SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2769: Again near

The Sandy Cay True God they had enough protection, plotting of Famine Demon God had not succeeded. 沙岛真神他们有了足够的防备,灾荒魔神的暗算就没有成功。 This thinks that takes this group of idiots is the easy matter, unexpectedly will also be defeated. 本以为拿下这帮蠢货是手到擒来的事情,居然还会失败。 Becoming angry out of shame Famine Demon God gave up the idea that continues to sneak attack, started the storm. 老羞成怒的灾荒魔神放弃了继续偷袭的想法,开始发动强攻了。 He stimulates to movement the demon territory, the range of proliferation demon territory, the demon territory wantonly non-stop wells up toward these seven big islands, tries to swallow Sandy Cay and other islands forcefully. 他催动魔域,大肆扩散魔域的范围,魔域不停的向着这七座大岛涌去,试图强行吞噬沙岛等岛屿。 The Sandy Cay True God they dread Famine Demon God, is actually insufficient to be without a fight. 沙岛真神他们畏惧灾荒魔神,却也不至于束手就擒。 Was compelled them in corner by Famine Demon God, rises spiritedly to counter-attack, together jointly with its resistance. 灾荒魔神逼到墙角的他们,奋起反击,一起联手与其对抗。 Famine Demon God that has not fully restored, with the aid of the strength of demon territory, at once, is still hard to take Sandy Cay even, unexpectedly they fell into during with the Sandy Cay True God was locked in a stalemate. 还没有完全恢复的灾荒魔神,就算借助魔域之力,一时之间,也难以拿下沙岛,居然和沙岛真神他们陷入了相持之中。 Discovered that side situation in Taiyi World Tai Miao. 太乙界太妙发现了那边的情况。 He knows, do not look the Sandy Cay True God they currently have to attack to defend, with the Famine Demon God fight give-and-take. 他知道,别看沙岛真神他们现在有攻有守,和灾荒魔神斗得有来有往。 But in fact, because the differences in various both sides aspects are oversized, how long they will unable to support to suffer a defeat and flee. 可是实际上,由于双方各方面的差距过大,他们支持不了多久就会败亡。 Tai Miao cannot make Famine Demon God work. 太妙不能让灾荒魔神得逞。 Meng Zhang has not fully restored although, but the determination has strength of the war. 孟章尽管还没有完全恢复过来,可自觉已经有了一战之力。 He and Tai Miao arrived at sky over Sandy Cay again. 他和太妙再一次来到了沙岛上空。 At this time, the demon territory of Famine Demon God control has surrounded completely that seven big islands. 这个时候,灾荒魔神操控的魔域已经将那七座大岛全部包围起来。 As if thickly to not being able to melt darkness, throws crazily toward these seven big islands. 仿佛浓厚到化不开的黑暗,不停的向着这七座大岛疯狂扑去。 On seven Big Island indigenous gods assume the respective god country, the stimulation of movement supernatural power, melts a layer upon layer supernatural power guard/shield, packages completely these seven islands. 七座大岛上面的土著神明坐镇各自的神国,催动神力,化出一层层神力护罩,将这七座岛屿都全部包裹起来。 Loss supernatural power guard/shield that the strength of demon territory non-stop, the supernatural power guard/shield is getting more and more thin. 魔域的力量不停的损耗神力护罩,神力护罩越来越薄。 The Sandy Cay True God and other indigenous True God are good, other indigenous gods had felt obviously the supernatural power consumption is oversized, soon could not support. 沙岛真神等三名土著真神还好,其余土著神明已经明显感到神力消耗过大,快要支撑不住了。 So long as the demon territory breaks through the supernatural power guard/shield, quick can submerge these seven islands thoroughly, making all indigenous gods be possible to escape roadless. 魔域只要突破神力护罩,很快就能将这七座岛屿彻底淹没,让所有的土著神明无路可逃。 Sandy Cay True God they resists the attack of Famine Demon God diligently, while begs for mercy to the opposite party. 沙岛真神他们一边努力抵挡灾荒魔神的进攻,一边向对方求饶。 They expressed willingness to submit to Famine Demon God, can cope with Meng Zhang with him...... 他们表示愿意臣服灾荒魔神,会和他一起对付孟章…… Famine Demon God regarding begging for mercy of this fellows radically indifferently. 灾荒魔神对于这帮家伙的求饶根本无动于衷。 