STH :: Volume #11

#1012: Passes through

Immortal Pond zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang, the multi- half a Zhang are wide, does not know that is what material quality, the internal multi-colored sunlight is bright, Heaven and Earth essence thick being able to melt, becomes the liquid, gathers in the pond. 仙池丈许长,多半丈宽,不知是何材质,内部霞光灿烂,天地精华浓的化不开,成为了液体,聚在池中。 Ye Fan opened the Heavenly Eye, the look solidified at the scene, he saw becoming an immortal hope, complexion fluctuated, for a very long time not language. 叶凡睁开天目,神色当场凝固了,他见到了成仙的“希望”,脸色一阵变幻,久久未语。 Is it!” “是它!” This is a copperware, does not have the gloss gloomily, static sinking in pool bottom, inscribes various runic patterns all over the body, has the birds fish insect and Sun, Moon and Stars wait/etc., is slurred. 这是一个铜器,暗淡没有光泽,静静的沉在池底,通体刻有各种纹络,有鸟兽鱼虫与日月星辰等,都模糊不清。 This is a cauldron! 这是一口鼎! It is incomplete, incomplete is very fierce, 1/3 of insufficient prototype, three legs, circular cauldron wall has almost not saved, but the cauldron bottom has a big hole. 它并不完整,残缺的很厉害,所余不足原器的三分之一,三只鼎足还在,圆形鼎壁几乎都不存了,而鼎底更是有一个大窟窿。 Green Cauldron...... is it!” Ye Fan eyes divine light deep and clear. 绿鼎……是它!”叶凡双眼神光湛湛 If this cauldron does not have intact, can be one meter high, the plain nature, becomes has the motley mark all over the body, on two green copper with him is the same material quality. 这口鼎若无完好无缺,能有一米都高,古朴自然,通体成带着斑驳印记,与他身上的两块绿铜是同一种材质。 Ye Fan good to be in a daze, he has to think this possibility, before entering Immortal Ascension Land once speculated in every possible way, various possibilities thought that after may see truly, is stunned. 叶凡好一阵发呆,他不是没有想到过这种可能,在进入成仙地前曾百般推测,各种可能都想到了,可真正见到后还是一阵愕然。 „The hope of becoming an immortal unexpectedly is it!” “成仙的希望竟然是它!” In his mouth muttered, in the heart incomparably shocked, finally must see True Body, the carrying/sustaining the past and present does not know thing that in the future many people hoped for at the present at present. 他口中喃喃自语,心中无比震撼,终于得见真身,承载了古今未来也不知多少人希冀的东西而今就在眼前。 Ye Fan's has mixed feelings, searching of a narrow escape, the ancient and modern endless person spans investigation of Starry Sky outstandingly, some day must see the main body, making him have not a real feeling. 叶凡的心情相当复杂,九死一生的寻觅,古今无尽人杰跨越星空的追查,有朝一日得见主体,让他有一种不真实的感觉。 Was, Emergence Divine Dynasty escorted should be it!” “是了,羽化神朝护送的本就应该是它!” When Big Dip­per Star Domain, in the individual old books has the record, Emergence Divine Dynasty holds world leader when more than 200,000 years ago, once had Green Cauldron. 北斗星域时,个别古籍中有记载,羽化神朝在二十几万年前时执天下牛耳,曾拥有一座绿鼎 Many years of after past, Central Province ancestral temple enter the world, various secret spread, the world outstanding heroes were alarmed including Immemorial Race, all swarms to go, competes for the most precious object. 多年过去后中州祖庙出世,各种秘辛流传出,天下群雄包括太古族都被惊动了,全都蜂拥而去,争夺至宝。 And, the Immemorial major royal families and others for other, is not goes for this Green Cauldron specially, because it relates really in a big way, Myriad Clans wants to obtain all. 其中,太古的各大王族等不为其他,就是专为这绿鼎而去,因为它关系甚大,万族无不想得到。 When Ye Fan leaves, the Central Province ancestral temple wind and cloud gathering, world all mighty people rises together simultaneously, there great war, the main reason is to compete for this ancient cauldron. 