SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2770: Avenging a grievance

Famine Demon God knows that Meng Zhang their potential is big, but he is not willing to give up the demon territory, such dingy running away. 灾荒魔神知道孟章他们势大,可是他不愿意放弃魔域,就这么灰溜溜的逃走。 He has been defeated in Meng Zhang excessively twice. 他已经在孟章手里失败过两次了。 In void, he has to bow one time the compromise to Meng Zhang. 一次是在虚空之中,他不得不向孟章低头妥协。 Other in continually the Yueshan lineage/vein, he and Hun Ling of Honored Deity suffering a loss escapes one time distressedly. 另外一次是在连岳山脉,吃了大亏的他和混灵尊神狼狈而逃。 He seized the south islands in the past, was regarded as a marvelous move by oneself. 他当年夺下南部群岛,被自己视为一记奇妙的招数。 He south islands demonize, is prepares to take it as the foundation, for demonize entire Divine Prosperity Realm. 他将南部群岛魔化,是准备将其作为根基,用于魔化整个神昌界 In order to accelerate the forming of demon territory, he set up demon of collection in the demon territory center. 为了加速魔域的成形,他将一件珍藏的魔器立在了魔域中心。 Once this demon establishes, is easily irremovable. 这件魔器一旦立下,轻易就不能移动。 In the demon territory has all that he painstakingly plans, he is not really willing easily to give up. 魔域之中有他苦心经营的一切,他实在是不愿意轻易放弃。 Famine Demon God regarding the Divine Prosperity Realm situation, is also very clear. 灾荒魔神对于神昌界的情况,同样十分清楚。 Ghost Deity from Netherworld is expanding in the eastern land wantonly, diverted Taiyi World and dragon clan many strengths. 来自阴间鬼神正在东陆大肆扩张,牵制了太乙界和龙族不少力量。 Hun Ling Honored Deity previously reached the cooperation agreement with Famine Demon God, deals with Taiyi World and allied armies of dragon clan together. 混灵尊神此前就和灾荒魔神达成了互助协议,一起应对太乙界和龙族的联军。 Hun Ling Honored Deity now in ocean deep place, slow aid will not help in an emergency. 只是混灵尊神现在远在大洋深处,远水解不了近渴。 However, the Divine Prosperity Realm situation is complicated and diversified, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao are impossible to treat here. 不过,神昌界局势复杂多变,孟章太妙不可能一直待在这里。 Famine Demon God depends on the demon territory, can long-term persevering. 灾荒魔神依托魔域,可以长时间的坚守。 When the Divine Prosperity Realm situation deteriorates, Meng Zhang they are forced to leave, is the Famine Demon God opportunity. 等到神昌界局势恶化,孟章他们被迫离开的时候,就是灾荒魔神的机会。 Deciding Famine Demon God starts the defense in positive preparation demon territory. 打定主意的灾荒魔神开始积极的准备魔域之中的防御。 He transfers the demon army who oneself previously transformed, making it assist itself to protect the demon territory. 他调动自己此前转化的魔物大军,让其协助自己守护魔域。 When Meng Zhang and Tai Miao they leave Taiyi World, the great shark god also receives the order of Meng Zhang, started to lead the army to kill to the south islands. 孟章太妙他们离开太乙界的时候,巨鲨神也收到孟章的命令,开始率领大军杀向南部群岛了。 After this period of time wearing , the great shark god by the strength of True God rank, won enough right to speak in this army. 经过这段时间的磨合,巨鲨神凭借真神级别的实力,在这支大军之中获得了足够的话语权。 In addition this is the order that Meng Zhang issues personally, no one dares to defy blatantly. 加上这是孟章亲自下达的命令,没有人敢于公然违抗。 Originally is away from the south islands not far army, quick can arrive at the goal. 本来就距离南部群岛不远的大军,很快就能到达目标。 After Famine Demon God returns the demon territory, did not have the strength to prevent Meng Zhang again to avenge a grievance, the scrubbing previous shame. 灾荒魔神退回魔域之后,再也没有力量能够阻止孟章报仇雪恨、洗刷此前的耻辱了。 Sandy Cay True God during previous and fight of Famine Demon God, had lost a large part of strengths. 沙岛真神在此前和灾荒魔神的战斗之中,已经损耗了很大一部分力量。 After losing most followers, the supernatural power of reassigning god country's he non-stop, making the god national capital soon the oil completely lamp dry. 