SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3811: Series

Yin nine do not have the expenditure too big strength, convinced ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns, making him comply to coordinate with the extraterritorial ghost clan, subverts Divine Prosperity Realm together. 阴九没有花费太大的力气,就说服了万鬼国主,让其答应和域外鬼族配合,一起颠覆神昌界 Yin nine, although cultivation base lowered a point, only has the strength of Return to Emptiness rank. 阴九虽然修为低了一点,只有返虚级别的实力。 May be scouting and vanguard who the extraterritorial ghost clan sends out, pouring reluctantly is also passable, such strength can protect oneself in Netherworld reluctantly. 可作为域外鬼族派出的斥候和先锋,倒也勉强说得过去,这样的实力在阴间勉强可以自保。 The most important thing is he as the status of extraterritorial ghost clan, but not pure is the strength. 最为重要的是他作为域外鬼族的身份,而不单纯是实力。 The Divine Prosperity Realm indigenous gods, including Netherworld Ghost Deity, majority are the ignorant ignorant hick. 神昌界的土著神明,包括阴间鬼神们,大多数都是懵懂无知的土包子。 But Netherworld many Ghost Deity, has heard the given name of extraterritorial ghost clan. 可是阴间许多鬼神,还是听说过域外鬼族的大名的。 The extraterritorial ghost clan invades each macrocosm, sneaks Netherworld, disrupts the Yin-Yang order...... 域外鬼族入侵各个大世界,潜入阴间,破坏阴阳秩序…… The actions of extraterritorial ghost clan, are conforming to many Ghost Deity and ghost intention. 域外鬼族的所作所为,正符合许多鬼神鬼物的心意。 The Yin nine representative extraterritorial ghost clans, connect in Netherworld everywhere, win over and buy various group of Ghost Deity. 阴九代表域外鬼族,在阴间四处串联,拉拢和收买各路鬼神 Especially after ganging up with over ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns, obtained it full power to support, its action became smoother. 尤其是勾搭上万鬼国主之后,得到了其全力支持,其行动变得更为顺利了。 extraterritorial ghost clan ominous illustrious, by the macrocosm that it stares, can escape by luck rare. 域外鬼族凶名赫赫,被其盯上的大世界,少有能够幸免的。 Netherworld these Ghost Deity to protect oneself, is for a more further ambition, has to go to the extraterritorial ghost clan. 阴间这些鬼神无论是为了自保,还是为了更进一步的野心,都不得不投向域外鬼族。 Ghost Deity of ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereign levels acts directly, gathered the Netherworld all parties influence. 万鬼国主这种层次的鬼神直接出面,更是聚拢了阴间各方势力。 The Yin nine courage are big enough, is renders meritorious service cherished, unexpectedly closes right up against tell the blatant lies, pretends to be the envoy of extraterritorial ghost clan, made the big noise in Netherworld. 阴九胆子够大,也是立功心切,居然靠着撒下弥天大谎,冒充域外鬼族的使者,在阴间闹出了好大一番动静。 Ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns were misled by it, prepare to organize the Ghost Deity army in Netherworld, again on a large scale invasion world of the living. 万鬼国主都被其蛊惑,准备在阴间组织鬼神大军,再次大举入侵阳世。 He must take on to guide the party, coordinates the action of extraterritorial ghost clan. 他要担当带路党,配合域外鬼族的行动。 Ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns have the strong influence besides the subordinate, is one of the Netherworld several giants, has the widespread influence in Netherworld. 万鬼国主除了麾下拥有强大的势力之外,还是阴间几位巨头之一,在阴间拥有广泛的影响力。 Once he acts, quick can organize a powerful Ghost Deity army. 他一旦出面,很快就能组织起一支强大的鬼神大军来。 Yin nine enter the Netherworld duty, is provokes Netherworld Ghost Deity, the mounting a large-scale attack world of the living, disrupts the Yin-Yang order, shakes the Divine Prosperity Realm foundation. 阴九进入阴间的任务,就是挑动阴间鬼神,大举进攻阳世,破坏阴阳秩序,动摇神昌界的根基。 After handling ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns, he has not stopped there, but continues to contact all Ghost Deity. 在搞定了万鬼国主之后,他并没有就此止步,而是继续联络各方鬼神 Had the positive help and support of ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns, even if Ghost Deity of True God rank does not dare to feel embarrassed him. 