STH :: Volume #11

#1018: Heavenly Venerate

True Dragon and phoenix that song of the birds Great Dao and cry, the immortal splendor casts moves the heaven, auspicious light tens of thousands of wisps, on that Dao Altar a radiance, a Middle-Aged man was covered by divine halo, at this time long body. 大道和鸣,仙辉铸成的真龙与凰鸟鸣动苍天,瑞光成千上万缕,那座道台上一片璀璨,一个中年男子被神环笼罩,此时长身而起。 His black hair is thick, look clear, being far is martial-looking, the strange monster makings, such as Demonic Embryo is reincarnated, making one cannot help but awe. 他黑发浓密,眼神清亮,谈不上多么英武,有一种妖异的气质,如一个魔胎转世,让人不由自主的敬畏。 Honored guest is in front of the goal, has to lose welcomes.” “贵客临门,有失远迎。” Not as everyone expected, take action of Penglai, is on the contrary benign, one from that Five Colors Dao Altar step stepped, instantaneously to at present. 出乎所有人的预料,蓬莱的天尊并未出手,相反和颜悦色,从那五色道台上一步就迈了下来,瞬间到了眼前。 The Dragon Horse heart jumps, this is big magic spell, one step is dozens li (0.5 km), the average person cannot display absolutely, the strength of this Middle-Aged man makes one dread. 龙马心头一跳,这是个大法术,一步就是数十里,一般人绝对施展不出,这个中年男子的实力让人忌惮。 He is Dao Severing person without a doubt, if has not guessed that wrong, deciding is a great accomplishment's King, is Ye Fan at present in most Powerhouse that on Earth sees. 他是斩道者毫无疑问,且若没有猜错的话,定是一个大成的王者,是叶凡目前在地球上见到的最强者 Although Penglai Heavenly Venerate covered aura, but his power and influence actually penetrated makings to transmit, from may induce to Ye Fan this grade of Realm, can discover the essence. 蓬莱天尊虽然掩去了气机,但是其自身的威势等却透过一种气质传达了出来,到了叶凡这等境界自可感应到,能发现本质。 This is person of the Ancient! 这是一位上古之人! Otherwise will not have this grade of cultivation base, regardless of King of Great Accomplishment places there to be called Human Race expert, at the present on Earth does not say is no.1 expert is also similar. 不然也不会有这等修为,大成王者无论放在那里都称得上人族高手,而今在地球上不说是第一高手也差不多。 This person look like the stars, mysterious strengths, considered to cultivate that heavenly book to achieve scary Realm to cause, the black hair hung loose, did not get angry, but prestige. 这个人眼神如星辰,有一种神秘的力量,当是修炼那本天书达到了一个骇人的境界导致的,黑发披散,不怒而威。 Penglai is secluded from the world, many years do not go to the outside world to take a walk, some disciple dispositions were impetuous, making several Fellow Daoist be laughed.” Heavenly Venerate is very polite and amiable, the meaning without begun. “蓬莱与世隔绝,多年不去外界走动,一些弟子心性浮躁了,让几位道友见笑了。”天尊很客气与随和,根本就没有动手的意思。 He just left seclusion first blamed oneself disciple wait/etc., let their put away weapon, greets the honored guest, comes as a surprise to Ye Fan one group of completely. 他刚一出关就先责备了自己的弟子等,让他们收起兵器,迎接贵客,完全出乎叶凡一行人的预料。 Since the opposite party is like this polite, they cannot send a punitive expedition, even the Dragon Horse receiving hand embarrasedly, gave back to Penglai Sect Master that Five Colors treasure tree. 既然对方这样客气,他们也不能兴师问罪,连龙马都讪讪的收手了,将那株五色宝树还给了蓬莱教主 To be honest, its 120 are not glad, this is Saint Magical Artifact, was shot down with the black arrow by Ye Fan, was happen to seized by it, is unable to put down. 说实话,它一百二十个不乐意,这可是一件圣人法器,被叶凡以黑箭击落,正好被它所夺,爱不释手。 