叶凡离开时,中州祖庙风云汇聚,天下诸雄并起,那里将有一场大战,最主要的原因就是要争夺这口古鼎 Many person male enter the world, Immemorial King cannot be calm, even Great Saint Hun Tuo arrives......” “众多人雄出世,太古王都不能镇静了,连浑拓大圣都亲身驾临……” Regardless of how all mighty people will not expect, Green Cauldron not in the Central Province ancestral temple, but is Starry Sky this side, had been placed here in more than 200,000 years ago, restores. 诸雄无论如何也不会料到,绿鼎不在中州祖庙,而是星空的这一边,早在二十几万年前就已经被放在了这里,进行修复。 „When no wonder counted years ago I returned to Earth two old copper once to vibrate.” Ye Fan talked to oneself, initially had such sense of reality to receive. Falls from Foreign Domain, the abatement sees many numbers by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high great mountain outside, the most uniqueness was green copper once shivered, making him feel strange. 怪不得年前我回归地球时两块老铜曾震动了一下。”叶凡自语,当初却有这样的真实感受。从域外降下来时,除却恍惚间见到诸多数以万丈高的大岳外,最为奇特之处就是绿铜曾颤动一下,让他觉得奇异。 The Ye Fan double pupil is bright, is staring at the immortal pool bottom section, this is heavy over eternal Immortal Cauldron, throughout the ages is, its true value simply does not have the means to weigh. 叶凡双眸炯炯,盯着仙池底部,这可是重逾万古的仙鼎,古往今来为最,其真实价值根本没有办法衡量。 Sole Immortal Ascension Opportunity sufficiently crazy, lets Ancient Great Emperor for it, but take action, once spreads, vast Starry Sky difficult to be calm, because of it, but great war to crazy. 单一个成仙契机就足以让人疯狂,让古之大帝都为它而出手,一旦传扬出去,浩瀚星空都将难以平静,因它而大战至狂。 Long years, endless Starry Sky, many rise and fall, many are delapidated dry and prosperous, from Ancient Star to another Ancient Star......” Ye Fan deep sigh. “漫长的岁月,无尽的星空,多少兴衰,多少颓枯与繁荣,从一个古星到另一个古星……”叶凡长叹不已。 All these extremely mysterious with dream, throughout the ages, many outstanding body in, hid too many secrets, filled the blood and bone also has the tears. 这一切太过玄秘与梦幻了,古往今来,多少人杰涉身其中,隐藏了太多的秘密,充满了血与骨还有泪。 This nurturing immortal land origins ancient, at least also several million years ago, related to Immemorial Sovereign and Great Emperor, but many secret are how regardless of not to talk clearly. 孕仙地起源古老,最起码也在数百万年以前,涉及到了太古皇大帝,而更多的秘辛则是无论如何也说不清了。 The Ye Fan consideration, he can reorganize some clue, but wants to trace the source truly, clears off each ancient period, that is impossible. 叶凡思量,他能整理出一些头绪,但想真正追溯源头,理清各个古老的时期,那是根本不可能的。 At first, must the source have Celestial Court, this time is quite remote, should in Pre-immemorial, even is more ancient, was they designed all these. 起初,应当源起天庭,这个时期极为久远,应该是在太古前,甚至更为古老,是他们设计了这一切。 In Ancient Celestial Court does not know whether has the immortal, but they actually believe that this can be pregnant the immortal, for this reason lay out a great blueprint......” 古天庭内不知是否有仙,但是他们却坚信这样能孕化出仙,为此布下了一个宏大的蓝图……” Ancient Celestial Court is powerful, can control 90 nine Dragon Mountain to arrive from Ancient Star to another fully explained the issue, does not hesitate to ruin many life source areas. 古天庭强大无比,能够驾驭九十九龙山从一颗古星降临到另一颗足以说明了问题,不惜毁掉诸多生命源地。 And, abatement that emperor is in charge in the office, even several other Ancient Sovereign, because of Ye Fan from 90 nine Dragon Mountain patterns, and arrangement of Kunlun Mountains Immortal Ascension Land discovered, middle should have a source emperor! 其中,除却那位帝主外,甚至还有其他几位古皇,因为叶凡从九十九龙山的格局,以及昆仑成仙地的布置发现,当中应该存在一位源帝! He infers by this, is extremely prosperous in that period, Great Emperor can coexist, can meet, precisely, because so manifested Celestial Court's supreme and great strength. 他以此推断,在那个时期极度繁盛,大帝能并存,可以相见,也正是因为如此才体现出了天庭的无上与强大。 