STH :: Volume #11

#1006: Dragon Horse

Did Ye Fan first think of Ferocity, who the abatement she also? Since time immemorial most had the shocking female, proud Guling now, to not become an immortal to live. 叶凡第一时间就想到了狠人,除却她还有谁?古来最具惊艳的女子,傲古凌今,不为成仙而活。 He once strove for hegemony with Hua Yunfei, facing the big Dao treasure bottle, fully realized more than once its mysterious supreme, this most has the Ferocity foundation of talent, by every body prove the Dao to become Emperor. 他曾与华云飞争雄,不止一次面对大道宝瓶,深知其玄奥无上,这是最具才情的狠人开创的,以一介凡体证道成帝 Even Little Pine listened to be fascinated, undying medicine devoted to follow on own initiative, that Fairy has not actually paid attention, this may really be profound wonderful. Let other great person that moves the past and present feel sad. 小松都听着入迷了,一株不死药主动献身追随,那个仙子却没有理会,这可真是玄奇。让其他名动古今的大人物情何以堪。 The Ferocity arrogant life, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth No-One Is Noble But I, various territory gods bow the head, show disdain for the past and present in the future, but actually in this face belt/bring tear stains, low-spirited Divine Trauma | depressed. 狠人孤傲一生,天上地下惟我独尊,诸域神主共俯首,傲视古今未来,可却在此脸带泪痕,黯然神伤 Ye Fan is lost in thought that this grade of scene also only some Fleeceflower Root can see, other world people who obvious? In the world opinion that is only an invincible female, is known as Ferocity, is inconceivable has such weak side. 叶凡怔怔出神,这等景象也唯有何首乌能见到,世间其他人谁可见?在世人看来那只是一个无敌的女子,号称狠人,难以想象有这样软弱的一面。 She can cut the stars, to pick Sun and Moon, kills the world, in the world reveres alone, for female who most may not ponder over since ancient times, a ruthless character vibration is eternal. 她可以斩星辰、摘日月,杀遍人间,世上独尊,为古来最不可琢磨的女子,一个狠字震动万古。 Fleeceflower Root has not naturally seen a Ferocity surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries another swift and fierce elegant demeanor, it thought that female is very beautiful, is not nearly real, face belt/bring tear stains, miserable, naturally divine ability may also be called heaven defying. 何首乌自然没有见到过狠人震古烁今的另一种凌厉风采,它只是觉得那个女子很美丽,近乎不真实,脸带泪痕,楚楚可怜,当然神通亦堪称逆天 Is here.” Fleeceflower Root leads them to lead the way, before a cliff, Ye Fan dumbfounded immediately, Little Pine also butt sat on the ground. “就是这里。”何首乌带着他们一路前行,到了一处断崖前,叶凡当即就呆住了,小松一屁墩坐在了地上。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) waterfall lets fall, partly obstructs the cliff, this is not rivers and lakes, but is the Primal Chaos river, lets fall from the cliff wall on, boundless piece. 万丈瀑布垂落,将断崖半遮,这并非水泽,而是混沌长河,自崖壁上垂落,茫茫一片。 Fleeceflower Root informs, this is the miracle that in the past that Fairy left behind, trim Kunlun Mountains vibration that more than 200,000 years ago shake, almost ruptured. 何首乌告知,这就是当年那位仙子留下的神迹,二十几万年前震的整片昆仑抖动,差点崩开 Past, Ferocity died by heartbreak, here once face upwarded to sigh with sadness, space nine rounds of moon crashed next eight, her black hair danced in the air, the face belt/bring tear stains, making Heaven and Earth crash. 昔日,狠人伤心欲绝,在这里曾仰天一声悲叹,天上九轮月亮坠落下八颗,她青丝飞舞,脸带泪痕,让天地都崩塌了。 In the Ye Fan heart shocks, Ancient Great Emperor was extremely powerful, raises hand to lift fully picking the stars and seizing the moon, ruins the universe, making the will of the people spreading god move. 叶凡心中震撼,古之大帝太过强大了,举手抬足都可摘星捉月,毁掉乾坤,让人心驰神动。 I once saw with own eyes, she lifts the hand to cut the stars of space, refine a tablet in this.” Fleeceflower Root flutters to say. “我曾亲眼见到,她抬手将天上的星辰斩下,于此炼了一块碑。”何首乌颤声说道。 