STH :: Volume #11

#1013: Myriad Things Source Cauldron

Bang “砰” When Immortal Pond that Ye Fan's searches into was shaken by a strange strength, cannot penetrate pool bottom. He flashes the eye to watch, in the wall has some filiform nets, clear, flowing immortal light, the blood vessel of life is probably common, even can the expiration and inspiration and breath. 叶凡的手探入的仙池时被一股奇诡的力量震开了,未能深入池底。他闪目观看,池壁中有一些丝状的网,根根晶莹,流动仙光,像是生灵的血管一般,甚至能吐纳与呼吸。 Really has the life!” “真有生命!” He has to be startled, this pool took the form of a placenta, by Ferocity slap patting broken to become pond, still has powerful life-force at the present. 他不得不惊,这个池子原本形似一个胎盘,被狠人一巴掌给拍碎成池,而今还依然有强大的生机 Ye Fan has not acted rashly, watches the wall earnestly, reveals startled accommodates, then looks to the far mountain, the essence that over ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks put out gathers in this, turns into Divine Pond, breeds an immortal embryo. 叶凡没有轻举妄动,认真观看池壁,露出惊容,而后又看向远山,上万座龙首峰吐出的菁华都汇聚于此,化成一个神池,孕育一个仙胎。 That is......” “那是……” After he opens the Heavenly Eye examines carefully is startled, each Dragon's Head forehead has fissure together, seemed given to penetrate a hole, clouds and mist flowing. 当他睁开天目细看后不禁大吃一惊,每一座龙首的眉心都有一道裂痕,似乎被人给击穿了一个洞,烟霞流动。 Ye Fan with rapt attention, eye, over ten thousand Dragon's Head exceptions, in the forehead have not only had elegant being in charge, detained the essence in mountain massif. 叶凡凝神,目露奇光,上万座龙首没有一个例外,眉心上都有一个纤秀的掌印,拘禁走了山体内的精华。 Dragon Treasure has lost!” 龙宝已失!” So-called Dragon Treasure is the spirit of each Dragon's Head peak is, True Spirit that after is arrives at Ancient Star, breeds, is several million years of accumulation the essence of immortal. 所谓的龙宝是每一座龙首峰的精魂所在,是降临一颗又一颗古星后孕育出的真灵,是数百万年积累的仙之精华。 In the Ye Fan pupil divine light flashes, carefully watches, in dragon mouth that these open flows out, although is Divine Liquid, but because lost Dragon Treasure, its function dropped many times significantly. 叶凡眸子中神光闪动,仔细观看,那些张开的龙口中流出的虽然是神液,但由于丧失了龙宝,其作用显著下降了很多倍。 „Is this...... the Great Empress Ferocity behavior?” “这是……狠***帝所为?” His vision moves unceasingly, then observed closely Immortal Pond, this is a placenta without doubt, is connected with over ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks, the immortal life essence nourished it, can indeed counter seize Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, should be able to breed the immortal embryo. 他的目光不断移动,而后又盯住了仙池,这是一个胎盘无疑,与上万座龙首峰相连,仙命精华滋养了它,的确能逆夺天地造化,理应能孕育出仙胎。 But, all do not exist at the present, place that this is pregnant the immortal by Ferocity slap patting broken. Ye Fan is flabbergasted secretly, worthily is Ferocity, anything does not want, really suffices to be ruthless. 可是,而今一切都不复存在了,这个孕仙的地方被狠人一巴掌给拍碎了。叶凡不禁暗暗咋舌,不愧是狠人,什么都不要,果然够狠。 Ye Fan shakes disperses immortal light, reveals all in pond, can see in wall clear blood vessel to lead to over ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks, Ferocity cut over ten thousand True Dragon blades according to this! 叶凡震散仙光,露出池中的一切,可以见到池壁上的一条条晶莹的“血管”是通向上万龙首峰的,狠人依此斩了上万真龙一刀! murderous aura heaven shaking! 杀伐之气惊天 Lamentable, the Ancient Celestial Court layout, supposed the great blueprint for this reason, after eternal, but was actually killed by a Ferocity palm finally, ruined the immortal placenta. 可叹,古天庭为此布局,设下了宏大的蓝图,历经万古,但最终却被狠人一掌断送,毁掉了仙胎盘。 