有了万鬼国主的积极帮助和支持,就算是真神级别的鬼神都不敢为难他。 As their momenta are getting bigger and bigger, other Netherworld top Ghost Deity, were alarmed one after another. 随着他们的声势越来越大,就连阴间其它顶级鬼神,都陆陆续续被惊动。 If the ghost female mother-in-law who the Netherworld veteran giant, shares the honor with ten thousand ghost king monarch sovereigns, sends out the envoys and Yin nine relations, discussed various things. 阴间的老资格巨头,和万鬼国主齐名的鬼母婆婆,都派出使者和阴九联系,商量各种事情。 Yin nine in just several years, can do such big in Netherworld the sound, obtains such big result, after Tai Miao receives the report, to its appreciation. 阴九在短短数年之内,就能在阴间搞出如此之大的动静,取得如此之大的成绩,太妙收到汇报之后,对其赞赏不已。 The Yin nine that sides progress such rapidness, the adjusting work of the world of the living must grasp. 阴九那边进展如此之快,阳世的配合工作也要抓紧。 In the past from Spirit Space Immortal Realm True Immortal invaded Grand Dust World on a large scale the time, several True Immortal did everything possible to provoke internal fight of Netherworld inborn Ghost Deity, making it almost lose completely. 当年来自灵空仙界真仙们大举入侵钧尘界的时候,数位真仙想方设法挑起了阴间天生鬼神们的内斗,让其几乎损失殆尽。 Afterward Tai Miao entered Netherworld, from some inborn Ghost Deity residual memories, learned this matter. 后来太妙进入阴间,从一些天生鬼神残留的记忆之中,获知了这件事情。 Meng Zhang was interested very much, spends many energy to understand its relevant information. 孟章对此很感兴趣,花费了不少精力去了解其相关信息。 According to Meng Zhang knows, that several True Immortal first used the technique of virulent curse jointly, cursed Netherworld inborn Ghost Deity, making its reason lose greatly, becomes impulsive testy. 孟章所知,那几位真仙先是联手施展了恶毒的诅咒之术,诅咒了阴间的天生鬼神,让其理智大失,变得冲动易怒。 Then, they used the mystique to make a bait, invested in Netherworld. 然后,他们用秘法制造了一件诱饵,投入了阴间之中。 During this bait in Netherworld Ghost Deity induces, has the mysterious ability, making them long for divine tool. 这件诱饵在阴间鬼神感应之中,是拥有神奇能力,让他们渴望不已的神器。 In order to compete for this divine tool, Netherworld Ghost Deity under several True Immortal methods provoke, starts wantonly the battle, started frigid incomparable killing one another. 为了争夺这件神器,阴间鬼神在几位真仙的手段挑动之下,开始大肆争斗,开始了惨烈无比的自相残杀。 Finally, causing Grand Dust World Netherworld inborn Ghost Deity to be annihilated, loss completely. 最终,导致了钧尘界阴间的天生鬼神全军覆没、损失殆尽。 Later, has the unceasing infiltrations of Grand Dust World world of the living major cultivation influences on Netherworld. 之后,才有钧尘界阳世各大修真势力对阴间的不断渗透。 The refinement method of this bait divine tool came from the Spirit Space Immortal Realm Sanyang immortal sect. 这件诱饵神器的炼制法门来自于灵空仙界的三阳仙宗。 In the past Qingyang Heaven Immortal wisp of soul they were caught the suppression by Meng Zhang, then invested in Taiyi World Source Sea. 当年青阳天仙分神孟章他们捕获镇压,然后投入了太乙界源海之中。 After the Tai Miao long-term effort, Qingyang Heaven Immortal wisp of soul was built up by the Source Sea absorption slowly. 经过太妙长时间的努力之后,青阳天仙分神慢慢被源海吸收炼化。 In this process, Qingyang Heaven Immortal some memories, grasped practicing method, was extracted, becomes Tai Miao and Meng Zhang spoils of war. 在这个过程之中,青阳天仙的一些记忆,掌握的一些修行法门等,也被抽取出来,成为了太妙孟章的战利品。 And, some contents about that bait divine tool. 其中,就有一些内容是关于那件诱饵神器的。 Although has not obtained the complete refinement method from Qingyang Heaven Immortal wisp of soul there, but after knowing its principle and characteristics, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao to lacking the part added. 尽管并没有从青阳天仙分神那里获得完整的炼制法门,可是在知道其原理和特性之后,孟章太妙对缺少的部分进行了补充。 Ghost Deity also reluctantly is the branch of Shintoism/Divine Dao. 鬼神也勉强算是神道的一个分支。 During inheritance that Meng Zhang accepts, has the method of much coping with the Shintoism/Divine Dao. 