SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3792: Advantage

Ghost Deity Haiying is direct descendant of Red Sea god department, itself has certain influence high level. 鬼神海英是红海神系的嫡系,本身就是拥有一定影响力的高层。 Other high levels refused him to borrow the request of funerary objects, was not does not trust him. 其他高层拒绝了他借用冥器的要求,并非是不信任他。 First everyone underestimated Tai Miao, thought that copes with him not to need to use the funerary objects. 一来是大家低估了太妙,觉得对付他没有必要使用冥器。 Second the funerary objects are precious, cannot easily leave the territory, needs to be used to deter the surrounding enemy. 二来是冥器宝贵,不可轻易离开领地,需要用来震慑周围的敌人。 Now saw with own eyes that a Tai Miao side starts to offer a sacrifice to the funerary objects, the enemy gives full play of power and strength above the battlefield, he thought that for the first time Tai Miao somewhat is as deep as a well, various preparations that oneself pre-war make are insufficient. 现在眼见太妙一方开始祭起冥器,敌军在战场之上大发神威,他第一次觉得太妙有几分高深莫测,自己战前所做的各种准备还是不足。 Obtains hundred to fight the army battle efficiency that colors in addition holds to increase, can definitely achieve to defeat a numerically superior enemy and defeat a superior enemy. 得到百战军旗加持的大军战斗力大增,完全可以做到以少胜多、以弱胜强。 Although the overall strength is far less than to defend the side, is the armies of attack side by the irresistible potential, broke through enemy several defense lines one after another, presses on step by step toward the enemy station, instead had the advantage at the scene. 虽然总体实力远不如防守方,可是进攻方的大军以势不可挡之势,接连突破了敌方几道防线,向着敌军驻地步步紧逼,反而在场面上占据了优势。 Hundred fight colors specifically to be used in the battlefield funerary objects, is powerful, the function are many. 百战军旗这件专门用于战场的冥器,威力巨大,功能不少。 The time that Tai Miao succeeds in obtaining is too short, was unable to familiarize it completely. 太妙到手的时间太短,还没有能够将其完全摸透。 Uses this funerary objects, needs a elite powerful army its sacrifice. 使用这件冥器,需要一支精锐强大的大军将其祭起。 Under Tai Miao this army strength is a little possibly insufficient, the drilling time is too short, moreover uses in the actual combat for the first time, unavoidably will have some problems. 太妙麾下这支大军实力可能有点不足,演练时间太短,而且第一次在实战之中使用,难免会出现一些问题。 In addition Tai Miao also intends to retain, therefore hundred fight the colors not to play the complete might. 加上太妙也有意保留,所以百战军旗并没有发挥出全部威力来。 Even so, it played the tremendous role, almost must turn around the situation. 即便是如此,其都发挥了巨大作用,几乎就要扭转战局了。 Tai Miao is motionless, will stare at his Ghost Deity Haiying not to move heedlessly specially. 太妙不动,专门盯着他的鬼神海英也不会乱动。 He must guard to hide cloud heart the big Bodhisattva in hidden place, must be more careful. 他还要防备躲藏在暗处的云心大菩萨,就必须更加小心了。 To this time, he has not known that cloud Xinda the Bodhisattva had been put to death. 一直到这个时候,他都还不知道云心大菩萨已经被诛杀。 Ghost Deity Haiying still therapy, has not restored to the most flourishing condition. 鬼神海英还在疗伤,还没有恢复到全盛状态。 He alone withstand/top in front, the pressure that faces is very big. 他一个人顶在前面,面临的压力还是很大的。 Under him this allied armies overall strength is very strong, may come from many feudal lords, itself somewhat is chaotic, is very difficult to achieve coordinate without a gap. 他麾下这支联军总体实力很强,可来自多位领主,本身就有些混乱,很难做到配合无间。 Many feudal lords have two hearts, simply has not resisted the meaning of Tai Miao wholeheartedly. 不少领主还心存二心,根本没有全心全意对抗太妙的意思。 Although Ghost Deity Haiying took over control of the command jurisdiction of this allied armies forcefully, but the time is too after all short, does not have enough subordinate to replace the directions at all levels allied armies. 