STH :: Volume #11

#1024: West to the Han Valley pass/test

Ye Fan and Divine Knight and the others look at each other in blank dis­may, revealed the look of surprise, this Monster Venerate presents the life of Guan Yinzi to guard this place, this may really be the origin is really big. 叶凡神骑士等人面面相觑,都露出异色,这名妖尊关尹子之命镇守此地,这可真是来历甚大。 Guan Yinzi named Yin Xi, has the extremely lofty position in the Taoism, is honored as Daoist Wenshi wait/etc. had the direct relation with Taoism literary reference East-Rising Purple Qi, precisely he welcomes I, your father | Laozi to enter Han Valley to have various legends. 关尹子名为尹喜,在道教中有着极为崇高的地位,被尊为文始真人,与道教典故紫气东来等有直接关系,正是他迎老子函谷才有了各种传说。 Monster Venerate that Great Saint of this pre-Qin period selected and assigned personally guarded in this place, the natural no small matter, anybody is unable to belittle, must awe. 这位先秦时期的大圣亲自点派的一位妖尊镇守在此地,自然非同小可,任何人都无法小觑,全都要敬畏。 This big monster named Xuan Chi, actually lived how for a long time was unable to research, once Guan Yinzi direction. His black hair is thick, the surface like white jade, does not reveal the senile, in the pupil is piece of universe Starry Sky, is deep Yin Xi " Wenshi True Scripture » essence, but does not know whether indirect cultivate successfully One Qi Becomes Three Purities. 这名大妖名为玄敕,究竟活了多么久早已无法考证,曾得关尹子指点。他黑发浓密,面如白玉,不显老态,眸子中是一片宇宙星空,深得尹喜所著《文始真经》精髓,只是不知是否间接修成一气化三清 Yin Saint has the command, the latter world may not the Han Valley pass/test, because the road ahead is too dangerous.” Xuan Chi very firm saying, wants to pass can only fight, defeats him in this place. “尹圣人有令,后世人不可过函谷关,因为前路太危险。”玄敕很坚决的说道,想过去只能一战,在这个地方打败他。 During second war, once Jinghong a present big monster absolutely was not the soft foot shrimp, he has obtained Daoist Wenshi Inheritance, really must have one to struggle hard with the words that he began. 二战期间曾惊鸿一现的大妖绝对不是什么软脚虾,他得到过文始真人传承,真与他动起手来的话必有一场苦战。 The Dragon Horse four hooves raise, first take action, attacks to this unique extra mundane big monster, it meets Monster Race expert naturally to want comparing notes rarely. 龙马四蹄扬起,第一个出手,攻向这位超脱世外的大妖,它难得遇到一个妖族高手自然要“切磋”一番。 In this stretch of ancient battlefield, various magnificent light fly to shoot, the Dragon Horse hoof like the sledgehammer, buzzes, leaps to tread to dance in circles, Void collapses unceasingly, the horse's neigh shocks the expansive sky, the ten directions belt-shaped black fog all disperses, million weapon soul tremble, fast avoidance. 在这片古战场上,各种光华飞射,龙马蹄子如大锤,嗡嗡作响,腾踏旋舞,虚空不断崩坏,马嘶震破长空,十方带状黑雾皆散,百万兵魂都颤栗,快速躲避。 Ancient Great Monster Xuan Chi both hands evolve the wonderful technique , to promote Sun, Moon and Stars the line, is boundless in its bank Starry Sky, he has Myriad Laws not to moisten a graceful bearing unexpectedly, looks at boldly Six Directions and Eight Desolates. 上古大妖玄敕双手演化妙术,推动日月星辰而行,在其身畔星空茫茫,他竟有万法不沾身之风姿,雄视六合八荒 A piece of meteorite drops from the clouds, the innumerable comet crosses the expansive sky, between both the trick wonderful technique was infinite, fights intensified, making people eyes cannot take it all. 一片陨石从天而降,数不清的彗星横贯长空,两者间奇招妙术无穷,战斗到了白热化,让人目不暇接。 