真能见到其他种族的圣人吗?” Why Immortal Ascension Road elects to open there, Ancient Great Emperor how centralized on Ancient Star, what will we go to meet?” 成仙路为什么选在那里开启,古之大帝怎么都集中在一颗古星上,我们去了会遇到什么?” ...... …… Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan innermost feelings are intense, is very disturbed, some issues had said spread, at the present also mentions again. 张清扬龙宇轩内心紧张,很是忐忑,有些问题都说过很多遍了,而今又重提。 Several years passed by, they have repaired Immortal Altar First Layer Heaven in Earth, conceivable , if on Big Dipper quick many times, can deter a side by their natural talents absolutely. 十几年过去了,他们在地球已修进仙台一层天,可以想象如果身在北斗会快上很多倍,以他们的天资来说绝对可以威慑一方。 On this star road, passing of time is very chaotic, sometimes the long letting person is going to go crazy, imitates, if the lie, a while felt quick inconceivable, probably already in a hurry past a lot of years. 在这条星路上,时间的流逝很混乱,有时漫长的让人将要发疯,仿若停驻了,一会儿又觉得快的不可思议,像是已匆匆过去千百年。 If not for they exchange by Divine Consciousness unceasingly, this will be an incomparably silent journey, what sound will not have, but will have the flowing light to flash through occasionally, brightly like smoke and fire. 他们若不是以神识不断交流,这将是一场无比寂静的旅程,什么声音都没有,只是偶尔有流光闪过,灿烂如烟火。 Well, to!” “咦,到了!” Also has not known was long, the front star light was radiant, arrived at the end of this star road, making the darkness and nihility appear enriched, were many some colors. 也不知道过了多么久,前方星光璀璨,来到了这条星路的尽头,让黑暗与虚无显得充实了一些,多了一些色彩。 The strenuous vibration, the spatial warping, Ancient Road is motley, various color twinkles, they achieved the first station, dropped from Void. 剧烈震动,空间扭曲,古路斑驳,各种色彩闪烁,他们达到了第一站地,从虚空中跌落了出来。 In the middle of these people only then Ye Fan is quite experienced, whole body each pore brilliant lights and vibrant colors, the good luck is vigorous, covers several people with the cauldron, provides against contingencies. 这些人当中只有叶凡相当的有经验,浑身每一个毛孔都流光溢彩,瑞气蓬勃,以鼎将几人都笼罩在内,以防万一。 bo “啵” A light sound transmits, their behind Ancient Starry Sky Road vanish, but they appear on bleak stars, as far as eyes can reach death aura heavy, thin air, without life-force. 一声轻响传来,他们身后的星空古路消失,而他们则出现在一颗荒凉的星辰上,一眼望去死气沉沉,空气稀薄,没有生机 Where is this?” They look up to Starry Sky, then sizes up all around. “这是什么地方?”他们仰望星空,而后又打量四周。 The space does not have moon, but Star River is shining, under sprinkles the big piece pure white light/only, this stars seem like with are very near, as if prances, can arrive at another shore that all big stars leave. 天上没有月亮,但星河灿灿,洒落下大片洁白的光,这颗星辰像是与所有大星都离的很近,似乎腾跃起来,就能到达另一岸。 They cannot distinguish the star aspect, because sees on the different planets even the same piece galaxy will still be different. 他们不能辨别星位,因为在不同的行星上所见到的即便是同一片星系也会大不一样。 Where does not know to be, this is they at this time the most real portrayal, in the heart lacks self-confidence, this is not life-bearing ancient planet, cannot the long-lived, probably hurry to find the outlet. 不知身在何方,这是他们此时最真实的写照,都心中没底,这不是一颗生命古星,不能长久生存,必须要赶紧找到出路。 On this planet definitely has the small-scale Five Colors shrine . Moreover the distance will not be remote, we look to look.” Ye Fan said. “这颗行星上肯定有小型五色神坛,而且距离不会太遥远,我们来找找看。”叶凡道。 