STH :: Volume #11

#1009: Quasi-Emperor dies

Finally, Ye Fan left, walks toward the Immortal Ascension Land deep place, Little Pine naturally follows, happy, in the hand is carrying the small medicine hoe, prepares to pick Ancient King Medicine. 最终,叶凡动身了,向成仙地深处走去,小松自然跟随,高高兴兴,手里拎着小药锄,准备采摘古药王 In the Dragon Horse oronasals the emitting white clouds, the innermost feelings struggle, Ye Fan has told it with going in clearly, can leave, will not feel embarrassed it. 龙马口鼻间喷吐白气,内心挣扎,叶凡已经明确告诉它可以跟进去,也可以就此自行离开,不会为难它。 It had just now learned, at present this evil person has Immortal Chart, can penetrate in ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks, must peep the secret that becomes an immortal. 它方才已经得悉,眼前这个“恶人”身上有成仙图,能够深入万座龙首峰内,得窥成仙的秘密。 It can be said that this is a anybody seduces irresistibly, Dragon Horse could not bear, finally clenched teeth with. Its whole body flame beats, like the blood, dragon scales is red sparkling, the body was slender, resembles gust equally to the near. 可以说这是一个任何人都无法抵抗的诱惑,龙马也忍不住了,最后一咬牙跟了进去。它浑身火光跳动,赤红如血,龙鳞烁烁,躯体修长强健,似一阵风一样到了近前。 Ye Fan laughs, sat directly, rode on Dragon Horse of this batch of god steeds, its probably scarlet rosy cloud and divine gold mixed to cast, especially powerful powerful. 叶凡大笑,直接坐了上去,骑在了这批神骏的龙马身上,它像是赤霞与神金混合铸成,格外的强大有力。 In the Dragon Horse eye torches, almost kicks to ascend him, but endured, puffing and blowing Little Pine ancient medicine that manipulated gnawing off the half, including indignant swallowing down. 龙马眼中喷火,差点一蹶子将他登下去,但到底还是忍了下来,“吭哧”一口将小松正在摆弄的一株古药给咬掉了半截,含愤吞了下去。 That is my.” Little Pine timid muttering, eager looks that it eats the medicine age to have 50,000-60,000 years of valuable grass fully. “那是我的。”小松怯怯的咕哝,眼巴巴的看着它吃掉药龄足有50,000-60,000年的宝草。 Immortal Ascension Land is not ordinary, can say unique mediocre, should not exist in the time, the ground does not have the stone and dust, flashes the jade marrow gloss. 成仙地非常不一般,可以说超脱凡俗,不应存在于时间,地上没有土石与尘埃,闪动玉髓光泽。 This place weed, common rattan wood has not had the means to grow in this, this is Ancient Jade Field, only then the valuable medicine can grow, the level is very high. 这个地方没有一株杂草,寻常的藤木在此没有办法生长,这是上古玉田,只有宝药能生长,层次很高。 Arrived this place, the mouth of Dragon Horse had not idled, with grazing gnaws various food old medicines generally, Essence Qi overflows, brilliant lights and vibrant colors. 到了这个地方,龙马的嘴巴就没有闲下来过,跟吃草一般啃食各种老药,精气四溢,流光溢彩 Little Pine is very nitpicking, the searching high and low treasure, by the present, its small medicine basket did not install common spirit fruit, ancient medicine of ten thousand years of crucial moment has not installed. 小松很挑剔,四处寻找宝贝,到了现在,它的小药篓不装寻常灵果,没有万年火候的古药根本不装。 It takes the small medicine hoe, the big eye has glanced to the Dragon's Head peak in glances, has recognized true King Medicine, the preparation dug several. 它拿着小药锄,大眼睛一直对龙首峰上瞟啊瞟,早就认准了真正的药王,准备挖来几株。 Ye Fan walks is very discrete and careful, in this place, if the going astray way, will be instantaneously beyond redemption, Great Emperor Killing Formation opening, Quasi-Emperor came dead without the burial ground. 