SYWZ :: Volume #9

#872: Bright moon counterattack ( Part 3 )

The Demon God Emperor sound from the sky reverberates. But the Austin Griffin tranquil huge main body as if suddenly had realized anything, crazy struggles. 魔神皇的声音在空中回荡。而奥斯汀、格里芬原本平静的庞大本体似乎突然意识到了什么,疯狂的挣扎起来。 Nine giant heads, like nine handle super god soldiers general, crazily are hitting Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation. 九个巨大的头颅,就像九柄超级神兵一般,疯狂的撞击着十地九天灭神大阵 The God of Scourge strength was really too terrifying, the terror to hit more than 60 demon god pillar strengths unable with it to resist as before. Saw, front that originally so formidable demon god pillar in this oppresses moves toward the collapse gradually. First presents the fissure, is the central three big cores, the Devil Dragon column, Moon Demon God Pillar and star demon god pillar. 天谴之神的力量实在是太恐怖了,恐怖到就算是击中了60多根魔神柱的力量也依旧无法与之对抗。眼看着,那原本如此强大的魔神柱就在这压迫面前渐渐走向崩溃。首先出现裂痕的,就是中央的三大核心,逆天魔龙柱、月魔神柱和星魔神柱 With the emergence of that fissure, struggling of Austin Griffin also became more and more intense. The terrifying destruction aura, as if anytime may break through fetters. 伴随着那一道道裂痕的出现,奥斯汀、格里芬的挣扎也变得越来越强烈了。恐怖的毁灭气息,似乎随时都有可能冲破束缚似的。 Long Haochen horizontal purple gold color heavy sword in hand, his vision gentle looks that has ten thousand meters fully, is very formidable, even is terrifying God of Scourge. Saying that muttered: Hao Yue, is I the world that you bring arriving, now, makes me lead you to walk. Perhaps, to another world, we could also be the brothers. The small tears, come out.” 龙皓晨横起手中的紫金色重剑,他目光平和的看着那足有万米长,无比强大,甚至是恐怖的天谴之神。喃喃的说道:“皓月,是我将你带到的这个世界,现在,就让我带你走吧。或许,到了另一个世界,我们还能做兄弟。小泪,出来。” The green laser dodges, fairy of Ye Xiaolei god flew from the Long Haochen chest place instantaneously. In her petite appearance, at this time also full is the tears, but she has not actually prevented the meaning of Long Haochen. Because she is very clear, Long Haochen does, is the present only means. 绿光一闪,神之精灵夜小泪瞬间从龙皓晨胸口处飞了出来。她那娇小的容颜上,此时也满是泪水,但她却并没有阻止龙皓晨的意思。因为她很清楚,龙皓晨所作的,是现在唯一的办法。 Long Haochen nodded to Ye Xiaolei, supple sound track: Small tears, you already strength fusion with my bright, even if not attach in anybody, you are also fairy of god, will not wither away because of the change of environment. Takes care.” 龙皓晨夜小泪点了点头,柔声道:“小泪,你已经与我的光明之力融合,就算不依附于任何人,你也已是神之精灵,不会因为环境的变化而消亡。保重。” At the same time was saying, his right hand lifts, purple gold colored light glow covers on Ye Xiaolei, is resisting in the air for her the tremendous pressure that because Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation as well as the Austin Griffin main body creates, delivers to side her Cai'er slowly. 一边说着,他右手一抬,一层紫金色光芒覆盖在夜小泪身上,为她抵挡着空气中那因为十地九天灭神大阵以及奥斯汀、格里芬本体带来的巨大压力,将她缓缓的送到采儿身边。 Perhaps, this is a best result.” On the Long Haochen face reveals a smile, in this moment, passing all sorts for him already no longer important, his so many does not abandon unwillingly. But, he now already not the second choice. “或许,这是一个最好的结局吧。”龙皓晨脸上流露出一丝微笑,在这一刻,过往的种种对他来说都已经不再重要,他有那么多的不舍、不甘。可是,他现在已经没有第二个选择。 By the strength of Hao Yue bloodline purple gold heavy sword holds up slowly, Long Haochen deep looked at one airborne goes all out to struggle Austin Griffin. Coldly [say / way]: You have eliminated the Hao Yue soul, I eliminate all your.” 皓月血脉之力所化的紫金重剑缓缓举起,龙皓晨深深的看了一眼空中正在拼命挣扎着的奥斯汀、格里芬冷冷的道:“你剥夺了皓月的灵魂,那么,我就剥夺你的一切。” At the same time was saying, in his hand purple gold color heavy sword has let go to depart, tosses into directly airborne. heavy sword after rising into airborne 30 meters changes into the purple rainbow to pass through together, goal. Long Haochen own top of the head! 