This is not their destinations, but is only a station in journey, such a bleak place life mark, the front has not been a big desert, the yellow sand lives the splendor under the star light shiningly. 这不是他们的目的地,而只是旅途中的一站,这么荒凉的地方没有一点生命印记,前方是一片大沙漠,黄沙在星光下灿灿生辉。 Divine Source aura!” Ye Fan revealed the look of surprise, induced unusual aura. 神源的气息!”叶凡露出异色,感应到了一股不同寻常的气机 They go to the forward flight fast, if the body several lightnings, submerge the vast desert deep place, when are not many all reveals the startled color, because they saw a tall building. 他们快速向前飞去,身若几道闪电,没入沙海深处,不多时全都露出惊色,因为他们见到了一个高大的建筑物。 pyramid!” Look that a Zhang Qingyang face does not believe that is Divinity that Egyptian forebears pays homage, is indistinct he does not feel right. “一座金字塔!”张清扬一脸不相信的神色,难道是埃及先民膜拜的神祇,隐约间他觉得不对劲儿。 This building snow white, under star light splendid, when they all held breath cold air, the scene is terrifying. 这座建筑物一片雪白,在星光下熠熠生辉,当到了近前他们全都倒吸了一口凉气,景象过于恐怖。 This is one by pyramid that the clear white bones complete, smoothness that very although polishes, engraved Ancient Law, but was still full of the mark of years, evidently some years. 这是一座以晶莹白骨建成的金字塔,虽然打磨的很光滑,刻上了上古法则,但依然充满了岁月的印记,看样子有些年头了。 The skull, the arm bone and spine have everything expected to find, build such a strange bone tower, palatial big, can have over a hundred meters high, towers in the desert, no matter what the years pass, had not been submerged by the sand dust. 头骨、臂骨、脊椎骨应有尽有,筑成这样一座奇异的骨塔,巍峨高大,能有上百米高,耸立在沙漠中,任岁月流逝,并未被沙尘淹没。 Right that not only some people of skulls, the remains of other races, Monster Venerate Xuan Chi said that has had various great war in the time river that elapses, has inexplicable creatures to attack the Han Valley pass/test, threw many skeletons on Foreign Domain's this road. 不光有人头骨,还有其他种族的遗骨,妖尊玄敕说的对,在那逝去的时间长河中发生过各种大战,有莫名生物攻打函谷关,在域外的这条路上丢了很多尸骨。 In bone tower creatures!” Divine Knight said. “骨塔中生物!”神骑士道。 Ye Fan also nods, the Divine Source aura also proceeds from the tower, this desert the quantity in creatures are not small, unexpectedly more than several hundred. 叶凡亦点头,神源的气息也发自塔中,这片沙漠中的生物的数量还不算少,竟然不下数百只。 Rustle sound transmits, all around desert presents water jar thick long-line, comes out from the underground drum, such as great snakes charge into here fast. “沙沙”声传来,四周的沙漠出现一条条水缸粗的长线,自地下鼓出来,如一条条巨蛇般快速冲向这里。 Dragon Horse lifted the hoof to tread, the ore vein that first flushed was stepped on center by it, had the sonorous loud sound, unexpectedly was the metal vibrato, made a sound of disruption, the liquid flushed together. 龙马抬蹄子就蹬了出去,一道最先冲来的沙线被它踩个正中,发出铿锵一声巨响,竟然是金属颤音,紧接着发出一声碎裂的声响,一道液体冲了出来。 What creatures is this?” They are startled. “这是什么生物?”他们都吃了一惊。 Four directions sand wave fluctuates, dozens over a hundred water jar thick prominences appear , projects scarlet light fast simultaneously, over a hundred ray of light edges chop. 四野沙浪起伏,数十上百条水缸粗的突起出现,飞快冲来,同时射出一道道赤光,上百道光刃劈来。 Several people flew high sky long, Dragon Horse hiss, in thin air fierce vibration, gave to tear Heaven and Earth, threw off this sands, reveals the race in yellow sand. 几人一齐飞上了高天,龙马一声长嘶,稀薄的空气中剧烈抖动,将天地都给撕裂了,将这片沙地掀翻,露出黄沙中的种族。 