STH :: Volume #11

#1010: God mark purple pagoda

In the road ahead has- half meter high purple tower body, static lying there, the probably eternal blue sky sinks to fall, but great changes atmosphere, flowing inexplicable aura. 前路上有—个半米高的紫色塔体,静静的横陈在那里,像是万古青天沉坠,沧桑而大气,流动莫名气机 Dragon Horse can judge the quality of goods, wallops forward. It has looked at ancient scroll in Ye Fan hand, discovered that this lies in the security way, not crisis. 龙马识货,向前猛冲。它看过叶凡手中的古卷,发现此器横陈在安全路径上,并无危机。 Ye Fan thought that is not very real, such bulk immortal material was extremely really unreal, is simply ordinary like the dreamland, making one not dare the pile letter/believes. 叶凡觉得很不真实,这么一大块仙料真的太过虚幻了,简直如同梦境一般,让人不敢桩信。 This is...... Divine Traces Purple Gold!” His voice shivered. “这是……神痕紫金!”他连声音都颤抖了。 Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold, Dragon Marked Black Gold and Immortal Tears Emerald Gold he has seen, is most famous immortal material. But this is the first time sees this divine treasure, all over the body clear such as purple drill, sends out the brilliance visionally, was called Divine Traces Purple Gold. 凰血赤金龙纹黑金仙泪绿金他都见过,皆是最负盛名的仙料。而这是头一次见到此种神珍,通体晶莹如紫钻,散发梦幻般的光彩,被称之为神痕紫金 Dragon Horse dashes about wildly, in the mouth spurts Dragon Qi, with lightning speed, but also is away from is very far, the opens the mouth attracts must integrate in the mouth, wants to appropriate to oneself, but tried actually not to succeed. 龙马狂奔,口中喷龙气,风驰电掣,还隔着很远,张口一吸就要纳入口中,想据为己有,但是尝试了一下却并未成功。 And, it felt that in this moment dense murderous intention, Primordial Spirit seemed like must be disillusioned, the whole body convulsion, stopped the footsteps fast. 且,在这一刻它感觉到了一种森然杀机,元神都像是要破灭了,浑身痉挛,快速止住了脚步。 At this time, only then Little Pine was tranquil, it is blinking the big eye, a little violated blurry, although thought that this Object was very extraordinary, but knew. 这个时候,只有小松还算平静,它眨巴着大眼睛,有点犯迷糊,虽然觉得这个器物很非凡,但并认识。 Do not act rashly!” Ye Fan drank to stop Dragon Horse. “别妄动!”叶凡喝止了龙马 This immortal material best pupil is half meter together, without doping any mixed material, this really shocks, the value has no way to weigh, Ancient Great Emperor must in the heart the play jump. 这样一块仙料高足有半米,没有掺杂任何杂料,这实在过于震撼,价值没法衡量,古之大帝都得心中剧跳。 Fist big Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold can cause the world to shock together, is crazy, is so at the present big......” “一块拳头大的凰血赤金都能引得天下震撼,为之而疯狂,而今这么大一块……” Divine Traces Purple Gold was cast a tower, can want to see to be able owner inevitably magical power heaven defying, this absolute danger utmost, if handles affairs rashly possibly has to kill the body catastrophe. 神痕紫金被铸成了一座塔,可以想见能够拥有者必然法力逆天,此器绝对危险之至,若是莽撞行事可能有杀身大祸。 Is ultimate Dao Emperor Weapon?!” “是一件极道帝兵吗?!” In the Ye Fan heart thump thump jumps, he is unascertainable, because Immortal Ascension Land has various Law Killing Formation, can cover all aura, is hard to judge. 叶凡心中怦怦直跳,他并不能确定,因为成仙地有各种法则杀阵,能掩盖一切气机,难以判断。 How this was immortal material lost together in this place? Even the background big person cannot spend freely, should not be so right, a little makes the criminal whisper. 这样一块仙料怎么被丢在了此地?即便来头再大的人也挥霍不起,不应如此才对,有点让人犯嘀咕。 Finally, they arrived at the near carefully, a murderous intention overflow of heaven shaking, cut person Primordial Spirit, Dragon Horse does not have the means to approach again. 终于,他们小心走到了近前,一股惊天杀机溢出,斩人元神,龙马再也没有办法靠近了。 