STH :: Volume #11

#1022: Reincarnation and Spiritual Mountain

( The yesterday's minor mistake, Xu Ye, orphanage child age contained errors, has revised.) (昨天小失误,许晔,孤儿院孩子年龄有误,已经修正。) Although this child is young, is is very intelligent, the eye is very bright, the forehead is full, on the face does not have the plateau of Tibetan region herdsman to be red, the skin is fair. 这个孩童虽然年龄不大,大是却很聪慧,眼睛很亮,额头饱满,脸上没有藏区牧民的高原红,皮肤白皙。 The Ye Fan look is serious, Divine Consciousness emits, sweeps this child every inchs body, is thorough Sea of Consciousness, wants to find out. 叶凡神色郑重,神识放出,扫遍这个孩童每一寸肌体,更是深入识海,想要探个究竟。 The samsara, the relations are really big, is the issue that he wants to clarify, actually to have next life? Concerned the huge issue. 轮回,关系甚大,一直是他想弄清楚的问题,究竟有没有来生?关乎到了天大的问题。 If present, that conceivable future some day must have one big storm that sweeps across trim Star Domain! 若是有,那可以想象将来某一天必会有一场席卷整片星域的大风暴! Ancient Great Emperor which is mediocre, if can be reincarnated, in the future will return mostly, what kind of fearful scene will have, is simply unpredictable. 古之大帝哪一个是凡俗,若可以转世,将来多半都会归来,将会发生怎样的可怕的场面,简直不可预料。 If thinks to the profoundness, Ancient Celestial Court disintegrated, that several great person, that Emperor Venerate can be reincarnated...... Ye Fan to startle particularly shivers spirit. 若向深远去想,古天庭瓦解了,那几位大人物,尤其是那位帝尊可以转世……叶凡激灵灵打了个冷颤。 All these if to become true, Heaven and Earth must tilt, this piece of universe must collapse, is unable to imagine simply! 这一切若是成真,天地都要倾覆,这片宇宙都要崩坏,简直无法想象! Said that this is a big world, Road of Immortal Ascension is going to open, if there is a samsara reincarnation fact, Ancient Great Emperor will reappear without a doubt, when the time comes troubled is big. 都说这是一个大世,成仙之路将要开启,如果有轮回转生这一事实,毫无疑问古之大帝会再现,到时候麻烦就大了。 Ye Fan top of the skull feels uncomfortable, why Myriad Clans awakens in this, this seems like an omen, a moment ago instantaneous suspicion possible to become true. 叶凡天灵盖发紧,为何万族都在这一世觉醒,这似乎是一种预兆,刚才瞬间的猜想可能成真。 Great Emperor Without Beginning, Battle Saint Sovereign and Undying Heavenly Sovereign...... ancient Ce­les­tial Court's Emperor, which is the fuel-efficient lamp, throws off sufficiently eternally! 无始大帝斗战圣皇不死天皇……古天庭的帝尊,哪一个是省油的灯,都足以掀翻万古! Ye Fan is especially prudent, calms the mind with rapt attention, does not hesitate by own god is in charge of this immature body, leads the way in the flesh every inchs, wants to seek Ancient Buddhist. 叶凡格外慎重,静心凝神,不惜以自己的“神”入主这具幼小的躯体,在每一寸的血肉中前行,想要寻出一尊古佛来。 Several Guru scared, saw that Ye Fan is so serious, in the forehead goes out of golden tiny being, is critical situation the inspection, making in their heart thump thump the play jump, almost must suffocate. 几位上师吓坏了,见到叶凡如此郑重,眉心中走出一个金色的小人,如临大敌般检查,让他们都心中怦怦剧跳,几乎要窒息。 This child skeleton strange, is the good seedling of cultivation, person who this has the buddha's bones the Buddhist inborn. And, although he is immature, but actually multi- brightness, unlike common child radically, a little appearance of young person who acts old. 这个孩童骨骼奇异,是修炼的好苗子,在佛家来说这是天生拥有佛骨的人。且,他虽然幼小,但却多慧,与一般的孩子根本不一样,有点少年老成的样子。 In the flesh and internal organs bone have not been hiding Deity, Ye Fan can determine, his Divine Consciousness almost cut open each cell quickly, inspected an insight. 血肉与腑骨中并没有藏着“神灵”,叶凡可以确定,他的神识几乎快将每一个细胞剖开了,检查了个通透。 Finally, fist big golden tiny being entered Sea of Consciousness of child, this is conceals god the basic location, this Ye Fan holds broken green Immortal Cauldron to go, if there is an accident/surprise to have sufficiently the town/subdues fear. 