SYWZ :: Volume #9

#875: Last war ( Part 3 )

May at this moment, when the issue has been solved completely, Hao Yue is going to face, will die, permanent leaves this world, leaves Long Haochen. 可此时此刻,当问题已经全部解决的时候,皓月将要面对的,也将是死亡,永久的离开这个世界,离开龙皓晨 The heart of Long Haochen, fierce clutching is painful, the pain that type is unable to explain made his whole person uncontrolled shiver. Even if were he died, he did not want Hao Yue forever to leave him! 龙皓晨的心,剧烈的揪痛着,那种无法言喻的痛苦令他整个人都不受控制的颤抖着。哪怕是他自己死去,他也不愿意皓月永远离开他啊! In his mind, started to present greatly Duan Daduan the recollection. 在他脑海中,开始出现了大段大段的回忆。 From Knights' Sacred Mountain first time saw when Hao Yue starts, when he uses his blood to help since Hao Yue change attribute that moment, their destinies connected in one. 骑士圣山第一次见到皓月时开始,当他用自己的鲜血帮助皓月改变属性的那一刻起,他们的命运就连接在了一起。 Little Light appeared, Hao Yue had two heads, became he best partner. 小光出现了,皓月拥有了两个头,成为了他最好的伙伴。 In course that Long Haochen grows, Hao Yue accompanies throughout side him, grows with him together., Hao Yue grew third Little Green gradually, then has Little Blue of butterfly shape alone angle, gets down again is Little Purple, little yellow, Little Gold and Little Thunder. Each growth of Hao Yue inevitably follows the growth of Long Haochen to grow. 龙皓晨成长的历程之中,皓月始终都陪伴在他身边,与他一同成长。渐渐的,皓月长出了第三个头小青,然后是有着蝴蝶状独角的小蓝,再下来是小紫小黄小金小雷皓月的每一次成长都必然伴随着龙皓晨的成长而成长。 Before today, Long Haochen had never suspected Hao Yue will have the problem, but Hao Yue has also been protecting Long Haochen with his strength, helping him go forward incessantly. 在今天之前,龙皓晨从未怀疑过皓月会出现问题,而皓月也一直用他的力量守护着龙皓晨,帮助他不断的前进。 Trust of Long Haochen Hao Yue not wrong, even if after it awakens completely will turn into scourge demon god Nine Heads Chimera, that is not the betrayal of Hao Yue to Long Haochen. From beginning to end, regarding Hao Yue, Long Haochen is its this life most intimate person! But regarding Long Haochen also similarly is so. Hao Yue accompanied him to grow, has entrusted with him a more formidable strength. But at this moment, Hao Yue must die for him unexpectedly. In the Long Haochen heart can accept? 龙皓晨皓月的信任没有错,哪怕是当它完全觉醒后将会变成天谴魔神九头奇美拉,那也不是皓月龙皓晨的背叛。从始至终,对于皓月来说,龙皓晨都是它这一生最亲近的人啊!而对于龙皓晨来说也同样是如此。皓月陪伴着他成长,赋予了他更强大的力量。而此时此刻,皓月竟然就要为了他而死去。龙皓晨心中又怎能接受? purple gold Hao Yue armor dissipates in the air gradually, displaces, is in the Long Haochen innermost feelings the endless wounds. He goes all out wants to hold that faint trace purple air current, but, that purple brilliance actually can only , in he refers to winds through. 紫金皓月铠在空气中渐渐消散,取而代之的,是龙皓晨内心之中无尽的创痛。他拼命的想要抓住那一丝丝紫色气流,可是,那紫色的光彩却只能在他指间流过。 Hao Yue, Hao Yue Long Haochen was crying out loudly, but, he is actually anything does not prevent now. 皓月,皓月龙皓晨大声的呐喊着,可是,他现在却已是什么都阻止不了。 Finally, when last purple also removes from him. Long Haochen body in a flash, face whiten falls down. Hao Yue walked, looked like his heart completely is also found time. 终于,当最后一丝紫色也从他身上褪去的时候。龙皓晨身体一晃,脸色苍白的跌倒在地。皓月走了,就像是他的心也已经被完全抽空了似的。 Also at this time, suddenly, a summon gently awakened from the sorrow Long Haochen. His fierce gaining ground to airborne looks. 也就在这个时候,突然,一声轻轻的呼唤将龙皓晨从悲恸中惊醒。他猛的抬头向空中看去。 Is a purple unreal light gradually congealment formation, not just the Hao Yue appearance? 一个紫色的虚幻光影渐渐凝结成型,可不正是皓月的样子么? This time Hao Yue, only then eight heads, do not have the Austin Griffin soul. Eight big ends. Eight pairs of color completely different eye pupils. Gently is gazing at Long Haochen in the vision, seems is relating anything to him. 此时的皓月,只有八个头,并没有奥斯汀、格里芬的灵魂在。八个大头。八双颜色完全不同的眼眸。