Ye Fan dismounts, goes forward step by step, finally sees clearly the crisis to be, another side of the purple tower is contaminating several bloodstains, bright red dazzling, murderous aura is full. 叶凡下马,一步一步上前,终于看清危机所在,紫色的塔身另一边沾染着几块血迹,鲜红刺目,杀气盈野。 He is startled, does not dare to act rashly, looks to distant place that piece of scattering Quasi-Emperor skeleton, the blood lives the splendor, the aura is consistent, when is common origin. 他不禁一怔,没敢轻举妄动,望向远处那片散落的准帝尸骨,鲜血生辉,气息一致,当为同源 Quasi-Emperor Divine Blood, this tower is his!” 准帝神血,这座塔是他的!” The Ye Fan pupil light is sparkling, this must have how big Good Fortune to obtain such big immortal material, moreover succeeded in building the embryo, was really astonishing. 叶凡眸光烁烁,这得有多么大的造化才能得到这样大一块仙料,而且还成功打造成了器胚,实在惊人。 Ancient Great Emperor uncome-at-able Artifact Refining immortal material, but he has is so bulk, should the road ahead be bright, moves toward the magnificent prove the Dao peak to talk to oneself to......” Ye Fan. 古之大帝都难以得到的炼器仙料,而他却拥有这么大块,理应前路灿烂,走向辉煌的证道巅峰才对……”叶凡自语。 Good Fortune of this person is heaven defying, may be called a Heaven and Earth lead of period, but finally actually unexpected, a precisely such luck long Quasi-Emperor tragic death in this. 这个人的造化逆天的,堪称一个时期的天地主角,可最终却出人意料,正是这样一位气运悠长的准帝惨死于此。 Sky overhead is difficult to predict, the person who has the immeasurable future was cut to kill.” “天心难测,一位拥有无量前途的人就这么被斩杀了。” Ye Fan has the reason to believe, this person should be some Ancient Star heaven defying character, if no accident/surprise to be able prove the Dao to become Emperor, however Immortal Road is rugged, no matter what your peerless person is also outstandingly possible a dynasty to change to the white bones. 叶凡有理由相信,这个人应是某一颗古星逆天人物,若无意外的话可以证道成帝,然而仙路崎岖坎坷,任你绝代人杰也可能一朝化作白骨。 This also showed from one side, here Immortal Ascension Land fearfulness, such Quasi-Emperor that has big Good Fortune by the great misfortune, cannot heaven defying, the so-called day transport/fortune here in this is recorded to seize a cleanness. 这也从侧面证明,此处“成仙地”的可怕,这样一位拥有大造化准帝都遭了大劫,在这里不能逆天,所谓的天运在此被录夺了个干净。 This lets in his heart imposing, did not dare negligently, every step cautious, was discrete and good. 这让他心中凛然,更加不敢大意了,每一步都小心翼翼,谨慎而行。 Ye Fan withdraws, after is far enough revolution 'Weapon' Character Art, falls several drops of accurate Emperor blood records, temporarily one side puts, then moved to purple pagoda. 叶凡退后,距离足够远后运转兵字诀,将几滴准帝血录落,暂时置于一边,而后将紫塔移了过来。 Really is big Good Fortune, this is ultimate Dao Source Embryo!” “真是大造化,这是极道原胚!” He observes for a long time had confirmed, this weapon is only the thick embryo, has not engraved what Dao Traces Law wait/etc., explained that Quasi-Emperor just obtained in the past shortly. 他观察这么长时间已经确认,这个兵器只是粗胚,还没有刻上什么道痕法则等,说明准帝当年刚得到没多久。 Half meter high purple pagoda, is sending out eternal great changes aura, probably a blue sky sinks to fall here, there are various immortal light to wind around. 半米高的紫塔,散发着万古沧桑气机,像是一片青天沉坠在这里,有各种仙光缭绕。 In is Immortal Qi that this Immortal Ascension Land most does not lack nourishes, this thick embryo is difficult to damage the slightest, can only gradually spiritual wisdom. 在这成仙地最不缺的就是仙气滋养,这块粗胚难损分毫,只会逐渐通灵 The tower body is thick, glittering and translucent, the purple light twinkle, is every inchs ordinary with the purple drill, above has runic patterns, probably Deity delimits to carve earnestly, this is the so-called god mark, visible manifestation that also praised, was the reason of its name origin. 