一边说着,他手中紫金色重剑已经脱手飞出,直接抛入空中。重剑在升入空中30米后化为一道紫虹直贯而下,目标。正是龙皓晨自己的头顶啊! Yes. When a moment ago Long Haochen and Demon God Emperor exchanged the look, he has decided. Among the fluctuation through souls, Demon God Emperor told him. In this world, did not have what strength to defeat Austin Griffin. Even if were initial Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation reappears, in God of Scourge and Nine Heads Chimera and Austin Griffin had in the situation of preparation impossible to strike to kill him once more. Austin Griffin only flaw. Is Long Haochen. Has Long Haochen Blood Contract, is to his only limit, is the final opportunity. 是的。早在刚才龙皓晨魔神皇交换眼神的时候,他就已经决定了。通过灵魂之间的波动,魔神皇告诉他。在这个世界上,已经没有什么力量能够战胜奥斯汀、格里芬了。就算是当初的十地九天灭神大阵重现,在天谴之神九头奇美拉奥斯汀、格里芬有准备的情况下也不可能将他再次击杀。奥斯汀、格里芬唯一的破绽。就是龙皓晨。只有龙皓晨血契,才是对他唯一的限制,也是最后的机会。 Therefore, when Long Haochen liter into airborne, when to Austin Griffin launches the suicide -type attack, he and Demon God Emperor plan started. Attack of Long Haochen to Austin Griffin, to give Demon God Emperor wins the time, letting Demon God Emperor can start incomplete Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation, but this Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation do not strike to kill Austin Griffin. Similarly. Demon God Emperor is also giving Long Haochen to win the time, strives to the time that can commit suicide! 因此,当龙皓晨升入空中,向奥斯汀、格里芬发动自杀式的攻击时,他和魔神皇的计划就已经开始了。龙皓晨奥斯汀、格里芬的攻击,是为了给魔神皇争取时间,让魔神皇能够发动残缺的十地九天灭神大阵,而这十地九天灭神大阵并非是要将奥斯汀、格里芬击杀。同样的。魔神皇也是在给龙皓晨争取时间,争取到一个能够自杀的时间啊! Between Long Haochen and Austin Griffin have the Blood Contract relations, only then Long Haochen dies, finished relation between this Blood Contract, Austin Griffin can be killed. Why this is also Long Haochen beforehand all-out attack Austin Griffin, but Austin Griffin has not actually injured his reason, is not Austin Griffin is benevolent. But because Blood Contract makes him be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, does not dare to injure Long Haochen. It can be said that Long Haochen is this God of Scourge only weakness. 龙皓晨奥斯汀、格里芬之间是有血契关系的,只有龙皓晨死,结束这份血契之间的联系,奥斯汀、格里芬才能被杀死。这也是为什么龙皓晨之前全力攻击奥斯汀、格里芬,但奥斯汀、格里芬却并没有伤害他的原因,不是奥斯汀、格里芬有多么仁慈。而是因为血契让他投鼠忌器,根本就不敢伤害龙皓晨。可以说,龙皓晨是这位天谴之神唯一的弱点。 At this time, Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation limited Austin Griffin, must keep him from meddling and is unable preventing Long Haochen to commit suicide. This big has concentrated more than 60 demon god pillar prestige energies. Initially had prohibited Austin Griffin, even if it were now incomplete. Was is more impossible to reappear the initial magnificence, but at least it was capable of enough limiting Austin Griffin certain time. But this regarding Long Haochen, was enough. 此时,十地九天灭神大阵限制住了奥斯汀、格里芬,就是要让他无法插手、无法阻止龙皓晨自杀。这个大阵集中了60多根魔神柱的威能。当初更是曾经封禁过奥斯汀、格里芬,就算现在它已经残缺。更是不可能重现当初的辉煌,但至少它有足够的能力限制住奥斯汀、格里芬一定的时间。而这对于龙皓晨来说,就足够了。 Long Haochen at this time in heart a piece spatial bright, all hubbubs have been far away from him to go in this moment, he must walk, regardless of many does not abandon, for all lives on Sacred Demon Continent, this is his only choice. 龙皓晨此时心中一片空明,一切的尘嚣在这一刻已经远离他而去,他就要走了,无论有多少不舍,为了圣魔大陆上的所有生灵,这都是他唯一的选择。 purple light flashes, that has the great power of strength of destruction under Long Haochen stimulation of movement whole-heartedly, so long as hurls into from his top of the head, even if Holy Necromancer and Undead disaster Elux comes back to life, is impossible to save the Long Haochen life again the possibility. 