Ye Fan fixes one's gaze on, carefully watched, sees only pool bottom incomplete Immortal Cauldron also to suffer affect, obviously by Ferocity together with hitting a palm! 叶凡凝眸,仔细观看,只见池底的残缺仙鼎也遭受了波及,显然被狠人连同打了一掌! This is the hope of becoming an immortal, Ferocity does not care to become an immortal or not, ignores, has not carried off it. That Ye Fan took a deep breath, revolution 'Weapon' Character Art, brushes fished Immortal Cauldron, the strange strength cannot the phase resistance. 这是成仙的希望,狠人不在乎成仙与否,置之不理,没有将其带走。叶凡深吸了一口气,运转兵字诀,刷的一声将仙鼎捞了上来,奇异的力量也不能相阻。 The water splash scatters, the Immortal Qi transpiration, the color fog is dense, this place brightness, various types of light are mobile, submerges this place. 水花四溅,仙气蒸腾,彩雾氤氲,这个地方一片灿烂,各种光流动,将此地淹没。 Bang “轰” Dragon Horse take action, exactly said that is the hoof, the person stands, a pair had face shape big horse's hoof to pat to Ye Fan fully, this was the hope that must seize to become an immortal. 龙马出手了,确切的说是出蹄子,人立而起,一对足有脸盘大的马蹄子对着叶凡就拍了下来,这是要强抢成仙的希望。 Ye Fan fearless, the right hand pushed horizontally, makes an effort to pat a palm, shook it, making it unable near body. 叶凡无惧,右手横推,用力拍了一掌,将其震开,令它不能近身。 Your this fellow looks like is really not law-abiding, if under some day to Big Dipper, it is necessary to ask several friends to compare notes for you, for example Sovereign Black and Duan De and so on.” “你这家伙看来还真是不安分,若是有朝一日到了北斗,有必要为你找几个朋友切磋下,比如说黑皇段德之类。” The marvelous horse cried loud and long, dragon roar moved Nine Heavens, whole body dragon scales like the Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold twinkle, magnificent light soars to the heavens, the horse hair was seems like the raging fire the same as burn, fierce vibration. 神驹长啸,龙吟九天,浑身龙鳞凰血赤金般闪烁,光华冲霄,马鬃更是像是烈火一样燃烧,剧烈抖动。 Ye Fan swept its one, saw and attacked, threw Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, immediately Origin Qi lets fall, probably the heaven shaking waterfall is the same, presses on Dragon Horse. 叶凡扫了它一眼,见到又攻了过来,将万物母气鼎扔了过去,顿时母气垂落,像是惊天瀑布一样,压在龙马身上。 This is the Heaven and Earth most precious object, each wisp of Origin Qi is heavier than the mountain, in the past Ye Fan can receive within the body, all depending on the green copper accomplishment, adsorbed these things, afterward can for its use by refining. 这是天地至宝,每一缕母气都比山岳还重,当年叶凡能够收到体内,全凭绿铜建功,吸附住了这些东西,后来被炼化才能为其所用。 Otherwise, is only this myriad things source root weight runs over him sufficiently, few individuals can withstand. 不然,光是这种万物源根的重量就足以压死他,没有几个人能够承受。 The Dragon Horse tread treads, but could not work loose, the cauldron was built up by the Ye Fan sacrifice tens of thousands of spread, at the present is his Dao treasure, cannot break, the collection attack and defense as one, might be called world divine treasure. 龙马蹬踏,但是根本挣脱不了,鼎被叶凡祭炼成千上万遍了,而今已是他的道宝,不可打破,集攻防于一体,堪称世间神珍 Little Pine mumbled, Dragon Horse attacked Ye Fan a moment ago, making it very discontented, is rolling the eyes to Dragon Horse greatly, makes an effort to wield the small medicine hoe. 小松哼哼唧唧,刚才间龙马攻击叶凡,让它很不满,对着龙马大翻白眼,用力挥了挥小药锄。 Ye Fan looks at the tripod earnestly, is also linking some clear filiform thing above, is they are restoring this cauldron, more is examines carefully is astonished, really has the life. 叶凡认真观鼎,在其上还连着一些晶莹的丝状物,是它们在修复此鼎,越是细看越是惊异,真的有生命。 Serious that very this cauldron damages, when 3 rd the bottom of foot and cauldron should be separates, above has the clear fissure, at the present heals, stuck in one. 