Has bloodstained clothing together on that cliff, at this time obviously, was also protected by Primal Chaos, more than 200,000 years passed by were still immortal, floated on the cliff, side set up a tablet, splendid. 在那断崖上有一块血衣,此时亦可见,被混沌守护,二十几万年过去了依然不朽,在断崖上漂浮,旁边立有一碑,熠熠生辉。 Ye Fan opens the Heavenly Eye, waits and sees carefully, was indistinct saw one line of characters on bloodstained clothing, was brief and hasty: What to do am I dying...... may the younger sister?” 叶凡睁开天目,仔细观望,隐约间见到了血衣上的一行字,简短而仓促:“我要死了……可妹妹怎么办啊?” In the Ye Fan heart trembles, no wonder Ferocity will come this, in this place sad cry, saw how the character on bloodstained clothing can be tranquil? Powerful such as she is matchless, wants with the taiping heavenly kingdom civil service examination scaled height of burst, but cannot resurrect dead many years of skeleton. 叶凡心中一颤,难怪狠人会来此,在这个地方悲呼,见到血衣上的字怎能平静?强大如她举世无双,欲与天试比高,可也不能复活一具死去多年的尸骨。 That stele refining up by stars, since the twinkle silvery brilliance, shone since old times, above inscribed Ferocity's Dao Traces, winding around boundless Primal Chaos, protects here all. 那石碑是以一颗星辰炼成,闪烁银辉,自古照耀至今,上面铭刻了狠人的道痕,缭绕茫茫混沌,守护这里的一切。 This absolutely is together the treasure, if some people can stimulate to movement, can definitely sweep away piece of Star Domain, but it is estimated that no one can be close one step, dares to move stele certain death that Ferocity sets up without doubt. 这绝对是一块瑰宝,若是有人能催动起来,肯定可以横扫一片星域,但是估计没人能接近一步,敢动狠人所立的石碑必死无疑。 You saw, this boundless Primal Chaos waterfall the character from stele flowed out, more than 200,000 years did not dry up, were a supreme miracle in Kunlun Mountains.” Fleeceflower Root said. “你看到了吧,这茫茫混沌瀑布是从石碑上的字流出的,二十几万年了都不枯竭,是昆仑中的一处无上神迹。”何首乌说道。 For more than 200,000 years, as long as powerful life weapon refining will choose this place, so long as can inspire wisp of Primal Chaos Qi is the fire, hammers to cast the magic weapon, may make grade promote a big truncation. 二十几万年来,但凡强大的生灵炼兵都会选择这个地方,只要能引动出一缕混沌气为火,锻铸法宝,就可让品阶提升一大截。 The Fleeceflower Root good intention informs this place, they can in this recast weapon, use Primal Chaos to quenching as the fire, must become treasure weapon. 何首乌好意告知这个地方,他们可以在此重铸兵器,以混沌为火进行淬炼,必成宝兵 The Ye Fan's cauldron naturally does not need so, transcends tribulation from be possible to meet in the future, he took out on Little Pine these small decorations and other sacrifices to refine, bell that the small medicine basket that for example it carried, as well as Great Overarching Silver Essence cast. 叶凡的鼎自然无需如此,日后渡劫自可遇到,他取出小松身上的那些小饰物等祭炼了一遍,比如它背着的小药篓,以及大罗银精铸成的铃铛等。 Front has the bad risk, has the Deity housing, I do not dare to step, feared that was seized.” Fleeceflower Root warned, the front he has almost not gone, does not know that Immortal Ascension Land bred anything. “前方有凶险,有神灵居住,我不敢涉足,怕被捉住。”何首乌告诫,前方他几乎没有怎么去过,不知道成仙地孕育了什么。 Ye Fan nods, making it depart, then brings Little Pine to continue to start off. 叶凡点头,让它离去,而后带着小松继续上路。 In the past Emergence Divine Dynasty escorted the hope that became an immortal this place to restore, it seems like Ferocity's Elder Brother was one, mostly unfortunately die in this.” “当年羽化神朝护送成仙的希望来这个地方进行修复,看来狠人的哥哥是其中的一员,多半不幸殒落在此。” Roar......” “嗷吼……” The stuffy thunder same sound spreads, three lion whole body golden light are radiant, the agitation dreadful wind and cloud, the opens the mouth attracted dozens li (0.5 km) Essence Qi to be swallowed a cleanness, integrated in its mouth. 闷雷一样的声响传出,一个三头狮子浑身金光璀璨,搅动滔天风云,张口一吸数十里的精气都被吞噬了个干净,纳入它的口中。 