STH :: Volume #11

#1020: This heart has entered Starry Sky definitely

„......” “啊……” Black tiny being of fist was sewn on the lance point, yelled sad and shrill, this is pure Primordial Spirit, once were created the consequence to be inconceivable, a person god, once extinguished, will be will vanish from this world thoroughly. 拳头的黑色小人被钉在枪尖上,凄厉大叫,这是纯粹的元神,一旦遭创后果不堪设想,一个人的“神”一旦灭了,也就是将从这个世上彻底消失了。 Penglai Heavenly Venerate does not think the god to extinguish, struggles vigorously, this is his mark, if vanishes from the world thoroughly, that was the eternal turns into air. black light is flaming, he turns into round black Sun, projects tens of thousands of wisp of black arrows, simultaneously Treasured Wheel appears, revolves after his brain. 蓬莱天尊不想神灭,极力挣扎,这是他的印记,若是从人间彻底消失,那便是万古成空了。乌光炽盛,他化成一轮黑色的太阳,射出成千上万缕黑箭,同时一个宝轮出现,在其脑后旋转。 At the same time, in the Penglai island a long creek of Dao Spirit Saint, passed through day just like the rainbow, is attacking fast! ” Ye Fan is angry. 同一时间,蓬莱岛上一道神圣的长河涌来,宛如长虹贯日,快速冲击着点!”叶凡大怒。 Dragon Horse was too savage, gallops, is almost one hoof one steps on collapses more than ten mountain peaks, this is Pure Land, as Celestial Court future root base. 龙马太凶残了,一路奔腾,几乎是一蹄子一个踩塌十几座山峰,这可是净土,将作为来天庭未来的根基地。 Finally, this piece of treasured land peaceful, this/should Sect Leader wait/etc. suffered extreme penalty more than hundred people, other teach the numerous trembling with fear, in constant anxiety, is attacked and occupied among immortal sect that the Ancient years handed down from generation to generation, was simply ordinary like the myth! 最终,这片宝地安静了下来,该教首脑等伏诛百余人,其他教众战战兢兢,惶惶不可终日,一个自上古年间传下来的仙教就这么被攻占了,简直如同神话一般! Starting from this day, Ye Fan ordered to close off a mountain area, he sat cross-legged on Penglai main peak, started to chant sutras, gathered all immortal sect disciple disciples in the entrance. 自这一日开始,叶凡下令封山,他盘坐蓬莱主峰上,开始诵经,将所有仙教弟子门徒都聚在山门内。 Pickaxe left Shi. The woman mud ghost spirits. sad Zhaojun boundary. Until south chan Kui. Static foreign damages up. The beginnings of the universe think the reason......” “镐正左适。婆泥煞灵。悲昭均疆。洎南磛魁。静夷损光。混元觉缘……” Ye Fan whole body brilliant lights and vibrant colors, body, if the god body, recited «Scripture of Salvation», Lotus Flower bloomed from his mouth, turned into scripture brand mark Void, had a mysterious strength, purified the soul of everyone. 叶凡浑身流光溢彩,体若神躯,口诵《度人经》,一朵朵莲花自他口中绽放而出,化成一篇篇经文烙印虚空中,拥有一种神秘的力量,净化每一个人的灵魂。 He does not want to conquer by killing Penglai, cannot get down this hand, but does not want to leave behind the big trouble for disciple and the others, he will sooner or later fire into Starry Sky, leaves behind so many Penglai to teach the numerous, who the abatement he can living of town/subdues? 他不想血洗蓬莱,下不去这个手,但也不想为弟子等人留下大患,他早晚有一天会冲向星空,留下这么多蓬莱教众,除却他谁能镇的住? The safest means are completely convert, making them Celestial Court's one, not only did not have the hidden danger, instead were many a super powerful strength! 最稳妥的办法就是全部度化,让他们成为天庭的一员,不仅没有了隐患,反而多了一股超级强大的力量! Penglai main peak Immortal Qi fills the air, light rosy cloud ten thousand, Ye Fan sits cross-legged brightly there whole body such as seven color god glass, various laws all leave, before the body, is imperial palace Great Dao, side is Immortal King Overlooking Nine Heavens, Beautiful River Mountain and other scenes, Primal Chaos is turbulent, nourishes azure lotus. 