SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3776: Discussed

In the river the king is most powerful, an expanding also strongest overlord, by half dead two-sided king deep dreading of king. 河中君王是最为强大,扩张性也最强的一位霸主,被半死君王和双面君王深深的忌惮。 Before profound scholar vermilion Zhen leads the hanger-on arrives at the grey river boundary, the half dead kings and two-sided kings are faint and in cooperation resistance river the posture of king. 在大儒朱振率领门下来到灰河境之前,半死君王和双面君王隐隐和合作对抗河中君王的架式。 Those words, the half dead kings and two-sided king at all not possible sincerity to collaborate, when has no other choice makes the stance. 还是那句话,半死君王和双面君王根本不可能真心联手,只是在不得已的的时候做做姿态。 But in the river the king is also worried to force probably in excess, they really collaborate, although conflicts with them unceasingly, has not actually started the meaning of comprehensive war rashly. 而河中君王大概也是担心逼迫过甚,他们真的联手吧,所以虽然和他们冲突不断,却没有贸然发动全面大战的意思。 With profound scholar vermilion the arrival of Zhen and hanger-on, here situation changed. 伴随着大儒朱振及其门下的到来,这里的局势又发生了变化。 As profound scholar vermilion Zhen of outcomer naturally is the public enemies of three indigenous kings. 作为外来者的大儒朱振天然就是三位土著君王的公敌。 Contradictions between three indigenous kings as before, is hard to cope with him jointly. 三位土著君王之间的矛盾依旧,也难以联手对付他。 If does not have any other change, they have confronted, to for ever and ever. 如果没有什么别的变化,他们会就这么一直对峙下去,一直到天长地久。 Regarding grey river boundary, but had/left a side overlord. 对于灰河境来说,不过是多出了一位一方霸主。 The time was long, perhaps this external overlord, by its assimilation, will become one of the grey river boundary indigenous king. 时间久了,这位外来的霸主,说不定会被其同化,成为灰河境土著君王的一员。 Such result, is profound scholar vermilion Zhen cannot accept. 这样的结果,是大儒朱振万万不能接受的。 In king and other indigenous kings besides river, in grey river boundary whether also has other same step powerhouse, profound scholar vermilion Zhen is unascertainable. 除了河中君王等三位土著君王之外,灰河境之中是否还有别的同阶强者,大儒朱振不能确定。 According to his experience and observation, he favors also has other hidden mostly the same step powerhouse. 根据他的经验和观察,他倾向于多半还有别的隐藏起来的同阶强者。 What is more important, after his for many years observation, he has discovered the grey river boundary in these years, continuously in some occurrence transformation silently. 更为重要的是,经过他多年来的观察,他发现灰河境在这些年里面,一直在默默的发生某种转变。 This transformation can cause the grey river boundary thorough was swallowed by the unknown place, totally becomes its part, is unable to retain the present independence again. 这种转变会导致灰河境彻底的被未知之地吞噬,完全成为其一部分,再也无法保留现在的独立性。 Why as for will present such transformation, he has guess. 至于为什么会出现这样的转变,他有着一些猜测。 Although without clear evidence, but he thought that the biggest possibility, has the powerhouse of unknown place, in the strength corrosion grey river boundary of leading unknown place. 虽然没有明确的证据,可是他觉得最大的可能,就是有未知之地的强者,在主导未知之地的力量侵蚀灰河境。 Originally, grey river boundary stretch of the world already and unknown place reached some balance. 原本,灰河境这片天地已经和未知之地达成了某种平衡。 Now but the strength of unknown place strengthens suddenly, is disrupting this balanced. 可是现在未知之地的力量突然加强,正在破坏这种平衡。 Properly speaking, the indigenous kings in grey river boundary, should not wish that sees the grey river boundary to be swallowed by the unknown place thoroughly. 照理来说,灰河境中的土著君王们,应该并不希望看见灰河境被未知之地彻底吞噬。 But why does not know, they do not have the too big response. 可是不知道出于什么原因,他们对此没有太大的反应。 