Is several hundred taking the form of ant creatures, the build is unexpectedly huge, each has three to confuse is much long, if all over the body the precious coral carves, the strength is greatly infinite, may shatter unexpectedly Void, all flying on, kills to them. 竟然是数百只形似蚂蚁般的生物,体形巨大,每一只都有三迷多长,通体如红珊瑚刻成,力大无穷,竟可震裂虚空,全都飞天而上,杀向他们。 Was weird, what life this is, can survive in this environment, what takes as to live?” “邪门了,这是什么生灵,在这种环境下都能生存,以什么为生?” This place has Divine Source, they lived, should not be native on this planet, was stranded in this place creatures.” Ye Fan said. “这个地方有神源,它们藉此活了下来,应该不是这颗行星上的土著,是被困在此地的生物。”叶凡道。 Divine Knight take action, shrouding the heavens with a hand, covers under completely, makes an effort to wipe, each bull giant ant makes the metal ruptured sound completely, dies a violent death. 神骑士出手,只手遮天,将下方全部笼罩,用力一抹,每一头公牛般巨大的蚂蚁全部发出金属崩开的声响,死于非命。 Several hundred great ant have not been caught, if all the dust rustle crashes. 数百只巨蚁没有一头落网,全都如尘土般簌簌坠落。 there is still one big.” Dragon Horse said, its hoof treads to pyramid that the white bones build, bang, erupts a piece of blazing light, a colossus worked loose. 还有一个大个的。”龙马道,它一蹄子向白骨筑成的金字塔踏去,轰隆一声,爆发出一片炽烈的光,一个庞然大物挣脱了出来。 This ant is several meters, all over the body scarlet clear, blooms to make a debut a multi-colored sunlight, shakes gently, Void smashing, its strength pull out mountain, this is race talent divine ability. 这只蚂蚁长达十几米,通体赤红晶莹,绽放出道道霞光,轻轻一震,虚空粉碎,它力可拔岳,这是种族天赋神通 What race you are, from where, why attacks me and others?” Ye Fan shouts a question. “你是什么种族,源自哪里,为何攻击我等?”叶凡喝问。 This giant life was full of the hatred, the speed was extremely fast, turns into light/only arrived in the vault of heaven together scarlet instantaneously, with their ice-cold is confronting. 这只巨型生灵充满了恨意,速度极快,化成一道赤光瞬间就到了苍穹上,与他们冰冷的对峙着。 Human...... damn!” It spreads such a spirit to fluctuate, then attacked. “人类……该死!”它传出这样一道精神波动,而后就攻了过来。 „Before this should be the long years, some small sun-dried shelled shrimp that attacks Han Valley to have closed in which clan that is remaining, had nothing saying that cut a cleanness.” Ye Fan said. “这应该是漫长岁月前攻打过函谷关的其中一族残余下来的一些小虾米,没什么可说的,斩个干净。”叶凡道。 Still is Divine Knight take action, this he grasps Dragon Spear time, one step steps more than ten li (0.5 km), lifts gun then punctures, spear body is plain, but has the strength of Daoist magic nature, Heaven and Earth coercion arrive together. 依然是神骑士出手,这一次他手持龙枪,一步就迈出去十几里,举枪便刺,枪体无华,但是却有一种道法自然之力,天地威压齐至 Works as “当” This god ant cultivation is profound, particularly fleshly body is above everyone's imagination tyrannicalally, resisted Dragon Spear to strike, big pliers ruthlessly instead divided to come, scarlet rosy cloud everywhere. 这只神蚁道行高深,尤其是肉身之强横超乎所有人的想象,抵住了龙枪一击,一只大钳子狠狠的反劈而来,赤霞漫天。 In the sky makes a sonorous sound, it hit continually eight times with Divine Knight, when Dragon Spear ninth shoots down next, it still lifts the pliers to shake hardly. But these time actually radically useless, Dragon Spear divine glow rises suddenly, turns into the peerless lightning, 'pu' sound pierces this divine insect together, whole body ruptured! 天空中发出一阵铿锵之音,它与神骑士连撞了八次,当龙枪第九击落下时,它依然举钳来硬撼。