塔体厚实,每一寸都晶莹剔透,紫光闪烁,跟紫钻一般灿烂,上面有条条纹络,像是神灵认真划刻上去的,这就是所谓的神痕,亦称道的有形体现,是其名字由来的原因。 Little Pine is flashing the big eye, curious sizing up, feels strangely, because this Divine Traces Purple Gold with his same purple light colorful, the color is all over the body consistent, even the soul is an excellent likeness. 小松扑闪着大眼,好奇的打量,感觉怪怪的,因为这神痕紫金与他一样通体紫霞艳艳,色彩一致,甚至连性灵都神似。 Dragon Horse impolite, opens the big mouth to swallow very much, as long as this heaven defying thing has spirituality creatures to obtain, this is Proving the Dao Tool! 龙马不客气,张开大口就想给吞掉,这种逆天的东西但凡有灵性生物都想得到,这是证道之器 Ye Fan digging up to draw it one side, said: This is the Little Pine discovery.” 叶凡一把将它给扒拉到了一边,道:“这是小松发现的。” He inspects this carefully, confirmed that this tower has no danger, has not really engraved Dao Traces, is a thick embryo of without owner, this felt relieved. 他仔细检查此器,确认这座塔没有任何危险,真的没有刻上道痕,是一个无主的粗胚,这才放下心来。 Little Pine gathering is raising head to look at purple pagoda, was higher than a big truncation it, all the purple light is bright, forms a nice contrast with it, making it scratch the head. 小松凑到近前仰着头看紫塔,比它高了一大截,全都紫光熠熠,与它相映成趣,让它直挠头。 It makes an effort to move the tower, result tired being sweating profusely, butt sat on the ground, the complexion was in a jam, it could not move unexpectedly. 它用力搬塔身,结果累的满头大汗,一屁墩坐在了地上,脸色发窘,它竟然搬不动。 Dragon Horse disdains, goes forward to take advantage, wants to appropriate to oneself, finally is also startled, this tower heavy fearfulness, foot have several 500+ tons is heavy. 龙马不屑,上前趁火打劫,想要据为己有,结果也是大吃一惊,这座塔重的可怕,足有数上百万斤重。 This is supreme immortal material, even is still shocking for the thick embryo, Little Pine raises purple pagoda with the Ye Fan's help difficultly, squish will actually buckle in inside, could not come out again. 这是无上仙料,即便为粗胚也是惊世的,小松叶凡的帮助下艰难掀起紫塔,却吧唧一声将自己扣在了里面,再也出不来了。 Ye Fan smiles, raises this to vibrate the trim Star Domain treasure sufficiently, put it, said: I help you take in the bell, you refine by the mind sacrifice every day, in the future when will be powerful the selfenergy revolves.” 叶凡莞尔,提起这足以震动整片星域的宝贝,将它放了出来,道:“我帮你收进银铃中,你每日以心神祭炼,日后强大时自能运转。” He takes out from that bell in tiny stone Buddha, carves next piece of complicated mysterious space magic formation earnestly, received the Divine Traces Purple Gold tower, gave Little Pine. 他将小石佛自那铃铛中取出,认真刻下一片繁奥的空间法阵,将神痕紫金塔收了进去,交给了小松 Someday I will leave this Ancient Star, goes to another piece of Star Domain, there filled the blood and war, is extremely difficult and dangerous, I want to keep you, you dive to cultivate here, it will be your Proving the Dao Tool.” “也许有一天我会离开这颗古星,前往另一片星域,那里充满了血与战,太过艰难与危险,我想把你留下来,你在这里潜修,它将是你的证道之器。” Little Pine heard that this language is terrified immediately, in the eye held completely the tears, the most precious object thick embryo stopper to the Ye Fan hand, entreating him do not depart, is to walk must take it, should not be separated. 小松闻听此语顿时惶恐,眼中噙满了泪水,把至宝粗胚塞到叶凡手中,哀求他不要离去,就是要走也要带上它,不要分开。 Said that these early, I have not known how to go back.” Ye Fan spoils touches its head, then looks to the vault of heaven, another piece of Star Domain must have great war in the future, how long the short peace could not maintain. “说这些还早,我并不知如何回去。”叶凡溺爱的摸了摸它的头,而后望向天穹,另一片星域将来必有大战,短暂的和平维持不了多久。 All races believe that Road of Immortal Ascension is going to open, to compete for that waited for the eternal opportunity, among the outstanding characters puts together the blood. 