鬼神海英虽然强行接管了这支联军的指挥权,可毕竟时间太短,更没有足够的手下去取代联军的各级指挥。 On many key command positions of various armies, retained the original captain. 在各支大军的许多关键指挥岗位上面,还是保留了原本的指挥者。 Besides branching out the small part sends to the allied armies under, he elite from Red Sea god department, will include the subordinate who the Ghost Deity sea roaming gave him to direct mostly, as centralized as one, formed a mobile squad. 除了分出小部分手下派驻到联军中以外,他将大部分来自红海神系的精锐,包括了鬼神海游交给他指挥的手下,都集中到了一起,组成了一支机动小队。 This mobile squad except for taking the combat enforcing detachment, monitors fellow feudal lords, urging them to battle beside, but can also use in the crucial time, is used to fill the front the gap. 这支机动小队除了作为督战队,监视各位领主,督促他们作战之外,还可以用在关键的时刻,用来填补战线的缺口。 Now the enemy obtains hundred to fight colors in addition to hold, the morale rises sharply, killed crazily. 现在敌军得到百战军旗加持,士气大涨,疯狂的杀了过来。 But the allied armies that reviews one's own side, first received hundred to fight the suppression of colors, the despondency, the battle efficiency fall...... 而反观己方的联军,一来是受到了百战军旗的压制,士气低落,战斗力下跌…… Secondly by the imposing manner of enemy the fear, was lost the courage. 二来被敌军的气势所慑,丧了胆气。 Feudal lords who these turn, after discovering Tai Miao has the funerary objects hundred to fight the colors, many people have started to regret the beforehand choice. 就连那些投靠过来的领主们,在发现太妙拥有冥器百战军旗之后,不少人已经开始后悔之前的选择了。 As the ghostdom feudal lord, they fully realized that the huge prestige energy of funerary objects, at all is not they can resist. 身为冥界领主,他们深知冥器的巨大威能,根本不是他们能够抵挡的。 Saw with own eyes that the armies retreat in defeat again and again, the defense line was broken through unceasingly, Ghost Deity Haiying knows that must find the way to prevent. 眼见己方大军节节败退,防线被不断突破,鬼神海英知道必须想办法加以阻止了。 Looks expression that fellow feudal lords have a big shock, knows that they were not reliable. 看着各位领主大惊失色的表情,知道他们不大靠得住了。 Unavoidablily, Ghost Deity Haiying, only then sent out hand/subordinate that mobile squad. 不得已之下,鬼神海英只有派出手下那支机动小队了。 Meanwhile, he also to Ghost Deity sea roaming that side notification, looked how long he can also get back. 同时,他还向鬼神海游那边通报情况,看他还有多久才能恢复过来。 If he cannot restore to the most flourishing condition, issue that they should start to consider to retreat. 如果他迟迟不能恢复到全盛状态,那他们就应该开始考虑撤退的问题了。 Although he knows that at this time should not disturb the Ghost Deity sea roaming that closes up therapy, but really had no other alternative. 虽然他知道这个时候不应该去打扰正在闭关疗伤的鬼神海游,可实在是别无他法了。 After that mobile squad sends out, prevents the armies to retrocede forcefully, forcing the powerhouses to hold fast at the defense line. 那支机动小队出动之后,强行阻挡己方大军后退,逼迫己方强者必须坚守防线。 They also directly participate in the fight, easily repelled to the front enemy. 他们还直接参与战斗,轻易击退了冲在前方的敌军。 In this mobile squad mostly is Ghost Deity and ghost of deity rank, Ghost Deity and ghost of True God rank are not many. 这支机动小队之中大多是天神级别的鬼神鬼物,真神级别的鬼神鬼物都不多。 They are in develop for many years in the Red Sea gods, has obtained the careful cultivation, has the sufficient cultivating travel expenses grain supplies, various aspects are much stronger than these wild Ghost Deity and ghost. 他们在红海神系之中发展多年,得到过精心栽培,有着充足的修行资粮供给,各方面远比那些野生的鬼神鬼物强得多。 They have fought many battles, the fight experience is very rich. 他们身经百战,战斗经验无比丰富。 Saw with own eyes that the mobile squad sends out, secured the position temporarily, Ghost Deity Haiying relaxed slightly. 眼见机动小队一出动,就暂时稳住了阵脚,鬼神海英稍微松了一口气。 