SMIJ :: Volume #38

#3778: Action

A while ago, was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable external avatar, continuously in the Ascending Heaven Star District edge, with bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal, clone entanglement of white Yang Heaven Immortal continuous. 前段时间,绝尘仙尊身外化身,一直在登天星区边缘,和曲兰天仙,还有白阳天仙的分身纠缠不休。 Is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable external avatar not only ties down two opponents firmly, but also has the ample force to watch the Ascending Heaven Star District internal situation especially. 绝尘仙尊身外化身不但将两个对手牢牢缠住,而且还尤有余力关注登天星区内部的情况。 Meng Zhang unites Spiritualize World and Myriad Monster World to resist Fengyuan True Immortal together they, is very good decision. 孟章联合化灵界万妖界一起对抗丰原真仙他们,是很好的决策。 So long as perhaps these three can heart and soul collaboration, the strength above the enemy, be able to give Fengyuan absolutely True Immortal their lesson. 这三家只要能够全心全意的联手,实力绝对在敌人之上,说不定就能给丰原真仙他们一个教训。 Naturally, these three definitely cannot achieve heart and soul collaboration. 当然,这三家肯定做不到全心全意的联手。 In these three and Fengyuan True Immortal their battles, both sides have the victory and defeat respectively. 在这三家和丰原真仙他们的争斗之中,双方算是各有胜负。 Myriad Monster World and Spiritualize World suffered big, Meng Zhang gained several small victories. 万妖界化灵界都吃了不小的亏,孟章则是取得了几次小小的胜利。 Melts the spirit bottle retrieval to recapture the Spiritualize World leadership, after Taiyi World forms an alliance the cooperation, the situation should toward Meng Zhang them incline. 化灵瓶重获夺回化灵界的领导权,和太乙界结盟合作之后,局势本来应该向着孟章他们这边倾斜。 May in this time, the stratified higher strength interfere with the Ascending Heaven Star District situation. 可正在这个时候,有层次更高的力量干涉登天星区的局势了。 Is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable external avatar to be warned, cannot continue to pester bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal, cannot continue to add to the chaos in Ascending Heaven Star District. 绝尘仙尊身外化身已经被警告,不许继续纠缠曲兰天仙,更不许继续在登天星区添乱了。 The warning from the Spirit Space Immortal Realm high level, is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable not to dare to defy. 警告来自灵空仙界高层,绝尘仙尊不敢违抗。 Is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable, once withdraws from this matter, no longer helps Meng Zhang they, they are then going to face was bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal that acted spatially. 绝尘仙尊一旦退出此事,不再帮助孟章他们,他们接下来将要面对的就是空出手来的曲兰天仙了。 bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal is not ordinary Heaven Immortal, is Spirit Space Immortal Realm well-known powerful Heaven Immortal, is not Meng Zhang and other group of True Immortal can resist. 曲兰天仙不是普通的天仙,是灵空仙界知名的强大天仙,绝非孟章等一帮真仙能够抵挡的。 In fact, let alone is bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal, comes ordinary Heaven Immortal casually, swept away entire Ascending Heaven Star District sufficiently. 实际上,别说是曲兰天仙,就是随便来一名普通的天仙,都足以横扫整个登天星区了。 Even, is comes on a Heaven Immortal incarnation, Meng Zhang they unable to resist. 甚至,就是来上一具天仙的化身,孟章他们都抵挡不住。 Time at this point, is above mundane thoughts the Immortal Venerable a little embarrassed appearance. 说到这里的时候,绝尘仙尊都有点不好意思的样子。 After all, the commitment that if some he did not make, in the Meng Zhang although heart discontented, but they will not make war with Fengyuan True Immortal at will. 毕竟,如果不是有他许下的承诺,孟章尽管心中不满,可都不会随意和丰原真仙他们开战。 Cannot do well, Meng Zhang brings Taiyi World to leave Ascending Heaven Star District. 搞不好,孟章已经带着太乙界离开登天星区了。 But because has to be above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to support in the back, Meng Zhang dares to remain they to make war with Fengyuan True Immortal. 可正是由于有着绝尘仙尊在背后撑腰,孟章才敢留下来和丰原真仙他们开战。 Listens to be above mundane thoughts the Immortal Venerable words, Meng Zhang becomes looks deathly pale all of a sudden, in heart alarmed and afraid. 听完绝尘仙尊的话语,孟章一下子变得脸色惨白,心中惊惧不已。 He knows finally previously oneself Spiritual Awareness warned, came from there. 他终于知道此前自己的灵觉示警,是来自于那里了。 