SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2768: Way

The Hun Ling Honored Deity background is deep, is extraordinary, the card in a hand is numerous. 混灵尊神背景深厚,实力不凡,底牌众多。 He takes root in the sea deep place, after establishing the base industry again, is a threat, Meng Zhang cannot ignore. 他扎根大海深处,再次建立起基业之后,也算是一处威胁,孟章不能置之不理。 Just, Meng Zhang arranged the threat of Hun Ling Honored Deity at behind. 只不过,孟章混灵尊神的威胁排在了后面。 In his opinion, the threat of Hun Ling Honored Deity was far less than that Famine Demon God and Ghost Deity from Netherworld are serious. 在他看来,混灵尊神的威胁远不如灾荒魔神和来自阴间鬼神严重。 Definitely can , after solving the troubles in other aspects, goes to tidy up him again slowly. 完全可以等到解决其他方面的麻烦之后,再去慢慢收拾他。 dragon clan invades the Divine Prosperity Realm goal is here achievement new habitat. 龙族入侵神昌界的目的是将这里作为新的栖息地。 Compared with west land to come, the Divine Prosperity Realm ocean sea is its real goal. 比起西陆来,神昌界的大洋大海才是其真正的目标。 dragon clan as the void race, has the powerful information system. 龙族作为虚空种族,拥有强大的情报体系。 Even this is only an ordinary branch, still has the thorough understanding regarding the void ten thousand boundary/world situation. 即便这只是一支普通的分支,仍然对于虚空万界的情况有着深入的了解。 The dragon clan high level quite understood the Sky Pantheon foundation, knows Hun Ling Honored Deity can be a trouble sooner or later. 龙族高层对于天神殿的根底比较了解,知道混灵尊神迟早会是一个麻烦。 The dragon clan high-level hope solves the trouble that Hun Ling Honored Deity brings as soon as possible, the still sea deep place. 龙族高层希望尽快解决混灵尊神带来的麻烦,平定大海深处。 Regarding the opinion of ally, Meng Zhang cannot disregard. 对于盟友的意见,孟章不能无视。 But at present Taiyi World and situation of dragon clan, within the short time indeed is hard to reassign more strengths. 可是以目前太乙界和龙族的情况,短时间之内的确难以抽调出更多的力量来。 Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign since lost the mortal body after the demon territory initially, the strength dropped sharply did not say, this new mortal body also has many flaws probably. 吞海龙皇自从当初在魔域之中失去肉身之后,实力大跌不说,这具新的肉身好像也有着不少的缺陷。 Although faces the ally even the time, Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign has not exposed all foundations. 虽然即便是面对盟友的时候,吞海龙皇也没有暴露所有的根底。 But Meng Zhang after the observation, discovered that seems Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign to intend certainly to be limited. 可是孟章经过观察,发现好像吞海龙皇出手会受到一定的限制。 After previous Heavenly Dao consciousness of eliminating Divine Prosperity Realm, he loses is very big, has not restored, temporarily is not suitable acts. 在上次消灭神昌界的天道意识之后,他损耗很大,至今没有恢复,暂时不宜出手。 Although dragon clan the natural disposition is arbitrary, but at this time and Taiyi World is the ally. 龙族虽然本性蛮横,可此时和太乙界是盟友。 Most importantly, is the dragon clan top strength is insufficient, many places need help from the Taiyi World aspect. 最为重要的,是龙族顶级战力不足,许多地方有求于太乙界方面。 Therefore, reasonable of very dragon clan high-level performance, has not requested forcefully, but asked a Hun Ling Honored Deity issue simply. 因此,龙族高层表现的很是通情达理,没有强行要求,只是简单的提了一下混灵尊神的问题。 The dragon clan high level including Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign, knows that the dragon clan the biggest shortcoming is lacks the True Immortal rank at present the strength. 包括吞海龙皇在内的龙族高层,都知道龙族目前最大的缺点是缺乏真仙级别的战力。 In Grand Dust World, after over ten thousand years of accumulation, dragon clan accumulated the strong strength not saying that Dragon King incessantly of Void Immortal rank. 钧尘界的时候,经过上万年的积累,龙族积累了强大的战力不说,虚仙级别的龙王都不止一位。 If Dragon King of Void Immortal rank wants to become the dragon sovereign of True Immortal rank, is not an easy matter, has the key that is hard to stride over. 虚仙级别的龙王要想成为真仙级别的龙皇,并不是一件容易的事情,有着许多难以跨越的门坎。 