叶凡走的很谨慎与小心,在这个地方若是走错路径,瞬间就会万劫不复,大帝杀阵一开启,准帝来了都死无葬身之地。 He more is distracted within, more to awe to, did not say Emperor Formation, was Heavenly Source Law surpassed his understanding, this place definitely had Source Art Deity lay out Law, this was the sure-kill. 他越是向里走心中越是敬畏,不说帝阵,就是源天法则就超出了他的理解,这个地方绝对有源术神人布下规则,此乃绝杀。 Even you broke Ancient Great Emperor's Killing Formation, Heavenly Source Re­stric­tive For­ma­tion, both blended in the same place form one to cut Immortal Chart, had entry but no exit. 即便你破了古之大帝的杀阵,还有源天禁阵,两者交融在一起形成了一幅斩仙图,有进无出 He holds to hold the ancient scroll earnest comparison, walked is very slow, so long as because the path almost then always cannot turn over/stand up, having a crooked road is feasible, tortuous, very complicated. 他持掌古卷认真比对,走的很慢,因为只要道路偏差一点便永世不能翻身,只有一条羊肠小径可行,迂回曲折,非常的繁复。 Suddenly, his look concentrates, in piece of stone forest saw unexpectedly a person sits cross-legged on together the green jade stone, treasure portrait is dignified, winds around Immortal Qi. 突然,他神色一凝,在一片石林中竟见到一个人盘坐在一块青玉石上,宝相庄严,缭绕仙气 In its, terrifying aura sends out continuously, incomparable fearful, each wisp heavy over extremely heavy, probably a Magic Mountain oppresses. 在其身上,有一缕缕恐怖的气机散发出,无比的慑人,每一缕都重逾万钧,像是一片魔山压迫而来。 Dragon Horse low hiss, under four hooves the flame twinkle, the raging flames, project scarlet rosy clouds all over the body, Dragon Qi is billowing, the horse hair explodes to stand, the scale vibrates. 龙马低嘶,四蹄下火光闪烁,烈焰腾腾,通体射出一片赤霞,龙气滚滚,马鬃炸立起来,鳞片抖动。 Little Pine is fears, is clutching a Ye Fan's corner/horn with the clothes, does not dare to say the sound, that aura makes it be hard to resist. 小松更是怕怕的,揪着叶凡的一角用衣服,不敢言声,那种气机让它难以抵抗。 Ye Fan offered a sacrifice to the cauldron, lets fall next ten thousand heavy Origin Qi, protects them in middle, in the heart shock especially, the Immortal Ascension Land surface really has this and other unparalleled characters, absolutely not enemy! 叶凡将鼎祭了出来,垂落下万重母气,将他们护在当中,心中格外的震撼,成仙地面竟然有这等盖世人物,绝对不可敌! This person of Daoist robe is obsolete, among grey hair is inserting a wooden hairpin, motionless, is surrounded by the hidden dense mist that front nurturing immortal land overflows, the meteorology is astonishing. 此人道袍陈旧,灰发间插着一根木簪,一动不动,被前方孕仙地所溢出的隐氤氲雾气所环绕,气象惊人。 Great Saint! 大圣 This is Human Race top powerhouse, Ye Fan makes the judgment immediately, this person is Great Saint, this aura he once induced on Great Saint Hun Tuo in Immemorial Royal Clan has been. 这是一名人族至强者,叶凡在第一时间做出判断,此人是一位大圣,这种气机他曾在太古王族中的浑拓大圣身上感应到过。 Immortal Ascension Land is the most fearful life-forbidden zone, can no one through looking, how the person will protect here? Ye Fan is puzzling. 成仙地乃是一处最可怕的生命禁区,没有人可以通过看,怎么会有一个人守护在这里?叶凡百思不得其解。 Senior.” He summoned in a soft voice, suddenly saw such existence of equivalent, making his many a little afraid. “前辈。”他轻声呼唤,忽然见到这样一个等阶的存在,让他多少有点心虚。 A front person response, has not sat cross-legged such as the clay sculpture stone carving general on several feet azure jade, only has the immortal light turnover. 