都在目光柔和的注视着龙皓晨,似乎是在向他诉说着什么。 Hao Yue, do not leave me.” Long Haochen cries. To throw. 皓月,别离开我。”龙皓晨大叫一声。就想要扑上去。 But in this moment, airborne Hao Yue, the form suddenly becomes unreal. Changes into a purple whirlpool rapidly to the central condensation, finally, transformed small purple symbol to directly soar Long Haochen to fly. Fell center his forehead position. 而就在这一刻,空中的皓月,身影突然变得虚幻起来。迅速化为一个紫色旋涡向中央一点凝聚,最终,变换成了一个小小的紫色符文直奔龙皓晨飞来。落在了他额头正中的位置。 Body that Long Haochen flies in airborne megascism, when his whole person falls returns to the ground, completely fell into the stupor. But on his forehead, the trace that then becomes by nine purple gold sets of coloring gradually is also pale. 龙皓晨飞起的身体在空中剧震,当他整个人重新落回地面时,已经完全陷入了昏迷之中。而他额头上,那由九道紫金色组成的纹路也随之渐渐淡去。 Finally, these nine purple gold pigment figure roads changed into tiny symbol to stagnate there, then slowly was then hidden under the Long Haochen skin. 最终,这九道紫金色纹路化为了一个细小的符文停滞在那里,然后再徐徐隐没在龙皓晨皮肤之下。 Hao Yue form and aura, all dissipates in this moment. Has not left the half minute trace again. 皓月的身影与气息,也就在这一刻全部消散。没有再留下半分痕迹。 Cai'er caught Long Haochen the body that from airborne crashes, at this time her on the elegant face similarly has also covered entirely the tears. Sentiment between her too clear Long Haochen and Hao Yue. Hao Yue died, is too heavy, is too heavy regarding the Long Haochen wound. Luckily, he is also living, his man is also living. All, should finish. 采儿接住了龙皓晨从空中坠落的身体,此时她的俏脸上也同样布满了泪水。她太清楚龙皓晨皓月之间的感情了。皓月死了,对于龙皓晨的创伤实在是太重、太重。幸好,他还活着,自己的男人还活着。所有的一切,也应该结束了。 Looks Long Haochen that faints, Demon God Emperor lifts the hand. Has incurred to Bai Yue. 看着昏倒的龙皓晨,魔神皇抬起手。向白玥招了招。 Long Xingyu moves sideways, keeps off before the Bai Yue body, double pupil red is gazing at fixedly Demon God Emperor, what do you also want to make?” 龙星宇一闪身,挡在白玥身前,双眸通红的瞪视着魔神皇,“你还想做什么?” Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu gives a calm smile, Long Xingyu. Although your passing achievement makes me look down upon very much , is too not willing to acknowledge your this son-in-law. However. You are willing to be a moment ago Haochen keep off that to strike, calculates that you have the man of acting. All must finish, I only want to speak several words with my daughter.” 魔神皇枫秀淡然一笑,“龙星宇。虽然你过往的作为让我很看不起,也不太愿意承认你这个女婿。但是。刚才你肯为皓晨挡那一击,算你还是个有担当的男人。一切都要结束了,我只想和我的女儿说几句话。” Long Xingyu has gawked, in his eyes is insurmountable mountain Demon God Emperor, actually again did not have the past impressive and dignified manner at this moment, surplus, was only one tranquil and a gentleness. 龙星宇愣了一下,在他眼中一直是不可逾越高山的魔神皇,此时此刻竟然再也没有以往的威仪,剩余的,只是一份平静和一份慈祥。 Some Bai Yue limping behind walks from Long Xingyu, Long Xingyu hurries to support her, Bai Yue has not actually visited him, first she is concerned looked at one to pour Long Haochen in Cai'er bosom, this changed Demon God Emperor the vision. 白玥有些蹒跚的从龙星宇身后走出来,龙星宇赶忙扶住她,白玥却没有看他,她先关切的看了一眼倒在采儿怀中的龙皓晨,这才将目光转向魔神皇 „Did you have something to say?” “你还有什么可说的?” On the Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu face reveals a temperate smiling face, child, I knows that you are not willing to recognize me. You not wrong, I am not a qualified father, is not a qualified husband. Regardless of before , had had anything, but the final result is the tragedy, I have the faced responsibility. However, I must tell you again, in my heart, your mother is I have loved only the woman. Lingxuan until dying, still remembers me. When I hear that last words that she leaves behind, do you know in my heart to have what kind of idea?” 魔神皇枫秀脸上流露出一丝温和的笑容,“孩子,我知道,你不肯认我。