STH :: Volume #11

#1016: horse treads Penglai

The city gate building is very high, broad pound great, above inscribes many magic formation, Dao Runes is densely covered, will rush surely to initiate murderous intention forcefully. 城门楼很高,恢宏磅伟,上面刻有很多法阵,道纹密布,强行闯进去肯定会引发杀机 In the city wall that young man look is frivolous, had not looked at Zhang Qingyang and the others in the eye, after he observes closely Ye Fan earnestly, in the heart actually hit suddenly. 城墙上那个年轻男子神色轻佻,根本就没有将张清扬等人看在眼中,不过当他认真盯住叶凡后,心中却是打了个突。 Is exactly the same as that Heavenly Emperor idol, are you that Lord of the Celestial Court?” The Young Heavenly Venerate eyebrow on top flutters, and thinks little. “与那天帝神像一模一样,这么说来你就是那天庭之主?”城头上的小天尊眉毛轻扬,并不以为意。 Ye Fan has not paid attention, sits well on Dragon Horse tranquilly, a person rode to collect aura, could not see is the appearance of anyone of high skill, turned a blind eye to its question. 叶凡没有理会,平静端坐龙马上,一人一骑都敛去了气机,看不出是什么高人的样子,对其问话视若无睹。 Side, Zhang Qingyang goes forward, counts years ago to make into the severe wound by this person, broke dozens bones, was Dao Sect Young Heavenly Master this can say is very aggrieved, but has not seen this person after that. 旁边,张清扬上前,数年前被此人打成重伤,断了几十根骨头,身为道门小天师这可以说很憋屈,可是此后再也没有见过此人。 You destroy my Celestial Court construction, burns down the idol, since at present meets by chance, but also please compensate.” Zhang Qingyang also has no anger, very tranquil saying. “你毁我天庭建筑,焚烧神像,眼下既然偶遇,还请赔偿。”张清扬倒也没有什么火气,很平静的说道。 Ha haha......” the young man on tower over a city gate laughs, on the face wrote all over contemptuously, probably heard the funniest matter, shakes the head saying: Acts recklessly.” “哈哈哈……”城楼上的年轻男子大笑,脸上写满了轻蔑,像是听到了最为好笑的事情,摇头道:“不知死活。” For these years, Zhang Qingyang passing on the dao in each region, has smoothed by grinding the edges and corners, was steady, absolutely did not have an angry look, was those words a moment ago, making him compensate. 这么多年来,张清扬在各地传道,早已磨平了棱角,性格稳重,根本就没有一点怒色,还是刚才那句话,让他赔偿。 Ye Fan came certainly to for him ask for an explanation surely, he fully realized that own this master will not make him be victimized, does not need to be worried about anything, he was self-poise, neither arrogant nor servile. 叶凡都来了肯定定要为他讨个说法,他深知自己这位师傅不会让他受屈,无需担心什么,他镇定自若,不卑不亢。 Frog in a well, does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, dares established Sect Celestial Court depending on your these people, I am just about to look whether dismisses, does not think that you came.” youngster in city gate building makes widely known incomparably, in the pupil projects two cold lightning. “井底之蛙,不知天高地厚,凭你们这些人也敢立教天庭,我正要去看一看是否解散,不想你们来了。”城门楼上的年轻人张扬无比,眸子中射出两道冷电 Then, he observed closely Ye Fan once again, deep massive, does to has not seen anything, said: You are Lord of the Celestial Court, I was speaking with you a moment ago, why shouldn't?” 而后,他又一次盯住了叶凡,深深大量,奈何没有看出什么,道:“你就是天庭之主,刚才我在与你说话,为何不应?” Ye Fan still does not pay attention, rides to sit on Dragon Horse, regarded the air him, side has the disciple opens the mouth, his probably aloof extra mundane. 叶凡依然不予理会,骑坐龙马上,将他当成了空气,旁边自有弟子开口,他像是超然世外。 On the Young Heavenly Venerate face of Penglai reveals not the cheerful color, his status is extremely high, but also no one dares to disregard him, when the declivity casts a sidelong glance saying: Also wants to study Ancient Demonic God, gathers to accept the belief, is pregnant Demonic Embryo? But you are unqualified! I thought that you also divided the idol as early as possible, burns down Celestial Court, otherwise my Penglai immortal master take action, that trouble was big.” 