Also is really somewhat powerful Mutant Beast, only has the Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein to nourish this and other fierce insects.” Ye Fan said. “还真是有些强大的异兽,也唯有昆仑仙脉才能滋养这等猛虫。”叶凡道。 Heaven and Earth Essence Qi is dry, Kunlun Mountains are actually the exception, because entire Ancient Star life Essence Qi gathers to come, naturally may give birth to auspicious beast divine insect. 天地精气干涸,昆仑却是例外,因为整个古星的生命精气都汇聚而来,自然可生出瑞兽神虫来。 This Golden Lion is only powerful, had the strength of Sect Master level unexpectedly, should be the top in Kunlun Mountains exists, roared, the wind and cloud stirred, the hills are shaking. 这只黄金狮子非常强大,竟有了教主级的实力,应该是昆仑中的顶级存在,一声咆哮,风云鼓荡,群山都在摇颤。 The Golden Lion eye pupil enters the torch, sparkling emit light, discovered Ye Fan they, open the big mouth to make an effort to attract want also to swallow in the import them. 黄金狮子眼眸入炬,烁烁生光,一眼就发现了叶凡他们,张开大口用力一吸想将他们也吞进口中。 Ye Fan powerful aura is released externally, Golden Lion trembles at the scene, shows the inconceivable look, then turns around to escape, rush through to the wild range goes. 叶凡强大气机外放,黄金狮子当场颤栗,露出不可思议的神色,而后转身就逃,向野岭中奔行而去。 After 1 hour, after Ye Fan crosses the wild range, enters a stretch of open field, the front only has several mountains, is very palatial, has not been connected in the same place, landform is unusual. 半个时辰后,叶凡越过野岭后进入一片开阔地,前方只有几座大山,都很巍峨,并未相连在一起,地势奇特。 Well, has what Divine Beast to be inadequate, this place aura is not ordinary, seems very powerful existence.” In the Ye Fan heart moves. “咦,难道有什么神兽不成,这个地方气机不一般,似有很强大的存在。”叶凡心中一动。 Little Pine Awoo is calling, crawls at the back of the small medicine basket to a peak on, dug a brilliant lights and vibrant colors valuable medicine, delicious. 小松嗷呜的叫着,背着小药篓爬到一座高峰上,将一株流光溢彩的宝药挖了下来,美滋滋的。 This several days it harvests greatly, picked many ancient medicine, obtains three small King Medicine, the medicine age in 50,000-60,000 years, was filial piety to Ye Fan, happily. 几日它收获巨大,采摘了很多古药,已经得到了三株小药王,药龄都在50,000-60,000年,都孝敬给了叶凡,开开心心。 Bellows to transmit, the fluctuation is fierce, almost shakes Little Pine turns, that Golden Lion protection here, is startled is staring at Ye Fan that and fears. 一声大吼传来,波动剧烈,差点将小松震翻,那个黄金狮子守护在此,又惊又惧的盯着叶凡 And, an old flood dragon flies, the whole body winding around flame, just departed from the volcano probably, shakes the heat wave that blots out the sky, burnt down a big region. 且,一头老蛟飞来,浑身缭绕火光,像是刚从火山中飞出,震出铺天盖地的热浪,烧毁了一大片地域。 Mutant Beast of two Sect Master levels defends the mountain protecting gate, it seems like that this place really has powerful existence, Dao Severing inadequate?” “两头教主级的异兽护山门,看来此地真有一个强大的存在,难道斩道了不成?” On Ye Fan powerful aura is released externally, immediately the startled old flood dragon and Golden Lion are terrified, backs up unceasingly, the whole body shivers. 叶凡身上的强大气机外放,顿时惊的老蛟与黄金狮子悚然,不断倒退,浑身颤抖。 Front, on a reaching to the sky mountain has hot pines to take root, submerges in the crevice. This is a Variation vegetation, takes the form of ancient pine, but actually the happy flame, grows in the magma place, is very extraordinary. 前方,一座高耸入云的大山上有一株株火松扎根,没入石缝中。这是一种异种植被,形似古松,但却喜火焰,多生长于岩浆地,很是非凡。 Has a hot hole in foot, the blowout intermittent mist, the raging flames, a roar howls to transmit, the hills vibrate, on many great mountain has the giant rock to tumble, rumble said. 在山根处有一口火洞,喷出阵阵云烟,烈焰腾腾,一声吼啸传来,群山抖动,许多大岳上有巨大的山石滚落,隆隆而鸣。 Golden Lion and old flood dragon revealed the scared look, submit and fall on the ground, obviously was lived by that divine might fear, this was their Master, probably is blaming in them. 