SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2762: Trap

Meng Zhang arrived at the southern islands, still and Moon God, Guyue Lingqing wait/etc. kept in touch, to understand other directions situations. 孟章来到了南部群岛,仍然一直和月神古月凌青等保持联系,以了解其它方向的局势。 The Sandy Cay True God they have not joined the Taiyi World system at present, many information do not help make them know. 沙岛真神他们目前还没有加入太乙界体系,许多信息不便于让他们知道。 Meng Zhang and relation time, every so often will be evading them. 孟章和外界联系的时候,很多时候都会避着他们。 In order to place Meng Zhang this honored guest, the Sandy Cay True God in Sandy Cay, found a spiritual energy abundant place specially, temporarily builds a great magnificent palace. 为了安置孟章这位贵客,沙岛真神专门在沙岛之中,找了一个灵气充沛的地方,临时搭建了一座宏大华丽的宫殿。 In the method of True God, easily can achieve all these within the short time. 以真神的手段,轻易就能在短时间之内做到这一切。 Divine Prosperity Realm the spirit vein quantity or the quality, go far beyond Grand Dust World. 神昌界无论是灵脉的数量还是质量,都远远超过钧尘界 Just, Divine Prosperity Realm does not have high rank cultivator, has not conducted the transformation and optimization to these spirit vein. 只不过,神昌界没有高阶修真者,没有对这些灵脉进行过改造和优化。 The indigenous gods use the spirit vein efficiency to be extremely low. 土著神明们利用灵脉的效率极低。 This palace is located above spirit vein that has not passed through combs, the interior is flooding the slightly wild world spiritual energy. 这座宫殿位于一条没有经过梳理的灵脉之上,内部充斥着略显狂暴的天地灵气。 This to this group of indigenous gods, probably was the best place that they can discover. 这对这帮土著神明们来说,大概是他们能够找出的最好的地方了。 Meng Zhang has not rejected the Sandy Cay True God the good intention. 孟章没有拒绝沙岛真神的好意。 The world spiritual energy of this level, to him, but is the better than nothing. 这种层次的天地灵气,对他来说,不过是聊胜于无。 Usually, Meng Zhang treats most of the time in this palace. 平日里,孟章大多数时候都待在这座宫殿内部。 Naturally, before Meng Zhang moves in the palace, has definitely conducted the careful inspection, confirmed that has no issue. 当然,孟章入住宫殿之前,肯定进行过仔细的检查,确认没有任何问题。 After moving, he opens a region in the palace temporarily, arranged the ban, sits in meditation the rest place as the ordinary day. 入住之后,他在宫殿内部临时开辟出一个区域,布置了禁制,作为平日里打坐休息的场所。 On this day, Meng Zhang just completed with the routine relation of Moon God, is preparing to observe the Famine Demon God that side situation. 这天,孟章刚刚完成和月神的例行联系,正准备观察一下灾荒魔神那边的情况。 Sat cross-legged not to stand in place Meng Zhang, the look on face slightly changes. 原本盘坐于地的孟章还没有站起来,脸上的神色就是微微一变。 He extremely in relying on oneself was Diviner Spiritual Awareness, the conduct was not very discrete, finally falls the current situation. 他太过于依赖自己身为天机师灵觉了,行事不够谨慎,终于落到了目前的处境。 Uses the secret technique to conduct calculated, is Diviner Spiritual Awareness, reason that can play the role, was the initiative or passive even/including induces in the Heavenly Dao consciousness of macrocosm, peeped at the Heavenly Dao revolution, thus obtained some information. 无论是施展天机术进行推衍,还是天机师灵觉,之所以能够发挥作用,就是主动或是被动的连感应到了所在大世界的天道意识,窥视到了天道运转,从而获得了一些信息。 The Heavenly Dao consciousness of Divine Prosperity Realm has fallen from the sky, the secret becomes the chaos unable to withstand. If Diviner treats in Divine Prosperity Realm, the abilities in various aspects will be greatly affected, and even malfunctions thoroughly. 神昌界的天道意识已经殒落,天机变得混沌不堪。天机师如果待在神昌界之中,各方面的能力都会大受影响,乃至彻底失灵。 In this case, Diviner usually needs through the level higher void Heavenly Dao, to peep at the secret. 在这种情况下,天机师往往需要通过层次更高的虚空天道,才能窥视到天机。 