Meng Zhanghas not enteredthatbigvortexto helpTai Miao, thathas the reason.孟章之所以没有进入那个大漩涡去帮助太妙,那是有着原因的。
The so-calledsamsarapond, is only a well-establishedname, is not a simplepool.
The samsarapondis the crystallization of ghostdomworldprinciple, the strength of ghostdomworldhaspresent, has the ghostdomto the highauthority......
轮回池是冥界天地法则的结晶,冥界天地之力的具现化,拥有冥界至高的权柄……Thathugevortexis only the entrance of samsarapond.
The samsarapondhasto be possible be called the space of length and breadth, is following the specialprinciple.
A samsarapondonly has a master.
一座轮回池只有一位主人。Beforethismasterfalls from the sky, the samsarapondwill not exchange ownerships.
在这位主人陨落之前,轮回池是不会易主的。No matter others are close to master'srelations, after needsto obtain the agreement of master, canshare the lawful rights of somesamsaraponds, haslimit some functions of usesamsarapond.
其他人不管和主人的关系有多么密切,都需要得到主人的同意之后,才能分享一些轮回池的权柄,有限制的使用轮回池的一些功能。Before a samsarapondhasownmaster, theoretically, so long asisGhost Deityandghost of ghostdomand so onexists, entitled, has the opportunityto participate incompetition of samsarapond.
在一座轮回池拥有自己的主人之前,从理论上来说,只要是冥界的鬼神、鬼物之类存在,都有资格、有机会参与轮回池的争夺。Competition of samsarapondoftenbloodyincomparable.
轮回池的争夺往往血腥无比。Entersamong the contender in samsarapond, is the relations that the life and deathcontends with, insideruledoes not allowthemto cooperatejointly, will only makethemeach other, slaughterfor the enemymutually.
进入轮回池的争夺者之间,都是生死相争的关系,里面的规则根本不允许他们联手合作,只会让他们彼此为敌、互相厮杀。Beforetheydecide the victory and defeat, thisbattleis unable to stop.
在他们分出胜负之前,这种厮杀根本无法停止。IfMeng Zhangentered the samsarapond, the luckis not good, mightbecome the opponentwithTai Miaovery much.孟章如果进入了轮回池内部,运气不好的话,很有可能会和太妙成为对手。In this case, hemight as welltreats outside waits.
在这种情况下,他还不如待在外面等待。Moreover, he outside words, has not been idling, manythingsmustbe done.
After Tai Miaoenters the samsarapond, temporaryandMeng Zhanglost the contact.太妙进入轮回池之后,就暂时和孟章失去了联系。Meng Zhang can only roughlyinducetoitscondition, knowshimwelltemporarilyalsoall.孟章只能大致感应到其状态,知道他暂时还一切安好。Sinceis unable to knowinsidespecial details, thatMeng Zhangonly then the choicebelievesTai Miao.
既然无法知道里面的具体情况,那孟章只有选择相信太妙。Alsodoes not know the samsarapondbattle, when must be ableto branch out the result.
也不知道轮回池内部的争斗,要到什么时候才能分出结果来。Tai Miaoassembledneighboreliteto leave, goes to the battlefield in territory, supports the garrison troops, resists the threeghostdomfeudal lordsubordinatearmies.太妙原本调集到附近的精锐已经离开,前往领地中的战场,支援守军,抵抗三位冥界领主麾下的大军。Threeghostdomfeudal lordshad entered the samsarapond.
三位冥界领主已经进入了轮回池。Threearmieslosttheirdirectionalthough, was short ofmanyhigh rankpowerhouses, butwas still powerful.
三支大军尽管失去了他们的指挥,也少了许多高阶强者,可仍然实力强大。Thesethreebigmilitary qipotentialslike the rainbow, attackedto killin the Tai Miaoterritorywantonly, caused the enormousdestruction.
这三支大军气势如虹,在太妙领地内大肆攻杀,造成了极大的破坏。AlthoughTai Miaohas entered the samsarapond, butithand/subordinateisverypowerful.太妙虽然已经进入轮回池,可是其手下还是非常给力的。Armiescatch upfromterritoryeachdirection, the rapidrushing tobattlefield, joins the fight.
