STH :: Volume #11

#1023: Enters the Starry Sky last road

On the stove the copper rust is motley, the furnace lid vibrates , when makes noise, probably will be lifted momentarily. 炉子上铜锈斑驳,炉盖抖动,哐当作响,像是随时都会被掀开。 The people have to back up, copper furnace of Quasi-Emperor Sakyamuni Buddha seal, god knows inside has anything, seems like Monster Refining Stove on the shape. 众人不得不倒退,准帝释迦牟尼封印的铜炉,天知道里面有什么,就形状而言很像是一个炼妖炉 Without the accident/surprise, likely suppress has Ancient Monster Saint! 如果没有意外的话,很可能镇压有一位上古妖圣 So is why fragrant?” “为何这么香?” What only accidental/surprised is, in the stove often has the delicate fragrance to fill the air, Little Pine is the first discovery, incomparably is infatuated, is not afraid, purple diamond same small nose opening and closing, graceful. 唯一让人意外的是,炉子中不时有清香弥漫出,小松是第一个发现的,无比陶醉,一点都不害怕,紫色钻石一样的小鼻子翕动,飘飘欲仙。 What's the matter?” Ye Fan inquired. “到底怎么回事?”叶凡询问。 Several Guru earnest view research inscribed texts, became the excitement of whole face by the shock, then the incomparable joy, was almost about to dance with joy. 几位上师认真观研碑文,由震惊变为了满脸的激动,而后无比的喜悦,几乎快手舞足蹈了。 This does not tally with their status, usually is very steady, is the famous eminent monk, obviously copper furnace concerns really in a big way, makes them so rude. 这与他们的身份不相符,平日很稳重,乃是有名的高僧,显然铜炉关乎甚大,才让他们如此失态。 This is a medicine furnace!” “这是一个药炉!” Is Sakyamuni Buddha Buddha Host from a refining furnace big medicine!” “是释迦摩尼主亲炼化的一炉大药!” Such remarks, those present reveal all startled accommodate, a furnace medicine this that Quasi-Emperor leaves behind may really be astonishing, went beyond their expectation. 此语一出,在场的人无不露出惊容,一位准帝留下的一炉药这可真是惊人,超出了他们的预料。 This is the big medicine that the Buddha lord leaves behind!” “这是佛主留下的大药!” A Guru praying to Buddha number, conceals own excitement and loss of self-control by this continually, this concerns really in a big way, lets in everyone heart severe tremor. 一位上师连念佛号,以此来掩饰自己的激动与失态,这关乎甚大,让每一个人都心中剧震不已。 In the inscribed text is very ancient origin writing, needs to read to understand earnestly, several Guru translated slowly, read listens to several people. 碑文上是很古老的起源文字,需要认真研读才能明白,几位上师慢慢翻译了出来,念给几人听。 More than 2000 years ago, Sakyamuni Buddha once in this refine medicine, wants to use Spiritual Mountain Dragon Vein as the fire, slowly an accelerate ripening furnace big medicine, leaves descendant. 两千多年前,释迦摩尼曾于此炼药,想以灵山龙脉为火,慢慢催熟一炉大药,留给后人 However, this furnace medicine too rare treasure, consumed the time unable to imagine, departed until the Sakyamuni Buddha lord did not have tenth pill on that day, but also in nourish. 然而,这炉药实在太稀珍了,所耗时间无法想象,直到释迦佛主离去那一天都没有成丹,还在温养中。 This is the Buddhism big medicine, since ancient times few refine, its wonderful effectiveness goes far beyond King Medicine!” Guru said. “这是佛门大药,古来几乎没有人炼成过,其神效远远超过药王!”一位上师说道。 Several hundred years of nourish, uses Dragon Vein Essence Qi to boil down as the fire slowly, even this Saint level spirituality of medicine furnace built, the embodiment Divinity death, the big medicine has not become. 数百年的温养,以龙脉精气为火慢慢熬炼,连这个圣人级的药炉的灵性都搭了进去,内蕴神祇死亡,大药还是未成。 Afterward, Sakyamuni Buddha entered Starry Sky, entrusting descendant can continue to guard, some day the inevitable merit became. 后来,释迦摩尼进入了星空,嘱托后人可以继续看守,有朝一日必然功成。 Also over the past several hundred years, Spiritual Mountain dried up because of an astonishing accident slowly, great virtuous senior monk of later generation could not wait, will enter Starry Sky. 