但这一次却根本无用,龙枪神芒暴涨,化成一道绝世闪电,噗的一声将此神虫刺穿,浑身崩开 Ye Fan take action, fished its Primordial Spirit, view its Sea of Consciousness, said: Really so, attacks the Ancient Saint descendant who Han Valley has closed, was stranded in this, gets by Divine Source that the ancestry leaves behind.” 叶凡出手,一把将其元神捞了出来,观其识海,道:“果然如此,是攻打过函谷关的古圣后裔,被困于此,靠祖辈留下的神源度日。” “噗” Ye Fan read with the hand, making his god tribulation ash, then shook with the hand, the desert rumble made noise, some Divine Source fragment hiked up, are not much left, was exhausted by this/should Ant Race. 叶凡用手一念,让其神成为劫灰,而后用手一震,沙漠隆隆作响,一些神源碎块飘起,所剩无几,都被该蚁族耗尽了。 Finally, their Turn left circles, enters in piece of secret magic formation, sought Five Colored Alter, once again set off the journey. 最终,他们左拐又绕,进入一片隐秘的法阵中,寻到了五色祭坛,又一次踏上旅程。 In the following half a month, they altogether conducted to cross 78 times, arrives was the dry lonesome planets, but will have a fierce battle at every place of visit. 在接下来的半个月里,他们一共进行了七八次横渡,所降临的都是枯寂的行星,但是每到一处都会有一场恶战。 In that remote past, does not know that has had anything, once many powerful races attacked the Han Valley pass/test, after they died in battle, the descendant was stranded in the Han Valley strategic pass wants the area north of the Great Wall, is on this long star road. 在那遥远的过去,不知道发生过什么,曾有很多强大的种族攻打函谷关,他们战死后,后裔被困在函谷雄关要塞外,也就是这条漫长的星路上。 Attacked Han Valley to close counts by ten thousand years ago things at least, their ancestors had one type to be urgent and anxious.” Ye Fan every beats the rival to explore their Divine Consciousness one time, discovered some traces, and learns about these races from piece of very remote Star Domain, in universe most deep place. “攻打函谷关最少是数以万年前的事情了,他们的祖上都有一种急迫与焦虑。”叶凡每一次击败敌手都会探索他们的神识,发现了一些蛛丝马迹,且得悉这些种族来自一片非常遥远的星域,在宇宙最深处。 His astonished detecting, they are not Immortal Cauldron come, is not among the Ancient years enters Saints of Earth, but earlier a group of people, have the goal, before may trace very long years . 他惊异的发觉,他们并不是为仙鼎而来,并非上古年间进入地球的诸圣,而是更早的一批人,另有目的,可追溯到很漫长的岁月前。 Among the Ancient years, are Sage that Immortal Cauldron comes come from Fire Mulberry, Heavenspan and Curved Array three Ancient Star mainly, attack the person who Han Valley closes not to go the same way with these, the population was short relatively, time also late many. 上古年间,为仙鼎而来的圣贤主要来自火桑、通天、勾陈三颗古星,与这些攻打函谷关的人不同路,人数相对少了很多,时间亦晚了不少。 Earth also is really mysterious.” Ye Fan then waits and sees Starry Sky, actually may actually not seek the Sun department where. “地球还真是神秘。”叶凡回头观望星空,可却寻不到太阳系究竟在何方了。 A month later, they had entered the universe deep place, still where does not know to be, to have great war at every place of visit. Such that just like Monster Venerate Xuan Chi said that this Ancient Starry Sky Road was very hard and dangerous, filled all sorts of monsters. 一个月后,他们已经进入了天宇深处,依然不知身在何方,每到一处都有一场大战。正如妖尊玄敕所说的那样,这条星空古路很艰险,充满了妖魔鬼怪 Each Five Colored Alter hidden in magic formation, needs to tell their Secret Art to seek by Xuan Chi, this time actually main expenditure all the way on this. 每一座五色祭坛都隐在法阵中,需要以玄敕告诉他们的秘法才能寻找出,这一路上的时间其实主要花费在了这上面。 Ye Fan, Dragon Horse, Divine Knight, Huahua, Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan six people lead the way, powerful such as they have had the accident/surprise, nearly encountered difficulty several times, the enemy grasps Forbidden Artifact that several tens of thousands years ago Saint leave behind almost to ruin few half Ancient Star! 