一支支大军从领地各個方向赶来,迅速的奔赴战场,加入战斗。Especiallyunder after Tai Miao the sharpeststrengthjoins the fight, the momentum that the enemyfiercely attackswas obviously contained.
尤其是太妙麾下最为精锐的力量加入战斗之后,敌军猛攻的势头明显被遏制住了。PreviouslyTai Miaotheseelite as centralizedas the region that nearby the samsarapondwas born, was the preparationwas usedto prevent the foreign enemyto go into the samsarapond.
此前太妙将这些精锐集中到轮回池出世的区域附近,原本是准备用来阻止外敌闯入轮回池的。Nowbecause the situationchanges, thisarmycanset aside the hand, joined the frontlinefierce struggle.
现在由于情况有变,这支大军得以腾出手来,加入了前线的激斗。Threeintruderarmies, under the armywithTai Miaolaunchedlife and deathwars.
三支入侵者大军,和太妙麾下大军展开了一场场生死大战。Meng Zhangis not willingto seeunderTai Miaoto present the toobigcasualties, does not wantto make the Tai Miaoterritorybe destroyed.孟章不愿意看见太妙麾下出现太大的伤亡,也不想让太妙的领地被破坏太甚。
The Yin-Yangtwoair/Qidepartfromhiswithin the body, fly the sky, is ordinarylike a long line, flexibleflyingto the frontline that both armiesbattled.
阴阳二气从他的体内飞出,飞上天空,如同一条长龙一般,灵活的飞向了两军交战的前线。ByMeng Zhangthis timestrength, even without arriving atbattlefield, the Yin-Yangtwoair/Qi that onlyemit, caneasilybeat the ordinarydeityintermediatepowerhouse.
以孟章此时的实力,就算没有亲临战场,单是放出的阴阳二气,就能轻易击败普通的天神中期的强者。Hadhelping of thisYin-Yangtwoair/Qi, the Tai Miaosubordinatearmywas equal tohaving a toppowerhouseto help in the fighting.
有了这道阴阳二气之助,太妙麾下大军等于多出了一位顶级的强者助战。Meng Zhangno longergoes to the managesbattlefieldsituation, butisboth eyesshuts tightlyandsits cross-leggedto sit, staticfloatinthatbigvortexnearbysky.孟章不再去管战场的情况,而是双目紧闭、盘膝而坐,静静的漂浮在那个大漩涡附近的天空之中。Passed after the period of time, the frontlinewarstartsto reverse.
过了好一阵子之后,前线的战局开始逆转。Becausethreeghostdomfeudal lordsare not, threearmieslostbiggesttaking advantage.
由于三位冥界领主不在,三支大军失去了最大的依仗。Theymoststartedto hitenemyoneto be caught off guard, batteredabove the Tai Miaoterritory.
他们最开始打了敌人一个措手不及,在太妙的领地之上横冲直撞。As came from reinforcementsarrival of one after anotherTai Miaoterritoryall parties', theiradvantagesno longer, fell into besieging of superiorenemy.
The Yin-Yangtwoair/Qi that Meng Zhangemits, suppressedinthreearmiesseriously the remaininghigh rankpowerhouses.孟章放出的阴阳二气,更是严重压制了三支大军之中剩下的高阶强者。
The potential of offense and defensestartsto transform, the Tai Miaosubordinatearmylaunches a counter attack.
攻守之势开始转换,太妙麾下大军转守为攻。Afterundergoing a fierce combat, the enemyarmies who in turnwill invadedefeated.
The Yin-Yangtwoair/Qiflew back to the Meng Zhangside, the enemyarmieshad started the rout, having no need forhim continue strive.
阴阳二气飞回了孟章的身边,敌方大军已经开始溃败,用不着他继续出力了。Since the frontlinevictory and defeat the minute/share, Meng Zhangno longerhas also continuedto pay attention, butstarts the wholly-absorbedrecuperationto get up.
The fight in samsarapondendedwas expectedMeng Zhangis quicker than on.
轮回池之中的战斗结束的比孟章预料中快上了许多。Firstis the light shadowfliestogetherfromthathugevortex, withoutmaking the slightstay, flewlike thisto the distant place.
先是一道光影从那个巨大的漩涡之中飞出来,没有做丝毫的停留,就这样飞向了远处。Thatisdeepgodcoverdrop of earth-mothergoddepartment.