又过去数百年,灵山因一场惊人的变故慢慢的枯竭了,后世的大德圣僧也等不下去了,也将进入星空 However, the Buddhism big medicine has not become, if carries off forcefully, changes land features Dragon Fire to fall short inevitably, even explodes the furnace, is destroyed in a moment. 然而,佛门大药未成,若是强行带走,改换地脉龙火必然功亏一篑,甚至炸炉,毁于一旦。 Finally, Buddhism’s Bodhisattva wait/etc. all retreated, keeps this inscribed text to explain, the seal trim Spiritual Mountain, hopes for some day the big medicine may become. 最终,佛门的菩萨等全部退走,留此碑文说明,封印了整片灵山,希冀有朝一日大药可成。 People look at each other in blank dis­may, this big medicine rather too time-consuming, needs to count by hundred years unexpectedly, did not have the means including many Saint monks, must leave. 众人面面相觑,这大药未免太耗时了,竟需要数以百年的时间,连诸多圣僧都没有办法等下去了,只得离开。 This medicine refining up by the Immortal Divine Tree essence.” A Guru startled sound said, he points at the inscribed text last line of characters, the finger is shivering. “这株药是以不死神树的精华炼成的。”一位上师惊声道,他指着碑文最后一行字,手指头都在颤抖。 Principal unexpectedly is Buddhism only Divine Bodhi Tree Pure Essence! 主材竟然是佛门唯一的菩提神树精粹 In the past Buddha main by a Immortal Tree branch medicine, refine into copper furnace, must offer a sacrifice to refine a furnace peerless treasure medicine. 当年佛主以一段不死树主干化药,炼入铜炉中,显然是要祭炼出一炉绝世宝药。 This made everyone change countenance. Sakyamuni Buddha this is attempting, he has Divine Tree, unlike common Bodhi tree, does not hesitate to consume a branch completely, this must refine undying medicine absolutely! 这让所有人都动容了。释迦摩尼这是在尝试,他有一株神树,与寻常的菩提树完全不一样,不惜耗掉一段主干,这绝对是要炼不死药 He if successful, then means, Immortal Tree can refine four furnace big medicines in the future, the efficacy can increase several times. 他若成功,那么就意味着,一株不死树日后可以炼出四炉大药,药力能增加几倍。 Who can attain then turns over to who!” The Dragon Horse first action, attacks one revolution unreliably, spouts Essence Qi, lifts that furnace lid. “谁能拿到便归谁!”龙马第一个行动,玄攻一转,喷出一口精气,将那炉盖掀开。 „” “哧” The green rosy cloud soars to the heavens together immediately on, the speed is fast, everyone had a premonition that the important matter is not wonderful, this furnace big medicine spirituality was too strong, just ran to cover must run away, all shot up to the sky, pursued. 一道绿霞顿时冲天而上,速度非常快,所有人都预感大事不妙,这炉大药灵性太强了,刚开炉盖就要跑掉,全都冲天而起,追了下去。 Even Ye Fan is one startled, the foot steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art to turn into together the electric light, extended a big hand to cover. Dragon Horse is the flame is more dreadful, opens the big mouth, can swallow a mountain. 叶凡都是一惊,脚踩行字诀化成一道电光,伸出一只大手覆盖了过去。龙马更是火光滔天,张开大口,能将一座山吞掉。 However not as everyone expected, this furnace big medicine is very special, soars to the heavens, but on is only a medicine clouds, is not True Body. This green clouds have the powerful property, even Ye Fan, Divine Knight and Dragon Horse such expert had been deceived. True big medicine below. 然而出乎所有人的预料,这炉大药很特别,冲霄而上的仅是一朵药云,并非真身。这片绿云也有强大的药性,连叶凡神骑士龙马这样的高手在内都被骗过了。真正的大药在下面。 After several big expert perceived quickly dives, actually saw that the purple tiny tot is delicious, hugs a deep green young tree to be infatuated. Dragon Horse comes up is a hoof, wants to rob, finally by Ye Fan slap hitting. 当几大高手觉察后急忙俯冲下来,却见到紫色的小不点美滋滋,抱着一株碧绿的小树在陶醉呢。龙马上来就是一蹄子,想要抢夺,结果被叶凡一巴掌给打了出去。 This is Medicinal Pill, the shape is special, is not perfectly round immortal pill, but takes the form of a bodhi young tree, can have the palm of the hand to be high, all over the body deep green radiant, forms a splendorous contrast with tiny stone Buddha. 这是一枚丹药,形状非常特别,不是浑圆的仙丹,而是形似一株菩提小树,能有巴掌高,通体碧绿璀璨,跟小石佛相映成辉。 