And, regarding this dragon clan branch, a biggest difficulty, is the insufficient world source. 其中,对于这支龙族分支来说,最大的一道难关,就是缺乏足够的天地本源。 Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign leads dragon clan to invade Divine Prosperity Realm on a large scale, besides occupying here achievement new habitat, there are plunders the thoughts of Divine Prosperity Realm world source wantonly. 吞海龙皇率领龙族大举入侵神昌界,除了占据这里作为新的栖息地之外,也有大肆掠夺神昌界天地本源的心思。 By the Divine Prosperity Realm abundant accumulation, so long as does not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, can continuously the continuous provision world source. 神昌界雄厚的积累,只要不是涸泽而渔,就能够一直源源不断的提供天地本源。 Originally, according to Meng Zhang and Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign already the agreement that achieved, after stilled Divine Prosperity Realm thoroughly, both sides assigned the Divine Prosperity Realm world source again carefully. 本来,按照孟章吞海龙皇早就达成的约定,在彻底平定神昌界之后,双方再仔细分配神昌界的天地本源。 Looked how without to damage Divine Prosperity Realm fundamental seriously, accords to his need as far as possible. 看如何在不严重损伤神昌界根本的情况下,尽量各取所需。 Now Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign had other thoughts, wants to make in the dragon clan Dragon King of Void Immortal rank absorb enough world source, breaks through to the dragon sovereign boundary as soon as possible. 现在吞海龙皇有了别的心思,想让龙族中虚仙级别的龙王吸取到足够的天地本源,尽快突破到龙皇境界。 Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign has not practiced dirty tricks in the back, but informed Meng Zhang one ahead of time. 吞海龙皇倒也没有在背后搞小动作,而是提前通知了孟章一声。 First, Taiyi World had previously started few world sources that absorbs Divine Prosperity Realm to emit. 一来,太乙界此前已经开始吸收神昌界散溢的少量天地本源了。 Secondly, dragon sovereign who the dragon clan are many some True Immortal ranks, helps strengthen the strength of this small alliance. 二来,龙族多出一些真仙级别的龙皇,也有助于加强这个小联盟的实力。 Meng Zhang has not proposed the opposing opinion, moreover expressed that if dragon clan need, he can provide the help momentarily. 孟章没有提出反对意见,而且表示如果龙族需要,他随时可以提供帮助。 Had the statement of Meng Zhang, the dragon clan high level started to go into action on the preparation. 有了孟章的这番表态,龙族高层就准备开始行动起来。 This matter was also said that was easy to do difficultly. 这件事情也是说起来容易做起来难。 To make the Void Immortal rank Dragon King absorb enough world source, must enter in Divine Prosperity Realm Source Sea. 要想让虚仙级别的龙王吸取到足够的天地本源,必须进入神昌界源海之中。 Grand Dust Immortal Venerable created Grand Dust World initially time, referred to Divine Prosperity Realm all sorts, both are also similar in this aspect. 钧尘仙尊当初创造钧尘界的时候,参照了神昌界的种种,两者在这方面也非常相似。 To enter Divine Prosperity Realm Source Sea, a principal channel, first enters Netherworld, then enters the Netherworld deepest level, opens the channel to Source Sea. 要想进入神昌界源海,其中一条主要途径,就是先进入阴间,然后进入阴间最深的层次,打开通往源海的通道。 The dragon clan powerhouses as the world of the living life, must enter Netherworld is not difficult, rare in the Netherworld free activity. 龙族强者作为阳世生灵,要进入阴间不难,难得是在阴间自由活动。 Although the Divine Prosperity Realm Heavenly Dao consciousness has fallen from the sky, but the Divine Prosperity Realm world rule has not expired completely. 神昌界天道意识虽然已经陨落,可是神昌界的天地规则并没有完全失效。 Divine Prosperity Realm Netherworld meets the instinct repel all the life from the world of the living. 神昌界阴间会本能的排斥一切来自阳世的生灵。 The Netherworld world rule will significantly weaken the dragon clan powerhouse who intrudes. 阴间的天地规则会大大削弱闯入的龙族强者。 The dragon clan high level also knows that Divine Prosperity Realm Netherworld Ghost Deity the indigenous gods compared with world of the living is powerful. 龙族高层也知道神昌界阴间鬼神远比阳世的土著神明强大。 If the dragon clan powerhouses want to go into the Netherworld deep place, perhaps is not easy to achieve. 