此鼎损坏的很严重,当初三足与鼎的底部应该都是分开的,上面有清晰的裂痕,而今愈合了,粘在了一起。 Returns this/Ben pursues the source!” “返本追源!” Ye Fan lightly shouted, both of his hands paddles, displays astonishing big divine ability, after this is he enters immortal three Realm, one manifestation of Dao Fruit, wants to look that Immortal Pond had anything in the past. 叶凡轻喝,他双手划动,施展惊人的大神通,这是他进入仙三境界道果的一种体现,想看一看仙池当年发生了什么。 This is heaven defying divine technique, consumes Essence, Qi and Spirit extremely, before must return to original state Immortal Pond was shattered last, this type observes the behavior is Heaven and Earth does not accommodate. 这是一种逆天神术,极其消耗精气神,因为要还原仙池破碎时前的最后一幕,这种“观古”的行为是天地所不容的。 Bang “轰” Finally Ye Fan succeeded, but actually quite fuzzy, is only induction that's all of flash, saw a more than 200,000 years ago wisp of secret. Seeing only a placenta was shattered, Immortal Cauldron sinks to pool bottom, above original crack thickening, then the cauldron block separates, lying there was motionless. 最终叶凡成功了,但却相当的模糊,只是一瞬间的感应而已,见到了二十几万年前的一缕天机。只见一个胎盘破碎,一口仙鼎沉入池底,上面原有的裂纹变粗,而后鼎块分开,横陈那里一动不动了。 Ye Fan the language, Ferocity is really not for a very long time swift and fierce, anything does not care, hope direct slap that becomes an immortal continually gave to shake, was not rare wants. 叶凡久久未语,狠人果然凌厉,什么都不在乎,连成仙的希望都直接一巴掌都给震了下去,不稀罕要。 Naturally, he has not seen that delicate hands, related to Ancient Great Emperor, he does not dare to peep by counter ancient technique, otherwise has the dire consequence that is inconceivable mostly. 当然,他没有见到那只纤手,涉及到了古之大帝,他不敢以逆古术窥视,不然多半有难以想象的可怕后果。 However a moment ago that of placenta and ternary fission actually framed in his Sea of Consciousness, unceasing playbacking, making him look at a clarity. Immortal Cauldron had the fissure, had healed, but suffered shockingly struck, the fissure increased, was separated. 但是刚才胎盘与鼎裂的那一幕却定格在他的识海中,不断的回放,让他看了个清清楚楚。仙鼎原本有裂痕,已经愈合了,可是遭受了惊世一击,裂痕加大,又分开了。 The divine fetus plate has ruined, before restoring the effect was far less, therefore experienced for more than 200,000 years, the three feet and bases of cauldron gather at the present in the same place. 神胎盘已毁掉,修复效果远不如前,故此又经历了二十几万年,鼎的三足与底部而今才又重新合在一起。 Ye Fan tears off these clear and transparent silk threads gently, revealed this Immortal Cauldron, but at the same time over ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks sent out together dragon roar. 叶凡轻轻扯下那些晶莹而透明的丝线,将这口仙鼎露了出来,而与此同时上万座龙首峰发出一道龙吟 Bang “轰” The aura of strongest highest sage fills the air, in the domination highest heaven, in all cultivator hearts one on this moment Earth palpitates, is powerful cultivator is obvious, even heard dragon roar. 至强至圣的气息弥漫而出,凌驾九霄上,在这一刻地球上所有修士心中都一阵悸动,越是强大的修士越是明显,甚至听到了龙吟 I actually obtained it.” “我竟然得到了它。” Ye Fan doubts in the dream, felt that some are not real, this was since ancient times countless person for it, but the crazy thing, origins Celestial Court, even Ancient Saint Sovereign and Great Emperor must struggle, some Great Saint and Quasi-Emperor paid the life for this reason. 叶凡疑在梦中,感觉有些不真实,这可是古来无数人杰为之而疯狂的东西,起源天庭,连上古圣皇大帝都必争,一些大圣准帝更是为此付出了性命。 On Green Cauldron has many years motley marks, but each scratch is very fuzzy, because the time was too remote, seems like return to a natural state, gloomy nature and reality. 绿鼎上有不少岁月斑驳的印记,但每一道刻痕都很模糊,因为时间太久远了,看起来返璞归真,暗淡自然与真实。 Ye Fan strokes gently with the hand, does not have any ultimate Dao aura overflows, but makes him feel dignified, even if this is incomplete, holds to hold it still to sweep away various territories. 