SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2772: About 2 is 1

The demon army number that Famine Demon God demonize all lives of southern islands, melted is big, but has no organization. 灾荒魔神魔化了南部群岛的所有生灵,化出的这支魔物大军数量众多,可是并没有什么组织。 In fact, this is the common problems of many demon armies. 实际上,这是许多魔物大军的通病。 Easy that the demon army comes, is very difficult to conduct the organization and training. 魔物大军来的容易,却很难进行组织和训练。 Through the demon army who the demonize life obtains, has similar problem. 绝大部分通过魔化生灵得到的魔物大军,都有类似的毛病。 To solve this problem, besides investing more resources, but must spend lots of time to conduct the severe control and training. 要想解决这个毛病,除了投入更多的资源之外,还要花费大量的时间进行严酷的管制和训练。 Clearly, shortly after Famine Demon God demonize south islands, Meng Zhang gets the gate, has not given him more time. 很明显,灾荒魔神魔化南部群岛后不久,孟章就打上门来,没有给与他更多的时间。 In demonic path, only then these have many Demon God and even the heavenly demon big influences, has the capital to have the well-trained demon army. 在魔道之中,也只有那些拥有多位魔神乃至天魔的大势力,才有资本拥有训练有素的魔物大军。 Such demon army, has the qualifications void vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 那样的魔物大军,才有资格纵横虚空之间。 Because lacks the training and organization, only knows that pure depending on numerical advantage steamroll opponent, the shortcoming of this demon army is very obvious. 由于缺乏训练和组织,只知道单纯的靠着数量优势碾压对手,这支魔物大军的缺点还是很明显的。 If changes into the Divine Prosperity Realm indigenous gods such opponent, possibly the demon army steamroll in the past, easily can the retreating in fear opponent. 如果换成神昌界土著神明这样的对手,可能魔物大军一路碾压过去,轻易就能吓退对手。 That army who the great shark god leads does not raise, said these supernatural power incarnations that only Meng Zhang summoned. 巨鲨神率领的那支大军不提,单说孟章召唤出来的这些神力化身。 They do not have fear and other mood, only knows that strictly carries out the order of Meng Zhang. 他们没有恐惧等情绪,只知道严格执行孟章的命令。 Facing these supernatural power incarnations, demon army that shed life throws strikes, the imposing manner of senseless life and death does not daunt the person. 面对这些神力化身,魔物大军那种舍命扑击,无谓生死的气势根本吓不住人。 The armies battle, when the both sides strength extremely disparate disparity, organization and training have not been decide the victory and defeat the key. 大军交战,在双方实力没有太过悬殊的差距的时候,组织度和训练度就是决定胜负的关键。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao, although is not willing to consume on these demon armies too in a big way, may display Divine Ability once for a while, occasionally hits to hit one of the people in a fight surreptitiously, does not have the issue. 孟章太妙虽然不愿意在这些魔物大军身上消耗太大,可时不时施展一下神通,偶尔打打太平拳,还是没有问题的。 After intense struggle, army that the supernatural power incarnation that Meng Zhang summoned composed, not only eliminated the demon army who flushed, but also launched the counter-attack, killed on own initiative to the demon territory. 一场激烈的苦战之后,孟章召唤出来的神力化身组成的军队,不但消灭了冲过来的魔物大军,还发动反击,主动杀向了魔域之中。 The life of southern islands is not inexhaustible, the demon army who Famine Demon God demonize comes out is also limited. 南部群岛的生灵不是无穷无尽的,灾荒魔神魔化出来的魔物大军也是有限的。 After such long fierce combat, after paying with the serious casualties, Famine Demon God as if exhausted all military, is unable to send out more demon army again. 经过这么久的激战,付出了惨重的伤亡之后,灾荒魔神似乎耗尽了所有兵力,再也无法派出更多的魔物大军了。 The existing demon army, mostly with the army tangled warfare that the great shark god leads. 已有的魔物大军,大多在和巨鲨神率领的大军混战。 Supernatural power incarnations that Meng Zhang summoned, in groups to fascinated in territory, quick was eliminated by the strength of demon territory. 