Ye Fan has the reason to believe, the source emperor may promote Sun, Moon and Stars and mountains trend, should be one of the great blueprint main designers, made the enormous effort to join in middle. 叶凡有理由相信,源帝可推动日月星辰与山川走势,应该是宏大蓝图的主要设计者之一,付出了极大的心血投身在当中。 What a pity, their plans were too long and remote, middle many people are impossible to wait till the result. During this period, Emperor Venerate died, various territory gods are chaotic, Celestial Court disintegrates, then Immortal Cauldron took out by the victor. 可惜,他们的计划太漫长与久远了,当中的许多人都不可能等到结果。在此期间,帝尊死了,诸域神乱,天庭瓦解,而后仙鼎被胜利者取出。 Does not know the person of cauldron whether became an immortal, because that years are extremely ancient, simply do not have the means to judge, even in the old book has not left behind anything. 只是不知道得鼎的人是否成仙了,因为那段岁月太过古老,根本没有办法判断,连古籍中都没有留下什么。 However, conceivable, that is a surging forward with great momentum period, had many Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering great war inevitably, some magnificent grand occasions. 但是,可以想象,那是一个波澜壮阔的时期,必然发生了许多惊天动地大战,有许多辉煌的盛事。 Then, the following chronicle can explain through each unparalleled character of period. 而后,接下来的大事记可以通过各个时期的盖世人物来解读了。 Through Monkey and Heavenly Sovereign's Son said that the secret that as well as Ancient Race spreads may know, Undying Heavenly Sovereign earns to have been to Green Cauldron, and made the major breakthrough, by Myriad Clans is the Supreme Ex­is­tence's gods. 通过猴子天皇子的所说,以及古族流传出的秘密可知,不死天皇应得到过绿鼎,且有了重大突破,被万族尊为至高无上的神明。 Some rumors said that Undying Heavenly Sovereign once was to set up Celestial Court again, but eventually gave up, this fully explained some issues. 有传言称不死天皇曾意欲重立天庭,但最终又放弃了,这本身足以说明了一些问题。 Actually Undying Heavenly Sovereign is the person of what period, now is hard to talk clearly, Immemorial Myriad Clans altogether reveres him, said is Pre-immemorial, even is remote.” 不死天皇究竟是什么时期的人,现在难以说清,太古万族共尊他,说是太古前,甚至更久远。” Ye Fan even suspected, after Celestial Court collapse, that bright years have not been the Undying Heavenly Sovereign period, but he is the Gods chaotic victor, possibly has seen Emperor Venerate, after is the emperor dies, takes out the Immortal Cauldron person. 叶凡甚至猜想,天庭崩溃后那段未明的岁月就是不死天皇时期,而他就是诸神乱中的胜利者,可能见到过帝尊,是帝死后取出仙鼎的人。 Dies from the emperor to Celestial Court disintegrates, to Undying Heavenly Sovereign this period, was hard to research to be clear again truly, perhaps Ancient Great Emperor did not even have the means to understand, after all was too far. 从帝死到天庭瓦解,再到不死天皇这一时期,难以真正考证清楚了,恐怕连古之大帝都没有办法明白,毕竟距今太远了。 Then, is the vast and radiant Immemorial period, An­cient Pur­ple Tenu­ity Star Do­main's Sun Saint Sovereign has certainly seen Immortal Cauldron, because the Ye Fan star has met his Divinity Will in the territory, when that alone arm old person sees incomplete green copper once was startled, said that it was unexpectedly broken. 而后,是浩瀚而璀璨的太古期,紫微古星域的太阳圣皇一定见到过仙鼎,因为叶凡星在域遇到过他的神祇念,那个独臂老人见到残缺绿铜时曾一阵吃惊,说它竟然碎了。 As you might guess, in age that Sun Saint Sovereign various territories altogether revere, Immortal Cauldron is perfect. But in a following period, had one inevitably enormously ***! 可以想见,在太阳圣皇诸域共尊的年代,仙鼎还是完好无损的。而在接下来的一段时期里,必然发生了一场极大的***! About this catastrophe, in Immemorial Myriad Clans spreads, but is actually hard to elaborate clearly, because related to the level was too high, Deity Valley such royal family cannot completely solve. 