SYWZ :: Volume #9

#871: Bright moon counterattack ( Part 2 )

On the Devil Dragon column, spreads the Demon God Emperor nearly crazy slogan. The black golden ray breaks in upper air instantaneously, as if has connected the day limit . A strong black golden color brilliance instantaneously has also been covering the body of Hao Yue, making just his body that wanted to move sluggish. 逆天魔龙柱上,传出魔神皇近乎疯狂的呐喊声。乌金色的光芒瞬间冲入高空,似乎真的连接了天的极限。一层浓烈的乌金色光彩也在瞬间覆盖了皓月的身体,令刚刚想要行动的他身体迟滞了一下。 In the sky purple moon/month and orange star light simultaneously have shone. That is Moon Demon God Pillar and star demon god pillar prestige energy. 紧接着,天空中紫色的月与橘黄色的星光就同时亮了起来。那是月魔神柱和星魔神柱的威能。 Three big demon god pillar constituted the Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation core strategy instantaneously, three demon god pillar Austin Griffin body lock stubbornly in central committee. 三大魔神柱瞬间构成了十地九天灭神大阵的核心阵法,三道魔神柱奥斯汀、格里芬的身体死死的锁在中央。 Meanwhile, other 17 demon god pillar fly in abundance, rays each other are connected them, from the sky has composed a frame of prisoner's cage, actually Austin Griffin. Moreover, each demon god pillar is glittering the different rays. Belonged to Austin Griffin that purple, unexpectedly twisted torn to pieces in this prisoner's cage. 与此同时,余下的17根魔神柱纷纷飞起,一道道光芒将它们彼此相连,在空中组成了一个囚笼的框架,硬是将奥斯汀、格里芬封在其中。不仅如此,每一根魔神柱都闪烁着不同的光芒。原本属于奥斯汀、格里芬的那份紫色,在这囚笼之内竟然被绞的支离破碎。 Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation initially created in view of the Austin Griffin ability, all naturally are aim at it. Meanwhile, the distant place, rays start to shine. demon god pillar one after another rip open the space unexpectedly, appeared before Dragon Resister Mountain Pass. Keeps demon god pillar that demonkind guards, follows Undead Demon God Samigina and Hell Demon God Barbas attacks the southeastern fort and Myriad Beasts Mountain Pass demon god pillar, at this moment all caught up unexpectedly. 十地九天灭神大阵当初本来就是针对奥斯汀、格里芬的能力而创造的,一切自然都是针对它而成。与此同时,远处,一道道光芒开始亮起。一根接一根的魔神柱竟然撕开空间,出现在了御龙关前。无论是留在魔族镇守的魔神柱,还是跟随死灵魔神萨米基纳地狱魔神马尔巴士攻击东南要塞和万兽关魔神柱,这一刻竟然全都赶来了。 This is the preparation of Demon God Emperor, as the heads of 72 column demon god, he must do, completely mobilizes 72 column demon god strengths, reappeared initial Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation. 这就是魔神皇的准备,作为72柱魔神之首,他要做的,就是将72柱魔神的力量全部发动起来,重现当初的十地九天灭神大阵 Austin Griffin static float there, he as if is really came under this tremendous influence to be imprisoned. Helplessly looks that demon god pillar emerge out of thin air, rearranges to that giant prisoner's cage. Its that huge body limit. 奥斯汀、格里芬静静的悬浮在那里,他似乎真的是受到了这大阵的影响被禁锢其中。只是眼睁睁的看着一根根魔神柱凭空出现,再组合到那巨大的囚笼之中。将它那庞大的身体限制其内。 This is demonkind is true, is the most terrorist strength! Only the aura, made all Temple Federation powerhouses unable with it contending. But until at this moment, how massive loss Long Haochen also revolting of clear Moon Demon God regarding demonkind is. As Moon Demon God Pillar control. If he goes to humanity , means that even if Demon God Emperor is unable to start this Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation. Because, this big launch is needs the Devil Dragon column, Moon Demon God Pillar and common catching up of star demon god pillar radically. Once Agares gives up. Then, this big is unable to compose. Really but, this Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation can limit Hao Yue? 这才是魔族真正的,也是最为恐怖的力量啊!单是气息,就已经令所有圣殿联邦强者无法与之抗衡。而直到此刻,龙皓晨也才明白月魔神的叛变对于魔族来说是怎样巨大的损失。作为月魔神柱的掌控者。如果他投向人类这边,也就意味着,就算是魔神皇也无法发动这十地九天灭神大阵。因为,这个大阵发动的根本就是需要逆天魔龙柱、月魔神柱和星魔神柱的共同发力。一旦阿加雷斯放弃。那么,这个大阵根本无法组成。可是,这十地九天灭神大阵真的能够限制的了皓月么? After all, 72 demon god pillar are incomplete! When Long Haochen leads Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad to go on an expedition in demonkind, successively has destroyed several. Now recalls that has to say is providing for a rainy day of Austin Griffin. Can Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation of incomplete version, ruin him really? 毕竟,72根魔神柱并不齐全啊!早在龙皓晨带领光之晨曦猎魔团征战于魔族的时候,就已经先后毁去了数根之多。现在回想起来,不得不说是奥斯汀、格里芬的未雨绸缪。不完全版的十地九天灭神大阵,真的能够毁掉他么? Contemptuously appears in the Austin Griffin eyeground deep place, he has lifted his right hand slowly. Extends the index finger. Swung swinging gently. 一丝轻蔑出现在奥斯汀格里芬眼底深处,他缓缓的抬起了自己的右手。