最终,拳头大的金色小人进入了孩童的识海,这是藏“神”的根本所在地,这一次叶凡是抱着残破的绿色仙鼎进去的,若有意外发生足以镇慑。 The subconscious of person is very powerful, has own god, the so-called potential is mystical, related, oneself inborn god, if enough, the potential will also be obviously more powerful. 人的潜意识很强大,藏有自身的“神”,所谓的潜能过于神秘,涉及到了很多,自身天生之“神”若足够强,显然潜能也会强大很多。 Ye Fan searches its subconscious, legends say , if there is samsara, the previous existence then can hide in the middle of the subconscious, passing all sorts, all divine ability retain in this. 叶凡搜索其潜意识,相传若有轮回,前生便会藏于潜意识当中,过往种种,一切神通都保留在此。 He discovered immediately child Knowledge Depository, that is a piece of Area scripture, some subconsciouses have recovered, can therefore read aloud is lost True Scripture. 他在第一时间就发现了孩童的“识藏”,那是一片经文,这部分潜意识已复苏,故此能诵失传真经 Sea of Consciousness of child is very uncommon, has the thunder, has the blue sky snowy mountain, very grand, this is a so- called potential area corner. 孩童的识海很不凡,有电闪雷鸣,亦有蓝天雪山,非常的壮阔,这是就是所谓的潜能区一隅。 Various line of variable, are lives to extinguish the law. Lives to extinguish already, fade away is happy......” “诸行无常,是生灭法。生灭灭已,寂灭为乐……” Unexpectedly, Ye Fan dumbfounded, he saw a fuzzy old monk, is reciting scripture, sits on a dwelling place of the immortals high, situated in potential region that has not awakened. 蓦地,叶凡呆住了,他见到了一个模糊的老僧,正在口诵经文,高坐一片道山上,位于未觉醒的潜能区域。 Ye Fan such as was struck by lightning, really has the samsara to be inadequate, he unexpectedly in child's Sea of Consciousness, when saw such a respect for elders monk, simply unimaginable. 叶凡如遭雷击,难道还真有轮回不成,他竟然在孩子的识海中当见到了这样一尊老僧,简直不可想象。 Was he lost in thought that is reincarnated real? This is subversive, keeping him from understanding, he only believes this life, the person dead all things are spatial. 他怔怔出神,转世成真了吗?这是颠覆性的,让他无法理解,他只相信今生,人死万事空。 Without a doubt, this has shocking, making his concept receive the big vibration, although this respect for elders monk could not see clearly fuzzily, but absolutely was Ancient Buddhist. 毫无疑问,这是极具冲击性的,让他的观念受到了大震动,这尊老僧虽然模糊看不清,但绝对是一尊古佛 Ye Fan stands firm the state of mind, golden tiny being takes a step in Sea of Consciousness, stand forth, he is some does not believe, wants to ravel, looks at a care. 叶凡稳住心绪,金色的小人识海中迈步,向前走去,他还是有些不相信,想弄个明白,看个仔细。 Tathagata card Nirvana, will break in Life and Death forever......” 如来证涅槃,永断于生死……” If there is a sincere and truthful heart to listen, often immeasurable happy......” “若有至心听,常得无量乐……” He crossed this dwelling place of the immortals, the facial expression stagnates, saw a mountain side mountain range unexpectedly, in each sits cross-legged an old monk, is opening the mouth to chant sutras respectively. 他翻过这座道山,神情一滞,竟然见到了一片山峦,每一座上都盘坐有一个老僧,分别在开口诵经。 Ye Fan is startled immediately, even the reincarnation is impossible to have so many god coexistence, reincarnation a lot of th, was Bodhisattva and Ancient Buddhist? 叶凡顿时一怔,即便转世也不可能有这么多“神”共存,难道转生千百世了,都为菩萨古佛 In this moment, in his heart great determination, talked to oneself: I never believe the samsara, the person die such as the lamp to extinguish, is impossible to exist forever and be reincarnated.” 在这一刻,他心中大定,自语道:“我始终不相信轮回,人死如灯灭,不可能长存与转世。” He looks forward, discovered many old monks and Ancient Buddhist, do not belong to Era, scripture like the sea, the ancient incantation like the river, be continuous unceasingly. 他向前望去,发现了众多老僧与古佛,不属于一个时代,经文如海,古咒如河,绵延不绝。 