STH :: Volume #11

#1007: Sees the immortal place

Dragon Horse treads the day, the whole body flame beats, the Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold same scale is clear, whole body ray radiate all around, the head lives two dragon horn, a a pair of eyes anger stares Ye Fan. 龙马踏天,浑身火光跳动,凰血赤金一样的鳞片晶莹烁烁,浑身光芒四射,头上生有两只龙角,一双眼睛怒瞪叶凡 This fine horse arrogant excess, clash dozens times, the wash bowl big hoof steps on directly to Ye Fan's top of the skull, every breaks the vault of heaven one time, in the mouth and nose aspirates the horned dragon shape, the strength of dragon shape does not dry up. 这头龙驹傲的过分,数十次冲来,脸盆般大的蹄子直接踩向叶凡的天灵盖,每一次都震碎天穹,口鼻中吐气成虬龙状,龙象之力不枯竭。 Ye Fan tut tut expressed admiration, this Dragon Horse was above the imagination of average person powerful, can fight with him unexpectedly, this absolutely was Anomaly, is world marvelous horse that rarely Heaven and Earth bred. 叶凡啧啧称奇,这头龙马的强大超乎了一般人的想象,竟能与他相斗,这绝对是个异数,是天地孕育出的罕世神驹。 He estimated that the hoof of this Dragon Horse can tread to destroy moon, the strength can compare meteor hit land, treads the dead Pope Dao Severing existence non- membership dues strength, what moving mountains to fill the seas are useless. 他估量了一番,这龙马的蹄子可以踏毁月亮,力量堪比陨星撞击大地,踏死教皇这种斩道的存在并不会费力,什么移山填海都对它无用。 Dragon Horse is one long hiss, the mane on neck same beats like the flame, the whole body scarlet glittering, the god steed is unusual, was hit several palms by Ye Fan, the corners of the mouth overflowed a wisp of blood, but is not affected much. 龙马又是一声长嘶,脖子上的鬃毛如火焰一样跳动,浑身赤光闪烁,神骏异常,被叶凡打了几掌,嘴角溢出一缕血,但并无大碍。 It in full vigour, four leap to tread fully, circumference the mountain peak within dozens li (0.5 km) was all stepped on fine powder by it, pours in the dust, a strength is astonishing. 它精力旺盛,四足腾踏间,方圆数十里内的山峰全都被它踩成了齑粉,倒在尘埃中,一身力量非常惊人。 It flushed once again, these prances time divine light boiling, submerged this place, pair of dragon horn of its head clank makes noise, chops tens of thousands of wisp of scarlet sword waves, razes to the ground this place. 它又一次冲了过来,这一次腾跃间神光沸腾,将这个地方淹没了,它头上的一双龙角铮铮作响,劈出成千上万缕赤色的剑波,将这个地方夷为了平地。 Little Pine hides at the back of the small medicine basket on the Ye Fan's shoulder, looked staring dumbfounded, envies this powerful strength, whisper thinking aloud. 小松背着小药篓躲在叶凡的肩上,看的瞠目结舌,非常羡慕这种强大的力量,叽叽咕咕的自言自语。 Ye Fan take action is one by one heavy, this Dragon Horse can definitely withstand his strength, can only say that is rare Variation, having no qualms is Heaven and Earth divine fetus. 叶凡出手一次比一次重,这匹龙马完全能承受他的力道,只能说是举世罕见的异种,无愧为天地神胎 Roar......” “吼……” Suddenly, the distant place hears one to shout, in the horizon leaps intermittent Blood Qi, three ray of light bunches soar to the heavens on, such as three blood-color brace day of props, penetrated Nine Heavens. 突然,远处传来一声嘶吼,地平线上腾起阵阵血气,有三道光束冲霄而上,如三道血色的撑天支柱,穿透了九天 The Ye Fan pupil light is flaming, discovered that three Dao Severing person, this Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein also are really astonishing, altogether four King, making people surprised. 叶凡眸光炽盛,发现来了三位斩道者,这昆仑仙脉还真是惊人,总共有四位王者,让人不免惊讶。 