STH :: Volume #11

#1014: Seeks Heavenly Road

Ye Fan put away Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, Dragon Horse was pressed half a month, was about to spit blood, in the cauldron the bright mark was luckily mobile, collected murderous intention. 叶凡收起万物母气鼎,龙马被压了半个月,都快吐血了,也幸好鼎上有神痕流动,自行敛去了杀机 A Dragon Horse extrication, coming up is a hoof, it was pressed half a month, the fire of air/Qi hits the skull, obviously it is not good stubble, is a tyrant who the Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein are worthy of the reputation. 龙马一解脱,上来就是一蹄子,它被压了半个月,气的火撞头盖骨,显然它并不是一个善茬儿,是昆仑仙脉名副其实的一霸。 Bang “砰” The Little Pine eyebrow in the eyes magnificent light twinkle, blooms two dragon shape purple glow, in Monster Emperor's Nine Executions Divine Trauma | depressed attacks, for master take action Dao Protector. 小松双目中光华闪烁,绽放出两道龙形紫芒,妖帝九斩中的“神伤”出击,替师傅出手护道 Dragon Horse disdained, opens mouth to aspirate gives to wash out. Little Pine butt sat on the ground, a discouragement, muttered low voice. The Ye Fan smile, touches its head, comforts saying: „Do you practice for several years?” 龙马不屑,张嘴吐了一口气就给冲散了。小松一屁墩坐在了地上,一阵气馁,小声咕哝。叶凡微笑,摸了摸它的头,安慰道:“你才修行几年?” As soon as he moves sideways, rode to sit on the body of Dragon Horse directly, said: You , if not know that the depth do not blame me being brutal, you are clear, this time is you comes in me voluntarily.” 他一闪身,直接骑坐在了龙马的身上,道:“你若再不知深浅别怪我无情,你要明白,这一次是你自愿跟我进来的。” Dragon Horse makes, but meets Dao Severing Human Race's Saint Physique this anomaly, even its immortal three Realm do not have idea invincibly, shakes motionless this radically mountain. 龙马挣动,但是遇上斩道人族圣体这种怪胎,即便它仙三境界无敌也没辙,根本就撼不动这座“大山”。 Is rare we successfully to enter nurturing immortal land, the water in this will be Divine Liquid, whether it is practices for refine medicine will have big using.” Ye Fan said. “难得我们成功入孕仙地,这池中的水为神液,无论是用于炼药还是修行都会有大用。”叶凡说道。 Yes, is very sweet.” The Little Pine sound is very immature, both hands hold up a small jade bowl, is flashing the sparkling big eye, raises head to look at Ye Fan, making him also drink one. “是的,很甜的。”小松声音很稚嫩,双手举起一个小玉碗,扑闪着亮晶晶的大眼,仰头看叶凡,让他也喝一口。 Ye Fan smiled, takes out various Space Artifact, prepares to gather Divine Liquid in pond, this type of thing only happens by happy circumstance, seizes Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, has the infinite wondrous use. 叶凡笑了,取出各种空间法器,准备收取池中的神液,这种东西可遇不可求,夺天地造化,有无穷妙用。 He had tasted a moment ago, in Divine Spring compared with it life restricted area, has the strong delicate fragrance, might be considered as rare medicine, may block the human body to be senile, can continue life essence. 他刚才已经尝过,比之生命禁地中的神泉更甚,有浓烈的清香,堪称是一种奇药,可阻人体衰老,能延续命元 Pitifully, immortal magnificent and Dragon Treasure of various Dragon's Head peak embodiments have lost, Divine Liquid that otherwise flows out will be heaven defying.” Ye Fan sighed lightly. “可惜,各座龙首峰内蕴的仙华与龙宝都已遗失,不然的话流出的神液将是逆天的。”叶凡轻叹。 The Ferocity's method is formidable, can take action in Ancient Celestial Court lay out magic formation, give to puncture each Dragon's Head peak, really will be shocks the past and present in the future. 狠人的手段让人敬畏,能在古天庭布下法阵出手,将每一座龙首峰给打穿,实在是震撼古今未来。 Dragon Horse has not been idling, the opens the mouth attracts fiercely, wants as far as possible many collection Divine Liquid. But Little Pine pats behind small medicine basket, similarly turns into together the purple light, directing Divine Liquid to come, to receive for oneself has. 龙马也没闲着,张口猛吸,想要尽可能多的收取神液。而小松一拍身后的小药篓,同样化成一道紫光,引神液而来,收为己有。 