蓬莱的小天尊脸上露出不愉之色,他的身份极高,还从来没有人敢无视他,当下斜睨道:“也想学上古魔神,聚纳信仰,孕出魔胎吗?可是你还不够格!我看你们还趁早劈了神像,焚毁天庭,不然等我蓬莱仙师出手,那就麻烦大了。” You are anything , dares to boast shamelessly before my master.” Young Sparrow Dragon icy opens the mouth. “你算什么东西,在我师傅面前也敢大言不惭。”龙小雀冷冰冰的开口。 world had Heavenly Venerate enough, you want to set up Celestial Court, has not passed through us to agree, does not want dead oneself to burn a cleanness!” youngster indifferently said on tower over a city gate. 世间有一个天尊就够了,你们想立天庭,并没有经过我们同意,不想死就自己焚个干净!”城楼上的年轻人冷漠道 In the Ye Fan heart moves, in this has certainly the issue, related to competition of belief, it seems like that this Penglai must proselytize unexpectedly, will otherwise not say like this. 叶凡心中一动,这里面一定有问题,竟涉及到了信仰的争夺,看来这蓬莱也是要传道了,不然的话不会这样说。 What Heavenly Venerate Demonic Embryo, I thought you am cultivation deviation, Heaven and Earth was how big, my master did established Sect, want your Penglai to permit and authorize?” Zhang Qingyang berated. “什么天尊魔胎,我看你是走火入魔了,天地何其大,我师立教,难道还要你们蓬莱允许与批准吗?”张清扬喝斥道。 You said right, set up this Major Sect, must pass through my Penglai to agree only then, otherwise you can only be the self-destruction foundations.” Young Heavenly Venerate on tower over a city gate is cold. “你说对了,立此大教,必须经过我蓬莱同意方可,不然你们只能是自毁根基。”城楼上的小天尊冷幽幽。 Got angry including grinning Huang Tiannu, the look is indifferent, said: Your Penglai is really the big power and prestige, Celestial Court whether to base also has to obey your, when oneself what person?” 连一只笑嘻嘻的凰天女都怒了,神色冷漠,道:“你们蓬莱真是好大的威风,天庭能否立足还有听从你们的,当自己什么人了?” Penglai since old times was a paradise, once held the world to cultivate Dao Lineage leader, before Ancient Sage departed, entrusted us, overlooked Central Plain, if there are does not gather day of turning over to Dao Lineage to appear, can handle.” youngster cold sound said in city wall. “蓬莱自古为仙乡,执天下修炼道统牛耳,上古圣贤离去前曾嘱托我们,俯瞰中土,若有不合天归的道统出现,可以处置。”城墙上的年轻人寒声道。 The Promising Fish opens the mouth, said: My Kunlun Mountains are Immortal Gate Holy Land, never dares so, your Penglai actually to dare so to pose as, really thought monarch overlooking the world, in the world altogether reveres?” 有为鱼开口,道:“我昆仑为仙门圣地,都从来不敢如此,你们蓬莱却敢如此自居,真以为君临天下,世上共尊了吗?” Kunlun Mountains?” Young in city wall *** smiles, shakes the head, reveals the color of contempt, said: If before saying Ancient, your actually dwelling place of celestial beings, is Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, before Ancient Sages departs, you to decline, Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou three fairylands have become legitimate lineage.” “昆仑?”城墙上的年轻***笑,摇了摇头,露出轻视之色,道:“若说上古前,你们却仙都,可是斗转星移,在上古诸贤离去前时,你们就以没落,蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲三仙境已成正统。” Had nothing saying that trampling flat this Penglai was not good, does not need rubbish with him.” Dragon Horse is violent temperament, very direct. Although it is going against the auspicious omen Saint Beast reputation, but a point does not have the character of Ancient Saint Sovereign mount, is always the bandit personality. “没什么可说的,踏平这蓬莱不就行了,无需跟他废话。”龙马是个暴脾气,非常的直接。它虽然顶着个祥瑞圣兽的名头,但是一点也没有上古圣皇坐骑的风骨,向来是土匪性情。 „A mixed blood wild horse also dares to boast shamelessly.” Young Heavenly Master of Penglai sneers, he has not thought that this is really Dragon Horse, because does not believe. “一头杂血野马也敢大言不惭。”蓬莱的小天师冷笑,他可是从来就没有想过,这真是一头龙马,因为根本不信。 Master I am willing to attack a city, asks for an explanation.” Zhang Qingyang opens the mouth. “师傅我愿攻城,讨个说法。”