pill became!” “丹成了!” „Since this has possibly had the record, the second furnace big medicine that Buddhism refining up!” “这可能是有记载以来,佛门炼成的第二炉大药!” The first furnace in Archaic, surpassed the understanding of people, was unable to research, but this furnace actually real at present, consumed Holy Weapon Divinity, boiled down by Spiritual Mountain land features Essence Qi. 第一炉在远古,超出了人们的理解,早已无法考证,而这一炉却真实的在眼前,耗死了一件圣兵神祇,以灵山地脉精气熬炼成。 The Ye Fan careful observation, found that this Medicinal Pill property was too intense, Little Pine such hugs to takeoff, fluttered, these multi-colored sunlight submerge in its oronasals, making it lift the rosy cloud to fly upwards probably. 叶凡仔细观察,发现这枚丹药药性太强烈了,小松都就那样抱着都已经离地而起,飘了起来,那些霞光没入它的口鼻间,让它像是举霞飞升了。 Can have undying medicine 70-80% efficacies!” This is his judgment, absolutely is divine treasure. “能有一株不死药七八成的药力!”这是他的判断,绝对是神珍 Hurries to get up with the jade carving seal, otherwise the medicine air/Qi can disperse.” Divine Knight reminder. “赶紧以玉器封印起来,不然药气会散掉。”神骑士提醒。 Ye Fan takes out suet jade cauldron, sealed divine pill of this young tree shape, then gave Little Pine, making it preserve. 叶凡取出一个羊脂玉鼎,将这枚小树形状的神丹封了进去,而后递给了小松,让它保存好。 The purple tiny tot makes an effort to shake the head, the long eyelash winks, the big eye shiny black like the gem, must make the gift to give to the master by this. 紫色的小不点用力摇头,长长的睫毛眨动,大眼睛黑亮如宝石,要以此作礼物送给师傅。 Always is the master to the apprentice the medicine and soldier, where has this, this medicine is you discovered that finally is also you obtain, put away comes.” “从来都是师傅给徒弟药与兵,哪有这样的,此药是你发现的,最后也是你得到的,收起来吧。” Ye Fan washes one's hands, that medicine cloud Zhensan, apportioned several people on the scene, this also has not god of death, the value is extremely high. 叶凡一抖手,将那朵药云震散,分给了在场的几人,这也拥有不死神性,价值极高。 Little Pine insisted that must be filial piety to Ye Fan, but was rejected finally, Ye Fan takes responsibility, divine pill in Pine Cone. 小松坚持要孝敬给叶凡,但终是被拒绝了,叶凡做主,将神丹封在了“松塔”中。 Starry Sky another end has undying medicine, does not lack these things for the master, once several times shedding body, exchanging bones, but you just need, can transform and temper Dao Body with it.” 星空的另一端有不死药,为师不缺这些东西,曾几次藉此脱胎换骨,而你正需要,可以用它来蜕变、锤炼道身。” Ye Fan takes out the bubble that Changbai Mountains Ancestral Ginseng bestows, divided one drop to the people on the scene respectively, these prepared to Little Pine stay behind, at the present it obtains this furnace big medicine, does not need. 叶凡取出长白山祖参赠送的液滴,给在场众人各分了一滴,这些原本是准备给小松留下的,而今它得到了这炉大药,已然不需。 Also has Xiao Qiao'er they to have nine orifices Holy Spirit Divine Liquid in Starry Sky another side big disciple Tong Tong, was too big to the profit of cultivation, Ye Fan always thought that has not been Little Pine builds the similarly solid foundation to be a little regrettable, at the present finished a concern finally. 星空的另一边大弟子曈曈还有小雀儿他们有九窍圣灵神液,对修炼的益处太大了,叶凡总觉得没有为小松筑下同样坚实的根基有点遗憾,而今总算了却一桩心事。 Dragon Horse opens mouth, but could not say anything, this was the Little Pine discovery, ultimately was also obtained by it, enabling this wicked horse only to feel to down on one's luck. 龙马张嘴,但却说不出什么,这是小松发现的,最终也被它得到了,让这头恶马只能觉得时运不济。 They transferred Spiritual Mountain, several Guru transcribed from some precipices on many scripture, the facial expression rouses, is lost. 他们将灵山转了个遍,几位上师自一些绝壁上抄录了不少经文,神情振奋,很多都是失传经篇。 They sweep here greatly, after several days departs, although without other precious Object, but also was trip has not been made in vain. 他们在这里大扫荡,直到数日后才离去,虽然没有其他珍贵的器物,但也算是不虚此行了。 