SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3794: Harvest

Meng Zhang and Tai Miao cautious flies in void, evaded space cracks, do not trigger these natural traps diligently. 孟章太妙小心翼翼的在虚空之中飞行,避过了一道道空间裂缝,努力不去触发那些天然的陷阱。 Enters ten thousand Kamidzuka from them to the present for the first time, had passed for about ten years. 从他们第一次进入万神冢到现在,已经过去了将近十年了。 He and duel date of god emperor Gueret is near, he needs to leave ten thousand Kamidzuka now as soon as possible, returns to Taiyi World. 他和神帝盖雷的决斗日期将近,他现在需要尽快离开万神冢,返回太乙界 In these ten years, they experienced many dangers, there is a very rich harvest. 在这十年里面,他们经历了不少的危险,也有了非常丰富的收获。 That map that heavens Golden Immortal gives, the actions in ten thousand Kamidzuka provided very big help for them. 乾元金仙给出的那张地图,为他们在万神冢之中的行动提供了很大的帮助。 Naturally, this map can only be the reference, cannot defer to its record conduct completely. 当然,这张地图只能作为参考,不能完全依照其记载行事。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao have basically grasped some arrangement that heavens Golden Immortal had left behind long ago. 孟章太妙基本上已经掌握了乾元金仙早年留下的一些布置。 Only needs him and god emperor Gueret duel time, he will introduce in Gueret the trap, 11 start these arrangement. 只需要他和神帝盖雷决斗的时候,他就会将盖雷引入陷阱之中,一一启动这些布置。 When the time comes, even cultivation base and the battle efficiency god emperor Gueret compared with him, must suffer big, making him have the opportunity of obtaining the advantage. 到时候,即便神帝盖雷的修为和战斗力都比他强,也要吃上不小的亏,让他有获得优势的机会。 The Meng Zhang these years luck are good. 孟章这些年的运气不错。 Or is the Tai Miao luck is good, he is also following to profit at someone's expense. 或者说,是太妙的运气太好,连带着他也跟着沾光。 Tai Miao as Ghost Deity of ghostdom, after entering the world of the living, properly speaking, should receive very big repel and suppression. 太妙作为冥界的鬼神,进入阳世之后,照理来说,应该是受到很大的排斥和打压的。 Because he is Meng Zhang external avatar, can have some immortal special characteristics, considerably weakened this repel and suppression. 由于他是孟章身外化身,可以拥有一部分仙人特质,大大减弱了这种排斥和打压。 This repel and suppression can only be weaken, will not vanish thoroughly, but always exists. 只是,这种排斥和打压只能减弱,不会彻底消失,而是始终存在。 When the world of the living battles, he always feels somewhat timid and hesitant, is hard to display completely the battle efficiency. 在阳世作战的时候,他总是感到有几分束手束脚,难以发挥出全部战斗力。 Stayed the time to be long in the world of the living, he will feel all sorts of discomforts. 在阳世待得时间太久了,他更是会感到种种不便之处。 He enters in ten thousand Kamidzuka, the pleasantly surprised discovery, he has not felt the repel and suppression from the world of the living world principle here, instead feels very comfortable. 他进入万神冢之中,惊喜的发现,他在这里没有感受到来自阳世天地法则的排斥和打压,反而感到很是舒服。 Although ten thousand Kamidzuka situated in the world of the living, but the world principle already and outside was critically different. 万神冢虽然位于阳世,可是天地法则已经和外面大为不同了。 Especially Tai Miao in the region of inside continuing activities, many places and ghostdom has the more or less relation, once for a while will present the space channel to ghostdom. 尤其是太妙在里面经常活动的区域,不少地方都和冥界有着或多或少的联系,时不时就会出现通往冥界的空间通道。 These space channels are not very stable, passing through that is hard to be safe, can actually make the aura of ghostdom infiltrate, making its world principle have the influence on here. 这些空间通道不够稳定,难以安全的通行,却能让冥界的气息渗透过来,让其天地法则对这里产生影响。 Here many region, has been approximate in the environment of ghostdom. 这里的不少区域,已经十分近似于冥界的环境了。 Eyesight poor fellow, will regard as a part of ghostdom these places directly. 