STH :: Volume #11

#1019: Cuts Dao Venerable

Haha......” the Heavenly Venerate big laughter is very callous, is hanging loose the black thick long hair, look strange monster is incomparable, going far away that does not return. “哈哈……”天尊的大笑声很冷酷,披散着黑色的浓密长发,眼神妖异无比,头也不回的远去。 In his opinion, idle, anxiously departure , without brought Ye Fan's several disciple to be in the sea taking a stroll, unhurriedly. 在他看来,闲,并没有急着离去,带着叶凡的几名弟子正在大海中“溜达”,不慌不忙。 His clear roar, the trim sea area flows in backward Nine Layers of Heaven immediately, the boundless piece, boiling, had the tsunami all of a sudden, great waves with exploding generally, the scene is scary. 他一声清啸,整片海域顿时倒灌九重天,茫茫一片,一下子沸腾了,发生了海啸,浪涛跟爆炸了一般,景象吓人。 Dragon Horse divine sense is how powerful, has induced the danger to arrive immediately, long hiss, dragon's cry cuts the expansive sky, the flame is all over the body steaming, curled up Elegant Little Fish and the others completely, flushed. 龙马神念何其强大,早已在第一时间感应到了危险降临,一声长嘶,龙鸣划破长空,通体火光腾腾,将彦小鱼等人全部卷起,冲了出去。 Bang “轰” A Penglai Heavenly Venerate black big hand racket falls, pressed a smashing the vault of heaven, under *** all of a sudden evaporation, several kilometers rivers and lakes turn into Void, burnt a cleanness, reveals the seabed, it can be imagined might how certainly. 蓬莱天尊的一只黑色的大手拍落,将天穹压了个粉碎,下方的***一下子被蒸干了,数千米的水泽化成虚空,烧了个干净,露出海底,可想而知威力多么强绝。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” The surrounding sea water packing comes, rice waving in the wind, buried the oceanic trench fast, making here the flooded land. 周围的海水填充而来,碧波万顷,快速埋葬了海沟,让这里重新成为泽国。 Dragon Horse stands is in the sea level of distant place, in the nose spurts the white smoke outward, obviously was mad unbearable. Huang Tiannu, Zhan Yifan and the others complexion snow white, did King of Great Accomplishment strike on the terrifying to this grade of Realm at will, who in the world can the enemy? 龙马立身在远处的海面上,鼻子中向外喷白烟,显然气了个够呛。凰天女詹一凡等人脸色雪白,大成王者随意一击就恐怖到了这等境界,世上谁人能敌? Conceivable, if Penglai Heavenly Venerate goes all-out, the trim sea can evaporation, the dry seas and crumbling rocks meet to become true! 可以想象,蓬莱天尊若是尽全力的话,整片大海都能给蒸干,海枯石烂会成真! What moves mountains is the small technique, compared with this person, insufficiently looks at present, even if King of Great Accomplishment in legend in the Ancient period is side revering. 什么移山倒海都是小术,与眼前这个人相比,都不够看,传说中的大成王者纵然是在上古时期都是一方尊者。 Heavenly Venerate are you what intent?” Zhang Qingyang asked that for these years he was even more calm, passing on the dao in the process that also to receive the baptism in each region, really had the Heavenly Master style. 天尊你这是何意?”张清扬问道,这么多年来他越发沉稳了,在各地传道的过程中自身也受到了洗礼,真有天师风范了。 Under this position, he knows is not very wonderful, King of Great Accomplishment can sweep away this Ancient Star fully, at this time to stand firm this person, the protracted time, waits for Ye Fan to return as far as possible. 在这种境地下,他知知很不妙,一个大成王者足可以横扫这颗古星,此时只是为了稳住此人,尽量拖延时间,等待叶凡归来。 On Penglai Heavenly Venerate face was full of the indifferent color, is entirely different from the previous enthusiasm, having one to despise, said: Depends on your several juniors, dares to interrogate me, the god came unable to save you!” 