great war extinguishes with the invisible, tense atmosphere diverges, Ye Fan they stepped into Immortal Gate, here inscription carved on a cliff face stands in great numbers, Xiushan, God Vine winding, auspicious light Large expanse, ancient medicine is fragrant, has Immortal Crane to dance in the air, spirit spring gurgling, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, what end is Pure Land. 一场大战消弭与无形,紧张气氛散去,叶凡他们踏入了仙门中,这里摩崖林立,秀山一座座,神藤缠绕,瑞光成片,古药芬芳,更有仙鹤飞舞,灵泉汩汩,流光溢彩,端的是一处净土 Penglai juniors many somewhat is unwilling, so many years first time some people dare to get the gate, the horse treads Penglai, Dragon Horse gave to raze to the ground the entrance, dozens mountain stepped on avalanches, let their not indignation. 蓬莱子弟多少都有些不甘,这么多年了还是头一次有人敢打上门来,马踏蓬莱,一头龙马将山门都给夷为平地了,数十座大山被踩的崩塌,让他们不忿。 Immortal Road is rugged, has the tribulation, the disposition is especially important, was I neglected, so many years considered only seclusion to refine Dao Body, have not thought that several good-for-nothing disciple actually thought oneself infallible like this.” 仙路崎岖,多有磨难,心性尤为重要,是我疏忽了,这么多年只顾闭关道身,没有想到几个不成器的弟子却这样自以为是。” Penglai Heavenly Venerate is relentless, reproaches several Supreme Being level disciple, several people that said are red in the face, a few words do not dare to refute. 蓬莱天尊毫不留情,责斥几位大能弟子,说的几人面红耳赤,连一句话也不敢反驳。 Why do you offend Dao Brother Ye?” “你们为何得罪叶道兄?” Soared to the clouds Central Plain to walk, said that Sect stole all living things willpower, from number Celestial Court, therefore take action punished......” Penglai Sect Master to say. “凌霄去中土走了一趟,说是有一教门盗取众生念力,自号天庭,故出手惩治……”蓬莱教主说道。 The so-called campsis grandiflora is Young Heavenly Venerate, is at present this King of Great Accomplishment direct descendant descendant, has the uncommon status, will otherwise be not so sheltered. 所谓的凌霄就是小天尊,也是眼前这个大成王者的嫡系后人,拥有不凡的身份,不然也不会被人如此庇护。 After Heavenly Venerate hear nods, said: Dao Brother Ye do not lower oneself to the same level with the child, their dozens over a hundred years go out, do not understand Central Plain, jump to conclusions, young and impetuous, always like impulsing to handle affairs.” 天尊听完后点了点头,道:“叶道兄不要与孩子一般见识,他们数十上百年才出去一趟,根本不了解中土,听风是雨,年轻气盛,总爱冲动行事。” Ye Fan can say anything, others spoke in this, and Dragon Horse take action, has given to step on the severe wound one group of people, that Young Heavenly Venerate almost breaks is two sections, cannot threatening in excess. 叶凡能说什么,人家都说到了这份上,且龙马早已出手,将一群人都给踩成重伤,那位小天尊更是差点断为两截,总不能逼人过甚。 Then, they discussed really happy, asked for the discuss the Dao technique, this Heavenly Venerate said many practicing attainments, was wise remarks. 接下来,他们相谈甚欢,讨论道术,这位天尊说了不少修行心得,都是经验之谈。 cultivation base achieves this Realm, even in Ancient years, is still an extraordinary character, although that period has philosophers Sage to be alive, but many are the Foreign Domain guest, is not true native. 修为达到这一境界,即便是上古,也是一个了不得的人物,那个时期虽有诸子圣贤在世,但不少都是域外来客,并非真正的土著 Ye Fan deeply feels to admire, this person Taoist skill is extraordinary, cultivates the method to have the originality, can arrive at this, to become a great accomplishment's King absolutely is the shocking generation. 