SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2771: Supernatural power incarnation

Famine Demon God several thousand years ago, joins the extraterritorial invader army, launched the attack to Grand Dust World. 灾荒魔神在数千年之前,就加入域外入侵者的大军,对钧尘界发动了进攻。 Three Mountains True Immortal such top True God, does not dare to belittle this fellow. 就连三山真仙这样的顶级真神,都不敢小觑这个家伙。 In several True Immortal wakes up after Source Sea, he to several True Immortal caused a big damage. 在几位真仙源海之中醒来之后,他对几位真仙造成了不小的伤害。 Demon God of veteran, definitely is the accumulation is so rich, the card in a hand is numerous. 如此一位老资格的魔神,肯定是积累丰厚,底牌众多。 Before puts to death it thoroughly, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao do not dare to have the slight general idea/careless. 在没有将其彻底诛杀之前,孟章太妙都不敢有丝毫的大意。 Who knows whether this old fogy has dark hand that changes the situation. 谁知道这个老家伙是否藏有扭转局势的暗手。 They are not willing to consume too many strengths on the demon army, in order to avoid gave the Famine Demon God opportunity is not missed. 他们不愿意在魔物大军身上消耗太多的力气,以免给了灾荒魔神可趁之机。 At this time, the great shark god led this army to rush to here from afar, displayed to affect. 这个时候,巨鲨神率领这支大军万里迢迢的赶到这里,就发挥出作用来了。 The great shark god orders, several battle formations that the army composes, killed to the demon army. 巨鲨神一声令下,大军组成的几个阵势,就杀向了魔物大军。 Famine Demon God was to consume Meng Zhang with the demon army they, naturally willing does not seek the picture to fail. 灾荒魔神本来就是要用魔物大军消耗孟章他们,自然不甘心谋画落空。 Part of demon armies kill from the demon territory, arrived above the sea level, does not wait to form the battle formation, charges into the army who the great shark god led. 一部分魔物大军从魔域之中杀出,来到了海面之上,不等结成阵势,就冲向了巨鲨神率领的大军。 Another part of demon army continued to rush to Meng Zhang they. 另外一部分魔物大军继续涌向了孟章他们。 After Famine Demon God seizes the southern islands, here all life almost completely demonize. 灾荒魔神占领南部群岛之后,将这里所有的生灵几乎全部魔化了。 The indigenous gods are the object who he looks after with emphasis. 这其中,土著神明是他重点关照的对象。 Five indigenous True God were refined the puppet by him, the previous war was ruined by Meng Zhang. 五名土著真神被他炼制成傀儡,上次大战被孟章毁掉。 After the indigenous gods who these strengths are not as good as change into demon, becomes in the demon army every large or small commanding. 那些实力稍逊的土著神明化为魔物之后,成为了魔物大军之中大大小小的统领。 In these indigenous gods the powerhouse of many Return to Emptiness rank, the false god and half god are also many. 这些土著神明之中不乏返虚级别的强者,伪神和半神也不少。 After they by demonize, ominous prestige hold, the battle efficiency has the promotion greatly unexpectedly greatly. 他们被魔化之后,凶威大盛,战斗力居然大有提升。 The strength was sloppy, the fighting spirit not firm indigenous gods, after changing into demon, unexpectedly becomes specially aggressive. 原本战力稀松、斗志不坚的土著神明们,化为魔物之后,居然变得特别的凶悍。 If falls into during surrounding of this demon army, even ordinary True Immortal or the True God will lose greatly, is hard to withdraw. 如果落入这支魔物大军的包围之中,就算是普通的真仙或者真神都会损耗巨大,难以脱身。 The great shark god stands in the front of army, blocked the powerhouse in demon army on own initiative. 巨鲨神站在大军的前方,主动挡住了魔物大军之中的强者。 great formation under Taiyi World cultivator arrange/cloth, plays the role of mainstay, blocked the main impact direction of demon army directly. 太乙界修士布下的大阵,起到了中流砥柱的作用,直接挡住了魔物大军的主要冲击方向。 In the Sea Clan army has some dragon clan powerhouses as the military governor. 海族大军之中有一些龙族强者作为督军。 These dragon clan powerhouses are supercilious, does not forget momentarily competitive. 这些龙族强者心高气傲,随时都不忘争强好胜。 