SYWZ :: Volume #9

#874: Last war ( Part 2 )

Other four respectively appear above the Long Haochen abdomen, waist and knees. Eight big ends, incarnation after the mail-armor and helmet the color turned into the purple completely. Appears besides angle that they distinguish, is the color of eye. 其他四个头则分别出现在龙皓晨腹部、腰部与双膝之上。八个大头,化身为甲胄后颜色全部变成了紫色。显现出它们区别的除了角之外,就是眼睛的颜色。 Even if formerly wore Armor of Eternity and Creation time, Long Haochen had not felt that he broke that matter boundary. But at this moment, when purple gold Hao Yue armor covers the whole body instant, he suddenly discovered that he as if rose another altitude, entered a brand-new level completely. 哪怕是先前身穿永恒与创造之铠的时候,龙皓晨也没有感觉到自己突破了那层界限。而此时此刻,当紫金皓月铠覆盖全身的刹那,他突然发现,自己似乎已经上升到了另一个高度,完全进入了一个全新的层面。 The god level, this clearly is the strength of god level! Is Hao Yue takes to his god level strength. 神级,这分明就是神级的力量啊!是皓月带给他的神级力量。 purple light extends together in the Long Haochen right hand, he hurries to hand over the left hand Devil God Sword, this appears in his right hand, is not just the eight heads purple gold Hao Yue sword? 一道紫光龙皓晨右手之中延伸出来,他赶忙将逆天魔神剑交到左手,这出现在他右手之中的,可不正是八头紫金皓月剑么? At this moment, in the Long Haochen heart has mixed emotions, how could he has thought that some day will own strength break through to the god level above? How could also to think that some day in own both hands, will grip Hao Yue and Demon God Emperor separately separately the sword of melting! 此时此刻,龙皓晨心中不禁百感交集,他何曾想到过,有一天自己的力量会突破到神级以上?又何曾想到,有一天自己的双手之中,会分别握住皓月魔神皇分别所化之剑啊! Buzz on Devil God Sword, shone the rich black golden color brilliance, the Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu sound has resounded, Haochen, this was you, was our only opportunities. The body of Austin Griffin separated its head of destruction voluntarily. This is also God of Scourge most core the strength of destruction. Kills it, Austin Griffin destruction forever was then impossible again the reincarnation. Because this is its strength will purify. Begins.” “嗡”逆天魔神剑上,亮起了浓郁的乌金色光焰,魔神皇枫秀的声音响起,“皓晨,这是你,也是我们唯一的机会。奥斯汀、格里芬的身体自行分离出了它的毁灭之头。这也是天谴之神最核心的毁灭之力。将它杀死,那么,奥斯汀、格里芬毁灭就永远也不可能再转生了。因为这是它自己的力量将自己净化。动手吧。” With the combustion of that black golden color flame, Long Haochen can feel clearly, at this moment, Demon God Emperor the handle Devil God Sword has been unexpectedly also the level of god level. The fire of that black golden flame as if his life. What is more valuable, Long Haochen oneself has not felt existence of any dark aura unexpectedly, will not have the half minute to affect to him. 伴随着那乌金色火焰的燃烧,龙皓晨能够清楚的感觉到,此时此刻,魔神皇所化的这柄逆天魔神剑竟然也达到了神级的层次。那乌金色的火焰似乎正是他自己的生命之火。更为可贵的是,龙皓晨自身竟然没有感受到任何黑暗气息的存在,不会对他有半分影响。 Long Haochen, you cannot get rid to me.” Austin Griffin breathless saying. Although his look and Long Haochen are exactly the same, but at this time his on face fierce and unwilling has actually formed the striking contrast with Long Haochen. 龙皓晨,你不能对我出手。”奥斯汀、格里芬气急败坏的说道。尽管他的相貌和龙皓晨一模一样,可此时他脸上的狰狞与不甘却与龙皓晨形成了鲜明对比。 Your Hao Yue is my part, but I am God of Scourge and Nine Heads Chimera main body core am. If I died, your Hao Yue also same will die then. He has paid these many for you. You must kill him unexpectedly, don't you have the heart? So long as you do not kill me, I am willing to find the way to make your Hao Yue separate completely with me, later he is he and I am I, forms two completely different life bodies. I can also promise you, no longer destruction your this plane.” “你的皓月是我的一部分,而我更是天谴之神九头奇美拉的本体核心所在。如果我死了,那么,你的皓月也一样会死。