However, what making them not think, just from the beginning seized the Divine Liquid mutation to happen wantonly, Immortal Pond is fast, the rivers and lakes and immortal light flow backwards, draw back to the distant place. 然而,让他们没有想到的是,刚一开始大肆攫取神液异变就发生了,仙池快速干涸,水泽与仙光倒流,退向远方。 What's all this about?” Dragon Horse stared round the big eye. “这是怎么回事?”龙马瞪圆了大眼。 Ye Fan scolds lightly, revolution 'Weapon' Character Art seizes the god water, crash-bang a final dozens jin (0.5 kg) water splash was curled, other all flows backwards to go, submerges in the mountain massif. 叶凡一声轻叱,运转兵字诀夺神水,哗啦一声最后几十斤水花被卷来,余下的全部倒流而去,没入山体内。 Ten thousand dragons absorb water! 万龙倒吸水! Over ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks hold breath Divine Liquid wait/etc. curled all essence and immortal light, no longer nourishes this place, this is a reversal, with was opposite previously. 上万座龙首峰倒吸神液,将所有菁华与仙光等都卷了回去,不再滋养此地,这是一种逆转,与此前相反。 These Dragon's Head each and every one sent out dragon roar, just like having life, the body has lithical dragon scales to open piece by piece, in the pupil even emits sparkling divine glow. Ye Fan is astonished, if Ferocity does not have swift and fierce take action, what situation these stone dragons will go to? 这些龙首一个个都发出了龙吟,宛若有生命,身上有一片片石质的龙鳞张开,眸子中甚至放出烁烁神芒叶凡惊异,狠人如果没有凌厉出手,这些石龙会达到什么地步? Bang “轰” Last severe tremor, all immortal splendors were swallowed into dragon mouth, only then the next dense light fog fills the air, the spiritual energy in entire mountain valley sharply fell. 最后一声剧震,所有仙辉都被吞入了龙口内,只有下氤氲光雾弥漫,整座山谷内的灵气锐减了很多。 So also good, Heaven and Earth on Earth will recover life-force slowly.” Ye Fan said. After taking this Immortal Cauldron, over ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks will then not derive the spiritual energy on Earth again, does not need to continue to nourish Immortal Ascension Land, will return nurturing to parents the landscape of Earth. “如此也好,地球上的天地又将会慢慢复苏生机了。”叶凡道。取走这座仙鼎后,上万龙首峰便不会再汲取地球上的灵气,不用继续滋养成仙地,甚至会反哺地球的河山。 Ye Fan does not have the means to ruin this place, do not say is he, is throughout the ages so many people outstandingly is not good! Ancient Celestial Court lay out kills a game of deterrent to be eternal, unmanned solvable, touches certain death. 叶凡没有办法毁掉此地,不要说是他,就是古往今来那么多人杰都不行!古天庭布下的杀局威慑万古,无人可解,触之必死 In Paradise Valley, the auspicious light is mobile, even if were inferior greatly formerly, still by far Ye Fan any place, ancient medicine smelled as sweet, fragrant filling the air of wisp of undying divine medicine, intoxicant mind. 仙谷内,祥光流动,即便大不如从前了,也远胜叶凡所过的任何一处地方,古药飘香,更有一缕不死神药的芬芳弥漫,醉人心神。 Walked...... this Heaven and Earth to start finally changes.” Ye Fan rides to sit on Dragon Horse, bringing Little Pine to leave Immortal Ascension Land, submerged in mountain range. “走了……这天地终于又要开始变了。”叶凡骑坐在龙马身上,带着小松离开了成仙地,没入山脉中。 Lofty Kunlun Mountains, the mountain peak is unceasing, continuous boundless. Ye Fan they walked for a long time came out very much finally, are in *** with the Qinghai intersection point, looks that blue sky and white clouds had an illusory feeling. In this stretch of land, there are many regions hidden in Ancient magic formation, the average man does not know, probably two world. 巍巍昆仑,山峰不绝,连绵无边。叶凡他们走了很久终于出来,身在***与青海交界处,看着那蓝天与白云有种虚幻的感觉。在这片大地上,有许多的区域都隐在上古法阵内,常人根本不知,像是两个世界。 Is separated from Kunlun Mountains, arrived at the outside world, Dragon Horse filled immediately astonishedly, many disdaining, because was extremely bleak, no spiritual energy, was similar to the fairyland world compared to Ancient magic formation, at present sees like the desert. 脱离昆仑,来到外边的世界,龙马顿时充满了惊异,更有许多不屑,因为太过荒凉了,没有一点灵气,相对于上古法阵中如同仙境般的世界,眼前所见如同大漠。 Little Pine is actually very happy, it lived in such world, had become accustomed, cheering. 