前方的人没有一点反应,盘坐在数丈长的青色玉石上如泥塑石雕一般,只有仙光吞吐而出。 „It is not right, although there is powerful life-force, but does not have Divine Consciousness to fluctuate, this person should die.” “不对,虽然有强大的生机,但是却没有神识波动,这个人应该死去了。” Ye Fan made the judgment fast, the look one cold, opened the Heavenly Eye, in the heart fills startled regretted, this was Human Race Great Saint, died in this place like this? 叶凡快速做出了判断,神色一凛,睁开天目,心中充满了惊憾,这可是一位人族大圣,难道就这样死在了此地? He carefully observes, fleshly body of this person is perfect, body also has the gloss, Immortal Qi following the pore turnover, as if in expiration and inspiration, but both eyes shut tightly, Primordial Spirit turns into air. 他仔细观察,这个人的肉身完好无损,肌体还有光泽,仙气顺着毛孔进出,仿佛是在吐纳,可是双目紧闭,元神成空。 This......” Ye Fan stares blankly, this person should die, even fleshly body is complete, may not have the soul, cannot say that he is also living. “这……”叶凡发怔,此人应该死掉了,即便肉身无缺,可却没有了灵魂,也不能说他还活着了。 This is not natural died during meditation falls, otherwise should already Change into Dao, this is Ancient Great Saint that was executed, its flesh was not dry, preserved. 这并非自然的坐化掉,不然的话应该已经化道了,这是被毙掉的一位上古大圣,其血肉不枯,保存了下来。 Really is strange, lifelike, with living, the lamentable this grade of characters died in magic formation.” Ye Fan was more discrete, Great Saint has not rushed, if astrays it can be imagined middle fearsomeness. “真是诡异,栩栩如生,跟活着一样,可叹这等人物都死在了法阵中。”叶凡更加谨慎了,一位大圣都没有闯过去,若是误入其中可想而知当中的可怖。 He opens the Heavenly Eye, discovered that this Great Saint's within the body has Divine Lantern, until now long bright indestructible, fills life-force, is it in turnover immortal light, making the corpse also seem like also has the life general. 他睁开天目,发现这个大圣的体内有一盏神灯,至今长明不灭,充满了生机,是它在吞吐仙光,让尸体也像是还有生命一般。 Great Saint most precious object!” 大圣至宝!” Ye Fan is startled, this absolutely is the treasure, to his several feet away, however makes him look at the treasure to sigh spatially, cannot walk. 叶凡吃惊,这绝对是宝贝,相距他不过数丈远,然而却让他望宝空叹,根本走不过去。 This place only then a winding alley is safe, astrays one step to die, this Great Saint was the best lesson, for no reason is cut in this place. 此地只有一条曲折的小路是安全,误入进去一步都得死,这名大圣就是最好的教训,平白被斩在了此地。 Ye Fan attempt revolution 'Weapon' Character Art does not dare to be crude, but tries to move to press in safety line on grain of dust, finally in an instant changes constantly, Heaven and Earth changes colors, has the strength of cutting the immortal interweaves in Void, crushes that grain of dust, lets its wisp of divine sense is also a severe pain. 叶凡尝试运转兵字诀没有敢鲁莽,只是试着搬起压在“安全线”上的一粒尘,结果刹那间风云变幻,天地失色,有斩仙的力量交织在虚空,将那粒尘粉碎,让其那缕神念也是一阵剧痛。 He cut off karma fast, in the heart, this place is really with amazement extraordinary, cannot act rashly, otherwise dies does not know how dead. 他快速斩断了因果,心中骇然,这个地方果然非凡,不能妄动,不然的话死都不知道是怎么死的。 They continue to go forward, turn left right turned, enters a stretch of rough terrain, Ye Fan feels the air/Qi of intermittent blood ghost, can probably truncate the person body, to cut the person bone. 他们继续前进,左转右拐,进入一片丘陵地带,叶凡感受到了阵阵血煞之气,像是可以削人皮肉、斩人骨头。 