在损失了大部分信徒之后,他不停的抽调神国的神力,让神国都快要油尽灯枯了。 Facing the attack of Meng Zhang, how long the Sandy Cay True God has not insisted, fell from the sky together with the god country together. 面对孟章的攻击,沙岛真神没有坚持多久,就连同神国一起殒落了。 Although Sandy Cay seemingly resisted the attack of demon territory, was in secret the demon air/Qi of permeating, not only demonize many indigenous, but also caused the huge pollution to this lands. 沙岛虽然看似抵挡住了魔域的进攻,可是暗中渗入的魔气,不但魔化了许多土著,还对这片土地造成了巨大的污染。 Sun and Moon Divine Light in the control of Meng Zhang fell on Sandy Cay, the above life together with the islands, changed into the nihility entirely. 日月神光孟章的操控之下落到了沙岛上面,将上面的生灵连同岛屿本身,统统化为了虚无。 On other islands indigenous gods see the fate of Sandy Cay, was daunted. 其它岛屿上面的土著神明看见沙岛的下场,都被吓住了。 They begs for mercy to Meng Zhang, while focuses on diligently, prepared resistance. 他们一边向孟章求饶,一边努力集中力量,做好了抵抗的准备。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao collaborate, easily puts to death all indigenous gods, on these Big Island lives have not let off. 孟章太妙联手,轻易就将所有的土著神明诛杀,就连这几座大岛上面的生灵都没有放过。 In any case many lives already by demonize, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao do not have the time to distinguish slowly, will not spend the strength to save them. 反正许多生灵都已经被魔化,孟章太妙也没有时间慢慢鉴别,更不会花费力气去拯救他们。 Is looking under the empty islands, a Tai Miao big hand move, has the infinite great strength, pulls out entirely these islands, making its rise in the air, and rise. 望着下方空空荡荡的岛屿,太妙大手一招,就生出无穷巨力,将这些岛屿统统拔起来,让其升到空中,并且不停的上升。 When these islands rose the sufficient altitude, under the control of Tai Miao, changed to bunch of giant meteorites, is carrying the flaming flame, turned toward below demon territory to fall. 当这些岛屿上升到了足够的高度,在太妙的操控之下,化作一团团巨大的陨石,携带着熊熊火焰,就向着下方的魔域落了下去。 In eliminating the indigenous gods in these islands, after conveniently came one to stamp out the source of trouble, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao have not rested, strike while the iron is hot, launched the attack to the demon territory that Famine Demon God controlled. 在消灭了这几座岛屿的土著神明,顺手来了一个斩草除根之后,孟章太妙没有休息,打铁趁热,就对灾荒魔神控制的魔域发动了攻击。 From the distant place, this demon territory is black fog of big group. 从远处看去,这片魔域就是一大团的黑雾。 Several giant meteorites by not to be possible to stop the potential to fall, Famine Demon God made dealing immediately. 几块巨大的陨石以无可阻挡之势落下,灾荒魔神立即做出了应对。 In the demon territory transforms giant jet black palms, reaches in the air, grasped to these meteorites. 魔域之中幻化出一支支巨大的漆黑手掌,伸向空中,就向这几块陨石抓了过去。 These great hands are flexible, unexpectedly held several meteorites all of a sudden completely. 这几支巨手非常灵活,居然一下子就将几块陨石全部抓住了。 The meteorite castrates already completely, was wrapped firmly by these great hands. 陨石去势已尽,被这几支巨手牢牢包裹起来。 Tai Miao drinks one lightly, several meteorites had the large explosion suddenly. 太妙轻喝一声,几块陨石猛然发生了大爆炸。 Not only explodes these great hands is split up, explodes the photo the complementary waves also to fall to below demon territory, mixed ripples above. 不但将这几支巨手炸得四分五裂,爆照的余波还落向下方的魔域,在上面搅动出了一圈圈涟漪。 Destroyed completely the Sandy Cay True God and other indigenous gods, Meng Zhang had/left a foul odor, the thought became understanding of be many. 灭掉了沙岛真神等土著神明,孟章算是出了一口恶气,念头变得通达不少。 Naturally, the biggest goal or Famine Demon God, are far from relaxing now. 当然,最大的目标还是灾荒魔神,现在远没有到放松的时候。 Meng Zhang flies opposite of Tai Miao, two people face each other across a great distance, unfolds Divine Ability respectively, attacks below demon territory together. 孟章飞到太妙对面,两人遥遥相对,各展神通,一起攻打下方的魔域。 