小松倒是很开心,它原本就生活在这样的世界,早就习以为常了,呜嗷的欢呼。 Ye Fan rides to sit a Dragon Horse return to trigger the big vibration, each Dao Field all shocks, legends say this is the Ancient Saint Sovereign's mount, the person of non- cardinal virtue cannot ride. At the present, this surrendered one to come back unexpectedly directly, making one be at a loss for words, cannot speak. 叶凡骑坐一匹龙马归来引发大震动,各个道场全都震撼,相传这可是上古圣皇的坐骑,非大德之人不能骑乘。而今,这位竟直接降服了一头回来,让人张口结舌,说不出话来。 This is purebred Dragon Horse, but is not the descendant of mixed blood, since ancient times had not been born several, is auspicious omen Saint Beast that Heaven and Earth manifestation has. 这是一匹纯种的龙马,而并非杂血的后裔,古来也没有诞生过几匹,是天地化生出的祥瑞圣兽 Master!” Young Heavenly Master Zhang Qingyang pays a visit. “师傅!”小天师张清扬拜见。 This nameless short mountain and has no change, still only then several thatched huts with medicine field, Ye Fan sit cross-legged together in a blue stone, saw this disciple to lose the severe wound unexpectedly. 这处无名的矮山并无什么变化,依然只有几间茅屋与一块药田,叶凡盘坐在一块青石上,见这位弟子竟负了重伤。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” In also some people in Heaven and Earth dares to bully his disciple at the present, counts years ago he to enter Jerusalem Holy City, kills Vatican, overawes everywhere. 在而今在天地内还有人敢欺他的弟子吗,数年前他一个人入耶路撒冷圣城,又杀进梵蒂冈,早已是威震海内外。 You ride Dragon Horse to turn over to this time luckily, otherwise my Celestial Court passes on true understanding may be affected greatly.” Zhang Qingyang said. “幸好您于此时骑龙马而归,不然我天庭传道真的可能会大受影响了。”张清扬说道。 Several days ago, some people entered Celestial Court Dao Field, the spoken language disrespect extremely, the arson burnt the Heavenly Emperor resembles at the scene, the severe wound Zhang Qingyang, had a great influence. 就在数日前,有人进入天庭一处道场,言语极其不敬,当场纵火烧了天帝像,重伤了张清扬,影响很大。 Celestial Court's Young Heavenly Master was injured, this naturally is the important matter, that person talked wildly, said that Celestial Court did not know the immensity of heaven and earth, have what skills and abilities dares by this established Sect, the powder taught as early as possible, will otherwise be put down. 天庭的小天师被人所伤,这自然是大事,那个人放言,说天庭不知天高地厚,何德何能敢以此名立教,趁早散教,不然将被扫平。 Ye Fan naturally knows world multi- eccentric, even if Earth is at Dharma End Era still to affirm somewhat unknown expert, but makes widely known like this somewhat is not as he expected. 叶凡自然知晓世间奇人,地球即便处在末法时代也肯定有些未知的高手,不过这样张扬却有些出乎他的意料。 That person is not old, compared with my at the worst many, young and impetuous, felt that does not have not old appearance eccentric.” Zhang Qingyang said. “那个人年龄并不高,比我大不了多少,年轻气盛,感觉不是拥有不老容颜的奇人。”张清扬说道。 Ye Fan nods, at the present Young Heavenly Master today we are no longer as we have been, assisted by him receives the Thunder Tribulation baptism repeatedly, in this world also only then Young Sparrow Dragon and Promising Fish they may be on par with him. 叶凡点头,而今的小天师今非昔比,经他相助多次受雷劫洗礼,这个世上也只有龙小雀有为鱼他们可与他比肩。 Was his treasure was too mainly fierce, under the named Void seal, shook broke dozens my bone.” Zhang Qingyang said the same day situation in detail. “主要是他的一宗宝贝太厉害了,名为虚空印,一震之下将我一身骨头打断了数十根。”张清扬详细说了当日的情况。 If not Huang Tiannu and Elegant Little Fish also on the scene, walks Young Heavenly Master fast, this time he possibly on danger. 若非凰天女彦小鱼也在场,快速将小天师就走,这一次他可能就危险了。 Ye Fan nods, said: Some, he is not to put down Celestial Court, I and others he appeared.” 叶凡点头,道:“有些过了,他不是要想扫平天庭吗,我等他出现。” Little Pine goes forward, takes out King Medicine from the small medicine basket, can have more than half meter high, entire such as the red agate carves, clear radiant, this is spirit vine, the medicine greets the nostrils fragrant, it gave Young Heavenly Master. 