The Guyue Lingqing complexion is also very unattractive, felt oneself are unfair to Meng Zhang. 古月凌青的脸色同样很不好看,觉得自己对不起孟章 If therefore gives Meng Zhang to bring the fatal disaster, he will be guiltier. 如果因此给孟章带来杀身之祸,那他就会更为内疚了。 Guyue Lingqing had also heard regarding bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal given name. 古月凌青对于曲兰天仙的大名也早就有所耳闻。 If the opposite party starts to Taiyi World directly, the Gu Yue Family signboard, may be unable to protect itself. 如果对方直接对太乙界下手,古月家族的招牌,可保护不了自己。 Meng Zhang after all is also the character who experiences for a long time various types of big storms, quick is tranquil. 孟章毕竟也是久经各种大风浪的人物,很快就平静下来。 Although the first time is with being above mundane thoughts the Immortal Venerable contact, moreover what present is only its external avatar, but the opposite party is willing to consider on own initiative according to the facts, explained that the opposite party is not willing to accept this result. 虽然是第一次和绝尘仙尊接触,而且眼前的只是其身外化身,可是对方肯主动据实相告,说明对方也不愿意接受这种结果。 If nothing else, if helplessly looks that Meng Zhang and Taiyi World were extinguished, in his face will not be attractive. 别的不说,如果眼睁睁的看着孟章太乙界就此被灭,他脸面上也不会好看吧。 Meng Zhang looks is being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable, looked that he also has what view. 孟章望着绝尘仙尊,看他还有什么说法。 Guyue Lingqing sees the Meng Zhang appearance, similarly looking of hope to was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable. 古月凌青看见孟章的样子,同样期盼的望向了绝尘仙尊 Is above mundane thoughts response dark to praise of Immortal Venerable to Meng Zhang, continued. 绝尘仙尊孟章的反应暗赞一声,才继续说下去。 First, is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable this time to obey order from the Spirit Space Immortal Realm high-level order, is impossible to think oneself clever, plays some small methods, plays some edge ball and so on. 首先,绝尘仙尊这次必须遵守来自灵空仙界高层的命令,不可能自作聪明,玩一些小手段,打一些擦边球之类。 Game that among the powerhouses of these same rank can play. 那些同等级的强者之间才会玩的游戏。 Is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable this time to face, is even he unmatchable existence. 绝尘仙尊这次面对的,是连他都无法对抗的存在。 He cannot, does not dare to have any wishful thinking, must honestly following the execution. 他不能,也不敢有任何的小心思,必须老老实实的遵照执行。 Hears here, Meng Zhang and Guyue Lingqing looked at each other one, in the heart had the guess faintly. 听到这里,孟章古月凌青对视一眼,心中隐隐有了猜测。 This time matter really played in a big way, Spirit Space Immortal Realm Golden Immortal here attention? 这次的事情真的玩大了,难道就连灵空仙界金仙都在关注这边了? Then, was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to say his arrangement. 接下来,绝尘仙尊说出了他的安排。 Meng Zhang they wait/etc. made war with Fengyuan True Immortal directly, indeed stems from his instigation. 孟章他们和丰原真仙等正面开战,的确是出自他的唆使。 If he whatever Meng Zhang they suffer a disaster, oneself have nothing said, he cannot pass at heart this pass/test, in the future will give up any idea of made the thought understand. 如果他任由孟章他们遭劫,自家没有任何表示,那他过不了心里这一关,日后休想让念头通达了。 Although bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal previously to being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable was very annoyed, but after calming down, she should also know, true and was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to become enemies to oneself not advantage. 曲兰天仙虽然此前对绝尘仙尊很是恼火,可是冷静下来之后,她也应该知道,真正和绝尘仙尊结仇对自家并无好处。 In fact, like being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable this type enters the step Golden Immortal immortal hopefully, everyone is on good terms also without enough time. 实际上,像绝尘仙尊这种有希望进阶金仙的仙人,大家交好都还来不及呢。 If really does not have the hatred of not being able to resolve, who is willing easily with him for the enemy? 如果不是真有化解不开的仇恨,谁愿意轻易和他为敌? Even other Golden Immortal disciple juniors and so on, in most situations are still willing to buy his several points of reputation. 就算其他金仙的门人子弟之类,大多数情况下也愿意买他几分面子。 After being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable receives the warning, immediately stopped and bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal their entanglement. 