After leading the way a distance, he saw dazzling red, piece of Blood Qi in the transpiration, is very far from this safe way , makes one be scared. 前行一段距离后,他见到了一片刺目的红,一片血气在蒸腾,距离这条安全的路径很远,却也让人发毛。 Another Great Saint died here!” “又一位大圣死在了这里!” Ye Fan opens the Heavenly Eye, has a corpse before a hill, was more miserable than the people of it Primordial Spirit turns into air, this Great Saint covered with blood, was fully suffering fire essence to burn the pain of body. 叶凡睁开天目,在一座丘陵前有一具尸体,比之刚才的元神成空的人惨很多,这位大圣血肉模糊,在饱受火精燃体之痛。 Naturally, he had died, impossible sensation to this pain, but is very pitiful, the half body burns was dried up, Blood Qi steaming. 当然,他已经死去了,不可能感知到这种痛,但着实很凄惨,半截身子都烧的干枯了,血气腾腾而出。 In the Ye Fan heart moves greatly, this is not Great Emperor Killing Formation makes it so, but is not unimaginable Heavenly Source Forbidden Technique, exceeds all that he studied, with the aid of the strengths of ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks, interweaves Natural Fire Source, may cut to kill all life-force. 叶凡心中大动,这不是大帝杀阵使然,而是无法想象的源天禁术,超越了他所学的一切,借助万座龙首峰的力量,交织成一个造化火源,可斩杀一切生机 world once did by Source Art prove the Dao Saint Sovereign, once work for in Ancient Celestial Court?” “难道世间曾有一位以源术证道圣皇,曾效力于古天庭?” The Ye Fan heart has the doubts, because he how, regardless to see that thought Source Art Taboo magic formation of this place is not weaker than Ancient Great Emperor Killing Formation, otherwise not dual defenses. 叶凡心有疑惑,因为他无论怎么看都觉得这个地方的源术禁忌法阵不比古之大帝杀阵弱,不然也不会双重防御了。 And, this is pregnant the ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks of immortal mostly is this person of layout and manifestation. 且,这孕仙的万座龙首峰多半就是此人布局、化生而成的。 Ye Fan led the way very far distance, this altogether discovered all the way three Great Saint die of this place, the third person only has a bone and tip bloodstain. 叶凡前行了很远的距离,这一路上一共发现了三位大圣死于此地,第三人只剩下一块骨头与点滴血迹。 Among the Ancient years, Foreign Domain's Sage caught up, does not know that which Ancient Star these three people came from, the skeleton do not have the means to bury.” 上古年间,域外的圣贤都赶来了,不知这三人来自哪颗古星,尸骨都没有办法埋葬。” Ye Fan sighed, he cannot help, without the means goes forward, the weapon that otherwise these people lose annoys the person to be crazy sufficiently. 叶凡叹道,他也帮不上忙,没有办法上前,不然的话这些人遗落的兵器就足以惹人为之疯狂。 Finally, approaches is pregnant Paradise Valley that ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks encircled, but also at this time, Ye Fan felt piercing killing intent, even if protected oneself the intermittent dense/woods to be cold by Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron. 终于,临近了万座龙首峰围成的孕仙谷,而也就是在这时,叶凡感受到了刺骨的杀意,即便以万物母气鼎护身都阵阵森寒。 Dragon Horse no longer goes forward, because its body presented prominence, the veins the ballooning, wanted ruptured probably, the whole body convulsion. 龙马不再前进,因为它的肌体出现了突起,筋脉等都鼓胀了起来,像是要崩开,浑身痉挛。 Little Pine was hidden on the Ye Fan's shoulder, cannot withstand, after all compares cultivation base is very low with them, sends out the wail. 