SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3812: Intrusion

Meng Zhang and profound scholar vermilion Zhen thoroughly understand the generation of will of the people, saw through the thoughts of half dead king. 孟章和大儒朱振都是通晓人心之辈,一眼就看穿了半死君王的心思。 In the past when the grey river boundary, Meng Zhang needed the half dead king, naturally must with its equal cooperation. 当年在灰河境的时候,孟章需要半死君王,当然要和其平等合作。 When the grey river boundary collapses, half dead king importance drop, but still had the use very much, cannot easily probably discard. 等到灰河境崩溃,半死君王重要性下降,可仍然很有用处,不能轻易得舍弃。 When Meng Zhang absorbed the world to open the chart the advantage, cultivation base entered greatly, after battle efficiency big promotion, drop that his function kept. 等到孟章吸收了天地开辟图的好处,修为大进,战斗力大大提升之后,他的作用不停的下降。 Naturally, Meng Zhang and profound scholar vermilion Zhen are not that dismantling the bridge after crossing generation. 当然,孟章和大儒朱振都不是那种过河拆桥之辈。 So long as the half dead king does not have the open betrayal they, they will treat as the ally it, ensures its benefits. 只要半死君王没有公然背叛他们,他们还是会将其当做盟友,保证其各种利益。 Just, they need to strike the opposite party once for a while, making the opposite party understand that own position, stays loyal to the alliance. 只不过,他们需要时不时的敲打一下对方,让对方明白自己的位置,对联盟保持忠诚。 The half dead king's ordinary day performance is very good, satisfying them. 半死君王平日的表现很好,让他们十分满意。 This time makes the half dead king send out, strikes him not completely, indeed is the duty needs. 这次让半死君王出动,倒不完全是敲打他,的确是任务所需。 The half dead king good and evil is also the family background grey river boundary, reluctantly is indigenous of unknown place, with indigenous of green dense/woods boundary, should have certain common language. 半死君王好歹也是出身灰河境,勉强算是未知之地的土著,和绿森境的土著之间,应该有着一定的共同语言。 The words that his hesitant reason, has not said that Meng Zhang they can also guess correctly. 他犹豫的原因,没有说出口的话,孟章他们也能够猜到。 The situation and void interior of unknown place are entirely different. 未知之地的情况和虚空内部截然不同。 The independent world of unknown place is few, can the birth intelligent life is very rare. 未知之地的独立天地很少,能够诞生智慧生灵的更是十分罕见。 Moreover, because the unknown place is extremely dangerous, the indigenous powerhouses in these independent world, rarely leave the independent world that is, goes to the unknown place. 而且,由于未知之地太过危险,这些独立天地的土著强者,很少离开所在的独立天地,前往未知之地。 In these independent world, basically does not have any relation. 这些独立天地之间,基本上没有什么联系。 They usually are various, rarely has happening together. 他们平日里都是各过各的,很少产生交集。 Let alone is the general exchange, like burning demon boundary, attacks the situation of green dense/woods boundary blatantly, is very scarce. 别说是一般的交流,就是像燃魔境这样,公然攻打绿森境的情况,都是十分稀少的。 Burns the performance of demon boundary, in the unknown place simply is a different number. 燃魔境的表现,在未知之地简直就是一个异数。 Even if not unique, that still absolutely is very few. 就算不是绝无仅有,那也绝对是少之又少。 The indigenous kings of grey river boundary, know beyond likely the grey river boundary also has other world to exist, may have no understanding of it. 像灰河境的土著君王们,知道灰河境之外还有着其他天地存在,可对其却没有什么了解。 Because certain special reasons, the half dead king in grey river boundary many kings, is one experience profound and experienced generation. 由于某些特殊原因,半死君王在灰河境诸多君王之中,算是一个见识渊博、见多识广之辈。 But he with the indigenous powerhouses in other independent world, always has no contact. 可他和其他独立天地的土著强者之间,也向来没有什么往来。 He judges others by oneself, knows that the indigenous powerhouse in each independent world mostly is extreme antiforeign. 他以己度人,知道各个独立天地的土著强者大多是极端排外的。 Although he the indigenous powerhouse of family background and green dense/woods boundary is similar, the opposite party will not have the slight incense and candle friendship to him. 