STH :: Volume #11

#1017: Dao Earth

„” “哐” The Dragon Horse person stands, before a pair , the hoof stamps, crossed to give to shake the dust in the present entire city wall. The ground Young Heavenly Venerate complexion is pallid, this marvelous horse strange excess, this achieved what Realm, his whole body is chilly, treading them really with stamping the ant insect is ordinary. 龙马人立而起,一双前蹄跺下,横贯在眼前的整条城墙都给震成了尘埃。地上的小天尊脸色煞白,这头神驹邪乎的过分,这到底达到了什么境界,他浑身冷飕飕,踏死他们真跟踩死蚁虫一般容易。 The ancient city center has Formation Altar, above inscribes various complicated Dao Runes, at this time magnificent light flashes, in the city quick disciple vanished according to the circumstances, runs to deliver a letter. 古城中心有一座阵台,上面刻有各种繁复的道纹,此时光华一闪,城内一个见机快的弟子消失了,跑去送信。 This Dao Brother I think that during some misunderstanding, we can discuss.” Ground Old Woman also opens the mouth, the premonition important matter is not wonderful. “这位道兄我想当中有些误会,我们可以谈一谈。”地上的老妪还开口,预感大事不妙。 Even arrogant Young Heavenly Venerate still shuts tightly the argument at this time, if now keeps up appearances, he believes that quite bad Dragon Horse meets a hoof treading the rotten watermelon his head. 即便是盛气凌人的小天尊此时也紧闭口舌,现在如果摆谱,他相信那匹相当恶劣的龙马会一蹄子将他脑袋给踏成烂西瓜。 Three people of being wounded are thoughts, must stand firm Ye Fan absolutely they, when many immortal masters came then criticizes this tent/account, at the present can only first endure. 负伤的三人都是一个心思,现在绝对要稳住叶凡他们,等众多仙师来了再清算这笔帐,而今只能先忍着。 Huang Tiannu taunted, said: Having anything talks about, my master needs to pass through your permissions in Central Plain started a Sect, you are the immortals of keeping aloof, with our these ordinary people in Realm, cannot seek friendships.” 凰天女嘲讽,道:“有什么好谈的,我师在中土创教都需要经过你们的允许,你们都是高高在上的仙,与我们这些凡夫俗子不在一个境界,高攀不起。” Complexion red white of Young Heavenly Venerate, this with pulling out his mouth has no difference, this gorgeous enchanting female is really at present hateful, but he also can only endure, turning green that the knuckle grips. 小天尊的脸色一阵红一阵白,这与抽他嘴巴没什么区别,眼前这个艳丽妖娆的女子着实可恨,但是他也只能忍,指节攥的发青。 Young Heavenly Venerate is a child, young and impetuous, has to offend also asks everyone to be broad-minded, arriving at my Penglai is the honored guests.” Old Woman said, is very sincere, however the eyeground deep place actually one wipes quiet cold light flashes not to have. 小天尊还是一个孩子,年轻气盛,多有冒犯还请各位海涵,来到我蓬莱都是贵客。”老妪说道,很是真挚,然而眼底深处却有一抹幽冷的光一闪而没。 Right, he is a child, you were old with this old men, once did not say regardless of other moment ago, first our suppress?” Huang Tiannu seizes does not put. “是吗,他还是个孩子,你与这位老翁都年岁不小了吧,刚才不是也曾说无论其他,先将我们镇压吗?”凰天女揪住不放。 Others nod, these two are the help/gang kiss obviously do not assist in handling, come up to want several people to kill without considering the rights and wrongs, if not the Dragon Horse cultivation base high oddness, became meat paste mostly. 其他人都点头,这两人显然是帮亲不帮理,上来不问青红皂白就想将几人打杀,若非龙马修为高的离谱,多半成为肉泥了。 Zhang Qingyang take action, turns into the mind channel by pure willpower, seizes some valuable information in Young Heavenly Venerate Sea of Consciousness, looks at Penglai to have what strangeness. 张清扬出手,以纯净的念力化成心灵通道,攫取小天尊识海中的一些有价值的信息,看一看蓬莱有什么古怪。 Master, they as if obtained a heavenly book, therefore however will enter Central Plain to proselytize, wants to gather to accept pure willpower.” Young Heavenly Master obtains such a news immediately. “师傅,他们似乎得到了一本天书,因此而将进中土传道,想聚纳纯净的念力。”小天师立时就得到这样一则消息。 so that's how it is, no wonder must destroy my Celestial Court construction, burns down the idol of master.” Zhan Yifan said. 