Dragon Horse in Dao Severing this Realm, so long as does not run into the King of Great Accomplishment above character, is absolutely invincible, the same step is difficult the opponent, however at this time is actually the incomparable strenuousness. 龙马斩道这一境界中,只要不遇到大成王者以上的人物,绝对是无敌的,同阶难有对手,然而此时却是无比的吃力。 Great Monster Xuan Chi does not compare its Realm to be high, but cultivates passes strange immeasurable unreliably, mysterious endless, various magic spell and immortal type is often unexpected, many seem like divine inspiration. 大妖玄敕并不比它的境界高,但所修玄通诡异莫测,奥妙无尽,各种法术与仙式往往出人意料,许多都像是神来之笔 This is from Daoist Wenshi Dao Lineage, he is Monster Race, cannot inherit completely, because also explained the fearfulness of this lineage/vein.” “这是得自文始真人道统,他是妖族,不能全部继承,也因为如此才说明了这一脉的可怕。” Divine Knight stand forth, a spear/gun penetrates Void, the lance point is light, no divine force fluctuates, when return to a natural state, may really touch the front, makes Xuan Chi very dignified. 神骑士向前走去,一枪穿透虚空,枪尖平淡无华,没有一点神力波动,返璞归真,可真触及到前方时,却让玄敕都无比凝重。 Then, Ye Fan takes a step forward, this from the big monster that pre-Qin Era lived immediately the bracelet, felt the pressure beyond comparison, after silent moment, said: „The road ahead is very dangerous, Guan Yinzi makes me guard in this, does not think some people violated the danger to be killed innocently.” 而后,叶凡向前迈步,这位自先秦时代活下来的大妖当即跳脱了出来,感受到了无以伦比的压力,沉默片刻后才道:“前路很危险,关尹子让我镇守于此,也是不想有人去犯险而无辜丧命。” Many thanks Fellow Daoist considers.” Ye Fan polite saying, this big monster cannot offend. “多谢道友相告。”叶凡客气的说道,这位大妖不能得罪。 Rumble “轰隆隆” The grand city gate was opened, in ancient city piece of dejected, lonesome and quiet silent, the street seemed like the number no one to take a walk by the millenniums, on green slat mark, a gloom. 宏伟的城门被打开,古老的城池内一片萧索,幽静无声,街道像是数以千年没有人走动了,青石板上斑痕点点,一片暗淡。 Ye Fan they enter the city, entered this throughout the ages incomparably mysterious border pass, it belonged to cultivation world, to lead to Foreign Domain's together strategic pass fort. 叶凡他们入城,进入到了这片古往今来无比神秘的边关,它属于修界,是通向域外的一道雄关要塞。 In years past, this place was very once prosperous, many cultivator practice in this, had Guan Yinzi such Great Saint to guard personally, that may really be the prestige illustrious shakes the eternity. 昔年,这个地方曾经很繁盛,有很多修士在此修行,更是有关尹子这样的大圣亲自镇守,那可真是威名赫赫震千古。 This place is important, all previous generations must have powerful Saint to protect personally, at the present to Dharma End Era, Sages have gone far away, otherwise I simply do not have the qualifications to replace here.” Xuan Chi serious saying. “此地非常重要,历代都必须有一位实力强大的圣人亲自守护,而今到了末法时代,诸贤早已远去,不然我根本没有资格顶替在这里。”玄敕郑重的说道。 The Ye Fan accident/surprise understood that from his mouth astonishing secret, on Earth has many shocking ancient formation, can defend, if Foreign Domain some powerful enemies want to attack, only has Han Valley pass/test Caihang. 叶凡意外从他口中了解到一则惊人的秘辛,地球上有许多惊世古阵,可以进行防御,域外若是有强敌想攻进来,唯有走函谷关才行。 no wonder......” even Dragon Horse one is lost in thought that does not dare to speak irresponsibly anything. 怪不得……”连龙马都一阵出神,没敢乱说什么。 In city quiet, no sound, all cultivator departed, here just like changed into a dead city, is retaining the Ancient style and layout. 城中静悄悄,没有一点声息,所有的修士都离去了,这里俨然化为了一座死城,保留着上古的风格与布局。 The street is obsolete, ancient building is broad , scattered and organized, is only peaceful somewhat fearful. 