SMIJ :: Volume #28

#2763: 5 the demons confuse immortal

At present this darkness, should be the Famine Demon God manufacture demon territories, moreover is in the demon territory the most powerful part. 眼前这片黑暗,应该是灾荒魔神制造的魔域,而且是魔域之中最为强大的一部分。 Sandy Cay True God they already not simple colluded with Famine Demon God, but always followed to it, unexpectedly stupid to letting it extended here the demon territory secretly. 沙岛真神他们已经不是简单的勾结灾荒魔神了,而是对其言听计从,居然蠢到让其将魔域偷偷延伸到这里。 So long as Famine Demon God wants, can swallow these seven big islands using the demon territory momentarily completely. 只要灾荒魔神愿意,随时都能利用魔域将这七座大岛全部吞噬。 He they keeps the Sandy Cay True God now, but is because they have the use value. 他之所以将沙岛真神他们留到现在,不过是因为他们还有利用价值。 Once they lost the use value, by Famine Demon God demonize is the only fate. 一旦他们失去了利用价值,被灾荒魔神魔化就是惟一的下场。 Sandy Cay True God their stupidities, made a big trouble to present Meng Zhang actually. 沙岛真神他们的愚蠢,倒是给现在的孟章造成了不小的麻烦。 So far, Meng Zhang and Famine Demon God have not enlarged incur, but probes with some conventional methods mutually. 到目前为止,孟章灾荒魔神都还没有放大招,只是用一些常规的手段互相试探。 After Meng Zhang emits Sun and Moon Divine Light prevents the attack of demon territory, tries to see through the demon territory, found the Famine Demon God flaw. 孟章放出日月神光阻挡住魔域的侵袭之后,就试图看穿魔域,找到灾荒魔神的破绽。 Famine Demon God can within such short time, the most south islands change into the demon territory, the demon territory is so unpredictable surreptitious , indicating that its method is wise. 灾荒魔神能够在这么短的时间之内,将大半个南部群岛化为魔域,魔域还如此诡秘难测,足见其手段高明。 As established Demon God, the mystique that Famine Demon God Divine Ability general, grasps is uncommon. 身为老牌魔神,灾荒魔神神通广大、掌握的秘法不凡。 When invaded Grand Dust World in the past, Famine Demon God is the archenemy who cultivator face. 在当年入侵钧尘界的时候,灾荒魔神就是修真者们面对的大敌。 He from the destruction of Grand Dust World, gained many advantage. 他从钧尘界的毁灭之中,获取了不少的好处。 Previous time in void, said strictly, the Meng Zhang somewhat victory the non- military, depended on the Swallow the Sea Dragon Sovereign strength to be able easily to coerce Famine Demon God. 上次在虚空之中,严格说起来,孟章有几分胜之不武,是靠了吞海龙皇的力量才能轻易压服灾荒魔神 Now he faces Famine Demon God alone, to him, is a test. 现在他独自面对灾荒魔神,对他来说,也算是一场考验。 In fact, Famine Demon God previous time , during is void to fighting Meng Zhang, has retained, has not put out all cards in a hand. 实际上,灾荒魔神上次在虚空之中对战孟章的时候,就有所保留,没有拿出所有的底牌。 His time the layout, sets up the trap beforehand, put out the method of many pressure bottom. 他这次事先布局,设下陷阱,拿出了不少压箱底的手段来。 He can such quick structure the demon territory, use collection many years of demon. 他能够如此之快的构造出魔域来,就是动用了一件珍藏多年的魔器。 This demon can the big strengthened demon territory, the forming of acceleration demon territory...... 这件魔器可以大大的强化魔域,加速魔域的成形…… After the Famine Demon God stimulation of movement demon territory Meng Zhang surrounds, first is inside and outside the isolation, interrupted Meng Zhang and relation. 灾荒魔神催动魔域将孟章困住之后,首先就是隔绝内外,中断了孟章和外界的联系。 Then uses various methods, the fast consumption Meng Zhang strength, must consume it in the demon territory. 然后就是利用各种手段,快速的消耗孟章的力量,要将其耗死在魔域之中。 At this time, Meng Zhang had discovered, oneself used the conventional method, are not related on the outside world. 这个时候,孟章已经发现,自己施展常规的手段,已经联系不上外界了。 Underwent a previous probe, Famine Demon God knows that the ordinary attack method affected limitedly to Meng Zhang, must put out some trump card, can result in the pressure on Meng Zhang. 经过了此前的一番试探,灾荒魔神知道普通的攻击手段对孟章作用有限,非要拿出一些杀手锏来,才能给孟章造成压力。 