他为你付出了这么多。你竟然要杀死他,你于心何忍?只要你不杀我,我愿意想办法让你的皓月与我完全分离开来,以后他是他、我是我,形成两个完全不同的生命体。我还可以答应你,不再毁灭你这个位面。” Hears Hao Yue same will also die these characters time, Long Haochen body megascism , he although in the heart had guessed correctly. But. When Austin Griffin said personally, made his mind one chaotic. 听到“皓月也一样会死”这几个字的时候,龙皓晨不禁身体剧震,他虽然心中已经猜到。可是。当奥斯汀、格里芬亲口说出的时候,却让他心神一乱。 Elder brother, do not listen his. He must die. He does not die, destruction will not wither away. So long as it is also living, that. We will not have the freedom. After he has replied the ability, will also swallow us. But he died, perhaps we have the opportunity of reincarnation.” “哥哥,你别听他的。他必须死。他不死,毁灭就不会消亡。只要它还活着,那么。我们就不会有自由。等他回复了能力之后,还会将我们吞噬。而他死了,或许我们还有转生的机会。” The sound that killing Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu roars sticks out suddenly from Devil God Sword. “杀”魔神皇枫秀怒吼的声音从逆天魔神剑中暴起。 Long Haochen also finally sets firm resolve in this moment. The purple light startled day, the strong spiritual energy fluctuation increased instantaneously pinnacle. At this moment, what he controls is the strength of god. 龙皓晨也终于在这一刻下定决心。紫光惊天,浓烈的灵力波动瞬间攀升到了极致。这一刻,他掌控的是神的力量。 A giant purple gold color angry look from the sky appears, around that purple gold color angry look, is burning the black golden brilliance. 一只巨大的紫金色竖眼在空中出现,在那紫金色竖眼周围,燃烧着乌金色的光焰。 In this moment, some God of Scourge Austin Griffin delay, were pulled apart from the main body by Hao Yue unexpectedly. It is the damaging severely vitality, present it, simply does not have the God of Scourge strength. When he sees clearly that only purple gold color great eye, actually muttered thought aloud: Creates the world, is you? Creates the world, you actually are also living, but also opens the eye to visit me?” 在这一刻,天谴之神奥斯汀、格里芬竟然有些呆滞了,被皓月从本体扯断。它已是大伤元气,现在的它,根本没有天谴之神的力量。而当他看清那只紫金色巨眼的时候,竟然喃喃的自言自语道:“创世,是你吗?创世,你竟然还活着,还睁着眼睛看我么?” Next quarter. purple gold color Eyes of Nirvana, was bringing the innumerable rays his body complete coverage. 下一刻。紫金色的梵天之眼,已经带着无数的光芒将他的身体完全覆盖。 Buddhist day three, Eyes of Nirvana, Instant Flowerly Fragant and world are limitless. 梵天三式,梵天之眼刹那芳华、天地无极。 The sky, turned into the purple again, in noble purple. Has several points filled with grief with renouncing. All grey in this moment under ray that in that purple gold and babbit metal combine complete coverage. 天空,再一次变成了紫色,高贵的紫色中。更有着几分悲怆与决绝。一切的灰色在这一刻都在那紫金与乌金组合的光芒下完全覆盖。 In the sky, is reverberating that unwilling sound. Creates the world, I hate you 天空中,回荡着那不甘的声音。“创世,我恨你” Airborne purple light has continued the time of quarter, gradually dim, the humanity and demonkind before Dragon Resister Mountain Pass no longer come under the influence of that terrifying pressure finally, restored the ability of motion gradually. 空中的紫光足足持续了一刻钟的时间,才渐渐黯淡,御龙关前的人类与魔族终于不再受到那恐怖威压的影响,渐渐恢复了行动的能力。 The grey vanished, all destruction aura all vanished. Similarly vanishes, has ruled Sacred Demon Continent more than 6000 years of demonkind all demon god pillar. 灰色消失了,一切毁灭的气息全都消失了。同样消失的,还有统治了圣魔大陆长达6000多年的魔族所有的魔神柱 With that purple light desalination of gradually, the sky seemed torn generally, the light golden trace started to appear together, then spread slowly. 伴随着那紫光的渐渐淡化,天空似乎被撕裂了一般,一道淡淡的金色痕迹开始出现,然后缓缓的蔓延开来。 The dark cloud and darkness are disillusioned and vanish under that golden action of driving away gradually, a golden Sun, has revealed gradually the face from that only mark. 乌云与黑暗在那金色的驱赶下渐渐破灭、消失,一轮金色的太阳,渐渐从那光痕中露出了面庞。 