STH :: Volume #11

#1008: immortal treasure

In the Dragon Horse mouth puts out two Flood Dragon shapes the white clouds, it is inspired of this place, does not dare to act unruly, rare tranquil, is not competing with Ye Fan. 龙马口中吐出两道蛟龙状的白气,它对这个地方心存敬畏,不敢撒野,难得的平静了下来,不在与叶凡较劲。 Ye Fan detours in this place, does not dare to act rashly, over ten thousand Dragon's Head peak murderous intention, he does not have the last corner/horn landform chart step by step, is unable to enter. 叶凡在这个地方绕行,不敢轻举妄动,上万座龙首峰步步杀机,他没有最后一角地势图,无法进入。 Little Pine whisper, moved to the motionless footsteps quickly, it saw that in front that piece of Immortal Ascension Land saw a lot of old medicines, a translucence, a radiance, the delicate fragrance fluttered. 小松叽咕,都快移不动脚步了,它见到前方那片成仙地中见到了很多老药,株株透亮,棵棵璀璨,清香飘出。 The long years, several people can penetrate into this place, nourishes with Dragon Qi and immortal light, medicinal herbs each that this place spiritual wisdom, has given birth priceless. 漫长的岁月,有几人能深入到这个地方,久经龙气仙光滋养,此地早已通灵,所生出的药草每一株都价值连城。 Over ten thousand mountain peaks are the Dragon's Head shapes, lifelikeness, dragon might is fearful, all for nature manifestation, may be called the work of the Gods. In each Dragon's Head peak has the valuable medicine, probably the coral and pearl carve, bright eye-catching, do not say is Little Pine, was the Dragon Horse eye a little straightens, swallowed saliva. 上万山峰都为龙首状,一座座栩栩如生,龙威慑人,皆为自然化生而成,堪称鬼斧神工。每一座龙首峰上都有宝药,像是珊瑚与珍珠雕琢而成,灿烂夺目,不要说是小松,就是龙马眼睛都有点发直,咽了一口口水。 These over ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks are the most precious object, the mountain massif may to offer a sacrifice to the god material of weapon refining, but the medicine that grows do not say. 这上万座龙首峰都是至宝,山体可为祭炼兵器的神材,而那生长出的药物就更不要说了。 brother Ye cannot bear the deep sigh, dried up many life-bearing ancient planet, is born such nurturing immortal land, was really special Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, making in the person heart shock. In this piece is multitudious, he had seen dozens over a hundred plum King Medicine, winds around Immortal Qi, the unusual brightness is all over the body sparkling, appealing divine soul. 叶兄忍不住长叹,枯竭了诸多生命古星,诞生出这样一处孕仙地,果然是专了天地造化,让人心中震撼。点在这片庶间,他已经看到了数十上百梅药王,缭绕仙气,通体宝光烁烁,吸引人的神魂 King Medicine, is very difficult to cultivate, needs unceasingly by the big earth deities breast irrigation, above growth Eighty thousand years, may call it King Medicine. 药王,很难培育,需要不断以大地灵乳浇灌,生长八万年以上,才可称之为药王 Who and others such long time? Even if 80,000-90,000 years of were the Ancient Great Emperor life span had arrived at the end, all difficulties cultivation. 有谁等的了这么长的时间?80,000-90,000年之久纵然是古之大帝寿命都早已到了尽头,万难培育。 Also only then this grade of place is good, but Ji Nazheng Ancient Star life Essence Qi bred the long years, can be born many. 也只有这等地方才行,可汲纳整颗古星的生命精气孕育了漫长的岁月,才能诞生出很多株。 The Ye Fan earnest observation, this and landform pattern is extraordinary, does not have the natural justice simply, he by the highest Source Art visiting, is hard to discover an artificial intervention the trace. 叶凡认真观测,这和地势格局过于非凡,简直没有天理,他以最高源术探视,也都难以发现一丝人为干预的痕迹。 