In an demon territory of deathly stillness, resounded an intermittent bellow. 原本一片死寂的魔域之中,响起了一阵阵轰鸣声。 Thick blood-color lightnings in the darkness appear and disappear from time to time, have the innumerable specters taking advantage of the dark shield, from killed in all directions to Meng Zhang. 一道道粗大的血色闪电在黑暗之中时隐时现,更有无数的魔影借着黑暗的掩护,从四面八方杀向了孟章 Several blood-color lightnings chop from the darkness, shakes a Meng Zhang body surrounding Sun and Moon Divine Light tremor. 数道血色闪电从黑暗之中劈出,震得孟章身体周围的日月神光一片颤动。 The multi-channel shadow seized the chance to plunge Meng Zhang. 多道黑影趁机扑向了孟章 They did not have near body, the visualization under shining of Sun and Moon Divine Light, was then melted by Sun and Moon Divine Light. 他们还没有近身,就在日月神光的照耀之下显形,然后被日月神光融解。 Meng Zhang offers a sacrifice to Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan, changes to a hill size it the flame. 孟章祭起风火阴阳扇,将其化作一座小山大小的火焰。 The flame charged into the front darkness directly, will keep off in the inconsistency that the shadow on road burns. 火焰直接冲向了前方的黑暗,将挡在路上的黑影烧的七零八落。 The flaming combustion flame as if the darkness deep layer ignition surroundings, obviously caused certain harm to the demon territory. 熊熊燃烧火焰仿佛在灼烧周围深层的黑暗,明显对魔域造成了一定的损害。 Famine Demon God has not made an appearance, has hidden in the demon territory, is his deal with changes method is not slow. 灾荒魔神至今都没有露面,一直躲在魔域之中,可是他的应变手段一点都不慢。 He offers a sacrifice to jet black demon. 他祭起一件漆黑的魔器。 This demon contour is a giant pillar. 这件魔器外形是一根巨大的柱子。 This pillar flies in the air, gets bigger and bigger, then turns toward below flame pressure on get down suddenly. 这根柱子飞到空中,越变越大,然后猛然向着下方的火焰压力下去。 Quick, Wind Fire Yin Yang Fan gets up with this demon bitter battle. 很快,风火阴阳扇就和这件魔器激烈的争斗起来。 Then, Famine Demon God using the strength of demon territory, released multi-channel might huge Divine Ability repeatedly, cannot do to Meng Zhang. 接下来,灾荒魔神多次利用魔域的力量,释放了多道威力巨大的神通,都奈何不了孟章 Meng Zhang starts to appear World Dharma Idol Taiji Yin Yang Chart, displayed the Yin-Yang two air/Qi. 孟章开始显现出天地法相太极阴阳图,施展出了阴阳二气。 Under the Yin-Yang two air/Qi in the World Dharma Idol in addition holds, enters the sea to be the same like the dragon, entered in the demon territory directly, destroys all in demon territory recklessly. 阴阳二气在天地法相的加持之下,如同龙入大海一般,直接杀入了魔域之中,肆意摧毁魔域之中的一切。 Famine Demon God knows Meng Zhang to be hard to deal with, naturally will not be fastidious about any fair fight. 灾荒魔神知道孟章难缠,当然不会讲究什么公平战斗。 As the intention of Famine Demon God moves, five dissimilar in shape and form puppets appeared around Meng Zhang. 随着灾荒魔神的心念一动,五名形态各异的傀儡出现在了孟章周围。 Famine Demon God previously when the demonize south islands, utterly destroyed to here indigenous gods. 灾荒魔神此前在魔化南部群岛的时候,对这里的土著神明斩尽杀绝。 The especially those indigenous True God, is the goal that he attaches great importance , has almost not presented fish slip through. 尤其是那些土著真神,是他最为重视的目标,几乎没有出现漏网之鱼。 Some indigenous True God were swallowed by him directly, some in hopeless situation from exploding...... 有的土著真神被他直接吞噬,有的在绝境之中自爆…… The harvest that these five puppets, after uses various method demonize, to obtain by him. 这五名傀儡,就是被他用各种手段魔化之后获得的收获。 After these five indigenous True God by demonize, but also kept the strength of True God rank not saying that but also had/left many brand-new strange abilities. 这五名土著真神被魔化之后,还保留了真神级别的实力不说,还多出了许多全新的诡异能力。 Most practicing systems, have respective formation. 大多数修行体系,都有各自的阵法 In this regard, the demonic path not necessarily is worse than many Immortal Dao. 