蓬莱天尊脸上充满了冷漠之色,与此前的热情截然不同,带着一丝蔑视,道:“就凭你们几个小辈,也敢质问我,神来了都救不了你们!” Heavenly Venerate, by your grade of position, is respectful at first but arrogant later really disgraced, rather makes people think like tiny being.” The Zhang Qingyang look is light, said: Arrived this grade of Realm, you, if character, when with my master open and aboveboard war, resorting to this method is anything.” 天尊,以你这等地位来说,前恭后倨实在有失身份,未免让人觉得像小人。”张清扬神色平淡,道:“到了这等境界,你若是个人物,当与我师堂堂正正一战,耍这种手段算什么。” This King removes an archenemy neatly, this is one type cuts the rival section, disdained in said with your juniors.” Penglai Heavenly Venerate brings remnant cold smiling, disregards Zhang Qingyang, at this moment in his eye was only left over Dragon Horse, only has this auspicious beast to be worth take action. 本座不费吹灰之力就除掉一个大敌,这是一种斩敌手段,不屑于与你们这些小辈多说。”蓬莱天尊带着残冷的笑,无视张清扬,此刻他眼中只剩下了龙马,唯有这头瑞兽值得出手 Your this traitor, can have anything besides the method of this type of being probable not exposed to light, although comes, a This King hoof makes you open beaten, making you know that what is bright.” Dragon Horse casts a sidelong glance slantingly he, in the heart is uncomfortable. “你这奸贼,除了这种见不得光的手段还能有什么,尽管过来,本座一蹄子让你满脸花开,让你知道什么叫灿烂。”龙马斜睨他,心中非常不爽。 Penglai Heavenly Venerate cold snort/hum, how could his grade of status has met such hot tempered, this auspicious beast and imagination complete different, the elegant demeanor of no Ancient Saint Sovereign mount. 蓬莱天尊冷哼,他这等身份何曾遇到过这样的“二杆子”,这头瑞兽与想象的完全不一样,没有一点上古圣皇坐骑的风采。 Four directions Killing Formation is shocking, the people in Penglai obtained the news, sees Heavenly Venerate take action, almost evaporation the sea water, Sect Master gets the army to kill, the flags show/unfolds moves, the cavalry overspreads the sea level, dense big piece. 四野杀阵震天,蓬莱的人得到了消息,见到天尊出手,将海水差点蒸干,教主领大军杀来,旌旗展动,铁骑铺满海面,黑压压一大片。 I thought where you this time toward walk!” In the crowd the Young Heavenly Venerate lung was about to explode with rage, on the forehead blue veins jumps, in the eye the anger combustion, is staring at Zhang Qingyang and Huang Tiannu et al . “我看你们这次往哪里走!”人群中小天尊肺都快气炸了,脑门上青筋暴跳,眼中怒火燃烧,盯着张清扬凰天女等人。 Do not let off, kills a cleanness!” Penglai Sect Master ordered, the army surrounded, interrupts their ways, surrounded Ye Fan's several disciple. “一个也不要放过,杀个干净!”蓬莱教主下令,大军围拢,截断他们的去路,将叶凡的几位弟子困住。 The Dragon Horse whole body pure gold scale twinkle, the flame steaming beat, it turned into a flame to clash, the horse trod the expansive sky, the place visited sea dry day crack, took Heavenly Venerate to go. 龙马浑身赤金鳞片闪烁,火焰腾腾跳动,它化成一道火光冲了过来,马踏长空,所过之处海枯天裂,直取天尊而去。 Bang “砰” Penglai Heavenly Venerate pinches an seal, the demon light departs together, Heaven and Earth order Law blots out the sky, kept off Dragon Horse, lets its body severe tremor. 蓬莱天尊手捏道印,一道魔光飞出,天地秩序法则铺天盖地,将龙马挡了出去,让其身体剧震 This King pities you for Dragon Horse, is the Between Heaven and Earth rare auspicious beast, is not willing to strangle, you may be willing to follow me, changes into my mount?” Penglai Heavenly Venerate pupil strange monster, the black hair moves with the wind, stands is in the sea level tranquil saying. 本座惜你为龙马,为天地间难得一见的瑞兽,不愿扼杀,你可愿追随我,化为我的坐骑?”蓬莱天尊眸子妖异,黑发随风而动,立身在海面上平静的说道。 This/Ben dragon steps on your brazen person with a pockmarked face, does not look in a mirror, you give me in reverse, when the mount does not want!” In the Dragon Horse nose spits the white clouds. “本龙踩你个一脸大麻子,也不去照照镜子,你倒过来给我当坐骑都不要!”龙马鼻中吐白气。 