眼力差一点的家伙,甚至会将这些地方直接视作冥界的一部分。 Tai Miao likes here environment very much, is willing to stroll in periphery. 太妙很喜欢这里的环境,愿意在周围多逛一逛。 In this process, he encountered some dangers, there are some harvests. 在这个过程之中,他遭遇了一些危险,也有了一些收获。 The big ominous thing that after he encounters the star beast had died, turns into, has met in the god evil that on the gods body is born, has faced the extreme resentment and all sorts of monsters that are unwilling to turn into...... 他遭遇过星兽死亡后化成的大凶之物,遇到过在神明尸体上面诞生的神孽,面对过极度的怨气和不甘化成的种种怪物…… These existed to Tai Miao made a big trouble. 这些存在给太妙造成了不小的麻烦。 Naturally, he after all Ghost Deity from ghostdom, dies after on these lives the monster, has many advantages. 当然,他毕竟是来自冥界的鬼神,对上那些生灵死后所化的怪物,有着不少的优势。 He has put to death the god evil, defeats the oversized ominous thing...... 他诛杀过神孽,击败过大凶之物…… After the star beast dies , the zombie that turns into, the powerful and strange resentful soul, there is taken by him much directly, then slowly surrenders it. 星兽死后化成的僵尸、强大而又诡异的怨魂等,有不少被他直接拿下,然后慢慢的将其降服。 As the matter stands, he had/left strength of one group of deity ranks hand/subordinate. 这样一来,他手下就多出了一帮天神级别的战力来。 The gods who had the death godhood, after falling from the sky, its the supernatural power of god body and surviving of staying behind, changed to a giant mystical place directly. 有一尊拥有死亡神职的神明,在陨落之后,其留下的神躯和残存的神力,直接化作了一座巨大的秘境。 Tai Miao goes into this mystical place, defeated this God unwilling will the monster, then absorbed and refining up thoroughly to melt this mystical place. 太妙闯入这处秘境之中,战胜了这尊神明不甘的意志所化的怪物,然后彻底吸收和炼化了这座秘境。 This God regarding the control of the world principle, regarding the life and death and comprehension of samsara Grand Dao, becomes his spoils of war completely. 尊神明对于天地法则的掌控,对于生死和轮回大道的领悟等,都全部成为了他的战利品。 Similar harvest Tai Miao obtained much. 类似的收获太妙获得了不少。 Because the time is too short, he did not have to harvest these with enough time absorbs completely. 由于时间太短,他还没有来得及将这些收获全部吸收。 Even so, he felt that oneself cultivation base had a big progress. 即便是如此,他都感觉到自己的修为有了不小的进步。 Promotes soon deity as one, so long as practices the capital grain that needs not to lack, his cultivation base should have a period of high-speed improvement. 作为一尊才晋升不久的天神,只要修行所需的资粮不缺,他的修为本来就该有一段高速提升的时期。 Many harvests in ten thousand Kamidzuka, changed let he more further capital grain. 在万神冢之中的许多收获,都化作了让他更进一步的资粮。 When returns to the ghostdom, harvests after these absorbs to refine completely, his cultivation base will welcome a leap, will obtain a brand-new evolution. 等到回到冥界,将这些收获全部吸收炼化之后,他的修为将会迎来一次飞跃,甚至会得到一次全新的进化。 Meng Zhang obtains the harvest possibly to be inferior to Tai Miao, but are also many. 孟章所获得收获可能不如太妙,可同样不少。 Ten thousand Kamidzuka is the gods to fighting the battlefield of archenemy, here everywhere was post-war carry-over. 万神冢原本就是神明们对战大敌的战场,这里到处都是战后的遗留。 Even passed through the long years, leaves behind has not vanished, instead had some mutations. 即便是经过了漫长的岁月,许多遗留都没有消失,反而发生了一些异变。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao have entered several surviving trace specially obvious battlefield vestiges. 孟章太妙进入过几处残存痕迹特别明显的战场遗迹。 He depends on oneself keen Spiritual Awareness, induces information that many past wars left behind. 他靠着自己敏锐的灵觉,感应到了不少当年大战遗留下来的信息。 The participation the Shintoism/Divine Dao powerhouse of that war was numerous in the past, it can be said that the true deity many like the dog, god emperor full street walks, even participation of Lord God. 