The distant place flying sand and rocks, some mountain peaks eradicate, was blown in the midair, dark cloud such as being unjustly discredited bottom pressed. 远处飞沙走石,一些山峰都连根拔起,被吹到了半空中,乌云如黑锅底似的压了过来。 Little Pine fears, is nervous, is holding own small medicine basket, obedient sitting in the Ye Fan's shoulder, holds his collar with a small claw, firmly is not willing to loosen. 小松怕怕的,神色紧张,抱着自己的小药篓,乖乖的坐在叶凡的肩头,用一只小爪子抓住他的衣领,牢牢的不肯松开。 Even if four Dao Severing person kill simultaneously, Ye Fan does not care, can injure his person not to have enter the world in this piece of Between Heaven and Earth, however the matter is not as he expected. Three Dao Severing ancient monster and Dragon Horse are not a way, sees it to meet misfortune, kills unexpectedly. 即便四个斩道者同时杀来,叶凡也不在乎,在这片天地间能伤他的人还没出世,然而事情却出乎他的意料。三位斩道古妖龙马并不是一个路数,见它落难,竟是冲它杀来。 Dragon Horse long hiss, the whole body flame was more abundant, scarlet like the blood, clouds and mist boiling, in the mouth and nose puts out dragon shape air columns all over the body. 龙马长嘶,浑身火光更盛了,通体赤红如血,烟霞沸腾,口鼻中吐出一道道龙状气柱。 Ye Fan saw that to draw back to the one side, take action, in this Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein four king have not met again, he poured also wants to look. 叶凡见状退向了一旁,并未再出手,这昆仑仙脉中四大王者碰头,他倒也想看一看。 Monster Qi wells up, the gas, was not hills pressed seem like, outside abatement Dao Severing person no one can undergo, that Golden Lion also had the old flood dragon to escape not to have the shadow. 妖气涌来,不似气体,倒像是一群山压了过来,除却斩道者外没什么人能经受住,那黄金狮子还有老蛟早已逃了个没影。 Moo......” “哞……” A Barbaric Ox sound gets up, a big fellow with hill, whole body golden yellow, fresh horn, hit. 一声莽牛音响起,一个大块头跟一座小山似的,浑身金黄,头生犄角,撞击了过来。 This is Ox King, wool roots of the hair root emit light, its big hundred zhang (333 m), runs the strength to be astonishing like this, pair of big horn was selecting to Dragon Horse. 这是一头牛王,毛发根根生光,它高大百丈,这样奔跑起来力量惊人,一对大犄角对着龙马就挑了过来。 Another side black ape foot treads Heaven and Earth, the whole body black fog is billowing, tall Yi has the hundred zhang (333 m), roared just like a deity, in the hand holds a long blade, black light was dense, stands chops under. 另一边一头黑猿脚踏天地,浑身黑雾滚滚,高亦有百丈,宛若一尊天神咆哮,手中持着一口长刀,乌光森然,立劈而下。 The third life is a Daoist, what he chooses turns into the human form, wears the Purple Gold crown, the facial color wax yellow, seemingly gets sick dispiritedly, but actually most song person, because has black Dragon Spear in his hands, is sending out frightening aura. 第三位生灵是一个道人,他选择的是化成人形,头戴紫金冠,面色蜡黄,看起来病怏怏,但是却最为悚人,因为在其手中持有一杆黑色的龙枪,散发着让人心惊肉跳的气机 This is the basis that dares to attack, the Daoist holds a gun to come to attack to Dragon Horse, making it dread greatly, has to prance to flash moves, deals with three people. 这是他们敢于进攻的根本,道人持枪居中攻向龙马,让它大为忌惮,不得不腾跃闪挪,对付三人。 Ye Fan opens the Heavenly Eye to look to the metal long spear/gun in that person hand, the heart jumps, what weapon is this? Unexpectedly makes him have body to live the cold feeling. 叶凡睁开天目看向那道人手中的黑色金属长枪,心头一跳,这是什么兵器?居然让他都有肌体生寒的感觉。 