张清扬开口。 Ye Fan nods, the person respects my one foot, I respected person one zhang (3.33 m), the words have spoken in this, might as well put Dragon Horse to tread directly. 叶凡点头,人敬我一尺,我敬人一丈,话都已经说到这份上了,不如直接放龙马一踏而过。 Haha......” Young Heavenly Venerate laughs, the corners of the mouth reveal to satirize, said: Defeated, dares to bluster, in the past my hand can be run over and die you, what at the present can you have to progress?” “哈哈……”小天尊大笑不已,嘴角露出一丝讽刺,道:“手下败将,也敢口出狂言,当年我一只手就可以碾死你,而今你又能有什么长进?” He, leaps the city gate building at this point, takes a step in Void, lifts the hand to press to Young Heavenly Master, looks like the elder to teach the child nephew these half to puncture the thorn greatly. 他说到这里,跃下城门楼,在虚空中迈步,抬手就向小天师压来,就像是长辈教训子侄这一半大刺刺。 Today, I then break you again am dozens bones, making you understand that the will of Penglai is hard-and-fast!” “今天,我便再打断你即几十根骨头,让你明白蓬莱的意志不可违逆!” His palm refers to the twinkle clear splendor, turns into a mountain side peak, this is a law seal, condenses the Ancient noble bearing the Deity will, with cultivation links, suppress rival. 他的掌指闪烁清辉,化成出一片山峰,这是一种法印,凝聚上古神峰的神灵意志,与道行结合在一起,镇压敌手。 Zhang Qingyang scolds lightly, the body gives birth to the immeasurable light, turns into a round god plate, serves as contrast him in Void, such as gods are common. 张清扬一声轻叱,身体生出无量光,化成一轮神盘,将他衬托在虚空中,如一尊神明一般。 Then, he waves, this Heaven and Earth four directions have waterfall holy splendor to flow to come, gave to pick up all noble bearings, resists this struck. 而后,他挥手间,这天地四方有一条条瀑布般的圣辉流动而来,将所有神峰都给托起,抵住了这一击。 This is Faith Power, Ye Fan does not approve to practice, he thought that finally all want the intimate body, if Celestial Court Inheritance not, these strengths thorough turns into air. 这是信仰之力,叶凡不赞成修行,他觉得最终一切还是要靠己身,因为如果天庭传承不在了,这些力量将会彻底成空。 However, Young Heavenly Master passes to earnestly, invested the complete body and mind, finally cannot do without exempting took this road, thinks specially he has consulted. Ye Fan ponders over earnestly, after careful deduction, thinks feasible, only if his Lord of the Celestial Court died, or Dao Lineage perishes, otherwise is anxious. 不过,小天师传到认真,将全部身心都投入了进去,最终不可不免的走上了这条路,特异想他请教过。叶凡认真琢磨,仔细推演后也认为可行,除非他这个天庭之主死掉,或者道统灭亡,不然无需忧虑。 Ye Fan for this reason, walked a Vatican specially, pulls and reads many ancient books through Divine Knight, found belief Secret Technique, awarded Zhang Qingyang. 叶凡为此,特异走了一趟梵蒂冈,通过神骑士调阅出许多典籍,找到了信仰篇的秘术,授予了张清扬 For these years later, Young Heavenly Master cultivation base progressed by leaps and bounds, and crossed several Thunder Tribulation, suffered the baptism, pure willpower added the body, is Heavenly Master worthy of the reputation, may borrow Celestial Court willpower! 这几年下来,小天师修为突飞猛进,且又渡了几次雷劫,遭受洗礼,纯净的念力加身,已经是一位名副其实的天师,可借天庭念力 Bang “轰” Zhang Qingyang writes with a free pen, pure willpower from Void, but, him evolves True Dragon Seal, 81 Heavenly Dragon attack, each one officer Ang hiss, very grand. 张清扬挥洒自如,纯净的念力虚空而至,他演化真龙印,八十一道天龙冲击,个个昂首长嘶,非常的壮阔。 Had the progress actually, but insufficiently looked, continues to give me to fall face down, the bone breaks the muscle booklet!” Penglai Young Heavenly Venerate shouted. “倒是有了长进,不过还是不够看,继续给我趴下,骨断筋折吧!”蓬莱小天尊喝道。 His opens the mouth puts out a Dao Spirit magnificent, very dazzling, this is a valuable seal, the named Void seal, after is a Ancient Divine Mountain by refining , to continue Void Law to coincide, once the name moves Ancient, is King treasure. 他张口吐出一道神华,非常的炫目,这是一枚宝印,名为虚空印,是上古的一座神山被炼化后又接续一段虚空法则相合而成,曾名上古,是一件王者宝器。 