Ye Fan look calm, the eye pupil is profound, looked at the end, both hands paddled, deduction past karma, this was heaven defying Observe The Past Technique. 叶凡神色镇定了下来,眼眸深邃,一眼望到了尽头,双手划动,推演昔日的因果,这是逆天观古术 Under the beautiful sunny sky, a three -year-old child crashes in a earth cave, inside has the stone buddha, has alms bowl, has rotten ancient scripture. This is a Buddhism’s mausoleum chamber, has together Buddha parietal bone on stone platform, the fallen child pounds, sent out a piece of strange light, submerges in his Sea of Consciousness. 明媚的晴朗天空下,一个三岁的孩童坠落进一个地窟中,里面有石佛,有钵盂,有腐烂的古经。这是佛门的一处地宫,在石台上有一块“佛顶骨”,被落下的孩子砸中,发出了一片奇异的光,没入他的识海中。 Shortly , the child was rescued, actually got sick greatly, but then can read aloud scripture from this, may write incantation, had the Knowledge Depository phenomenon. 不久后,孩童被救了上来,却大病了一场,可是由此便能诵经文了,可写咒语,发生了识藏现象。 Was, so that's how it is, all came like this.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “是了,原来如此,一切都是这样来的。”叶凡自语。 He withdrew from Sea of Consciousness of child, the next quarter brought several Guru to seek that mausoleum chamber, saw some vestiges. Three years ago, the after father of child he hugs, has not moved here all, but also maintains the original design. 他退出了孩童的识海,下一刻带着几位上师寻到了那处地宫,见到了一些残迹。三年前,孩童的父亲将他抱出来后,并没有动这里的一切,还保持原样。 Hidden Depository!” Several Guru excited saying, the Buddha parietal bone embodiment contained Buddhism’s Dao Lineage immediately, in instantly, shifted in his Sea of Consciousness that the child falls. 伏藏!”几位上师当即激动的说道,佛顶骨内蕴含了佛门的道统,在孩子落下的刹那,转移进了他的识海中。 legends say, Sakyamuni Buddha once by entire Ancient Star Karma Fire refining True Body, hammered to cast the Quasi-Emperor body, from this shedding body, exchanging bones, but in this process, burns several remnant bones, including one is a parietal bone. 相传,释迦牟尼曾以整颗古星业火炼化真身,锻铸准帝躯体,由此脱胎换骨,而在这个过程中,烧出几块残骨,其中有一块是头顶骨。 Then, several bones became Buddhism paramount sacred relic, all previous eminent monk big buddha can pay respect, reads silently scripture, from this also waits, if carrying/sustaining Buddhism’s Dao Lineage. 而后,几块骨就成了佛门至高圣物,历代高僧大佛都会参拜,默诵经文,由此也等若承载了佛门的道统 Ye Fan holds Buddhist Calvaria in the hand, starts heavily, but has not actually felt the pressure, because all previous great virtuous senior monk faces all day, its refining, had abrasioned Quasi-Emperor aura, otherwise unmanned is getatable. 叶凡佛顶盖持在手中,入手沉甸甸,不过却未感觉到压力,因为历代大德圣僧整日面对,早已将其炼化,磨掉了准帝气机,不然根本无人可接近。 At the present, this was only quick buddha's bones, scripture of embodiment shifted in Sea of Consciousness of this child. 而今,这只是一快佛骨了,内蕴的经文都转移到了这个孩童的识海中。 This is the rare Artifact Refining material, if makes a bone shield, almost may keep off to attack.” “这可是难得的炼器材料,若是做成一个骨盾,几乎可挡一切攻伐。” Side, how many Guru hear him to talk to oneself almost the scared out of one's wits, this is the skull of Sakyamuni Buddha, the tribute getting up ritual respects dislikes insufficiently, but also wants to polish ancient shield? 旁边,几位上师听到他自语差点吓破胆,这可是是释迦牟尼的头盖骨,贡起来礼敬都嫌不够,还想打磨成古盾 All cause and effect understand, this is not the reincarnation, is only the shift of Buddhism Hidden Depository, cannot show that will have next life. 一切前因后果明了,这不是什么转世,只是佛门伏藏的转移,不能证明有来生。 In this world, Ye Fan knows only several types of things to be possible guarantor Primordial Spirit to be immortal, dragon loach that King Medicine, Divine Marrow and Divine Liquid of nine orifices Holy Spirit embodiment, makes a name, as well as most rare treasure undying medicine! 