STH :: Volume #11

#1015: Penglai

Old Daoist Priest from Taoism Ancestral Hall wore the obsolete Daoist robe, white hair and ruddy complexion, the age can have over thousand years old, informed Ye Fan, Penglai possibly has to lead to the Foreign Domain's road. 来自道教祖庭老道士身穿陈旧道袍,鹤发童颜,年龄能有千余岁了,告知叶凡,蓬莱可能有通向域外的路。 However, he also spoke, this immortal island person hardly trod on Central Plain, the number was rare by hundred years, the bystander was very difficult to search. 然而,他却也明言,这处仙岛的人几乎不履中土,数以百年难得一见,外人很难寻觅。 Penglai, was honored as the fairyland since old times, in a Divine Mountain of Immortal Being housing for the sea, the king's in mortal to ask immortal undying medicine in the ancient times often dispatched the ships to cross the sea. 蓬莱,自古就被誉为仙境,为海中仙人居住的一座神山,古代凡人中的帝王为求长生不死药常遣船只渡海。 In the Ye Fan hearing this heart moves, expressed gratitude, gave him some precious spiritual medicine, said many practicing attainments, delivered to outside Old Daoist Priest the entrance personally. 叶凡闻言心中一动,表示感谢,送给他一些珍贵的灵药,又说了很多修行心得,亲自将老道士送到山门外。 The land has Kunlun Mountains, in the sea has Three Famous Mountains. These words spread since old times, in Three Famous Mountains has one is Penglai, is the prosperous Immortal Being hometown. 陆上有昆仑,海中有三山。这句话自古流传,三山中有一座就是蓬莱,是长盛不衰的仙人故乡。 Emperor Wu of outstanding ability and grand vision, to pursue the immortal asked the immortal once to make an artificial Taiyechi in Sweet Spring Palace, above had the Penglai celestial mountain in hearsay, spent really greatly. 雄才大略的汉武帝,为追仙求长生曾在甘泉宫造了一座人工的太液池,其上就有传闻中的蓬莱仙山,耗资甚巨。 But in this fame, nature, when is First Emperor, once assigned/life alchemist Xu Fu to lead several thousand boys and girls to go to sea to seek the immortal, is gone forever, the folk completely knows. 而此中最为出名者,自然当属始皇帝,曾命方士徐福带领数千童男童女出海求仙,就此一去不复返,民间尽知。 Ye Fan ponders over earnestly, since he comes back, almost went all over Ancient Dao Field, has not discovered with Foreign Domain interlinked Ancient Starry Sky Road. But among the Ancient years, on Earth has many great person, finally all departs, how regardless of should also leave behind some clues to be right. 叶凡认真琢磨,自从他回来后,几乎走遍了上古道场,都没有发现与域外相通的星空古路。而上古年间,地球上有诸多大贤,最终皆离去,无论如何也应留下一些线索才对。 Perhaps really in the Penglai fairyland.” He talked to oneself, only had Dao Field in sea not to search. “也许真的在蓬莱仙境吧。”他自语道,也唯有海中的道场没有搜索了。 Ye Fan goes to sea, rides to sit on Dragon Horse, bringing Zhang Qingyang, Promising Fish wait/etc. to do disciple, this they are determined to travel together time, thinks that Ye Fan such as searches Kunlun Mountains to treasure hunt equally. 叶凡出海,骑坐在龙马上,带着张清扬有为鱼等一干弟子,这一次他们是执意要同行,以为叶凡如探昆仑一样去寻宝。 «Classic of Mountains and Seas» records, the sea has three celestial mountains, Penglai, Yingzhou and Fangzhang, on the mountain are the fairylands, has the elixir. 山海经》记载,海上有三座仙山,蓬莱、瀛洲、方丈,山上是仙境,有长生不老药。 These three celestial mountains the fame was enormous since ancient times, is called the Eastern fairyland, emerges later has to replace the western potential of Kunlun Mountains. The folk proposes the fairyland, knows Penglai, raises Kunlun Mountains fresh. 这三座仙山古来名气极大,被称作东方仙境,兴起之后有取代西昆仑之势。