STH :: Volume #11

#1021: Finished the mortal world matter

Little Pine cries, said that anything does not let go, tumbling of downward clear teardrops cluster, implored urgently, the immature sound brings a despair, making one follow to feel sad. 小松大哭,说什么也不松手,晶莹的泪珠成串的往下滚落,苦苦哀求,稚嫩的声音带着一种绝望,让人跟着心酸。 Ye Fan touches its head, said: I also want to lead you to depart, but is not really suitable, placed the great expectations for the master on you.” 叶凡摸了摸它的头,道:“我也想带你离去,但真的不适合,为师对你寄予了厚望。” At the present Big Dipper absolutely is right and wrong place, if not for there is a old friend there, is hard to give up, Ye Fan said that anything will not hurry to at this time. 而今的北斗绝对是一个是非地,若不是有故人在那里,难以割舍,叶凡说什么也不会在这时赶去。 Why Immemorial Myriad Clans resurfaces in this collective, why some powerful Ancient Sovereign's Son by seal to this? All these are waiting for a turning point one- opening of Road of Immortal Ascension. 太古万族为何于这一世集体复出,为什么一些强大的古皇子被封印到了这一世?所有这些都是在等待一个契机一—成仙之路的开启。 throughout the ages, Great Emperor rushes to Big Dipper ancient Star Domain one after another, all left the indelible trace, many Star Domain undying medicine gather there, because of has planted, fruit must in this life knot! 古往今来,一位又一位大帝赶到北斗星域,全都留下了不可磨灭的痕迹,诸多星域不死药都汇聚到那里,“因”已经种下,“果”要在今世结! No one can live is so remote, Ancient Great Emperor cannot in self seal Divine Source, their they be extremely powerful, in the world no material can suppression seal they. 没有人可以活的这么久远,古之大帝不能自封神源中,他们他们太过强大,世上没任何物质可以镇封他们。 Immemorial Saint Sovereign as well as late stage Human Race's Great Emperor, although died during meditation fell one after another, but their contingency plan must manifest suddenly, since there is Ancient Sovereign's Son, will then have Emperor's Child manifest mostly. 太古圣皇以及后期人族大帝虽然都相继坐化掉了,但他们的后手必会发作,既然有古皇子,那么多半也会有帝子显化 Becoming an immortal, has the knockdown seduction, Dao Severing in this piece of Heaven and Earth, breaks the fetter of this piece of Heaven and Earth, enters Immortal Domain! 成仙,有着无可抵抗的诱惑,在这片天地斩道,打破这片天地的束缚,进入仙域 Many people are outstanding, is waiting, all for this. 许多人杰,都在等待,全都是为了这一世。 Big Dipper has so many Ancient Race, there are so many who has the belt/bring posture, Ye Fan in this shore unmatched in the world, but after going back , is completely different. 北斗有那么多古族,有那么多拥有带姿的人,叶凡在这这一岸天下无敌,但回去后就完全不一样了。 The emperor road strives for hegemony, Immortal Road opens, even if were he possibly has that day of bleeding, the human affairs was difficult to predict. 帝路争雄,仙路开启,纵然是他都可能有喋血的那一天,世事难料。 But Earth is on the other hand tranquil, the Little Pine natural talent is uncommon, in Dharma End Era by oneself, cultivates Dao Palace Realm with an instinct completely, this cannot say that is not a miracle. 而地球相对来说还算平静,小松天资不凡,在末法时代完全是靠自己,凭着一种本能就修进道宫秘境,这不能说不是一种奇迹。 Ancient Great Emperor regardless of family background! 古之大帝不论出身! Before has not become famous, any Great Emperor's life experience cannot be regarded anything, particularly Monster Race, even possibly is every beast that's all. 未成名前,任何一位大帝的身世都算不得什么,尤其是妖族,甚至可能就是一头凡兽而已 Ye Fan saw this purple Little Squirrel within the body that type vast such as the potential of sea, making him very shocking. Hopes it can take her road in Earth, perhaps some day will in a big way become his one to help, even some day of Divine Weapon day will fall Big Dipper in the future, presents strength king raging tide that also possibly to have. 