Four years ago, Zhang Qingyang was broken dozens bones by this god seal, if not Ye Fan passed on his maintaining life technique, in the past died. 年前,张清扬就是被这枚神印打断了数十根骨头,若非叶凡传了他保命术,当年就死掉了。 At the present, he has not feared, head surging forward with great momentum, Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron appears, lets fall Wan Chongguang curtain, enormous and powerful, be continuous endless, Void seal blocking. 而今,他并没有惧怕,头上波澜壮阔,万物母气鼎浮现而出,垂落万重光幕,浩浩荡荡,绵延无尽,正虚空印给挡住了。 This is the Ye Fan's cauldron, at the present becomes King Divine Weapon, the interior has endless Faith Power, is heavier than the mountain, is eternal difficult to destroy, is genuine invincible treasure. 这是叶凡的鼎,而今成为了王者神兵,内部具有无尽的信仰之力,比山岳还沉重,永恒难毁,是真正的无敌宝器。 Ka “咔” The Void seal, turns into one hundred zhang (333 m) high noble bearing wait/etc. everyone covered Zhang Qingyang, Ye Fan under, wanted together suppress, but actually sent out a crack sound at this time, making Young Heavenly Venerate change color at the scene. 虚空印,化成一座上百丈高的神峰,将张清扬叶凡等所有人都罩在了下方,想要一同镇压,可是此时却发出一声裂响,让小天尊当场变色。 Buzz “嗡” Void trembles, the Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron whale attracts drinks like a fish, embezzles everywhere magnificent light, must integrate in the cauldron that Void Treasure Seal. 虚空一颤,万物母气鼎鲸吸牛饮,将漫天光华吞没,要将那虚空宝印纳入鼎内。 Gives me to get up!” “给我起!” Young Heavenly Venerate shouts out of Penglai, Void Treasure Seal has intercepted god Dao's Principle, in the middle of the embodiment, there is a Void mystery, at this time magnificent light flashes wants among the disappearance nihilities unexpectedly. 蓬莱的小天尊大喝,虚空宝印截取过一段神道法则,内蕴当中,有虚空的奥秘,此时光华一闪竟要消失虚无间。 The Zhang Qingyang calm nature, the hand pinches magic art, the double pupil is profound, stimulates to movement Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, ten thousand wisps of silk ribbons let fall, at that time gave immobilized Void Treasure Seal, in the submerging cauldron of no suspense. 张清扬镇定自然,手掐法诀,双眸深邃,催动万物母气鼎,万缕丝绦垂落,当时就将虚空宝印定住了,毫无悬念的没入鼎内。 What?” Until this moment, Young Heavenly Venerate of Penglai is startled, felt that the important matter is not wonderful, counts years ago he present person almost to kill, steps on under the foot, at the present actually does not beat. “什么?”直到这一刻,蓬莱的小天尊才惊慌,感觉大事不妙,数年前他将眼前之人差点打死,踩在了脚底下,而今却不不敌了。 Bang “砰” Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron falls, is driving endless Faith Power, such as a desert hit a bone to break the muscle booklet Young Heavenly Venerate at the scene, the body flew horizontally, threw down under the city wall. 万物母气鼎落下,带动着无尽信仰之力,如一片瀚海般当场将小天尊打了个骨断筋折,身子横飞了出去,摔倒在城墙下。 Is close to four years ago injuries, but two people transposed, Young Heavenly Venerate by crush to death, a dead fish same was almost made probably there, finally was treadonned by Zhang Qingyang on the chest. 与四年前的伤势相近,只不过两人易位了,小天尊差点被镇死,像是一条死鱼一样在那里挣动,结果被张清扬一脚踏在了胸口上。 My master is not you can compared with, Celestial Court is not your Penglai can bring disgrace on, sets up Dao Lineage or not, what needs you to permit and authorize.” “我师不是你能比及的,天庭也不是你蓬莱可以辱没的,立道统与否,何需你们允许与批准。” You......” Penglai Young Heavenly Venerate bone broke dozens, looks that on chest is only big foot, the opens the mouth of air/Qi on a blowout blood, how could he receives what type shame. “你……”蓬莱小天尊骨头断了数十根,看着胸口上的那只大脚,气的张口就喷出一口鲜血,他何曾受过何样的羞辱。 Behind, Huang Tiannu is grinning, ridiculing of being relentless, said: Sir Heavenly Venerate, your verbal command all sea, altogether reveres in, be not lying down giving orders, this is really degrading your status, you hold world leader, this is not quite good.” 