Finally, returned every. 最后,回到了凡界。 Master, do we enter Starry Sky from there?” Zhang Qingyang asked. “师傅,我们从那里进入星空?”张清扬问道。 Seeks the Han Valley pass/test.” Ye Fan said. “去寻函谷关。”叶凡道。 In the past, Sakyamuni Buddha and I, your father | Laozi entered Starry Sky, and has arrived at Big Dip­per Star Domain, on Spiritual Mountain did not have the Starry Sky Coordinate, the Buddhism’s road map was unavailable. 当年,释迦摩尼老子都进入了星空,且都降临过北斗星域,灵山上没有星空坐标,佛门的路线图不可得。 At the present, can only seek I, your father | Laozi path, this is also Ye Fan to the answer that Fangzhang Mountain that Old Daoist Priest consults to get, I, your father | Laozi truly was descendant left behind Ancient Road, but was very difficult! 而今,只能去寻老子所走的道路了,这也是叶凡方丈山那个老道士请教所得到的答案,老子确实为后人留下了一条古路,但却很艰难! The Han Valley pass/test Mingzhen past and present, are an ancient Chinese most famous strategic pass fort, because of the pass/test in the valley, the deep danger like the letter, thus are called the Han Valley pass/test. 函谷关名震古今,是古中国最负盛名的一座雄关要塞,因关在谷中,深险如函,故称函谷关。 Past, this place warhorse neighed, the field littered with corpses, once was an ultimate battlefield, one man guards the pass, ten thousand men opened. 昔日,此地战马嘶鸣,尸横遍野,曾经是一处终极战场,一夫当关,万夫莫开。 In the past, six Country Allied armies knocked at the gate, finally actually ended up great bloodshed, the corpse on the ground 1 million, Qin relied upon was the Han Valley pass/test. 当年,六国联军叩关,最终却落得“流血漂橹,伏尸百万”,秦所仰仗的就是函谷关。 But here has the extremely special position regarding cultivator, I, your father | Laozi buffalo riding heads west, East-Rising Purple Qi, the enormous and powerful 30,000 li (0.5 km), west to the Han Valley pass/test, leave behind many immortal secret finally. 而对于修士来说这里更是有着极为特别的地位,老子骑牛西行,紫气东来,浩荡三万里,最终西出函谷关,留下诸多仙秘。 For a lot of years, numerous everywhere Taoism and Taoism people go on a pilgrimage the ancestor worship to here, has just like become the Dao Sect heaviest place! 千百年来,众多海内外道家、道教人士都到这里朝圣祭祖,俨然已成为道门最重之地! Han Valley closes the Wangduo villages situated at the present Henan Spiritual Treasure city northern 15 kilometers, Ye Fan, Divine Knight, Dragon Horse, Little Pine and Buddha child Huahua, Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan one line of seven people arrived here. 函谷关位于而今的河南省灵宝市北十五公里处的王垛村,叶凡神骑士龙马小松、佛童花花张清扬龙宇轩一行七人来到这里。 Little Pine goes back.” Ye Fan touches its head. 小松回去吧。”叶凡摸了摸它的头。 The purple tiny tot cried, the big eye is red, tumbling of tears cluster, entreated him to bring it to depart more than once together, sobbed gently. 紫色的小不点又哭了,大眼睛通红,泪水成串的滚落,不止一次的哀求他带着它一起离去,轻轻呜咽。 Ye Fan does not endure, the heart has the bitterness, leaving however the person is always helpless, Starry Sky another end makes him unable to give, this side also worries. 叶凡也不忍,心有酸涩,离别总是然人无奈,星空另一端却让他割舍不下,这一边也有牵挂。 For the master, can always meet for your own good in the future, you far away from the vortex, calm the mind now painstaking cultivation, the bracelet outside the battlefield, is the best choice.” “为师是为你好,将来总能相见,你现在远离漩涡,静心苦修,跳脱在战场外,是最好的选择。” „When I and other masters mounted the star road leaves again, visits you to depart with own eyes.” Little Pine timid sobbing. “我等师父登上星路时再离开,亲眼看着你离去。”小松怯弱的哽咽道。 Ye Fan nods, has not said anything again. Ancient Star can only have one person to be able prove the Dao, he considers many, can only leave behind the tiny tot cruel-heartedly. 叶凡点头,没有再说什么。一颗古星只能有一人能证道,他思虑很多,只能狠心将小不点留下。 This do not know that is dozens years, several hundred years, several thousand years......” in his heart sighed silently. “这一别不知是几十年,几百年,还是几千年了……”他心中默默叹了一口气。 