所有种族都相信成仙之路将要开启,为了争夺那等待了万古的机会,盖代人物间将有一场血拼。 Although Dragon Horse is not convinced very much, but does not have the means that the Divine Traces Purple Gold tower is the Little Pine discovery, is Ye Fan takes, it truly have no reason to appropriate to oneself. 龙马虽然很不服气,但也没有办法,神痕紫金塔是小松发现的,是叶凡取到手中的,它确实没有理由据为己有。 Earth is an unusual place, if you in the future can in this prove the Dao, have not unimaginable Dao Fruit.” Ye Fan helps it receive the bell, and informed to should better not with tiny stone Buddha, from now on will only repose the mind in purple pagoda. “地球是一个非同一般的地方,你将来若是能于此证道,将有无法想象的道果。”叶凡帮它收好铃铛,并告知最好不要用小石佛了,今后只将心神寄托于紫塔 He has Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, although this tower is divine treasure, but regarding him said that did not have the significance. 他已经有万物母气鼎,此塔虽然是神珍,但对于他说却也没有意义了。 The method that Ye Fan displays the exceedingly high penetrating place, Quasi-Emperor several drops of precious blood sealing cauldrons, in some sense this is Divine Blood, may refine the wondrous medicines, can have big using. 叶凡施展通天彻地的手段,将准帝的几滴宝血封进鼎内,从某种意义上来说这是神血,可炼圣药,能有大用。 They continue to start off, how Ye Fan directs Little Pine to offer a sacrifice to refine to prove Dao Artifact, has many experiences to teach before departure. 他们继续上路,叶凡指点小松如何祭炼证道器,在离开前有许多经验都要传授给它。 The one who makes him very speechless is, he saw in the little thing mind broken Myriad Laws......” the deep meaning, prepares to become one purple pagoda recast unexpectedly Pine Cone. 让他很无言的是,他见到了小东西头脑中“器破万法……”的奥义,竟然准备将紫塔重铸成一个“松塔”。 Spherical fruit that the pine tree has because of likely tower, therefore is called Pine Cone. In the mind of purple little fellow, felt, since must cast the tower, is more vivid, Pine Cone that the nature grows is most appropriate. 松树结出的球状果实因为像塔,故此被称作松塔。在紫色小家伙的头脑中,觉得既然要铸塔,就一定要形象一些,自然界生长出的松塔最为合适。 You thought the pine nut is most delicious?” Ye Fan asked him. “你是不是觉得松子最好吃啊?”叶凡问他。 Yes.” Its subconscious reply, greatly is then embarrassed immediately. “是的。”它下意识的回答,而后立时大窘。 Good, Pine Cone......” on Pine Cone, the whether it is name or the shape also matches with you. ” Ye Fan also can only say the mouth like this “好吧,松塔……”就松塔,无论是名字还是形状都倒也与你相配。”叶凡也只能这样说了口 They lead the way, Ye Fan talked to oneself, said: world has several divine gold, Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold and immortal tears green life...... legends say, if mixes to cast in the same place, can turn into another supreme material quality, what a pity since ancient times no one can succeed.” 他们一路前行,叶凡自语,道:“世间有几种神金,凰血赤金、仙泪绿命……相传若是混铸在一起,能化成另一种无上材质,可惜古来没有人能成功。” Little Pine opens the mouth immediately, saying of naivete, will seek various divine gold for the master in the future, dopes in Myriad Things Origin Energy to mix to cast, tempers the world first weapon. 小松立刻开口,稚气的说道,将来为师傅寻来各种神金,掺杂进万物母气中混铸,锤炼成世间第一兵器。 Ye Fan touches its head not to say anything, has the Myriad Things Origin Energy source root foot, as for these legend extremely empty vast, not necessarily was real. 叶凡摸了摸它的头没有说什么,有万物母气源根足矣,至于那些传说太过虚渺了,并不一定真实。 Finally, they arrived in the Dragon's Head peaks, mounts a mountain road, over ten thousand Dragon's Head mountain peaks exist side by side, encircle a Paradise Valley, the spiritual energy is dense, the multi-colored sunlight trillion wisps, making this place especially sacred. 终于,他们来到了龙首峰间,登上一条山路,上万座龙首山峰并立,合围成一座仙谷,灵气氤氲,霞光亿万缕,让这个地方格外神圣。 