STH :: Volume #11

#1011: Is pregnant the immortal

Immortal Ascension Land is a riddle same place, throughout the ages does not know that has many to want to come to here to look at an outcome, but almost all dies with unsatisified regret. 成仙地是一个谜一样的地方,古往今来也不知道有多少人杰想来这里看个究竟,但几乎全都饮恨而终。 Over ten thousand mountain peaks exist side by side, surround mountain valley, each Dragon's Head peak opened dragon mouth, lets fall the next color waterfall, immortal light is steaming, gathers to central Immortal Pond. 上万座山峰并立,围拢成一个山谷,每一座龙首峰都张开了龙口,垂落下一条彩瀑,仙光腾腾,汇聚向中心仙池 What in pond is?” Ye Fan does not look clearly, divine light hundred million wisps in that Immortal Pond, brilliant dazzling, is opens Heavenly Eye unable to completely understand. “池中是什么?”叶凡看不真切,在那口仙池神光亿缕,绚烂刺目,就是睁开天眼也看不透。 In the valley belt-shaped Immortal Qi winds around, Divine Red Clouds is steaming, auspicious light is sparkling, various immortal magnificent flowing, form a magnificent world immortal scenery. 谷中带状仙气缭绕,神霞腾腾,瑞光烁烁,各种仙华流动,形成一处瑰丽的人间仙景。 Even the Dragon Horse mood fluctuation is fierce, four hoof treads trod, are hard to be peaceful, wish one could for a while the clashes in the past, it was born in Kunlun Mountains, naturally knew nurturing immortal land, but actually never had the opportunity to come. 龙马都不禁情绪波动剧烈,四蹄蹬踏,难以安宁,恨不得第一时间冲过去,它生于昆仑,自然知晓孕仙之地,但却从来都没有机会进来。 The Ye Fan look rouses, is on the one hand grasping ancient scroll, another hand gripped the fist, he walked finally, will make known the eternal riddle! 叶凡神色振奋,一手抓着古卷,另一只手攥进了拳头,他终于走了进来,将揭晓万古之谜! At this time, what is tranquilest is Little Pine, it does not have so many thoughts, that zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang Immortal Pond also can only initiate its curious that's all, but also does not have solid that King Medicine comes, makes the purple little thing move. 此时,最为平静的还是小松,它没那么多的心思,那丈许长的仙池也只能引发它好奇而已,还没有药王来的实在,更让紫色的小东西动心。 The pure feelings are rare, but this is also the basic reason that its cultivation can strive fast. 赤子之心最是难得,而这也是它道行能快速精进的根本原因。 Walks!” Ye Fan jumps down Dragon Horse, guides the line before personally, this place is important, concerns him in the future whether To achieve the Dao and become Immortal. “走!”叶凡跳下龙马,亲自在前带路而行,此地非常重要,关乎他日后能否得道成仙 Was more abundant to this place murderous intention, even without the triggering still intermittent palpitation, this is in the situation that the immortal fog fills, hidden went to most murderous aura. 到了这个地方杀机更盛了,即便没有触发也让人阵阵心悸,这还是仙雾弥漫的情况下,隐去了大半的杀气 Can clear sight, in Void have runic pattern, close, but complicated mysterious, interweaves a Star Domain path, is found in each corner. Conceivable once triggers definitely will fall into the perdition. 可以清晰的见到,虚空中有一条条的纹路,细密而繁奥,交织成一片星域般的轨迹,遍布每一个角落。可以想象一旦触发必然会陷入万劫不复之地。 Is impossible to fly in this piece of Immortal Ascension Land, only has the immortal herb to be able in the aerial growth, this definitely is the method of source emperor, even Killing Formation is densely covered, was still divine medicine provided survival Pure Land. 在这片成仙地根本不可能飞行,唯有仙草能在地面生长,这肯定是源帝的手段,即便杀阵密布,也为神药提供了生存的净土 Their rhizomes blend with this Law, has been approved to be able in this to live.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “他们的根茎与这法则交融,得到认可才能在此活下来。”叶凡自语。 He shivers, Law and Killing Formation of this place powerful to understanding clearly the person fearful and apprehensive situation, has definitely been born in that Sovereign Black said Deity! 