在这个世上,叶凡知晓唯有几样东西可保人元神不朽,药王神髓、九窍圣灵内蕴的神液、成了气候的龙鳅、以及最稀珍不死药 But why is this child same as the Ancient Buddhist appearance of Starry Sky another shore? This lets some of his many doubts. 可这个孩童为何与星空另一岸的古佛模样相同?这让他多少有些疑惑。 Life lifetime, first another, the association/will can discover two appearance same people, this cannot be regarded anything.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “一生又一生,一世又一世,总会能找出两个容貌相同的人,这也算不得什么。”叶凡自语。 He believes has not been reincarnated, the Primordial Spirit association/will decays dry, but if the reincarnation, that said everyone within the body has undying medicine, this is how possible! 他坚信没有转世,元神总会枯朽,若是可转生,那岂不是说人人体内都有不死药,这怎么可能! He by Sea of Consciousness of powerful Primordial Spirit thorough child, inspected carefully many, believes firmly there is nothing to do with Ancient Buddhist of Starry Sky another shore, is impossible to have his mark. 他以强大的元神深入孩童的识海,仔细检查了多遍,确信与星空另一岸的古佛无关,根本不可能有他的印记。 Ancient Buddhist has the graciousness in me, said that saw some scene of future, I want to be this moment, he wants to make me go back this child belt/bring, spreads endless Dharma in its Sea of Consciousness.” 古佛于我有恩,说是见到了未来的某一场景,我想就是这一刻吧,他想让我将这个孩童带回去,传出其识海中的无尽佛法。” Ye Fan frowns, such a small child not suitable belt/bring to Starry Sky another side, extremely to be really immature, and how his parents can give up. 叶凡蹙眉,这样小的一个孩童实在不适合带到星空另一边,太过幼小了,且他的父母怎能割舍。 However, several Guru open the mouth for him, just a saying wants to lead this child to practice, this complied to the herdsman couple, moreover incomparable happiness. 然而,几位上师替他开口,刚一说想带这个孩子去修行,这对牧民夫妇就答应了,而且无比的高兴。 They believe in Buddhism, this child can read aloud ancient scripture since childhood, making them be proud, is willing to send in Buddhism to practice him. What is main when is several Guru seeks here, once displayed Dharma, is ordinary just like the Deity in this Era. 他们都信佛,这个孩子自幼能诵古经,让他们深感自豪,愿意将他送入佛门中修行。最主要的是几位上师寻到这里时,曾施展出过佛法,在这个时代宛若神人一般。 The couple have other children, after that pours insufficiently is also lonely, moreover thinks this child, if before can often accompany Buddha, is greatest being honored. 夫妇两人还有其他孩子,此后倒也不至于孤独,而且认为这个孩子若是能常伴佛前是一种莫大的荣幸。 Ye Fan asked whether this child wants, the one who is main is his, although is not big, but is also worth respecting, he not reluctantly. 叶凡问这个孩子是否愿意,最主要的还是他其自己,尽管不大,但也值得尊重,他不会勉强。 I want!” Not as he expected, six -year-old child is very simple, expresses willingness to practice along with him. “我愿意!”出乎他的意料,六岁的孩童很干脆,表示愿意随他去修行。 Ye Fan sighed, exhausted ability to help him before Starry Sky another end old monk Change into Dao, cut off on him the mysterious shackles, if really saw today fruit. 叶凡一叹,在星空另一端老僧化道前竭尽所能帮助他,斩断他身上的神秘枷锁,果真是看到了今日的“果”。 Finally, Their group starts off, rushes to Spiritual Mountain, because this child read aloud complete incantation, tiny stone Buddha in Little Pine bell was magnificent, directs Spiritual Mountain. 最终,他们一行人上路,赶往灵山,因为这个孩子诵出了完整的咒语,小松铃铛中的小石佛光辉灿烂,指引出了灵山 This time, said Lu Guangming to be radiant, spread out all over to the distant place, no break point, to lead to a grand mountain, smoothly entered. 这一次,道路光明璀璨,铺展向远方,没有一个断点,通向一片雄伟的大山,顺利进入。 Spiritual Mountain! 灵山 As before like the past, was dry places, lacked life-force, anything withered, the large expanse of ancient temple was located, is silent, death aura heavy. 依旧如过去,是一片干涸之地,缺少生机,什么都枯萎了,成片的古庙座落,寂静无声,死气沉沉。 Several Guru are very excited, without thinking one to mount naively, this is existing Ancient Dao Field before Sakyamuni Buddha, Supreme Existence. 