SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3806: Arrival

Although Meng Zhang does not know whether Sky Pantheon is occupying nearby star district to have similar arrangement spirit, in order to may stem from is discrete, he leaves the negative space place from occupy star district to be very far spirit. 孟章虽然不知道天神殿是否在灵居星区附近有类似的布置,可出于谨慎起见,他离开反空间的地方距离灵居星区很远。 In this position, even if there is a space to fluctuate to spread, the spirit occupies star district nearby powerhouse still should not to induce. 在这个位置,就算有空间波动传出,灵居星区附近的强者也应该感应不到。 Naturally, he must rush now occupies star district spirit, has to flying bit by bit pass. 当然,他现在要赶往灵居星区,就不得不一点一点的飞过去了。 In order to go into hiding figure, he flies the move that makes to small as far as possible, displaying of many escaping technique was restricted. 为了隐匿身形,他飞行弄出的动静必须尽可能的小,不少遁术的施展都受到了限制。 Meng Zhang in synchronizes the information after Tai Miao, but also related Taiyi World one time. 孟章在和太妙同步完信息之后,还联系了太乙界一次。 Taiyi World on the road, from is occupying star district also to have the long journey spirit. 太乙界正在路上,距离灵居星区还有漫长的路途。 The spirit occupies star district that side aspect to be seemingly critical, but has not arrived at thoroughly racing Kui time. 灵居星区那边的局面看似危急,可还没有到彻底奔溃的时候。 Meng Zhang does not need to worry completely. 孟章完全不用着急。 Naturally, even received many limits, but must hide the whereabouts, the Meng Zhang flying speed was still quick. 当然,即便是受到了许多限制,还要隐藏行迹,孟章的飞行速度仍然很快。 He recognized in void occupied the star district direction spirit, fast by the past. 他在虚空之中认准了灵居星区的方向,就快速的靠过去了。 After a long journey, he arrived finally occupied outside star district spirit not the far place. 一番漫长的旅途之后,他终于来到了灵居星区外面不远的地方。 In void, a huge fleet stands erect proudly. 在虚空之中,一支庞大的舰队傲然矗立。 Meng Zhang and Sky Pantheon have had to do, saw this came from the Sky Pantheon fleet. 孟章天神殿打过交道,一眼就看出了这是来自天神殿的舰队。 In fleet the construction and marking of void battleship, is the Shintoism/Divine Dao cultivator in fleet, very obvious. 无论是舰队之中虚空战舰的形制和标识,还是舰队之中的神道修行者,都十分的明显。 He does not have extremely to approach, but in distant place simple scanned secretly. 他没有太过靠近,只是在远处简单的偷偷扫描了一下。 This fleet is powerful, inside has many deities to assume personal command. 这支舰队实力强大,里面有着不少天神坐镇。 But, most powerhouse in fleet, but is deity intermediate cultivation base, will not become anything to threaten to other party by far. 可是,舰队之中的最强者,不过是天神中期的修为,远远不会对他造成什么威胁。 He carefully observed around one, besides this fleet, did not have other to exist. 他仔细的观察了一下周围,除了这支舰队之外,就没有别的存在了。 Is it possible that Sky Pantheon really not in view of oneself, but does pure coping occupy star district spirit? 莫非,天神殿真的没有针对自己,只是单纯的对付灵居星区 Meng Zhang shakes the head, is not willing to believe that greatly the matter so will be simple. 孟章摇了摇头,还是不大愿意相信事情会这么简单。 He hidden the figure , to continue to go forward, quick enters occupies star district spirit. 他隐藏身形,继续前进,很快就进入灵居星区内部。 In occupies star district spirit, two independent macrocosms, are the places that Spirit Clan dwelling and multiplies to live. 在灵居星区内部,有两个独立的大世界,是灵族们栖息和繁衍生息的地方。 The spirit occupies star district Spirit Clan to have the complete inheritance, has four big branch veins, is butterfly chrysalis lineage/vein, non- fish lineage/vein and heart photo lineage/vein and sits in meditation and become unaware of this world lineage/vein respectively. 灵居星区灵族有着完整的传承,有着四大支脉,分别是蝶蛹一脉、非鱼一脉、心照一脉和坐忘一脉。 And, butterfly chrysalis lineage/vein, because the butterfly Youshan lord leaves, the inheritance has problems, did not have the powerhouse of Heaven Immortal rank. 其中,蝶蛹一脉由于蝶游山主出走,传承出了问题,一直没有天仙级别的强者。 