However, he has one and premonition, one and stemming from Heavenly Source Master's instinct intuition, even this place is very unusual, but actually did not arrive at this and situation. 但是,他有一和预感,有一和出于源天师的本能直觉,即便这个地方很超凡但却也到不不了这和地步。 Indistinct within, he thought that at that time some people were pregnant to raise all these in the heaven defying method, the washout and baptism after time river, million years of changed into the nature finally, no difference from as if made by heaven. 隐约间,他觉得当时有人以逆天手段孕养了这一切,经时间长河的冲刷与洗礼,数以百万年之久最终化为了自然,与天成的没什么区别了。 He is looking for the weakness, without the ninth corner/horn landform chart would have no means to go, is his unusual is unwilling, wants through own Heavenly Source Divine Technique while decoding. 他在找弱点,没有第九角地势图就没有办法进去,可是他非常的不甘心,想通过自己的源天神术乘破解。 Little Pine at the back of the small medicine basket, one step looks back, is good around Dragon Mountain, absent-minded, the little fellow wishes one could to jump happy natural lighting ancient medicine immediately. 小松背着小药篓,一步一回首,绕着龙山而行,心不在焉,小家伙恨不得立刻跳进去开心的采光古药 Dragon Horse is also in the oronasals emits Dragon Qi not to haggle over with Ye Fan temporarily.” A twin dragons eye opens the eyes greatly, twinkle non-stop, in measurement silently, looked whether to cause point by big divine ability fodder. 龙马也是口鼻间喷吐龙气暂时不跟叶凡“计较。”一双龙目大睁,闪烁个不停,在默默的计量,看能否以大神通弄出点“草料”来。 When circles to another side Ye Fan is startled, he saw one miracle.” The front not far away has flake Star Domain, bright eye-catching. 当绕到另一边时叶凡一怔,他又见到了一处“神迹。”前方不远处有一小片星域,灿烂夺目。 This miracle have several ten fist big stars on this safe region giant rock has not inlaid before ten thousand Dragon's Head peaks in middle, has the gentle brilliance. 这处神迹未在万座龙首峰前还在这片安全的区域一块巨大的山石上有数十个拳头大的星辰嵌在当中,生出柔和的光辉。 Ye Fan believes that this is the real stars, was reduced refining, because he induced one and boundless aura, the pressed person will suffocate. 叶凡相信这是真实的星辰,被人炼化缩小而成,因为他感应到了一和磅礴的气息,压的人将窒息。 Is this what kind of heaven defying method? In his heart is scared, melts dozens stars embellishments here, protects the rock, letting the person only frightened and suck in a cold breath. 这是何等逆天的手段?他心中发毛,化数十星辰点缀在此,护住山石,让人只能惊悚与倒吸冷气 Ye Fan they are close slightly, dozens stars float off, evolve flake Star Domain, the stars shine, internal that rock all of a sudden becomes endless remote, just like standing in universe another end. 叶凡他们稍一接近,数十星辰浮起,演化成一小片星域,星光灿烂,内部的那块山石一下子变得无尽遥远,宛如立在宇宙另一端。 This is the energy of exceedingly high penetrating place, can only be stunning, their retreat, feared that causes the unnecessary trouble, reads the character on stone wall in the distant place. 这是通天彻地之能,只能让人叹服,他们后退,怕引起不必要的麻烦,在远处研读石壁上的字。 I was dying, who...... can help me take care of the younger sister?” “我要死了,谁……能帮我照顾妹妹?” The person who fries the book seems like the vitality to dry up, the multitudious mark is illegible, some places are very fuzzy, there is one and desperate and concern not the mood. 煎书的人似乎生命力枯竭,庶痕潦草粗糙,有的地方很模糊,有一和绝望与心事未了的情绪。 Ferocity's Elder Brother, he has really arrived here.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. 狠人的哥哥,他真的来到过这里。”叶凡自语。 