紫光闪动,那带有毁灭之力的强大力量又是在龙皓晨全力以赴的催动下,只要从他的头顶掼入,就算是死灵圣法神亡灵天灾伊莱克斯复生,也不可能再有挽救龙皓晨生命的可能。 Innumerable Bei Xiao under resounds, the Temple Federation powerhouses see this, although only then the most familiar Long Haochen talented person understands meaning that he such makes, but all people can actually feel the spirit of Long Haochen that self-sacrifice. At this moment, he seems that frail, but is such being duty-bound not to turn back. In this flash, all once tried the human powerhouses heart in to have the feeling of feeling inferior with Long Haochen has competed. Is federal chairman , he deserves! 无数悲啸在下方响起,圣殿联邦的强者们看到这一幕,虽然只有最熟悉龙皓晨的人才明白他这么做的含义,可所有人却都能感受到龙皓晨那种自我牺牲的精神。这一刻,他看上去是那么的单薄,但又是那么的义无反顾。在这一瞬间,所有曾经试图与龙皓晨竞争过的人类强者们心中全都不禁产生了自惭形秽的感觉。身为联邦主席,他,当之无愧啊! Elder brother, does not want “哥哥,不要” In a Long Haochen innermost feelings tranquility, the purple rainbow only also arrived at the instance of top of the head, suddenly, made him very familiar, filled has been hard to describe that the rapid sound of warm feelings resounded in the Long Haochen innermost soul, but that arrived at purple gold heavy sword of his top of the head has looked like by any strength is entrained stiffly, the sword point has cut the Long Haochen scalp, has not actually fallen. 就在龙皓晨内心一片平静,紫色虹光也已经到达头顶的瞬间,突然,一个令他无比熟悉,更是充满了难以形容亲切感的急促声音在龙皓晨灵魂深处响起,而那已经到了他头顶的紫金重剑就像是被一股什么力量硬生生拽住了似的,剑尖已经划破了龙皓晨的头皮,却就是没有落下去。 Long Haochen has opened both eyes suddenly, calling out in alarm that blurted out said: Hao Yue 龙皓晨猛然睁开了双眼,脱口而出的惊呼道:“皓月 Yes, that sound belongs to Hao Yue, but is not Austin Griffin. 是的,那声音是属于皓月的,而绝不是奥斯汀、格里芬的。 Places Austin Griffin in Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation again formidable, he did not have possibly prevents Long Haochen at this time. But prevents Long Haochen to commit suicide, is actually the strength of his bloodline! 身处于十地九天灭神大阵中的奥斯汀、格里芬就算再强大,他也没可能在这个时候阻止龙皓晨。而阻止龙皓晨自杀的,却是他自己的血脉之力啊! Also in this flash, the Long Haochen clear feeling, oneself within the body was that some bloodline of Hao Yue to seethe with excitement completely, the airborne purple gold color great sword changed into one group of purple light instantaneously, integrated in his body, said anything not to be willing the wound he. But those who most made him shock was. 也就在这一瞬间,龙皓晨清楚的感受到,自己体内属于皓月的那部分血脉完全沸腾了,空中的紫金色巨剑瞬间化为一团紫光,重新融入到他身体之内,却说什么也不肯创伤他。而最令他震惊的是。 In upper air, Austin Griffin that huge ten thousand meters stature at this time fierce sways from side to side, Long Haochen saw a pair of familiar eye pupil. 高空之中,奥斯汀、格里芬那庞大的万米身躯在这个时候剧烈的扭动起来,龙皓晨看到了一双熟悉的眼眸。 That binocular pupil is the golden color, is representing the bright golden color. But that big end that it is, raises suddenly, hit maliciously above Austin Griffin central that grey big end. 那双眼眸是金色的,代表着光明的金色。而它所属于的那颗大头,猛然昂起,狠狠的撞击在奥斯汀、格里芬中央的那颗灰色大头之上。 Little Light, is Little Light. 小光,是小光 Right, that issues the summon to Long Haochen, entrusted with fresh Little Light because of the Long Haochen initial bloodline! This time it, shook off the control of Austin Griffin unexpectedly stiffly, its state of mind actually sobered. Forcefully hit in Austin Griffin neck side, but its vision actually throughout looks at Long Haochen. 没错,那个对龙皓晨发出呼唤的,正是因龙皓晨当初的血脉赋予而生的小光啊!此时的它,竟然硬生生的摆脱了奥斯汀、格里芬的控制,它的神志竟然清醒了。强行撞击在奥斯汀、格里芬颈侧,但它的目光却始终是看着龙皓晨的。 In its vision, Long Haochen saw anxious, worries with the sadness. But similar mood, that from his within the body is in the bloodline of Hao Yue to ascend. 在它的目光中,龙皓晨看到了急切、担忧和浓浓的悲伤。而同样的情绪,也从他体内之中那份属于皓月的血脉中升腾而起。 