民间一提仙境,多知蓬莱,鲜提昆仑。 The blue sea lives big wave, surging forward with great momentum, stretches to the horizon, will only have own entering the sea to know that this vastness, may to open up the mind/bosom. 碧海生涛,波澜壮阔,一望无垠,唯有亲身入海才会晓得这种浩瀚,可让人放开胸怀。 Master, whether in this sea really has the dragon palace, whether we can be a guest?” Elegant Little Fish sprouts up the fantasy. “师傅,这海中是否真有龙宫,我们能否去做客?”彦小鱼突发奇想。 Even if there are is still several Flood Dragon that's all, wants to enter the dragon cave mansion to be really a guest, non- Ancient Great Emperor not such big face.” Saying that Dragon Horse disdains. “即便有也是几头蛟龙而已,想进入真龙洞府做客,非古之大帝没有这么大的面子。”龙马不屑的说道。 Several years passed by, its arrogance has not changed slightly, but meets domineering Human Race's Saint Physique, is the dragon it also the plate, therefore cannot turn what storm. 几年过去了,它的傲气丝毫未改,但遇上一个强势的人族圣体,是龙它也得盘着,因此翻不出什么风浪。 They went to sea still had achieved nothing for half a month, does not know where the Penglai celestial mountain, discovered actually ruined on ancient immortal mansion, had been submerged by the sea water. 他们出海半个月了依然一无所获,不知蓬莱仙山在何方,倒是发现了一座破败的上古洞府,早已被海水淹没。 Ye Fan has no means that in the sea the celestial mountain is most difficult to seek, has no happening together with land cultivator, only left behind some legend that's all. 叶凡没有任何办法,海中仙山最难寻,与陆上的修士没有什么交集,只留下了一些传说而已 Should in Bohai.” Ye Fan talked to oneself, disperses the powerful Divine Consciousness search, wants to discover unusually, catches Ancient magic formation aura. “应是在渤海中。”叶凡自语,散开强大的神识搜索,想要发现异常,捕捉到上古法阵气机 «Records of the Grand Historian» has the record: „, Proclaimed, swallow clear to make one enter the sea from the prestige to ask Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou three Divine Mountain, its biography in Bohai, going to the person was not far. Contracts and, then the ship wind directs to go. cover Chang has, medicine of various Immortal Being and not dying all.” 《史记》有记载:“自威、宣、燕昭使人入海求蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲三神山者,其传在渤海中,去人不远。患且至则船风引而去。盖尝有至者,诸仙人及不死之药皆在焉。” Bang “轰” Suddenly, the distant place spray is startled dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, then presents a huge vortex, must they curl Ye Fan. 突然,远处浪花惊起数十丈高,而后出现一个巨大漩涡,要将叶凡他们卷进去。 Is a sea freshwater mussel!” Elegant Little Fish calls out in alarm. “是一只大海蚌!”彦小鱼惊呼。 Under the sea water, has dozens zhang (3.33 m) old freshwater mussel to open the freshwater mussel shell fully, Heaven Swallowing spits, made the marine strong winds writings, wants to swallow down them. 在海水下,一只足有几十丈长的老蚌张开蚌壳,吞天吐地,令海上狂风大作,想将他们吞下去。 This is one for many years old monster, induced several people of spiritual energies, if swallowed, will have the big profit to it, therefore started the perils of the sea, wanted the volume next several people. 这是一个积年老妖,感应到了几人身上的灵气,若是吞掉,对它将有大益处,因此发动海难,想要卷下几人。 Rare, bumped into one to practice unexpectedly more than 800 years of old monster, was in Dragon Transformation Realm.” Ye Fan said. “难得啊,竟碰上了一个修行了八百多年的老妖,身在化龙秘境。”叶凡道。 