SYWZ :: Volume #9

#873: Last war ( Part 1 )

Because of fierce pain, Austin Griffin that huge ten thousand meters male body fierce rebellion. This terror body under head of control destruction. But Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation could not insist at this time finally. 因为剧烈的痛苦,奥斯汀、格里芬那庞大的万米雄躯剧烈的暴动着。这恐怖的身体还是在毁灭之头控制下的。而十地九天灭神大阵在这个时候也终于坚持不住了。 Bang “轰” Myriad rays from the sky explode, demon god pillar one after another collapse in the face of the strength of Austin Griffin terror, its huge stature is also stiffly flushed from the prisoner's cage of Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation constitution. 万千道光芒在空中爆开,一根接一根魔神柱奥斯汀、格里芬恐怖的力量面前崩溃,它那庞大的身躯也是硬生生的从十地九天灭神大阵构成的囚笼中冲了出来。 This is the what kind terror strength! It is not able to continue to control the terror to collaborations of more than 60 demon god pillar again. However, this time Austin Griffin, is actually facing the unprecedented giant crisis. Even if were initially in that black and red world by seal, his oneself has not had such huge problem. 这是何等恐怖的力量啊!恐怖到60多根魔神柱的联手也无法再继续控制。但是,此时的奥斯汀、格里芬,却面临着前所未有的巨大危机。哪怕是当初在那黑与红的世界中被封印的时候,他自身也没有出现过这么巨大的问题。 Present God of Scourge after is not initial God of Scourge. Existence of Little Light, has replaced darkness, but in God of Scourge Austin Griffin within the body, has part to be the bloodline of Long Haochen, the bloodline of light god! The destruction thought desalinates because of the strength of this bloodline. But not only Austin Griffin attached eight before the head of destruction regains consciousness has their wisdom and soul, has incomparably the close relationship with Long Haochen! In this case, how they can look at Austin Griffin to go to destruction helplessly Long Haochen, destruction that have taken to them the life, innumerable master and elder brother who for they pay. 现在的天谴之神毕竟已经不是当初的天谴之神小光的存在,代替了黑暗,而在天谴之神奥斯汀、格里芬的体内,更是有着一部分属于龙皓晨的血脉,光神的血脉啊!毁灭意念因为这份血脉之力而淡化。而奥斯汀、格里芬附属的八个头不但在毁灭之头苏醒之前都有着自己的智慧与灵魂,更有着与龙皓晨之间无比密切的关系啊!在这种情况下,它们又怎能眼睁睁的看着奥斯汀、格里芬毁灭龙皓晨,毁灭那带给了它们生命,更无数次为了它们付出的主人、哥哥。 Elder brother, do not die. We help you.” In the Long Haochen heart, sound one after another resounds, in this flickers, he only thought the blood of own within the body has seethed with excitement completely, his body, beyond description was covered by a kinship. “哥哥,不要死。我们帮你。”在龙皓晨心中,一个接一个的声音响起,在这一瞬,他只觉得自己体内的血液完全沸腾了,他的身体,更是被一种难以形容的浓浓亲情所覆盖。 A person, from the hopeless situation of death rich the kinship by the feeling that saved is what kind move. Long Haochen bellows suddenly, Hao Yue, I and you fight together.” 一个人,从死亡的绝境之中被浓郁的亲情拯救过来的感觉是何等的感动。龙皓晨猛然大吼一声,“皓月,我与你一同战斗。” At the same time was saying, Long Haochen jumps suddenly, throws toward the battlefield in upper air. 一边说着,龙皓晨猛然腾身而起,朝着高空中的战场上扑去。 Also at this moment. By Hao Yue other big ends, in the eye the grey also one after another diverges, is representing the wind Little Green third awaking extension, is representing the water, has Little Blue of butterfly shape alone angle, then has Little Purple of violently poisonous pass character chrysanthemum alone angle, to represent the earth to have little yellow of tomato shape alone angle, finally recently awakened to represent metal Little Gold and is representing thunder Little Thunder. 也就在这时。皓月两侧的其他大头,眼中灰色也相继散去,代表着风的小青第三个醒转,然后是代表着水,有着蝴蝶状独角的小蓝,接下来是拥有着剧毒关字菊花独角的小紫、代表着土有着番茄状独角的小黄,最后是前次觉醒代表着金属的小金和代表着雷的小雷 In eight eye pupils is glittering the respective different gloss, in this moment. They have a goal. That is the head of central destruction. 八个头眼眸中闪烁着各自不同的光泽,在这一刻。它们却只有一个目标。那就是中央的毁灭之头。 