SMIJ :: Volume #39

#3808: Search

Meng Zhang is pointing at the demon nest in distant place, proposed that destroys completely this demon nest simply conveniently. 孟章指着远处的魔巢,提出干脆顺手灭掉这座魔巢。 First everyone practices acquiring a skill, familiar heavenly demon strength. 一来是大家练练手,熟悉一下天魔的力量。 Secondly also weakens the power and prestige of demonic path. 二来也是杀杀魔道的威风。 No matter dust heavenly demon and chaotic breath heavenly demon are the enemy are friends, he is always demonic path one, goal that naturally also needs to eliminate. 不管灰土天魔和乱息天魔是是敌是友,他始终是魔道一员,自然也是需要消灭的目标。 Demon nest existence, is the harm is more enormous. 魔巢这种存在,更是危害极大。 The people on the scene are so-called correct path cultivator, at least on the surface and demonic path is unable to co-exist. 在场众人都是所谓的正道修士,起码在表面上都和魔道势不两立。 During their long practicing professions, cuts the monster to eliminate the demon the matter they also to do a lot. 在他们漫长的修行生涯之中,斩妖除魔的事情他们也没有少干。 Presents the powerhouses of so many Heaven Immortal ranks, exterminates only demon nest, eliminates heavenly demon that carries the severe wound, is not the difficult matter. 在场这么多天仙级别的强者,剿灭区区一座魔巢,消灭一尊身负重伤的天魔,并不是什么难事。 It is estimated that does not need everyone to offer many strengths, perhaps your fist and my foot, can eliminate the goal. 估计都不用大家出多少力气,你一拳、我一脚,说不定就能消灭目标了。 Regarding the matter of this benefit to others at little cost to oneself, everyone has no opinion. 对于这种惠而不费的事情,大家都没有什么意见。 Therefore, Meng Zhang led killing that everyone is threatening to approach that demon nest. 于是,孟章领着大家气势汹汹的杀向了那座魔巢。 The dust heavenly demon vigilance is always very high. 灰土天魔的警惕性一向很高。 The team that after three Heaven Immortal and three Bodhisattvas compose enters four corner/horn star district, he has paid attention to their trends strictly. 在三位天仙和三位菩萨组成的队伍进入四角星区之后,他就一直严密关注他们的动向。 He helped thousand blade Son of Heaven they cope with chaotic breath heavenly demon. 他曾经帮助千刃天王他们对付过乱息天魔 But he naive believing, he will therefore not become the friend with them absolutely. 可他绝对不会天真的认为,他会因此和他们成为朋友。 Saw with own eyes that Meng Zhang they come to being bewitched nest, dust heavenly demon gave up the demon nest decisively, ran away solitarily. 眼见孟章他们向着魔巢过来,灰土天魔非常果断的放弃了魔巢,只身逃走了。 Saw with own eyes that dust day demonize makes the escaping light to vanish together, Meng Zhang they pursue it less. 眼见灰土天魔化作一道遁光消失,孟章他们追之不及。 Even if in the demon nest does not have heavenly demon, after some time, should still breed demon to come automatically. 魔巢之中就算没有天魔,经过一段时间之后,也会自动孕育出魔物来。 Meng Zhang they cannot catch up with dust heavenly demon, advances the destruction demon nest. 孟章他们追不上灰土天魔,就先行毁灭魔巢。 Meng Zhang intends to reveal the strength, emitted the Yin-Yang two air/Qi directly. 孟章有意显露战力,直接放出了阴阳二气。 Yin-Yang two air/Qi enormous and powerful falling, were occupied by entire demon nest Baoguo directly. 阴阳二气浩浩荡荡的落下,直接将整个魔巢包裹住了。 Generally speaking, even the powerhouse of Heaven Immortal rank, to destroy the demon nest, is long-distance acts, uses the Divine Ability magic arts to shell, avoids itself contacting the aura of demon nest as far as possible. 一般来说,就算是天仙级别的强者,要想毁灭魔巢,都是远程出手,施展神通法术进行轰击,尽量避免自家接触到魔巢的气息。 The Yin-Yang two air/Qi are the same like a giant grinding pan, the fast rotation, without the expenditure too much time, ground the entire demon nest thoroughly. 阴阳二气如同一个巨大的磨盘一样,快速的转动,没有花费太多时间,就将整个魔巢彻底磨碎了。 After grinding the demon nest is changed to the motley vitality, was absorbed by the Yin-Yang two air/Qi. 磨碎后的魔巢被转化为斑驳的元气,然后被阴阳二气所吸收。 At first, everyone also thought Meng Zhang as new promote Heaven Immortal, does not have any experience. 