叶凡用手摩挲,没有任何极道气息溢出,但是却让他倍感凝重,这即便是残缺的,持掌它也可以横扫诸域。 He before entering the Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein has abandoned completely the physical strength to take out two old copper from within the body, fluctuates in this green copper lump not aura all the way, docks to go to them to the cauldron until Ye Fan, sent out a piece of flaming light! 他在进昆仑仙脉前就已废尽气力自体内取出了两块老铜,在这一路上绿铜块并无气机波动,直到叶凡将他们向鼎上对接而去,才发出了一片炽盛的光! Ye Fan is startled, the copper billet is motley, since obtaining, is like the father, never has actively, but at this time actually sent out thunderously rumble. 叶凡吃了一惊,铜块斑驳,自从得到后就跟个老太爷一样,从来没有主动过,而此时却发出了隆隆雷鸣。 The bottom of cauldron has a big hole, after two copper billets put, happen to stops up, fits together perfectly, immortal light flows, they stuck in one. 鼎的底部有一个大窟窿,两枚铜块放上去后正好堵住,严丝合缝,仙光流动,它们粘在了一起。 Made up like this?” “就这样补上了吗?” When magnificent light collects, after Green Cauldron is gloomy, Ye Fan exhausts the strength, is sweating profusely, a voice of broke off two old copper, not really heals. 光华敛去,绿鼎暗淡下来后,叶凡用尽力气,满头大汗,喀的一声又将两块老铜掰了下来,并非真的愈合。 Really inadequate, needs to be pregnant to raise in the immortal placenta is good.” “果然不成,需要在仙胎盘内孕养才行。” Secret of becoming an immortal actually where? Ye Fan opens the Heavenly Eye, has not let off one inch place, looked at a clarity the inside and outside of cauldron, clear. 成仙的秘密究竟在哪里?叶凡睁开天目,没有放过一寸地方,将鼎的内外看了个清清楚楚,真真切切。 The above ancient trace, is worthy of the reputation eternal great changes, had been through repeatedly does not know how long years, on had flowers, birds, fish, insects and Sun, Moon and Stars wait/etc., had Pre-immemorial forebears and gods! 上面的古老的痕迹,是名副其实的万古沧桑,历经了也不知多么久的岁月,上有花鸟鱼虫日月星辰等,更有太古前先民以及神明! This cauldron was extraordinary, casts the person scheme of cauldron is too big, what a pity he could not wait for that moment.” “这口鼎了不得,铸鼎的人图谋太大了,可惜他等不到那一刻。” The trace that Ye Fan expression grave, this cauldron carves has the extraordinary significance, Heaven and Earth initial, the myriad things are newborn, can find above, this is Myriad Things Source Cauldron, all can integrate! 叶凡神色凝重,这口鼎所刻的痕迹都有非凡意义,天地初始,万物初生,都能在上面找到,这是万物源鼎,一切都能纳入! Is he stares at the Pre-immemorial gods, the pupil flickering, wants to completely understand the penetrating, talked to oneself: Has the immortal secret?” 他盯着太古前的神明,眸子一瞬不瞬,想要看个透彻,自语道:“难道有不朽的秘密?” Before endless years, Between Heaven and Earth has the gods, but does not know whether to live forever. Monkey once disclosed, his father Battle Saint Sovereign said that the god fights terrifyingly. 无尽岁月前,天地间有神明,只是不知能否长生不死。猴子曾透露,他的父亲斗战圣皇言道,神战最为恐怖。 Turning point of becoming an immortal where?” Ye Fan shifts from the gods trace, looks to Immemorial forebears, then observes above Sun, Moon and Stars, Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, flowers, birds, fish, insects. “成仙的契机在哪里?”叶凡从神明痕迹上转移,看向太古先民,而后又观上面的日月星辰,风雨雷电,花鸟鱼虫等。 Myriad Things Source Cauldron, actually does the secret of becoming an immortal contain where?” He sits cross-legged, holds the cauldron to think. 万物源鼎,成仙的秘密究竟蕴含在哪里?”他盘坐下来,抱鼎而思索。 Helps month, Ye Fan not move fully, probably is rock-steady, sank to the mind the cauldron, comprehends its ten thousand Ancient Immortal secret. 整整帮个月,叶凡都没有动一下,像是一块磐石般,将心神都沉入了鼎内,参悟它的万古仙秘。 