Subordinate who one group harbors the disloyalty, where has the puppet is so reliable. 一帮怀有异心的手下,哪里有傀儡那么可靠。 Meng Zhang and Tai Miao arrive at this place time, has not hidden the whereabouts. 孟章太妙降临此地的时候,并没有隐藏行迹。 Their vast momentum arrivals, are secure, must completely solve this trouble. 他们声势浩大的降临,是有恃无恐,要彻底解决这处麻烦。 Is looking below situation, two people not slightly hesitant, immediately started to begin. 望着下方的情况,两人没有丝毫犹豫,立即就开始动手了。 The Taiji Yin Yang Chart rotation of Meng Zhang top of the head, Yin Yang Extinguishing Divine Thunder shelled the past toward under. 孟章头顶的太极阴阳图转动,一记记阴阳灭绝神雷向着下方轰击过去。 God thunder explosion passes, easily can sweep clean a big demon territory. 一记神雷轰过去,轻易就能扫清一大片的魔域。 As exploding of god thunder opens, the demon territory as well as in all, vanished in a puff of smoke. 随着神雷的爆开,魔域以及里面的一切,都随之灰飞烟灭。 Tai Miao this time has not mobilized the Taiyi World gods. 太妙这次没有动员太乙界的神明。 Many gods previous consumptions are oversized, has not fully restored, but also during the training lives. 许多神明上次消耗过大,至今都没有完全恢复,还在修养生息之中。 Even if Tai Miao does not have Taiyi World god Akinosuke, can still transfer Taiyi World the strength of the world at will. 太妙就算没有太乙界神明之助,也可以随意的调动太乙界的天地之力。 Let alone, his battle efficiency is not weak in these top True God. 更何况,他本身的战斗力就不弱于那些顶级真神。 gray ray shoots towards below demon territories, the area coverage of unceasing subduction demon territory. 一道道灰色光线射向下方的魔域,不断的消减魔域的覆盖区域。 Under the attack of jointly Meng Zhang and Tai Miao, was eliminated regarding the demon territory of Sandy Cay quickly, revealed on Sandy Cay scene. 孟章的和太妙的联手攻击之下,围绕著沙岛的魔域很快就被清除了,露出了沙岛上面的景象。 Although the demon territory cannot break through Sandy Cay, but demon air/Qi infiltrates continuously, had caused very big destruction to Sandy Cay. 魔域虽然没有能够攻破沙岛,可是一缕缕魔气渗透进去,已经给沙岛造成了很大的破坏。 On Sandy Cay indigenous almost does not have the slight resistivity regarding the demon air/Qi. 沙岛上面的土著对于魔气几乎没有丝毫的抵抗力。 Indigenous under the invasion of demon air/Qi, during the mind chaos, falling into were wild. 许多土著在魔气的侵染之下,心神大乱,陷入了狂暴之中。 Everywhere everywhere on Sandy Cay runs all over the place goes crazy indigenous. 沙岛上面到处都是四处乱跑的发狂土著。 They probably insane were the same, crazy attack surrounding all, but also attacks each other. 他们好像疯了一样,疯狂的攻击周围的一切,还互相攻击。 Sandy Cay all indigenous gods including Sandy Cay True God, is maintaining to protect the supernatural power guard/shield of Sandy Cay jointly, is really has no time to divert attention. 沙岛内部包括沙岛真神在内的所有土著神明,正在联手维持保护沙岛的神力护罩,实在是无暇分心。 Usually in helps the indigenous gods rule godkin of Sandy Cay, must resist the attack of demon air/Qi, while stills internal rebellion diligently. 平日里帮助土著神明们统治沙岛的神裔们,一边要抵挡魔气的侵袭,一边努力平定内部的暴动。 Arrived afterward, many godkin by demonize, was joined in the team of riot. 到了后来,不少神裔都被魔化,加入了暴乱的队伍之中。 Arrived Meng Zhang they come here time, on Sandy Cay indigenous has to be over half by demonize. 孟章他们降临这里的时候,沙岛上面的土著已经有超过一半被魔化 These indigenous is the followers, is the foundation of indigenous gods. 这些土著都是信徒,是土著神明们的根基。 Lost so many followers all of a sudden, strength of faith that the indigenous gods obtain reduces greatly, was soon unable to make ends meet. 一下子失去了这么多信徒,土著神明们获得的信仰之力大减,就快要入不敷出了。 Many indigenous gods are depend on the supernatural power that in the god country accumulates to continue to support forcefully. 不少土著神明都是靠着神国之中积累的神力继续强行支撑。 In seven Big Island, the situation in Sandy Cay is also not worst. 在七座大岛之中,沙岛的情况还不是最坏的。 On some islands, the fascinated life rides roughshod, has started to attack the god country of indigenous gods. 