几位上师无比激动,没有想到有一天真能登上,这是早在释迦摩尼前就已存在的上古道场,至高无上 Ye Fan, Divine Knight, Little Pine, Dragon Horse, Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan, have this named Huahua the child is not very quiet, stands is in the summit, looks into boundless mountain sea. 叶凡神骑士小松龙马张清扬龙宇轩、还有这个名为“花花”的孩童也都很不平静,立身在山巅,眺望茫茫山海。 sacred temple, a piece by piece ancient construction, broad boundless, the carrying/sustaining the magnificence of Buddhism Ancient, had too many past events in the past. 一座座圣庙,一片片古老的建筑,恢宏磅礴,承载了佛门上古的辉煌,过去发生了太多的往事。 What a pity, at the present the spirit spring has done, the vegetation is dry, did not have in the past prosperous, but no one dares to belittle, because they felt that a vast fluctuation, bred in the mountain massif and building, this is pure belief willpower. 可惜,而今灵泉已干,草木已枯,没有了往昔的繁盛,但是没有人敢小觑,因为他们感觉到了一股浩瀚的波动,孕育在山体、建筑内,这是纯净的信仰念力 Shortly, they start the separated action, searches this piece of Ancient Dao Field, here is Treasure Depository place. 不久后,他们开始分开行动,搜索这片上古道场,这里是一片宝藏地。 The Ye Fan's goal is very simple, only to seek for the Starry Sky Coordinate, but always has no harvest. He comes and goes out ancient building, seeks for Scriptures Pavilion, some places have powerful restrictions. 叶凡的目标很简单,只为寻找星空坐标,可是始终没有什么收获。他出入一座座古建筑,寻找藏经阁,有些地方有强大的禁制 Dragon Horse wishes one could to turn inside out this place, digs three chi (0.33 m), searches high and low Buddhist Treasure, although saw some secret artifact, but is unsatisfied. 龙马恨不得将这个地方翻过来,掘地三尺,四处寻找佛宝,虽然见到了一些秘器,但都不满意。 Legacy Holy Weapon does not have, when Buddhism retreats the most important thing will carry off, but actually somewhat precious Object does not compare the commonplace. 传世圣兵没有,佛门退走时将最重要的东西都带走了,不过却有些珍贵的器物也非比等闲。 Several Guru before stone wall, obtained some Secret Art and ancient incantation, is overjoyed. 几位上师在一面石壁前,得到了一些秘法与古咒,全都大喜过望。 Divine Knight is lost in thought to a piece of relief silently, he induced a powerful Law strength, unexpectedly in this comprehending dao, motionless, no one disturbed. 神骑士对着一片浮雕默默出神,他感应到了一种强大的法则力量,竟在此悟道了,一动不动,没有人打扰。 Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan are also between some inscription carved on a cliff face stele forests, under transcribing some doubtful Secret Art Dao Runes traces, earnest reorganization. 张清扬龙宇轩也在一些摩崖碑林间,抄录下一些疑似秘法道纹的痕迹,认真的整理。 Dragon Horse long hiss, finally seeks incomplete alms bowl, is weapon that Saint uses, immediately is overjoyed. Five Colors Holy Tree that captures in Penglai was seized by Ye Fan, stayed there, to do Sect Protecting, making it very discontented, at the present also obtains one finally. 龙马一声长嘶,终于寻到一个残缺的钵盂,是圣人所用的兵器,顿时大喜过望。在蓬莱夺得的五色圣树叶凡缴获,留在了那里,以作镇教之用,让它很不满,而今总算又得到了一件。 The child Huahua Buddha feeling is full, when are not many sought remnant scripture, brought to the Ye Fan's attention, precisely «Vedic Scripture», was very ancient, even Sakyamuni Buddha deeply was inspired. 孩童花花佛感十足,不多时就寻到了一部残经,引起了叶凡的注意,正是吠陀经》,无比古老,连释迦摩尼都深受过启发。 Freely only then one volume, but the value is also inestimable, Ye Fan once obtained one volume in India, Observe The Past Technique wait/etc. has then become aware. 尽管只有一卷,但价值也不可估量,叶凡曾在印度得到过一卷,观古术等便是藉此悟出来的。 He stood here, watches long time, then closes/obstructs Mousi earnestly became aware long time, after several double-hour, opened the eye. 他站在这里,认真观看良久,而后闭眸思悟了很长时间,数个时辰后才睁开眼睛。 