叶凡深感佩服,这个人道术超绝,所修法门有独到之处,能够走到这一步、成为一个大成的王者绝对是惊艳之辈。 Penglai Heavenly Venerate spoke frankly, established Sect, but some named Celestial Court truly suspect taboos, avoided Ancient Sages in the past vigorously, is not willing to mess with these two characters, feared that has the disaster. 蓬莱天尊直言,立教可以,但是名为天庭确实有些犯忌讳,当年连上古诸贤都极力回避,不愿沾惹这二字,怕有灾祸。 His well-meaning reminder, in the Ancient unwritten superstition some truly such stipulations, can evade , then evades, otherwise in the future perhaps greatly troublesome. 他善意的提醒,上古不成文的天条中确实有这样的规定,能避则避,不然将来说不定有大麻烦。 „, This grade of matter, the famous metropolis of don't tell me Ancient Celestial Court became Taboo, is some Foreign Domain people are staring?” Ye Fan asked. “哦,还有这等事,难道说古天庭之名都成了禁忌,是域外有人在盯着吗?”叶凡问道。 Could not say, cannot reach an agreement, regarding something, we are inspired good.” Heavenly Venerate said like this. “说不得,说不好,对于一些东西,我们还是心存敬畏好。”天尊这样说道。 Ye Fan nods, then asked the Five Colored Alter matter, this is he most cared that he wants to seek Ancient Road to lead to Starry Sky deep place. 叶凡点了点头,而后问起了五色祭坛的事,这才是他最为关心的,他想寻出一条通向星空深处的古路 The distant place, that Five Colors Dao Altar brilliant lights and vibrant colors, has Great Dao aura to fill the air, that material quality will not have the mistake, builds the special stone material of Star Domain altar. 远处,那座五色道台流光溢彩,有大道气机弥漫,那种材质绝不会有错,是筑造星域祭坛的特殊石料。 Heavenly Venerate sighed, Ancient Sage departed, has not left behind what Starry Sky Coordinate, although some secret location had Five Colored Alter, but descendant does not know how to open. 天尊一叹,上古圣贤离去,并未留下什么星空坐标,虽然一些密地五色祭坛,但是后人根本不知如何开启。 „Has no one explored?” Ye Fan does not lose heart. “就没有人去探索过吗?”叶凡不死心。 The Heavenly Venerate look is startled, looks to Five Colors Dao Altar of distant place, then said: These secret location are very dangerous, discontented Dao Brother said, I also really know a place, this Dao Altar obtains from there, what a pity my strength limited cannot penetrate.” 天尊神色一怔,看向远处的五色道台,而后道:“那些密地都很危险,不满道兄说,我还真是知道一个地方,这座道台就是从那里得到的,可惜我实力有限不能深入。” „, Such place, Heavenly Venerate whether to inform, making me have a liking for looks.” “哦,还有这样的地方,天尊可否告知,让我去看上一看。” Penglai Heavenly Venerate nods, naturally is impossible to leave immediately, the formality is unavoidable, the entertainment they drink the spirit tea in this. 蓬莱天尊点头,当然不可能立刻动身,礼节不可免,招待他们在此喝灵茶。 Ye Fan rides to sit Dragon Horse to come, making Heavenly Venerate of Penglai vibrate very much, an inquiry, knows to stem from Kunlun Mountains, lets his eye pupil flashing extraordinary splendor, acclaimed again and again. 叶凡骑坐龙马而来,让蓬莱的天尊很是震动,一番询问,才得知出自昆仑,让他眼眸闪动异彩,连连赞叹。 Does not know that what person another two overseas celestial mountains were occupied by?” Ye Fan asked. “不知另外两座海外仙山都住了一些什么人?”叶凡问道。 Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou for the overseas three celestial mountains, the fame are enormous, since old times spread, the folk raises Kunlun Mountains fresh, mostly all knows Penglai. 蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲为海外三仙山,名气极大,自古流传,民间鲜提昆仑,大多皆知蓬莱。 