Meng Zhang is very wise Diviner, but is not the secret immortal master. 孟章已经是非常高明的天机师了,可并不是天机仙师。 Or his secret technique level is far from keeping up with his cultivation base level. 或者说,他的天机术层次远没有跟上他的修为层次。 If he wants to induce to the void Heavenly Dao is not easy, needs to pay very big price. 他要想感应到虚空天道并不容易,需要付出很大的代价。 Generally, he will not easily induce the void Heavenly Dao. 一般情况下,他不会轻易去感应虚空天道。 Because of the Divine Prosperity Realm secret disorder, affected him Spiritual Awareness enormously as Diviner. 因为神昌界天机紊乱,极大的影响了他身为天机师灵觉 The danger had been imminent, Meng Zhang detects. 都已经危险临头了,孟章才察觉过来。 In a moment ago, Meng Zhang Divine Sense swept outside a palace at will, around the discovery palace as if turned into being too deep to see the bottom black hole, making him feel that the extreme danger, the fine body hair straight vertical stroke, the innermost feelings tremble...... 就在刚才,孟章神念随意扫了一下宫殿外面,就发现宫殿周围仿佛变成了一个深不见底的黑洞,让他感觉到极度的危险,寒毛直竖,内心战栗…… Although his Divine Sense has not induced to anything, but in his heart had guessed. 虽然他的神念没有感应到任何东西,可他心中已经有所猜测。 Mostly is Famine Demon God this old opponent, has arrived around the palace, and will siege. 多半是灾荒魔神这个老对手,已经来到宫殿附近,并且将自己围困住了。 By Sandy Cay True God their strengths, even if cannot resist Famine Demon God, like the present, a sound will not have. 以沙岛真神他们的实力,就算抵挡不住灾荒魔神,也不会像现在这样,一点动静都没有。 The only explanation, was the Sandy Cay True God they have turned to Famine Demon God. 唯一的解释,就是沙岛真神他们已经投靠了灾荒魔神 Even, they have colluded with Famine Demon God, therefore supposed this to aim at own trap. 甚至,他们早就和灾荒魔神有所勾结,所以才设下了这个针对自己的陷阱。 Meng Zhang regards as Famine Demon God conquers the hindrance of Divine Prosperity Realm, Famine Demon God regards as the archenemy him. 孟章灾荒魔神视为征服神昌界的阻碍,灾荒魔神更是将他视作大敌。 By the Famine Demon God disposition and strength, indeed has the capital to set up this trap. 灾荒魔神的心性和实力,也的确有资本设下这个陷阱。 Meng Zhang sighs, he did not sigh own current situation, but is sighs the Sandy Cay True God their stupidity, is sighing own general idea/careless. 孟章叹了一口气,他不是感叹自己目前的处境,而是感叹沙岛真神他们的愚蠢,也是在感叹自己的大意。 In cultivation world, has the clear understanding regarding the harm of demonic path. 修真界之中,对于魔道的危害有着清醒的认识。 These truly sane cultivator, will not believe the demonic path powerhouse absolutely. 那些真正理智的修真者,绝对不会相信魔道强者。 Naturally, in cultivation world colludes with cultivator of demonic path not to cut off. 当然,修真界之中勾结魔道的修真者从来都没有断绝过。 In these cultivator hearts, will not really trust the demonic path absolutely, will not relax vigilantly. 在这些修真者心中,也绝对不会真的信任魔道,更不会放松警惕。 Because the demonic path harm is enormous, almost becomes the void ten thousand boundary/world public enemy. 由于魔道危害极大,几乎成为了虚空万界的公敌。 As long as the Divine Prosperity Realm indigenous gods some wee bit brains, know that Demon God may not believe. 神昌界的土著神明但凡有一丁点脑子,都知道魔神不可信。 Sandy Cay True God group of hick gods, are really the out-and-out idiots, unexpectedly believe Famine Demon God, stupider to colluding with Famine Demon God ambushes oneself. 沙岛真神这帮土包子神明,真是不折不扣的蠢货,居然会相信灾荒魔神,更蠢到勾结灾荒魔神埋伏自己。 Meng Zhang does not know that should sigh they too ignorant are too stupid. 孟章都不知道该感叹他们太无知还是太愚蠢。 Moreover, since exterminating the Divine Prosperity Realm Heavenly Dao consciousness, Meng Zhang thinks that the Divine Prosperity Realm general situation has decided that therefore there are some general ideas. 另外,自从诛灭了神昌界天道意识之后,孟章认为神昌界大局已定,所以有了一些大意。 