原来如此,怪不得要毁我天庭建筑,焚烧师傅的神像。”詹一凡道。 Among the Ancient years, some ancient sect have discovered the willpower wondrous use, but also has very big limitation, legends say only then a demonic path character makes a name, was pregnant Demonic Embryo. Zhang Qingyang knits the brows, obtains such an information from Young Heavenly Venerate Sea of Consciousness, but the Penglai obtained heavenly book seems some connections with this. 上古年间,一些古教就已发现了念力的妙用,但却也有很大的局限性,相传只有一位魔道人物成了气候,孕化出了魔胎张清扬皱眉,从小天尊识海中得到这样一则信息,而蓬莱所得的天书与此似有一些关联。 These are external force that's all, can achieve fast strongly, but wants to ascend to heaven, is actually extremely difficult.” Dragon Horse curls the lip. Although it lives in Kunlun Mountains, but after all is a spiritual wisdom marvelous horse, many also knows some secret. “这些不过是外力而已,可以快速达到最强,可想藉此登天,却是极难。”龙马撇嘴。它虽然生在昆仑,但毕竟是一头通灵的神驹,多少也知道一些秘辛 In the past some people card corridors?” Ye Fan opens the mouth. “过去有人藉此证过道吗?”叶凡开口。 Heard that has one, does not know that in which Ancient Star, the years are long, the expectation should already died during meditation many ten thousand years.” Dragon Horse said. “听说有一位,不知在哪颗古星,岁月漫长,料想应该早已坐化很多万年了。”龙马道。 Kunlun Mountains the mysterious old men, from Foreign Domain, had once passed on its practicing method when the Dragon Horse childhood, has spoken ancient matters, what a pity the time like the blade, is relentless, when Dragon Horse has not grown up that old man on Change into Dao. 昆仑曾有一位神秘老者,来自域外,在龙马幼年时传过其修行法门,讲过一古事,可惜时光如刀,毫不留情,在龙马还未长大时那个老者就化道了。 Who comes to my Penglai to create a disturbance?” “何人来我蓬莱搅闹?” Void opens wide, Domain Portal appears together, one group of people flushed, leader one is an old person, the both arms cross the knee, the eye match edible tulip, with Old Ape monkey, looks is a doting parent lord, comes up to berate loudly. 虚空敞开,一道域门出现,一群人冲了出来,为首者一个是老人,双臂过膝,眼赛金灯,跟一个老猿猴似的,一看就是一个护犊子的主,上来就大声喝斥。 „Who you are, acts unruly in Penglai unexpectedly, does not know where this is, injures the person of my sect, do not want to walk!” “你们是什么人,竟在蓬莱撒野,不知这是什么地方吗,伤我教之人,一个也别想走!” His both arms cross the knee, unfolds the profound merit is very special, although is Human Race, actually used the Divine Ape profound method, a law Heaven and Earth almost pierced the day, able to support both heaven and earth turned into a giant, a foot trod to the people. 他双臂过膝,所展玄功也很特别,虽为人族,却施展出了神猿玄法,一个法相天地几乎将天捅破,顶天立地化成一尊巨人,一脚就向众人踏来。 Ancient Sect Master level character?!” Promising Fish and the others called out in alarm. 上古教主级人物?!”有为鱼等人惊呼。 Although knows that Penglai is one of the three celestial mountains, since old times the spiritual energy was unceasing, may feel Great Dao, cultivates the environment big change, but cannot bear be startled. 虽然知道蓬莱是三仙山之一,自古灵气不绝,可感大道,修炼环境没有大变,但还是忍不住吃惊。 From overall strength, immortal island of this overseas compared with it Central Plain Dao Sect fearful many, such a while time has jumped out of Sect Master! 从整体实力来说,这海外的仙岛比之中土道门可怕了不少,这么一会儿功夫已经跳出一位教主了! Regret, Penglai is not you can flaunt the prestige late the place!” His big foot blotted out the sky, crushed Void, such as demon cloud same fell. “后悔也晚了,蓬莱不是你们能逞威的地方!”他的大脚铺天盖地,压毁了虚空,如一片魔云一样落下。 Many years no one dares to step on me with the foot.” Ye Fan said. “很多年没有人敢用脚踩我了。”叶凡说道。 The Dragon Horse suitable arrogance, said: I have to step on you, although has not succeeded, but you cannot avoid this fact.” 龙马相当的傲气,道:“我又不是没踩过你,虽然没成功,但你不能回避这个事实。” At this time, it becomes the imposing manner to be fierce by return to a natural state suddenly, the whole body flame beats, the enlargement, found out big horse's hoof to hit instantly, to kicking. 