蓬莱主峰仙气弥漫,光霞万道,叶凡盘坐在那里浑身明净如七彩神璃,各种法相皆出,身前是金阙大道,旁边是仙王临九天锦绣河山等景象,身后混沌汹涌,滋养一株青莲 each and every one rune departs from his mouth, blooms immortal magnificent light, one teaches the numerous to cover dry/does completely , he preached for safety's sake fully 49 days. 一个个符文自他口中飞出,绽放不朽的光华,将一干教众全部笼罩,他为了保险起见,整整讲经四十九日。 During this period, auspicious color ten thousand, hang the day , the ground gushes out fresh-tasting spring water, various rarely seen bloom, the fragrant thoroughwort everywhere, hundred birds come to towards, various auspicious beautiful scenery all leave. 在这期间,瑞彩万道,垂天而下,地上更是涌出一道道甘泉,各种奇葩绽放,兰草遍地,百鸟来朝,各种祥和胜景皆出。 Said, the devout follower heart is bright. Said two, goes to sorrow informer acute hearing. Said three, the people bowing the head state of mind is clear. Said four, the unmentionable diseasea completely goes to skeleton to be light. Said five, the tooth falls the rebirth. 说一遍经,虔诚信徒心明。说两遍经,去忧耳目聪。说三遍经,众人俯首心境清。说四遍经,暗疾尽去胎骨轻。说五遍经,齿落更生。 Ye Fan Dao Severing, has said was the law, various divine ability different functions sent out through scripture, the wondrous use was infinite, four ten Nine days later all hidden dangers vanished. 叶凡早已斩道,所言即法,各种神通异能通过经文发出,妙用无穷,四十九日后一切隐患都消失了。 Celestial Court got up the stock rail, had world wonderful earth, thinks that does not grow strong unable, beyond this earth deities moral character rich. 天庭就此上了正轨,有了一处人间妙土,想不发展壮大起来都不能,此地灵气格外浓郁。 Ye Fan has not departed, entire keeping watch one year ; first, to explore the sea place under of Demon Saint seal, two chase down several evading arrest big fish of Penglai. 叶凡没有就此离去,又整整坐镇一年有余,一是探索海下的魔圣封印之地,二追杀蓬莱的几条漏网大鱼。 On the same day, should not teach all disciple on the island, several important personages went out, therefore escapes. 当日,并非该教所有弟子都在岛上,有几位重要人物外出,因此逃过了一劫。 Since Ye Fan take action, naturally must shovel immortal sect that the plain comes thoroughly, the blood and iron is brutal, during this period acts with Dragon Horse separately, on under the poor blue sky Yellow Springs several of Penglai Heavenly Venerate favored the grandsons to kill. 叶凡既然出手了,自然要彻底铲平原来的仙教,铁血无情,在此期间与龙马分头行动,上穷碧落下黄泉将蓬莱天尊的几位宠孙都击毙了。 This matter shocked trim cultivation world, Penglai exchanged ownerships, original Dao Lineage was extinguished, name change was Celestial Court, Ye Fan was vigorous and resolute, the blood and iron attacked, making many people anxious. 这件事震撼了整片修道界,蓬莱易主,原来的道统被灭,改名为天庭,叶凡雷厉风行,铁血出击,让很多人不安。 Especially Fangzhang and Yingzhou in overseas three immortal island are the will of the people are disturbed, dispatching expert to see right in front of one Ye Fan, searches its thoughts, this should do not make uniform Ancient Star? 尤其是海外三仙岛中的方丈与瀛洲更是人心忐忑,派遣高手面见叶凡,探其心思,这位该不会是要一统整颗古星吧? Finally, Ye Fan released very gentle news, told all pussyfooters clearly, if they don't provoke me, then I won't provoke them, this take action only to protect oneself. 最终,叶凡释放出了很平和的讯息,明确告诉所有观望者,人不犯我我不犯人,这次出手只为自保。 Ye Fan in the Penglai keeping watch three years, the seabed demon Daoist temple a care, believes firmly that this Demonic Embryo oil lamp is completely dry, cannot be long-time, he in addition held several heavy seals finally. 叶凡在蓬莱坐镇三年,将海底魔宫观了个仔细,确信这个魔胎油尽灯枯,不能长久了,他最终加持了几重封印。 