叶凡看到了这只紫色的小松鼠体内那种浩瀚如海的潜力,让他都很震惊。希望它能在地球走出一条自己的路,也许有朝一日会成为他的一大臂助,甚至将来某一天神兵天降北斗,出现力王狂澜那一幕也不是没可能。 In the future with your character, the path that must take with is definitely different for the master, day after day great war and not necessarily is close to the Great Emperor's shortcut, naturally returns to original condition also well.” “以你的性格来说,将来所要走的道路与为师肯定不一样,连天大战并不见得是接近大帝的捷径,自然归真也不错。” Does not have Ancient Sovereign's Son to oppress, without immeasurable Powerhouse overlooks, without Emperor's Child waits for a war, is not regretted, on the contrary is worth rejoicing to Little Pine. 没有古皇子压迫,没有莫测强者俯视,没有帝子等待一战,并不是什么遗憾,相反对小松来说值得庆幸。 Master, I cultivation quickly, how long could not want to help you.” The Little Pine sound is very immature, sobs was saying. “师傅,我修炼很快的,要不了多久就能帮你了。”小松声音很稚嫩,呜咽着说道。 You had this heart to be OK, I dare to assert, in the future will have such a day.” Ye Fan looks up to Starry Sky. “你有这个心就可以了,我敢断言,将来会有这样一天的。”叶凡仰望星空 In that remote past, Eternal Universe, Em­press Mother of West, Great Emperor Amitābha wait/etc. crossed Star Domain, arrived at Big Dip­per Star Domain, attempts why? 在那遥远的过去,恒宇西皇阿弥陀佛大帝等横渡星域,来到了北斗星域,所图为何? Outside abatement Ferocity, cannot determine Without Beginning truly, including Myriad Clans Ancient Sovereign, almost no Great Emperor belongs to that Ancient Star, at the present all storms will perform there! 除却狠人外,连无始都不能真正确定,包括万族古皇等,几乎没有一位大帝属于那颗古星,而今一切的风暴都将在那里上演! Ye Fan has a premonition, Immortal Ascension Road inevitably is not that simple, perhaps will annoy the heaven shaking disaster, god knows will have anything. 叶凡有一种预感,成仙路必然不是那么简单,说不定会惹出惊天的大难,天知道会发生什么。 Remember, in this big world, only has the strengthen to protect oneself, can protect all these, in the future will probably really need your help for the master, you break through in the rear diligently!” “记住,在这个大世,唯有变强才能自保,才能守护这一切,将来为师可能真的需要你的帮助,你在大后方努力突破!” Huang Tiannu, Zhan Yifan and the others were astonished, Ye Fan also really had very high hope to Little Pine, but they have nothing discontentedly. 凰天女詹一凡等人惊异,叶凡小松还真是抱了很大的希望,不过他们也没有什么可不满的。 The fact puts at present, in this Dharma End Era, Little Pine will enter first level to annoy Heavenly Tribulation every time, will return monstrous talent compared with Ancient monstrous talent, with them compared with thunder rainy day transcends tribulation, will be no comparison between them. 事实摆在眼前,在这末法时代,小松每进一阶就会惹来天劫,比上古妖孽妖孽,与他们在雷雨天渡劫相比,不可同日而语。 Obviously, Ye Fan regards legacy successor to train this purple tiny tot, saw it has the hope of Road of God. 显然,叶凡是将这个紫色的小不点当成衣钵传人来培养的,看到了它有走上帝路的希望。 The Little Pine big eye cried red, insisted that must deliver Ye Fan, wants to visit him to step Ancient Starry Sky Road. Ye Fan smiled immediately, the tiny tot has not lost heart, the way definitely for sometime may walk. 小松大眼睛都哭红了,坚持要送叶凡,想看着他踏上星空古路叶凡顿时笑了,小不点还不死心呢,寻路肯定会有一段时间可走。 I believe that Celestial Court must be possible to blossom in radiant splendor!” Ye Fan encourages several other disciple, has not made them see off, leaves left , there is nothing moved. “我相信天庭必可大放异彩!”叶凡勉励另外几名弟子,未让他们送行,离开就离开了,没什么可伤感的。 He has taken out Immortal Cauldron of Kunlun Mountains, believes in dozens over a hundred years, spiritual energy gradually transform magnificently, but this Penglai will go a step further, becomes cultivates sacred land. 