Zhan Yifan without demur, took out flying sword, turns into flaming magnificent light to stand together chops the sea, immediately the rolling mountains, cut one to be the number hundred zhang (333 m) long oceanic trench, compelled the sea water to both sides. 詹一凡二话没说,祭出飞剑,化成一道炽盛光华立劈大海,顿时大浪滔天,斩出一条长达数百丈长的海沟,将海水生生逼向了两旁。 Clang “锵” However, the old freshwater mussel is not mediocre, cultivation is profound, unusual, freshwater mussel shell big, altogether 18 Sea God Bead depart, unexpectedly immobilized Void. 然而,老蚌也不是凡俗,道行高深,非常了得,蚌壳大张,一共有十八颗海神珠飞出,竟然定住虚空 Zhan Yifan makes, almost suffers a disaster, seven swords unite, break out a way out, escaped difficultly, reveals wipes startled accommodates. In recent years, under Ye Fan's Dharma Protector, he had passed several times Thunder Tribulation, is in Dragon Transformation Realm, few person can press him. 詹一凡挣动,差一点遭劫,七剑合一,劈开一条生路,艰难的逃了出来,露出一抹惊容。这些年来,在叶凡的护法下,他已经度过了数次雷劫,身在化龙秘境,少有人能难为他。 Is the a Dragon freshwater mussel, has the life junction to cultivate the law bead, no wonder the strength is excellent.” Ye Fan reveals being astonished color, in the freshwater mussel shell is the a Dragon shape old freshwater mussel, 18 law beads are the pearls that its flesh produces, growth this situation has been spirituality blends up to now, can compare Ancient method bead. “是一条龙蚌,拥有性命交修法珠,难怪实力过人。”叶凡露出讶色,蚌壳内是一条龙形老蚌,十八颗法珠是它血肉磨出的珍珠,成长到而今这个地步早已是灵性交融,堪比上古法珠。 Young Sparrow Dragon take action, with is Monster Race, he knows sincerely the weakness of old freshwater mussel where, coming up is a Daoist Priest rainbow, passes through in the freshwater mussel shell, Monster Qi is dreadful, cuts its strategic point. 龙小雀出手,同为妖族,他深切知道老蚌的弱点在何处,上来就是一道长虹,直贯蚌壳内,妖气滔天,斩其要害。 Clang “铿” 18 law beads are dazzling, arouse the boundless great waves, dragon Bang is practices many years of old monster, immediately perceived was not wonderful, this group of people cannot stir up, turn around to escape. 十八颗法珠璀璨夺目,激起无边的浪涛,龙蚌是修行多年的老妖,立时觉察到了不妙,这伙人惹不起,转身就遁。 However, how Ye Fan will allow it to run away, in the forehead wisp of Origin Qi projects, passes Mount Tai again, suppresses it at the scene, the freshwater mussel shell made the crack sound. 然而,叶凡怎会容它逃走,眉心内一缕母气射出,重逾泰山,当场将它压住,蚌壳都发出了龟裂的声响。 Exalted Immortal forgives, the small monster is ignorant, should not offend.” The old freshwater mussel ghost all braves, ten thousand have not thought that bumps into this to exceed the Ancient Sect Master character in this Dharma End Era. 上仙饶命,小妖无知,不该冒犯。”老蚌亡魂皆冒,万没有想到在这末法时代碰到这等超越上古教主的人物。 „To maintain a livelihood also good, told us the Penglai celestial mountain where.” Huang Tiannu is grinning, although there is a peerless beautiful face, but the body is actually murderous aura layer upon layer. “想要活命也行,告诉我们蓬莱仙山在何处。”凰天女笑嘻嘻,虽有绝代芳容,可是身上却是杀气层层。 Ye Fan nods, this old freshwater mussel is not the good kind, even if not cut cultivation, must warn well, if can ask where the fairyland because of naturally best. 叶凡点头,这老蚌不是什么善类,即便不斩去一身道行,也得好好警告一番,而若能问出仙境在何方自然最好不过。 I do not know, in the sea three celestial mountains are mystical, is unable to track down, otherwise the old freshwater mussel had turned, heard that there vitality is abundant, from ancient to present not dry.” “我不知,海中三仙山过于神秘,根本无从追寻,不然老蚌早就去投靠了,听说那里元气充沛,自古至今都没有干涸。” That wants your what to use , to continue with it is the calamity sea area, might as well massacres directly.” Huang Tiannu reveals murderous intention, intimidates old monster. “那要你何用,与其继续为祸海域,还不如直接杀掉。”