But another three big branch veins, have had the powerhouse of Heaven Immortal rank to assume personal command. 而另外三大支脉,一直都有天仙级别的强者坐镇。 After Meng Zhang brought back to butterfly Youshan Lord relic, butterfly chrysalis lineage/vein presented the powerhouse of new Heaven Immortal rank in the a few years ago finally- butterfly lengthens old and colorful butterfly elder. 孟章带回了蝶游山主的遗宝之后,蝶蛹一脉在前些年终于出现了新的天仙级别的强者-蝶变长老和彩蝶长老。 As for another three big branch veins, has the powerhouse of new Heaven Immortal rank to appear one after another. 至于另外三大支脉,也陆陆续续有新的天仙级别的强者出现。 The heart according to a burning heart scholar of lineage/vein, a fish Le ancestor of non- fish lineage/vein, the unconventional recluse who sits in meditation and become unaware of this world lineage/vein, previously occupies the established powerhouse in star district Spirit Clan spirit, has cultivation base of Heaven Immortal first boundary rank. 心照一脉的焚心居士,非鱼一脉的鱼乐老祖,还有坐忘一脉的忘形山人,此前都是灵居星区灵族中的老牌强者,有着天仙第一境级别的修为 Their previous and Meng Zhang digested Zixiao Yuan stone together, but also has had many exchanges with Meng Zhang in the practicing aspect. 他们上次和孟章一起消化了紫霄元石,还和孟章在修行方面有过不少交流。 They benefit, cultivation base has progressive greatly. 他们从中获益匪浅,修为大有进步。 But as a result of some Spirit Clan inborn shackles, some practicing system also issues, in these three people, only has a mind according to a burning heart scholar successfully promotion of lineage/vein probably is the powerhouse of Heaven Immortal second boundary. 可是由于灵族天生的一些桎梏,修行体系方面好像也有一些问题,这三人之中,只有心照一脉的焚心居士成功晋升为天仙第二境的强者。 The unconventional recluse of fish Le ancestor and unconventional lineage/vein of non- fish lineage/vein is away from the promotion, throughout missed a point. 非鱼一脉的鱼乐老祖和忘形一脉的忘形山人距离晋升,始终差了一点。 The spirit occupies star district Spirit Clan, since previous help obtained Meng Zhang, after solving the crisis from insect clan, these years seemed like the luck to improve, took the path of rapid growth. 灵居星区灵族,自从上次得到孟章的帮助,解决了来自虫族的危机之后,这些年似乎运气变好了许多,走上了快速发展的道路。 Four big branch veins are each generation produces talented people, various powerhouses of level constantly emerge. 四大支脉都是人才辈出,各层次的强者不断涌现。 Especially burns the heart scholar and the cultivation base big progress of fish Le ancestor and unconventional recluse, promoted to occupy the star district top strength enormously spirit. 尤其是焚心居士、鱼乐老祖和忘形山人的修为大大进步,极大的提升了灵居星区的顶级战力。 Does not know that receives the stimulation that the previous insect clan invades, the Spirit Clan high level thinks of danger in peace, has had the sense of crisis very much. 不知道是不是受到上次虫族入侵的刺激,灵族高层居安思危,一直很有危机感。 The spirit occupies star district to be very remote in the position, unusual hiding, but is not and outside world isolates after all completely. 灵居星区所在位置十分偏僻,也非常的隐蔽,可毕竟不是和外界完全隔绝。 In these years, the Spirit Clan high-level investigation surrounding situation, discovered some not good symptom. 这些年里面,灵族高层探查周围的情况,发现了一些不好的苗头。 Some practicing influences, seem turning toward occupy the direction expansion that star district is at spirit. 一些修行势力,似乎在向着灵居星区所在的方向扩张。 If their expansion steering-invariance, without were prevented, how long they could not want, will discover that occupied existence of star district spirit. 如果他们的扩张方向不变,没有受到阻止,他们要不了多久,就会发现灵居星区的存在。 The one who lets the Spirit Clan high-level worry is, Sky Pantheon after occupying cloud mist star district, had not given up to chasing down of Spirit Clan these run away. 更让灵族高层担心的是,天神殿在占据云岚星区之后,一直都没有放弃对这些逃走的灵族的追杀。 Especially Meng Zhang led to the dispute in cloud mist star district initially, destroyed Sky Pantheon to there rule, after grabbing three macrocosms wantonly, runs away Spirit Clan that from cloud mist star district, becomes the Sky Pantheon key suspect, encountered it to trace full power. 