In these three years, he went all over the overseas, goes to Fangzhang, to have been to Yingzhou, but still had not actually found the means of departing, not Starry Sky Coordinate. 在这三年里,他走遍了海外,去过方丈、到过瀛洲,可是却依然没有找到离去的办法,并无星空坐标。 Could obtain some information from seabed Demon Saint there, but bargained back and forth with the demon is too dangerous, he does not want to play with fire ***, how regardless of cannot put it. 也许能从海底魔圣那里得到一些信息,但是与魔讨价还价太危险,他不想玩火***,无论如何也不能将其放出来。 Perhaps wanted to leave is only left over that road.” Ye Fan talked to oneself, he has returned to Starry Sky this to carry for 13 years, was the time leaves. “想要离开也许只剩下那条路了。”叶凡自语,他已经回到星空这一端十三年了,是时候离开了。 On this day, he called all disciple, bestowed the rare treasure, handed down Divine Light Escape, Human King Seal, Heaven Overturning Seal and other Secret Technique, told them the reason already completely, is going to step Starry Sky. 在这一日,他将所有弟子都召来,赐下秘宝,传下神光遁人王印翻天印等各种秘术,告诉他们缘已尽,将要就此踏上星空 Master, leading us to walk together!” Several disciple all have a big shock, never expected that on this day so sudden. “师傅,带我们一起走吧!”几位弟子全都大惊失色,没有想到这一天来的如此突然。 I want to take away you together, but has the Penglai celestial mountain at the present, you do not need to enter Starry Sky, Heaven and Earth difference of this place among with Ancient years is not big, is very suitable to practice. But another piece of Star Domain was dangerous, filled great war, even if can only staggers the line in the blood and bone for the masters, even the slightest misstep will be beyond redemption. That side is a big world, various Kings rises together simultaneously, the Myriad Clans coexistence, on the Great Emperor road the multi- skeletons, in addition Immortal Gate will open, filled the variable and crisis.” “我原本是想将你们一起带走的,可是而今有了蓬莱仙山,你们无需进入星空了,此地与上古年间的天地区别不大,很适合修行。而另一片星域过于危险,充满了大战,即便是为师都只能在血与骨中踉跄而行,稍有不慎就会万劫不复。那边是一个大世,诸王并起,万族共存,大帝路上多尸骨,再加上仙门将开启,充满了变数与危机。” Several disciple know, Ye Fan must take an emperor road, may face the fearful environment of the world -wide all enemy, in the future whether there is side bloody battle. 几位弟子都知晓,叶凡要走出一条帝路,可能会面临举世皆敌的可怕环境,未来将有无边的血战。 Master I wants to travel together with you!” Young Sparrow Dragon usually the words are not many, but is very firm at this time, is not willing to give up. “师傅我想与你同行!”龙小雀平日话语不多,但此时却无比坚决,不肯放弃。 Moreover makes widely known also be please determined to enter Starry Sky, is willing to proselytize to Starry Sky another end, regardless of being dangerous, is willing to step this road. 另外张扬请也执意要进星空,愿到星空另一端去传道,无论多么危险,都愿踏上这条路。 Finally, Ye Fan considers over and over, complies to carry off Young Sparrow Dragon and Zhang Qingyang. 最终,叶凡考虑再三,答应带走龙小雀张清扬 Little Pine cried aloud, grasps firmly a Ye Fan's corner/horn clothing saying that anything is not willing to loosen, the sob entreated, must go to him to start off together. 小松哇哇大哭,攥住叶凡的一角衣衫说什么也不肯松开,哭泣哀求,要去他一起上路。 „On the day of will have to meet, so long as you can become Saint to stretch across Star Domain, goes among that seven Ancient Star to look for me.” Ye Fan smile, with pointing at Seven Stars of the Big Dipper that refers to the space. “会有相见那一日的,只要你能成为圣人就可以横跨星域,去那七颗古星间找我。”叶凡微笑,用手指了指天上的北斗七星
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