你没有错,我不是一个合格的父亲,更不是一个合格的丈夫。无论以前曾经发生过什么,但最终的结果是悲剧,我有着不可推卸的责任。但是,我必须要再次告诉你,在我心中,你母亲是我唯一爱过的女人。玲轩直到死的时候,都还记得我。当我听到她留下的那份遗言时,你知道我心中有怎样的想法么?” Bai Yue has not spoken, but both eyes red looks at Demon God Emperor. 白玥没有吭声,只是双目通红的看着魔神皇 Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu sighed, said: At that time in my heart the only idea was, my this life, crossed was also not the defeat. Not long, I have taken cultivation as the breakthrough am the goal, because once became in all previous Demon God Emperor most formidable is pleased with oneself. May know when I heard the Lingxuan last words I discovered that these are actually unimportant to me. More importantly, my this has loved entire life, some people had loved me. Like such that your mother said that has loved this time, my not regret.” 魔神皇枫秀叹息一声,道:“当时我心中唯一的想法就是,我这一生,过的还不算失败。曾几何时,我一直以修为突破为目标,也曾因为自己成为了历代魔神皇中最强大的一个而沾沾自喜。可知道我听到了玲轩的遗言时我才发现,这些对我其实都并不重要。重要的是,我这一生爱过,也曾经有人爱过我。就像你妈妈说的那样,爱过这一次,我也不悔。” Listens to Demon God Emperor to speak of here, Bai Yue cannot control own mood again, is choked with tears. 魔神皇说到这里,白玥再也控制不住自己的情绪,痛哭失声。 Demon God Emperor deeply inspires, Yue'er, 72 demon god pillar have destroyed, regardless of before our demonkind, has done many wrong things to humanity, has many hatreds. Also should mark a period to the present. Without demon god pillar, three years, all come from the demon god pillar strength will dissipate. Did not belong to this plane demonkind race voluntarily destruction, but is transformed the demonkind race that also gradually to return to original state by other races. Your humanity does not need to make anything, only makes the waiting, Sacred Demon Continent will return to you to control completely. I hope that do not vent anger in these lost the charm, is the clansmen of my clan. Agares is also living, I believe that he will also restrain these clansmen. Does not use for 100 years, demonkind completely will become the history, all will assimilate into brand-new world that will take your humanity as the control.” 魔神皇深吸口气,“玥儿,72根魔神柱已经毁去,无论我们魔族以前对人类做过多少错事,有过多少仇恨。到现在也都该画上一个句号了。没有了魔神柱,不出三年,所有来自于魔神柱的力量都将消散。原本不属于这个位面魔族种族将自行毁灭,而由其他种族所转化的魔族种族也将渐渐还原。你们人类根本不需要做什么,只要略作等待,圣魔大陆将完全回归你们所掌控。我只是希望,你们不要迁怒于那些失去了魔力的,属于我族的族人们。阿加雷斯还活着,我相信,他也会约束这些族人。不用100年,魔族就将完全成为历史,一切将都同化成为以你们人类为主宰的全新世界。” Was good, I must say these many. Please pass on to Long Haochen my words. In any event, our demonkind at the final moment for also this plane had not been paid all by destruction. Looks in this regard, I believe that he will promise me to request finally.” “好了,我要说的就这么多。请你们将我的话转告龙皓晨。无论如何,我们魔族在最后时刻也为了这个位面不被毁灭付出了一切。看在这一点上,我相信,他会答应我最后的请求。” Here, Feng Xiu has smiled suddenly, he smiled was very frank. The strong spiritual energy fluctuation sends out in the air, one generation of Demon God Emperor, he opens his both arms slowly, raises head to look at the day. 说到这里,枫秀突然笑了,他笑的很敞快。浓烈的灵力波动在空气中散发开来,一代魔神皇,他缓缓张开自己的双臂,仰头望天。 I am the Devil Dragon emperor, in the demonkind history the greatest king, but demonkind actually in my hands ends. Nobody can kill me, even if Austin Griffin cannot achieve. Can end my life, only then I.” “我是逆天魔龙皇,魔族历史上最伟大的帝王,但魔族却在我手中终结。没有人能够杀死我,就算是奥斯汀、格里芬也没能做到。能够终结我生命的,就只有我自己。” Bai Yue has realized anything suddenly, yelled: Does not want 白玥突然意识到了什么,大叫道:“不要” However, her words late one step, in the Demon God Emperor right hand, does not know eventually were when many a handle short blade edge, or was he congeals a handle short blade edge with own strength, pricked in own heart maliciously. 