Suddenly, the people heard the Little Pine cry, Ye Fan first rushing over, Spiritual Mountain, although does not have the special trap and murderous intention, but actually many powerful restrictions, he feared that the little fellow has the accident/surprise. 忽然,众人听到了小松的叫声,叶凡第一个冲了过去,灵山虽然没有特别的陷阱与杀机,但却有不少强大禁制,他怕小家伙出现意外。 The purple tiny tot hand holds the tiny stone Buddha treasure hunt, attains many, as long as because the important Object place, tiny stone Buddha twinkle magnificent light, Dragon Horse alms bowl is brazen-faced and shameless taking advantage of will even go from the hand of Little Pine. 紫色的小不点手捧着小石佛寻宝,所获甚丰,因为但凡重要器物的地方,小石佛都会闪烁光华,连龙马钵盂都是死皮赖脸从小松的手中“借”去的。 At this time, it discovered copper furnace, quick was decayed, but has the strong fragrance to send out, making person probably lift the rosy cloud to fly upwards. 此时,它发现了一个铜炉,都快腐朽了,可是却有浓烈的香气发出,让人似是要举霞飞升。 Moreover, it is shaking fiercely, inside has a life probably, startled Little Pine is indecisive, does not dare to go forward. 而且,它在剧烈摇动,里面像是有一个生灵,惊的小松都犹豫不决,没有敢上前。 Because Ye Fan has told it, do not take risk in this place, meets anything strangely to summon him, avoids having the accident/surprise. 因为叶凡早已吩咐过它,在这个地方千万不要冒险,遇上什么古怪一定要呼唤他,避免发生意外。 Dragon Horse, Divine Knight and several Guru were also alarmed, all flushed, when sees copper furnace instantly, is all startled. 龙马神骑士、几位上师也都被惊动,全都冲了过来,当见到铜炉的刹那,全都大吃了一惊。 This stove is Holy Weapon, but actually ruined, lost Treasure Qi, Divinity of embodiment had died.” This is the Divine Knight conclusion. “这个炉子是一件圣兵,不过却毁掉了,失去了一身宝气,内蕴的神祇已经死亡。”这是神骑士的结论。 Ye Fan nods, reveals wisp of grave expression, this is Holy Weapon, ruined, was really somewhat a pity. 叶凡点头,露出一缕凝重之色,这可是一件圣兵啊,就这么的毁掉了,实在是有些可惜。 Well, is this Monster Refining Stove?” The Zhang Qingyang opens the mouth, he Young Heavenly Master as Central Plain Dao Sect, understood these ancient artifact very much. “咦,这是炼妖炉吗?”张清扬开口,他身为中土道门小天师,对于这些古器很是了解。 Side has the writing......” child Huahua saying that is pointing at the stele of not far away, above is dense and numerous, probably recorded an extremely important matter. “旁边有文字……”孩童花花说道,指着不远处的一块石碑,上面密密麻麻,像是记载了一件极为重要的事。 Ye Fan, Divine Knight and the others all did not know, because this is Sanskrit, all writing are very ancient, is unable to understand. 叶凡神骑士等人全都不认识,因为这是梵文,所有文字都很古老,无法理解。 Several Guru go forward, reads earnestly, reveals grave expression, because this origins the writing, is Sanskrit initial say/way mark, is crabbedly difficult to understand. 几位上师上前,认真研读,露出凝重之色,因为这是起源文字,是梵文最初的道迹,艰涩难懂。 Luckily, they increase have studied diligently earnestly, can roughly identify these Ancient periods the classical Chinese literature, after understanding most immediately changed the color. 幸好,他们增认真钻研过,能够大致的辨认出这些上古时期的古文,当读懂大半后立时都变了颜色。 This is great virtuous senior monk of later generation before the secret writing that evacuating Spiritual Mountain carves, recorded this copper furnace secret.” Guru serious saying. “这是后世的大德圣僧在撤离灵山前所刻的秘文,记载了这座铜炉的秘密。”一位上师郑重的说道。 Read downward, had a look to say anything.” “往下读,看看到底说了什么。” A Guru look is shocking, said: This is Ancient Furnace of Sakyamuni Buddha personally seal!” 一位上师神色震惊,道:“这是释迦摩尼亲手封印的古炉!” At this moment, stove another vibration, has what life strategic place to come out probably, lets several people are astonished. 就在这时,炉子又一阵震动,像是有什么生灵要冲出来,让几人都是惊异不已。 Exhausted a Holy Weapon spiritual energy, even Divinity of embodiment died, what does inside have? 耗尽了一件圣兵的灵气,连内蕴的神祇都死了,里面到底有什么? 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