他虽然出身和绿森境的土著强者类似,对方对他却不会有丝毫的香火情分。 Do not look that the green dense/woods boundary has soon marched into the hopeless situation, was these indigenous powerhouses still was very perhaps tenacious, is unable to convince. 别看绿森境已经快要步入绝境了,可是那些土著强者说不定仍然十分固执,根本无法说服。 Cannot do well, the opposite party will also regard as the external intruder him. 搞不好,对方会将他同样视作外来的入侵者。 But said no matter how, making the half dead king act, they acts to be better compared with Meng Zhang directly. 可是不管怎么说,让半死君王出面,都比孟章他们直接出面要好。 From void internal cultivator, will let the unknown place the production repel feeling and hostility of indigenous instinct. 来自虚空内部的修士,会让未知之地的土著本能的产生排斥感和敌意。 If the half dead king luck is good, could and high level of green dense/woods boundary achieves the cooperation. 如果半死君王运气好,说不定能够和绿森境的高层达成合作。 Once both sides start to fight side-by-side, resists the powerful enemy together, one side these repel feelings and hostilities can throw temporarily. 双方一旦开始并肩作战,共同对抗强敌,那些排斥感和敌意都可以暂时抛到一边。 In order to consider the mood of half dead king, after ordering, Meng Zhang reported an own idea to him in detail. 为了照顾半死君王的心情,在下令之后,孟章向他详细介绍了一下自己的想法。 Whether or not believes the idea of Meng Zhang, the nod name that the half dead king does not listen to any case is, unconditional obedience. 不管是否信服孟章的想法,反正半死君王就是不听的点头称是,无条件的服从。 Then, the half dead king started to turn toward the green dense/woods boundary to hurry. 接下来,半死君王就开始向着绿森境赶去了。 After the grey river boundary collapses, the half dead king who originally sufficiently and Meng Zhang they is a worthy opponent, drops sharply on the strength, no longer has the original cultivation base boundary. 灰河境崩溃之后,原本足以和孟章他们匹敌的半死君王,就实力大跌,不再拥有原本的修为境界。 Really must say, he with general second boundary Heaven Immortal is almost existence of same level. 真要说起来,他就和一般的第二境天仙差不多是同一层次的存在。 After the mountains and rivers boundary forms, he becomes indigenous of mountains and rivers boundary. 在山河境形成之后,他成为了山河境的土著。 The mountains and rivers boundary is very small and weak, the strength of the world is very weak, the Heavenly Dao consciousness is the shadow does not even have, there is no intelligence. 山河境还很弱小,天地之力十分微弱,天道意识更是连影子都没有,也没有什么灵性可言。 The half dead king in the mountains and rivers within the boundaries section, can gain some in addition of strength of mountains and rivers boundary world to hold. 半死君王在山河境内部,可以施法获取山河境天地之力的一些加持。 Although this in addition holds in the Meng Zhang eye insignificant, but can enhance the half dead king strength somewhat. 尽管这种加持在孟章眼里微不足道,可多多少少还是能够提升半死君王实力的。 Just, in the mountains and rivers had not erupted the war, these promotion do not have the opportunity temporarily. 只不过,山河境内一直没有爆发大战,这些提升暂时没有用武之地。 In half dead king these years have not been idling, have been enhancing their strength diligently. 半死君王这些年里面并没有闲着,一直在努力提升自家的实力。 Looked that in the share that he so progresses, Meng Zhang to it has also had some directions. 看在他如此上进的份儿,孟章对其也有过一些指点。 That side Taiyi Sect according to the order of Meng Zhang, gave the treatment of half dead king guest official elder, enabling him to glance through the Taiyi Sect overwhelming majority ancient books. 太乙门那边按照孟章的命令,给予了半死君王客卿长老的待遇,让他可以翻阅太乙门的绝大部分典籍。 The half dead king learned/studied the cultivation world general language and writing long time ago and so on. 半死君王早早就学习了修真界通行的语言和文字之类。 He treats year to year in Taiyi Sect, studies assiduously various ancient books assiduously, deepens regarding the void understanding. 他常年待在太乙门之中,刻苦攻读各类典籍,加深对于虚空的了解。 