街道陈旧,古建筑恢宏,一片又一片,错落有致,只是安静的有些可怕。 Among the Archaic years, Han Valley outside the passes is not very quiet, has had many great war, somewhat powerful lost clan , the road ahead is very difficult to walk, you are careful.” The reminder of Xuan Chi good intentions. 远古年间,函谷关外很不平静,发生过许多场大战,有些强大的遗族至今还在,前路很不好走,你们要小心。”玄敕善意的提醒。 Ye Fan their look is serious, the earnest expression gratitude, the road ahead really is not quite it seems like good, no wonder Fangzhang Mountain Old Daoist Priest once warned earnestly. 叶凡他们神色郑重,认真的表示谢意,看来前路真的不太好走,难怪方丈山老道士曾认真告诫。 Shortly, they arrive at the Han Valley Guanzhong heart, has the lifelike idol to be consecrated in this, old man white hair and ruddy complexion, rides to sit on Azure Ox, in aloof world. But in its side is a divine poise & sagelike features Middle-Aged man, relaxes the hands to stand, respectful and prudent accompanying. 不久后,他们来到函谷关中心地,有栩栩如生的神像被供奉于此,一个老者鹤发童颜、骑坐青牛上,超然世上。而在其旁边是一个仙风道骨中年男子,垂手而立,恭谨相伴。 Several people did not need Xuan Chi saying that also knows who these were, Ye Fan was lost in thought that he had once seen in Ancient Pur­ple Tenu­ity Star Domain Azure Ox incarnation that I, your father | Laozi rode. 几人不用玄敕说也知道这些是什么人,叶凡怔怔出神,他在紫微古星域曾见到过老子所骑的青牛化身。 Shortly, they saw a great tablet, suppress in Hangu City, the power and influence is dreadful, winds around to have immortal light, above was dense and numerous, carves completely the writing, was the big Dao Spirit marks, this was Yin Xi stands personally, by town/subdues place. 不久后,他们又见到了一块巨碑,镇压函谷城中,威势滔天,缭绕有一道道仙光,上面密密麻麻,刻满了文字,都是大道神痕,这是尹喜亲手所立,以镇此地。 Guan Yinzi once served near Taoism accurate Emperor Body, builds the hut on Dragon Mountain, asking I, your father | Laozi saying that lived is many years, precisely, because had «Tao Te Ching» publication. 关尹子曾侍奉道教准帝身边,在龙山上筑庵,请老子讲道,一住就是很多年,也正是因为如此才有了《道德经》的问世。 Without a doubt, Yin Xi is Saint, otherwise cannot guard the cultivation world Han Valley pass/test, here relations are really big, in can lead to Foreign Domain Starry Sky, there is unknown Ancient secret. 毫无疑问,尹喜是一位圣人,不然也不能镇守修界函谷关,这里关系甚大,可通向域外星空中,有不为人知的上古秘辛 Has this tablet, guarantees Han Valley to close all ages to be immortal sufficiently.” Ye Fan exclaimed in surprise, above has Great Saint's Law and brand mark, each wisp of immortal light is pregnant probably Absolute Beginning's aura. “有此碑在,足以保函谷万世不朽。”叶凡惊叹,上面有一位大圣的法则与烙印,每一缕仙光都像是孕有太初的气机 Yin Xi actually serves by revering of Saint in I, your father | Laozi many years, his cultivation also therefore promoted a big truncation, to a situation of deep mishap. I, your father | Laozi secret «Tao Te Ching» in has One Qi Becomes Three Purities and other wonderful techniques, performs by his cultivate successfully, as the disciple of Quasi-Emperor, he is in the past several thousand years cultivate until paramount Realm's Great Saint. 尹喜圣人之尊却侍奉在老子身边多年,他的道行也因此而提升了一大截,到了一个深不测的地步。老子秘传的《道德经》内有一气化三清等妙术,尽被他修成,身为准帝之徒,他是近几千年来修到至高境界的一尊大圣 But Yin Xi have, named «Wenshi True Scripture», this passes through is divided into nine, elaborated that universe and natural rule, realized that reality in nihility, is in the Taoism well-known Five Classics. 尹喜自己也著有一经,名为《文始真经》,此经共分为九篇,阐述宇宙和自然的规律,体会虚无中的真实,位列道教著名的五经内。 