紧接着,他打了个冷颤,这个地方的法则杀阵强大到了然人心惊肉跳的地步,肯定已经诞生了黑皇所说的“阵中神灵”! Right, certainly is this.” His pupil rapid contraction, after carefully watches, believed firmly. Past set up formation cultivation was exceedingly high, making magic formation evolve the Deity will, had the life, turned into a life that was interwoven by Dao Traces becomes. “没错,一定是这样。”他瞳孔急骤收缩,仔细观看后更加确信了。当年的布阵者道行通天,让法阵演化出了神灵意志,有了生命,化成了一个由道痕交织而成的生灵。 Only then holds this immortal treasure ancient scroll to come this to enter, this is not just the security path diagram, but also becomes one faith token. Otherwise, even if understood that the revolution and layout of magic formation must cherish hatred mostly, the Ancient Great Emperor method is unpredictable, turning magic formation into the live spirit, a body can the free alternation. 只有持此仙珍古卷来此才能进阵,这已不单是安全路径图,还成为了一种信物。不然,即便懂得法阵的运转与布局多半都得饮恨,古之大帝手段不可预料,化法阵为活灵,阵体可以自由变化。 Sovereign Black has said that this is Dao Runes and magic formation highest Realm, is pregnant to give birth to Divinity is the performance of Ancient Great Emperor heaven defying, waits, if extension of their life. 黑皇说过,这是道纹法阵的最高境界,阵内孕生出一尊神祇古之大帝逆天的表现,等若他们生命的延续。 In the valley landform is uneven, no grain of dust, everywhere is jade qualitative medicine field, the past person has expected, this place can certainly be born the valuable medicine, even undying divine medicine, promoting Immortal Pond to be holier. 谷中地势不平,没有一粒尘埃,到处都是玉质的药田,当年的人早已预料到,此地一定能诞生出宝药,甚至不死神药,促进仙池更为圣洁。 In these ancient medicine, Ye Fan does not know that discovered many King Medicine, heart severe tremor, if these gather in the same place are more precious than it divine medicine. 在这些古药间,叶凡也不知发现了多少株药王,心头剧震,这些要是合在一起比之神药都要珍贵。 What a pity, he also can only covet that's all, except for meets in the way, even if other close at hand, tentacle may and cannot act rashly, otherwise must kill the body catastrophe. 可惜,他也只能眼热而已,除了在路径上遇到的,其他哪怕近在眼前、触手可及也不能妄动,不然必有杀身大祸。 Dragon Horse turnover immortal light, the eye stared quickly straight, but Little Pine also stepped the motionless footsteps, often had King Medicine to appear, stretches the body forward then, this was a greatest seduction. 龙马吞吐仙光,眼睛都快瞪直了,而小松也迈不动脚步了,不时有药王出现,探身即可得,这是一种莫大的诱惑。 Monster fruit that if the shape the red agate polish becomes, the clear desire drops, greets the nostrils fragrantly. Just like immortal orchid that the jasper carves, emerald green fresh and tender, is all over the body translucent, the fragrance. Azure-red Clouds entangles Undo who folds, the fog is hazy, delicate fragrance seeping spleen. 状若红玛瑙打磨而成的妖果,晶莹欲滴,芬芳扑鼻。宛如碧玉刻成的仙兰,翠绿鲜嫩,通体透亮,香气袭人。青霞缠叠的云藤,云雾迷蒙,清香沁脾。 Various ancient medicine are innumerable, grade varied, comes in many different varieties, not to rush in the Immortal Being medicine garden probably carefully, everywhere was the treasure. 各种古药数不胜数,品阶不一,种类繁多,像是不小心闯进了仙人的药圃,遍地都是瑰宝。 Each ancient medicine brilliant lights and vibrant colors, brilliant eye-catching. Many some King Medicine of losing plant, lost the gloss, falls down, Essence Qi that releases nourished this place. 每一株古药流光溢彩,绚烂夺目。更有许多枯死的药王,失去了光泽,倒在地上,所释放出的精气滋养了此地。 Because the time was too remote, King Medicine is not undying divine medicine, growing *** ten thousand years are not easy, the time long will change into the mud again, in light of this deterioration. 