In Fangzhang and Yingzhou have person of high skill keeping watch, if spoke of their ancestors, I will think some Dao Brother Ye possibly hearing.” The Heavenly Venerate smile said. 方丈与瀛洲上都有高人坐镇,若是提起他们的祖先,我想叶道兄可能会有些耳闻。”天尊微笑道。 „, I'd like to hear the details.” Ye Fan consults. “哦,愿闻其详。”叶凡请教。 In the Fangzhang celestial mountain has Peng Zu's descendant, but in the Yingzhou celestial mountain has Xu Fu's descendant.” 方丈仙山上有彭祖的后人,而瀛洲仙山上则有徐福的后人。” Ye Fan heard, immediately is surprised, revealed the look of surprise, these two may be famous Qi Refiner, has the record in the ancient book. 叶凡闻听,顿时惊讶,露出异色,这两人可都是大名鼎鼎的炼气士,在古书上都有记载。 Xu Fu strength is not profound, however was First Emperor had actually once sought undying medicine, leading the number boys and girls to go to sea, was carried in the historical records. 徐福本身实力并不是多么高深,然而却曾为始皇帝寻过不死药,带领数童男童女出海,被载史籍中。 According to Penglai Heavenly Venerate, Xu Fu arrived in Yingzhou finally, without seeking undying medicine, therefore then no longer returned, his heir natural talent was uncommon, obtained Inheritance of Yingzhou celestial mountain, is also living, had certain decision-making power on the island. 据蓬莱天尊所言,徐福最终到了瀛洲,没有寻到不死药,故此便不再回返,他的一个子嗣天资不凡,得到了瀛洲仙山的传承,至今还活着,在岛上有一定的决策权。 Peng Zu for pre-Qin famous Qi Refiner, raising the longevity must say him, in various Taoism types of old books mentioned, some deductions said, he has possibly obtained in Nine Secrets the 'Person' Character Secret remnant secret art, therefore the health technique was matchless. His descendant goes to sea, finally to the Fangzhang celestial mountain, is one of the immortal island several big Inheritance, pivotal. 彭祖为先秦著名的炼气士,提长寿必言他,道教各种古籍中都有提及,有推论称,他可能得到过九秘者字秘的残诀,故此养生术举世无双。他的后人出海,最终到了方丈仙山,是该仙岛几大传承之一,举足轻重。 „The overseas three celestial mountains have undying medicine, does not know whether for really?” Dragon Horse opens the mouth, put away violent temperament, but also really had the stances of some auspicious beasts. “都说海外三仙山有不死药,不知是否为真?”龙马开口,收起暴脾气,还真有了一些瑞兽的姿态。 Since old times has spread, but no one has seen. I think, even if had still has carried off by Ancient Saint Sovereign, entered in boundless Starry Sky.” Heavenly Venerate shakes the head. “自古一直流传,可是谁都没有见过。我想即便有也早已被上古圣皇带走,进入无垠的星空中了。”天尊摇头。 Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou these three overseas celestial mountains, rich, magnificent, and reputable, many Sage appeared and disappeared in Ancient years extremely, left behind many Dao Lineage. However, since Heaven and Earth has changes, many Dao Lineage evacuate, although three celestial mountain spiritual energies not little little, but had declined, Dao Lineage insufficient original 10%. 蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲这三座海外仙山,上古富盛名,有诸多圣贤出没,留下了很多道统。不过,自从天地有变后,许多道统撤离,三仙山灵气虽然未少几许,但已经没落了下来,道统不足原来的10%。 Finally, Heavenly Venerate leads the way, personally the Ye Fan belt/bring to a sea area, the thorough underwater world, before arriving at a sea palace, here bleak, the fish and shrimp does not dare to enter. 