The suicide of Long Haochen, awakens that consciousness that in oneself bloodline Hao Yue has left behind unexpectedly, existence of this consciousness, came to the verge of death in him has prevented falling of purple gold heavy sword finally instantaneously, because that was the Hao Yue bloodline strength! 龙皓晨的自杀,竟然是唤醒了自己血脉中皓月留下的那一丝意识,也正是这意识的存在,在他濒临死亡的最后瞬间阻止了紫金重剑的落下,因为那本来就是皓月的血脉力量啊! Can this be the Austin Griffin scheme? Long Haochen has been thinking in an instant. If for Austin Griffin did not make him die, but temporarily made Little Light regain consciousness, broke through Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation, again after whole-heartedly controlled him again? If is really such, by the Austin Griffin strong capability, Long Haochen is how regardless of being unable to revolt. Future he, can only become a puppet that this God of Scourge controls. 这会不会是奥斯汀、格里芬的计谋?龙皓晨在刹那间想到了很多。奥斯汀、格里芬如果为了不让他死去,而暂时让小光苏醒,再全力以赴冲破十地九天灭神大阵后再控制他?如果真的是那样,以奥斯汀、格里芬的强大能力,龙皓晨是无论如何也无法反抗的。未来的他,只能成为这位天谴之神所控制的一具傀儡而已。 However, Little Light has given up the anxiety in Long Haochen heart with own practical action quickly. Was hit several points of Austin Griffin by it, the head of destruction roars, turns head to look angrily at Little Light, a strong ash-gray ray has also covered to Little Light along with it. 但是,小光很快就用自己的实际行动来打消了龙皓晨心中的疑虑。被它撞开几分的奥斯汀、格里芬,毁灭之头怒吼一声,扭头怒视小光,一层浓烈的灰色光芒也随之向小光覆盖了过去。 Little Light actually made made the head of destruction also feel frightened one. Its fierce opens the big mouth, bit in the root of Austin Griffin neck. Tearing stiffly has gotten down its bulk scale and body. 小光却做出了令毁灭之头也感到恐惧的一幕。它猛的张开大嘴,一口就咬在了奥斯汀、格里芬脖子的根部。硬生生的撕扯下了它一大块鳞片与皮肉。 The evolution of Austin Griffin, naturally possibly is not only the evolution of head of destruction, all evolved the God of Scourge level. But sudden burst of Little Light, it can be said that backlash of its body. 奥斯汀、格里芬的进化,当然不可能只是毁灭之头的进化,所有头都随之进化到了天谴之神的层次。而小光的突然爆发,可以说是它自己身体的反噬 Roar “吼” The head of destruction sends out a pain to roar suddenly, but under ash-gray ray impact that it sends out, head of Little Light fierce shivers, seems is struggling anything. 毁灭之头猛然发出一声痛吼,而在它发出的灰色光芒冲击下,小光的头则剧烈的颤抖起来,似乎是在挣扎着什么。 But also at this time, another side of the head of destruction, a pair of red eye pupil has broken through the fetter of destruction, the strong and irritable aura bursts out instantaneously, maliciously bit to nip from another direction in the root of head of destruction. 而也就在这个时候,毁灭之头另一边,一双红色的眼眸冲破了毁灭的束缚,浓烈而火爆的气息瞬间迸发,狠狠的从另一个方向噬咬在了毁灭之头的根部。 Little Flame, that is Little Flame! With consciousness of Little Light, Little Flame also revived. In Hao Yue complete nine, Little Light and Little Flame are without doubt most intimate with Long Haochen, one life that is Long Haochen initially saved, because of Long Haochen the strength of bloodline life of birth. At this moment, had to renounce in Long Haochen, spares no sacrifice itself to come the destruction Austin Griffin moment, the consciousness of Little Light and Little Flame regained consciousness, they can live for Long Haochen, did not hesitate all had the attack to the hair of destruction. 小火,那是小火啊!伴随着小光的苏醒,小火也苏醒了过来。在皓月全部九个头之中,小光小火无疑是与龙皓晨最为亲近的,一个是龙皓晨当初拯救下来的生命,一个则是因为龙皓晨的血脉之力而诞生的生命。此时此刻,在龙皓晨心存决绝,不惜牺牲自己来毁灭奥斯汀、格里芬的一刻,小光小火的意识苏醒了,它们为了龙皓晨能够活下来,都不惜一切的向毁灭之头发起了攻击。 ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Yes, this is the Hao Yue counterattack, but is not God of Scourge! This is the result that I want to give! Hao Yue, forever is little Long Hao Yue. 是的,这是皓月的逆袭,而不是天谴之神!这才是我想给的结局!皓月,永远都是小龙皓月
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