Finally, Ye Fan they were through cities, left this piece of death aura heavy ancient land, the giant west gate was opened, piece of radiant Starry Sky appears in their at present. 最终,叶凡他们穿城而过,离开了这片死气沉沉的古地,巨大的西城门被打开,一片璀璨的星空出现在他们的眼前。 Everyone held breath cold air, all these god was extremely imaginary, is a solid land and ancient city, but the front is actually piece of boundless Starry Sky. 所有人都倒吸了一口凉气,这一切太过神幻了,身后是一片坚实的土地与一座古城,而前方却已是一片茫茫星空 Star light sparkle, bright boundless, like a beautiful picture scroll, these stars seems like the tentacle to be possible, Star River flows, lets fall next star strength, is auspicious and holy. 星光闪耀,灿烂无边,如同一幅美丽的画卷,那些星辰像是触手可及,星河流动,垂落下一道道星力,祥和而圣洁。 How can enter this piece of Starry Sky, can have the Big Dip­per Star Domain and other place of the Coordinate?” Divine Knight asked. “怎样才能进入这片星空,可有北斗星域等地的坐标?”神骑士问道。 What they lack is only the Coordinate, otherwise Ye Fan had returned to original state the Mount Tai Ancient altar, what a pity does not know how to locate the place that wants to go, without the means crosses the universe. 他们所缺的只是坐标,不然的话叶凡已经将泰山上古祭坛还原了,可惜不知如何定位想去的地方,没有办法横渡天宇。 Does not have the Star Domain Coordinate, only then Ancient Road, the past worthies went along it.” Xuan Chi replied. “没有星域坐标,只有一条古路,前贤沿着它先后而去。”玄敕答道。 He uses a hand point, not far away Five Colored Alter to appear, circumference can the have several meter, not be very big, stone body twinkle assorted clear gloss. 他用手一点,不远处一座五色祭坛出现,方圆有数米,不是很大,石体闪烁各色晶莹光泽。 Ascends this to mount the stage to enter Starry Sky, may have many all sorts of monsters all the way, you are careful.” Xuan Chi warned. “登此上台将进入星空,一路上可能会有诸多妖魔鬼怪,你们自己要小心。”玄敕告诫。 Only then such a altar, does not have the Coordinate of road ahead, because the localization is good, this is a special small altar, can only achieve some fixed secret place. 只有这样一座祭坛,并没有前路的坐标,因为早已定位好,这是一座特殊的小祭坛,只能达到某一个固定的秘地。 Said that in the road ahead also has like this small altar, needs the starts all the way, can reach the destination finally?” “这么说前路上还有这样的小祭坛,一路上需要多次启动,才能最终到达目的地?” Good, precisely so.” Xuan Chi nods. “不错,正是如此。”玄敕点头。 Several people are startled, this is Ancient Road, the future is really boundless, does not know the end point, only has to walk to be good, many past worthies depart like this. 几人都是一怔,这果然是一条古路,前途茫茫,不知终点,唯有一路走下去才行,诸多前贤就是这样离去的。 But Ye Fan is one is lost in thought that this can Ancient Starry Sky Road with a mysterious star superposition that nine dragons pulling a coffin keeps? All filled unknown, all these in the front is waiting for them. 叶凡更是一阵出神,这条星空古路会否与九龙拉棺所留走的神秘星道重合?一切都充满了未知,所有这些都在前方等着他们。 Zhang Qingyang, Long Yuxuan wait/etc. cannot be tranquil, will soon go far away, leaves Earth, many somewhat exciting color, gripped tightened the fist. 张清扬龙宇轩等都不能平静,即将就此远去,离开地球,多少都有些激动之色,不禁攥紧了拳头。 Only has the purple tiny tot to be saddest, suffering extreme distress of crying, held the Ye Fan's lower hem corner saying that anything did not drop, entreaty repeatedly, teardrops cluster tumbled. 唯有紫色的小不点最为难过,哭的死去活来,抓住叶凡的衣角说什么也不放手,一遍又一遍的哀求,泪珠成串滚落。 Is predestined friends...... the Ye Fan gentle voice that will also meet again to comfort to say. “有缘还会再相见的……”叶凡柔声安慰道。 