The stars rotate, an elder brother picture appears, probably playbacking of history, by force feedback and Human World stars. 星辰轮转,一哥画面出现,像是历史的回放,被星辰之力再现与人世间 Fuzzy silhouette appears together, he muttered, probably could not put down another side of Starry Sky, the hand caressed an ugly face mask, incomparable losing. 一道模糊的身影出现,他喃喃自语,像是放不下星空另一边,手抚一张鬼脸面具,无比的失落。 Divine Blood and monster blood and Buddha blood have irrigated on its body, immediately must be one's turn me, refuses stubbornly importantly, who can help me illuminate weighs the younger sister, she is too young, I am in suspense.” 神血、妖血、佛血都已浇在它的身上,马上就要轮到我了,死不要紧,可谁能帮我照秤妹妹,她还太小,我放心不下。” This fuzzy silhouette to nearby person entreaty, if can return to Starry Sky another end, asking them do not forget, helping him raise the younger sister. 这道模糊的身影向旁边的人哀求,若是能回到星空的另一端,请他们一定不要忘记,帮他养大妹妹。 Ye Fan is silent, after this certainly is Ferocity prove the Dao, sought here, returned to original state in years past by shocking eternal big divine ability, those images and scenes definitely let her great pain and grief. 叶凡沉默,这一定是狠人证道后寻到了这里,以惊艳万古的大神通还原了昔年的一幕,此情此景肯定让她肝肠寸断。 Finally, her picking the stars and seizing the moon, refining flake Star Domain protects this final words and missing, this giant stone forever staying behind, with world with saving immortally. 最终,她摘星捉月,炼化一小片星域守护这最后的话语与思念,将这块巨石永远的留下,与世同存不朽。 Bypassed this place, Ye Fan gathers round central nurturing immortal land to walk for a week, the earnest consideration, started to delimit to fry on the ground to ride, calculated by Source Art. 绕过这个地方,叶凡围着中心孕仙地走了一周,认真思虑,开始在地上划煎了起乘,以源术计算。 The time is not long, he is sweating profusely, in the heart sends coolly, Source Art of this place was above his understanding, compared with Heavenly Source Master, this is mixes, if wonderful principle of as if made by heaven, each landform is very tasteful, seems the heaven layout, 时间不长,他满头大汗,心中发凉,这个地方的源术超乎了他的理解,比源天师更甚,这是混若天成的妙理,每一块地势都很讲究,仿佛是上天布局而成, However, he knows that murderous intention is artificial into. The crisis that landform forms is an aspect, the one who most makes him have a headache is Great Emperor Killing Formation, this place definitely has complete complete Emperor Formation, so long as triggers must die absolutely, present age who rides uselessly. 但是,他知道杀机是人为化入的。地势形成的危局是一方面,最让他头疼的是大帝杀阵,这个地方绝对有完整无缺的帝阵,只要触发绝对得死,当世谁乘了都没用。 Ye Fan pondered over for quite a while to discover that is unable to visit one step, Heavenly Source Divine Technique he can also deduce some, but Great Emperor Killing Formation did not have idea thoroughly. Arrived here, turns around to return really depressing, he wanders long time, does not have the means. 叶凡琢磨了半天发现无法踏足一步,源天神术他还能推演一些,可是大帝杀阵就是彻底没辙了。都走到了这里,掉头而回实在让人沮丧,他徘徊良久,始终没有办法。 In meeting low grade half a month, he was pondering over, took body all things, looked that which can be helpful to to break formation. 在接下乘的半个月里,他都在思忖,将身上所有东西都取了出来,看哪一件能对破阵有助。 Finally, Ye Fan observed closely Object, in the heart moved, that was Ferocity stays behind, had once been grasped by Battle Saint Sovereign, absolutely was the priceless treasure. 最终,叶凡盯住了一件器物,心中一动,那是狠人留下的,也曾被斗战圣皇掌握过,绝对是无价的宝贝。 