那是地母神系的冥神盖落。Evidently, henot onlysuffers defeatto be eliminatedin the contest of samsarapond, as if is also woundedheavily.
看样子,他不但在轮回池的争夺战之中败北出局,似乎还负伤不轻。Hepossiblyisworried that Meng Zhangwaits for gains without painsandhits a person when he is down.
他可能是担心孟章守株待兔、落井下石吧。Aftergoing all outto flee from the samsarapond, fled fromhereat the maximum speed.
在拼命逃离了轮回池之后,就以最快的速度逃离了这里。Competition of participationsamsarapond, generally speaking, after the failure, basicallywill be buriedininside.
The so-calleddeepgod, is the ghostdomlocally borngods, is the ghostdomdestiny the bell.
所谓的冥神,是冥界土生土长的神明,是冥界气运所钟。Compared withGhost Deityandghostand so on, is charmedtoward the strengthdeeplyis more powerful, can a bettercontrolanduseghostdom the strength of world. Looks forbookparkw.zhaoshuyancom
The deepgodcoverdropbattle efficiencyabove the commondeitylate stagepowerhouse, is a Tai Miaobigpowerful enemy.
冥神盖落的战斗力远在一般的天神后期强者之上,是太妙的一大劲敌。Naturally, hebecomes the loserfinally.
当然,他最后还是成为了失败者。Althoughheis in unfavorable situation, it is estimated thatalsopaid not the poorprice, butcanescapefrominside , indicating that itsstrengthis profound, the luck is also very good.
他虽然失利,估计还付出了不菲的代价,可是能够从里面逃出来,足见其实力高深,运气也很好。Meng Zhangis caring about the situation in samsarapond, without the thoughtschases downhim, whateverheruns away.孟章牵挂着轮回池之中的情况,没有心思去追杀他,任由他逃走。IfTai Miaosuccessfullyrefining up and controlsamsarapond, onlydeepgod, creates disasterradicallyinsufficient.
如果太妙成功炼化和控制轮回池,区区一个冥神,根本就不足为患。Meng Zhangwaited forperiod of not shorttime, threeYinbigBodhisattvasdistressedescapedfromthatbigvortex.孟章又等待了一段不短的时间,三阴大菩萨狼狈的从那个大漩涡之中逃了出来。Heis similar tostray curto be common, does not dareto have the slightstay, is considering only the full speedescape.
他如同丧家之犬一般,根本不敢有丝毫的停留,只顾着全速逃命。Thesetwostrongestenemiesdefeatedto run away, it is estimated that the contest in samsarapondsoondecided the victory and defeat.
这两个最强的敌人都战败逃走了,估计轮回池之中的争夺战快要分出胜负了吧。Meng Zhanghas not goneto chase down the meanings of threeYinbigBodhisattvassimilarly.孟章同样没有去追杀三阴大菩萨的意思。Hisguessnotwrong.
他的猜测没有错。In a while, Tai Miaofed in an informationfrom the samsarapond.
The shielding effect of samsarapondis still powerful, Tai Miaoalsofeeds inthisinformationwith great difficulty.
The enemies who allparticipationsamsarapondscompete forhad been solved.
所有参与轮回池争夺的敌人都已经被解决了。BesidesthreeYinbigBodhisattvas and deepgodlidsfall, otherenemiesfell from the skyin the samsarapond, becomes the nourishment of samsarapond.
除了三阴大菩萨和冥神盖落之外,其他敌人都陨落在了轮回池之中,成为了轮回池的养料。Tai Miaopaid not the poorpricealthough, maybecome the finalvictor.太妙尽管付出了不菲的代价,可还是成为了最后的胜利者。Naturally, thisdoes not mean is well with everything.
当然,这并不意味着万事大吉了。Then, istruemost important.
接下来,才是真正的重中之重。Hewill build up and controlsamsarapondwholeheartedly, is unable to divert attentionheto attend.
他将会全心全意的炼化和控制轮回池,丝毫无法分心他顾。HeneedsMeng Zhangto protect the lawforhim outside, does not allowanyenemyto be closeanddestroyabsolutely.
After giving this littlefuzzyinformation, Tai Miaolost the contactonagainandMeng Zhang.
( This chapterends)
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