因为时间太久远了,药王并非不死神药,成长到***万年就不易了,时间再长就会化为烂泥,就此衰败。 immortal vines divine orchid of this place does not know that many generations, at the present King Medicine is the medicine seed germinates to take root becomes, the rise and fall alternate throughout the ages, withering was also prosperous. 此地的仙藤神兰也不知多少代了,而今的药王都是药籽重新发芽生根所成,万代兴衰更迭,枯萎了又繁荣。 Ye Fan they lead the way, only on this relatively very safe zigzag path, around Little Pine altogether dug to 11 King Medicine, this was a super harvest, passes on the person who can be startled to stare dumbfounded. 叶凡他们一路前行,仅在这条相对很安全的羊肠小路上,小松前后共挖到十一株药王了,这是一场超级收获,传出去一定会惊的人瞠目结舌。 Finally was near, will soon arrive at Immortal Pond, but also precisely Ye Fan saw a grave at this time, very strange, is situated in the roadside, traversed magic formation in Paradise Valley. 终于近了,即将到达仙池,而也正是此时叶凡见到了一座坟,非常的怪异,就坐落在路旁,横断了仙谷内的法阵 He has to be startled, this how high cultivation dares in being born in Deity will Great Emperor Killing Formation unscrupulous the destruction, makes a tomb, method heaven defying. 他不得不吃惊,这得多么高的道行才敢在诞生出神灵意志的大帝杀阵中肆无忌惮的破坏,造出一座坟墓,手段逆天 Ye Fan opens the Heavenly Eye, looks in the tomb, sees dozens fragments, pieces together an ugly face mask, accompanies before a piece of bloodstained clothing, making his look vibrate. 叶凡睁开天目,一眼望进坟墓中,见到数十块碎片,拼凑成一个鬼脸面具,相伴在一片血衣前,让他神色震动。 Is full of the fissure the ugly face mask, resembles to cry, the faint smile, smiles has the sadness, in the wound also has the smile, on the trace with Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot is exactly the same! 充满裂痕的鬼脸面具,似哭非哭,似笑非笑,笑中有忧伤,伤中亦有微笑,与吞天魔罐上的痕迹一模一样! Is he, he died here!” “是他,他死在了这里!” Certainly is that youngster, after Great Empress Ferocity distinguishes cannot meet, Life and Death two boundless, horizontal corpse Immortal Ascension Land, cannot escape the established destiny. 一定是那个少年,与狠***帝分别后再也没有能相见,生死两茫茫,横尸成仙地,没有能摆脱既定的命运。 My being in suspense younger sister......” “我只是放心不下妹妹……” In that tomb, on ugly face mask that since that breaks to pieces, has such a wisp of weak sound to spread unexpectedly, has the regret, brings being unwilling, has the entreaty, probably will span the eternity. 在那坟墓中,自那碎掉的鬼脸面具上,竟有这样一缕微弱的声音传出,带着遗憾,带着不甘,带着哀求,像是跨越千古而来。 This mask freely is every copper, is roughly made, the charm that but its one type is difficult to be bright, Chen in the grave, making in the person heart palpitate. 这张面具尽管是凡铜,做工粗糙,但它却有一种难明的神韵,陈于墓中,让人心中悸动。 Ye Fan sighed, Great Empress Ferocity returned to original state the scene that by heaven defying Taboo divine technique some she wants to know, before making the youngster die the last few words to be able not to extinguish. 叶凡一叹,狠***帝逆天禁忌神术还原了一些她想知晓的情景,让少年死前的最后一句话能够不熄。 To not become an immortal, only to come back in this mortal world medium you.” “不为成仙,只为在这红尘中等你回来。” A voice of female seems like from that Nine Heavens above conveys, making Gods unable to bear shiver, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, only she revered alone, chose a world not understandable road. 一个女子的声音像是自那九天之上传来,让诸神都忍不住颤抖,天上地下,唯她独尊,选择了一条世人不可理解的路。 Ye Fan, Little Pine and Dragon Horse startle shiver spirit, shows disdain for eternally, will overlook, the present and future female, a few words exists forever eternally. 叶凡小松龙马激灵灵打了个冷颤,一位傲视万古,俯瞰过去、现在、未来的女子,一句话长存万古。 Before this earth grave, has not set up a stone monument, cannot see Dao Traces to interweave, but actually crosses in magic formation, exists forever immortally, has saying that is a miracle. 