Or since has entered Divine Prosperity Realm, he basically continuously smooth, unavoidably looked down on various group of enemies. 或者说,自从进入神昌界以来,他基本上一直顺风顺水,难免小瞧了各路敌人。 This time bitter experience, is a lesson. 这次的遭遇,也算是一个教训。 The Meng Zhang intention moves, the entire palace is broken the fragment powder by the immortal strength that he is released externally, then scatters toward all around. 孟章心念一动,整座宫殿就被他外放的仙力震碎成齑粉,然后向着四周飘散。 When does not know, big deep darkness, covered the sky and land, will put in order a palace to surround. 不知道什么时候,一大片深沉的黑暗,就笼罩了天空和大地,将整座宫殿都包围起来。 Dark thick incomparable, at the Meng Zhang eyesight, is hard to completely understand thoroughly. 黑暗浓厚无比,以孟章的眼力,都难以彻底看透。 In the darkness does not have any sound, does not have any sound passes on, frightening silence. 黑暗之中没有任何的动静,没有任何的声音传出来,只有让人心寒的沉默。 Evidently, Famine Demon God really does not conceive a plan temporarily, but is long-premeditated. 看样子,灾荒魔神真的不是临时起意,而是蓄谋已久。 Sandy Cay True God group of idiots, have definitely turned to him. 沙岛真神这帮蠢货,肯定早就投靠了他。 These seven big islands can support in front of the demon territory are so long, should swallow the bait for and other Meng Zhang. 这七座大岛在魔域面前能够支撑这么久,应该就是为了等孟章上钩。 In the past in the Grand Dust World ruins, Meng Zhang had experienced the demon territory of I Grasp Heavenly Demon manufacture, not only thorough in, but also moved out. 当年在钧尘界废墟之中,孟章我执天魔制造的魔域都见识过,不但深入其中,还全身而退。 If Famine Demon God wants to cope with him by this method, rather extremely looked down on him. 灾荒魔神要想靠这点手段对付他,未免太过小瞧他了。 Sees with own eyes Meng Zhang to come, the surrounding darkness turns toward his body to extend immediately, must package thoroughly him. 眼见孟章现身,周围的黑暗立即向着他的身体延伸,要将他彻底包裹起来。 Famine boy, does not see some time, you this hiding attitude, has not distinguished with the mouse.” “灾荒小子,一段时间不见,你还是这种躲躲藏藏的作风,和老鼠没有区别。” Has not gone, making the this/Ben place have a look at you to have progressive?” “还不快滚出来,让本座看看你有没有进步?” Meng Zhang drinks to scold, while discharged Sun and Moon Divine Light. 孟章一边喝骂,一边施放了日月神光 Around the body of Meng Zhang shines the ray immediately greatly. 孟章的身体周围立即大放光芒。 The ray that Sun and Moon Divine Light brings not only scattered darkness that rushes to Meng Zhang, but also is counter-attacking, tries to drive back all around darkness. 日月神光带来的光芒不但驱散了涌向孟章的黑暗,还在进行反击,试图将四周的黑暗逼退。 In the darkness the shadows of innumerable distortion like liking a moth to the flame plunged bright Sun and Moon Divine Light and all around darkness that Sun and Moon Divine Light built generally started the bitter battle. 黑暗之中无数扭曲的阴影如同飞蛾扑火一般扑向了日月神光营造的光明日月神光和四周的黑暗开始了激烈的争斗。 A while is you enters me to draw back, a while is I draws back you to enter, both sides seize the winning side in turn...... 一会儿是你进我退,一会儿又是我退你进,双方轮流抢占上风…… Famine Demon God had not responded to Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang does not have the further taunt. 灾荒魔神一直没有回应孟章,孟章也没有进一步的嘲讽。 The displaying one's eloquence time, is not his strong point. 耍嘴皮子功夫,本来就不是他的强项。 Famine Demon God used his general idea/careless to seize the opportunity, was stranded him in the trap temporarily. 灾荒魔神利用他的大意占了先机,将他暂时困在陷阱之中。 Meng Zhang must collapse forcefully, breaks the trap, counter-attacks Famine Demon God. 孟章就要强力破局,打破陷阱,反击灾荒魔神 Meng Zhang starts the careful observation and analysis present darkness. 孟章开始仔细的观察和分析眼前的黑暗。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! 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