小松上前,从小药篓中取出一株药王,能有半米多高,整株如红玛瑙刻成,晶莹璀璨,这是一种灵藤,药香扑鼻,它递给了小天师 „, This is...... many thanks Little Senior Brother.” Zhang Qingyang is very steady, often did not make fun of Little Pine like Huang Tiannu, he naturally could judge the quality of goods, this mostly was rare spiritual medicine. “啊,这是……多谢小师兄。”张清扬很稳重,不像凰天女那样经常调弄小松,他自然识货,这多半是一株稀世灵药 This is King Medicine, can the Life and Death flesh white bones, be able to continue life essence.” Ye Fan said. “这是一株药王,可以生死人肉白骨,能延续寿元。”叶凡道。 King Medicine?” Young Heavenly Master is in a daze, has to think preciously, but has not actually thought that is valuable medicine that among the Ancient years are also hard to see, he flutters saying: „...... Was too precious.” 药王?”小天师发呆,不是没有想到过珍贵,但却没有想到是上古年间也难以得一见的宝药,他颤声说道:“太……珍贵了。” Ye Fan lets his put away, will keep will maintain life to use in the future, then took out Divine Liquid in some Immortal Pond to bestow him, this let his getting down training. 叶凡让他收起,留作日后保命用,而后取出一些仙池中的神液赐给了他,这才让他下去修养。 Shortly, Elegant Little Fish, Zhan Yifan wait/etc. also catches up one after another, is startled incomparably, everyone obtained King Medicine and some Divine Liquid, to them this simply is immortal pill! Because these things even in Ancient years is still divine herb, can continue several hundred years of life essence King Medicine to make Saint bow. 不久后,彦小鱼詹一凡等也相继赶来,都吃惊无比,每个人都得到了一株药王与一些神液,对于他们来说这简直就是“仙丹”!因为这些东西即便上古也算是神草,能延续数百年寿元药王可让圣人都为之而折腰。 Master, your enters Kunlun Mountain to really be time the harvest is huge, next time will search for the treasure to take us again.” “师傅,你们这一次进昆仑山可真是收获巨大,下次再去挖宝一定要带上我们。” Hurries to think that which Ancient Dao Field on Earth also has, making the masters step onto one time, certainly can obtain many rare marvelous work.” “赶紧想一想地球上还有哪些上古道场,让师傅都去走上一遭,一定能得到很多稀世神品。” Right, Greek Gods birthplace, Ancient Dao Field of Egypt and India, some ancient land of our within the boundaries, should seal the treasure.” “没错,希腊诸神诞生地,埃及、印度的上古道场,还有我们境内的一些古地,应该封有瑰宝。” Several people get to know the benefits, urge Ye Fan again take action. 几人尝到甜头,撺掇叶凡出手 This trip to Kunlun Mountains harvests greatly, Immortal Cauldron and Divine Traces Purple Gold tower was needless saying that light/only King Medicine obtained 17, as for other valuable medicines that was worse the crucial moment packed the Little Pine medicine basket, even the terrestrial environment were invariable, did not need to lack spiritual medicine worried. 这一次昆仑之行收获巨大,仙鼎以及神痕紫金塔就不用说了,光药王就得到了十七株,至于其他差些火候的宝药则装满了小松的药篓,即便地球环境不变,都不用为缺少灵药而担忧。 You must practice earnestly, must depend on itself. Must grow as soon as possible, perhaps some day I will leave.” Ye Fan warned, stayed such a long time in Earth, he is hard to dismiss from mind the Starry Sky another end old friend. “你们要认真修行,一切都要靠自己。要尽快成长起来,说不定有朝一日我就会离开了。”叶凡告诫,在地球呆了这么长时间,他难以忘怀星空另一端的故人。 Where does master you go to?” Several disciple closely examine, wants to enter Star Domain along with him together, leaves this world. “师傅你去哪里?”几位弟子追问,想随他一同进入星域,离开这个世界。 In a flash passed for several years, makes into the severe wound, to threaten that Zhang Qingyang wants level flat Celestial Court's youngster not to reappear. Ye Fan returned to Earth to have ten years, cultivation strove, every day he is looking up to Starry Sky. Cannot see the parents finally one side, is his lifetime regret, at the present every reason, has only had Immortal Ascension Road, how can depart? 一晃又过去了几年,将张清扬打成重伤、扬言要平掉天庭的年轻人并没有再现。叶凡回到地球已经有十年了,道行精进,每日他都在仰望星空。未能见到父母最后一面,是他一生的遗憾,而今凡缘已了,只剩下了成仙路,可如何才能离去? In these years, Ye Fan went to many places, seeks for the Ancient Star Domain Coordinate, in the past some so many Sage departed, certainly left behind what clue to be right. 