Is they are extremely slow, has not discovered the change of grey river boundary, they have to hold, hasn't looked at this change extremely seriously? 是他们太过迟钝,迟迟没有发现灰河境的变化,还是他们另有所持,没有把这种变化看得太过严重? Profound scholar vermilion Zhen and their hostile many years, everyone has had no communication, is hard to remind them. 大儒朱振和他们敌对多年,大家一直没有什么沟通,难以提醒他们。 Even if there is means and they exchanges, reminded them, they still the excuse that is not necessarily able to believe the enemy. 就算有办法和他们进行交流,提醒了他们,他们也未必会相信敌人的说辞。 This matter by profound scholar vermilion Zhenbie at heart, had not been told others, because others radically regarding this helpless. 这件事情一直被大儒朱振憋在心里,没有告诉其他人,因为其他人根本对此无能为力。 Now the arrival of Meng Zhang this same step cultivator, he can get a matter off one's chest finally. 现在孟章这位同阶修士的到来,他终于可以一吐为快了。 Listens to profound scholar vermilion Zhen these words, Meng Zhang also became heavy several points at heart. 听完大儒朱振的这番话,孟章心里也变得沉重了几分。 He has long known that conducts development difficulty very in the unknown place. 他早就知道在未知之地进行开拓十分的困难。 If this is an easy matter, during that is void the powerhouses of so many Immortal Venerable ranks, taken place of the fallen conducted this kind of event. 如果这是一件容易的事情,那虚空之中那么多仙尊级别的强者,早就前仆后继的进行这类活动了。 Side Renchen the powerhouses of territory several Immortal Venerable ranks, rather barely manage to maintain a feeble existence in that side, is not willing to come to help profound scholar vermilion Zhen. 壬辰边域好几位仙尊级别的强者,宁愿在那边苟延残喘,都不愿意过来帮助大儒朱振。 Besides their frame of mind have worn down completely, is because this matter is very difficult . Moreover the risk is very high. 除了他们的心气早就消磨殆尽之外,也是因为此事十分艰难,而且危险性很高。 But at the last moment, Meng Zhang discovered, oneself previously all tentative plans, underestimated this matter's difficulty greatly. 可是事到临头,孟章才发现,自己此前所有的设想,都还是大大低估了此事的难度。 In the grey river boundary, he and profound scholar vermilion Zhen such outcomer, receives the repel and suppression of this stretch of the world, powerful enemy but who must face the same step. 在灰河境之中,他和大儒朱振这样的外来者,受到这片天地的排斥和压制,还要面对同阶的强敌。 Their enemies as the indigenous king, obtained the asylum of this stretch of the world to hold with in addition. 他们的敌人作为土著君王,得到了这片天地的庇护和加持。 Accident that the grey river boundary has in secret, is to make them probably solve the hostile indigenous king as soon as possible, has enough time to deal with other issues. 灰河境暗中发生的变故,更是让他们必须尽快解决敌对的土著君王,才有足够的时间去处理其他问题。 Facing all sorts of difficult problems, Meng Zhang not discouraged, instead was full of the fighting spirit. 面对种种难题,孟章并没有气馁,反而充满了斗志。 When he is small cultivator, faces many challenges, experienced the innumerable dangers and difficulties, can rise, has arrived at today. 当他还是一名小修士的时候,就面临诸多挑战,经历了无数的艰难险阻,才能一路崛起,一直走到今天。 The situation is difficult, he more will not easily give up. 情况越是艰难,他越是不会轻易放弃。 He is not an all alone, entire Taiyi World as dependence. 他并非孤身一人,身后还有整个太乙界作为依靠。 Profound scholar vermilion Zhen this ally, evidently also very reliable. 大儒朱振这位战友,看样子也十分的可靠。 Meng Zhang expressed itself not to flinch to him, certainly will hold on to the last determination. 孟章向他表达了自己绝不退缩,一定会坚持到底的决心。 Profound scholar vermilion Zhen felt the Meng Zhang sincerity, regarding this was very satisfied. 大儒朱振感受到了孟章的诚意,对此十分满意。 They collaborate, should be able to defeat grey river boundary any indigenous king. 他们两人联手,应该可以战胜灰河境任何一位土著君王。 