Saw with own eyes that Taiyi World cultivator assumes an awe-inspiring pose, they also urge the Sea Clan army to send out, to being bewitched the army kills. 眼见太乙界修士发威,他们也督促海族大军出动,向着魔物大军杀去。 great formation under Sea Clan army arrange/cloth, is driving away numerous sea beasts, braves all hardships, power and influence illustrious. 海族大军布下的大阵,驱赶着众多的海兽,乘风破浪,威势赫赫。 One group originally in the indigenous gods of west land surroundings sea area, or initiative, passive, turned to Taiyi World and allied armies of dragon clan. 一帮原本在西陆周围海域的土著神明,或是主动,或是被动,投靠了太乙界和龙族的联军。 This time, the great shark god leads the army to expedite the southern islands, some indigenous gods also form an army to accompany. 这次,巨鲨神率领大军远征南部群岛,这部分土著神明也组成一支军队随行。 They not only do not dare to violate the order of Meng Zhang, and wants to express the loyalty to Meng Zhang. 他们既不敢违背孟章的命令,又想要向孟章表达一下忠心。 The army that they compose also decent array in sea level. 他们组成的这支军队也像模像样的在海面上列阵。 But to made war truly, this army does not dare the upfront and demon army contends. Only dares to hit one of the people in a fight surreptitiously in the side dozen, pinches the fruit cake. 可是到了真正开战的时候,这支大军就不敢正面和魔物大军抗衡了。只敢在旁边打打太平拳,捏捏软柿子。 These indigenous gods fighting spirits are ordinary, cannot display what battle efficiency. 这些土著神明斗志一般,发挥不出什么战斗力来。 Meng Zhang and great shark god do not have many anticipations to them, by them. 孟章和巨鲨神对他们也没有更多的期待,也就由得他们。 Their this helping, the good and evil can the momentum of strong one's own side, be able to share a point to come from the pressure of demon army somewhat. 他们这次助拳,好歹可以壮壮己方的声势,多多少少可以分担一点来自魔物大军的压力。 The army strength that the great shark god leads is limited, even if has great shark god True God to lead, is unable easily to repel the present demon army, instead fell into intense engaging in fierce battle with it. 巨鲨神率领的这支大军实力有限,就算有着巨鲨神这名真神率领,也无法轻易击退眼前的魔物大军,反而和其陷入了激烈的鏖战之中。 After branching out part of strengths tie down the great shark god and subordinate army, under Famine Demon God also has enough demon army to kill to Meng Zhang and Tai Miao. 分出一部分力量缠住巨鲨神及其麾下大军之后,灾荒魔神麾下还有足够的魔物大军杀向孟章太妙 Meng Zhang this time to extinguish thoroughly kills Famine Demon God, beforehand prepared many methods. 孟章这次为了彻底灭杀灾荒魔神,事先就准备了不少的手段。 He takes out a jade book, gently change. 他取出一本玉册,轻轻翻动。 Jade book above, leaves leeway a given name of Divine Prosperity Realm gods every pages. 玉册的每一页上面,都留有一名神昌界神明的名讳。 Behind given name, the empty shadow twinkle of faintly visible gods. 在名讳后面,隐约可见神明的虚影闪烁。 Any by the gods who Meng Zhang confers, 凡是被孟章册封的神明, Must leave behind the given name above this jade book. In given name that leaves behind, not only poured into its supernatural power, its Soul mark. 都要在这本玉册之上留下名讳。留下的名讳之中,不但灌注了其神力,还有其神魂印记。 Meng Zhang only need stimulate to movement the jade book, can summon the supernatural power incarnations and even the main body of these gods arrives. 孟章只需催动玉册,就可以召唤这些神明的神力化身乃至本尊降临。 With the Meng Zhang movement, the Meng Zhang side presented the Divine Prosperity Realm gods empty shades. 随着孟章的动作,孟章身边出现了一名名神昌界的神明虚影。 These gods are not the main body come this, is on Meng Zhang the strength of jade book melts obviously, but supernatural power incarnation. 这些神明不是本尊来此,是孟章手上玉册的力量显化而出的神力化身。 Their strength strongs and weaks, depend on the strength of this jade book implication. 他们的力量强弱,取决于这本玉册蕴含的力量。 This jade book is the foundation of Taiyi World gods system, many years ago, Meng Zhang collected various heavenly material refinements laboriously. 这本玉册是太乙界神明体系的根基,在多年以前,孟章辛苦收集了各种天材地宝炼制而成。 