Roar and roar the head of destruction crazy is roaring, grey spit the rest to emit unceasingly, huge stature also in struggling of going all out. Many demon god pillar will destroy. However, that restored the state of mind big end, actually all throws. Bites to nip above its sturdy neck. Regardless of the head of this destruction is formidable, in eight heads jointly under bites to nip, is unable to work loose unexpectedly. The flesh and blood of bulk and bulk mixes the strong ash-gray air current to be torn up. “吼、吼”毁灭之头疯狂的怒吼着,一口口灰色吐息不断喷吐而出,庞大的身躯也在拼命的挣扎。将更多的魔神柱摧毁。但是,那一个个恢复了神志的大头,却全部扑上来。噬咬在它那粗壮的脖子之上。无论这毁灭之头有多么强大,在八头的联合噬咬之下,竟然也是无法挣脱。大块、大块的血肉混合着浓烈的灰色气流被撕掉。 Body of Long Haochen overshooting not yet close, is hit by the terrorist force that Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation burst out finally to shatter. Hit maliciously in ground. 龙皓晨上冲的身体尚未接近,就被十地九天灭神大阵最后破碎所迸发出的恐怖力量撞了回来。狠狠的撞击在地面上。 But this time, on him did not have the protection of Armor of Eternity and Creation , the body hit in the ground, immediately the blood spurts crazily. 而这一次,他身上已经没有了永恒与创造之铠的保护,身体撞击在地面上,顿时鲜血狂喷。 Bang and bang 轰、轰 Another two forms fall on Long Haochen side not far away, airborne, all demon god pillar changed into the powder pink / white completely. Terrifying element storm has as if torn the entire space, making the purple in sky turn into the darkness instantaneously. 另外两道身影落在龙皓晨身边不远处,空中,所有的魔神柱已经全部化为齑粉。恐怖的元素风暴似乎撕裂了整个空间,令天空中的紫色瞬间变成了黑暗。 Whatever if this terrifying Yuan established custom sudden and violent fall gets down, then, let alone is Dragon Resister Mountain Pass, perhaps Sacred Demon Continent will receive the heavy losses that is unable to recall. 如果任由这股恐怖的元素风暴落下来,那么,别说是御龙关,恐怕圣魔大陆都会受到无法挽回的重创。 At this time, the recovery of Hao Yue thought played the extremely vital role. 在这个时候,皓月意念的复苏就起到了极其重要的作用。 In the sky, nine different color rays bloom in that ten thousand meters huge stature. But while Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation completely to shatter, Hao Yue as if occupied the initiative of body. Strong purple light releases from its huge stature suddenly, has formed a huge purple light membrane, actually the element storm isolation that wreaks havoc outside, and drove away in these element storms the space crack of ripping open forcefully. 天空中,九种不同颜色的光芒在那万米长的庞大身躯上绽放。而就在十地九天灭神大阵全部破碎的同时,皓月似乎占据了身体的主动。一层浓烈的紫光骤然从它那庞大的身躯中释放而出,形成了一层巨大的紫色光膜,硬是把那肆虐的元素风暴隔绝在外,并且将这些元素风暴强行驱赶到了撕开的空间裂缝之中。 Falls on Long Haochen side not far away two form Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu and Moon Demon God Agares. But formerly was also surviving other six demon god. Changed into the powder pink / white in just the war of this seal completely. With the demon god pillar altogether life or death. 落在龙皓晨身边不远处的两道身影正是魔神皇枫秀月魔神阿加雷斯。而先前还存活着的其他六位魔神。全部在刚刚这场封印之战中化为了齑粉。与魔神柱共存亡。 Long Haochen can feel clearly, although Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu and Moon Demon God Agares is also living. But their aura at an exceptional pace are actually weakening. The to shatter of Devil Dragon column and Moon Demon God Pillar, is huge to their influences. 龙皓晨能够清楚的感觉到,虽然魔神皇枫秀月魔神阿加雷斯还活着。但他们身上的气息却正在以惊人的速度衰减着。逆天魔龙柱与月魔神柱的破碎,对他们的影响是巨大的。 Repairing of Agares to be weak, wound is also fiercer, as if on the remaining one breaths, the body does not only know that has many wounds, but is maintaining the vitality reluctantly. However, regarding the powerhouse of this rank, so long as also has the one breath to exist, completely will not die. But Moon Demon God Pillar is to shatter, even if he can live, cultivation for also surely the large scale decline. 