But they, if really attacks jointly, these hostile indigenous king, in the heart did not want mutually even, to protect oneself, has to collaborate. 可他们如果真的联手出击,那些原本互相敌对的土著君王,就算心中再不愿意,为了自保,都不得不联起手来。 As the matter stands, they were still hard to have the advantage. 这样一来,他们仍然难以占据优势。 They according to the current situation, discussed well, had an approximate plan. 他们根据目前的局势,好好的商量了一番,有了一个大致的计划。 They temporarily should not be busy collaborating, pretending is a stranger. 他们暂时不要忙着联手,装作是陌路人。 When Taiyi World stands firm in the grey river boundary, after Meng Zhang grasped here world principle thoroughly, attacks together jointly, solves the opponent as soon as possible. 等到太乙界在灰河境站稳脚跟,孟章彻底掌握了这里的天地法则之后,才一起联手出击,尽快解决掉对手。 Before then, to confuse these indigenous kings, they need to perform in a play. 在这之前,为了迷惑那些土著君王,他们需要演一场戏。 After two people reach an agreement the plan, immediately starts to go into action. 两人商量好计划之后,立即就开始行动起来。 This play develops is earlier, more can confuse these indigenous kings. 这出戏演的越早,越能迷惑那些土著君王。 Meng Zhang flew the mountain peak front, is away from not the short distance and profound scholar vermilion Zhen faces one another distantly. 孟章飞到了山峰前方,隔着不短的距离和大儒朱振遥遥相望。 They release the respective imposing manner, separates the spatial confrontation, is without making any mutual concessions. 他们释放出各自的气势,隔空交锋,互不相让。 In order to keep secret, matter that they act in a play, let alone is the two-sided people who these turn, is profound scholar vermilion Zhen own hanger-on, was kept in the dark. 为了保密,他们演戏的事情,别说是那些投靠过来的双面人,就是大儒朱振自己的门下,也都被蒙在鼓里。 Many originally in the Confucian scholar who above the mountain peak practices, but also feels very strangely. 不少原本在山峰之上修行的儒生,还感到十分奇怪。 They did not chat a moment ago well, how to play out and resort to arms all of a sudden? 他们刚才不是还聊得好好的吗,怎么一下子就剑拔弩张、兵戎相见了? Two people not only confront, but also quick begins. 两人不仅仅是对峙,而且很快就动起手来。 Proliferates the entire mountain peak the noble, under the profound scholar vermilion Zhen control, is ordinary like the turbulent wave, passes toward Meng Zhang racing wells up. 遍布整座山峰的浩然正气,在大儒朱振的操控之下,如同汹涌的波浪一般,向着孟章奔涌过去。 Meng Zhang angrily roars, the Yin-Yang two air/Qi like an enormous and powerful river, drops from the clouds, runs upon the noble that racing wells up came directly. 孟章怒吼一声,阴阳二气如同一条浩浩荡荡的长河,从天而降,迎头撞上了奔涌而来的浩然正气。 Both had the crashing collision, the entire mountain peak fierce swaying, the surroundings are very big a region earth-shattering to be as if ordinary, everywhere in shock. 两者发生了激烈的碰撞,整座山峰都在剧烈的摇晃,周围很大一片区域仿佛天崩地裂一般,到处都在剧震不已。 The environment in grey river boundary was not stable, various earthquakes and landslides and so on matter sometimes happened. 灰河境之中的环境本来就不大稳定,各种地震、山崩之类的事情时有发生。 If the two-sided person common indigenous lives, properly speaking, should be used to it are. 如双面人一般的土著生灵,按理来说,早就应该习惯了才是。 Turns to profound scholar vermilion Zhen this two-sided person tribe, it shelters for many years, the place of residence in the strength radiation range of mountain peak, very long has not happened has shaken fiercely. 投靠大儒朱振这支双面人部落,得其庇护多年,居住地在山峰的力量辐射范围之内,已经很久没有发生过剧烈的震荡了。 Now everywhere is the fierce earthquakes, aroused many two-sided person past memories, making them think to be faced with imminent disaster, around the tribe had chaotic scenes.( This chapter ends) 现在到处都是剧烈的大地震,激起了不少双面人过去的记忆,让他们以为大难临头了,部落周围出现了一幅幅混乱不堪的场面。(本章完)
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