SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3791: Counter-attacking

Chapter 1951 counter-attacks 第1951章反攻 Cuts to kill these powerhouses thoroughly, can dramatically improve the contrast of enemy and ourselves strength, changes the enemy and ourselves situation powerfully, eliminates many future troubles. 彻底斩杀这几名强者,可以大大改善敌我力量的对比,有力的扭转敌我形势,消除许多的后患。 But must to affect Sword Monarch Ban Xue the road of becoming an immortal to take the price, she is not willing. 可是要以影响伴雪剑君的登仙之路作为代价,她是万万不肯的。 As different kind of tool spirit family background, she has many convenience in the practicing aspect, is in the achievement Immortal Dao midway, will encounter the extra difficulty. 作为一名器灵出身的异类,她在修行方面有着许多便利,可是在成就仙道的中途,也会遭遇许多额外的困难。 She leaves Spirit Space Immortal Realm, goes into Grand Dust World such remote place, is Leader Heavenly Palace, that is because of some people of high skill predictions, this is helpful to her road of becoming an immortal. 她之所以离开灵空仙界,跑到钧尘界这样的穷乡僻壤,担任天宫大统领,那是因为有高人预言,这有助于她的登仙之路。 Sword Monarch Ban Xue waited for so many years in Grand Dust World, appears for the opportunity that the waiting becomes an immortal. 伴雪剑君钧尘界等待了这么多年,就是为了等待登仙的机会出现。 She wields Heavenly Palace, adhering faithfully protection Grand Dust World, resists various group of extraterritorial invader, to defend this opportunity. 她执掌天宫,恪尽职守的守护钧尘界,对抗各路域外入侵者,就是为了守住这个机会。 But wants her to go to and extraterritorial invader dies to knock, will therefore affect in the future the become an Immortal and obtain Dao foundation, even if she will be unprecedented Sword Cultivator, she is not willing to do that. 可是要她去和域外入侵者死磕,因此影响到日后成仙得道的根基,即便她是一名一往无前的剑修,她也是万万不愿意这么做的。 After three powerful enemies of running away will restore in the future, will definitely bring many troubles to Grand Dust World. Perhaps, will have innumerable cultivator dead in their hands. 逃走的三名强敌日后恢复之后,肯定会给钧尘界带来不少的麻烦。说不定,会有无数的修真者死在他们手里。 But, all these do not have the road of Sword Monarch Ban Xue becoming an immortal to be important what's the big deal. 可那又如何,这一切都没有伴雪剑君登仙之路重要。 Heavenly Palace is also good, the big manager is also good, in front of the road of becoming an immortal, is the floating clouds. 天宫也好,大总管也好,在登仙之路面前,都是浮云。 Once achievement Immortal Dao, breaks through to the True Immortal boundary, Sword Monarch Ban Xue has enough assurance, can cut to kill these three powerful enemies. 一旦成就仙道,突破到真仙的境界,伴雪剑君有足够的把握,可以将这三名强敌斩杀。 Today calculates that their luck is good, keeps their life temporarily. 今日算他们运气不错,就暂时留他们一命吧。 Sword Monarch Ban Xue has not gone to manage three running away enemies again, but started to shift the attention. 伴雪剑君没有再去管三名逃走的敌人,而是开始转移注意力了。 After the sword air/Qi accomplishment, Heaven and Earth Certain Kill Formation in Grand Dust World stopped the attack. 在剑气建功之后,钧尘界之中的天地绝杀阵就停止了攻击。 To actuate Heaven and Earth Certain Kill Formation to launch the attack, losing may be big. 要想驱动天地绝杀阵发动攻击,损耗可不小。 Especially sends out the attack of this grade of True Immortal rank, needs to extract the world source unceasingly, invests in great formation continuously. 尤其是发出这等真仙级别的攻击,需要不断的抽取天地本源,源源不断投入大阵之中。 Although the Grand Dust World world source is abundant, may be unable to stand up to such fierce consumption. 钧尘界的天地本源虽然雄厚,可也经不住这么剧烈的消耗。 In fact, Heaven and Earth Certain Kill Formation previously sent out such a while attack, has made many people love dearly. 实际上,天地绝杀阵此前发出这么一会儿攻击,就已经让许多人心疼不已了。 three-headed lion and profound old ancestor previously by two enemies four, but must pin down the enemy, directs nearby them Nine Heavens, helping Heaven and Earth Certain Kill Formation play the might. 