He still under the direction of Meng Zhang, through referring to the Taiyi Sect practicing ancient book, improves oneself original practicing system. 他还在孟章的指点之下,通过参考太乙门的修行典籍,改进自家原本的修行体系。 In this process, profound scholar vermilion Zhen also rendered him the assistance. 在这个过程之中,大儒朱振也给予了他许多帮助。 Profound scholar vermilion Zhen and hanger-on, in the grey river boundary many years, trained very rich enlightened experience. 大儒朱振及其门下,在灰河境多年,培养出了十分丰富的教化经验。 Teaching all comers without discrimination is not an empty talk. 有教无类不是一句空话。 They can act according to the actual situation to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, with various means training different indigenous. 他们可以根据实际情况因材施教,用各种办法培养情况不同的土著。 The half dead king depends on these things, looks for book park to start slow promotion cultivation base and strength. 半死君王靠着这些东西,找书苑www.zshuyuan.com开始缓慢的提升修为和实力。 In fact, if puts the unknown place the half dead king, battle efficiency that it shows, Meng Zhang and profound scholar vermilion Zhen hanger-on, but also really no one can on. 实际上,如果将半死君王放到未知之地,其展现出来的战斗力,孟章和大儒朱振的门下,还真没有人能够及得上。 The green dense/woods boundary high and low is resisting the burning demon boundary of invasion full power, this independent world is wailing and calling out in grief. 绿森境上下正在全力对抗入侵的燃魔境,就连这个独立天地本身都在哀嚎和悲鸣。 At this time, half dead king, even if must make a move in the green dense/woods boundary, it is estimated that will not be rejected green dense/woods boundary too many suppressions. 这个时候,半死君王就算是要在绿森境出手,估计也不会遭到绿森境本身太多的压制和排斥。 Green dense/woods boundary indigenous, so long as has the reason slightly, not initiative attack half dead king. 绿森境土著只要稍具理智,都不会主动攻击半死君王。 If he can indigenous make contact with the line with the green dense/woods boundary, two resist to burn the demon boundary together, that was the best situation. 如果他能够和绿森境土著搭上线来,两家一起对抗燃魔境,那就是最好的情况了。 The half dead king smoothly entered the green dense/woods boundary. 半死君王顺利的进入了绿森境。 Quite complete green dense/woods boundary, its foreign defense was almost also burnt the demon boundary intruder to destroy completely, above world's outer covering, presented several big gaps. 原本还比较完整的绿森境,其对外的防御几乎被燃魔境入侵者摧毁殆尽,就连天地本身的外壳之上,都出现了好几个大大的缺口。 The green dense/woods boundary of being damaged, has been incapable of restoring these gaps independently. 受创的绿森境本身,已经无力自主修复这些缺口了。 Because the green dense/woods boundary integral force falls seriously, the strength of the world also mainly uses, in the suppression invaded on its internal burning demon boundary intruder, other places, including the seemingly complete world outer covering, in fact have become very frail. 由于绿森境整体力量下跌严重,天地之力也主要用在了压制侵入其内部的燃魔境入侵者身上,就连其他地方,包括看似完好的天地外壳,实际上都已经变得非常脆弱了。 Previous time sneaks that detection squad of green dense/woods boundary secretly, has not destroyed the outer covering of the world forcefully, but depends on Meng Zhang and profound scholar vermilion Zhen in addition holds, infiltrates secretly. 上次偷偷潜入绿森境的那支侦查小队,并没有强行破坏天地的外壳,而是靠着孟章和大儒朱振的加持,偷偷渗透进去的。 The half dead king does not need to submerge covertly. 半死君王不需要偷偷摸摸的潜入进去。 In order to indicate position and attitude, he is in a gap that burns the demon boundary intruder to open rushes directly from. 为了表明立场和态度,他是直接从一处燃魔境入侵者打开的缺口之中闯进去的。 His all alone, fierce broke in burnt the demon boundary intruder to gather in the army of that gap, killed to put on army formation of enemy, entered the gap, then killed to disperse that side guardian, then hurried to toward the agglomerations of green dense/woods boundary surplus powerhouse. 他孤身一人,勇猛的冲入了燃魔境入侵者聚集在那处缺口的大军之中,杀穿敌军的军阵,进入缺口,然后杀散了那边的守卫者,然后向着绿森境剩余强者的聚集地赶去。
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