这座土坟前没有立碑,也看不到道痕交织,但是却横贯法阵中,长存不朽,不得不说是一种神迹。 Ye Fan sees a little girl, is about 2-3 years old, silhouette is very fuzzy, combing is being pair of sheep's-horn braids, the face looks clearly, does not only see a pair of big eye to be pure, accumulated the tears, in the pitiful sob, the small clothes is having the patch, the wear reveals the small shoe of toe, no use is extending the small hand, wants to hold anything diligently. 恍惚间,叶凡见到一个小女孩,不过2-3岁,身影很模糊,梳着是一对羊角辫,脸看不真切,唯见一双大眼纯净,蕴着泪光,在可怜的哭泣,小衣服打着补丁,穿着露出脚趾头的小鞋子,无助的伸着小手,努力想抓住什么。 He makes an effort to shake the head, the tomb or the tomb, are burying the bloodstained clothing and mask fragment, does not have other again. 他用力摇了摇头,坟墓还是坟墓,葬着血衣与面具碎片,再无其他。 The Ye Fan settling down moment, turns around to depart, the heart has sigh with emotion, Ferocity moves eternally, the talent first, creates various matchless cultivation method, has such misfortune, even if stands erect above Nine Heavens, making the gods tremble, is difficult to change the result. 叶凡驻足片刻,转身离去,心有感慨,狠人名动万古,才情第一,创出各种不世功法,却有那样的不幸,纵然屹立九天之上,让众神颤栗,却也难改结局。 Even Dragon Horse temperament very violent, is in this place actually still honest, the atmosphere does not dare to leave, followed close on. 即便龙马脾气很暴烈,可是在这个地方却也老老实实,大气都不敢出,紧跟了下去。 ancient scroll spreads out all over, Ye Fan contrasts the landform chart, across region that ancient and modern few people can arrive, close to Immortal Pond of center, multi-colored sunlight flew, whole body illumination that they complement. 古卷铺展,叶凡对比地势图,穿过古今没有几人能到达的区域,接近了最中心的仙池,一道道霞光飞来,将他们映衬的浑身发光。 This is a place that makes one immerse, the auspicious light spurts thinly, good luck tens of thousands of say/way, the whole world is difficult to seek second, if can practice in this for a long time, must have big attaining. 这是一个让人沉醉的地方,祥光喷薄,瑞气成千上万道,举世难寻第二处,若是能长久在此修行,必有大获。 But, no one dares to stay for a long time to become aware the law in this, if rouses Great Dao, melts with this piece of Ancient magic formation, interweaves to kill comes, that may really unable to eat to capture! 可是,没有人敢在此久留悟法,万一勾动大道,与这片上古法阵相融,交织出一道道杀则来,那可真是吃不了兜着走! Whiz “嗖” In medicine field ancient medicine flashes not to have, to leave behind delicate fragrances, making the bone of person be about to be drunk, the light fog entered the body, Ye Fan and Dragon Horse also has Little Pine to imitate, if lifted the rosy cloud to fly upwards, was all over the body comfortable, the joint is making noise. 药田内一株古药一闪而没,留下一片清香,让人的骨头都快醉了,光雾入体,叶凡龙马还有小松仿若要举霞飞升,通体舒泰,骨节都在作响。 undying medicine!” 不死药!” In Paradise Valley has divine medicine, can fly to escape, Deity that in magic formation is born does not injure it, hid to the distant place. 仙谷内有一种神药,可以自行飞遁,法阵内诞生的神灵并不伤它,躲向了远处。 Worthily is the immortal place, undying medicine!” “不愧是仙地,还有一株不死药!” Ye Fan exclaimed in surprise, Rong Chengshi obtains one, but here really also has another, but is pregnant place manifestation of immortal to have this divine medicine is also nothing unusual. 叶凡惊叹,容成氏已经得到了一棵,而这里竟然还有另一株,不过孕仙的地方化生出这种神药倒也不足为奇。 He remembered the Fleeceflower Root words, then stops here to distant place sound transmission, said that this place in the future the great misfortune, asking undying medicine can be willing to depart with him? 