此时,它由返璞归真突然间变得气势凶猛,浑身火光跳动,刹那放大,探出一只大马蹄子就撞了过去,跟人对踢。 Uses the law the Heaven and Earth old man, the edible tulip general eye rapid contraction, in the heart shocks, Dragon Horse aura, making him feel the greatest bad risk. 施展出法相天地的老者,金灯一般的眼睛急骤收缩,心中震撼,龙马气机一出,让他感觉到了莫大的凶险。 How is this possible?” He cannot believe, fully realized the environment big change, Immortal Altar Second Layer Heaven the character like him can call it unparalleled Powerhouse. “这怎么可能?”他不敢相信,深知外界的环境大变,像他这样仙台二层天的人物可以称之为盖世强者了。 But Dragon Horse of this short temper presses his almost must suffocate, thinks own can compare Ancient Sect Master, so long as take action, any rival is easy, but at this time is actually not that a matter. 可这头脾气暴躁的龙马压他的几乎要窒息,原本以为自己堪比上古教主,只要一出手,任何敌手都手到擒来,而此时却不是那么一回事。 “噗” Dragon Horse is wild, kicks to kick, the old man sends out a pitiful yell, a leg then could not find, the bone sediment mixed the blood froth to fly randomly, regards to fly horizontally. 龙马野性十足,一蹶子踢出,老者发出一声惨叫,一条腿便找不到了,骨头渣子混着血沫乱飞,当成横飞了出去。 You is also proud in front of This King, when oneself are Mount Tai Big Dipper? Was true Ancient Sect Master came, must lie before me, is lying.” “在本座面前你也敢自傲,当自己是泰山北斗?就是真正的上古教主来了,在我面前也得趴着、卧着。” Dragon Horse arrogant is raising the head, a head pair of dragon horn electric light is flaming, projects two scarlet electricity, was great person chops bruised and lacerated this at the scene, the whole body sent out burnt stink. 龙马高傲的扬着脑袋,头上的一对龙角电光炽盛,射出两道赤电,当场将这为大人物劈了个皮开肉绽,浑身发出一阵焦臭味。 You, kneel to pay respects to me.” It is like the wicked beast, orders to say to distant place that group of people, compared the difference from the Swiss beast the long distance. “还有你们,都给我跪过来请安。”它跟个恶兽一样,对远处那一群人命令道,与瑞兽相比差了十万八千里。 Zhang Qingyang wants to ask Ye Fan, this is Dragon Horse, feels like a side feudal bully, is really mount that Ancient Saint Sovereign can have? Let several people of look at each other in blank dis­may. 张清扬有心要问叶凡,这是龙马吗,这么感觉像是一方恶霸,真是上古圣皇才能拥有的坐骑?让几人面面相觑 The Huang Tiannu chuckle , indicating that the evil person needs wicked horse Mo, this/should is so right. 凰天女轻笑,表示恶人自需恶马磨,就该如此才对。 Rests!” “休走!” Dragon Horse long hiss, leaves behind flame, the horse treads the expansive sky, hoof gave to pat everyone, that thinks that had the Ancient Sect Master level strength to think the old man of unmatched in the world trod half dead. 龙马一声长嘶,留下一片火焰,马踏长空,一蹄子一个将所有人都给拍了下来,更是将那个自以为有上古教主级实力觉得天下无敌的老者踏了个半死。 The old person who this hides shortcomings very much now is a little dumbstruck, this world, isn't Central Plain Dharma End Era? May really have true Dragon Horse enter the world! 这位很护短的老人现在有点发懵,这个世界怎么了,中土不是末法时代吗?可竟然有真正的龙马出世 Then Ye Fan take action, the body splits the immortal splendor personally, seizes the valuable news from this background very big old person forehead, one finger points out, what secret does not have to hide. 而后叶凡亲自出手,身绽仙辉,从这个来头很大的老人眉心攫取有价值的消息,一指点出,什么秘密都无所遁形。 You......” this old man panic-stricken desire certainly, this is what kind of character, regards him like the ants, easily opens its Sea of Consciousness, making him be incapable of contending, probably is facing Ancient Heavenly Dragon. “你……”这个老者惊骇欲绝,这是何等的人物,视他如蝼蚁,轻易就将其识海打开,让他无力抗衡,像是在面对一头上古天龙 Really obtained a heavenly book, some Penglai people cultivated some positive results.” Ye Fan frowns, Penglai obtained scripture no small matter. Then he investigates Sea of Consciousness of everyone earnestly, understood that many information, then look to the distant place, said: Goes to that celestial mountain!” “真的得到了一本天书,蓬莱有人修炼出了一些名堂。”