SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3810: Discovery

The general situation of green dense/woods boundary has decided that the mountains and rivers boundary and Taiyi World stilled the green dense/woods boundary thoroughly are only a time issue. 绿森境的大局已定,山河境和太乙界彻底平定绿森境只是一个时间问题了。 The green dense/woods boundary burns the demon boundary, part of indigenous kings survive. 无论是绿森境还是燃魔境,都还有一部分土著君王存活。 Some resist stubbornly in lost/carrying yu ; Some are avoiding and barely managing to maintain a feeble existence everywhere...... 有的在负嵎顽抗;有的在到处躲避、苟延残喘…… No matter but how they do, is unable to change the situation of green dense/woods boundary, is unable to change their destinies. 可是不管他们怎么做,都无法改变绿森境的局势了,也无法改变他们的命运了。 The mountains and rivers boundary assimilates the potential of green dense/woods boundary not to be possible to prevent. 山河境同化绿森境之势无可阻挡。 The mountains and rivers boundary assimilation entire green dense/woods boundary, changes into own part it, that is only a time issue. 山河境同化整个绿森境,将其化为自家的一部分,那只是一个时间问题。 In some sense, the green dense/woods boundary also won the new student/life. 从某种意义上来说,绿森境也算是赢得了新生。 After the mountains and rivers boundary assimilated the entire green dense/woods boundary, both fuse together, a completely new independent world was born. 当山河境同化了整个绿森境之后,两者融为一体,一个全新的独立天地就诞生了。 Naturally, must walk from this goal also section of remote roads. 当然,距离这个目标还有一段遥远的路要走。 As some green dense/woods boundary indigenous kings turn, the strength of mountains and rivers boundary rises sharply, the prestige almost arrived at the apex. 随着一些绿森境土著君王投靠,山河境的实力大涨,声威几乎到达了顶点。 Except for burning the demon boundary intruder does not know the good and evil and acting recklessly, but also in continue resist beside, overwhelming majority green dense/woods boundary indigenous does not have any fighting spirits. 除了燃魔境入侵者不识好歹、不知死活,还在继续抵抗之外,绝大部分绿森境土著都没有什么斗志了。 Those who let Meng Zhang and profound scholar vermilion Zhen is a little strange, indigenous kings who burn the demon boundary after defeat, has not fled the green dense/woods boundary. 孟章和大儒朱振有点奇怪的是,燃魔境的土著君王们在战败之后,并没有逃离绿森境。 They rather hide in the west and conceals east the green dense/woods boundary, is not willing to leave here. 他们宁愿在绿森境东躲西、藏,都不愿意离开这里。 Does green dense/woods boundary place, what thing have to attract them? 绿森境这个地方,到底有什么东西一直在吸引他们? According to the Meng Zhang guess, should be the control burns the chaos Demon God method of demon boundary to be extremely severe, will punish the loser, the indigenous kings who therefore burn the demon boundary rather brave death to keep the green dense/woods boundary, does not dare to flee at will. 孟章猜测,应该是控制燃魔境的混沌魔神手段太过严苛,会严惩失败者,所以燃魔境的土著君王们宁愿冒死留在绿森境,都不敢随意逃离。 As burns the demon boundary indigenous king to be looked to strike to kill one after another, his army was struck the powder thoroughly, only the other small number of remnants, Meng Zhang left the green dense/woods boundary. 随着燃魔境土著君王陆续被找出来击杀,其大军被彻底击散,只余下少数残兵败将,孟章就离开了绿森境。 Profound scholar vermilion Zhen continues to keep the green dense/woods boundary , helping the mountains and rivers boundary thorough assimilation green dense/woods boundary, complete elimination all surplus enemies. 大儒朱振继续留在绿森境,帮助山河境彻底的同化绿森境,完全消灭所有剩余的敌人。 Meng Zhang sharply is leaving the green dense/woods boundary, to discover to burn the whereabouts of demon boundary as soon as possible, eliminated controlled chaos Demon God that burnt the demon boundary. 孟章之所以急着离开绿森境,就是为了尽快找出燃魔境的下落,消灭控制了燃魔境的混沌魔神 According to his experience, burns demon boundary these indigenous kings and controls between their chaos Demon God, should have the mysterious induction, what news is unable to conceal. 