但是,她的话终究还是晚了一步,魔神皇右手之中,不知道什么时候多了一柄短刃,或者说,是他用自己的力量凝结成了一柄短刃,狠狠的刺入了自己的心脏之中。 But, his laughter is still continuing, but the vision actually shifted on Long Haochen. 可是,他的笑声还在继续,而目光却转移到了龙皓晨身上。 Brat, I had killed your one time, has crushed your heart. Now, grandfathers . Do you know? Listens to you to call me a grandfather, I actually feel very joyful, since initially Lingxuan died, first time feels joyfully.” “臭小子,我曾经杀死过你一次,击碎过你的心脏。现在,外公都还回来了。你知道吗?听你叫过我一声外公,我竟然感到很快乐,自从当初玲轩死了之后,第一次感受到快乐。” Does not flush away to Demon God Emperor that wants Bai Yue to weep bitterly, but this time, Long Xingyu again has not actually prevented her. Is willing to jump down for Demon God Emperor from Dragon Resister Mountain Pass from Bai Yue, he understands that in the Bai Yue heart, Demon God Emperor this father exists. “不要啊”白玥痛哭的向魔神皇冲去,而这一次,龙星宇却并没有再阻止她。从白玥为了魔神皇肯从御龙关跳下,他就明白,在白玥心中,魔神皇这个父亲是存在着的。 Do not come.” Demon God Emperor cries, in his drinks greatly, Bai Yue knocks down. “别过来。”魔神皇大叫一声,在他的大喝中,白玥扑倒在地。 The Demon God Emperor chest place, started to have the strong purple black ray to mix the dark blue electric light to scatter in all directions to flutter about, he is feared obviously injures to own daughter! 魔神皇胸口处,已经开始有浓烈的紫黑色光芒混合着暗蓝色的电光四散纷飞,他显然是怕伤害到自己的女儿啊! Looks at Bai Yue, the Demon God Emperor vision becomes the incomparably gentle, supple sound track: Yue'er, my daughter, I knows that you are not willing to recognize my this father, I do not have the qualifications to be your father. However, when my this life will soon move toward the end, I have a request, can, the will that your mother leaves to me. Let no longer have regrettable that I walk, making me look for her following the flavor of that blood in her posthumous writings leaves behind, ok?” 看着白玥,魔神皇的目光变得无比温柔,柔声道:“玥儿,我的女儿,我知道你不愿意认我这个父亲,我也没资格做你的父亲。但是,就在我这生命即将走向终结的时候,我有一个请求,能不能,把你妈妈留下的遗书给我。让我走的不再有遗憾,让我循着她遗书上留下的那份血液的味道去找她,好么?” Regardless in the Bai Yue heart has what kind of detesting to Demon God Emperor, but he after is her father! Especially saw that Demon God Emperor that half god level the life is passing at an exceptional pace, this time Bai Yue, in the heart also where has the least bit hatred. 无论白玥心中对魔神皇有怎样的憎恶,可他毕竟是她的亲生父亲啊!尤其是眼看着魔神皇那半神级的生命正在以惊人的速度流逝着,此时的白玥,心中还哪有半点恨意。 Father Bai Yue Bei Hu, reckless throws to Demon God Emperor. “爸爸”白玥悲呼一声,就不顾一切的向魔神皇扑去。 The Long Xingyu prompt appearance in her behind, grasped her, whatever if she contacts Demon God Emperor that terror the dark aura, the body of Bai Yue definitely cannot withstand. 龙星宇及时的出现在她身后,一把抱住了她,如果任由她接触到魔神皇身边那恐怖的黑暗气息,白玥的身体肯定承受不住。 Demon God Emperor shows a faint smile, said: Silly thing, cries anything. This is the good deed! I am not withering away, but is looks for Lingxuan. You should for us feel that Gao Xingcai is right. Let alone, I do not walk, during you must be in as before are awkward. The father cannot do for you are more , can only so. Hears you to call me a father, I was very happy. Has you and Haochen two summons, I was very happy, am worth. Originally the kinship of humanity really such happy! Gives me, your mother is waiting for me.” 魔神皇微微一笑,道:“傻丫头,哭什么。这是好事啊!我不是消亡,而是去找玲轩。你应该为我们感到高兴才对。更何况,我不走,你依旧要处于为难之中。爸爸不能为你做的更多,也只能如此了。听到你叫我一声爸爸,我真的很高兴。有你和皓晨的两声呼唤,我很开心,值得了。原来人类的亲情真的是这么的美好啊!给我吧,你妈妈在等着我呢。” -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Sobs for Feng Xiu, is Demon God Emperor, this is his fate. Do not blame your Third Brother being stingy, this is actually the best result. Do not be sad, behind also has one 枫秀而哭泣吧,身为魔神皇,这是他的宿命。别怪你们三哥心狠,这其实是最好的结局。别伤心,后面还有一更
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