参与当年那场大战的神道强者众多,可以说是真正的天神多如狗,神帝满街走,甚至还有主神的参与。 In information that these leave behind, Meng Zhang sneaked a peek at the grand occasion of several points of past war. 在这些遗留的信息之中,孟章窥见了几分当年大战的盛况。 He almost personally experienced many Shintoism/Divine Dao powerhouses to display Divine Ability, experiences all sorts of abilities that the enemy of gods had. 他几乎是亲身感受了不少神道强者施展神通,见识到了神明的敌人拥有的种种能力。 This made him deepen the understanding of the Shintoism/Divine Dao powerhouse, and how regarding to resist and reduce and solve some Shintoism/Divine Dao Divine Ability, had the brand-new mentality. 这让他加深了对神道强者的了解,并且对于如何对抗和化解一些神道神通,有了全新的思路。 After Tai Miao received the sensibility of Meng Zhang, grasped some brand-new Divine Ability practicing ways, because harvests very in a big way, when soon leaves ten thousand Kamidzuka, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao feel longing. 太妙接收了孟章的感悟之后,掌握了一些全新神通的修行方式由于收获很大,在快要离开万神冢的时候,孟章太妙都感到依依不舍。 If were not the day of duel soon arrived, they really want to stay a longer day here. 如果不是决斗之日快要来到了,他们真的很想在这里停留更久的日子。 Meng Zhang knows at heart, in this duel , he if used ten thousand Kamidzuka's environment to defeat god emperor Gueret in turn, the earth-mother god department, and even the entire Shintoism/Divine Dao, will realize that the situation was not right. 孟章心里知道,在这次决斗之中,他如果利用万神冢的环境反过来击败了神帝盖雷,那地母神系,乃至整个神道,都会意识到情况不对。 Afterward, they to ten thousand Kamidzuka, nearby the region of their duel, will conduct the strict search absolutely. 事后,他们绝对会对万神冢中,他们决斗的区域附近,进行严密的搜索。 Heavens Golden Immortal left behind these arrangement in the past time, but also is only Immortal Venerable. 乾元金仙当年留下那些布置的时候,还只是一名仙尊 Although these arrangement hide, cannot escape the earnest search of Shintoism/Divine Dao powerhouse mostly. 那些布置虽然隐蔽,多半逃不过神道强者的认真搜索。 These arrangement may be destroyed very much. 这些布置很有可能会被破坏掉。 Does not have the arrangement that heavens Golden Immortal left behind to assist, Meng Zhang will be very difficult in the future submerged ten thousand Kamidzuka. 没有了乾元金仙留下的布置相助,孟章日后很难神不知鬼不觉的潜入万神冢了。 This times the opportunity of entering ten thousand Kamidzuka did not say is unique, is few. 这次进入万神冢的机会不说是绝无仅有,也是屈指可数。 Thus it can be seen, heavens Golden Immortal for this time duel, is pays a great deal. 由此可见,乾元金仙为了这次的决斗,也是付出良多。 Therefore, he spares no sacrifice many years ago careful arrangement, exposes own some arrangements. 为此,他不惜牺牲掉多年前的精心布置,暴露自己的一些安排。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao bypassed a space turbulent flow, arrived in a piece of crowded meteorite belt/bring. 孟章太妙绕过了一处空间乱流,来到了一片密集的陨石带之中。 In the central location of meteorite belt/bring, there is a person of high below vortex. 在陨石带的中心位置,有一个一人高下的漩涡。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao according to the instruction of heavens Golden Immortal, own strength orderly injection. 孟章太妙按照乾元金仙的传授,将自己的力量有规律的注入其中。 Quick, this vortex starts to accelerate to revolve, the aura of ghostdom divulges. 很快,这个漩涡内部开始加速旋转,冥界的气息从中泄露出来。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao plunge into this vortex, after passing through came to naught the storm, appears in ghostdom that gateway center. 孟章太妙跳入这个漩涡之中,穿过了一场空间风暴之后,出现在了冥界那座门户中央。 They put from the gateway, returned to the ghostdom again. 他们从门户之中穿出来,再次回到了冥界。 Thank the book friend Something went wrong hit to enjoy and support repeatedly. 感谢书友[Not Found]的多次打赏和支持。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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