孟章召唤出来的神力化身们,成群结队的冲入了魔域之中,很快就被魔域的力量消灭了。 Meng Zhang prevented more supernatural power incarnations to overrun brings death in vain. 孟章阻止了更多的神力化身冲过去白白送死。 Evidently, in the demon territory also contained very strong strength. 看样子,魔域之中还蕴含了很强的力量。 Did not have the disturbance of demon army, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao continues the original movement, starts the unceasing attacking demon territory again. 没有了魔物大军的干扰,孟章太妙继续原先的动作,再次开始不断的攻打魔域。 The previous scene repeated again. 此前的场面再一次重演了。 Famine Demon God hides in the demon territory, resists Meng Zhang using the demon territory their attack. 灾荒魔神躲在魔域之中,利用魔域招架孟章他们的攻击。 In the Famine Demon God heart is very clear, if separated from the protection of demon territory, flies outside, he collaborates facing Meng Zhang and Tai Miao, absolutely is not an opponent. 灾荒魔神心中很清楚,如果脱离魔域的保护,飞到外面,他面对孟章太妙联手,绝对不是对手。 At present the most sane choice, gives up the demon territory, runs away as soon as possible. 目前最为理智的选择,就是放弃魔域,尽快逃走。 But in the Famine Demon God heart always feels that has such a point is not unwilling. 可是灾荒魔神心中总是感到有那么一分不甘心。 First does not hate to give up the demon territory, second was full of the hate to Meng Zhang. 一来是舍不得放弃魔域,二来是对孟章充满了怨恨。 He is always thinking delays much, perhaps the next quarter situation has the change. 他总想着多多拖延一下,也许下一刻局势就有变化呢。 Although Famine Demon God is more sane than most Demon God, without is so biased, may as Demon God, have one of the demonic path powerhouse unavoidably is the inherent shortcoming, easily by mood about. 灾荒魔神虽然远比大多数魔神理智清醒,没有那么偏执,可身为魔神,就免不了拥有魔道强者的一系固有缺点,容易被情绪左右。 Always knows the onset and retreat Famine Demon God, at this time also sneaked in the insignificant problem, started to deceive oneself and others. 一向知进退的灾荒魔神,这个时候也钻进了牛角尖,开始自欺欺人了。 This was also his inexorable fate arrived probably, was hoodwinked by the inexplicable mood mental. 这大概也是他的劫数到了,才被莫名的情绪蒙蔽了心智。 Under the attack of Meng Zhang and Tai Miao, the strength of demon territory is weaken unceasingly, the range of covering is also getting smaller. 孟章太妙的打击之下,魔域的力量不断减弱,笼罩的范围也是越来越小。 Famine Demon God also has the contraction to cover the range, focuses on the thoughts as far as possible. 灾荒魔神也有收缩笼罩范围,尽量集中力量的心思。 Also after is a time-consuming for a long time fight, the demon territory was compressed above the southern islands original Lord island. 又是一阵耗时许久的战斗之后,魔域被压缩到了南部群岛原本的主岛之上。 Originally by the place that the demon territory covers, under the attack of Meng Zhang and Tai Miao, changed to a nihility. 原本被魔域覆盖的地方,在孟章太妙的打击之下,化作了一片虚无。 Famine Demon God realized at this time finally, if continue, the demon territory thorough was destroyed the matter that could not avoid. 灾荒魔神这个时候终于意识到,照此下去,魔域被彻底毁灭是避免不了的事情。 He previously that quick demonize entire south islands, without fee/spent many strengths thoroughly transformed it as the demon territory, has the price. 他此前那么快魔化整个南部群岛,没费多少力气就将其彻底转化为魔域,也是有着代价的。 The price was the demon territory already already he of depth binding, if at this time must drop out the demon territory to run away, under backlashed, will definitely be injured big. 代价就是和魔域早就已经深度绑定的他,这个时候如果要抛下魔域逃走,反噬之下,肯定会受到不小的伤害。 He has experienced to cross Meng Zhang and Tai Miao strength, experiences the imposing manner that their oaths did not suspend to rest, must be ruthless. 他已经见识过了孟章太妙的实力,也见识了他们那种誓不摆休、非要赶尽杀绝的气势。 If carries in the severely wounded situation, he really does not have very big assurance to escape their chasing down. 