Not far away, the Young Sparrow Dragon cold Bangbang opens the mouth, said: Only has Ancient Saint Sovereign to take Dragon Horse as the mount, depends on you also to presumptuously think to ride to sit Dragon Horse, did not fear that was struck by lightning?” 不远处,龙小雀冷梆梆的开口,道:“唯有上古圣皇才能以龙马为坐骑,就凭你也妄想骑坐龙马,不怕被雷劈吗?” The Penglai people get angry, many *** the sound berated, did not allow him to blaspheme Heavenly Venerate, was pointed out that even Ye Fan can have Dragon Horse, why Heavenly Venerate cannot? 蓬莱众人都怒,许多***声喝斥,不允许他亵渎天尊,更是指出连叶凡都可拥有龙马,天尊为何不能? My master was struck by lightning frequently, living that withstands completely, your Heavenly Venerate?” Huang Tiannu that also owes can also have the happy expression at this kind of time. “我师父经常遭雷劈,完全承受的住,你们天尊行吗?”也亏的凰天女在这种时候还能带着笑意。 Several other disciple are all speechless, particularly Little Pine was flexure scratches the head, because own master has truly said that since starting to practice, was struck by lightning. 其他几位弟子皆无言,尤其是小松更是挠了挠头,因为自己的师傅确实说过,自开始修行后,是一路被雷劈过来的。 Any Celestial Court, removes to me starting today, always does not save!” Penglai Sect Master ordered, must kill everyone in this. “什么天庭,自今日起给我除名,永世不存!”蓬莱教主下令,要在此杀了所有人。 Young Heavenly Master is sneers again and again, said: Any Heavenly Emperor, becomes the devil now, on the same day I burnt his idol, at the present my ancestor plays a trick him refining up the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group fertilizer of mixed human excreta and plant ash earth, anything was not!” 小天师更是冷笑连连,道:“什么天帝,现在成了死鬼,当日我烧他神像,而今我祖设局将他炼成飞灰粪土,什么都不是!” Promising Fish and the others all get angry, at this time does not have the means that only one fought, but they do not believe that Ye Fan died, believes that in the world no one may injure him. 有为鱼等人皆怒,此时没有办法,唯有一战了,不过他们不相信叶凡死了,坚信世上无人可伤他。 I asked again, you may be willing to take my mount, only had so may forgive your life.” Penglai Heavenly Venerate asked. “我再问一遍,你可愿作为我的坐骑,唯有如此可饶你一命。”蓬莱天尊问道。 The Dragon Horse person stands, by a pair of face shape big hoof response, the racket to his top of the skull, launched great war directly. 龙马人立而起,直接以一对脸盘大的蹄子回应,拍向他的天灵盖,展开了大战 You, although is inborn Variation, the bloodlines excel by far in the land, but compared with This King such King of Great Accomplishment, insufficiently looks eventually.” Penglai Heavenly Venerate magical power like the sea, is the potential oppresses others completely, grasps Five Colors Holy Tree, sweeps forward. “你虽然是天生异种,血脉冠绝大地上,但是与本座这样的大成王者相比,终究还不够看。”蓬莱天尊法力如海,完全是势压人,手持一株五色圣树,向前扫来。 Dragon Horse long hiss, Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron appears in the head, lets fall the next ten thousand silk ribbons, protects it, at the same time the opens the mouth spits, a beam of black light projects, precisely that black arrow, blocked Five Colors Holy Tree. 龙马长嘶,万物母气鼎出现在头上,垂落下万道丝绦,将它护住,同一时间张口一吐,一道乌光射出,正是那支黑箭,挡住了五色圣树 Dragon Horse is is almost invincible in the same step, may face after all is King of Great Accomplishment, stood erect quickly in peak, fought with this grade of character extremely difficultly. 龙马在同阶中是几乎是无敌的,可面对的毕竟是一个大成王者,快屹立在绝巅了,与这等人物交手太过艰难。 Evil livestock, at death's door has not submitted, looked how the main body receives you!” Penglai Heavenly Venerate magical power like sea, all over the body black light radiate all around, he such as Demonic Embryo, monarch overlooking the world, pupil light ice-cold, filled killing intent, is brutal and callous. “孽畜,死到临头还不臣服,看本尊如何收你!”