最初,大家还以为孟章作为新晋天仙,没有什么经验。 He emits the Yin-Yang two air/Qi destruction demon nests rashly, will unable to do well by the demon air/Qi contamination. 他贸然放出阴阳二气毁灭魔巢,搞不好会被魔气沾染。 Saw with own eyes that Meng Zhang solved the demon nest attractively, changed to the nutrient of Yin-Yang two air/Qi it, oneself do not puzzle for the demon air/Qi, the people raised again to his appraisal. 眼见孟章漂亮的解决了魔巢,将其化作了阴阳二气的养分,自身一点都不为魔气所困扰,众人再次调高了对他的评价。 When everyone has not delayed demon nest here, completely solved this future trouble. 大家没有在魔巢这里耽搁什么时间,就彻底解决了这个后患。 Then, Meng Zhang leads everyone to step looks for the chaotic breath heavenly demon whereabouts the journey. 接下来,孟章带着大家踏上寻找乱息天魔下落的路途。 They prepare first to search along four corner/horn star district peripheral zone, then extending slowly, expanded hunting zone bit by bit. 他们准备先沿着四角星区边缘地带进行搜索,然后慢慢的延伸,一点一点的扩大搜索范围。 The powerhouses of so many Heaven Immortal ranks start the rug -type search, hides the method unable to play the role. 这么多天仙级别的强者展开地毯式的搜索,许多藏匿手段都无法发挥作用。 Thousand blade Son of Heaven and Moon God they have had and experience of chaotic breath heavenly demon war, to its has certain understanding. 千刃天王和月神他们有过和乱息天魔大战的经验,对其有着一定的了解。 Chaotic breath heavenly demon this type of aura is likely domineering and tyrannical, the conduct crude arbitrary generation, extremely will not excel at the concealment whereabouts generally. 像乱息天魔这种气息强横霸道,行事粗暴蛮横之辈,一般都不会太过擅长隐匿行迹。 According to everyone front search, only if that type excels at the Heaven Immortal rank powerhouse in concealment whereabouts specially, otherwise is hard to evade their searches. 按照大家面前的搜索情况来看,除非是那种特别擅长于隐匿行迹的天仙级别强者,否则是难以躲过他们的搜索的。 Meng Zhang pledges to solve the problem in six months. 孟章承诺会在半年之内解决问题。 The people give him so many time, does not need to worry completely. 众人就给他这么多时间,完全不用着急。 The time arrived in any case, whether or not found chaotic breath heavenly demon, the big Bodhisattvas they will not continue to accompany. 反正时间到了,不管是否找到乱息天魔,大余菩萨他们都不会继续奉陪。 Since Meng Zhang dares to propose that such time point(s), is naturally also having confidence. 孟章既然敢于提出这么一个时间点,自然也是有着把握的。 He just promoted Heaven Immortal to succeed, leaves the place of closing up, fights with Ding Lake Heaven Immortal. 他刚刚晋升天仙成功,就离开闭关之地,和鼎湖天仙交手。 Before promoting Heaven Immortal, he and Tai Miao collaborates, has the strength of being close to the Heaven Immortal rank, with the powerhouse direct engagement of Heaven Immortal rank. 在晋升天仙之前,他和太妙联手,就有接近天仙级别的力量,和天仙级别的强者正面交战过。 He has been familiar with the strength of Heaven Immortal rank. 他早就已经熟悉了天仙级别的力量。 In the combat process, he adapted to the brand-new cultivation base boundary quickly, slowly shows the proper skill. 在战斗过程之中,他很快就适应了全新的修为境界,慢慢的展现出应有的本事来。 Besides being used in fight secret technique Divine Ability, he also grasped many auxiliary classes secret technique Divine Ability. 除了用于战斗的秘术神通之外,他还掌握了许多辅助类的秘术神通 After promoting Heaven Immortal, these secret technique Divine Ability also changed. 在晋升天仙之后,这些秘术神通也发生了巨变。 Fights from the conclusion now, he has been inspecting and experimented these secret technique Divine Ability secretly, adapted to the brand-new change. 从结束战斗到现在,他一直在偷偷检查和试验这些秘术神通,适应全新的变化。 Meng Zhang is a secret immortal master, is skilled in the technique of secret calculation. 孟章是一名天机仙师,精通天机推算之术。 The goal level that he can calculate, is closely linked with own cultivation base. 他能够推算的目标层次,和自家的修为息息相关。 After he promotes the Heaven Immortal boundary, can conduct the secret to calculate with the normal method, calculates and powerhouse of the same class, but does not need to pay the too big price. 