SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3807: Entry

Meng Zhang related with keen sorrow formidably to just front Immortal Venerable, constantly emphasized the importance of mountains and rivers boundary. 孟章向刚锋仙尊痛陈利害,不断强调山河境的重要性。 Actually, even if no stressing of Meng Zhang, just front Immortal Venerable of extremely rich strategic point, still has noticed the crucial role of mountains and rivers boundary. 其实,就算没有孟章的强调,极富战略眼光的刚锋仙尊,也早就注意到了山河境的关键作用。 Just although front Immortal Venerable was that courageous Sword Cultivator, may resist the powerful enemy, particularly during large-scale fight time, did not like the sword walking the slant, but is willing to attack steady to bind steadily, opposed the enemy by the majestic potential. 刚锋仙尊虽然是那种勇往直前的剑修,可对抗强敌,尤其是大型战斗之中的时候,并不喜欢剑走偏锋,而是更愿意稳打稳扎,以堂皇之势对敌。 According to him planned, he will gather all cultivator, fortifies at every step, step by step toward unknown horizontal pushes. 按照他原本的计划,他会汇聚各方修士,步步为营,一步一步的向着未知之地平推过去。 And a principal measure, he will choose under the elite cultivator arrange/cloth great formation, inspires the void internal strength, the strength of suppressed unknown place bit by bit, compression its space bit by bit...... 其中一个主要做法,他会挑选精锐修士布下大阵,引动虚空内部的力量,一点一点的压制未知之地的力量,一点一点的压缩其空间…… In this process, the indigenous life and even counter-attack of chaos demon that will definitely encounter the unknown place. 在这个过程之中,肯定会遭到未知之地的土著生灵乃至混沌魔物的反扑。 When the time comes, just front Immortal Venerable led subordinate cultivator to wait at ease for an exhausted enemy, attacks fiercely the enemy side...... 到时候,刚锋仙尊率领麾下修士以逸待劳,痛击敌方…… Naturally, although he has the approximate plan, but he is not that brain ossifies and does not know the generation of adjustment absolutely. 当然,他虽然早就有了大致的计划,可他绝对不是那种大脑僵化、不知变通之辈。 He will act according to the actual situation unceasingly readjustment plan, rather than machinery inflexible carries out.. 他会根据实际情况不断调整计划,而不是机械死板的去执行。。 Has stood erect in the mountains and rivers boundary of unknown place, is not only an important pivot, can the morale of big inspiration one's own side. 一直屹立在未知之地的山河境,不仅仅是一个重要的支点,更可以大大的鼓舞己方的士气。 Front Immortal Venerable is just willing to spend the enormous strength, preserved the mountains and rivers boundary not to lose. 刚锋仙尊愿意花费极大的力气,保住山河境不失。 Meng Zhang out of the personal feeling, volunteered for military service to just front Immortal Venerable on own initiative, the request leads a small team to advance, enters the unknown place support mountains and rivers boundary. 孟章出于个人感情,向刚锋仙尊主动请缨,要求率领一支小队伍先行出发,进入未知之地支援山河境。 Was not implicated by the army, Meng Zhang their movements will be very rapid, can arrive at the mountains and rivers boundary mostly promptly, preserves the mountains and rivers boundary not to lose. 不被大军拖累,孟章他们的动作会很迅速,多半能够及时到达山河境,保住山河境不失。 Even if Meng Zhang did not mention on own initiative, front Immortal Venerable will just support the mountains and rivers boundary full power. 就算孟章不主动提起,刚锋仙尊都会全力支援山河境。 Now Meng Zhang joins voluntarily, was just right for his thoughts. 现在孟章主动请缨,正合了他的心思。 He as the direction of this action, has carefully understood the situations of subordinate aspects. 他作为这次行动的指挥,对于麾下各方面的情况早就仔细了解过。 He knew previously that side Taiyi World to set out a cultivator team to come the reinforcement. 他知道先前太乙界那边就出动了一支修士队伍过来增援。 In the armies contained endless the alliance and other influence of high rank cultivator, the battle efficiency is truly good. 大军之中包含了无尽联盟等势力的高阶修士,战斗力确实不错。 This cultivator team arrives at the mountains and rivers boundary long time ago, assistance profound scholar vermilion Zhen they defends. 