三首狮子和玄玄老祖此前以二敌四,还要拖住敌人,将他们引到九天附近,便于天地绝杀阵发挥威力。 In this process, they lose big. 在这个过程之中,他们损耗不小。 They feel faintly, in the extraterritorial invader camp, should have hidden the powerhouse of True Immortal rank. 他们隐隐感觉到,域外入侵者阵营之中,应该还有隐藏的真仙级别的强者。 They restores the strength as soon as possible, while guards against the new enemy to enter the battlefield. 他们一边尽快恢复实力,一边防备新的敌人进入战场。 Is good is not weak because of the Heaven and Earth Certain Kill Formation might, two sword air/Qi that Sword Monarch Ban Xue emits are the might terrifying, powerful shock and awe enemy. 好在天地绝杀阵威力不弱,伴雪剑君放出的两道剑气更是威力恐怖,有力的震慑住了敌人。 Before finding out corresponding way, even the enemy of True Immortal rank, does not dare easily to enter the battlefield. 在没有想出相应的应对办法之前,就算是真仙级别的敌人,都不敢轻易进入战场了。 Saw with own eyes the top powerhouse who one's own side flees to the wilderness, in the extraterritorial invader army presented an intermittent tumult. 眼见己方的顶级强者就这么落荒而逃,域外入侵者的大军之中出现了一阵阵的骚动。 In this time, Sword Monarch Ban Xue is ordering, Grand Dust World here Return to Emptiness powerhouses, started to launch the counter-attack immediately. 正在这个时候,伴雪剑君一声令下,钧尘界这边的返虚强者们,立即开始发动了反击。 Sword Monarch Ban Xue changes to together the sword light again, entered in the extraterritorial invader army outrageously. 伴雪剑君再次化作一道剑光,悍然杀入了域外入侵者的大军之中。 Meng Zhang and other Return to Emptiness great power also accompany to kill, starts to attack the formation of enemy army. 孟章返虚大能们也结伴杀出,开始冲击敌人大军的阵型。 three-headed lion and profound old ancestor look at each other one, cannot attend to bullying the weak and so on, killed directly to the front army. 三首狮子和玄玄老祖对视一眼,也顾不得以大欺小之类的,直接杀向了前方的一支支大军。 The strength of True Immortal rank regarding these extraterritorial invader armies, is completely overwhelming, is unable to resist. 真仙级别的力量对于这些域外入侵者的大军来说,完全就是压倒性的,根本就无法抵御。 three-headed lion roared, a present army this collapsed thoroughly. 三首狮子一声咆哮,眼前的一支大军就这样彻底崩溃了。 The profound old ancestor waves gently, a formation of army was completely broken. 玄玄老祖轻轻挥手,一支大军的阵型就被彻底打破了。 A extraterritorial invader side is the multi- race allied armies, among the allied armies of different race said no on intimate. 域外入侵者一方是多种族的联军,不同种族的联军之间本来就说不上亲密无间。 Most starts, the powerhouses in some small number of army, but also tries to organize to resist with every effort, does not make the army collapse thoroughly. 最开始的时候,有少数军中的强者,还试图尽力组织起抵挡,不让大军彻底崩溃。 If the allied armies can defeat, but is not chaotic, the retreat, the resistance, the loss of allied armies can also control step by step successively, is insufficient the vitality to damage severely. 如果联军能够败而不乱,步步后退,节节抵抗的话,联军的损失还可以控制,不至于元气大伤。 But a Grand Dust World side counter-attacks is too quick, the offensive is too fierce, quick stirs to be chaotic the camp of allied armies. 可是钧尘界一方的反攻来的太快,攻势实在太猛,很快就将联军的阵营搅得一阵混乱不堪。 three-headed lion and profound old ancestor and extraterritorial invader fought so many years, had gained in the rich experience. 三首狮子和玄玄老祖与域外入侵者斗了这么多年,早就积累了丰富的经验。 They have not gone to manage these ordinary extraterritorial invader, special choice powerhouse strikes to kill. 他们没有去管那些普通的域外入侵者,专门选择其中的强者击杀。 The especially those attempt the person who takes the lead who organizes the army to conduct the resistance, is the object of their with emphasis attention. 尤其是那些试图组织大军进行抵抗的出头鸟,是他们重点关注的对象。 Is outstanding, the powerhouse who along with a famous prestige dares to organize to resist is struck to kill, the extraterritorial invader army becomes more chaotic, started to collapse. 伴随着一名名威信卓著,敢于组织抵抗的强者被击杀,域外入侵者的大军变得更为混乱,开始陷入了崩溃了。 