他已将昆仑的仙鼎取出,相信数十上百年内,灵气会逐渐变盛,而这蓬莱则会更进一步,成为修炼圣土 Finally, Ye Fan rides to sit Dragon Horse to depart, Zhang Qingyang and Young Sparrow Dragon follow, Little Pine wipes tears while sees off, he entreated with see off, Ye Fan did not endure to reject. 最终,叶凡骑坐龙马离去,张清扬龙小雀相随,小松一边抹眼泪一边相送,他哀求跟来送别,叶凡不忍拒绝。 The group leave Penglai, Ye Fan rushes to the Fangzhang celestial mountain directly, meets Old Daoist Priest to consult earnestly, previously two people had seen excessively several times. 一行人离开蓬莱,叶凡径直赶往方丈仙山,相见一位老道士认真请教,早先两人就已见过数次了。 Ye Fan according to some historical records records, infers to have Ancient Road to exist, but Fangzhang celestial mountain Old Daoist Priest confirmed some time ago his suspicion, the ancient truly was descendant kept one. 叶凡依据一些史籍记载,推断出应有一条古路存在,而方丈仙山这位老道士不久前证实了他的猜想,古人确实为后人留了一条。 „Can Fellow Daoist really enter the Starry Sky deep place? Just like my previous time said like that road is very difficult to walk, many dangers and difficulties.” Old Daoist flesh snow white clear, sends silk like the snow, the facial expression is very good. 道友真的要进入星空深处?正如我上次所说那般,那条路很难走,有不少艰难险阻。”老道人肌肤雪白晶莹,发丝根根如雪,气色很好。 Ye Fan does not dare to neglect, this is a Dao Severing King in Penglai, is that Central Plain Old Daoist Priest in Pope mouth, once drove back Vatican all mighty people in more than 100 years ago. 叶凡不敢怠慢,这是蓬莱的一位斩道王者,亦是教皇口中的那个中土老道士,曾在一百多年前逼退梵蒂冈诸雄 Ye Fan consults to him in detail in all sorts of situations on that road probably encountering. 叶凡向他详细请教在那条路上可能遇到的种种情况。 this Old Man knows limitedly, the judgment that in Dao Book that also keeps from the predecessor with you generally makes, an opportunity has been confirmed occasionally, really has a road.” 老朽所知有限,也与你一般从前人所留的道书中做出的判断,偶尔一次机会得到证实,确有一条路。” In the future, please also ask the senior to look after Penglai much.” Ye Fan cups one hand in the other across the chest. “日后,请还请前辈多多照料蓬莱。”叶凡拱手。 Fellow Daoist was polite, all Dao Lineage stability is the great good fortune. In recent years, Penglai Heavenly Venerate practices the Ancient heavenly book person fan, even wants to emit Demonic Embryo, I want to prevent, to have a mind to be incapable, thanks to Fellow Daoist.” Old Daoist recited Daoist Name. 道友客气了,各方道统稳定才是大幸。这些年来,蓬莱天尊上古天书人迷,甚至想放出魔胎,我想去阻止,有心无力,多亏道友了。”老道人口诵道号 Ye Fan once gave him past King Medicine, this is a huge ritual, once to break through the attainment to present as a gift, such sits in Haiwai, actually to protect the Central Plain old person to be worth in the sincerity to inviting 叶凡昔日曾送给他一株药王,这是一番天大的礼,又曾以破关心得相赠,这样一个坐于海外、却在真心守护中土的老人值得如此对请 Ye Fan goes far away, only brought Little Pine to return to the B city, saw the Xu Qiong whole family, asking them to have food, bestowed some small front. 叶凡远去,仅带着小松回到了B市,见到了许琼一家人,请他们吃了一顿饭,又赠送了一些小锋物。 Xu Ye this insane girl saw that Little Pine makes threatening gestures immediately, wishes one could to hug every time in the bosom, serious of affection, Little Pine wishes one could to make a getaway immediately. 许晔这个疯丫头见到小松立时张牙舞爪,恨不得每时每刻都抱在怀中,喜爱的不得了,小松恨不得立刻逃之夭夭。 Later looks after them.” Ye Fan to Little Pine sound transmission. “以后照看一下他们。”叶凡小松传音 The purple tiny tot big eyes were also red, earnest nod, passive anti- da discussed is hugged to run by Xu Ye. 紫色的小不点大眼睛又红了,认真的点了点头,被动抗龘议着被许晔抱跑了。 