这支修士队伍早早就到达山河境,协助大儒朱振他们进行防守。 What Meng Zhang their coming is a small team. 孟章他们这次过来的是一支小队伍。 This small team population are not many, the individual battle efficiency is very strong. 这支小队伍人数不多,個体战斗力却很强。 Considering the Meng Zhang passing score, just front Immortal Venerable trusted them. 考虑到孟章的过往战绩,刚锋仙尊对他们还是非常信任的。 As for when Hengling star district, Taiyi World cultivator and close exchange between theory sword porch cultivator, was instead not treated as a matter by him. 至于在横岭星区的时候,太乙界修士和论剑轩修士之间的密切交流,反而不被他当做一回事。 Just front Immortal Venerable made the decision quickly, making Meng Zhang their teams advance to reinforce the mountains and rivers boundary. 刚锋仙尊很快就做出了决定,让孟章他们这支队伍先行过去增援山河境。 He carried out the original plan except for the director army, started to conduct the draw to push to the unknown place beside, will look that the situation organized again to the reinforcement of mountains and rivers boundary. 他除了指挥大军执行原计划,开始对未知之地进行平推之外,也会看情况再次组织对山河境的增援。 Meng Zhang this time saw just the front Immortal Venerable goal, easily achieved, making him increase to just the front Immortal Venerable favorable impression. 孟章这次过来见刚锋仙尊的目的,就这么轻易达成了,让他对刚锋仙尊好感大增。 In fact, he has not sent out directly, besides respect just front Immortal Venerable, is the hope following can many reinforcement. 实际上,他之所以没有直接出动,除了尊重刚锋仙尊之外,也是希望后续能够得到更多的增援。 The matter cannot be delayed, he called the companion quickly, together. 事不宜迟,他很快就叫上同伴,一起出发了。 Is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable and feather to live Immortal Venerable and other old friends to compare to trust Meng Zhang, has not said anything. 绝尘仙尊、羽生仙尊等老朋友都比较信任孟章,没有多说什么。 The Confucians revered Sima Wuwei to hesitate slightly, following went into action. 儒尊司马无为稍微犹豫了一下,也跟着行动起来。 By the strengths of their team, so long as does not encounter the Golden Immortal rank chaos Demon God, should sufficiently in the unknown place wanderer. 以他们这支队伍的实力,只要不遭遇金仙级别的混沌魔神,应该足以在未知之地闯荡。 What is more important, Meng Zhang knows very well the unknown place the situation, has had at the successful experience that the unknown place performs good deeds, should not lead everyone to enter must die the boundary. 更为重要的是,孟章熟知未知之地的情况,有过在未知之地建功立业的成功经验,应该不会带着大家进入必死之境。 Shortly after the chaos tide just emerged, invades the chaos strength of unknown place to be limited. 混沌潮汐刚刚兴起不久,入侵未知之地的混沌力量有限。 Generally speaking, at this time, chaos Demon God of Golden Immortal rank, but also is unable to enter the unknown place by far. 一般来说,在这个时候,金仙级别的混沌魔神,还远远无法进入未知之地。 Naturally, cultivator from void Golden Immortal rank, is unable easily to enter here similarly. 当然,来自虚空的金仙级别的修士,同样无法轻易进入这里。 The unknown place is the void and chaos strength fierce disputes place, has the enormous suppression and repel to the top powerhouses of both sides. 未知之地是虚空和混沌力量激烈交锋的地方,对双方的顶级强者都有着极大的压制和排斥。 Meng Zhang their teams enter the unknown place, similarly will encounter the repel of certain extent. 孟章他们这支队伍进入未知之地,同样会遭到一定程度的排斥。 In the chaos is the extreme disorder, inside situation is almost changing every time. 混沌之中是极端的无序,里面的情况几乎是每时每刻都在发生变化。 The unknown place was been extremely deep by the chaos influence, although inside changing situation was inferior that in the chaos is so intense, but is changing similarly frequently. 未知之地受混沌的影响极深,里面的情况变化虽然不如混沌中那么激烈,可同样在经常发生变化。 In Meng Zhang their teams, besides is several Immortal Venerable of head, Heaven Immortal of almost ten second boundaries. 孟章他们这支队伍之中,除了为首的几名仙尊之外,还有差不多十名第二境的天仙 These Heaven Immortal are several Immortal Venerable later generations, this time enters the war as accompanying of Immortal Venerable together. 