Knight Temple first generation Temple Master, Eternal Heroes Xiao Huo in this moment body fierce shivers. He is Undead, bathes under sunlight, will take to his incomparable pain, regardless of his strength is formidable is also so. May at this moment, bathe in that more and more warm sunlight, he has actually made the sound of sobbing. 骑士圣殿第一代殿主,永恒英雄萧霍在这一刻身体剧烈的颤抖起来。他是亡灵,沐浴在阳光之下,会带给他无比的痛苦,无论他的实力多么强大也都是如此。可此时此刻,沐浴在那越来越温暖的阳光之中,他却发出了哽咽的声音。 Freely, he does not have the tears, but in this moment, his mood actually already excitedly to unequalled degree. 尽管,他没有泪,但在这一刻,他的情绪却已经激动到无与伦比的程度。 Not only he, each Eternal Heroes, each those present class powerhouse, glassy-eyed is looking steadily at the airborne more and more dazzling sunlight, said that anything does not hate to blink. 不只是他,每一位永恒英雄,每一位在场的人类强者,都目光呆滞的盯视着空中越来越刺眼的阳光,却说什么也不舍得眨眼。 This round Yao date, seemed telling them, the darkness ended, Bright Rays of Sunlight, came. 这一轮曜日,似乎在告诉着他们,黑暗已经终结,光之晨曦,来了。 Has covered Sacred Demon Continent more than 6000 years of dark era, in this moment, finally end, complete end. 覆盖了圣魔大陆6000多年的黑暗年代,在这一刻,终于终结,完全的终结。 The purple gold colored light glow drops from the clouds, looks like drills from that eye-catching sunlight, light falling in ground. 紫金色光芒从天而降,就像是从那夺目的阳光中钻出来似的,轻飘飘的落在地面上。 From this moment, he already, not only legend, is the fable and epic poem hero. He led humanity to make the history, to break through the darkness finally, making destruction wither away in the nihility. 从这一刻,他已经不只是传奇,更是传说与史诗般的英雄。他终于带领着人类创造了历史、冲破了黑暗,令毁灭消亡于虚无之中。 He is Scion of Light of humanity, God of Light, Temple Federation chairman, the Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation owner, Knight Temple Divine Knight of Glory and Leadership, the legend and epic poem hero, Long Haochen. 他是人类的光明之子,光明之神,圣殿联邦主席,永恒与创造之神印王座的拥有者,骑士圣殿辉煌与领袖之神印骑士,传奇与史诗般的英雄,龙皓晨 Puff Long Haochen floating falls to the ground, Hao Yue purple gold Hao Yue armor does not have the hard helmet to exist, all people can see that the Long Haochen handsome face at this time appears somewhat pale, struck to kill Austin Griffin thoroughly, humanity finally must also go out of the fetter of dark era, but this time he, on the face did not have the half minute excited color. Instead completely is sad. “噗”龙皓晨飘然落地,皓月所化的紫金皓月铠并没有头盔存在,所有人都能看到,龙皓晨英俊的面庞此时显得有些苍白,彻底击杀了奥斯汀、格里芬,人类也终于要走出黑暗年代的束缚,可此时的他,脸上却没有半分兴奋之色。反而尽是悲伤。 Crying that Hao Yue Long Haochen sobbed. 皓月龙皓晨哽咽的大叫一声。 The eight heads purple gold Hao Yue sword in his hand vanished in landing, moreover purple gold Hao Yue armor, is changing into continuously purple light from the sky to drift about and pass 他手中的八头紫金皓月剑在落地的时候就已经消失了,而且身上的紫金皓月铠,正在化为一缕缕紫光在空中漂荡、流逝着 Long Haochen with both hands according to oneself, going all out wants to hold anything, but his anything is actually not able to hold. The Hao Yue aura is becoming more and more weak, is dissipating in that air slowly. 龙皓晨用双手按在自己身上,拼命的想要抓住些什么,可他却根本什么也无法抓住。皓月的气息正在变得越来越微弱,也正在那空气中徐徐消散着。 The black golden color ray dodges, the Demon God Emperor personal appearance appears in Long Haochen beyond five meters, is surviving the demonkind powerhouses hurry to encircle, is centered on Demon God Emperor, is protecting they most formidable king. 乌金色光芒一闪,魔神皇身形出现在龙皓晨五米外,残存着的魔族强者们赶忙围上来,以魔神皇为核心,守护着他们最强大的帝王。 But at this time on all demonkind, has the light black mist to dissipate in the air unceasingly, their aura also start to be weaken rapidly. 但此时所有魔族身上,都有淡淡的黑色雾气不断在空气中消散,他们的气息也随之开始迅速减弱。 