小松被躲在叶凡的肩头上,更是不堪,毕竟与他们相比修为还很低,发出哀鸣。 Luckily, Ye Fan has paid attention to its safety very much, previously bound it most Origin Qi, has not had the accident/surprise. 幸好,叶凡一直很注意它的安危,早先就将大部分母气裹住了它,才没有发生意外。 Bang “轰” Ye Fan haunches light screens, whole body golden Blood Qi fills the air, protected Little Pine and Dragon Horse in middle, present age his fleshly body is difficult comparing favorably, may block murderous intention. 叶凡撑起一片光幕,浑身金色的血气弥漫出,将小松龙马都护在了当中,当世他的肉身难有媲美者,可挡住杀机 Meanwhile, will stimulate to movement Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, making him recover, the Origin Qi source root same lets fall like the waterfall immediately, isolated with the outside world, prevents murderous intention. 同时,将催动万物母气鼎,让其复苏过来,母气源根顿时如瀑布一样垂落,与外界隔绝,阻挡住了杀机 Dragon Horse released a long breath , to continue to go forward. But Little Pine also butt hid in his shoulder, patted own chest, a lingering fear appearance. 龙马长出了一口气,继续前进。而小松一屁墩躲在了他的肩头,轻拍自己的心口,一副后怕的样子。 Suddenly, the Ye Fan look concentrates, saw a disintegration corpse in piece of stone mountain, greatest murderous intention precisely these flesh and shining white bone block sends out! 突然,叶凡神色一凝,在一片石山间见到了一具崩碎的尸体,莫大的杀机正是那些血肉与莹白的骨块发出的! Quasi-Emperor!” “一位准帝!” Ye Fan mind severe tremor, within the body blood rumble called, accelerates rush through to get up, probably thunderous Nine Heavens was ordinary, in his heart imposing. 叶凡心神剧震,体内血液隆隆而鸣,加速奔行起来,像是雷动九天一般,他心中凛然。 Over a hundred pure white bone blocks and bright red and dazzling blood is all living the splendor sparklingly, that person was chopped into pieces by Ancient Great Emperor Killing Formation! 上百枚洁白的骨块以及鲜红与刺目的血全都在烁烁生辉,那个人被古之大帝杀阵劈碎了! Quasi-Emperor, the method is exceedingly high, can struggle Good Fortune with Heaven and Earth, how many people the past and present can have? Might be considered as existence of surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries, died a tragic death like this here. 准帝,手段通天,可与天地造化,古今能有多少人?堪称是震古烁今的存在,就这样惨死在了这里。 To also one li (0.5 km) far, this Blood Qi murderous intention makes people be unbearable, if trades to make other Dao Severing person inevitable body cracks, only has Ye Fan to resist the strength of this terrifying bloodlines. 相距还有一里多远,这种血气杀机就让人难以承受,若是换作其他斩道者必然身体龟裂,唯有叶凡能抵住这种恐怖的血脉之力。 Dying to have 10,000-20,000 years also to have this power and influence, is really inconceivable!” Ye Fan exclaimed in surprise, does not know which Ancient Star this person came from, finally horizontal corpse in this. “死去能有10,000-20,000年了还有这种威势,真是不可思议!”叶凡惊叹,不知此人来自哪颗古星,最终横尸于此。 Even without the Immemorial Killing Formation phase resistance, he did not have the means in the past, because this person corpse blood lay, Quasi-Emperor aura blotted out the sky, cannot arrive at its side to turn into bloody pulp. 即便没有太古杀阵相阻,他也没有办法过去,因为这个人尸血横陈,准帝气机铺天盖地,走不到其身边就得化成血泥 A julid wriggles even after being cut dead. As Quasi-Emperor, was more terrifying, vertical died is not the average person can compare! 百足之虫死而不僵。