Dragon Horse, this spear/gun has activated today, you defeated decided that give away the fire god hole!” The handymen in buddhist temple shouted, a beam of black light from black spear body overshooting, punctured thoroughly cloud heaven. 龙马,此枪今日已经激活,你败定了,让出火神窟吧!”道人喝道,一道乌光自黑色的枪体上冲起,刺透云天。 Three Dao Severing kings are very strong, is not the weak generation, because of this black Dragon Spear reason, making Dragon Horse fall into to the passive condition, runs about to deal with, has to kill a distress. 三名斩道的王都很强,并非虚弱之辈,因这杆黑色的龙枪的缘故,让龙马陷入到被动状态,疲于应付,有杀身之厄。 Ye Fan not take action, bringing Little Pine to watch critically. Four Beast King prey in the Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein, killed Sun and Moon lost radiance, Heaven and Earth is gloomy, Monster Qi crosses the number by the thousand li (500 km). 叶凡并不出手,带着小松冷眼旁观。四位兽王在昆仑仙脉内搏杀,杀的日月无光,天地暗淡,妖气横贯数以千里。 Buzz “嗡” Suddenly, the black long spear/gun shakes, aura of that share of shocking person extinguished, belongs to gloomily, black light completely collects, vanishes does not see. 突然,黑色的长枪一抖,那股惊世人的气机熄灭了,归于暗淡,乌光尽敛,消失不见。 Dragon Horse long hiss, the whole body flame twinkle, the steaming beat, it restored the powerful potential all of a sudden, shook dispersed all directions Monster Qi, ringing the universe reappeared. 龙马一声长嘶,浑身火光闪烁,腾腾跳动,它一下子恢复了强盛之势,震散了八方妖气,朗朗乾坤再现。 When both sides confront, in the Dragon Horse eye filled disdaining, the unusual arrogance, is staring at three Beast King, particularly casts a sidelong glance slantingly that skin color wax yellow Daoist. 在双方对峙时,龙马眼中充满了不屑,非常的傲气,盯着三头兽王,尤其是斜睨那名肤色蜡黄的道人。 Golden Ox King and hundred zhang (333 m) high black giant ape and Daoist looked at one mutually, turns around to walk, they depend on the black long to gun down, does not want to fall short, how long divine might is not strong. 金色的牛王、百丈高的黑色巨猿以及道人相互看了一眼,转身就走,他们倚仗黑色长枪杀来,不曾想功亏一篑,神威没有坚挺多长时间。 The Dragon Horse counter-attack, passes the lightning quickly, ten directions has the thunder to arrive, everywhere is the flames, has lightnings under his four hooves, its controlling light line. 龙马反击,快逾闪电,十方都有雷霆降临,到处都是火光,在其四蹄下更是有一道道闪电,它驭光而行。 „” “啪” The marvelous horse is rapid and violent, leaps to tread the line, breaks the muscle booklet the bone that golden Ox King treads instantaneously. Then, dragon horn magnificent light flashes, projects piece of Dao Traces, spits the blood the mouth that the black giant ape shakes, throws down in the land. 神驹非常的迅疾与暴烈,腾踏而行,瞬间将金色的牛王踏的骨断筋折。而后,龙角光华一闪,射出一片道痕,将黑色的巨猿震的口吐鲜血,摔倒在大地上。 Bang “轰” Finally, its person stands, before a pair, heel Heavenly Emperor's great seal stamped, the Daoist meets the approaching enemy with the black long spear/gun, but actually shaken flew horizontally, the fingers/tiger mouth cracks, whole body overflowing blood. 最后,它人立而起,一双前蹄跟天帝的大印似的跺了下去,道人以黑色的长枪迎击,但却被震的横飞了出去,虎口崩裂,浑身溢血。 Ye Fan nods, worthily is Dragon Horse that Heaven and Earth gives birth, does not stem from mortal flesh, with the Dao Severing King of same step to, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, won very with ease. 叶凡点头,不愧是天地所生养出来的龙马,并非出于凡胎,与同阶的斩道王者对上,摧枯拉朽,赢得很轻松。 