The Little Pine very clever protection in side, for his Dharma Protector, is mainly guards against Dragon Horse to work loose, the purple little thing does one's best, pair of big eyes sparkling. 小松很乖巧的守护在旁,为他护法,主要是防备龙马挣脱出来,紫色小东西尽心尽力,一双大眼亮晶晶 Ye Fan opened the eye finally, in the cauldron had the myriad things, each thing was Dao Traces, broad and profound, perhaps the life was also hard to comprehend finally completely thoroughly. 叶凡终于睁开了眼睛,鼎上有万物,每一物都是一种道痕,博大精深,恐怕终一生也难以全部参悟透彻。 As for the interior of cauldron, that is Law and runic patterns that is unable to understand, interwove supreme- Said! 而至于鼎的内部,那是无法理解的法则纹络,交织成了无上的--道! Ye Fan stands up, a silence, looks out the vault of heaven, said: If wants completely the law of becoming an immortal, to need to enter Starry Sky, consults to Ancient Sages, can perhaps understand cauldron China , Peru.” 叶凡站起身来,一阵沉默,遥望天穹,道:“若想尽得成仙之法,需要进入星空,向上古诸贤请教,或许才能了解鼎中秘。” What perhaps Immemorial Myriad Clans knows, why otherwise competes for Immortal Cauldron? In perhaps the Emer­gence Di­vine Dy­nasty's ancestral temple also has the record, but Starry Sky this end actually can only guess by he himself, is hard completely to become aware to understand. 太古万族也许知道什么,不然为何争夺仙鼎羽化神朝的祖庙中或许也有记载,而星空这一端却只能靠他自己猜,难以尽悟明白。 Immortal Cauldron has broken to pieces, might as well refining up into my Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron.” Ye Fan said like this, in the heart an intent moves. 仙鼎已碎,还不如炼入我的万物母气鼎内。”叶凡这样说道,心中一阵意动。 Said earnestly, both are really an excellent likeness very much, one is Myriad Things Source Cauldron, Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, it may be said that coincides inborn. 认真说起来,两者真的很神似,一个是万物源鼎,一个万物母气鼎,可谓天生相合。 Finally, he has not been put into action, this cauldron responsibility is really big, at the present cannot move heedlessly, and wants to cast the words that refining up simply not to have a hope depending on present him. By his cultivation, do not say that green copper, is slightly under the attack, instead may be killed by shock! 最终,他并没有付诸行动,此鼎干系甚大,而今可不能乱动,且就是想重新铸炼的话凭现在的他也根本没有一点希望。以他的道行来说,不要说化掉绿铜,就是稍微攻击下,都可能会反被震死! In ancient China, the cauldron is Divine Artifact, has too many art, perhaps is the source has this Immortal Cauldron.” “在古中国,鼎为神器,有着太多的讲究,恐怕就是源起这口仙鼎吧。” The Ye Fan's cauldron is like this cauldron shape, is three foot two ear round cauldrons. A cauldron, two ears, three feet, for has the physique. With Dao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Three gives birth to all living things corresponds. 叶凡的鼎与这口鼎形状一样,都是三足两耳圆鼎。一口鼎,两个耳,三只足,为道的有形体。与“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”相对应。 „The friend of Starry Sky another end, are you good?” Ye Fan muttered. 星空另一端的朋友,你们还好吗?”叶凡喃喃自语。 At the present, he obtained Immortal Cauldron, even if less than 1/3, but wants to come still to look to be able proud stand a side, can resist the ultimate Dao weapon! 而今,他得到了仙鼎,即便不足三分之一,但想来也看可以傲立一方了,可以对抗极道兵器! If one day can return to Big Dip­per Star Domain, whether it is Flickering Light Holy Son holds the Dragon Marked Black Gold Emperor Weapon attack, Huang Xudao and the others kill depending on Ancient Sovereign Weapon, he fearless. 若是有一天能回到北斗星域,无论是摇光圣子龙纹黑金帝兵来袭,还是凰虚道等人挟古皇兵杀至,他都无惧。 Immortal Cauldron has certainly many fragment to scatter in each region, the hope I can in the future the complete collection entire.” 仙鼎一定有不少碎块散落在各地,希望日后我能够全部集全。”
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