They entered Immortal Ascension Land truly, this is matchless wonderful earth, has counter seizes the ancient and modern Heaven and Earth Good Fortune mystery, can be pregnant the immortal. 他们真正进入了成仙地,这是一处举世无双的妙土,有逆夺古今天地造化的奥秘,可以孕仙。 Each dragon peak immortal light ten thousand and auspicious color thousand, to the god highest sage, in the valuable medicine that on them grows most inferior had 20,000 years, the delicate fragrance greeted the nostrils. 每一座龙峰都仙光万道、瑞彩千条,至神至圣,在它们上面生长的宝药最次的都有两万年了,清香扑鼻。 Ye Fan along the mountain road vanguard, Little Pine is very cheerful, discovers two King Medicine in the security way, has more than 90,000 years of medicine ages, was dug by it cautiously. 叶凡沿着山路前行,小松很欢快,在安全路径上发现两株药王,都有九万多年的药龄,被它小心翼翼的挖了出来。 ancient medicine as high as one meter , like the valuable tree to it, lives the rosy cloud sparklingly, needs to lift, it is jubilant, is filial piety to Ye Fan one, then had the belt/bring the good intentions to give Dragon Horse another. 古药高达一米,对它来说跟宝树一样,烁烁生霞,需要举起来,它兴高采烈,孝敬给叶凡一株,而后有带着善意将另一株送给了龙马 This type of thing may extend life essence, even in Big Dipper is priceless treasure, will make Saint bow, marvelous horse nature impolite received. However does not have one to swallow, it fully realized that King Medicine rare treasure, will wait refining to fall in the future slowly. 这种东西可延寿元,即便在北斗都是无价的奇珍,会让圣人为之折腰,神驹自然不客气的收了下来。不过却没有一口吞掉,它深知药王稀珍,留待日后慢慢炼化掉。 The alley ups and downs, are the road of only living, the misstep goes to one step is the dead gate, beyond redemption. Ye Fan they detour, have toured many Dragon's Head peaks, enters in the valley. 小路曲折,是唯一的生之路,踏错去一步就是死门,万劫不复。叶凡他们绕行,转过很多座龙首峰,进入谷中。 In this process, Little Pine is happiest, altogether harvested eight Ancient King Medicine, is the growth on the path, delight that the small medicine hoe wields. 在这个过程中,小松最为开心,一共收获了八株古药王,都是生长在道路上的,小药锄挥的不亦乐乎。 You stay behind, does not need to deliver me.” Ye Fan said. “你自己留下,不用送我。”叶凡道。 It digs to one every time must be filial piety to the master, but was admitted it by Ye Fan by big magical power quietly Pine Cone. In the future, he will leave, Little Pine practices in this Ancient Star alone, surely needs this type of thing. 它每挖到一株都要孝敬给师傅,但都被叶凡以大法力悄悄放进了它的“松塔”内。日后,他会离开,小松独自在这颗古星修行,肯定需要这种东西。 Finally, they entered the center, the deep place to mountain valley, finally saw that grand scene. 最后,他们进入了腹地,深处到了山谷内,终于见到了那壮丽的景象。 Under ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks let fall waterfall same immortal light, thick turned into the liquid, gathers the towards the mountain valley center, there has zhang (3.33 m) permits big Immortal Pond, the Immortal Qi dense transpiration, the light rosy cloud trillion wisps, dazzling, submerged most mountain valley. 万座龙首峰垂落下瀑布一样的仙光,浓的都化成了液体,聚向山谷中心,那里有一个丈许大的仙池,仙气氤氲蒸腾,光霞亿万缕,璀璨夺目,淹没了大半个山谷 Becoming an immortal hopes that’ breeds in Immortal Pond!” The Ye Fan pupil splits divine light. “成仙的‘希望’就孕育在仙池中!”叶凡眸绽神光 In mountain valley, cloud and steam luxuriant glow, a place cannot this place compare, everywhere valuable medicine, crazy, if can collect, really unimaginable! 山谷中,云蒸霞蔚,从来没有一处地方能此地相比,遍地宝药,让人疯狂,若是都能采集到,真是不可想象! Meanwhile, one type fragrance greets the nostrils to come specially, to stand out from the masses , the ultra dust takes off/escapes, the Ye Fan mind shakes, this place definitely has undying divine medicine. 同时,一种特别的馨香扑鼻而来,与众不同,超尘脱凡,叶凡心神一震,此地绝对有一株不死神药
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