By its this battle efficiency, with for the immortal three boundaries, world is almost difficult the rival to be able suppress, a moment ago what feared is only that black long spear/gun. 以它这种战斗力来说,同为仙三境,世间几乎难有敌手可以镇压,刚才所惧的只是那杆黑色的长枪罢了。 Dragon Horse filled despising to these three Beast King, was giving a hoof to the Daoist, but under does not have the killer, relations between both sides seem complex. 龙马对这三名兽王充满了蔑视,对着道人又给了一蹄子,不过却也没有下杀手,双方之间的关系似乎很复杂。 Clang “锵” Ye Fan revolution 'Weapon' Character Art, absorbed the black long spear/gun instantaneously, it all over the body pitch-black, on has True Dragon to coil around. Does not know that is what metal casts, spear body is heavy, the unexpectedly tens of thousands jin (0.5 kg), the lance point is sharp, but does not have the gloss gloomily. 叶凡运转兵字诀,瞬间将黑色的的长枪摄取了过来,它通体乌黑,上有一条真龙盘绕。不知是何种金属铸成,枪体沉甸甸,竟然有几万斤重,枪尖锋锐,可却暗淡没有光泽。 Ye Fan holds in the hand, one round, oppresses powerful air current gently, gave to penetrate Void, he made an effort a thorn, was separated by dozens li (0.5 km), a distant place mountain piercing flying ash. 叶凡持在手中,轻轻一轮,压迫出一股强大的气流,将虚空都给穿透了,他用力一刺,相隔数十里,将远处一座大山给洞穿成了飞灰。 Ye Fan has not felt what special Dao Principle, but this soldier is obviously uncommon, he makes an effort to fold, but has not broken off, is extremely firm. 叶凡没有感受到什么特殊的道则,但是此兵显然不凡,他用力去折,但并没有掰断,极其坚固。 General King Weapon is hard to burst oneself now to him, mostly may easily ruin, cannot be regarded anything. 要知道,现在一般的王者之兵对于他来说难以伤身,大多都可轻易毁掉,算不得什么。 Outside abatement Dragon Horse, three Beast King are scared, sees Ye Fan to raise hand to lift in the feet to imitate, if the deity, a spear/gun leaves, inside and outside dozens great mountain instantaneous turn into ash, is the performance of peerless expert. 除却龙马外,三位兽王都发毛,见叶凡举手抬足间仿若天神,一枪既出,数十里外的大岳都瞬间成灰,是绝世高手的表现。 Dragon Horse does not have a premonition wonderfully, wants to run away, but Ye Fan actually moved the true facts, displays 'Travel' Character Secret Art, the next quarter rode to sit on its body, sent out the prestige of thunder. 龙马预感不妙,想要逃走,但是叶凡却动了真章,施展出行字诀,下一刻骑坐在了它的身上,散发出雷霆之威。 The marvelous horse temperament that this Heaven and Earth gives birth to exploded immediately, it the arrogance is always incomparable, how can endure by a person is ridden on the body, various divine ability Dao Principle display together, the whole body sends out flaming immortal light, flaming combustion. 这头天地生养的神驹脾气顿时炸了,它向来傲气无比,怎能忍受被一个人骑在身上,各种神通道则一起施展,浑身发出炽盛仙光,熊熊燃烧。 However, Ye Fan sits quietly on the horseback, grasps Dragon Spear, probably takes root on, standing one's ground steadfastly, various Law Secret Technique wait/etc. is invalid to him. 然而,叶凡稳坐马背上,手持龙枪,像是生根在上,岿然不动,各种法则秘术等都对他无效。 Dragon Horse angrily roars, in the sky clouds that cloud drop, the square hills shivers, its angry impact, treads does not know many Divine Mountain, crashes Dragon Vein, but is unable to get rid medicinal plaster. 龙马怒吼,天空上云起云落,四方群山颤抖,它愤怒的的冲击,踏碎也不知道多少神山,撞毁一条条龙脉,但就是无法摆脱身上的“膏药”。 Ye Fan decides to subdue this horse, in the ancient book has the record, the marvelous horse only has Ancient Saint Sovereign to result, most was uncommon, dark represents a day to transport probably, he thinks that some day the horse trod Star Domain. 