Finally, he had several people on the altar cruel-heartedly, there magnificent light glittered, presents Eight Trigrams Gate, various symbols flashed on and off erratically, finally slowly flaming. 最后,他带着几人狠心登上了祭坛,那里光华闪烁,出现一个八卦门,各种符号明灭不定,最终慢慢炽盛了起来。 „Does master...... lead me to walk to be good?” The purple tiny tot in the rear area cries to ask, the sound is immature, no use visits him, weak outstretches the small hand to the sky, wants to hold anything. “师傅……带我走好不好?”紫色的小不点在后方哭求,声音稚嫩,无助的看着他,无力的向天空中伸开小手,想要抓住什么。 Ye Fan does not endure very much, the top of the head above fresh air appears, melts another, immediately makes Monster Venerate Xuan Chi be startled, this is One Qi Becomes Three Purities the wonderful technique. 叶凡很不忍,头顶上方清气浮现,化出另一个自己,顿时让妖尊玄敕大吃一惊,这是一气化三清之妙术。 This Ye Fan is separated from Five Colored Alter, jumps down, pulls up Little Pine, said in a soft voice: Delivers you to go back for the master.” 这个叶凡脱离五色祭坛,跳了下来,拉起小松,轻声道:“为师送你回去。” Master.” Little Pine looked at the Five Colors shrine, looked at this master, cries aloud, finally was pulled up by this Ye Fan, big small two Dao Body shades move toward the distant place slowly. “师傅。”小松看了看五色神坛,又看了看这个师傅,哇哇大哭,最终还是被这个叶凡拉起,一大一小两道身影慢慢走向远方。 On Five Colored Alter, Divine Knight, Dragon Horse wait/etc. entered into that Eight Trigrams Gate, Ye Fan actually still stands there, stares big small two Dao Body shades that is going far away. 五色祭坛上,神骑士龙马等都迈入了那座八卦门中,叶凡却依然立在那里,盯着那远去的一大一小两道身影。 Wū wū......” the wail of purple tiny tot floats with the wind, making his one sigh lightly. “呜呜……”紫色小不点的哭泣声随风飘来,让他一声轻叹。 Little Senior Brother, we wait/etc. you came in Other Shore, master all is for your own good, will really have great war in the future, you are a commanding general.” Zhang Qingyang said. 小师兄,我们在彼岸等你过来,师傅一切都是为了你好,日后真有大战,你才是主将。”张清扬说道。 Takes care!” Long Yuxuan does not like speaking, actually also put out such two characters, makes an effort to wave. “保重!”龙宇轩不怎么爱说话,却也吐出了这样两个字,用力挥了挥手。 Walked, this goes to the Starry Sky trillion li (0.5 km), goes to Other Shore.” Divine Knight said. “走了,此去星空亿万里,就此前往彼岸。”神骑士道。 Starting off, star light ten thousand, the road ahead is in sight, all are only prove the Dao.” Dragon Horse also opens the mouth, these does not have the incarnation to be the wicked beast time. “上路吧,星光万道,前路在望,一切只为证道。”龙马也开口,这一次没有化身为恶兽。 Walks.” Ye Fan turns around, bringing two disciple also to have child Huahua, makes great strides forward the gate of this Starry Sky. “走吧。”叶凡转身,带着两位弟子还有孩童花花,迈进这道星空之门。 everyone, takes care!” Xuan Chi said in the rear area loudly. 诸位,保重!”玄敕在后方大声说道。 Many thanks Monster Venerate!” The people wave, extend appreciation. “多谢妖尊!”众人挥手,表达谢意。 Brushes “刷” light flashed, Eight Trigrams Gate on Five Colored Alter bloomed an eternal brilliance, above Eight Trigrams (gossip) symbol such as the metal cast, the cry trembled with one voice, then after glittering times a lot, linked up the road ahead. 光芒一闪,五色祭坛上的八卦门绽放出了一道永恒的光辉,上面八卦符号如金属铸成,齐声鸣颤,而后闪烁千百次后贯通了前路。 Then, entire altar in flash gloomy, Eight Trigrams Gate vanished with several people together, they set off the journey, entered in boundless Starry Sky, mysterious unknown waiting in front. 接着,整座祭坛又于一瞬间暗淡了下来,八卦门与几人都一起消失了,他们踏上了征程,进入了无垠的星空中,神秘的未知等待在前方。
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