孟章接受的传承之中,就有不少对付神道的法门。 He refers to himself to inherit, with Tai Miao diligently, grasped the refinement method of that bait divine tool together thoroughly. 他参照自身传承,和太妙一起努力,彻底掌握了那件诱饵神器的炼制法门。 Refines the material that this bait divine tool needs to be many, many rare heavenly material. 炼制这件诱饵神器所需的材料不少,其中不乏难得一见的天材地宝 Especially is born in the Netherworld special material, the world of the living is rare. 尤其是一些诞生于阴间的特殊材料,阳世难得一见。 Meng Zhang leafed through the stock of Taiyi Sect, cannot sufficiently collect. 孟章翻遍了太乙门的库存,都未能凑足。 Was good had entered bounteous and bountiful Divine Prosperity Realm because of them. 好在他们已经进入了地大物博、物产丰富的神昌界 Meng Zhang led personally, went all over the Divine Prosperity Realm four directions, material that collected many needs. 孟章亲自带队,走遍了神昌界四方,才收集到不少需要的材料。 Taiyi World has been close to a complete macrocosm, similarly has Netherworld. 太乙界已经非常接近一个完整的大世界了,同样有着阴间 In the past Grand Dust World Netherworld destruction time, Tai Miao collected the Netherworld fragment diligently, looked for book park also to have Netherworld various precious materials. 当年钧尘界阴间毁灭的时候,太妙努力收集阴间碎片,找书苑w.zhasyua.com还有阴间的各种宝贵材料。 Taiyi World Netherworld also has all sorts of flaws although, is under the laborious operation of Tai Miao, has several points of Grand Dust World Netherworld meteorology. 太乙界阴间尽管还有着种种缺陷,可是在太妙的辛苦经营之下,已经有了几分钧尘界阴间的气象。 Under the help of Taiyi Sect cultivator, Taiyi World Netherworld starts to cultivate various unique resources. 太乙门修士的帮助之下,太乙界阴间开始培育各种特有的资源。 After Meng Zhang collection simultaneous/uniform material, refines with Tai Miao. 孟章集齐材料之后,就和太妙一起炼制。 The request of this bait divine tool technique to refiner is not very high, is mainly tests refinement cultivation base and control method. 这件诱饵神器对炼器之术的要求并不是很高,主要是考验炼制者的修为和操控手段。 After one is laborious, this bait divine tool finally refines successfully. 经过一番辛苦之后,这件诱饵神器终于炼制成功了。 This bait divine tool semblance is a black royal crown, layer upon layer as if running water common aura in flowing that the royal crown surface non-stop. 这件诱饵神器外表是一个黑色的王冠,一层层仿佛流水一般的气息在王冠表面不停的流动。 Although has long known that this bait divine tool has its table spatially, Tai Miao is seeing that moment of end product, has one type to his accept Weiji some impulsion. 尽管早就知道这件诱饵神器空有其表,太妙在看见成品的那一刻,就有一种要将其纳为己有的冲动。 Even by the Tai Miao strength in meditation, controls this impulsive with great difficulty. 即便是以太妙的定力,都好不容易才控制住这种冲动。 He is Meng Zhang external avatar, gods who was also conferred by Meng Zhang, although has not been separated from the Ghost Deity innate shackles, but had been confused by the external object very much difficultly. 他是孟章身外化身,又是被孟章册封的神明,尽管还没有脱离鬼神的先天桎梏,可已经很难被外物所迷惑了。 He so displays, indicates big of this bait divine tool attraction to Ghost Deity. 他都是如此表现,足见这件诱饵神器对鬼神的诱惑力之大。 In order to test its might, Tai Miao drew on several Ghost Deity from Taiyi World Netherworld specially. 为了测试其威力,太妙专门从太乙界阴间招来了几位鬼神 These Ghost Deity usually are loyal and devoted to Tai Miao, his retinue God. 这几位鬼神平日里都对太妙忠心耿耿,其中还有他的从神 They when see this bait divine tool, as if forgot all, cannot be independent, immediately starts to intend to rob. 他们在看见这件诱饵神器的时候,仿佛忘记了一切,根本不能自主,立即就开始出手抢夺。 Tai Miao suppresses them easily, actually spent the big strength to make them come soberly. 太妙反掌就将他们镇压,却花费了好大一番力气才让他们清醒过来。 Although was informed the details of this divine tool by Tai Miao, there is comforting of Tai Miao, they cannot bear with the greedy vision size up this royal crown. 尽管被太妙告知了这件神器的底细,又有太妙的安抚,他们还是忍不住用贪婪的目光打量这个王冠。 7017 k 7017k
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