按照他的经验,燃魔境这些土著君王和控制他们的混沌魔神之间,应该有着神秘的感应,什么消息都无法隐瞒。 Perhaps now, the control burns chaos Demon God of demon boundary, had known its sending out the fate of invasion army. 说不定现在,控制燃魔境的混沌魔神,已经知道了其派出的入侵大军的下场。 Meng Zhang hopes that snatches before it responded, first step found to burn the demon boundary, then started to it as soon as possible. 孟章希望抢在其反应过来之前,先一步找到燃魔境,然后尽快对其下手。 Meng Zhang has very rich experience, can locate and rapid traverse in the unknown place, the researching ability has the huge leap. 孟章已经有着十分丰富的经验,可以在未知之地进行定位和快速移动,探索能力更是早就有了巨大的飞跃。 The situation and void interior of unknown place are entirely different, here independent world is few, the environment outside independent world is very bad. 未知之地的情况和虚空内部迥然不同,这里的独立天地很少,独立天地之外的环境十分恶劣。 These independent world indigenous rarely left its birth the world. 那些独立天地的土著很少离开其出生的天地。 Even if has some that curiosity occasionally quite seriously left, is still very difficult in the unknown place localization and goes forward. 就算偶尔有那么一些好奇心比较重的离开了,也很难在未知之地定位和前进。 They will not leave the world that oneself are born is too far generally, the distance of movement is very limited. 他们一般不会离开自己诞生的天地太远,移动的距离很有限。 To tire the troops on a long expedition, attacks another independent world, that was very rare. 要想劳师远征,去攻打另外一个独立天地,那更是十分罕见了。 Meng Zhang from burning the demon boundary powerhouse aura of judges, their back has chaos Demon God. 孟章从燃魔境强者身上的气息判断出,他们背后有着混沌魔神 Has the help of chaos Demon God, burns the demon boundary army to be able in the unknown place movement, goes to the green dense/woods boundary invades on a large scale. 有着混沌魔神的帮助,燃魔境大军才能够在未知之地移动,前往绿森境进行大举入侵。 But even this, because the environmental constraint of unknown place, burnt the demon boundary intruder army still to be restricted, to leave the trace in the unknown place movement unavoidably. 可即便是这样,由于未知之地的环境限制,燃魔境入侵者大军在未知之地移动仍然难免受到限制、留下痕迹。 Burns the aura of demon boundary army to be very special, its motion path of staying behind is very obvious, within the short time is hard to vanish thoroughly. 燃魔境大军的气息十分特别,其留下的移动轨迹很是明显,短时间之内难以彻底消失。 Do not look that burnt the demon boundary to invade the army to obtain the magnificent victory in the green dense/woods boundary, may in fact burn the demon boundary to invade the army to arrive at the time of green dense/woods boundary is not too long. 别看燃魔境入侵大军在绿森境取得了辉煌的战果,可实际上燃魔境入侵大军到达绿森境的时间不是太久。 Meng Zhang flew around the green dense/woods boundary outside, the careful search, quick discovered some useful clues. 孟章绕着绿森境外面飞了一圈,仔细的搜寻,很快就发现了一些有用的线索。 That odor that after burning the demon boundary army passes through, stays behind, that obvious, now has not vanished thoroughly. 燃魔境大军经过后留下的那种恶臭,是那么的明显,现在都还没有彻底消失。 He discovered after burning trace that the demon boundary army stays behind, along trace fast movement. 他发现了燃魔境大军留下的痕迹之后,就沿着痕迹快速的移动起来。 The swallowing ability of unknown place is very strong, has swallowed thoroughly some time too long traces. 未知之地的吞噬能力果然很强,已经将一些时间太久的痕迹彻底吞噬掉了。 Meng Zhang guess and ignorant/veiled, spent period of not short time, finally discovered whereabouts that burnt the demon boundary. 孟章连猜带蒙,花费了一段不短的时间,才终于发现了燃魔境的下落。 Purely the independent world that is constituted by the flame, in unknown place flaming combustion and shining four directions. 一个纯粹由火焰构成的独立天地,在未知之地熊熊燃烧、照耀四方。 If burns the demon boundary is not that striking, Meng Zhang may expenditure more time be able to discover that its exists. 如果燃魔境不是那么醒目,孟章可能还要花费更多的时间才能发现其存在。 When discovered its trail, Meng Zhang according to its aura, almost determined immediately this is the target that seek. 