SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3793: Going home

Although various group of extraterritorial invader armies of this time have not launched the general attack officially, but various preparations have been completed, the probe of small scale and attacks has almost not cut off. 此时的各路域外入侵者大军虽然还没有正式发动全面进攻,可是各种准备已经完成,小规模的试探和突击几乎从来没有断绝过。 In Grand Dust World void, had been blocked strictly, has the extraterritorial invader team to go on patrol anytime back and forth. 钧尘界周围的虚空之中,早就被严密封锁,随时都有域外入侵者的队伍来回巡逻。 cultivator from Grand Dust World, is hard to leave Grand Dust World more and more, goes void. 来自钧尘界修真者,越来越难以离开钧尘界,前往虚空。 If Meng Zhang this returned to Grand Dust World cultivator, must be cautious all the way, the hidden whereabouts, do not dare to have the slight exposition full power. 孟章这等返回钧尘界修真者,一路上都必须小心翼翼,全力隐藏行迹,不敢有丝毫的暴露。 The Meng Zhang not only strength excels, the luck is also good. 孟章不但实力高强,运气也不错。 The line, he has not encountered the True Immortal rank all the way extraterritorial invader. 一路上行来,他并没有遭遇到真仙级别的域外入侵者 The ordinary extraterritorial invader team, he can flexible evading. 普通的域外入侵者队伍,他都能够灵活的避过。 With being close Grand Dust World slowly, Meng Zhang more is pessimistic about the Grand Dust World situation. 随着慢慢的接近钧尘界,孟章钧尘界的局势就越是感到悲观。 In current void, Grand Dust World had lost overwhelming majority initiatives. Is incapable of launching the proactive attack, can only the passive defense. 在目前的虚空之中,钧尘界已经失去了绝大部分主动权。无力发动主动进攻,只能被动防守。 Because extraterritorial invader of True Immortal rank appears and disappears beside Grand Dust World frequently, a Grand Dust World side has to arrange True Immortal to divert. 由于真仙级别的域外入侵者经常在钧尘界之外出没,钧尘界一方不得不安排真仙进行牵制。 A True Immortal strength of Grand Dust World side is really limited, does not get the advantage to extraterritorial invader. 钧尘界一方的真仙战力实在有限,对上域外入侵者根本不占优势。 Three Mountains True Immortal that a extraterritorial invader side most dreads only has one. 域外入侵者一方最为忌惮的三山真仙只有一个。 Three Mountains True Immortal sends out each time, a extraterritorial invader side makes concessions either on own initiative, either sets out many True Immortal rank powerhouses to conduct the entanglement. 每次三山真仙出动的时候,域外入侵者一方要么主动退让,要么出动多位真仙级别强者对其进行纠缠。 The profound old ancestor and three-headed lion and others were too ineffectual, is unable to form the effective coordination with Three Mountains True Immortal. 玄玄老祖和三首狮子等太不得力,无法和三山真仙形成有效的配合。 Only by Three Mountains True Immortal one's effort, is unable completely to break the encirclement ring of enemy, is unable to create huge killing to the enemy. 单靠三山真仙一己之力,既无法彻底打破敌人的包围圈,也无法对敌人造成巨大的杀伤。 Grand Dust World most makes extraterritorial invader dread that besides Three Mountains True Immortal, is Heaven and Earth Certain Kill Formation that in arranges. 钧尘界最让域外入侵者忌惮的,除了三山真仙之外,就是界内布置的天地绝杀阵 Previous Sword Monarch Ban Xue obtained the huge victory with the aid of Heaven and Earth Certain Kill Formation, exposed its might and approximate kill zone. 上次伴雪剑君借助天地绝杀阵取得了巨大的战果,也暴露了其威力和大致杀伤范围。 Before enough assurance, a extraterritorial invader side has not approached Grand Dust World on a large scale, attacks Heaven and Earth Certain Kill Formation. 在没有足够的把握之前,域外入侵者一方并没有大举靠近钧尘界,对天地绝杀阵进行冲击。 Meng Zhang does not know that extraterritorial invader is still waiting for anything. 孟章不知道域外入侵者还在等待什么。 Only he understood the enemy strength that made Grand Dust World find it hard to cope with sufficiently. 单是他了解到的敌人实力,就足以让钧尘界应接不暇了。 