The Yang Xiao alcohol capacity is not high, when are not many lay on the table. 杨晓酒量不高,不多时就趴在了桌子上。 „Do you...... want to walk?” Xu Qiong flutters to ask, she has a premonition, this was they meet mostly for the last time. “你……是不是要走了?”许琼颤声问道,她有一种预感,这多半是他们最后一次相见了。 Yes.” Ye Fan nods. “是的。”叶凡点头。 No longer came back?” Xu Qiong surprised opened the beautiful eye. “不再回来了吗?”许琼吃惊的睁大了美目。 I do not know.” Ye Fan said. “我不知道。”叶凡说道。 Finally, Ye Fan sets out, finally looked at her one eyes, goes far away, waving of silently. 最终,叶凡起身,最后看了她一眼,就此远去,默默的挥了挥手。 Leaf wind......” Xu Qiong shouted in behind, cannot bear sob, she knows that this one left, then could not see forever. “叶风……”许琼在后面喊道,忍不住哽咽了,她知道就此一别,便永远见不到了。 Misses, does not have the choice of means that this/Ben thinks that can also be friend for a lifetime, has not actually thought, finally must isolate in the Starry Sky two sides. 错过,是没有办法的选择,本以为还可以做一辈子的朋友,却没有想到,最终还是要隔绝在星空的两边。 Ye Fan vanishes, Little Pine also pursued. 叶凡消失,小松亦追了下去。 All the way, the masters and disciples are very peaceful, really must depart, many things are very helpless, this piece of Heaven and Earth lives him to raise him, has too many does not abandon. 一路上,师徒都很安静,真要离去,很多事都很无奈,这片天地生他养他,有着太多的不舍。 Master, Xu Ye saw me to display divine ability.” The purple tiny tot said low voice. Mother, who the little uncle is, I have wanted to ask you, in that twenty years ago the uncle with the photo album to be how exactly the same, has not aged....... Little Pine...... it flew away a moment ago!” “师傅,许晔看到我施展神通了。”紫色的小不点小声说道。“妈,小叔叔到底是什么人,我早就想问你了,怎么与相册中那个二十几年前的叔叔一模一样,没有变老。还有刚才……小松……它飞走了!” Xu Qiong sees the daughter, saw the young girl Era immature appearance vaguely, many recollections float the heart, that warm, unforgettable, bitter and astringent...... restrains diligently, has not made the tears tumble, said: That Little Squirrel will also appear, later you are better to it, could...... take a special road.” 许琼看着女儿,依稀见到了自己少女时代稚嫩的样子,许多回忆浮上心头,那温馨的、难忘的、苦涩的……努力克制,没有让泪水滚落,道:“那个小松鼠还会出现的,以后你对它好一些,也许能……走上一条特别的路。” I was very good to it!” The Xu Ye big eye was sparking, discovered many questionable points, pursued keeps asking. “我本来就对它很好!”许晔大眼睛闪亮,发现了很多疑点,追问个不停。 Ye Fan delayed for a month, finished mortal world all things, the whether it is relatives and friends old friend or schoolmate's parents and others, he has not met, but silently did something for them. 叶凡耽搁了一个月有余,了却红尘诸事,无论是亲朋故友还是同学的父母等,他都没有相见,只是默默的为他们做了一些事。 He does not want to break the peace of these people, does not need to make their life paths have the mighty waves, steps cultivates to travel, hundred annual meetings in a hurry, if insists on meeting, the disciple keeps moved. 他不想打破这些人的宁静,没有必要让他们的生活轨迹发生波澜,踏上修行路,百年会匆匆而过,若是执意相见,徒留一段段伤感。 Ye Fan filmed many pictures in secret, wants to look to some old friends of Starry Sky another end, has the kinship, has missing, has low-spirited. 叶凡暗中将许多画面拍摄了下来,想给星空另一端的一些故人看,有亲情,有思念,更有黯然。 Ye Fan puts down one handful of pure white flowers before own parental grave, the tears cannot bear fall, the cultivation that he goes all out, came back finally, but cannot meet finally. 叶凡在自己的父母坟前放下一捧洁白的花,泪水忍不住滑落,他拼命的修炼,终于回来了,可是终是未能相见。 Master, later I will often give the flower.” Little Pine is red the eye to say. “师傅,以后我会常来送花的。”小松红着眼睛说道。 When they leave, one group of children run, in a big way delivered one to hold the pure white flower in front of the grave. 