如果身负重伤的情况下,他实在没有很大的把握可以逃过他们的追杀。 After Famine Demon God considers again and again, being unwilling in heart and hates, finally helped under him decide the final determination, making him make the final shed life to wrestle, rather than stepped the road of life and death unknown escape. 灾荒魔神反复考虑之后,心中的不甘和怨恨,终于帮助他下定了最后的决心,让他做最后的舍命一搏,而不是踏上生死未知的逃亡之路。 In the Famine Demon God mouth fast reading moves the spell, with the aid of a strength of demon, dispersed the demon body on own initiative, disperses in almost entire demon territory. 灾荒魔神口中快速的念动魔咒,借助一件魔器的力量,将魔躯主动散开,分散到了几乎整个魔域之中。 The virulent strange spell sound passes from the demon territory, resounds through in the world. 恶毒诡异的魔咒声音从魔域之中传出来,响彻天地之间。 Nearby life hears the spell sound, will immediately feel rash and restlessing, becomes hot tempered anxious. 附近的生灵听到魔咒声音,立即就会感到心浮气躁、心神不宁,变得暴躁不安。 cultivation base weakly, will be fascinated. 修为弱一点的,甚至会就此入魔。 Was good has not continued the too long time to vanish because of the spell. 好在魔咒没有持续太长的时间就消失了。 Hears the spell sound to resound, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao know that Famine Demon God must go all out. 听到魔咒声音响起,孟章太妙知道灾荒魔神要拼命了。 They speed up attacking, unceasing bombardment below demon territory. 他们加快攻击,不断的轰击下方的魔域。 The area of demon territory greatly shrinks again, but Famine Demon God also completed at this time. 魔域的面积再一次大幅缩水,可这个时候灾荒魔神也完成了施法。 Present Famine Demon God has combined with the demon territory thoroughly. 现在的灾荒魔神已经和魔域彻底合二为一了。 After seeing only huge demon territory sways from side to side, was separated from the sea level, changed to an incomparably huge giant. 只见庞大的魔域一阵扭动之后,就脱离了海面,化作了一个无比庞大的巨人。 On this giant lived completely the innumerable tentacles. 这个巨人身上生满了无数的触手。 These tentacles unceasing sways from side to side whips, seemingly strange incomparable. 这些触手不断的扭动拍打,看上去诡异无比。 After Famine Demon God and demon territory combines, becomes one and special demon. 灾荒魔神和魔域合二为一之后,成为了一具及其特殊的魔物。 This demon has the demon territory that huge system and strength, has the consciousness of Famine Demon God. 这具魔物既拥有魔域那么庞大的体系和力量,也拥有灾荒魔神的意识。 Facing terrifying demon of unprecedented, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao do not have the heart of fear. 面对前所未见的恐怖魔物,孟章太妙毫无畏惧之心。 Tai Miao appeared the body of Ghost Deity, under in addition of strength of Taiyi World world held, unceasing increasing. 太妙显出出了鬼神之躯,并且在太乙界天地之力的加持之下,不断的变大。 Quick, Tai Miao turned into one only compared at present demon short huge Ghost Deity. 很快,太妙就变成了一具只比眼前魔物矮一头的巨大鬼神 Tai Miao angrily roars, plunged front demon. 太妙怒吼一声,就扑向了前方的魔物。 Meng Zhang offers a sacrifice to Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan, the strength of inexhaustible wind fire rushed to front demon. 孟章祭起风火阴阳扇,无穷无尽的风火之力涌向了前方的魔物。 His body unceasing encirclement being bewitched thing hovers, the unceasing making a move attack, coordinates Tai Miao promptly. 他的身体不断的围着魔物游动,不断的出手攻击,及时配合太妙 Tai Miao after demon, is vicious incomparable throwing strikes. 太妙靠近魔物之后,就是一阵凶狠无比的扑击。 Tai Miao fights hand-to-hand regarding this near body, fights personal, has very rich experience. 太妙对于这种近身肉搏,贴身打斗,有着非常丰富的经验。 The Yin-Yang two gasifications that Meng Zhang emits make thick ropes, tries present demon to fetter firmly. 孟章放出的阴阳二气化作一根根粗大的绳索,试图将眼前的魔物牢牢束缚住。 Yin Yang Extinguishing Divine Thunder, Sun and Moon Divine Light and other Divine Ability unceasing toward the huge demon bombardment. 阴阳灭绝神雷日月神光神通不断的向着巨大的魔物轰击。
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