尤其是孟章当初在云岚星区引发事端,摧毁了天神殿对那里的统治,大肆劫掠了三个大世界之后,从云岚星区逃走的灵族,成为了天神殿的重点怀疑对象,遭到了其全力追查。 Even if the Sky Pantheon high level knows afterward Meng Zhang is a instigator, still had not given up to chasing down of these Spirit Clan. 即便是天神殿高层后来知道了孟章才是始作俑者,仍然没有放弃对那些灵族的追杀。 After all, these Spirit Clan fled cloud mist star district initially time, but carried off many treasures. 毕竟,那些灵族当初逃离云岚星区的时候,可是带走了不少的宝物。 Even Spirit Clan, particularly high rank Spirit Clan, is in itself the precious treasure. 甚至灵族本身,尤其是高阶灵族,本身就是珍贵的宝物。 The Sky Pantheon influence is huge, traces after many years, has some harvests. 天神殿势力庞大,经过多年追查,已经有了一些收获。 These Spirit Clan ran away from cloud mist star district in the past, looks for book park to escape to occupies star district spirit the time, unavoidably will leave some traces. 那些灵族当年从云岚星区逃走,找书苑ww.zhaoshyua.com逃到灵居星区的时候,难免会留下一些痕迹。 Even if the Spirit Clan high level eliminates these traces diligently, moreover these Spirit Clan escape to occupies beside star district spirit, still the disagreement/not with contact, may still being able to achieve vanish by oneself as far as possible thoroughly. 即便灵族高层努力消除这些痕迹,而且这些灵族逃到灵居星区之外,也尽量不和外界接触,可仍然做不到让自家彻底消失。 In a short time ago, the Spirit Clan high-level panic-stricken discovery, the Sky Pantheon detection team, close to seems to be occupying star district unceasingly spirit. 在前不久,灵族高层惊恐的发现,天神殿的侦查队伍,似乎正在不断的靠近灵居星区 Initially Spirit Clan fled from cloud mist star district, many high levels are very unwilling. 当初灵族从云岚星区逃离的时候,许多高层就十分不甘心。 They drift about destitute in void, suffer loss, found the new homeland with great difficulty. 他们在虚空之中颠沛流离,吃尽了苦头,才好不容易找到新的家园。 Must make them give up the homeland running away in front of old personal enemy Sky Pantheon again, they really cannot achieve. 要让他们在老仇人天神殿面前再次放弃家园逃走,他们实在是做不到。 But by their strengths, by far is not the Sky Pantheon opponent. 可是以他们的实力,又远远不是天神殿的对手。 In many Spirit Clan high-level hearts the unceasing pray, the Sky Pantheon detection team is best is misses occupies star district spirit, do not find here. 不少灵族高层心中不断的祈祷,天神殿的侦查队伍最好是错过灵居星区,千万不要找到这里。 After all the void length and breadth, the situation of if you get even the smallest thing wrong you will end up making a loss happened frequently. 毕竟虚空广袤,差之毫厘谬以千里的情况经常发生。 Naturally, more Spirit Clan high levels know, cannot pin the Spirit Clan future on the luck completely. 当然,更多的灵族高层知道,不能将灵族的未来全部寄托在运气上面。 They must complete the worst plan. 他们必须做好最坏的打算。 At the same time, must better hides itself, enhancement one's own side battle efficiency. 一方面,要更好的隐藏自身,增强己方战斗力。 On the other hand, must complete to flee occupies star district spirit, preparation that migrates again. 另外一方面,要做好逃离灵居星区,再次迁移的准备。 The unconventional recluse of fish Le ancestor and unconventional lineage/vein of non- fish lineage/vein, made the sacrifice at this time. 非鱼一脉的鱼乐老祖和忘形一脉的忘形山人,在这个时候做出了牺牲。 They used the Spirit Clan secret technique, respectively and two macrocosms fuses together thoroughly. 他们施展了灵族秘术,各自将自身和两个大世界彻底融为一体。 Their consciousness, become the Heavenly Dao wills of these two macrocosms. 他们的意识,成为了这两个大世界的天道意志。 It can be said that they become two macrocosms directly. 或者可以说,他们直接成为了两个大世界本身。 Their cultivation base entered from this greatly, succeeds to break through the deity intermediate rank. 他们由此修为大进,成功突破到了天神中期的级别。 What is more important, they controlled two macrocosms thoroughly, can better hidden it. 更为重要的是,他们彻底控制了两个大世界,能够更好的将其隐藏起来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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