最后,天尊引路,亲自将叶凡带到一片海域,深入水下世界,来到一片海宫前,这里一片荒凉,鱼虾不敢进。 „Is this Ancient dragon palace?” Zhang Qingyang and the others were panic-stricken. “这是上古龙宫吗?”张清扬等人惊骇。 This piece of Palace is very broad, although at the present is the remnant of destroyed building, but the past magnificent grand occasion was conceivable, all was the jade great column, was ordinary with heavenly palace. 这片宫阙无比恢宏,尽管而今已经是断壁残垣,但昔日的辉煌盛况可以想象,全都是玉石巨柱,跟天宫一般。 This terrestrial pole for the vast, continuous Large expanse, long years passed, many complete Ancient Palace, are imposing, clear insightful, is sending out the unusual brightness. 此地极为浩大,连绵成片,漫长的岁月过去了,还有不少完好的古宫,气势宏伟,晶莹通透,散发着宝光。 Heavenly Venerate stopped the footsteps in the most deep place of this sea palace, said: Front is very dangerous, cannot march forward, I can only guide this.” 天尊在这片海宫的最深处止住了脚步,道:“前方很危险,不能行进了,我只能带路到此。” Front, the piece such as crystal general Palace, is splendid in the seabed deep place, blooms the brilliant light, probably piece of divine tower, the giant pillar, the boundless treasure palace, shining person cannot open eyes. 前边,有一片如水晶一般的宫阙,在海底深处熠熠生辉,绽放绚烂的光,像是一片神阙,巨大的柱子,磅礴的宝殿,耀的人睁不开双眼 But this piece of continuous Treasure Tower center, the Five Colors stone mountain, a grave is likely ordinary, is situated in the center, was surrounded by many Ancient Palace. 而这片连绵的宝阙中央,有一座五色石头山,像个坟冢一般,立于中央,被诸多古宫环绕。 Heavenly Venerate said that his Five Colors Dao Altar takes from here, at that time spent very big mental effort, exhausting was successful for a long time, when urging Ye Fan goes is certainly careful, he turns around to depart. 天尊称他的五色道台就是从这里取走的,当时费了很大一番心力,耗去了很长时间才成功,叮嘱叶凡进去时一定要小心,他转身离去。 The Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron turnover divine force silk ribbon, Ye Fan received all disciple, then gave Dragon Horse, simultaneously takes out a black arrow, keeps it to protect oneself. 万物母气鼎吞吐神力丝绦,叶凡将所有弟子都收了进去,而后交给了龙马,同时又取出一支黑箭,留它护身。 Do not return to Penglai, careful, protects them, when I come out.” Ye Fan urging. “你不要回蓬莱,小心一点,护好他们,等我出来。”叶凡叮嘱。 Dragon Horse is naturally unwilling, this place definitely has the rare treasure, even is very dangerous, but is worth taking risk, has the big harvest mostly. But finally it has not gone, liao kicked to run away. 龙马自然不甘,这个地方肯定有秘宝,即便很危险,但值得去冒险,多半有大收获。但最终它没有进去,尥蹶子跑掉了。 Ye Fan enters this crystal palace, at that time felt intermittent murderous intention, definitely had the Ancient magic formation protection, warned that people do not permit to be close. 叶凡进入这片水晶宫,当时就感觉到了阵阵杀机,绝对有上古法阵守护,警告人们不准接近。 Crystal magnificent light flows all around, like a world of dream, this place such as the Ancient dragon palace is really ordinary, what is only unharmonious is the central Five Colors stone pile, there is a demonic nature strength. 四外水晶光华流动,如同一片梦幻的世界,这个地方真如上古的龙宫一般壮阔,唯一不和谐的是中心的五色石头堆,有一种魔性的力量。 Ye Fan to this Five Colors grave, wants to seek the Ancient Starry Sky Road's Coordinate, must first probably look for this type of thing, could have the clue. 叶凡就是冲着这座五色坟冢来的,欲寻星空古路的坐标,就必须先要找这种东西,也许能有线索。 