SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3777: Decision

Their performing skills are not wise, the middle flaw are many. 他们的演技并不高明,中间破绽不少。 Is good in the two-sided kings and rivers king two, by the generation of strategy growing perceptibly, they should not be able to see through them to act in a play, cannot think that the half dead king can collude with the outcomer. 好在双面君王和河中君王两位,都不是以智谋见长之辈,他们应该看不穿他们在演戏,更想不到半死君王会和外来者勾结。 In fact, Meng Zhang also looks forward to them, sees through the half dead king to act in a play intelligently earlier, earlier guesses correctly half dead king colluding in secret him. 实际上,孟章还巴不得他们聪明一点,早点看穿半死君王在演戏,早点猜到他和半死君王私底下的勾结。 If they treat as the archenemy the half dead king, acts to the half dead king on own initiative, that will only force the half dead king to stand thoroughly on the side of the outcomer. 如果他们将半死君王当做大敌,主动对半死君王出手,那只会逼迫半死君王彻底站到外来者一边。 Then, Meng Zhang needs to contact with profound scholar vermilion Zhen, tells him the latest information. 接下来,孟章需要和大儒朱振联系,告诉他最新的情报。 Their goal is too big, is the object of indigenous kings key attention, the secret meets in secret is very difficult. 他们两个目标太大,一直是土著君王们重点关注的对象,私底下秘密见面很难。 Was good had considered because of them this situation, has the countermeasure. 好在他们早就考虑过这种情况,已经有了对策。 In these years, Taiyi World cultivator is carrying the fire seed wantonly in the grey river boundary expansion. 这些年里面,太乙界修士携带着火种大肆在灰河境扩张。 Although Taiyi World aspect to avoid clashing with the two-sided kings, its high level deliberately controlled the expansion direction, but always some cultivator unintentional, will place the fire seed nearby approaching the two-sided king territories. 尽管太乙界方面为了避免和双面君王发生冲突,其高层刻意控制了扩张的方向,可总有一些修士有意无意之间,会将火种安置在靠近双面君王领地附近。 These places naturally also encountered the attack of indigenous tribe. 这些地方自然也遭到了土著部落的进攻。 In order to support these places once for a while, will have some Taiyi World cultivator to appear and disappear in the nearby. 为了支援这些地方,时不时的会有一些太乙界修士在附近出没。 Meng Zhang after nearby the half dead king territory paced back and forth the period of time, returned to Taiyi World. 孟章在半死君王领地附近徘徊了一阵子之后,就回了一趟太乙界 After he returns to Taiyi World, to under the army with the half dead king of Taiyi World battle has not been acting, but summoned the Heaven Immortal Yue'e fairy maiden. 他回到太乙界之后,并没有对正在和太乙界交战的半死君王麾下大军出手,而是召见了天仙月娥仙子。 Quick, Yue'e fairy maiden left Taiyi World. 很快,月娥仙子就离开了太乙界 She seemingly nonchalant wanders outside, in this period also supported the foothold that several Taiyi World cultivator built conveniently. 她看似不经意的在外面游荡,其间还顺手支援了几处太乙界修士建立的据点。 Secretly, she pretended to have no intention to pass by nearby the two-sided king territories, with a profound scholar of profound scholar vermilion Zhen hanger-on Heaven Immortal rank, secretly meeting. 暗地里,她装做无意路过双面君王领地附近,和大儒朱振门下一位天仙级别的大儒,偷偷会面了。 Profound scholar vermilion Zhen is confronting with the two-sided kings now, the both sides aura pesters mutually in together, within the short time is very difficult to separate. 大儒朱振现在正在和双面君王对峙,双方气息互相纠缠在一起,短时间之内很难分开。 The two-sided kings stare at very tightly him, he is very difficult to go to and bystander met with. 双面君王将他盯得很紧,他很难去和外人会面。 He and Meng Zhang, only then gives the message through the respective disciple. 他和孟章只有通过各自的门人传递消息。 Although efficiency slow a point, may win within the enough covert, short time should not be discovered by the enemy. 虽然效率慢了一点,可胜在足够隐蔽,短时间之内应该不会被敌人发现。 