叶凡打定主意要收服此马,古书上有记载,神驹唯有上古圣皇可得,最是不凡,冥冥中像是代表了一种天运,他想有朝一日马踏星域 He attempted a moment ago, the Dragon Horse speed is next to Travel Character Secret, may pursue the electricity day after day, has in the space extremely fast, quickly to inconceivable. 他刚才尝试了一番,龙马的速度仅次于行字秘,可追电逐日,拥有宇内极速,快到不可思议。 Dragon Horse has not submitted, nearby three Beast King were scared, expressed the good intentions to him, is willing to present as a gift black Dragon Spear, and said its origin. 龙马还未屈服,旁边的三头兽王却都胆寒了,向他表达善意,愿意将黑色的龙枪相赠,且说出了它的来历。 This spear/gun is very mystical, is flying unexpectedly from Foreign Domain, inserts in the Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein, meanwhile brings one group of fire Divine Source, no one knows why it waits for divine object. 此枪很神秘,竟是在自域外飞来,插入昆仑仙脉中,同时还带着一团火神源,谁也不知其为何等神物 Ye Fan is startled, this spear/gun background is not really common, flies from Foreign Domain, explained that definitely has Life and Death great war of Powerhouse in Starry Sky, wasted the weapon, this mostly is divine object of Saint level! For these years no one seeks the soldier, original Master possible danger. 叶凡吃惊,这杆枪果然来头不一般,自域外飞来,说明肯定有强者星空生死大战,打飞了兵器,这多半是圣人级的神物!这么多年来都没有人来寻兵,原主人可能危矣。 Golden Ox King, Ape King and Daoist, as well as Dragon Horse this/Ben all mind their own business, and certain friendship, when competes for immortal residence that fire Divine Source forms finally had the contradiction, after that often has the battle. 金色的牛王猿王、道人、以及龙马井水不犯河水,且还有一定的交情,但最终争夺火神源形成的洞府时发生了矛盾,此后常发生争斗。 Dragon Spear must go by the Daoist, fire Divine Source and Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein union, turns into a strange energy, forms immortal residence, practices to be twice the result with half the effort in inside. 龙枪被道人得去,火神源与昆仑仙脉结合,化成一种奇异的能量,形成一座洞府,在里面修行可事半功倍。 Ye Fan rides to sit on Dragon Horse, no matter what it tosses about in every possible way no helps, he like Mount Tai, stretches out a palm to make an effort to grasp steadily, underground rumble makes noise, a flame to/clashes, one group of dazzling divine shine arrive at the surface. 叶凡骑坐龙马上,任它百般折腾都于事无补,他稳如泰山,伸出一只手掌用力一抓,地下隆隆作响,一股火光冲起,一团刺目的神华来到地表。 This is fire Divine Source, what thing is?” He is staring at that group of liquids, such as the magma is equally flaming and viscous, meets in the spiritual energy together, may turn into light of the continuously living, making the person whole body comfortable, can accelerate to practice. “这就是火神源,到底是什么东西?”他盯着那团液体,如岩浆一样炽盛与粘稠,与灵气相遇在一起,可化成一缕缕生之光,让人浑身舒泰,能加速修行。 Under cutting of Ye Fan impolite half, take in the cauldron, the other half left three Beast King, then patted the head of Dragon Horse, said: You and their three people also calculate know therefore, so the equal division on the line, your half of I did not bring for you, along with me goes.” 叶凡不客气的斩下一半,收进鼎中,另一半留给了三位兽王,而后拍了拍龙马的头,道:“你与他们三人也算是故识,如此平分不就行了吗,你的一半我为你取来了,随我去吧。” The Dragon Horse violent anger, is not willing to submit, Ye Fan grasps Dragon Spear to shake, makes an effort to puncture forward, bang, the front mountain all vanished, by him, as soon as strikes turn into ash. 