Without falling fascinated territory, Famine Demon God is unable to occupy the home-game advantage. 只要没有陷入魔域之中,灾荒魔神就无法占据主场之利。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao stand in the distance demon territory not far place, attacks. 孟章太妙站在距离魔域不远的地方,不停的施法攻打。 Famine Demon God controls the demon territory repeatedly, attempts packages Meng Zhang and Tai Miao. 灾荒魔神多次操控魔域,试图将孟章太妙包裹到里面。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao are very smart, each time Turin live evaded. 孟章太妙很是机灵,每次都灵活的避了开去。 Sun and Moon Divine Light and Yin Yang Extinguishing Divine Thunder of Meng Zhang release, the might greatly did not say, also has the special restraint function to the demon territory. 孟章释放的日月神光阴阳灭绝神雷,威力巨大不说,对魔域还有着特殊的克制作用。 Tai Miao transfers Taiyi World the strength of the world, the whole person as if incarnation becomes the Heavenly Dao consciousness of Taiyi World to be the same. 太妙调动太乙界的天地之力,整个人仿佛化身成为了太乙界的天道意识一般。 Among his every action and every movement, has the terrifying great strength to give birth, bang to below demon territory. 他一举一动之间,就有恐怖的巨力生出,不停的轰向下方的魔域。 The Famine Demon God control demon territory and Meng Zhang they to the war, actually cannot display the slight advantage. 灾荒魔神操控魔域和孟章他们对战,却发挥不出丝毫的优势来。 The huge demon territory is quite relatively fixed, the movement that is hard to be large-scale. 庞大的魔域相对比较固定,难以大规模的移动。 The attack that sends out from the demon territory is very difficult to lock Meng Zhang they. 从魔域之中发出的攻击很难锁定孟章他们。 By Meng Zhang their strengths, comes on several meeting the tough head-on with toughness attacks with the demon territory, not major problem. 孟章他们的实力,和魔域来上几次硬碰硬的攻击,也没有多大问题。 The fight continued period of not short time, Famine Demon God falling slowly to leeward. 战斗持续了一段不短的时间了,灾荒魔神慢慢的落到了下风。 The color in demon territory becomes more and more gloomy, the movement is even more slow, the strength was obviously significantly weakened. 魔域的颜色变得越来越暗淡,动作越发迟缓,力量明显被大大削弱了。 By this time, Famine Demon God also understands, oneself is unable to control the demon territory, they dragged into which Meng Zhang. 到了这个时候,灾荒魔神也明白,自己无法操控魔域,将孟章他们拉入其中了。 He has to contract the strength again, passive defensive. 他不得不再次收缩力量,被动防御。 Only defends does not attack to be equal chronic may be unable to carry off from such big demon territory, is unable to avoid Meng Zhang their attack. 只守不攻等同于慢性自这么大一片魔域可无法带走,更无法躲避孟章他们的攻击。 Under Meng Zhang their unceasing attack, the demon territory was weakened unceasingly, from by the thorough bang broken is only a time issue. 孟章他们的不断打击之下,魔域被不断削弱,距离被彻底轰碎只是一个时间问题。 Famine Demon God finds out various means delays the time diligently, slows down Meng Zhang their offensive. 灾荒魔神想出各种办法,努力拖延时间,减缓孟章他们的攻势。 As he orders, crowds of all sorts of strange and unusual demon killed from the demon territory, plunged Meng Zhang directly they. 随着他一声令下,一群群千奇百怪的魔物从魔域之中杀了出来,直接扑向了孟章他们。 Obviously, he prepares to tie down Meng Zhang with the demon army hand/subordinate they. 显然,他是准备用手下的魔物大军来缠住孟章他们。 When Meng Zhang they attack the demon territory, that mix army who the great shark god leads, went to distance demon territory very near place. 孟章他们攻打魔域的时候,巨鲨神率领的那支混合大军,也来到了距离魔域很近的地方。 This army is divided into several parts according to the race origin, the respective array above the sea level, faces each other across a great distance with the demon territory. 这支大军按照种族来历分成几个部分,在海面之上各自列阵,和魔域遥遥相对。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao wield several moves conveniently, eliminated a group of demon. 孟章太妙随手挥出几招,就消灭了一大群的魔物。
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