后方,凰天女笑嘻嘻,毫不留情的奚落,道:“天尊大人,你号令四海,与内共尊,别躺着发号施令,这实在有辱你的身份,你们可是执天下牛耳,这样可不太好。” The Young Heavenly Venerate almost air/Qi faints, the tooth bites the sound, stares at these people, the anger is moving at present greatly. 小天尊差点气昏过去,牙齿咬的咯嘣响,盯着眼前这些人,肝火大动。 It seems like Young Heavenly Venerate of Penglai, was far less than that our Celestial Court's Young Heavenly Master, our established Sect or not really does need you to nod?” Even the person of Zhan Yifan this personality spoke the attack. “看来蓬莱的小天尊,远不如我们天庭的小天师,我们立教与否真的需要你们点头吗?”连詹一凡这种性情的人都出言打击。 “噗” The Young Heavenly Venerate anger is turbulent, the big mouth coughs up blood continuously, kept aloof, at the present is actually stepped on the under foot, making him choke with rage aggrievedly with the extreme. 小天尊怒火汹涌,连续大口咳血,原本高高在上,而今却被人踩在了脚下,让他窝火与憋屈到了极点。 Bold, your, coming to my Penglai to act unruly?” Shouted at transmits, in the city gate presented an old man, another Old Woman also harnessed magical cloud to empty. “大胆,你们何人,来我蓬莱撒野?”一声断喝传来,城门上出现一个老者,另有一个老妪也驾着祥云冲远空出来。 In the city wall that old man magical power is profound, being opposite with Central Plain Dao Sect this obviously is Great Divine Expert, in this Penglai spiritual energy not dry, has magical power acquiring understanding of esoteric teachings to be nothing unusual. 城墙上那个老者法力高深,相对与中土道门来说这显然是一个大神通者,在这蓬莱灵气并未干涸,有法力通玄者并不足为奇。 He finds out big hand, thinks that Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron grasps, wants to win forcefully, he is the person of being able to judge the quality of goods, naturally recognizes this possibly is peerless rare treasure, in the pupil the magnificent light twinkle, reveals the color of pleasant surprise, has a wisp of concealed worry. 他探出一只大手,就想万物母气鼎抓去,想要强行夺走,他是识货的人,自然认出这可能是一件绝世稀珍,眸子中光华闪烁,露出惊喜之色,同时也有一缕隐忧。 Qingyang comes back.” Ye Fan summon. 清扬回来。”叶凡呼唤。 In the ten years several disciple strengths progress by leaps and bounds, has been able to assume sole responsibility for an important task in this Dharma End Era, but compares with this grade of character is not good. 这十年来几位弟子的实力突飞猛进,在这末法时代都已能够独当一面了,不过与这等人物相比还是不行。 At this time, has discontinued, no matter what the marvelous horse acts unruly, to getting up super expert of Penglai. 此时,已经下马,任神驹撒野,对上蓬莱的超级高手 Dragon Horse long hiss, had looked that here person is not pleasing to the eyes, turns into a flame to rush over, a hoof stamped directly on Young Heavenly Master, trod out a blood hole at the scene, making this body almost break is two sections. 龙马一声长嘶,早就看这里的人不顺眼了,化成一道火光冲了过去,其中一蹄子直接就跺在了小天师身上,当场踩出一个血窟窿,让这条躯体差点断为两截。 If not it restrained magical power, this hoof falls, Young Heavenly Venerate estimated that the bone sediment cannot be left over continually, will definitely be trod the flying ash. 若非它收敛了法力,这一蹄子落下去,小天尊估计连骨头渣子剩不下,肯定会被踏成飞灰。 Dares!” “敢尔!” Leaps the city, but the old man is angry, discards Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, goes to Dragon Horse, executes the killer at the scene. 跃城而出的老者大怒,舍弃万物母气鼎,向龙马而去,当场施出杀手。 With his simultaneously, Old Woman that control pink clouds came also arrived, lifted the Dragon head walking stick to divide, heavy over extremely heavy, wants its great accomplishment meat paste. 与他此同时,那个驾驭彩云而来的老妪也到了,举龙头拐杖就劈了过来,重逾万钧,想将它大成肉泥 Two seniors, this is not our faults, was the youngster of your Penglai is extremely overbearing.” Zhang Qingyang receives the cauldron, goes to retreat, very calm opens the mouth. “两位前辈,这并非我们之过,是你们蓬莱的这位年轻人太过霸道了。”