Meng Zhang they seize this rare opportunity, kills the opponent diligently, reduces the pressure for the later war. 孟章他们都抓住这个难得的机会,努力杀伤对手,为以后的大战减轻压力。 Although this victory has been able to determine, but Grand Dust World cannot completely solve the extraterritorial invader problem. 虽然这次的胜利已经可以确定了,可是钧尘界并没有能够彻底解决域外入侵者的问题。 How long perhaps could not want, extraterritorial invader from all parties, will organize the brand-new allied armies again, launched the large-scale attack to Grand Dust World again. 也许要不了多久,来自各方的域外入侵者,就会再次组织起全新的联军,再次对钧尘界发动大规模进攻。 In Grand Dust World historical, similar example has performed innumerable. 钧尘界的历史上,类似的例子上演过无数遍。 Grand Dust World gained many victories, may want unable thorough elimination these origin different extraterritorial invader. 钧尘界取得了许多次胜利,可只要无法彻底的消灭这些来历不同的域外入侵者 After this failure, that they will slowly recover. 这次失败过后,他们会慢慢恢复的元气。 After saving the sufficient strength, will initiate the invasion to Grand Dust World again. 等到积蓄了足够的力量之后,就会再次向钧尘界发起入侵。 The beginning of both sides gratitude and grudges, few has remembered personally. 双方恩怨的起点,已经没有几个人记得了。 Meng Zhang cannot think through very much, this group of can extraterritorial invader, why clutch Grand Dust World not to put? 孟章就很是想不通,这帮域外入侵者,为什么非要揪着钧尘界不放? Grand Dust World were cultivator, irritant, attracted so many origin various enemies? 钧尘界修真者们,到底有多么招人恨,引来了这么多来历各不相同的敌人? Even if to compete for Grand Dust World, is void is so big, being worth the macrocosm of starting being many. 就算是为了争夺钧尘界,可是虚空这么大,值得下手的大世界不少。 In being defeated so many times, after touching so many walls, this group of don't extraterritorial invader how go to school intelligently? 在失败了这么多次,碰了这么多次壁之后,这帮域外入侵者怎么就学不聪明呢? Why they must compete for Grand Dust World, chooses other macrocosm is not good? 他们为什么非要争夺钧尘界,选择别的大世界不好吗? Because of the insufficient information, Meng Zhang thinks certainly that does not understand these issues. 因为缺乏足够的信息,孟章当然想不明白这些问题。 Since does not think clearly, Meng Zhang not spending many thoughts, attention more put chased down on the enemy. 既然想不明白,孟章也不多费心思了,将注意力更多的放到了追杀敌人上面。 Meng Zhang now or Grand Dust World, is bound by a common cause with Grand Dust World, naturally must try hard to eliminate the Grand Dust World enemy. 孟章现在还是钧尘界的一员,和钧尘界休戚相关,当然要努力消灭钧尘界的敌人。 The extraterritorial invader army is extremely huge, inside gathered the too many rank height different members. 域外入侵者的大军太过庞大,里面聚集了太多等级高低不同的成员。 Weakest even only then the strength of Foundation Building rank, all depends on the strength of army, can enter the void expedition, acts as the cannon fodder and consumables. 最弱的甚至只有筑基级别的实力,全赖大军之力,才能进入虚空征战,充当炮灰和消耗品。 The present extraterritorial invader quantity were too many, moreover obtains too loose. Even if Divine Ability general Return to Emptiness great power keep sends out the large-scale range to attack Dao Technique, is hard to eliminate cleanly the enemy within the short time. 眼前的域外入侵者数量太多了,而且分得太散。即便是神通广大的返虚大能们不停的发出大规模的范围攻击道术,还是难以在短时间之内将敌人消灭干净。 Even if skilled in Meng Zhang that slaughters efficiently, still only then chooses these levels to be higher as far as possible, the powerhouse in stronger extraterritorial invader starts. 就算是精通高效杀戮的孟章,也只有尽量选择那些层次更高,实力更强的域外入侵者中的强者下手。 Shortly after counter-attacking to start, team comprised of Primordial Spirit True Monarch, kills from Nine Heavens, joined the ranks of great counter offensive. 在反攻开始后不久,一支支由元神真君组成的队伍,也从九天之中杀出,加入了大反攻的行列。 Thank old friend ericwsc, Book Mountain has the insect attendance to enjoy for hitting of diameter. 感谢老朋友ericwsc,书山有虫勤为径的打赏。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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