黄金狮子与老蛟都露出惧色,伏倒在了地上,显然被那种神威慑住了,这是它们的主人,像是在怪罪于它们。 Dao Severing king!” 斩道的王!” Ye Fan in the eye divine light flashes, although knows that the Kunlun Mountains immortal lineage/vein are uncommon, does not want really to meet super powerful existence, but he actually happy does not fear, he earnestly seeks to run into the rival. 叶凡目中神光一闪,虽然知道昆仑仙脉不凡,不曾想真遇到了超级强大的存在,不过他却也怡然不惧,他渴求遇到敌手。 Bang “轰” The hot cloud is dreadful, the scarlet rosy cloud soars, if there are ten thousand Soaring Dragon to leap, spectacular, long hiss like dragon hissing and tiger roaring vibration this mountain side place, the fiery red ray to/clashes together, Mutant Beast racing to come of god steed. 火云滔天,赤霞腾空,如有万龙腾跃,气象万千,一声长嘶如龙吟虎啸般震动这片山地,一道火红的光芒冲起,一只神骏的异兽奔来。 Too quick, quickly cannot respond to Golden Lion and Flood Dragon, was kicked, even Ye Fan is startled. 太快了,快到黄金狮子蛟龙都没能反应过来,就被踢飞了,连叶凡都吃了一惊。 It treads the fire cloud to come, has the fast running fast, achieved this Realm's speed peak, besides Ye Fan's 'Travel' Character Secret Art, has almost nothing to be able with it to compare favorably. 它踏着火云而来,有追风逐电的速速,达到了这个境界的速度极致,除了叶凡的行字诀外,几乎没有什么可以与它相媲美。 This is Dragon Horse, is stepping on the roaring flame, the whole body is fiery red, arrogant like a god, hoof also has Golden Lion to kick the old flood dragon, is extremely discontented with them, has the posture of looking disdainfully world. 这是一头龙马,踩着烈焰,浑身火红,高傲的如同一个神,一蹄子一个将老蛟还有黄金狮子踢飞,对它们非常不满,拥有一种睥睨天下之姿。 A its long and loud cry, is not a horse's neigh, and dragon roar is equally deafening, the clouds of space dispersed, to Ye Fan racing to come, is stepping on the vault of heaven, bowl mouth also big hoof tread to the Ye Fan's chest. 它一声长啸,并非马嘶,跟龙吟一样震耳欲聋,天上的云朵都散掉了,冲着叶凡奔来,踩着天穹,比海碗口还大的蹄子蹬向叶凡的胸口。 This where is what horse, prancing general with the dragon, aura terrifying. After Ye Fan Dao Severing, has not seen one to dare to despise his life like this. 这哪里是什么马,腾跃起来跟龙一般,气息恐怖。叶凡斩道后,还从来没见过一个敢这样蔑视他的生灵呢。 This may really be the horse of being worthy of the reputation treads Human Race's Saint Physique, gave the tread to break to pieces the sky, no wonder Golden Lion also had the old flood dragon to be alarmed and afraid. 这可真是名副其实的马踏人族圣体,将天空都给蹬碎了,难怪黄金狮子还有老蛟惊惧。 Ye Fan has not avoided, with a hand point, arrived on horse's hoof, Dragon Horse shouted immediately, whole body severe tremor, revealed the inconceivable demeanor, pranced, rushes over. 叶凡没有躲避,用手一点,抵在了马蹄子上,龙马顿时一声嘶吼,浑身剧震,露出不可思议的声色,腾跃而起,冲了过去。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Dragon Horse treads saying that rush through goes out dozens li (0.5 km) away, was too only quick because of it, gave the avalanche that the front dozens mountains stepped on, shortly after the sound passed on. 龙马踏云,奔行出去数十里远,只因它太快了,将前方数十座大山都给踩的崩塌了,不久后声音才传过来。 This is a terrifying scene, divine might of this horse is above the imagination, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends that the fast running, steps on, world is difficult suppress its person. 这是一种恐怖的景象,此马之神威超乎想象,追风逐电,踩踏的天崩地裂,世间难有镇压它的人。 Even Ye Fan is startled, although has retained, but selected finger/refers of that's all, has not had the full power, but is not general Dao Severing person can withstand, changed a King to turn into bloody pulp inevitably. 叶凡都是大吃一惊,虽然有所保留,只是点了一指而已,远未出全力,但也不是一般的斩道者所能承受的,换一个王者必然已经化成了血泥 But this Dragon Horse does not have die, and has not been injured, leaps empties, fierce in a complete mess, this Shilong plants absolutely rarely. 