A current Grand Dust World side, Three Mountains True Immortal has to lead almost all True Immortal strengths, outside maintains the final defense line. 目前的钧尘界一方,三山真仙不得不率领几乎所有真仙战力,在界外维持最后的防线。 The weakness that in order to offset True Immortal strength quantity insufficient, Grand Dust World overwhelming majority Void Immortal, were recruited nearby Grand Dust World void, coordinates the True Immortal combat. 为了弥补己方真仙战力数量不足的弱点,钧尘界绝大部分虚仙,都被征召到了钧尘界附近虚空,配合己方真仙作战。 cultivator as a result of the great strength of cultivation system, Void Immortal, Void Immortal of Holy Land Sect family background, facing the True Immortal rank powerhouse of enemy, strength of the passivity, cannot cross two moves with the enemy even particularly somewhat. 修真者由于修炼体系的强大,就算是虚仙,尤其是圣地宗门出身的虚仙,面对敌人的真仙级别强者,不会毫无抵抗之力,多多少少能够和敌人过上两招。 When they encounter the True Immortal rank enemy, Three Mountains True Immortal can come generally promptly the reinforcement. 当他们遭遇真仙级别敌人的时候,三山真仙一般都能够及时过来增援。 Naturally, in extraterritorial invader the powerhouse similar quantity of Void Immortal rank are many, moreover arrived around Grand Dust World. 当然,域外入侵者之中虚仙级别的强者同样数量不少,而且先后来到了钧尘界附近。 True Immortal of both sides is primarily at present confronting, the fight of Void Immortal rank sometimes happened, the fight of Return to Emptiness rank has almost never cut off. 双方的真仙目前是以对峙为主,虚仙级别的战斗时有发生,返虚级别的战斗几乎从未断绝过。 Meng Zhang passes through the numerous blockades of extraterritorial invader all the way, quite smoothly entered Grand Dust World outside that matter meteorite belt/bring. 孟章一路上穿过域外入侵者的重重封锁,比较顺利的进入了钧尘界外面的那层陨石带。 This originally as Grand Dust World surrounding final protective line meteorite belt/bring, after relapse crosscut saws of both sides, already damage most. 这条原本作为钧尘界外围最后防线的陨石带,经过双方的反复拉锯,已经损毁大半了。 Especially the powerhouse of True Immortal rank fights, the complementary waves that only fights, can a big piece of big piece of destruction meteorite belt/bring. 尤其是真仙级别的强者交手,单是战斗的余波,就能够一大片一大片的毁灭陨石带。 These like the mainland mountain range same giant meteorite, the powerhouse of True Immortal rank wave, even blows the tone, can make it change into the fragment powder. 那些如同大陆山脉一样的巨大陨石,真仙级别的强者挥挥手,甚至吹口气,就能让其化为齑粉。 This meteorite belt/bring destroyed most probably, the Grand Dust World surrounding seems empty, the field of vision becomes open. 这条陨石带毁灭了大半,钧尘界外围显得空空荡荡的,视野变得开阔许多。 The entire length and breadth is incomparable, can package the entire Grand Dust World giant meteorite belt/bring, now is only left over few not many several to float the spatial mainland, as final defense stand of Grand Dust World in void. 整条广袤无比,可以包裹住整个钧尘界的巨大陨石带,现在只剩下寥寥不多的几座浮空大陆,作为钧尘界在虚空中最后的防御点。 Regarding this final several defense stands, the Grand Dust World aspect attaches great importance. 对于这最后几座防御点,钧尘界方面还是非常重视的。 If lost this final several key defensive positions, that means that a cultivator side lost thoroughly in the void strength, has to flinch again in Grand Dust World. 如果失去了这最后几座防御要点,那意味着修真者一方彻底失去了在虚空的力量,不得不再次退缩回钧尘界之内。 Each key defensive position deployed the powerful defense strength, is guarding of head is not Void Immortal is Exalted Venerate. 每一座防御要点都部署了强大的防御力量,为首的镇守者不是虚仙就是上尊 In fact, the pressure that because extraterritorial invader creates is too big, Grand Dust World reassigned too many strengths to be used in the defense, to had had many influences. 实际上,由于域外入侵者带来的压力太大,钧尘界抽调了太多的力量用于防御,已经对界内造成了许多影响。 And most important one, is high rank strength of major Holy Land Sect for on attacking Capital City Ghost Domain is serious, causing Ghost Domain is not solved. 