蓬莱天尊法力如海,通体乌光四射,他如一个魔胎般,君临天下,眸光冰冷,充满了杀意,无情而冷酷。 The radical great war eruption, square sea area boiling, everyone has to back up, the war of King is most fearful, making everyone complexion snow white. 剧烈的大战爆发,四方海域沸腾,所有人都不得不倒退,王者之战最为可怕,让每一个人都脸色雪白。 Dragon Horse protects the body by Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, prevents Five Colors Holy Tree with the black arrow, however between both missed many small Realm, the disparity is huge, is it inborn different reported, trades to make other same level Dao Severing person, strikes the turn into ash fate in front of King of Great Accomplishment inevitably. 龙马万物母气鼎护体,以黑箭阻挡五色圣树,然而两者间差了多个小境界,差距巨大,也就是它天生异禀,换作其他同级斩道者,在大成王者面前必然是一击成灰的下场。 It face upwards the long and loud cry, was full of the anger, four hoof treads trod, trampled to bits the vault of heaven, the scene was scary, approached like world end of days generally. 它仰天长啸,充满了愤怒,四蹄蹬踏,跺碎了天穹,景象骇人,如同世界末日来临了一般。 Elegant Little Fish and the others were anxious, at this time the situation is grim, so long as Dragon Horse were surrendered, their certain death without doubt . 彦小鱼等人焦急,此时形势严峻,只要龙马被降服,他们都必死无疑、。 My master Ding will catch up, you also can only self-satisfied for a while.” Zhan Yifan said. “我师定会赶来,你们也只能得意一时。”詹一凡道。 He, is a deceased person, forever did not have the opportunity, the place of canonization of saints to become the grave, was only inferior there his stinking insect.” Penglai Heavenly Venerate indifferent saying, in the eye filled brutally with disdaining. “他,已经是一个死人,永远没有机会了,封圣之地将成为的坟冢,在那里他连只臭虫都不如。”蓬莱天尊冷漠的说道,眼中充满了残酷与不屑。 What?!” “什么?!” Zhang Qingyang and the others all dumbfounded. Living Saint even by the seal is still very fearful, in the world, Ancient Saint is just like existence of day of God Level now! 张清扬等人全都呆住了。一尊活着的圣人即便被封印了也是非常可怕的,在当今之世,上古圣人好比天神级的存在! He is a deceased person, I will not haggle over with him.” On Penglai Heavenly Venerate face has the taunt, does not care at all, resembles all in his grasping. “他已经是一个死人,我不会跟他计较了。”蓬莱天尊脸上带着嘲讽,毫不在意,似一切都在他的掌握中。 Suddenly, startled changes happened! When Dragon Horse and Heavenly Venerate short distance preying, in the myriad things Origin Qi cauldron Blood Qi is all dreadful, golden magnificent light submerged the trim sea area, grand appearance great silhouette runs out together, a fist bang kills to go forward. 突然,惊变发生!在龙马天尊近距离搏杀时,万物皆母气鼎中血气滔天,黄金光华淹没了整片海域,一道雄姿伟岸的身影冲出,一拳向前轰杀而去。 All these were too quick, arrives quickly inconceivable, exceeds the imagination of people, even if Penglai Heavenly Venerate cultivates Divine Light Escape still insufficiently to look, such near distance evades not to be possible to evade. 这一切太快了,快到不可思议,超出人们的想象,即便蓬莱天尊修有神光遁也不够看,这么近的距离避无可避。 Master!” Zhan Yifan, Elegant Little Fish and the others called out in alarm makes noise. “师傅!”詹一凡彦小鱼等人惊呼出声。 Ye Fan body like Flood Dragon, if all over the body the gold casts, fought the air/Qi enormous and powerful all sea, the foot steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art, In the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint with Penglai Heavenly Venerate to, close quarter combat! 