这些天仙都是几名仙尊的后辈,这次作为仙尊们的随从一同参战。 Such a high-end team, puts void, put down most practicing influences sufficiently. 这样一支高端的队伍,放到虚空内部,足以扫平大部分修行势力了。 Puts the unknown place, ran amuck sufficiently a side. 放到未知之地,也足以横行一方了。 This team entered the unknown place quickly. 这支队伍很快就进入了未知之地。 Entered the unknown place, Meng Zhang induces the huge change. 一进入未知之地,孟章就感应到了巨大的变化。 The environment of unknown place compared with his last leaving time, many aspects changed. 未知之地的环境比起他上次离开的时候,许多方面都发生了巨变。 Had been familiar with and him of custom unknown place environment, requires time to adapt again. 原本已经熟悉和习惯未知之地环境的他,需要一点时间来再次适应。 Originally, the environment of unknown place, although also often changes, looking for book park www.zhaoshuyuacom, but the change cannot be so frequent and be so huge. 本来,未知之地的环境虽然也不时发生变化,找书苑www.zhaoshuyuacom可是变化不会这么频繁、这么巨大。 But as a result of the influence of chaos tide, the chaos strength attacks on a large scale, intensified the change of unknown place. 可是由于混沌潮汐的影响,混沌力量大举侵袭,才加剧了未知之地的变化。 Is good has the quite rich experience because of Meng Zhang, can the fast custom and adapts to these changes, extremely will not affect the display of battle efficiency. 好在孟章有着比较丰富的经验,可以快速的习惯和适应这些变化,不会太过影响战斗力的发挥。 Others in team, obtained his direction, starts the environment of fast adaptation unknown place. 队伍中的其他人,都得到了他的指点,开始快速的适应未知之地的环境。 The Confucians revere Sima Wuwei compare the direction and actual situation of Meng Zhang, the big feeling is satisfactory, thought that this and Meng Zhang acts together, is correct choice that make. 儒尊司马无为将孟章的指点和实际情况进行对比,大感满意,觉得这次和孟章一起行动,是自己做出的正确选择。 Without the direction of Meng Zhang, they definitely can also gradually adapt to the circumstances of unknown place, but in the process will encounter some difficulties unavoidably, delays a lot of time. 如果没有孟章的指点,他们肯定也能慢慢适应未知之地的环境,可是过程中难免会遭遇一些困难,耽搁不少的时间。 The experience of Meng Zhang , helping very be big everyone. 孟章的经验,对大家帮助都很大。 Has Meng Zhang to take the lead, everyone can locate quickly and rapid traverse under the special condition of unknown place. 有着孟章领头,大家很快就能在未知之地的特殊环境之下定位和快速移动。 Meng Zhang has not circled, leads everyone to turn toward the position of mountains and rivers boundary to hurry to directly. 孟章没有兜圈子,直接带着大家就向着山河境的方位赶去。 The unknown place interior situation is changeable, the mountains and rivers boundary has also been moving, has not fixed in some place. 未知之地内部情况多变,山河境也是一直在移动,并没有固定在某个地方。 Especially under the big background of chaos invasion, the evolution of mountains and rivers boundary is possibly more frequent. 尤其是在混沌入侵的大背景之下,山河境的位置变换可能更为频繁。 The special condition of unknown place, enormously the investigation class magic arts that affects everyone to use. 未知之地的特殊环境,极大的影响了大家施展的探查类法术。 Meng Zhang is one of the mountains and rivers boundary shapers, is special with the mountains and rivers boundary relations, can therefore induce to existence of mountains and rivers boundary faintly. 孟章是山河境的塑造者之一,和山河境关系特殊,所以能够一直隐隐感应到山河境的存在。 No matter how the position of mountains and rivers boundary transforms, he can continue conducts the accurate localization. 不管山河境的位置如何变换,他都能持续的进行准确的定位。 Has him, in the front shows the way, everyone can go forward fast, will not delay the too much time on the road. 有着他在前方领路,大家才能快速前进,才不会在路上耽搁太多的时间。 Although before entering the unknown place, had expected to various situations, is the momentous change of unknown place, various situations become even more bad, still made him feel a little surprised. 尽管进入未知之地之前,就对各种情况有所预料,可是未知之地的巨大变化,各种情况变得越发恶劣,仍然让他感到有点惊讶。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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