有的岛屿上面,入魔的生灵横行无忌,已经开始攻打土著神明的神国了。 The demon territory dissipates from the beginning, Sandy Cay True God immediately keen induction Meng Zhang their arrivals. 魔域一开始消散,沙岛真神立即敏锐的感应到了孟章他们的到来。 The Sandy Cay True God cannot attend to other, immediately loudly prays for rescue from Meng Zhang and Tai Miao. 沙岛真神顾不得别的,立即高声向孟章太妙求救。 The meaning of expression turning he non-stop, is willing to submit to Meng Zhang they. 他不停的表达投靠之意,愿意臣服孟章他们。 Meng Zhang regarding such entreaty the immunity, will not have treated as a matter it. 孟章对于这样的哀求早就已经免疫,根本不会将其当做一回事。 On the contrary, sees Sandy Cay True God their god country, he remembered the previous ambushed matter. 相反,一看见沙岛真神他们的神国,他就想起了上次被埋伏的事情。 One group of stupid indigenous gods, use oneself trust to betray itself unexpectedly. 一群蠢笨的土著神明,居然利用自己的信任出卖自己。 Remembers this matter, Meng Zhang thought that the face does not have. 一想起这件事情,孟章就觉得脸面全无。 Now not compared with past, Meng Zhang is not only Taiyi Sect Sect Master, is a master of macrocosm, the face is quite valuable. 现在不比从前了,孟章不但是太乙门掌门,还是一个大世界的主人,脸面还是比较值钱的。 He is impatient, cannot attend to other, to the god country of below Sandy Cay True God is being immortal technique Divine Ability Yin Yang Extinguishing Divine Thunder. 他心头火起,顾不得别的,对着下方沙岛真神的神国就是一记仙术神通阴阳灭绝神雷 Sees only the electric light to flash, Sandy Cay True God god country move. 只见电光一闪,沙岛真神的神国就中招了。 Outside the god country supernatural power guard/shield is directly stave, on the god country presented the innumerable cracks, as if will break momentarily general. 神国外面的神力护罩直接破碎,神国上面出现了无数的裂纹,仿佛随时都会破碎一般。 The god country had the earthquake probably, starts the fierce vibration. 神国内部好像发生了大地震,开始剧烈的震动起来。 The Sandy Cay True God bases steadily, almost do not tumble. 沙岛真神立足不稳,差点就要跌倒。 This has not ended, Meng Zhang is several Yin Yang Extinguishing Divine Thunder, is directly broken the god country bang of Sandy Cay True God. 这还没完,孟章又是几记阴阳灭绝神雷,直接将沙岛真神的神国轰碎。 Sandy Cay True God like this indigenous gods, no matter which aspect is far less than True Immortal. 沙岛真神这样的土著神明,不管是哪方面都远不如真仙 He also tries to rely on the strength and Meng Zhang god country at first contends with 12, then looks for the opportunity and Meng Zhang negotiations. 他最初还试图凭借神国之力和孟章抗衡一二,然后再找机会和孟章谈判。 But the Meng Zhang offensive comes quickly is too too fierce, broke the god country directly, removed he biggest taking advantage. 可是孟章的攻势来的太快太猛,直接就将神国打破,去除了他最大的依仗。 When Meng Zhang attacks the Sandy Cay True God, Tai Miao will not make Famine Demon God pick up a bargain. 孟章攻击沙岛真神的时候,太妙可不会让灾荒魔神捡便宜。 He transfers Taiyi World strength of in addition world to hold, the bombardment Famine Demon God demon territory, making it be incapable of he attending. 他调动太乙界的天地之力加持,不停的轰击灾荒魔神的魔域,让其无力他顾。 Famine Demon God after discovering Meng Zhang and Tai Miao arrives, knows oneself broke through the Sandy Cay and other big island of the ideas to fail. 灾荒魔神在发现孟章太妙到来之后,就知道自己攻破沙岛等大岛的想法落空了。 He pours also simple, the probe, found slightly Meng Zhang and Tai Miao imposing manner just male, has not made the entanglement. 他倒也干脆,稍加试探,发现孟章太妙气势正雄,就没有多做纠缠。 Under his control, the demon territory starts the fast contraction, no longer surrounds seven big islands, but returned the original region. 在他的操控之下,魔域开始快速的收缩,不再包围住七座大岛,而是退回了原本的区域。 In order to deal with Meng Zhang their following attacks, Famine Demon God needs to contract the demon territory, focuses on, makes many preparations. 为了应对孟章他们接下来的进攻,灾荒魔神需要收缩魔域,集中力量,做更多的准备。
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