在他们离开时,一群孩童跑来,也在墓前送上了一大捧洁白的花。 Grandfather, Paternal grandmother, thank you donates the orphan prosperously......” these children to sue lowly. “爷爷,奶奶,谢谢你们捐助孤儿隆……”那些孩子在低诉。 Ye Fan looked at last, bringing Little Pine to go far away. 叶凡看了最后一眼,带着小松远去。 On a nameless short mountain, Dragon Horse, Zhang Qingyang and Young Sparrow Dragon waited many days, they have handled the respective matter, in addition were many a person, that was Divine Knight of Vatican. 在一处无名的矮山上,龙马张清扬龙小雀等候很多天了,他们早已处理好各自的事,此外还多了一个人,那就是梵蒂冈的神骑士 At the present, I have the incident a little small regret, once manifest in the second war that mysterious big monster, cannot see.” “而今,我还有一事有点小遗憾,曾在二战中显化过的那位神秘大妖,至今未能一见。” Ye Fan asked Divine Knight, whether he knew the details, finally was informed, although has heard, but absolutely did not have the opportunity to see. 叶凡神骑士,他是否知晓详情,结果被告知虽然听闻过,但根本就没有机会一见。 Ye Fan looked at this piece of Heaven and Earth, looked at the model of cell phone in hand, all these became him remote. 叶凡看了一眼这片天地,又看了看手中的这款手机,这一切于他来说又将变得遥远了。 Suddenly, the cell phone ring tone resounds, Guru of India told Ye Fan, discovered a mysterious bodhisattva, actually had in Hidden Depository the most mystical Knowledge Depository phenomenon, may read aloud complete ancient incantation, could mount Spiritual Mountain. 忽然,手机铃声响起,印度的上师告诉叶凡,发现了一位神秘的佛子,竟然发生了伏藏中最为神秘的识藏现象,可诵出无缺的古老咒语,也许能登上灵山 The classics when Hidden Depository is the religion receives disaster hides, to unearth in the future, is divided into Book Depository, Relic Depository and Knowledge Depository. 伏藏是宗教受到劫难时藏匿起来、日后重新挖掘出来的经典,分为书藏圣物藏识藏 Most mysterious when is Knowledge Depository, when it is said some type of classics or incantation when coming across the disaster is unable to spread, is given to hide by Deity in somebody's consciousness deep place, in order to avoid being lost. 最为神奇的就当属识藏,据说当某种经典或咒文在遇到灾难无法流传下去时,就由神灵授藏在某人的意识深处,以免失传。 Under some external condition stimulation, was given to hide the scripture person, some are the herdsmen who are not literate, then can read aloud or takes down mysterious scripture. 在一些外在条件刺激下,被授藏经文的人,有些是根本不识字的牧民,便能诵出或录下神秘经文 Ye Fan arrived at the Tibetan region, saw several Guru, saw a six -year-old child. This child eyes are very bright, in childhood once had a big sickness, had the Knowledge Depository phenomenon, can read aloud the Buddhism ancient book that many are lost. 叶凡来到了藏区,见到了几位上师,更是见到了一个六岁的孩童。这个孩子眼睛很亮,幼时曾生了一场大病,发生了识藏现象,能诵出诸多失传的佛门典籍。 Ye Fan was seeing this child dumbfounded instantly all of a sudden, both of his hands paddles, the deduction, dozens years later the appearances this child gave manifest slowly. 叶凡在见到这个孩童的刹那一下子呆住了,他双手划动,缓缓推演,将这个孩童几十年后的容貌给显化了出来。 Starry Sky another shore Ancient Buddhist!” 星空另一岸的古佛!” Next life, the letter/believes has, will not believe does not have, years may wrinkle, world will present two same flowers finally, a lot of years of review , a flower will be on the wane, a flower will split. 来世,信则有,不信则无,岁月悠悠,世间终会出现两朵相同的花,千百年的回眸,一花凋零,一花绽。 Whether for same, no matter what descendant judges. 是否为同一朵,任后人去评断。 The Ye Fan look is extremely serious, will have next life? Whether should keep one to enter the soul profoundly, gives the samsara, he wants to make known in this moment. 叶凡神色极其严肃,是否有来生?是否该留一份深刻进灵魂,付予轮回,他想在这一刻揭晓.
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