他晋升天仙境界之后,可以用正常的手段进行天机推算,推算和自己同级别的强者,而不用付出太大的代价。 According to Meng Zhang own estimate , he if using the secret technique to calculate that chaotic breath heavenly demon whereabouts, the successful possibility is very big, moreover price who pay can withstand completely. 按照孟章自己的估计,他如果施展天机术推算乱息天魔的下落,成功的可能性很大,而且付出的代价自己完全承受得起。 Meng Zhang leads everyone to search together, to conceal the status of secret immortal. 孟章带着大家一起搜索,是为了掩饰自己天机仙师的身份。 In this process, he through the leading search operations, affects everyone's course of action. 在这个过程之中,他通过主导搜索行动,影响大家的行动路线。 He prepares to use the secret technique to calculate the chaotic breath heavenly demon whereabouts after a period of time. 他准备过一段时间就施展天机术推算乱息天魔的下落。 When calculated that result, he will lead everyone to rush to its hiding place directly. 等到推算有了结果,他就会带着大家直接奔向其藏身之处。 For does not seem extremely sudden, Meng Zhang decides to accompany everyone to develop to act in a play. Looks for book park 为了不显得太过突然,孟章决定多陪大家演演戏。找书苑 He pledged only to delay here for a half year. 他承诺只在这里耽搁半年。 So long as he found chaotic breath heavenly demon to be OK in six months. 那他只要在半年之内找到乱息天魔就可以了。 Once encircles commencing of action of chaotic breath heavenly demon, even if six months passed, everyone will also stop the fight being inadequate on own initiative. 一旦围剿乱息天魔的战斗开始,就算半年时间过去了,难道大家还会主动停止战斗不成。 In this team many people have a mind to eradicate chaotic breath heavenly demon, they are also make contribution, careful of quite search, does not have any obvious oversight. 这支队伍之中不少人都有心铲除乱息天魔,他们都还算是尽力,搜索的比较细致,没有什么明显的疏漏。 So long as chaotic breath heavenly demon in their hunting zones, should expose. 只要乱息天魔在他们的搜索范围之内,应该就会暴露出来。 Everyone is fruitless after four corner/horn star district peripheral zone search, will start hunting zone extending slowly to void outside four corner/horn star district. 大家在四角星区边缘地带搜索无果之后,开始将搜索范围慢慢的延伸到了四角星区之外的虚空之中。 Time in an instant, time over the past three months. 一转眼的功夫,时间就过去三个多月了。 Meng Zhang felt the play develops was similar, the preparation started to use the secret technique to conduct the calculation. 孟章觉得戏演的差不多了,就准备开始施展天机术进行推算了。 By his current secret technique attainments, even if calculated under glare of the public eye, others cannot see through his method generally. 以他目前的天机术造诣,就算在众目睽睽之下进行推算,旁人一般也看不穿他的手段。 Meng Zhang just started the revolution secret technique, but also without calculated officially, Spiritual Awareness in heart was touched. 孟章刚开始运转天机术,还没有正式进行推算,心中的灵觉就被触动。 He according to the direction of Spiritual Awareness, looked into void one of the distant place looking pensive. 他按照灵觉的指引,若有所思的眺望了远处的虚空一眼。 With his cultivation base boundary promotion, the secret technique unceasingly progresses, his Spiritual Awareness while becoming even more keen, had more wonderful places. 随着他的修为境界提升,天机术不断进步,他的灵觉在变得越发敏锐的同时,也拥有了更多的神妙之处。 Before, generally before is the crisis arrived, or must encounter what chance time, his Spiritual Awareness will warn on own initiative or passive was touched. 以前,一般是危机降临之前,或者要遭遇什么机缘的时候,他的灵觉会主动示警或者被动的被触动。 Now, so long as his heart has thought that tries to know certain things, Spiritual Awareness will give his direction. 现在,只要他心有所思,试图想要知道某些事情,灵觉就会给出他一些指引。 Naturally, the matter level that he wants to know cannot be too high, cannot be extremely secret and complex. 当然,他想要知道的事情层次不能太高,不能太过隐秘和复杂。 Spiritual Awareness gives his direction, is only an approximate direction, generally extremely will not be detailed. 灵觉给与他的指引,也只是一个大致的方向,一般不会太过详细。
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