Profound scholar vermilion Zhen after learning chaos Demon God invades the grey river boundary, finally knows itself to feel the anxious origin. 大儒朱振在获知混沌魔神入侵灰河境之后,终于知晓了自己感到不安的来源。 In he learned that this news since that moment, he regarded as the biggest enemy chaos Demon God. 在他获知这个消息的那一刻起,他就将混沌魔神视作了最大的敌人。 His attitude is very clear, is very firm, must eliminate chaos Demon God, cannot make it seize the grey river boundary absolutely. 他的态度很明确,也很坚决,一定要消灭混沌魔神,绝对不能让其占领灰河境。 When necessary, even can ruin the grey river boundary. 在必要的时候,甚至可以毁掉灰河境。 After Meng Zhang hears Yue'e fairy maiden to rephrase in own words profound scholar vermilion Zhen attitude, his unexpectedly opposite party will renounce. 孟章听到月娥仙子转述大儒朱振的态度之后,他都没有想到对方会这么决绝。 Profound scholar vermilion Zhen arrives at the grey river boundary many years, spent countless painstaking care, had the current aspect, operated such a base industry. 大儒朱振来到灰河境多年,花费了无数的心血,才有了目前的局面,才经营出了这么一番基业。 But he rather sacrificed all these, must guarantee that chaos Demon God cannot go well. 可他宁愿牺牲掉这一切,都要确保混沌魔神不能得手。 Thus it can be seen, he and between chaos Demon God is really unable to co-exist. 由此可见,他和混沌魔神之间真的是势不两立。 He is invading chaos Demon God of grey river boundary with that before had usually not met, usually does not have the connection, should does not have any personal hatred. 他和那位正在入侵灰河境的混沌魔神之间,以前素未谋面,素无瓜葛,应该没有什么私人仇恨。 He so, is completely one type as the void internal cultivator instinct and determination. 他之所以如此,完全是一种身为虚空内部修士的本能和自觉。 Meng Zhang after feeling vermilion Zhen determination, starts to reconsider. 孟章在感受到了朱振的决心之后,也开始反思起来。 During Immortal Dao is void at present the most powerful strength, did he as the Immortal Dao high level, solemn Immortal Venerable, lack certain consciousness? 仙道是目前虚空之中最为强大的力量,他身为仙道高层,堂堂仙尊,是否缺乏了某些觉悟? Between void and chaos are almost the eternal battle. 虚空和混沌之间几乎是永恒的争斗。 Void cultivator and between chaos Demon God, should be always foe similarly. 虚空修士和混沌魔神之间,同样应该是永世的仇敌。 Meng Zhang remembered the initial goal, why oneself must open in the unknown place. 孟章想起了自己最初的目的,自己为什么要在未知之地进行开辟。 The powerhouse of many Golden Immortal rank, why wants sweet Maoqi the danger, thorough chaos, with the chaos Demon God battle? 不少金仙级别的强者,为什么要甘冒奇险,深入混沌,和混沌魔神争斗? Why they must help resist the chaos void , helping expand toward the chaos in void? 他们为什么要帮助虚空对抗混沌,帮助虚空向着混沌之中扩张? He as void cultivator, must the coming to a stop standpoint, be possible to obtain the favor of void Heavenly Dao firmly. 他身为虚空修士,必须牢牢站稳立场,才有可能得到虚空天道的青睐。 He as the secret immortal master, cannot offend and even enrage the void Heavenly Dao especially. 他身为天机仙师,尤其不能得罪乃至触怒虚空天道。 The relations that because he destiny was cursed by the Golden Immortal Taiyi enemy, are at the low condition, just Heavenly Dao merit that needs the void Heavenly Dao to lower. 他自身气运因为被太一金仙敌人诅咒的关系,正处于低落状态,正需要虚空天道降下的天道功德。 Once Meng Zhang wants to understand these, knows how oneself should do. 孟章一旦想明白了这些,就知道自己应该怎么做了。 Since profound scholar vermilion Zhen some determination that discards the grey river boundary, what do oneself have not to give up? 既然大儒朱振都有了舍弃灰河境的决心,那自己还有什么舍不得的? Although he reached the cooperation resistance chaos Demon God agreement with the half dead king, but had not said that will protect the grey river boundary. 他虽然和半死君王达成了合作对抗混沌魔神的协议,可并没有说过会保护灰河境。 Moreover, the trivial verbal agreement, several idle talk vernacular, violated also does not have any. 而且,区区口头协议,几句空口白话,违背了也没有什么。 The half dead king is also void beside indigenous, Meng Zhang has no need to be fastidious about what good faith with him in the final analysis. 