叶凡身如蛟龙,通体如黄金铸成,战气浩荡四海,脚踩行字诀,电火石花间就跟蓬莱天尊对上了,近身搏杀 His black hair hangs loose, the pupil blooms cold lightning, just like Demonic God, coming up is the sure-kill, Six Paths Reincarnation Fist one, hits with two palms of Penglai Heavenly Venerate in the same place. 他黑发披散,眸子绽放冷电,跟一尊魔神一样,上来就是绝杀,六道轮回拳一出,与蓬莱天尊的两只手掌撞在一起。 divine force shakes all sea at the scene, this Between Heaven and Earth water vapor fills the air, the sea thorough was dry, and a pair of meat palm of Heavenly Venerate changes into bloody pulp immediately, the bone becomes the disintegrating slag. 当场神力震四海,这片天地间水汽弥漫,大海彻底干涸了,且天尊的一双肉掌立时化为血泥,骨头成碎渣。 Present age no one can with the Human Race's Saint Physique close combat! 当世没有人能与人族圣体近战! You......” Penglai Heavenly Venerate thorough was ignorant, he witnessed Ye Fan to enter danger zone, opened Ancient magic formation personally, rival certain death without doubt, how suddenly to appear at the present at present? “你……”蓬莱天尊彻底懵了,他亲眼目睹叶凡进了绝地,亲手开启了上古法阵,敌手必死无疑,而今怎么突然出现眼前了? Ye Fan is all over the body radiant, the body such as colored glaze divine gold, unusual brightness radiate all around, outstretches the arm, the show/unfolds moves the both legs, the black hair dances in the air, the pupil is fearful, with a war-god, is bravely irreversible! 叶凡通体璀璨,身如琉璃神金,宝光四射,伸开手臂,展动双腿,黑发飞舞,眸子慑人,跟一尊战神般,勇不可挡! Penglai Heavenly Venerate strength cannot block even again powerful, close quarter combat, King of Great Accomplishment also insufficiently looked, his an arm in this twinkling was pulled, fresh blood dripping, making him unable to bear stuffily, is extremely frigid. 蓬莱天尊即便实力再强大也挡不住,近身搏杀,大成王者也不够看,就在这一眨眼间他的一条臂膀就被扯了下来,鲜血淋淋,让他忍不住闷哼,太过惨烈。 What's all this about?” Penglai Immortal Sect everyone was scared, everyone dumbfounded, how outbreak this inversion? Make them unbelievable. “这是怎么回事?”蓬莱仙教所有人都傻眼了,每一个人都呆住了,怎么会突然发生这种逆变?让他们难以相信。 I knew.” Huang Tiannu suddenly realize, said: Master becomes aware the One Qi Becomes Three Purities wonderful technique in Southern Mountain finally, cultivated Dao Body, the one who entered Ancient magic formation was not True Body.” “我知道了。”凰天女恍然大悟,道:“师傅在终南山一气化三清妙术,修出了一个道身,进上古法阵的并非真身。” Several people thought through, finally understands why Ye Fan before entering the crystal palace gave Dragon Horse Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, should bring to go to protect oneself to be right, originally left with them together, has followed, not manifest that's all. 几人都想通了,终于明白为何叶凡在进水晶宫前将万物母气鼎交给龙马了,本应带进去护身才对,原来是跟他们一起离开了,一直相随,未曾显化而已 „......” “啊……” In the battlefield sends out a pitiful yell, the person courage that Penglai teaches wants to crack, all frightens scalp tingles, the whole body shivers. 战场中发出一声惨叫,蓬莱教的人肝胆欲裂,全都吓得头皮发麻,浑身颤抖。 The field center, the Ye Fan black hair is disorderly, the pupil light and knife are equally sharp, holds two legs of Penglai Heavenly Venerate, living standing chops at the scene, the flesh and blood was divided into two halves incarnadine, the blood the sea! 场中央,叶凡黑发凌乱,眸光跟刀子一样犀利,将蓬莱天尊的两条腿抓住,活生生的立劈在当场,血肉之躯分为两半,鲜血染红了大海! close quarter combat, who can resist with him? Matchless, Penglai Heavenly Venerate naturally must cherish hatred. 近身搏杀,谁能与他相抗?举世无敌,蓬莱天尊自然得饮恨。 „” “哧” Fist big black tiny being runs out from the forehead that Heavenly Venerate splits, turns into a beam of black light to escape to the horizon. 一个拳头大的黑色小人天尊裂开的眉心冲出,化成一道乌光逃向天际。 „Do you also want to walk?” The Ye Fan's sound is ice-cold, said: Today, Penglai Immortal Sect will remove, this place becoming my Celestial Court lineage/vein immortal foundation!” He abandoned that two pieces of bodies to pursue. “你还想走?”叶凡的声音冰冷无情,道:“今日,蓬莱仙教将除名,此地将成为我天庭一脉不朽的根基!”他扔下那两片身子追了下去。 Everyone trembles, the situation so reversed quick goes beyond their expectation, the Ye Fan close combat preyed on Heavenly Venerate, just like a Archaic deity, swept away all obstacles, in hand residual blood, making him seem like divine might to be cold. 所有人都颤栗,形势逆转如此之快超出了他们的预料,叶凡近战搏杀天尊,宛如一尊远古天神,所向披靡,手上残留的血,让他看起来神威凛凛。 The Penglai people are thoroughly scared, had a premonition that the important matter is not wonderful, even Heavenly Venerate fell such a fate, how can the enemy? The Young Heavenly Venerate complexion was at that time white, lingering fear must die. 蓬莱众人彻底胆寒,预感大事不妙,连天尊都落了个这样的下场,他们怎能敌?小天尊的脸色当时就白了,后怕的要死。 Ye Fan turns into a lightning, pursues that black Primordial Spirit tiny being, does not want to let off. 叶凡化成一道闪电,追击那个黑色的元神小人,不想放过。 I step on your lung!” Dragon Horse long rushes, steps on Heavenly Venerate is stood chops for two halves body, because it discovered that fleshly body must reorganize unexpectedly, combines. “我踩你个肺!”龙马长奔,踩踏天尊的被立劈为两半的躯体,因为它发现肉身竟要重组,合二为一。 “噗” Lamentable Penglai Heavenly Venerate, fleshly body just about to heals, by Dragon Horse face shape big hoof stepping on sea level, covered with blood, the bone breaks the muscle booklet, finally the compound fleshly body opportunity failed. 可叹蓬莱天尊,肉身刚要愈合,就被龙马脸盘大的蹄子给踩在了海面上,血肉模糊,骨断筋折,最后复合肉身的机会失败了。 Dragon Horse lives up to one's words, the Heavenly Venerate lung piece stepping on, entire will have fleshly body to turn into bloody pulp rottenly, buries into the fish endo-abdominal. 龙马说到做到,将天尊的肺片给踩烂了,将整具肉身化成了血泥,葬入鱼腹内。 King of Great Accomplishment discarded the most precious war body like this, dreadful magical power cannot display, at this time black tiny being anxiously anxiously like stray dog. 一个大成王者就这样丢掉了最珍贵的战体,一身滔天的法力都未能施展而出,此时黑色小人急急如丧家之犬 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Dragon Horse also follows encircles Penglai Heavenly Venerate, turns into a flame to rush over, that fist big black tiny being was full of the hatred with being unwilling, furiously resistance. 龙马也跟随围剿蓬莱天尊,化成一道火光冲了过去,那个拳头大的黑色小人充满了怨毒与不甘,奋力抵抗。 Ye Fan is not anxious, descends on the body of Dragon Horse, grasps black Dragon Spear that must come from Kunlun Mountains, the troops unite, turn into the flaming light to flush away forward, , he sewed that black tiny being on the lance point, a sad and shrill pitiful yell resounded through the expansive sky. 叶凡不急,降落在龙马的身上,手持自昆仑得来的黑色龙枪,人马合一,化成炽盛的光向前冲去,“噗”的一声,他将那个黑色的小人钉在了枪尖上,一声凄厉的惨叫响彻长空。 Before I enter Starry Sky, you hand over trim Penglai, many thanks presents, Celestial Court in this rise greatly!” The Ye Fan's words spread over the trim sea area. “在我进入星空前,你们将整片蓬莱拱手相让,多谢馈赠,天庭将在此大兴!”叶凡的话语传遍整片海域。 Invincible Under the Starry Sky! 星空下无敌 Ye Fan's several disciple excited incomparable, this is their first feeling. But Penglai people surface like dying embers. 叶凡的几位弟子都激动无比,这是他们的第一感受。而蓬莱众人则面如死灰。 The summon under Starry Sky, Ye Fan fleshly body is so firm, asks *** protects the body, protects the chrysanthemum, invited Dao Protector Great Emperor take action, asked *** support. 星空下的呼唤,叶凡肉身这么坚固,求***护体,护菊,请各位护道大帝出手啊啊啊,求***支持。
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