叶凡龙马神骑士花花张清扬龙宇轩六人一路前行,强大如他们都发生过意外,有几次险些遇难,敌人手持数万年前圣人留下的禁器差点毁掉少半颗古星 You are selecting the load, I am leading a horse. Welcomed the sunrise, sent off the sunset glow. Tramples flat roughly, becomes Great Dao......” “你挑着担,我牵着马。迎来日出,送走晚霞。踏平坎坷,成大道……” Ye Fan hears Zhang Qingyang's to hum speechless to laugh in spite of trying not , the group west to the Han Valley pass/test, this also somewhat Journey to the West flavor, subdue monsters and defeat demons, cut to kill various powerful alien races all the way. 叶凡听到张清扬的哼唱哑然失笑,一行人西出函谷关,这一路上还真有点西游的味道,降妖伏魔,斩杀各种强大的异族。 Child Huahua was covered by divine force, sits with Ye Fan on Dragon Horse fortunately together, Divine Knight holds the a Dragon spear/gun to clear the way, Long Yuxuan shuts. 孩童花花神力笼罩,有幸与叶凡一同坐在龙马上,神骑士持着一条龙枪开道,龙宇轩在后断路。 All to become enlightened, we cross universe Starry Sky.” “一切都为了成道,我们横渡宇宙星空。” When they arrive on 19 th Ancient Star, Ye Fan learned an important information, after defeating one crowd of Powerhouse, discovered the universe deep place that life-bearing ancient planet Name Immortal Ascension from their Sea of Consciousness. 当他们降临在第十九颗古星上时,叶凡得悉了一则重要的信息,战败一群强者后从他们的识海发现了宇宙深处那颗生命古星的名字-飞仙 „Before endless years, Saints is very anxious, why kills from named Immortal Ascension Ancient Star to the Earth behavior?” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “无尽岁月前,诸圣无比焦虑,从一颗名为飞仙古星杀向地球所为何故?”叶凡自语。 These people attack the time that Han Valley closes to be very remote, and is not Immortal Cauldron comes, is earlier than the person of Fire Mulberry, Heavenspan and Curved Array Samsung, Immortal Ascension this name is very mystical, making one think. 这些人攻打函谷关的时间段无比久远,且不为仙鼎而来,远早于火桑、通天、勾陈三星的人,飞仙这个名字很神秘,让人浮想联翩。 Universe most deep place has such life-bearing ancient planet unexpectedly!” “宇宙最深处竟有这样一颗生命古星!” Also passed several days, the group arrive on the 23 rd planet, the Ye Fan look shakes, he looks up to the vault of heaven, observed closely seven radiant big stars, look difficult to be calm. 又过去了几日,一行人降临在第二十三颗行星上,叶凡神色一震,他仰望天穹,盯住了七个璀璨的大星,神色难以平静 Watches in different Star Domain, the ways of these seven big star arrangements will not be the same, but that aura will not change, Ye Fan can believe firmly that will be Big Dip­per Star Domain. 在不同的星域观看,这七颗大星排列的方式不会相同,但是那种气机是不会变的,叶凡可以确信,那就是北斗星域 Arrived, the next station may arrive in Big Dip­per Star Domain!” Ye Fan said. “到了,下一站地就可降临在北斗星域了!”叶凡道。 Master you believes firmly that...... that is our terminal?” Even the person of Long Yuxuan this cold temper was excited. “师傅你确信……那就是我们的终点站?”连龙宇轩这种冷性子的人都激动了起来。 Has not thought that really can arrive at Big Dip­per Star Domain, I think that master your past archenemies cannot certainly think you can the horse tread Starry Sky to turn over, also strove for hegemony with them.” Zhang Qingyang said. “没有想到真的可以到达北斗星域,我想师傅你那些昔日的大敌一定想不到你会马踏星空而归,又与他们来争雄了。”张清扬道。 Ye Fan talked to oneself: Premise is we do not march to Immortal Ascension on that Ancient Star.” 叶凡自语道:“前提是我们不是一路进军到‘飞仙’那颗古星上。”
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