绝尘仙尊收到警告之后,就立即停止了和曲兰天仙他们的纠缠。 Considering Meng Zhang their situations, was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable also to make a transaction with bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal in secret, reached some agreements. 考虑到孟章他们的情况,绝尘仙尊还暗中和曲兰天仙做了一场交易,达成了一些协定。 Then, Meng Zhang can bring Taiyi World to leave Ascending Heaven Star District as soon as possible. 接下来,孟章会带着太乙界尽快离开登天星区 In this process, bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal not directly starts to Meng Zhang and Taiyi World. 在这个过程之中,曲兰天仙不会直接向孟章太乙界下手。 Naturally, Fengyuan True Immortal their making a move will not receive any limit. 当然,丰原真仙他们的出手不会受到任何限制。 If were they makes a move to destroy completely Taiyi World, no one had the words to say. 如果是他们出手灭掉了太乙界,那谁都无话好说。 Sanyang immortal sect and is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to have very deep hatred actually, will not easily give up. 三阳仙宗和绝尘仙尊倒是有着很深的仇恨,不会轻易罢手。 But white Yang Heaven Immortal that clone, was previously above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to aim at with emphasis, has received the heavy injury, the strength has been greatly affected. 只不过白阳天仙那具分身,此前被绝尘仙尊重点针对,已经受了不轻的伤势,实力大受影响。 White Yang Heaven Immortal is a shrewd and crafty fellow, will not do several things at the same time to brave hardships and dangers by own at will. 白阳天仙是一个老奸巨猾的家伙,不会随意让自己的这具分身涉险。 Clone of Qingyang Heaven Immortal previously fell from the sky, Meng Zhang plays the leading role. 青阳天仙的分身此前陨落,孟章起到了主要作用。 Before the full assurance, he will not easily act to Meng Zhang. 在没有十足的把握之前,他不会轻易向孟章出手。 Regarding Meng Zhang and Taiyi World, most dangerous, leaves Ascending Heaven Star District this distance. 对于孟章太乙界来说,最为危险的,就是离开登天星区这段路程。 So long as left Ascending Heaven Star District, that is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable no longer to receive any limit, can make a move recklessly. 只要离开了登天星区,那绝尘仙尊将不再受到任何限制,可以肆意出手了。 Meng Zhang they must do, under observing the situation and attack of powerful enemy, leaves Ascending Heaven Star District as soon as possible. 孟章他们要做的,就是在强敌的环视和攻击之下,尽快离开登天星区 Although is above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable unable completely to solve the difficult problem that Meng Zhang they face, actually at least solved the biggest danger. 虽然绝尘仙尊没有能够完全解决孟章他们面临的难题,却至少解决了最大的危险。 Does not have bent/tune orchid Heaven Immortal to meddle, Meng Zhang their vitalities increase. 没有曲兰天仙插手,孟章他们的生机大增。 Said after this matter's cause and effect, was above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable to explain Meng Zhang their several, left hasty. 说完此事的前因后果之后,绝尘仙尊又交待了孟章他们几句,就急冲冲的离开了。 Warned being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable does not dare to stay for a long time in Ascending Heaven Star District, must leave here at the maximum speed. 被警告后的绝尘仙尊不敢在登天星区久留,必须以最快速度离开这里。 Then, he must relieve itself to arrange the trap in Grand Dust World ruins, will then leave Ascending Heaven Star District thoroughly, will not interfere with here anything again. 接下来,他要去解除自己布置在钧尘界废墟中的陷阱,然后就会彻底离开登天星区,不会再干涉这里的任何事情。 After being above mundane thoughts Immortal Venerable farewell, Meng Zhang and Guyue Lingqing also hurried back to Taiyi World at the maximum speed. 和绝尘仙尊告别之后,孟章古月凌青也以最快速度赶回了太乙界 Meng Zhang makes Tai Miao stimulate to movement Taiyi World to start to move, while issues the order by the severest tone, lets all at all things that Spiritualize World Taiyi World cultivator immediately gives up handling on hand, at the maximum speed hurries back to Taiyi World, accompanies Taiyi World to leave Ascending Heaven Star District. 孟章一边让太妙催动太乙界开始移动,一边以最为严厉的口气下达命令,让所有在化灵界太乙界修士立即放弃手头所做的一切事情,以最快速度赶回太乙界,随同太乙界离开登天星区 Meng Zhang has not even gone to meet with spirit bottle tool spirit, but separates the spatial pass on message to him, roughly explained latest situation. 孟章甚至没有去和化灵瓶器灵见面,只是向他隔空传讯,大致说明了一下最新的局势。
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