Immortal Treasure Chart, Ye Fan , since obtaining, had not sent to get up the use, latter while consulting Saint speculated that this possibly is a Star Domain chart, because by the big magical power stimulation of movement, above has stars. 仙珍图,叶凡自从得到后,一直就没有派上过用场,后乘请教圣人推测这可能是一幅星域图,因为以大法力催动,上面有星辰点点。 Ye Fan ascertains airtight, does not know that many study this chart at night, but has no redemption 叶凡捉摸不透,也不知有多少个夜晚研究此图,但却没有任何收兑 However, at this moment this chart had the marvelous change, sends out continuously immortal light in this place, covered his whole person. 然而,就在这时此图产生了奇妙的变化,在这个地方散发出一缕缕仙光,将他整个人都笼罩了起来。 Well, this is-...-” “咦,这是-…—” Ye Fan is startled, immortal treasure division originally very clear, investigates, if casts by the star light, but at this time was extraordinarier. Is directly unrelieved, revolution big magical power is also stars, does not look clearly, but back actually had the change. 叶凡大吃一惊,仙珍司原本就很晶莹,究若以星光铸成,而此时就更加非凡了。正面并无变化,运转大法力也不过是繁星点点,看不明白,可背面却产生了变化。 The Little Pine big eye rolls the ore rotation , before gathering up rides, curious keeping watching, almost throws into. 小松大眼骨碌矿转动,也凑上前乘,好奇的看个不停,差点一头扎进去。 Ye Fan turns over ancient scroll fast, the heart thump thump the fierce beat, because he saw a complete appearance of the mountain chart! 叶凡快速翻转过来古卷,心脏怦怦剧烈跳动,因为他见到了一幅完整的山势图! On this chart and bone shard Czech Republic collects becomes the Immortal Chart superposition that rides, the only difference were many a corner/horn, this is complete. 这幅图与骨片上捷凑起乘的成仙图重合,唯一不同之处就是多了一角,这是无缺的。 The Ye Fan mind is excited, makes an effort to grip this volume of immortal treasure, for fear that it must fly away general, within the body blood boiling rode. 叶凡心神激动,用力握住此这卷仙珍,生怕它要飞走一般,体内血液都沸腾了起乘。 Among the excavated ancient copper and bronze objects years, Quasi-Emperor and Great Saint did not lose and incomplete in secret Tu of competition, unexpectedly complete, enters Immortal Ascension Land hopefully. 土古年间,准帝大圣都都在争夺的秘图并非遗失与残缺了,竟还有一幅完整的,有希望进入成仙地 Really has such heaven shaking secret, contains on this everlasting ancient scroll, really walks beyond expectation!” “竟然有这样的惊天秘密,蕴含在这幅万古长存的古卷上,真走出人意料!” Ye Fan turns one's thoughts toward a loved one intent to move, in this piece within he thought that if not expect badly, that nine bone shard consider from this ancient scroll rubbing low grade runic patterns, this is the genuine first edition. 叶凡神驰意动,在这片嘛间他想到了很多,若是所料不差,那九枚骨片当是从这幅古卷上拓印下乘纹络,这才是真正的原版。 Originally, complete complete secret Tu continuously in my side.” He sighs with emotion quite a lot. “原来,完整无缺的秘图一直在我的身边。”他感慨颇多。 For these years, he used all strengths, sought help Central Plain Dao Sect, asked seeks Buddhism, receded India and Egyptian da and other ancient Dao Field, collected bone shard, in the end did not have the type to become complete map. 这几年来,他动用了一切力量,求助中土道门,问寻佛教,远走印度、埃龘及等古老的道场,集纳骨片,到头来也没有样成全图 But at this time, had such accidental/surprised favorable turn, really makes him unexpected, has to glance back that person actually in the indignance of lights waning place. 而此时,却有了这样意外的转机,真是让他意想不到,颇有蓦然回首那人却在灯火阑珊处之慨。 