This is not a grave, but is Ancient seal place!” “这不是坟冢,而是一个上古封印地!” When the near, walked several after this Five Colors shrine, he reveals the color of shock, by this Five Colors stone lay out seal that may really be the no small matter! 当到了近前,围绕这座五色神坛走了几圈后,他露出震惊之色,以这种五色布下的封印那可真是非同小可! Ye Fan heart within grows warning sign, the foot steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art to back up fast, however a very terrifying strength is extremely quick, the self seal seal in erupts, strength of the huge tearing twists, wants to pull him. 叶凡心中生警兆,脚踩行字诀快速倒退,然而一股很恐怖的力量极快,自封印地内爆发出,一股巨大的撕扯之力绞来,想把他拉扯过去。 In his heart severe tremor, this is Saint Might! The aura blots out the sky, not, powerful shocking. 他心中剧震,这是圣威!气息铺天盖地,弗远不至,强大的让人震惊。 Ye Fan has the protection, but has not actually thought living Archaic Saint, was sealed in the seabed Ancient dragon palace, this is a giant crisis. 叶凡不是没有防备,但是却没有想到有一尊活着的远古圣人,被封在海底上古龙宫内,这是一种巨大的危机。 His foot steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art, the body turns into a lightning to charge into outside the crystal palace, wants to flee immediately, leaves this terrifying danger zone. 他脚踩行字诀,身体化成一道闪电冲向水晶宫外,想要在第一时间内遁走,离开这恐怖之极的绝地 Once Sanctification, will then keep aloof! Light by strength, but can say, almost it can be said that was aloof the category of human, regards Dao Severing person like the ants, may overlook all living things. 一旦成圣,便将高高在上!光以战力而能言,几乎可以说是超脱了人类的范畴,视斩道者都如蝼蚁般,可俯视众生。 Rumble “轰隆隆” All crystal palaces shifted, blocked the Ye Fan's way, turned into piece of Ancient Killing Formation, the radical recovery, compared with does not know a moment ago terrifyingly many times, this was Archaic Saint lay out ancient formation. 所有水晶宫都移位,挡住了叶凡的去路,化成一片上古杀阵,彻底复苏,比刚才也不知恐怖了多少倍,这是远古圣人布下古阵 The distant place, Penglai Heavenly Venerate complexion is indifferent, both hands paddle, was he activated this piece of Ancient Grand Array, the pupil light ice-cold, did not have any sentiment. 远处,蓬莱天尊脸色冷漠,双手划动,是他激活了这片上古大阵,眸光冰冷,不带任何感情。 My obtained Five Colors Dao Altar and Ancient heavenly book from here, only then a point forgot to tell you, this place also seal had Ancient Demonic Embryo. You wait for death here, I first cut Dragon Horse also to have your disciple, then appreciated you to lose plant slowly!” “我所得五色道台上古天书都是源自这里,只有一点忘记告诉你了,此地还封印有一个上古魔胎。你在这里等死吧,我先去斩了龙马还有你的弟子,然后再来欣赏你慢慢枯死!” Heavenly Venerate changed a person probably, the pupil light/only quiet dense/woods, icy saying, then turns around to walk. 天尊像是换了一个人,眸光幽森,冷冰冰的说道,而后转身就走。 The Ye Fan corners of the mouth reveal wisp of indifferent smiling, was saying to his back: You think that I do not know you play a trick, since I dare to come, nature fearless, a while I go to gather up dead bodies for you.” 叶凡嘴角露出一缕冷漠的笑,对着他的背影道:“你以为我不知你设局吗,我既然敢来,自然无惧,一会儿我去为你收尸。” You first passed Archaic Demon Saint that pass/test, seal in no one may live, haha......” Heavenly Venerate brutal laughing, dense say/way: I first go wait/etc. to cut to kill a cleanness Dragon Horse!” He disappears. “你先过了远古魔圣那一关吧,封印地内无人可活,哈哈……”天尊残酷的大笑,森然道:“我先去将龙马等斩杀个干净!”他就此消失。
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