龙马暴怒,不肯屈服,叶凡手持龙枪一震,用力向前刺去,轰的一声,前方一片大山全都消失了,被他一击成灰烬 You, although is the marvelous horse that Heaven and Earth gives birth, but your cultivation base and own aptitude were too weaker, goes together with me, making you be possible to tread Star Domain horizontally.” “你虽然是天地生养的神驹,但你的修为和自身的资质比太弱了,与我同去,让你可横踏星域。” Dragon Horse is 120 is still not glad, however medicinal plaster could not throw off thoroughly, and its body is uncontrolled, takes a step to lead the way, becomes an immortal the hope place to walk toward breeding. 龙马依然是一百二十个不乐意,但是身上的膏药彻底甩不掉了,且它的身体不受控制,迈步前行,向着孕育成仙希望的地方走去。 Little Pine jumps before Dragon Horse, goes to a valuable medicine to give it to eat from the small medicine basket, expresses the good intentions, finally almost by a hoof treading on the ground, luckily the little fellow is smart, whiz jumps. 小松跳到龙马前,从小药篓里去出一株宝药递给它吃,表达善意,结果差点被一蹄子给踏在地上,幸亏小家伙机灵,嗖的一声跃起。 After two days, Ye Fan arrived at most deep place, saw breeding becomes an immortal hope Pure Land, but again is also before difficult, went a step further, because lacks the ninth corner/horn landform chart. 两日后,叶凡来到了最深处,见到了孕育成仙希望的净土,可却再也难以前进一步了,因为缺少第九角地势图。 Front, the scene is grand, very astonishing, bred the immortal real place to see. 前方,景象壮阔,非常的惊人,孕育仙真的地方可以见到了。 This landform surpasses the common sense, Ye Fan always only sees, over ten thousand mountain peaks, crowd around in the same place, encircles mountain valley, each mountain peak seems like Dragon head, mixes, if as if made by heaven! 这种地势超出常理,叶凡平生仅见,共有上万座山峰,拥簇在一起,围成一个山谷,每一座山峰都像是一个龙头,混若天成 Each dragon mouth is spitting the essence outward, Immortal Qi is dense, the transpiration, condenses in the valley, mysterious immeasurable that could not say. 每一张龙口都在向外吐菁华,仙气氤氲,蒸腾而起,凝聚谷中,说不出的神秘莫测 Ye Fan dumbfounded, initially when thinks Dragon head that carves artificially, the work of the Gods, but after examining carefully, he actually shocked, this is strength of change form nature. 叶凡呆住了,初时以为是人为刻出的龙头,鬼斧神工,可是细看后他却震撼了,这是自然之力化形而成的。 Over ten thousand mountain peaks, nourish by Ancient Star life Essence Qi, itself spiritual wisdom, had turned into the world most precious object, had the independent Deity will! 上万座山峰,以一颗又一颗古星的生命精气滋养,本身都已经通灵,化成了人间至宝,有了自主的神灵意志! It can be said that over ten thousand mountain peaks are Heaven and Earth nature manifestation, is Dragon's Head, does not know from ancient to present many Ancient Star are pregnant with joint forces result. 可以说,上万座山峰是天地自然化生的,皆为龙首,是自古至今也不知多少古星合力孕化的结果。 Over ten thousand dragon body under the land features, only have Dragon's Head fully soaringly on the surface, puts out various Heaven and Earth essence, nourishes the Immortal Ascension Land immortal real. 足有上万条龙躯在地脉下,唯有龙首高昂位于地表上,吐出各种天地精华,滋养成仙地的仙真。 Unimaginable!” “不可想象!” Ye Fan exclaimed in surprise, this landform really certainly, even if in the future does not breed the hope that becomes an immortal, these over ten thousand True Dragon must resurrect, had the Deity will. 