张清扬收鼎,向后退去,很从容的开口。 Regardless of other, dares to act unruly in this, was first saying with you!” Old Woman shouted. “不论其他,敢在此撒野,先拿你们在说!”老妪喝道。 Good regardless of other, your keeping aloof be used to it, the big power and prestige, Dragon Horse you to look.” Ye Fan opens the mouth finally. “好一个不论其他,你们真是高高在上习惯了,好大的威风,龙马你看着来吧。”叶凡终于开口。 Executed summarily, has the matter I to be responsible.” The Young Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth of ground. “格杀勿论,出了事情我负责。”地上的小天尊开口。 A Dragon Horse long and loud cry, the person stands, two hooves get down, cranked up the scrap copper and iron two people weapons, and his speed was too fast, no one gave a hoof. 龙马一声长啸,人立而起,两蹄子下去,将两人的兵器拍成了废铜烂铁,且他速度太快了,没人都给了一蹄子。 On two people presents two hoof holes, hit directly in the city wall, bang, the wall became fine powder, in the Dragon Horse eye filled disdaining, said: Also dares No-One Is Noble But I on people like you, my hoof can pat a lot of!” 两个人身上出现两个蹄洞,直接撞在了城墙上,轰隆一声,墙体成为齑粉,龙马眼中充满了不屑,道:“就你们这样的人也敢惟我独尊,我一蹄子能拍死千百个!” Two people of ground are panic-stricken, they were also super expert, was half-step Supreme Being, had to look disdainfully the Central Plain strength, finally came such gang actually such domineering. 地上的两人惊骇,他们也算是超级高手了,身为半步大能,有睥睨中土的实力,结果来了这样一伙人却如此的强势。 Horse that's all, hoof pats them turns, and has not used divine force evidently, really unimaginable. 一匹马而已,一蹄子一个将他们拍翻,而且看样子根本就没有动用神力,真是不可想象。 This is...... Dragon Horse!” Finally, two people were panic-stricken, saw the clue, this only has the auspicious beast that Ancient Saint Sovereign can ride to sit, how to have enter the world at the present? “这是……龙马!”终于,两人惊恐,看出了端倪,这是唯有上古圣皇才能骑坐的瑞兽,怎么而今有出世了? Side, Young Heavenly Venerate thorough was dumbstruck, is the Celestial Court's person so powerful? Far exceeded his expectation, innermost feelings startled. 旁边,小天尊彻底发懵了,天庭的人这么强大?远远超出了他的预料,内心一阵惊慌。 You...... you......” his words tremble, quickly stops up the intestines and stomach with the hand, there has the blood hole, was overstepped by Dragon Horse, on the half body and lower half body almost must divide family property. “你……你们……”他话语打颤,急忙用手去堵肠肚,那里有个血窟窿,被龙马踏过,上半截身子与下半截身子几乎要分家了。 „When your what you, this/Ben dragon vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Kunlun Mountains, which dares to refuse to accept, your Penglai Immortal Island that's all, dares the verbal command world? A This King hoof can stamp to turn to you!” “你什么你,本龙纵横昆仑时,哪个敢不服,你们一个蓬莱仙岛而已,也敢号令天下?本座一蹄子就能给你们跺翻!” Dragon Horse with bandit, looks disdainfully they, walks back and forth before several people, xue touches the spoils of war, finally is angry, almost a hoof gives to stamp. 龙马跟个土匪似的,睥睨他们,在几人身前走来走去,踅摸战利品,最终气恼,差点一蹄子都给踩死。 Reported Sect Master, asks Heavenly Venerate......” Old Woman to be panic-stricken, in sound transmission to the city, he knows that met the ruthless stubble, this was not they can annoy absolutely. “去禀告教主,去请天尊……”老妪惊骇,冲城内传音,他知道遇上了狠茬子,这绝对不是他们能惹的。 Young Heavenly Venerate was ignorant, maintained total silence. 小天尊更是懵了,一语不发。 Does not need, our self-destruction to go to the Penglai celestial mountain to be a guest, I must ask personally, opens in Central Plain teaches whether needs your Penglai to allow to be good!” Ye Fan said. “不必了,我们自毁去蓬莱仙山做客,我要亲自问一问,在中土开教是否需要你们蓬莱允许才行!”叶凡道。 Since had arrived this step, had nothing saying that really must get into a deadlock, the horse trod Penglai also to might as well. 既然已经到了这一步,也没什么可多说了,真要闹僵,马踏蓬莱也无妨。
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