This jade book is an expanding treasure, can, as promotion of Meng Zhang cultivation base, unceasing investment many heavenly material, thus strengthening slowly. 这本玉册是一件成长性的宝物,可以随着孟章修为的提升,不断的投入更多的天材地宝,从而慢慢的强化。 Since refining is successful, Meng Zhang repeatedly has strengthened this jade book. 自从炼制成功之后,孟章就多次强化过这本玉册。 Harvest in Grand Dust World ruins, arrives at the Divine Prosperity Realm later harvest, had a large part of investments above this jade book. 无论是在钧尘界废墟之中的收获,还是来到神昌界之后的收获,都有很大一部分投资在了这本玉册之上。 Although this jade book now could not have been the immortal item level, but had been far in excess of overwhelming majority magic weapons, at least was false immortal item. 这本玉册现在虽然还达不到仙器的层次,可已经远远超越了绝大部分的法宝,起码都算是一件伪仙器了。 Gods incarnation that summoned from the jade book, the strength height, after the platoon became a battle formation, blocked demon army who charged into Meng Zhang and Tai Miao. 从玉册之中召唤出来的神明化身,实力高低不等,排成一个阵势之后,就挡住了冲向孟章太妙的魔物大军。 The Divine Prosperity Realm gods lose greatly in the previous war, many people have not fully restored, but also in training. 神昌界的神明们在上次大战之中损耗巨大,许多人至今都没有完全恢复,还在修养之中。 When Meng Zhang summoned their supernatural power incarnation after the jade book, they have induced. 孟章利用玉册召唤出他们的神力化身之后,他们都有所感应。 Now Taiyi World is very near from Divine Prosperity Realm, the strength of gods can put above Divine Prosperity Realm. 现在太乙界距离神昌界很近,神明们的力量可以投放到神昌界之上。 Although the main body of these gods do not have to send out personally, but transfers the supernatural power in abundance diligently, concentrates on it to the supernatural power incarnation that above Meng Zhang summoned. 这些神明们的本尊虽然没有亲自出动,可纷纷努力调动神力,将其投注到孟章召唤出来的神力化身之上。 After obtaining in addition of gods holds, these supernatural power incarnations become more powerful, intelligent. 得到神明们的加持之后,这些神力化身变得更为强大,更有灵性。 They tie to fight, kills inextricably involved with the demon army. 他们结阵而战,和魔物大军杀得难分难解。 The gods fight experience in Taiyi World gods system is not possibly rich, but is skilled in various formation, is good at coordinating. 太乙界神明体系之中的神明可能战斗经验不算丰富,可是精通各种法阵,善于配合。 The single gods strength is ordinary, under after many gods cloths battle formation, can bring into full play the prestige jointly. 单个神明战力一般,多名神明布下阵势之后,可以充分发挥联手之威。 These supernatural power incarnations have many characteristics of main body. 这些神力化身也有着本尊的许多特性。 Battle formations that they from the sky discharge, prevented the impact of demon army powerfully. 他们在空中排出的一个个阵势,有力的阻挡了魔物大军的冲击。 Tai Miao saw with own eyes that these supernatural power incarnation and demon army fights inextricably involved, both hands wield again and again. 太妙眼见这些神力化身和魔物大军斗得难分难解,双手连连挥动。 Strength of in addition world from Taiyi World holds above these supernatural power incarnations, strengthened its strength greatly. 一道道来自太乙界的天地之力加持到这些神力化身之上,大大强化了其实力。 Right now, this crowd of supernatural power incarnations hit the chicken blood to be the same probably, became aggressive incomparable. 这下子,这群神力化身就好像打了鸡血一样,变得生猛无比。 Under Tai Miao and Moon God supernatural power incarnation leads, these supernatural power incarnations started the counter-attack. 太妙月神的神力化身率领之下,这些神力化身开始了反击。 Many battle formations that they compose divide surrounding the demon army, respectively elimination. 他们组成的多个阵势将魔物大军分割包围,分别消灭。 The Famine Demon God unceasing sending out demon army, is unable to vacillate the formation that these supernatural power incarnations compose. 灾荒魔神不断的派出魔物大军,都无法动摇这些神力化身组成的阵型。
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