其中最为重要的一项,就是各大圣地宗门用于攻打上京城鬼域的高阶战力严重不足,导致鬼域迟迟没有被解决。 Some people in major Holy Land Sect, try to relax the relations with other Grand Dust World cultivation influences, is good to cheat one group of cannon fodders to enter the war. 各大圣地宗门中的一些人,试图缓和与钧尘界其它修真势力的关系,好哄骗一堆炮灰过来参战。 But because the major Holy Land Sect previous large-scale cleaning actions, in Grand Dust World the cultivation influence beyond Holy Land Sect system, filled vigilantly. 可是由于各大圣地宗门上次大规模的清扫行动,钧尘界圣地宗门体系之外的修真势力,对其充满了警惕。 Regardless of the major Holy Land Sect how sweet talk, how expressed the good intentions, they will not believe the slightest. 无论各大圣地宗门如何甜言蜜语,如何表达善意,他们都不会相信分毫。 As a result of the influence of previous incident, with Heavenly Palace of major Holy Land Sect brothers, is not always willing to provide the help to them. 由于上次事件的影响,就连一向和各大圣地宗门同气连枝的天宫,都不愿意对他们提供帮助。 Now, major Holy Land Sect, only then depends upon itself and strength of dependency, solves Capital City Ghost Domain problem. Meng Zhang to avoid troubling, bypassed several outside Grand Dust World to float the spatial mainland on own initiative. 现在,各大圣地宗门只有依靠自家及其附庸的力量,去解决上京城鬼域的问题。孟章为了避免麻烦,主动绕过了钧尘界之外的几座浮空大陆。 He arrives at outside Grand Dust World, to avoid misunderstanding, appeared the figure on own initiative. 他来到钧尘界外面,为了避免误会,主动显出了身形来。 This region temporarily also during the control of Grand Dust World cultivator. 这片区域暂时还在钧尘界修真者的掌控之中。 Infiltrates besides some minority extraterritorial invader to here occasionally, here basically compares the security. 除了偶尔有少数域外入侵者渗透到这里之外,这里基本上还是比较安全的。 Meng Zhang appears shortly after the figure, has not continued to go forward, but stays in same place, waits for the inspection of Grand Dust World. 孟章显出身形后不久,就没有继续前进,而是停留在原地,等待钧尘界的检查。 Meng Zhang is very at heart clear, a Grand Dust World side even again is passive, regarding final outer defense line, will maintain the strict monitoring. 孟章心里很清楚,钧尘界一方就算再是被动,对于最后的外围防线,还是会保持严密监控的。 Really, crossed a moment later, Meng Zhang felt that the vast strength has swept from oneself together, as if must completely understand oneself inside and outside. 果然,过了片刻之后,孟章就感觉到一道浩大的力量从自己身上扫过,似乎要将自己里里外外看个透。 Meng Zhang has not revolted, whatever the opposite party inspects. Naturally, his true details, he very good to have hidden. 孟章没有反抗,任由对方检查。当然,他真正的底细,他早就很好的隐藏了起来。 Only from appearing externally aura, Meng Zhang is out-and-out Daoism cultivator. 单从外露的气息上来看,孟章是不折不扣的道门修真者 Meng Zhang in Grand Dust World is also the famous character, moreover holds an office in Heavenly Palace, knew that his person are many. 孟章钧尘界也算是大名鼎鼎的人物,而且还在天宫任职,认识他的人很多。 The powerhouse of True Immortal rank not expenditure strength on Meng Zhang this Return to Emptiness period cultivator, most simple has swept. 真仙级别的强者不会在孟章这种返虚修士身上花费力气,最多就是简单的扫过一下。 Conducts the thorough examination to Meng Zhang truly, is Grand Dust World takes Nine Heavens as the defensive system that the foundation establishes. 真正对孟章进行仔细检查的,是钧尘界九天为根基建立的防御体系。 This set of defensive system mainly grasps in the Heavenly Palace direct descendant cultivator hand. 这套防御体系主要是掌握在天宫嫡系修士手中。 In a while, Meng Zhang received the signal, checkoff, he can return to Grand Dust World. 没过多久,孟章就收到了信号,检查完毕,他可以返回钧尘界了。 Meng Zhang has not burst, but entered Nine Heavens along the commonly used channel. 孟章没有乱闯,而是沿着常用的通道进入了九天 In Nine Heavens, he experienced several relapses to inspect, after confirming had no issue, is thorough passing through. 九天之内,他又经历了几次反复检查,确认没有任何问题之后,才算是彻底的过关。 7017 k 7017k
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