关于这场浩劫,太古万族中有流传,但却难以阐述清楚,因为涉及到的层次太高了,连神灵谷这样的王族都不能尽解。 Initially, took out black bottle gourd of Ye Fan and Wang Teng once when Ji Family great war, Deity Valley young lord Purple Sky Capital | Zi Tiandu once shocked with his Elder Sister, was indistinct guessed correctly that black bottle gourd was Object that in the god war preserved, was equal to certain the shapes of divine script old book record. 当初,叶凡王腾姬家大战时曾祭出一个黑葫芦,神灵谷少主紫天都与他的姐姐曾震惊,隐约间猜到黑葫芦是神战中保存下来的器物,与某些神文古籍记载的形状等同。 Can speculate, the scale and terrifying that god fights, almost ruin Immemorial inevitably, destruction all races. 藉此可以推测,那场神战的规模与恐怖,必然差点毁掉太古,覆灭所有种族。 Ye Fan had once consulted, has understood to Ancient Race, that catastrophe compared with terrifying that also people imagine, in the Celestial Court collapse war with legend compared unable to miss many. 叶凡曾向人请教过,更是向古族了解过,那场浩劫远比人们想象的还恐怖,与传说中的天庭崩溃战相比也差不了多少。 That is a god war! 那是一场神战! „, Does not want to come the cauldron to ruin in that period, scatters each region.” “唔,想来鼎就是在那个时期毁掉了,散落各地。” The following matter, there are can trace much, Big Dip­per Star Domain several big life-forbidden zones are born, including Divine Ruins, Immortal Tomb wait/etc. is not possible to research how remote. 接下来的事,有不少可以追查,北斗星域几大生命禁区诞生,其中有神墟仙陵等不可考证多么久远。 Then, God Race range, Blood Phoenix Mountain, Fire Qilin Cave and other Ancient Sovereign monarch overlooking the world, until Battle Saint Sovereign in Immemorial died during meditation, finished one after another last years this time. 而后,神族岭、血凰山火麟洞古皇相继君临天下,直到斗战圣皇太古末年坐化,这个时期结束。 After that the history the fault/chasm, was hard to talk clearly, Undying Mountain wait/etc. should or appear here period later. Although has such forbidden area in Immemorial years, the name is different, but was in charge and is changed into truly cannot visit the place should in this years. 此后,历史又断层了,难以说清,不死山等应是在这一时期或稍晚出现的。尽管太古就有这样的禁区,名字不一样,但真正被入主、化为不可踏足之地应是在这段岁月。 After is a blank period, is hard to know, is long Ancient Desolate years. 在后又是一段空白期,难以知晓,是一段漫长的荒古岁月。 Ye Fan is lost in thought that Immortal Cauldron passed through trim ancient history, related to does not know that many Ancient Star, started to not to finish from Ancient Celestial Court! 叶凡怔怔出神,一口仙鼎贯穿了整片古史,涉及到也不知道多少颗古星,从古天庭开始到至今还没有结束! Naturally, has anything before Ancient Celestial Court, as well as various late stage piece of Star Domain similarly magnificent Era wait/etc., is hard to research, perhaps compared with Immortal Cauldron significance extraordinarier Object. 当然,在古天庭之前还有什么,以及后期各片星域同样辉煌的时代等,都是难以考证的,也许还有比仙鼎意义更非凡的器物 Brushes “刷” immortal light is turbulent, pool submerging, Ye Fan pupil glittering, this is the Heaven and Earth essence, turned into Divine Liquid in this place, nourishes Immortal Cauldron. 仙光汹涌,又将池子给淹没了,叶凡眸光闪烁,这是天地的精华,在此地化成了神液,滋养仙鼎 He recovers, in the heart completely to be whether there is sigh with emotion, this cauldron concerns really in a big way, passed through the past and present, many historical important matters are related with it. 他回过神来,心中有无尽感慨,这口鼎关乎甚大,贯穿了古今,许多历史大事都与它有关。 Actually in does world have the immortal, initially obtained the person of this cauldron, whether some people did become an immortal?” He is unknown, is heavily-shrouded, the elapsed years were too remote. “世上究竟有没有仙,当初得到这口鼎的人,是否有人成仙了?”他不得而知,迷雾重重,逝去的岁月太久远了。 