而这头龙马却没有殒落,且并未受伤,跃空而过,猛的一塌糊涂,这绝对是罕世龙种。 He sizes up carefully. This horse whole body is fiery red, just like dragon body, under four hooves the raging flames, the body lives like Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold same dragon scales, splendid. Also lives horse hair generally fiery red growing hair, is more luminous than the silk fabrics, no mixed wool. 他不禁仔细打量。此马浑身火红,宛如龙躯,四蹄下烈焰腾腾,身上生有如凰血赤金一样的龙鳞,熠熠生辉。同时也生有马鬃一般火红的长毛,比绸缎都光亮,没有一根杂毛。 In the ancient book has: Dragon Horse, the essence of Heaven and Earth, it is the shape, but horse body dragon scales, therefore said Dragon Horse. Height eight chi (0.33 m) five cuns (2.5 cm)......” 古书中有记:“龙马者,天地之精,其为形也,马身而龙鳞,故谓之龙马。高八尺五寸……” Ye Fan more looks is more surprised, this with exactly the same that the old book records, this is not physical body mortal flesh, but is Heaven and Earth essence breeding, is not every type. 叶凡越看越吃惊,这跟古籍记载的一模一样,这不是肉体凡胎,而是天地精华孕育而成,不是凡种。 This is Mutant Beast, since old times only saw several cases of that's all, represented the auspicious omen, «The Central Omens in the Documents of Antiquity: Holding the Mark of the River» has the record: Emperor Fuxi has the world, Dragon Horse losses chart stemming from the river.” 这是一种异兽,自古仅见几例而已,代表了祥瑞,《尚书中侯?握河纪》有记载:“伏羲氏有天下,龙马图出于河。” no wonder undergoes me to refer to not dying, unexpectedly is Dragon Horse!” Ye Fan talked to oneself, now the world, in the Dao Severing King can withstand him the person, as soon as strikes are not many, this is not proud, but is the real situation, he counter cuts the Great Dao merit becomes, strength to a scary position. 怪不得经受我一指而不死,竟是一头龙马!”叶凡自语,当今天下,斩道王者中能承受他一击的人不多,这不是自负,而是真实情况,他逆斩大道功成,实力到了一个骇人的境地。 Dragon Horse roared, dragon roar moved Nine Heavens, the whole body was fiery red, is treading the roaring flame and clouds attacked. 龙马一声咆哮,龙吟九天,浑身火红,踏着烈焰与云朵又冲击了过来。 This Ye Fan spread out a palm, the five fingers are uneven, pressure on Dragon Horse, but this horse is also arrogant incomparable, rises with a spring actually, leaps height dozens zhang (3.33 m), instead treads to his golden palm refers. 这一次叶凡摊开了一只手掌,五指齐出,压向龙马,而此马也是高傲无比,硬是一跃而起,腾高数十丈,反踏向他的金色掌指。 Bang “砰” The Dragon Horse body shakes, four hooves tread the sky, charges into the distant place, the corners of the mouth overflows a wisp of bloodstain, but still has not died, the vitality is powerful, is only minor wound that's all. 龙马躯体一震,四蹄踏碎天空,冲向远方,嘴角溢出一缕血迹,但依然未死,气血强盛,只是轻伤而已 Ye Fan these really changed countenance time, all over the world, few people in the Dao Severing King can suppress this horse mostly, his palm can crush great mountain absolutely, ruins the mountains land, but this horse actually withstood. 叶凡这一次真的动容了,普天之下,在斩道王者中多半没有几人能压制此马,他的手掌绝对能压毁大岳,毁掉山川大地,而此马却承受了下来。 This should be Deity in Fleeceflower Root mouth.” “这应该就是何首乌口中的神灵。” Ye Fan one step steps the upper air, once again puts out a hand to press forward, with vigorously, Dragon Horse knew fiercely, leaps to empty, treads a mountain side mountain, stands is staring at him on Nine Heavens. 叶凡一步迈到高空,又一次伸手向前压去,用上了大力,龙马知道厉害,跃空而起,踏碎一片山岳,立在九天上盯着他。 This Heaven and Earth is pregnant the fine horse of giving birth, only has Ancient Saint Sovereign in legend to obtain, the Ye Fan mind moves, if can surrender for the mount, some day returns to Big Dipper, can absolutely horse Tawan the enemy. 这种天地孕生出的龙驹,唯有传说中的上古圣皇得到过,叶凡心神一动,若是能降服为坐骑,有朝一日回到北斗,绝对可以马踏万敌。
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