叶凡蹙眉,蓬莱所得经文非同小可。接下来他认真探查每一个人的识海,了解到不少信息,而后望向远方,道:“去那座仙山!” Ye Fan rides to sit on Dragon Horse, bringing several disciple to cross Void, shortly after appears in piece of sacred land, this place auspicious light dances in the air, the Ruihua class/flow shoots, and sprinkle the hills. 叶凡骑坐在龙马身上,带着几位弟子横渡虚空,不久后出现在一片圣土,这个地方祥光飞舞,瑞华流射,一条条、一道道洒满群山。 This is the Penglai Immortal Sect foundation location, when they catch up, happen to sees the flag flap flap, one crowd of Powerhouse come out, will meet the approaching enemy them, the leader is a Middle-Aged person, wears the Purple Gold robe, the waist bunch white jade belt/bring, suitable dignity. 这就是蓬莱仙教的根基所在地,当他们赶来时,正好看到大旗猎猎,一群强者出来,正要去迎击他们,为首者是一个中年人,身穿紫金袍,腰束白玉带,相当的威严。 In its bank, but also compound is standing several men, all passes is sending powerful aura, such as the flood same impact comes, the people are staring at Ye Fan they. 在其身畔,还并列站着几名男子,全都透发着强大的气机,如洪水一样冲击而来,众人盯着叶凡他们。 This piece of Heaven and Earth is not dry, Penglai Immortal Sect is really uncommon.” Ye Fan said, the opposite presents five Supreme Being all of a sudden, resembles with fantasy story in this Era. “这片天地未干涸,蓬莱仙教果然不凡。”叶凡道,对面一下子出现五位大能,在这个时代跟天方夜谭似的。 Because, this is not the person who among the Ancient years lives, their age should over 1000 years old, not be old looking awful. 因为,这并不是上古年间活下来的人,他们的年岁应该都在一千多岁,并非老的不成样子。 Violates my Penglai for no reason, who are you?” Is the Middle-Aged man of head asks, precisely Lord of Penglai, is apex Supreme Being, sufficiently looking disdainfully world. “无故犯我蓬莱,你们是何人?”为首的中年男子问道,正是蓬莱之主,是一位绝顶大能,足以睥睨天下。 I for Lord of the Celestial Court, hearing need to obtain Penglai to approve in Central Plain established Sect am good, therefore has no fear of great distances consults especially.” Ye Fan said. “我为天庭之主,听闻在中土立教需要得到蓬莱认可才行,因此不远万里特来请教。”叶凡说道。 „Before Ancient Sages departs, once let my Penglai protection world, does not want to present any accident, your abuse Celestial Court this name triggered superstitiously.” Lord of Penglai said solemnly. 上古诸贤离去前,曾让我蓬莱守护人间,不想出现任何变故,你们妄用天庭这一名字触发了天条。”蓬莱之主沉声道 Dragon Horse cares about nothing, said: How This King has not heard superstitiously, is who decides?” 龙马毫不在乎,道:“本座怎么没有听说过天条,是何人所定?” Zhan Yifan also spoke, said: Ancient Sages makes you protect the world, you from may continue. My master established Sect, actually needs you to allow to be good, like this meddled is extremely rather domineering.” 詹一凡亦出言,道:“上古诸贤让你们守护人世,你们自可继续。我师立教,却需要你们允许才行,这样插手未免太过跋扈了。” Elder spoke, where wheel obtained your each and every one later generation to interrupt.” Status not low people in Penglai berated. “长辈说话,哪里轮得到你一个个后辈插嘴。”蓬莱的一位身份不低的人喝斥。 Opposite fluttering of flags, a piece of army is dense, Penglai moved the real anger obviously. Another person of ice-cold pupil light swept, opens the mouth saying: Also dares to talk foolishly including a mount, but also there is a custom?” 对面旌旗招展,一片大军黑压压,蓬莱显然动了真怒。另有一人冰冷的眸光扫了过来,开口道:“连一头坐骑也敢乱言,还有没有规矩?” Ye Fan very aware dismount, he knows that this violent temperament must certainly manifest suddenly. Really as he expected, a Dragon Horse long and loud cry, the person stands certainly, turns into a flame to rush over, said: I step on your lung!” 叶凡很自觉的下马,他知道这位暴脾气肯定要发作了。果然未出他所料,龙马一声长啸,当然人立而起,化成一道火光就冲了过去,道:“我踩你个肺!” “噗” Feels sorry for that Powerhouse, just berated a mount chaotic language not to have the custom, by the Dragon Horse wash bowl big hoof patting there, gave to tread the lung piece. 