The somewhat flurried feudal lords, are calm under his scolding, and joins the fight. 那些原本已经有几分慌乱的领主们,也在他的呵斥之下镇定下来,并且纷纷加入战斗。 For this war, Tai Miao started to get ready long before, the card in a hand in hand may incessantly. 为了这次大战,太妙很早以前就开始准备,手中的底牌可不止一张。 He one is wielding to the front single-handed, several light balls fell into the enemy camp. 他单手对着前方一挥,数道光球落入了敌方阵营之中。 The points of descent of these light balls, are that mobile squad are at either, either is the place that enemy one group of feudal lords gather. 这几道光球的落点,要么是那支机动小队所在,要么是敌方一帮领主聚集的地方。 That several light balls have not fallen to the ground, explodes suddenly, appeared the forms of several greatly ominous thing. 那几道光球还没有落地,就猛然爆开,显出了几头大凶之物的身影来。 These greatly ominous thing come, was urged by the instinct, plunged Ghost Deity and ghost not far away of crazily. These greatly ominous thing have the strength of deity rank. 这几头大凶之物一现身,受到本能的驱使,就疯狂的扑向了不远处的鬼神鬼物们。这几头大凶之物都有着天神级别的实力。 Strongest two not only have the deity intermediate strength, but also has to shock Ghost Deity, to swallow the ghost ability. 最强的两头不但有着天神中期的实力,而且还有着震慑鬼神、吞噬鬼物的能力。 Tai Miao has not surrendered these greatly ominous thing thoroughly, cannot direct governing cause them. 太妙并没有彻底降服这几头大凶之物,不能直接御使他们。 But this does not hinder him to use them at this time. 可这并不妨碍他此时利用他们。 Facing vicious incomparable big ominous thing, that mobile squad, is these feudal lords, cannot attend to other, immediately makes a move to block these enemies. 面对凶狠无比的大凶之物,无论是那支机动小队,还是那些领主们,都顾不得其他,立即出手挡住这些敌人。 These greatly ominous thing are maneating, see Ghost Deity and ghost, is similar to sees the good food to be the same. 这几头大凶之物凶悍无比,看见鬼神鬼物,就如同看见美食一般。 Does not need Tai Miao to continue to stimulate to movement, they become wild incomparable. 都不用太妙继续催动,他们就变得狂暴无比。 Pitiful yell unceasing resounding, some ghost by living swallowing, some Ghost Deity bit torn to pieces, body incomplete...... 一声声惨叫不断的响起,有的鬼物被活生生的吞噬,有的鬼神被咬的支离破碎,身体残缺…… These feudal lord and Ghost Deity from Red Sea god department, the powerhouse who does not lack the deity rank, in the middle period of deity few. 这些领主和来自红海神系的鬼神之中,不缺天神级别的强者,天神中期的也少。 They really must heart and soul collaboration, calm down the combat, must block these greatly ominous thing should not be difficult. 他们真要全心全意的联手,冷静下来作战,要挡住这几头大凶之物应该不难。 But they meet these greatly ominous thing, feeling that one type runs into the difficult adversary. 可是他们遇到这几头大凶之物,就有一种遇到克星的感觉。 Not only a skill cannot display, but also sends fearful and apprehensive and at heart coldly. 不但一身本事施展不出来,而且还心惊胆战、心里发寒。 Ghost Deity Haiying criticizes a waste, scolded several loudly. 鬼神海英暗骂一声废物,大声呵斥了几句。 In the Ghost Deity mind of this group of Red Sea god departments, his power and influenced acquired over a long period is very deep. 在这帮红海神系的鬼神心目之中,他的积威很深。 They by its shock and awe, slowly calms down. 他们被其震慑,慢慢的冷静下来。 That group of feudal lords are not completely the incompetent people, discovered that avoidance constantly is not the means. 那帮领主也不完全是无能之辈,也发现一味的躲避不是办法。 When they hold one's ground, after starting to counter-attack, depends the population advantage, in turn several greatly ominous thing suppressions. 当他们重新稳住阵脚,开始反击之后,仗着人数优势,反过来将几头大凶之物压制住了。 Naturally, as the matter stands, their so many powerhouses, was diverted temporarily. 当然,这样一来,他们这么多强者,也被暂时牵制住了。 Among them war, confused the formation of defensive side, caused a big confusion. 他们之间的大战,也搅乱了防守方的阵型,造成了不小的混乱。
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