Han Valley of every world closed/pass ancient city not to save, exhausted six months by divine ability of Ye Fan, made a connection with Ancient Road, enters in Heaven and Earth that piece of Ancient magic formation encircled. 凡世的函谷古城早已不存,以叶凡神通也足足耗去半年的时间,才堪堪打通一条古路,进入一片上古法阵所围成的天地中。 Front, the belt-shaped black fog fills the air, the ghost air/Qi densely, the skeleton is vast, everywhere is Ghost Fire, a Between Heaven and Earth not brilliance, incomparable gloom. 前方,带状黑雾弥漫,鬼气森森,尸骨遍野,到处都是鬼火,天地间没有一点光彩,无比的暗淡。 This is a stretch of Ancient battlefield, demons weeping, spirits crying, does not know that many Yin Spirits appear and disappear in this place, weapon soul that all died in battle in years past! 这是一片上古战场,鬼哭神嚎,也不知有多少阴灵在这个地方出没,全都是昔年战死的兵魂 But has piece of mountain valley in the horizon end, there towers a great city, the precisely cultivation world Han Valley pass/test, is illustrious since the ancient times! 而在地平线尽头有一片山谷,那里耸立有一座巨城,正是修界函谷关,自古以来赫赫有名! legends say, through the Han Valley pass/test, opens the west gate, is piece of boundless Starry Sky, in the past Yin Xi was responsible for guarding this place, does not know whether at the present also has the Saint protection.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. 相传,通过函谷关,打开西门,是一片无垠的星空,当年尹喜负责镇守此地,不知而今是否还有圣人守护。”叶凡自语。 In this stretch of Ancient battlefield has various Yin Soldiers Yin Horses, tens of thousands of appearing and disappearing, absolutely did not have a reincarnation saying, the wail sound to let person scalp tingles, the black fog surged, often had Malicious Ghost to clash. 这片上古战场中有各种阴兵阴马,成千上万的出没,根本就没有转生一说,哭嚎声让人头皮发麻,黑雾涌动,不时有厉鬼冲来。 Ye Fan rides to sit on Dragon Horse, recited «Scripture of Salvation», various Xiebi drew back, various Yin Spirits were all purified, became the mist, trim Heaven and Earth one light. 叶凡骑坐龙马上,口诵《度人经》,诸邪避退,各种阴灵全都被净化,成为云烟,整片天地都一片光明了。 Before arriving at this past and present's first strategic pass, shouts out transmits, the person who shakes both ears buzzes, before the city gate, Monster Qi is dreadful, the blood light is vast, submerged this stretch of Ancient battlefield thoroughly. 当来到这古今第一雄关前,一个大喝传来,震的人双耳嗡嗡作响,城门前妖气滔天,血光遍野,将这片上古战场彻底淹没了。 What person dares to pass through the Han Valley pass/test?” This is a Ancient big monster, the blood light like the sea, magical power is dreadful, guards in pass/test before. “什么人敢闯函谷关?”这是一位上古大妖,血光如海,法力滔天,镇守在关前。 Is you!” Ye Fan is startled, has not thought before departure met eventually in the second war years once with every manifest unparalleled Monster Venerate, fuzzy shadow mark of this Dao Body shadow in that picture tallies. “是你!”叶凡一怔,没有想到在离开前终究是遇到了在二战年间曾与凡界显化过的盖世妖尊,这道身影与那照片上的模糊影迹吻合。 I and others had thought Han Valley.” Ye Fan goes forward , indicating that must encroach upon. “我等想过函谷。”叶凡上前,表示要借道而过。 I present the life of Guan Yinzi to guard this pass/test, if wants through to depend on the strength speech.” This big monster is a Dao Severing King, whole body Monster Qi rushes, the eye pupil is radiant, the body is vigorous, flesh like jade, unusual strange monster. “吾奉关尹子之命镇守此关,若想通过要凭实力说话。”这尊大妖是一个斩道王者,浑身妖气澎湃,眼眸璀璨,身体雄健,肌肤如玉,非常的妖异 In previously, whom guessed correctly takes this road, has not guessed correctly please throw ***. Good, you guessed correctly, should throw. Now, *** the list is very intense, needs everyone's support. 在此前,谁猜到了走这条路,没猜到的请投***。好吧,你猜到了,就更应该投了。现在,***榜很激烈,需要大家的支持。
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