阿加雷斯的修为较弱,伤的也更加厉害,似乎就只剩下一口气了,身上不知道有多少伤口,只是勉强维持着生命力而已。不过,对于他这个级别的强者来说,只要还有一口气存在,就不会完全死亡。但月魔神柱破碎,就算他能够活过来,修为也必定大幅度的衰退。 Compared with Agares, Demon God Emperor showed the superiority of his partly god rank. Although is also injured heavily, seven orifices hemorrhage, but actually in the ground gulf that actually since he pounds crawled, moreover is almost and Long Haochen simultaneously crawls to set out. 阿加雷斯相比,魔神皇就展现出了他半神级别的优势。虽然也是受伤极重,七窍出血,但却硬是从他自己砸出的地面深坑中爬了起来,而且是几乎和龙皓晨同时爬起身的。 This time Demon God Emperor, in the eye completely is the puzzled color, looks to Long Haochen, can like this? How Austin Griffin he and can he?” 此时的魔神皇,眼中尽是不解之色,看向身边的龙皓晨,“怎么会这样?奥斯汀、格里芬他、他怎么会?” Long Haochen looks up in the sky nine big end of frigid battles, [say / way] that muttered: He, not only Austin Griffin, is my Hao Yue! Hao Yue, is my brother, my partner. My suicide, has as if awakened their state of mind. Hao Yue came back. I must help him, I must help him.” 龙皓晨抬头看着天空中九个大头惨烈的争斗,喃喃的道:“他不只是奥斯汀、格里芬,也是我的皓月啊!皓月,是我的兄弟,我的伙伴。我的自杀,似乎唤醒了它们的神志。皓月回来了。我要去帮他,我要去帮他。” At the same time was saying, Long Haochen must soar once more, but, Demon God Emperor actually moves sideways, has held down his shoulder. 一边说着,龙皓晨就要再次腾空而起,但是,魔神皇却一闪身,按住了他的肩膀。 Long Haochen turns head to look to Demon God Emperor, grandfather and grandson, four items of relative. But this is their first so short distance gazes each other does not have the hostility. 龙皓晨扭头向魔神皇看去,祖孙二人,四目相对。而这也是他们第一次如此近距离注视彼此却没有敌意。 Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu, at this time, in situation that in all demon god pillar completely destroy, on the face suddenly revealed a smile. In his smiling face has one to feel relaxed, even also has free and easy beyond description. 魔神皇枫秀,在这种时候,在所有魔神柱尽毁的情况下,脸上竟然流露出了一丝微笑。他的笑容中有着一份释然,甚至还有着一份难以形容的洒脱。 I help you.” “我帮你。” At the same time was saying, on Feng Xiu, the rich dark aura restrains rapidly, the personal appearance dodges, changes into together the black golden color ray, float in front of Long Haochen. Impressively Devil God Sword shape. Just, present Devil God Sword no longer originates existence in Devil Dragon column, but came from the Demon God Emperor Feng Xiu main body. Those who made Long Haochen shocking was, from this handle Devil God Sword, he could not feel the half minute the dark aura. Especially the sword hilt position, as if no any attribute to exist. 一边说着,枫秀身上,浓郁的黑暗气息迅速收敛,身形一闪,化为一道乌金色光芒,悬浮在龙皓晨面前。赫然正是逆天魔神剑的形态。只不过,现在的逆天魔神剑不再是来源于逆天魔龙柱的存在,而是来自于魔神皇枫秀的本体。更令龙皓晨震惊的是,从这柄逆天魔神剑之上,他感觉不到半分的黑暗气息。尤其是剑柄位置,似乎没有任何属性存在似的。 More hesitant with the time of ponder, Long Haochen now has not had the weapon available, Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation receives the heavy losses of God of Scourge Austin Griffin. Has not been able to use. Even if it has formidable autotherapy ability, needs to restore the ultra divine artifact prestige energy for a long time. 没有更多犹豫与思考的时间,龙皓晨现在没有武器可用,永恒与创造之神印王座受到天谴之神奥斯汀、格里芬的重创。已经无法使用了。就算它有强大的自疗能力,也需要很长时间才能恢复超神器的威能。 Lifted the hand, Long Haochen closely has gripped the Devil God Sword sword hilt, raised head to look at the day once more, the strong bright aura mixed Hao Yue the strength of bloodline to make on him brave a purple gold colored light flame instantaneously. The back six wings flap fully, under the combustion of that purple gold colored light flame, is grasping Devil Dragon Emperor Fengxiu Devil God Sword shoots up to the sky. 一抬手,龙皓晨紧紧的握住了逆天魔神剑的剑柄,再次仰头望天,浓烈的光明气息混合着皓月的血脉之力瞬间令他身上冒起了一层紫金色光焰。背后六翼全力拍动,在那紫金色光焰的燃烧下,握着逆天魔龙皇枫秀所化的逆天魔神剑冲天而起。 You such do, what advantage has to you? I die, you are also same must die.” Austin Griffin breathless is roaring. “你们这么做,对你们有什么好处?