凰天女流露杀机,恫吓老妖 Several Immortal Being forgive, although I do not know, but I can actually provide some clues.” The old freshwater mussel opens the mouth to beg for mercy. “几位仙人饶命,我虽然不知,但我却能提供一些线索。”老蚌开口求饶。 Finally, it directs several people to a sea in immortal residence, the underwater world is very dim, but this place has brilliant appearance to fill the air, clear. 最终,它将几人引到一座海中洞府,水下的世界很朦胧,但这个地方却有宝辉弥漫,一片晶莹。 This is a palace, builds by various types of beautiful and insightful coral, inscribes many magic formation and Dao Traces, is very ancient Underwater Manor, gathers some fish and shrimp and other small monsters. 这是一片宫殿,以各种美丽而通透的珊瑚筑造而成,刻有很多法阵道痕,是一处很古老的水府,聚有一些鱼虾等小妖。 Mansion Lord is seahorse spirit, at the present has lived 1500 years old, is in this sea the overlord in the world, the life in square sea area must altogether revere. 府主是一头海马精,而今已活了一千五百岁,是这海中世界的一个霸主,四方海域中的生灵都要共尊。 True Body of old seahorse can the have several hundred zhang (333 m) be long, turned into one to send the Daoist to welcome scarlet, very polite, his spiritual awareness was keen and powerful, the fearfulness of sensation to Ye Fan and Dragon Horse, the heart had the terrified. 老海马的真身有数百丈长,化成一个赤发道人迎了出来,非常的客气,他灵觉敏锐与强大,感知到了叶凡龙马的可怕,心有惶恐。 Ye Fan explained the purpose in coming directly, where inquired Penglai, if in sea a side overlord if not know that really did not have idea, he can only retreat. 叶凡直接说明了来意,询问蓬莱在何方,若是海中一方霸主若是不知,那就真的没辙了,他只能退走。 Small old truly knows, but that place was too fearful, in the water lay out Ancient Killing Formation, my several attempts cannot pass, cannot enter the island.” The reminder of old seahorse good intentions. “小老儿确实知晓,但是那个地方太可怕了,水中布下上古杀阵,我几次尝试都未能通过,不能入岛。”老海马善意的提醒。 Might as well, Mansion Lord told us freely then.” Ye Fan is also very polite, having the smile to talk with him. “无妨,府主尽管告诉我们即可。”叶凡也很客气,带着微笑与他交谈。 Finally, the old seahorse leads the way personally, takes into a mysterious sea area them, the average person is unable to approach, will bypass inexplicably. But their right and wrong average man, after here felt intermittent dense/woods cold murderous intention, touched slightly, the swords will pass the heavenly sword air/Qi to divide to cut. 最终,老海马亲自引路,将他们带进一片神秘的海域,一般人根本无法靠近,会莫名绕过。而他们是非常人,接近这里后感受到了一阵阵森寒的杀机,稍一触及,就会有一道道剑通天剑气劈斩。 Small old can only bring to here, does not dare to penetrate.” Heroin training ground. “小老儿只能带到这里,不敢深入了。”老海马道。 Many thanks Mansion Lord.” The Ye Fan earnest expression gratitude, brings several disciple stride vanguards, his cauldron hangs in the head, dangles endless Origin Qi, covers them, any thousand magic spell, divine ability attacks, receives completely totally. “多谢府主了。”叶凡认真的表示谢意,带着几位弟子大步前行,他的鼎悬在头上,垂下无尽的母气,将他们笼罩,任千般法术、万般神通攻来,全部一概接下。 Behind, old seahorse spirit is dumbfounded, nearly petrify, muttered: Ancient Sect Master is also far inferior, is this on the land that Lord of the Celestial Court?” 