半死君王说到底也是虚空之外的土著,孟章用不着和他讲究什么信义。 Naturally, Meng Zhang works not that certainly, is will be more reserved the vitality for him. 当然,孟章做事还是不会那么绝,还是会为他保留一些生机。 Just, then the matter develops, cannot conduct according to the rhythm of opposite party, Meng Zhang must vie for initiative. 只不过,接下来事情发展,就不能按照对方的节奏进行了,孟章必须自己去争取主动。 Originally, Meng Zhang also prepares to conduct a strategic maneuvering in the grey river boundary, strives to be similar to the half dead king such ally of as far as possible. 原本,孟章还准备在灰河境进行一番合纵连横,尽量争取如同半死君王这样的盟友。 But now, he has been determined to act according to oneself intention, prepares to upset the table. He and between profound scholar vermilion Zhen, through running of hanger-on, reached an agreement initially. 可是现在,他已经下定决心按照自己的心意来行动,准备掀桌子了。他和大儒朱振之间,通过门下的奔走,初步达成了一致。 In order to prevent and elimination chaos Demon God, they refuse to balk, rather sacrificed the grey river boundary. 为了阻止和消灭混沌魔神,他们在所不惜,宁可牺牲掉灰河境。 In order to keep secret, to avoid provoking the instinct of grey river boundary, to guard against the induction of chaos Demon God, they when the exchange information, Meng Zhang have not disclosed the detail of action. 为了保密,为了避免引起灰河境的本能反应,为了防备混沌魔神的感应,他们在交换信息的时候,孟章没有透露行动的细节。 Profound scholar vermilion Zhen gave his enough trust, making him go about something with a free hand. 大儒朱振给予了他足够的信任,让他放手去做。 Now profound scholar vermilion Zhen is hard to withdraw temporarily, having Meng Zhang can quite convenient acting on free will. 现在大儒朱振暂时难以脱身,只有孟章可以比较方便的自由行动。 After obtaining the profound scholar vermilion Zhen reply, in Meng Zhang heart calm. 得到大儒朱振的回复之后,孟章心中大定。 He arrived at the grey river boundary also to have some years, has been analyzing the world principle of grey river boundary, observed all of this stretch of the world. 他来到灰河境也有了一些年头了,一直在解析灰河境的天地法则,观察这片天地的一切。 In light of information that profound scholar vermilion Zhen and he shares, he has not the poor harvest. 结合大儒朱振和他分享的信息,他早就已经有了不菲的收获。 In these years, Taiyi World many cultivator explore and experiences dangers across the grey river boundary, collects the information in various aspects. 这些年里面,太乙界诸多修士在灰河境各地探索和历险,收集各方面的情报。 The especially those carry the fire seed cultivator, after places the fire seed, the fire seed grows strong slowly, was equal to that extending of fire of Grand Dao is ordinary, various information gatherings that slowly will induce in the fire of Grand Dao. 尤其是那些携带火种的修士,在将火种安置好之后,火种慢慢发展壮大,就等于是大道之火的延伸一般,将感应到的各种信息慢慢的汇聚到大道之火之中。 Meng Zhang ignition the fire of Grand Dao, naturally has the inseparable relation with him personally. 孟章亲手点燃的大道之火,和他之间自然有着密不可分的联系。 He through inducing the fire of Grand Dao, had a more thorough understanding regarding all of grey river boundary. 他通过感应大道之火,对于灰河境的一切有了更为深入的了解。 This half dead king directs the chaos Demon God invasion him the place, making him witness existence of chaos Demon God. 这次半死君王将他引到混沌魔神入侵的地方,让他亲眼目睹了混沌魔神的存在。 The original intention of half dead king must make his vigilance, making him join in the resistance chaos Demon God camp. 半死君王的本意要引起他的警惕,让他加入对抗混沌魔神的阵营之中。 Meng Zhang actually in this process, discovered some weakness of grey river boundary. 孟章却在这个过程之中,发现了灰河境的一些薄弱之处。 This regarding his following action, has very big help. 这对于他接下来的行动,有着很大的帮助。 He unifies various information and sensibility, pondered for a long time, set the action plan finally.( This chapter ends) 他结合各种信息和感悟,思考了许久,才终于定下了行动方案。(本章完)
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