72 demon god pillar hence completely destruction, the demonkind foundation thoroughly exterminated, all strength that brings from that plane after demon god pillar completely damages starts to dissipate from demonkind, their cultivation to also belong to the darkness to pass to reduce with another plane strength along with that. Not only ordinary demonkind, even if Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu and on Moon Demon God Agares is also having the similar situation. Even their strengths pass is more rapid. 72根魔神柱至此已经全部毁灭,魔族的根基已经彻底灭绝,所有从那个位面带来的力量在魔神柱全部破损后开始从魔族们身上消散着,他们的修为也随着那份属于黑暗与另一个位面的力量流逝而降低。不只是普通魔族,就算是魔神皇枫秀月魔神阿加雷斯身上也都出现着同样的情况。甚至他们身上的力量流逝的更加迅速。 The Feng Xiu complexion also wants pale many compared with Long Haochen, the corners of the mouth place, has the dull purple blood to flow unceasingly. Formerly his incarnation was Devil God Sword bursts out the lost level the strength, in fact, was he uses own complete ability to suppress own dark attribute, in order to avoid affected Long Haochen, let alone also wanted, when Long Haochen fight, withstood Long Haochen to pour into has huge spiritual energy of strength of pure light, and its transformation. This is the difficult situation! But Demon God Emperor actually has actually insisted, insists Austin Griffin by thorough destruction. 枫秀的脸色比龙皓晨还要惨白的多,嘴角处,不断有暗紫色的血液流淌而出。先前他化身为逆天魔神剑迸发出神级的力量,实际上,是他用自身的全部能力压制着自己的黑暗属性,以免影响到龙皓晨,更何况还要在龙皓晨战斗的时候,承受龙皓晨所注入带有纯净光明之力的庞大灵力,并且将其转换。这是何等困难的情况啊!但魔神皇却硬是坚持了下来,坚持到奥斯汀、格里芬被彻底毁灭 At this time the host of this demonkind, on the face full is the color of feeling relaxed, as if has put down in the heart biggest burden, he lifts the hand, hints all demonkind maintains peaceful, stands there, silently looks that purple light passes gradually is in Long Haochen in broken-hearted. 此时这位魔族之主,脸上满是释然之色,似乎放下了心中最大的包袱似的,他抬起手,示意所有魔族保持安静,就那么站在那里,默默的看着身上紫光渐渐流逝正处于极度悲伤中的龙皓晨 The Hao Yue aura was getting more and more pale, on the Long Haochen face had already covered entirely the tears, he could not even feel half minute Hao Yue also to have the sign of survival. 皓月的气息越来越淡了,龙皓晨脸上早已布满了泪水,他甚至已经感受不到半分皓月还有存活的迹象。 God of Scourge and Nine Heads Chimera and Austin Griffin said right, the head of destruction with other eight is a body, in Little Light and Little Flame is eight of head that moment that it cuts by biting, Hao Yue is Long Haochen has given own life. At that time only if their agree made Austin Griffin recover in the wound place, otherwise, the Hao Yue life will only pass along with the time. 天谴之神九头奇美拉奥斯汀、格里芬说的没错,毁灭之头与其他八个头本是一体,在小光小火为首的八个头将它咬断的那一刻,皓月就已经为龙皓晨奉献了自己的生命。当时除非它们肯让奥斯汀、格里芬重新复原在伤口处,否则,皓月的生命只会随着时间而流逝。 Austin Griffin the head of destruction takes core, if not come under the attack possibly not dead, but lost core Hao Yue, actually must die without doubt! 奥斯汀、格里芬毁灭之头作为核心,如果不受到攻击可能不死,但失去了核心的皓月,却是必死无疑啊! But in that final time, Hao Yue actually as before helped Long Haochen strike to kill Austin Griffin with own compensation. This naturally is not because it likes humanity, is not because how take pity on this plane. For only a Long Haochen person! 但在那最后时刻,皓月却依旧用自己的全部力量帮助龙皓晨击杀了奥斯汀、格里芬。这当然不是因为它多么喜爱人类,更不是因为多么怜惜这个位面。为的,只是龙皓晨一个人啊! It is lest Long Haochen receives, even if an injury, feared that own master and own elder brother life were threatened. Therefore puts together the completely last strength to help Long Haochen melt all possible disasters completely. 它是唯恐龙皓晨受到哪怕一丝伤害,怕自己的主人、自己的哥哥生命受到威胁。所以才拼尽最后一丝力量帮助龙皓晨将所有可能出现的灾难全部化解。 ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- How many were this? 这是第几更了?
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