在这方面,魔道不见得比仙道差多少。 These five puppet arrange/cloth next five demons confuse immortal, spheres Meng Zhang, attacking. 这五名傀儡布下一个五魔迷仙阵,将孟章围住,不停的攻打。 Five demons confuse immortal are in the demonic path illustrious formation, specifically is used to deal with the immortal. 五魔迷仙阵是魔道之中赫赫有名的阵法,专门用于对付仙人。 In Famine Demon God stealth demon territory, body rapid traverse, gathers round Meng Zhang to turn circle, tries to seek for his flaw. 灾荒魔神隐身魔域之中,身体快速移动,不停的围着孟章转圈,试图寻找他的破绽。 Only five demons under five puppet cloths confuse immortal, but also cannot do to Meng Zhang. 单是五名傀儡布下的五魔迷仙阵,还奈何不了孟章 But Meng Zhang has to put the main attention guarded against on Famine Demon God, coped with this formation seems a little strenuous. 可是孟章不得不将主要的注意力放到了防备灾荒魔神上面,对付这座法阵就显得有点吃力了。 Although Famine Demon God has not acted, actually basically served the purpose, formed very major diversion role to Meng Zhang. 灾荒魔神虽然还没有出手,却基本上达到了目的,对孟章形成了很大的牵制作用。 To be honest, even is only five indigenous True God, opponent who is not easy to cope with. 老实说,就算只是五名土著真神,就不是容易对付的对手了。 After their demonize , the strength does not reduce instead increases, but also has helping of formation. 他们魔化之后实力不减反增,还有着法阵之助。 Even no Famine Demon God in the one side, Meng Zhang must spend very big strength to be able with it to resist. 就算没有灾荒魔神在一旁,孟章都要花费很大的力气才能与之对抗。 Now, Meng Zhang already falling slowly to leeward. 现在,孟章已经慢慢的落到了下风。 The current situation, Meng Zhang was seemingly disadvantageous. 目前的形势,看上去似乎都孟章非常不利了。 The Yin-Yang two air/Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in the demon territory was recalled the side to protect oneself by Meng Zhang. 原本在魔域之中纵横的阴阳二气都被孟章招回身边护身了。 Famine Demon God not, therefore general idea/careless. 灾荒魔神并没有因此大意。 He knows that Meng Zhang also has the card in a hand not to display. 他知道孟章还有底牌没有施展出来。 Although has occupied the winning side, if he wants to gain more advantages. 尽管已经占到上风,他还是要想获取更多的优势。 Famine Demon God seeks for the Meng Zhang flaw, while persuaded the Sandy Cay True God in secret. 灾荒魔神一边寻找孟章的破绽,一边暗中劝说沙岛真神。 Famine Demon God extends Sandy Cay the demon territory, spheres Meng Zhang time, the Sandy Cay True God and other indigenous gods, have avoided here by far, vision complex looking to here. 灾荒魔神将魔域延伸到沙岛,围住孟章的时候,沙岛真神等土著神明,已经远远避开这里,目光复杂的望向这边。 The Sandy Cay True God they are not certainly willing to submit to Famine Demon God, does not want with its cooperation. 沙岛真神他们当然不愿意向灾荒魔神屈服,更不想和其合作。 But without the means that the enemy potential is big, this group of indigenous gods covet life and fear death, is not willing to go all out, only then compromises with the enemy. 可是没有办法,敌人势大,这帮土著神明贪生怕死,不愿意拼命,就只有和敌人妥协。 So long as compromises to make concessions to the enemy from the beginning, that does not have the road back, their slowly fell into planning of Famine Demon God step by step. 只要一开始向敌人妥协退让,那就没有回头路,他们慢慢的一步一步落入了灾荒魔神的算计之中。 The Sandy Cay True God they also stay the independent condition at present diligently, attempts remains neutral during this fight. 沙岛真神他们目前还努力保持独立状态,试图在这场战斗之中保持中立。 The Sandy Cay True God knows that Taiyi World and joint military power of dragon clan is big, really does not want with them for the enemy. 沙岛真神知道太乙界和龙族的联军势大,实在不想和他们为敌。 The Sandy Cay True God previously complied to be Famine Demon God provides all sorts of conveniently, did not agree directly to join the fight. 沙岛真神此前只是答应为灾荒魔神提供种种方便,一直不同意直接加入战斗。 Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! 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