后方,老海马精目瞪口呆,近乎石化,喃喃道:“上古教主也远不及,难道这就是陆地上那位天庭之主?” Ye Fan rides to sit on Dragon Horse, head cauldron lets fall next over ten thousand silk ribbons, Myriad Laws does not moisten the body, having several people to meet no resistance, penetrates this mysterious sea area directly. 叶凡骑坐龙马上,头上的鼎垂落下上万条丝绦,万法不沾身,带着几人如入无人之境,径直深入这片神秘的海域。 This piece of Ancient magic formation may really be vast, led the way several hundred li (0.5 km), has not rushed.” Promising Fish is flabbergasted secretly. “这片上古法阵可真是浩大,前行数百里了,还没有闯过去。”有为鱼暗暗咋舌。 Like this walked was too slow, looked my!” Dragon Horse is impatient, thought that Ye Fan's several disciple actions are not very rapid, its four hooves live the splendor, immediately the flame soars to the heavens, presents flame Great Dao in this deep blue sea level, continuously to lead to distant place. “这样走太慢了,看我的!”龙马不耐烦了,觉得叶凡的几个弟子行动不够迅疾,它四蹄生辉,顿时火光冲天,在这碧蓝的海面上出现一条火光大道,一直通向远方。 A Dragon Horse long and loud cry, is carrying Ye Fan, when first flushes away forward, almost raising flies Little Pine on horse buttocks, little thing is vigorous, seized horse tail, discontented whisper. 龙马一声长啸,载着叶凡当先向前冲去,差点将马屁股上的小松给掀飞,小东西手疾,一把揪住了马尾巴,不满了叽咕了一句。 Zhang Qingyang, Promising Fish, Zhan Yifan and the others, cannot help but towed by a flame, is treading flame Great Dao the line, probably was pulled the general flight. 张清扬有为鱼詹一凡等人不由自主,被一道火光牵引,踏着火光大道而行,像是被人拉扯一般飞行。 This Dragon Horse may really be the magical power direct access to the highest authorities, only has living that the master can surrender, this is the flame god escaping technique in Ancient legend, achieves peak, various law cannot near body, but in journey Sun and Moon, Ancient magic formation cannot block.” “这龙马可真是法力通天,也唯有师傅能降服的住,这是上古传说中的火光神遁术,达到极致,诸法不能近身,可出行日月中,上古法阵都拦不住。” Ye Fan's several disciple all changed the color, legends say can display this person of technique to have bloodlines strength that excels by far the world, is rules a side and same step invincible fearful existence in Ancient. 叶凡的几位弟子全都变了颜色,相传能施展此术的人必有冠绝人间的血脉力,在上古都是君临一方、同阶无敌的可怕存在。 The Dragon Horse rush through 800 li (0.5 km), flame Great Dao presses on the wave, various Ancient Dao Traces cannot near body, unable to prevent, even if swiftest and fiercest killing off to/clashes occasionally, will still be reduced and solved by Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron. 龙马奔行八百里,火光大道压在水波上,各种上古道痕都不能近身,无法阻挡,即便最为凌厉的杀光偶尔冲来,也会被万物母气鼎化解掉。 Finally, Immortal Qi is dim, the front presents giant islands, in the standing erect sea, serves as contrast the multi-colored sunlight that to overflow the , auspicious color numerous. 终于,仙气朦胧,前方出现一座巨大的岛屿,矗立海中,将附近都衬托的霞光流溢,瑞彩纷呈。 Was seeks eventually.” Ye Fan lightly said, this place should be the Penglai celestial mountain. “终究是寻到了。”叶凡轻语,这个地方应该就是蓬莱仙山。 whether it is «Classic of Mountains and Seas» «Records of the Grand Historian» some mentioned, Penglai, Fangzhang and in Yingzhou this sea three celestial mountains have undying medicine, no matter the genuine and fake, can infer their uncommonness from this sufficiently. 无论是山海经》还是《史记》中都有提到,蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲这海中三座仙山有不死药,不管真假,由此足以可以推断它们的不凡。 