当发现其踪迹的时候,孟章根据其气息,几乎立即就确定了这就是自己寻找的目标。 This independent world is a fireball of flaming combustion, the flame of semblance keeping toward all around turnover, as if must be completely ordinary the surrounding all combustion. 这个独立天地就是一个熊熊燃烧的火球,外表的火焰在不停的向着四周吞吐,似乎要将周围的一切燃烧殆尽一般。 In the fireball, was divided into several, each flame color is different. 在火球内部,分成了好几层,每一层的火焰颜色都有所不同。 Black demon fire, red roaring flame and green Yin fire...... 黑色魔火、红色烈焰、绿色阴火…… Is away from by far, Meng Zhang smelled from the chaos aura. 隔着远远的,孟章就闻到了来自混沌的气息。 Burns the demon boundary army aura, after all also separated one, is not that direct and obvious. Looks for book park 燃魔境大军身上的气息,毕竟还隔了一层,不是那么直接和明显。找书苑 If not Meng Zhang and profound scholar vermilion Zhen this cultivation base is profound, induction keen generation, but also really may not discover it and relations of chaos Demon God. 如果不是孟章和大儒朱振这种修为高深,感应敏锐之辈,还真不一定能够发现其和混沌魔神的关系。 Now personally sees to burn the demon boundary, Meng Zhang almost 100% can determine, this independent world and chaos Demon God has the close relationship. 现在亲眼看见了燃魔境,孟章几乎百分之一百可以确定,这个独立天地和混沌魔神有着密切的关系。 He did not have to depend on the past rashly, was only in the distant place distant observation. 他没有贸然靠过去,只是在远处遥遥观察。 Although he had decided must eliminate burns demon boundary back chaos Demon God, but at the last moment, instead becomes discrete. 虽然他早就决定了要消灭燃魔境背后的混沌魔神,可事到临头,反而变得谨慎起来。 The elimination chaos Demon God advantage is many, he is willing to take the big risk for this reason, will not actually be bogged down in difficulties that must die by oneself. 消灭混沌魔神好处多多,他愿意为此冒上巨大的风险,却不会让自己陷入必死的困境。 Chaos Demon God is numerous, the strength height varies. 混沌魔神众多,其中实力高低不一。 Although can intrude the unknown place chaos Demon God, most is the Immortal Venerable rank, but Meng Zhang will not be still negligent. 虽然能够闯入未知之地的混沌魔神,最多就是仙尊级别,可孟章仍然不会大意。 Among the powerhouses of Immortal Venerable rank, its battle efficiency also meets the disparity to be very big. 仙尊级别的强者之间,其战斗力也会差距很大。 Like previous time that chaos Demon God that invades the grey river boundary, is tyrannical enough, can the forcing many opponents, everyone collaborate finally, Meng Zhang also put out the strongest method, finally defeats it. 像上次入侵灰河境的那位混沌魔神,就足够强横,能够力压多位对手,最后大家联手,孟章也是拿出了最强的手段,才终于将其击败。 Meng Zhang that if with that chaos Demon God bitter experience, the strength enters now again greatly although will not dread the opposite party, has the confidence and its resistance, but does not dare saying that the percentage hundred can win. 如果现在再和那位混沌魔神遭遇,实力大进的孟章虽然不会畏惧对方,有信心和其对抗,可也不敢说百分百能够取胜。 In makes war before the powerful enemy, understood the opposite party information that are more, the opportunity of victory will also be bigger. 在和强敌开战之前,了解到的对方情报越多,胜利的机会也会越大。 Front that chaos Demon God can control to burn an demon boundary such independent world, but can also drive his indigenous powerhouse to attack other independent world, how its strength first did not say, at least the opposite party is not chaotic like ordinary chaos Demon God, but can suppress own chaotic instinct, even can be called is farsighted, the conduct has certain strategy. 前方那位混沌魔神能够控制燃魔境这么一个独立天地,还能驱使其土著强者去攻打其他独立天地,其实力如何先不说,起码对方不像普通的混沌魔神那么混乱,而是能够压制自己的混乱天性,甚至称得上是深谋远虑,行事有着一定的策略。 Enough calm, has chaos Demon God of enough wisdom is not possibly crazy like other chaos Demon God, then easy wild, may be nastier every so often.( This chapter ends) 足够冷静,有着足够智慧的混沌魔神可能不像其他混沌魔神那么疯狂,那么容易狂暴,可很多时候会更加难以对付。(本章完)
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