他想起了何首乌的话,便停在这里向远处传音,称此地将来有一场大劫,问不死药可愿与他离去? Dragon Horse rolls the eyes in side, how cultivating the behavior can be so shameless, wants to seize undying divine medicine so to be pompous, probably for its good appearance. 龙马在旁翻白眼,做人怎么能够这么无耻,想捉不死神药都这么冠冕堂皇,好像是为它好的样子。 However came as a surprise to Dragon Horse, divine medicine really made the positive response, to not the powerful Divine Consciousness pass on message, inform Ye Fan, if takes the hope this place great misfortune of becoming an immortal from the solution, but if he were hard to take, then it departed with him together. 然而出乎龙马的预料,神药真的做出了积极回应,以并不强大的神识传讯,告知叶凡若取走成仙的希望此地大劫会自解,而他若是难以取走,那么它就与他一起离去。 The multi-colored sunlight is mobile, the light fog fills the air, a Ye Fan dumbness, has not seen that divine medicine's True Body, obviously is two chooses a decision, he really did not have idea to undying medicine. 霞光流动,光雾弥漫,叶凡一阵无言,并没有见到那株神药的真身,明显是二选一的决定,他还真对不死药没辙。 Ye Fan can only choose to start off, although undying medicine the whole world is difficult to ask, life-bearing ancient planet not necessarily can be born, but cannot meet absolutely, but the hope that becomes an immortal is the past and present is only! 叶凡只能选择上路,不死药虽然举世难求,一颗生命古星都不见得能诞生一株,但并非绝对遇不到,而成仙的希望则是古今唯一的! The following road is very smooth, they have arrived by Immortal Pond, this Little Pine altogether dug 17 King Medicine all the way, passed to any Star Domain to go, with cannot believe shockingly, this was the miracle! 接下来的路很顺利,他们一直走到了仙池旁,这一路上小松共挖到了十七株药王,传到任何星域去,都会让人震惊与不敢相信,这是奇迹! This is breeding becomes an immortal the hope...... Immortal Pond.” The Ye Fan sound shivers, finally to the near, he was even hard to suppress the excitement, this eternal riddle will make known finally. “这就是孕育成仙希望的……仙池。”叶凡声音颤抖,终于到了近前,连他都难以抑制激动的心情,这万古之谜终于将揭晓了。 The Dragon Horse whole body flame beats, an big head makes an effort Ye Fan, it wishes one could to jump in Immortal Pond directly. Only then Little Pine is very peaceful, stands at the back of the small medicine basket side Ye Fan's, curious sizing up. 龙马浑身火光跳动,一颗大脑袋用力一顶叶凡,它恨不得直接跳进仙池内。只有小松很安静,背着小药篓站在叶凡的身边,好奇的打量。 This......” Ye Fan is startled, he carefully observes the discovery, this nurturing immortal land seems like a placenta unexpectedly, was broken to pieces to the racket slap, changed into a pool! “这……”叶凡大吃一惊,他仔细观察发现,这孕仙之地竟然像是一个胎盘,被人一巴掌给拍碎了,化为了一个池子! This is who does?” He changed the color all of a sudden, the hope that becomes an immortal was taken, or ruined? But is not right, divine medicine had said a moment ago, hope of becoming an immortal also here. “这是谁干的?”他一下子变了颜色,难道成仙的希望被人取走了,或者说毁掉了?可是并不对,刚才神药已经说了,成仙的希望还在这里。 Is Ferocity does!” Ye Fan thinks all of a sudden this result, cannot bear one be scared, this Great Emperor is really extraordinary, really such, to not become an immortal unexpectedly as she said! “是狠人干的!”叶凡一下子想到了这个结果,忍不住一阵发毛,这位大帝果然非凡,竟真的如她自己所说那样,不为成仙! His opens the mouth puts out innate essence, wants to shake disperses becomes the Qian mountain ten thousand wisps of multi-colored sunlight that in Immortal Pond projects, because this place was too radiant, making people be hard to open the eye. 他张口吐出一口先天精气,想震散仙池中射出的成千山万缕霞光,因为这个地方太璀璨了,让人难以睁开眼睛。 immortal light was cut open, he opens the Heavenly Eye to look to the pond, immediately mind severe tremor, he saw Object, the hope of becoming an immortal also, sinks in pool bottom! 仙光被剖开,他睁开天目向池中望去,立时心神剧震,他见到了一宗器物,成仙的希望还在,就沉在池底
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