Meanwhile, Ye Fan keen noticed a fact, the landform chart only occupied 1/3 at the back of ancient scroll, probably had important ancient chart not to reveal. 同时,叶凡敏锐的注意到了一个事实,地势图在古卷背面只占据了三分之一,像是另有重要古图未显。 What another two recorded, is more important than this Immortal Ascension Land?” He is astonished. “另外两处记载了什么,难道比这成仙地还重要吗?”他不禁惊异。 He carefully watches, discovered that the back has three regions, this is the determination without doubt, but another two. The area has nothing to do with this piece of landform chart. 他仔细观看,发现背面有三个区域,这是确定无疑的,而另外两个。区与这片地势图无关。 This may really be precious!” Ye Fan feels like holds Ancient Star general. “这可真是贵重了!”叶凡感觉像是托着一颗古星一般沉重。 Only back three, region, a region the broken truth, knows today had how precious, is the place of becoming an immortal! 光背面就有三个,区域,其中一个区域今日破谜底,知晓了有多么的贵重,是成仙之地! Then positive/direct, what kind of value also there is? Really unimaginable. 那么正面呢,又有怎样的价值?真是不可想象了。 Was...... „, Ye Fan thought. “是了……“,叶凡想到了很多。 Under this is Ancient Celestial Court leaves behind absolutely the thing, Inheritance does not know that how remote years, some Ancient Sovereign had once obtained, reads earnestly. 这绝对是古天庭遗留下的东西,传承也不知多么久远的岁月了,一些古皇都曾得到过,认真研读。 Monkey had once said that end of Immemorial, this chart is his father, Battle Saint Sovereign often watches this chart in the night, looks up to Starry Sky. 猴子曾说过,在太古末期,此图属于他的父亲,斗战圣皇常于深夜观看此图,仰望星空 Then, after long years, this ancient scroll considered to fall in the Emer­gence Di­vine Dy­nasty's hand, they developed the chart according to this on bone shard, can deliver the hope that became an immortal this restore. 而后,历经漫长的岁月后,这幅古卷当是落在了羽化神朝的手中,他们依此拓图于骨片上,才能送成仙的希望来此修复。 Afterward, Emergence Divine Dynasty turned into tribulation ash in a night, this chart fell into the Great Empress Ferocity's hand, had in the scene that in Primal Chaos Myriad Dragons Nest ups and downs. 后来,羽化神朝于一夜间化成了劫灰,此图落入了狠人大帝的手中,才有了在混沌万龙巢内沉浮的景象。 All these linked up to ride, the Ye Fan ease state of mind, wants also to have other Saint Sovereign and Great Emperor to obtain this ancient scroll while the long years, was only unknown. 这一切都连贯了起乘,叶凡悠然神思,想乘漫长的岁月中还有其他圣皇大帝得到过这幅古卷,只是不为人知罢了。 This chart passes Mount Tai again, perhaps Undying Heavenly Sovereign had once studied.” “此图重逾泰山,说不定不死天皇都曾研究过。” Heavenly Sovereign's Son had once said that his father also intended vertical Celestial Court in the past, somehow, cannot finally to become thou 天皇子曾说过,他的父亲当年也意欲立天庭,不知何故,最终没能成尔 By the present, Ye Fan has been able to believe firmly, this thing absolutely is disintegrated Ancient Celestial Court spreads while immortal treasure, is a value immeasurable treasure, is heavier than the day. 到了现在,叶凡已经能够确信,这个东西绝对是已经瓦解的古天庭传出乘的仙珍,是一宗价值无量的瑰宝,比天还重。 Now says fortunately, if there is a Ancient Great Emperor level character to appear, this chart cannot preserve inevitably, will only have this grade of character to know it to be important.” “现在还好说,若是有古之大帝级人物出现,此图必然保不住,唯有这等人物才会知晓它有多么重要。” Ye Fan carefully watches, the earnest comparison, discovered road of the complex living, may reach Immortal Ascension Land most deep place! 叶凡仔细观看,认真比对,找出了一条复杂的生之路,可达成仙地的最深处!
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