叶凡惊叹,这种地势果然绝了,日后即便不孕育出成仙的希望来,这上万条真龙也得复活,都有了神灵志。 The hope that after this is many Ancient Star dry up, to be pregnant, once these Dragon's Head resurrect, that will be ten thousand Soaring Dragon spatial grand scenes. 这是很多古星枯竭后所孕出的希望,这些龙首一旦复活,那将是万龙腾空的壮阔场面。 They spit the essence, like this helps the otherness, changes into piece of Immortal Ascension Land, is really the heaven defying method.” “它们共吐菁华,这样成全他物,化为一片成仙地,果然是逆天的手段。” Ye Fan talked to oneself, then startles shivers spirit, this method as if exceeds Heavenly Source Master, assurance understanding of landform. 叶凡自语,而后激灵灵打了个冷颤,这种手段似乎超越源天师,对地势的把握了解等更甚。 These Dragon's Head are the use naturally fosters absolutely, this is what character can achieve all these? He thought in the flash. 这些龙首绝对是利用自然养成的,这得是什么样的人物才能做到这一切?在一瞬间他想到了很多。 Million years ago, only then major powers has this energy, that is Celestial Court! 百万年前,只有一个大势力有这种能量,那就是天庭 Heavenly Source Master's Inheritance is very mystical, doesn't know the outset, don't tell me may trace more ancient Immemorial period to be inadequate? 源天师的传承很神秘,不知起始,难道说可追溯到更为古老的太古时期不成? Ye Fan thought of a possibility, if 90 nine Dragon Mountain are Celestial Court is controlling, arrives at life-bearing ancient planet, actually was who to provide this method for them. 叶凡想到了一种可能,九十九龙山若为天庭在驾驭,降临一颗又一颗生命古星,那么究竟是谁为他们提供了这种方法呢。 don't tell me, Ancient Celestial Court has one to exceed Heavenly Source Master's to exist, provided this tentative plan for them, had this penetration million years is pregnant the immortal advancement? 难道说,古天庭有一个超越源天师的存在,为他们提供了这种设想,才有了这种贯穿数以百万年的孕仙进程? Ye Fan had a scare by oneself, the thought diverges, the unevenness association, thought all of a sudden. 叶凡被自己吓了一大跳,思维发散,跳跃性的联想,一下子想到了很多。 Afterward Ce­les­tial Court's Emperor died, various territory Divine General were chaotic, all these naturally reached a deadlock, or said the major problem. 后来天庭的帝死了,诸域神将乱,这一切自然搁浅,或者说出了大问题。 Was Emergence Divine Dynasty the past Celestial Court's remaining strength? 羽化神朝是当年天庭的残余力量吗? The next quarter, Ye Fan thought of the Heavenly Source Master's old age, recalls the scene that several tens of thousands Yin Soldiers encroach upon, then, is related with Ancient Celestial Court? 下一刻,叶凡想到了源天师的晚年,又忆起数万阴兵借道的情景,这么说来,也与古天庭有关不成? This is nurturing immortal land, I successfully arrived here unexpectedly, compared with far that Rong Chengshi walks, if the retreat is really unwilling.” Ye Fan pupil light profound. “这是孕仙之地,我竟成功来到了这里,比容成氏都走的远,若是就此退去实在不甘。”叶凡眸光湛湛 He stares at over ten thousand Dragon's Head mountain peaks, the big dragon is circling, soaring folds circles, becomes thousands of strip signs of the dragon to hold up the head to neigh, is Dragon Qi. In central Paradise Valley, the boundless piece, spurts the thin good luck, various types of multi-colored sunlight numbers by hundred million wisps, immortal light ejections. 他盯着上万座龙首山峰,巨龙盘旋,腾飞叠绕,成千万条大龙昂首嘶鸣,全都是龙气所化。中心仙谷内,茫茫一片,喷薄瑞气,各种霞光数以亿缕,仙光一道道的射出。 Actually in the middle of that is what? Ye Fan wants to see urgently. 那当中究竟是什么?叶凡迫切想见到。
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