龙族强者要想闯入阴间深处,恐怕不是那么容易做到的。 But except for Netherworld this way, other way to Source Sea is not explicit. 而除了阴间这一条途径,别的通往源海的途径并不明确。 In Grand Dust World Nine Heavens has the channel to Source Sea, that was many True Immortal already the arrangement that completed. 钧尘界九天之中有通往源海的通道,那是多位真仙早就做好的布置。 Divine Prosperity Realm does not have Nine Heavens, without such channel. 神昌界既没有九天,更没有这样的通道。 The dragon clan high level started to worry. 龙族高层开始犯难了。 Some dragon clans high-level carefully observe and study Divine Prosperity Realm Netherworld, seeks for its flaw. 一些龙族高层仔细观察和研究神昌界阴间,寻找其破绽。 Some dragon clan high levels start to surmount the dragon clan ancient book, attempts means that discovers to try another method. 一些龙族高层开始翻越龙族典籍,试图找出另辟蹊径的办法来。 Meng Zhang is to have a mind to be incapable in this aspect, cannot help. 孟章在这方面也是有心无力,帮不上什么忙。 What some Taiyi World high levels are actually positive is the ally tries to find the solution. 一些太乙界高层倒是积极的为盟友想办法。 Now the Ghost Deity army from Netherworld is invading the world of the living on a large scale, will then certainly has the war with Taiyi World and dragon clan allied armies. 现在来自阴间鬼神大军正在大举入侵阳世,接下来必将与太乙界和龙族联军发生大战。 If Taiyi World and dragon clan allied armies can take to a Ghost Deity side more tremendous pressure, attracts Ghost Deity from the Netherworld continuous provision support, that definitely helps the dragon clan powerhouses intrude the action of Netherworld. 如果太乙界和龙族联军能够带给鬼神一方更大的压力,吸引鬼神阴间源源不断的提供支援,那肯定有助于龙族强者闯入阴间的行动。 The idea is good, if no many strength support, is occupied by the Ghost Deity armies to be difficult in Taiyi World and dragon of clan allied armies continuously blocks west land, gave him to bring the strong pressure not to mention. 想法不错,可是如果没有更多的力量支援,在西陆的太乙界和龙族联军连挡住鬼神大军都难,更别提给其施加强大的压力了。 Meng Zhang felt, must solve the Famine Demon God problem as soon as possible, oneself can set aside the hand to process other directions the issues. 孟章觉得,还是要尽快解决灾荒魔神的问题,自己才能腾出手来处理其它方向的问题。 A mix army who when the Meng Zhang training, the great shark god leads, had gone to the distance south islands not far place. 孟章修养的时候,巨鲨神率领的一支混合大军,已经来到了距离南部群岛不远的地方。 According to the order of Meng Zhang, they stopped the step of advance temporarily, holds troops, waits for the arrival of Meng Zhang. 按照孟章的命令,他们暂时停下了前进的步伐,按兵不动,等待孟章的到来。 By this army, may be unable to cope with Famine Demon God only. 单靠这一支大军,可对付不了灾荒魔神 Meng Zhang is resting and building up strength, has been paying attention to southern islands Tai Miao, brought a bad news. 孟章正在休养生息的时候,一直关注着南部群岛的太妙,又带来了一个坏消息。 Famine Demon God previous time is wounded heavily, but also lost the puppets of five True God ranks. 灾荒魔神上次受创不轻,还失去了五具真神级别的傀儡。 In order to make up for loss, he will actually pay attention to project on the Sandy Cay True God on them. 为了弥补损失,他竟然将注意打到了沙岛真神他们头上。 The islands that if Famine Demon God can the demonize Sandy Cay True God they, control them integrate the demon territory, speed that not only will pick up to restore, puppet but who can also refine the True God rank. 灾荒魔神如果能够魔化沙岛真神他们,将他们控制的岛屿纳入魔域,不但会加快恢复的速度,还能重新炼制出真神级别的傀儡来。 When the time comes, supplemented Famine Demon God, had the qualification that and Meng Zhang they resisted. 到时候,得到补充的灾荒魔神,就又有了和孟章他们对抗的本钱。 Famine Demon God first is tries to plot against the Sandy Cay True God they. 灾荒魔神先是试图暗算沙岛真神他们。 The Sandy Cay True God and other indigenous gods turn over to stupid stupid, may be insufficient not to a Demon God protection. 沙岛真神等土著神明蠢归蠢,可不至于对魔神一点防备都没有。 In fact, their previous time turns to Famine Demon God, stems from the watchfulness of Famine Demon God. 实际上,他们上次投靠灾荒魔神,就是出于对灾荒魔神的戒惧。
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