可怜那位强者,刚喝斥完一头坐骑乱语没有规矩,就被龙马脸盆大的蹄子给拍在了那里,将肺片都给踏了出来。 Dragon Horse assumes an awe-inspiring pose, batters, gave to kick to turn all flags, trod fine powder twenty mountain peaks one after another, the place visited calamity, rumble made noise, along with the thunder, the flame soared to the heavens. 龙马发威,横冲直撞,将所有大旗都给踢翻了,接连将二十几座山峰踏成了齑粉,所过之处天塌地陷,隆隆作响,伴随着电闪雷鸣,火光冲天。 This is an auspicious beast, as soon as it assumes an awe-inspiring pose, various Heaven and Earth visions simultaneously appeared, in addition oneself magical power like Star Sea, sweeps away all obstacles, living how these people possibly keep off. 这是一头瑞兽,它一发威,各种天地异象齐现,加之自身法力星海,所向披靡,这些人怎么可能挡的住。 Suddenly, scolds to spread lightly, the Lord of Penglai head to/clashes piece of Five Colors divine light, under a valuable tree runs out from his top of the skull, shakes down becomes the Qian mountain ten thousand ray of light magnificent, hits to Dragon Horse, Saint Might rumble, such as the rainbow passed through day. 突然,一声轻叱传出,蓬莱之主头上冲起一片五色神光,一株宝树自他的天灵盖中冲出,摇落下成千山万道光华,打向龙马,圣威隆隆,如长虹贯日。 Evil creature, dares to come to Penglai to act unruly, dies to being imminent!” “孽障,敢来蓬莱撒野,死到临头了!” This is Holy Tree, is weapon that Ancient Saint casts, has the enormous might, as if Archaic Saint resurrected in this. 这是一株圣树,乃是上古圣人铸成的兵器,拥有极大的威力,仿佛一尊远古圣人在此复活了。 The Dragon Horse Dao Severing king does not dare to offend Holy Weapon even, because the disparity was too big. Once Sanctification, all living things including the King like the ants, at all are not a rival. 龙马即便是斩道的王也不敢撄圣兵,因为差距太大了。一旦成圣,众生包括王者都如蝼蚁般,根本不是敌手。 Dragon Horse has extremely fast, turned into a flame to clash, has avoided full Saint coercion, but that Holy Tree stroke Five Colors divine light, still swept together. 龙马拥有极速,化成一道火光冲了出去,躲避过了铺天盖地的圣人威压,但是那株圣树划出一道五色神光,依然扫了下去。 Ye Fan has to take action, in the hand present a black arrow, makes an effort a stroke, black light rises suddenly, such as black *** generally turbulent. 叶凡不得不出手,手中出现一支黑箭,用力一划,乌光暴涨,如一片黑色的***一般汹涌了出去。 Bang “轰” Five Colors divine light is defeated and dispersed, that Holy Tree flying upside down goes, and Lord of Penglai flew horizontally, the mouth and nose spurts the blood, this is the result that Ye Fan is forgiving. 五色神光溃散,那株圣树倒飞而去,且蓬莱之主横飞了起来,口鼻喷血,这是叶凡留情的结果。 Invited Heavenly Venerate enter the world, suppress and kill monstrous talent!” “请天尊出世,镇杀妖孽!” Everyone is startled, invader is never so expected that terrorist, many people said to the mountain range deep place summon that immortal splendor flows. 所有人都大吃一惊,没有想到来犯者如此恐怖,许多人冲着那片仙辉流淌的山脉深处呼唤道。 The distant place, the mountain rumble makes noise, all mountain peaks are moving, draws back fast to both sides, reveals huge Dao Altar, covers together another Dao Spirit link. 远处,大山隆隆作响,所有山峰都在移动,快速退向两旁,露出一座巨大的道台,笼罩一道又一道神环。 Ye Fan is startled, that Dao Altar is very mystical, is divided into Five Colors, is exactly the same as the Five Colored Alter material quality! 叶凡大吃一惊,那座道台很神秘,共分五色,与五色祭坛的材质一模一样! And, Great Dao and cry, turning into light real Soaring Dragon leaps, the phoenix bird that the immortal splendor casts dances in the air, mysterious immeasurable. divine radiance fill the air, well-illuminated of there complementing, exists to sit well like the gods on. 且,大道和鸣,光化的真龙腾跃,仙辉铸成的凰鸟飞舞,神秘莫测。一道道神圣光辉弥漫而出,将那里映衬的一片通明,一尊如神明般的存在端坐在上。 Following one crowd pursued, asked *** support, otherwise that anything one was exploded is one string, asked to progress, summon ***. 后面一群追上来了,求***支持,那啥不然一被爆就是一串,求上进,呼唤***。
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