Meanwhile, he thought of Great Emperor Without Beginning, as if not with the aid of anything, still touring peak. Does not know that he in Eighty thousand years ago was the emergence, broke the Immortal Domain front door forcefully. 同时,他想到了无始大帝,似乎并没有借助什么,依然登临绝巅。只是不知道他在八万年前是羽化了,还是强行打破了仙域的大门。 Dragon Horse thump thump drinks the god water in Immortal Pond, Little Pine is very peaceful, obedient sitting in the one side, does not disturb Ye Fan, making him calmly think. 龙马“咕咚咕咚”地喝仙池中的神水,小松则很安静,乖乖的坐在一旁,不打扰叶凡,让他静静思索。 Universe is vast, is broad, once presented some incomparably magnificent Ancient Star, if I have not guessed that wrong, Celestial Court also controlled territory period that's all.” “宇宙浩瀚无边,过于广阔,曾出现了一些无比辉煌的古星,若我没有猜错的话,天庭也只是统驭了其中一域一段时期而已。” Ye Fan talked to oneself, because Immortal Cauldron is the Celestial Court's testimony, passed through the past present of this supreme immortal towards in the future. 叶凡自语,因为仙鼎天庭的见证,贯穿了这一无上仙朝的过去现在未来。 However, as far as he knows, there is still one Desolate Pagoda, endures at least with Green Cauldron raises compare, and has not ruined! 然而,据他所知,最起码还有一个荒塔,就堪与绿鼎相提并论,且至今都没有毁掉! This is not the Celestial Court's product, is not in the category that considered a moment ago. 这并非天庭的产物,不属于刚才所思虑的范畴内。 About it is piece of Primal Chaos, at least Ye Fan does not know, is hard to estimate its origin, does not know that which Star Domain it passed through, as well as how long years. 关于它是一片混沌,最起码叶凡并不知晓,难以揣度其来历,不知其贯穿了哪些星域,以及多么久的岁月。 Without the means infers its origin, why fell on Big Dip­per Star Domain finally. 更没有办法推断它的起源,为何最终落在了北斗星域 Meanwhile, he thinks immortal treasure ancient scroll, directly is vast Starry Sky Map, but the back three regions, about Immortal Ascension Land are only area that's all. 同时,他想到了仙珍古卷,正面是浩瀚的星空图,而背面则有三片区域,关于成仙地则只是其中一区而已 In the past was too remote, I clearing off several periods about Immortal Cauldron, compared to vast universe, insignificant.” “过去太久远,我只是将理清了关于仙鼎的几段时期,相对于浩瀚的宇宙来说,微不足道。” Purple Tenuity is called Emperor Star, don't tell me does Celestial Court origin that piece of Star Domain?” 紫微被称作帝星,难道说天庭起源那片星域?” Ancient galaxy is hard to look at the end, Fire Mulberry Star is Golden Crow Race, but Heavenspan Star was God Race...... the past years whether in range of Celestial Court rule?” “古老的星系难以望到尽头,火桑星全为金乌族,而通天星则都为神族……当年是否在天庭统治的范围内?” Ye Fan more wants more big, the long years, the ancient history, the endless universe, to have too many secrets, Ancient Celestial Court perhaps is only place of corner. 叶凡越想越头大,漫长的岁月,古老的历史,无尽的天宇,有着太多的秘密,古天庭也许都只是其中一隅之地。 Has the immortal, is aloof outside this piece of Starry Sky, whether really the piece grotesque and gaudy, does belong to the vast and splendid mysterious world of immortal?” “到底有没有仙,超脱于这片星空外,是否真的有一片光怪陆离、属于仙的浩大而精彩玄秘的世界?” This is his issues of top concerns, but passed through the past and present, after he clears off some mentalities, was silent, because never has the evidence to show that can become an immortal. 这是他最为关注的问题,可是贯穿了古今,他理清一些思路后沉默了,因为从来都没有证据显示可以成仙。 Crash-bang “哗啦” In Immortal Pond Divine Liquid scatters, Ye Fan exudes one to sigh lightly, starts to fish for the cauldron in Immortal Pond, said: Without the immortal, I then takes a becoming an immortal road.” 仙池神液四溅,叶凡发出一声轻叹,开始捞取仙池中的鼎,道:“若没有仙,我便走出一条成仙的路。” Issued for our floating astronomy, writes very much attentively, everyone can look. 为我们的飘天文学发布,都是很用心写的,大家可以去看一下。
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