我死,你们也一样要死。”奥斯汀、格里芬气急败坏的怒吼着。 In the midair, rich ash-gray ray surges, in a grating tearing sound, the head of Austin Griffin that destruction, unexpectedly by other tearing of eight working as one, stiffly pulled apart from the central committee. 半空中,浓郁的灰色光芒涌动,一声刺耳的撕裂声中,奥斯汀、格里芬那颗毁灭之头,竟然被其他八个头齐心协力的撕扯下,硬生生的从中央扯断了。 The ash-gray ray flutters instantaneously. Meanwhile, that ten thousand meters huge stature at an exceptional pace is also reducing. 灰色光芒瞬间远飘。与此同时,那万米长的庞大身躯也在以惊人的速度缩小着。 The head of destruction was pulled apart, but it such will not die obviously, it is God of Scourge and Nine Heads Chimera and Austin Griffin the soul of destruction is at! 毁灭之头被扯断,但它显然不会这么就死,它是天谴之神九头奇美拉奥斯汀、格里芬毁灭之魂所在啊! That giant ash-gray head while tumbles, quick on the incarnation is the human form, as before is the Long Haochen appearance, but, this time he, the body did not have the purple, what surplus is only that fills with the destruction aura the grey. 那巨大的灰色头颅在空中翻滚的同时,很快就化身为人形,依旧是龙皓晨的样子,只不过,此时的他,身上已经没有了紫色,剩余的只是那充满毁灭气息的灰色。 Has cut by biting that grey big end, Hao Yue eight appear very weary, is under the comprehensive impact of destruction energy, in each mouth overflowed with the respective attribute same color blood. However, the ray in their eye is actually such resolutely. 咬断了那灰色的大头,皓月的八个头都显得十分疲倦,受到毁灭能量的全面冲击,它们每一个口中都溢出了与各自属性同样颜色的血液。但是,它们眼中的光芒却是那么的毅然决然。 Elder brother, cannot make him run. Kills him.” The Hao Yue sound resounds in the Long Haochen moral nature. The next quarter, its huge body changes into together the purple time to Long Haochen to rush forth. Meanwhile, airborne that just prevented the destruction nature element storm purple light membrane to draw in instantaneously, has formed a huge purple air bubble, covers Long Haochen and Austin Griffin. “哥哥,不能让他跑了。杀死他。”皓月的声音在龙皓晨心底响起。下一刻,它那庞大的身体就化为一道紫色流光向龙皓晨奔涌而来。与此同时,空中那刚刚阻止了毁灭性元素风暴的紫色光膜瞬间收拢,形成了一个巨大的紫色气泡,将龙皓晨奥斯汀、格里芬覆盖在内。 Hao Yue rich purple light has covered the body of Long Haochen instantaneously, exaggerated the purple his whole person completely, the fusion, this was fusion between Hao Yue and Long Haochen. The indescribable huge strength floods in Long Haochen body each pore instantaneously. An incomparably gorgeous purple gold color mail-armor and helmet also along with it coverage on Long Haochen. 皓月所化的浓郁紫光瞬间笼罩了龙皓晨的身体,将他整个人全部渲染成了紫色,融合,这是皓月龙皓晨之间的融合。无法形容的庞大力量瞬间充斥在龙皓晨身体每一个毛孔。一身无比绚丽的紫金色甲胄也随之覆盖在了龙皓晨身上。 The main body of purple gold color mail-armor and helmet, somewhat resembles with Armor of Eternity and Creation that Long Haochen formerly put on. But its luster is more enchanting and eye-catching. Also there are many and Armor of Eternity and Creation different places. 紫金色甲胄的本体,与龙皓晨先前穿着的永恒与创造之铠有些相像。但它的色泽却更加的炫丽、夺目。也有许多与永恒与创造之铠不同的地方。 First, on purple gold Hao Yue armor does not have the angel and Divine Gigantic Dragon statue, has, is the metal shapes of Hao Yue eight heads. 首先,紫金皓月铠上没有天使与神圣巨龙的雕像,有的,是皓月八个头的金属形态。 About two shoulders, separately are Little Thunder and Little Gold, the chest place, is Little Light and Little Flame, covers the Long Haochen both sides musculus pectoralis separately. 左右两肩,分别是小雷小金,胸口处,是小光小火所化,分别覆盖龙皓晨两侧胸肌。 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Our gods printed must finish, even if were renewing, my eye socket was as before moist, this was really a book that I most did not give up! For it, I have paid too many emotions. Thanks each Tang Men brothers and sisters' support. I love you. 我们的神印就要结束了,哪怕只是在更新,我的眼眶依旧湿润,这真的是我最舍不得的一本书啊!为它,我付出了太多的情感。谢谢每一位唐门兄弟姐妹的支持。我爱你们。
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