在这几年里,叶凡去了很多地方,寻找上古星域坐标,当年有那么多圣贤离去,一定留下了什么线索才对。 In this period, several Guru of India were once contacting with him again, said that could obtain more perfect Ancient incantation, can enter Spiritual Mountain mostly. Therefore, Ye Fan once went to India personally, drew out mighty waves. 期间,印度的几位上师曾在再次联系他,说也许能得到更为完善的上古咒语,多半能藉此进入灵山。为此,叶凡曾亲自前往印度,着实引出了一片波澜。 He comes and goes out one after another ancient land, compares notes with some so-called people of high skill, naturally is difficult with an enemy, and obtains «Vedic Scripture», freely incomplete fierce, enough shook the world. 他出入一处又一处古地,与一些所谓的高人切磋,自然是难遇一敌,且得到一篇《吠陀经》,尽管残缺的厉害,也足够震世了。 The whether it is Brahmanism or Sakyamuni Buddha Buddhism, was passed through the influence really deep by this, this is primitive ancient scripture, recorded some original deep meanings. 无论是婆罗门教还是释迦牟尼佛门,都受此经影响甚深,这是一部原始古经,记载了一些独到的奥义。 Ye Fan researched in thorough detail several months for this reason, the furnace raises hundred, body Navan said, belongs to a furnace stack, he nourishes and is pregnant by his Daoist magic. 叶凡为此精研了数月有余,炉养百经,身纳万道,归于一炉身,他以此滋养与孕化自己的道法 Finally, he obtained many incantation in India, then starts off with several Guru, bringing Little Pine to move toward Spiritual Mountain together. Because, he thought that on Spiritual Mountain of Tibetan region possibly has Five Colored Alter, perhaps has the Big Dipper Star Domain Coordinate! 最后,他在印度得到了不少咒语,而后与几位上师上路,带着小松一起走向灵山。因为,他觉得藏区的灵山上可能有五色祭坛,也许有北斗星域的坐标! However he was disappointed, incantation not entire, is still unable to enter Sakyamuni Buddha Dao Field, finally falls short, cannot result in peeps the Buddhism mystery. 然而他失望了,咒语不全,依然无法进入释迦摩尼道场,最终功亏一篑,不能得窥佛门奥秘。 Ten years, do not know that what kind of mighty waves Big Dip­per Star Domain started......” Ye Fan to look up to Starry Sky to talk to oneself. “十年了,不知道北斗星域掀起了怎样的波澜……”叶凡仰望星空自语。 In Starry Sky another side, is various Kings rises together simultaneously, the big world of Myriad Clans paragenesis, unprecedented! Pours forth there person outstandingly, Ancient Sovereign's Son gets together, will possibly have Emperor's Child to appear. For other, to not only wait for that Immortal Ascension Road's opening. Does not need to ponder also knows, these years affirm surging forward with great momentum, all mighty people strive for hegemony, celestial female flies high, the group star is radiant. 星空的另一边,是一个诸王并起、万族共生的大世,前所未有!在那里人杰辈出,古皇子齐聚,甚至可能会有帝子出现。不为其他,只为等待那成仙路的开启。无需细想也知道,这些年来肯定波澜壮阔,诸雄争霸,天女凌空,群星璀璨。 Ten years passed by, perhaps many people forgot my rival quickly.” “十年过去了,也许不少人都快忘记我这个敌手了吧。” When Ye Fan looks up to Starry Sky, in a Tibetan region ordinary herdsman family/home is pleasantly surprised and worries, three -year-old young boy in a big sickness will have Hidden Depository from now on unexpectedly most mysterious Knowledge Depository phenomenon, has not been literate, never studies, can recite to be scripture of 1 million characters unexpectedly, and is been lost. 叶凡仰望星空之际,藏区一个普通的牧民家中又惊又喜又忧,年仅三岁的幼童在一场大病过后竟发生了“伏藏”中最为神奇的“识藏”现象,还未识字,从未学经,竟能背诵出长达百万字的经文,且都是已失传的。 In recent years, Ye Fan comes and goes out many secret location, has entered many Ancient Dao Field, he wants to seek for anything, in Dao Sect the person naturally knows. 这些年来,叶凡出入诸多密地,进入过许多上古道场,他想要寻找什么,道门中人自然知晓。 Perhaps on this day, Taoism Ancestral Hall Dragon Tiger Moun­tain's Old Daoist Priest comes visiting, tells him on Earth Divine Soil to enter the mysterious Star Domain deep place. 在这一天,道教祖庭龙虎山的一位老道士来访,告诉他地球上也许有一处神土能进入神秘的星域深处。
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