身为准帝,则更为恐怖了,纵死去了也不是一般人可以比拟的! Immortal Ascension Land, is really the inconceivable place, three Great Saint died with Quasi-Emperor here.” Ye Fan also can only sigh like this. 成仙地,真是不可思议之地,三位大圣与一位准帝都死在了这里。”叶凡也只能这样感叹了。 Saw that the strength of Emperor blood lineage/vein is so certainly terrifying, he does not control self thought of some past events, if the past Monster Emperor heart will have murderous intention to be strong? It is not able to imagine simply! 见到准帝血脉之力如此恐怖,他不自禁的想到了一些往事,当年的妖帝心脏若有杀机将会多么强?简直无法想象! If not Azure Emperor murderous intention in blood, enter the world of that heart from Yin Grave, trim Heaven and Earth must crash in the past. 若非青帝化去了血液中的杀机,当年那颗心脏从阴坟中一出世,整片天地都得崩塌。 At that time, he stepped onto to cultivate to travel, regarding this understanding were not many, did not know is truly terrifying, afterward listened to Yan Ruyu and Daoist Scarlet Dragon mentions, felt incomparably frightened. 当时,他才走上修行路,对此了解不多,并不知晓真正有多么恐怖,后来听颜如玉赤龙道人说起,才觉得无比惊悚。 That is Azure Emperor leaves the descendant Emperor blood treasure medicine, already murderous intention, once otherwise enter the world, no one can be close, will have a vast killing tribulation, any life touching certain death. 那是青帝留给后人帝血宝药,早已化去了杀机,不然一旦出世,无人可以接近,会有一场浩大的杀劫,任何生灵触之都必死 Divine Blood that just like also Divine Knight of Vatican obtains like that is also so. According to Divine Knight said that so-called Divine Blood should be Ancient Saint Sovereign leaves behind world blood essence, refining up after all previous past worthies sacrifice, melted murderous intention, he did not overturn carefully, bathes can not die, from now on latter fleshly body firm will not go bad, powerful to peak. 也正如梵蒂冈的神骑士所得到的神血那般,亦是如此。按照神骑士所说,那所谓的神血应是一位上古圣皇遗留世间精血,经过历代前贤万般祭炼,才化去了杀机,他不小心打翻,沐浴在身上后才能不死,自此后肉身坚固不坏,强大到了极致 Suddenly, Little Pine throws down the small medicine hoe, is looking at the front, revealed the look of surprise, shakes Ye Fan gently, making him turn around to watch. 突然,小松丢下小药锄,怔怔的望着前方,露出异色,轻轻摇动叶凡,让他转身观看。 Ye Fan takes back the vision from the Quasi-Emperor skeleton, looks forward, is first startled, then shocked the situation in the extreme, he cannot believe oneself eye simply. 叶凡准帝尸骨上收回目光,向前望去,先是一怔,而后震撼到了无以复加的地步,他简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 This...... real?” “这……是真的吗?” But Dragon Horse under his body can also judge the quality of goods, is almost crazy, four hoof treads tread, almost gives to throw off Ye Fan, wants to overrun directly, this thing was too precious, making Ancient Great Emperor probably the body and mind vibrate. 而他身下的龙马也识货,差点疯狂,四蹄蹬踏,几乎将叶凡给掀翻,想要直接冲过去,这件东西太珍贵了,让古之大帝都得身心震动。 Summon ***, the middle ten days affection summon, Immortal Being please offer a sacrifice to the magic weapon. 呼唤***了,中旬的深情呼唤,各位仙人们请祭法宝。 Helps the person make advertisement «Heavenly Eye», synopsis: On that day, the destiny and Liu Tao crack a joke, helping him obtain Heavenly Eye, henceforth, amazed the world with a single brilliant feat. 帮人做个广告《天眼》,简介:那一天,命运和刘涛开了个玩笑,让他获得了天眼,从此,一鸣惊人。
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