Ye Fan they land on the island, has to sigh with regret the hugeness of this islands, compared favorably with simply quickly together Continent, could not bear say including temper very cold Young Sparrow Dragon, outside seven continents could consider to add on one again. 叶凡他们登岛,不得不慨叹这座岛屿的巨大,简直快比得上一块大陆了,连性子很冷的龙小雀忍不住说,七大洲外或许可以考虑再加上一个。 When leaves the coast, after penetrating several hundred li (0.5 km), they are dumbfounded, the abatement discovered outside some cities also to see several ancient cities. 当离开海岸,深入进去数百里后他们更是目瞪口呆,除却发现一些城镇外还见到了几座古代的城池。 In the island has many residents, this was an ancient world, put on has no difference from the habits and customs with Chinese pre-Qin period. 岛上有很多居民,这是一片古代世界,穿着与生活习惯等与中国先秦时期没有什么区别。 „The spiritual energy on this island was really sufficient, not by the influence of Dharma End Era!” They have to be startled. “这个岛上的灵气真是太充足了,未受末法时代的影响!”他们不得不惊。 In the barren mountains and wild hills, on the sheer precipice, Essence Qi fills the air, may seek spiritual medicine, just like in Ancient years, the different grass Jane|treasure medicine has not become extinct, often was discovered. 荒山野岭中,悬崖峭壁上,精气弥漫,可寻到灵药,犹如上古,异草珍药等都没有绝种,不时被发现。 Ye Fan inquired, learned in the island only has immortal cultivator Holy Sect, with islands, named Penglai of the same name. 叶凡向人打听,得悉岛上只有一个修仙圣教,与岛屿同名,名为蓬莱。 Several Exalted Immortal, the Penglai celestial mountain leaves this place to be very far, but Young Heavenly Venerate actually keeping watch in Holy City of not far away, you can first visit him.” A woodcutter direction of good intention. “几位上仙,蓬莱仙山离此地很远,不过一位小天尊坐镇于不远处的一座圣城,你们可以先去拜访他。”一位好心的樵夫指点。 Ye Fan they thanked, wants to go to the Penglai celestial mountain directly, but actually did not know the way, must previously toward that Holy City. 叶凡他们谢过,本想直接去蓬莱仙山,可却不知路径,只得先前往那座圣城 Their tone may be really big, said by Heavenly Venerate unexpectedly, also has master such strength?” Several disciple discussed. “他们口气可真不小,竟以天尊自称,难道也有师傅这样的实力吗?”几位弟子议论。 This Holy City is very broad, big grand, the city gate has the cultivator guard, saw that Ye Fan rides Dragon Horse to come, immediately one startled, to to report, alarmed so-called Young Heavenly Venerate, own entering a city building watches. 这座圣城很恢宏,高大雄伟,城门有修士把守,见到叶凡龙马而来,顿时一惊,向里禀报,惊动了所谓的小天尊,亲登城楼观看。 Is he!” “是他!” Zhang Qingyang changed the color immediately, is staring at that youngster in city, four years ago are this person makes into the severe wound him, opened piece of Celestial Court to construct, burnt down the Ye Fan's idol. 张清扬当即就变了颜色,盯着城上的那个年轻人,四年前就是此人将他打成重伤,拆了一片天庭建筑,焚毁了叶凡的神像。 I consider anyone, originally is you, whether taught to dismiss Celestial Court?” The young man corners of the mouth in city gate building have color of the wisp of ridicule, said: You really do not use for parts this name, burns a cleanness these Heavenly Emperor idols as early as possible.” “我当是谁,原来是你们,是否将天庭教解散了?”城门楼上的年轻男子嘴角带着一缕讥讽之色,道:“你们真不配用这个名字,趁早将那些天帝神像都烧个干净。” In the middle of the month, summon ***, welcome to suspect how Ye Fan leaves, *** the back requests personally inscribes the answer, throws together. 月中,呼唤***啦,也欢迎猜想叶凡怎么离开,***的的背面请写上答案,一起投来吧。
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