伸出食指。轻轻的摇了摇。 I have said that the matter that once had will not repeat. Since I dare to stand make you complete the strategy here, naturally does not fear this anything nonsense Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation. Let alone this strategy was incomplete. Even if complete how? Initially reason that I suffered a loss, that is because I did not prepare, also had the massive powerhouses of then humanity to stimulate to movement the strategy. In the past these many years. Your this strategies already might as well initially, over ten thousand human powerhouses keep the courage vigor in strategy already to diverge in the past. My master, makes me offer a big ritual for you, first destroyed this all demonkind bases.” “我说过,曾经发生的事情不会重演。我既然敢站在这里让你们完成阵法,就自然不怕这什么狗屁的十地九天灭神大阵。别说这阵法已经残缺不全。就算是完全的又如何?当初我之所以吃了大亏,那是因为我毫无准备,同时又有当时人类的大量强者催动阵法。过去了这么多年。你们这阵法早已不如当初,当年上万人类强者留在阵法中的血气早已散去。我的主人,就让我为你送上一份大礼,先将这所有魔族的根本毁去好了。” At the same time was saying, Austin Griffin that pair of ash-gray eye pupil fierce has shone. The ash-gray ray puts instantaneously greatly, at the same time, a purple misty brilliance also proliferates from him along with it. 一边说着,奥斯汀、格里芬那双灰色的眼眸猛的亮了起来。灰色的光芒瞬间大放,与此同时,一层紫蒙蒙的光彩也随之从他身上扩散开来。 The airborne prisoner's cage increases with the change of Austin Griffin unexpectedly instantaneously. But the next quarter, God of Scourge and Nine Heads Chimera and Austin Griffin made all people witness his true terror. 空中的囚笼伴随着奥斯汀、格里芬的变化竟然瞬间变大。而下一刻,天谴之神九头奇美拉奥斯汀、格里芬才让所有人见证了他真正的恐怖。 In that Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation, as if suddenly presented a purple Sun. That intense purple ray, covers all magnificent colors that on more than 60 demon god pillar releases instantaneously. But that purple light place visited, does not have the meaning of half minute contraction, as huge also appears as the pinnacle terrifying stature in the midair, appears in Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation. 在那十地九天灭神大阵之中,仿佛突然出现了一颗紫色的太阳。那强烈的紫色光芒,瞬间就将60多根魔神柱上释放的一切瑰丽色彩掩盖。而那紫光所过之处,却没有半分收缩的意思,一个庞大到极致的恐怖身躯也随之出现在半空之中,出现在十地九天灭神大阵之内。 God of Scourge and Nine Heads Chimera finally has appeared its main body. But terror fearful main body. 天谴之神九头奇美拉终于现出了它的本体。恐怖而可怕的本体。 Formerly Demon God Emperor showed own Devil Dragon emperor main body time was terrorist enough. However, compared with one that this time Austin Griffin shows, the Demon God Emperor main body looks like three -year-old child is common. 先前魔神皇展现出自身逆天魔龙皇本体的时候已经足够恐怖了。但是,和此时奥斯汀、格里芬所展现的一幕相比,魔神皇的本体就像是三岁小孩儿一般。 Ten thousand meters. Yes, that is the height exceeds ten thousand meters huge stature! Looked like in the sky suddenly presents a city to be ordinary. 万米。是的,那是身长超过万米的庞大身躯啊!就像是天空中突然出现了一座城市一般。 In the huge stature, is covering diameter dozens meters giant scales, the sturdy four limbs, as if momentarily can make the earth collapse. 庞大的身躯上,覆盖着一块块直径数十米的巨大鳞片,粗壮的四肢,似乎随时都可以让大地为之崩溃。 A pair of giant wing launches. Also there is a close ten thousand meters width. Most terrorist, is nine giants who that sturdy neck place grows. 一双巨大的翅膀展开。也有接近万米的宽度。最为恐怖的,是那粗壮的脖子处生长出的九个巨头。 The shape of each giant head. Long Haochen that familiar, he is witnessing their growing up with own eyes. May at this moment, appear before him these nine big ends makes him that strange. Because in each eye pupil, lost color originally, surplus, only then that has been full of destruction and crazy grey. 每一个巨大头颅的形态。龙皓晨都是那么的熟悉,他亲眼见证着它们一个个的长大。可此时此刻,出现在他面前的这九个大头却让他那么的陌生。因为它们每一个眼眸中,都失去了原本的色彩,剩余的只有那充满了毁灭与疯狂的灰色。 The most central head regarding Long Haochen is strangest, in the past, his first time saw Hao Yue time, only then Little Flame, afterward, under his blood fusion, had Little Light. Since continuously, these two also throughout in Hao Yue all centers. But now, were many between Little Flame and Little Light a head. All over the body ash-gray, the volume compared with other eight big close time of head. Strong death aura, reflected from its eye pupil unceasingly, but the looks of other eight heads will also change with its look change. 最中央的头对于龙皓晨来说是最陌生的,当年,他第一次见到皓月的时候,只有小火,后来,在他的血液融合之下,才有了小光。一直以来,这两个头也始终都在皓月所有头的中心。而现在,就在小火小光之间却多了一个头。一个通体灰色,体积要比其他八个头都大了接近一倍的头颅。浓烈的死亡气息,不断从它的眼眸中反射而出,而其他八个头的眼神也会随着它的眼神变化而变化。 Little Light and Little Flame separate about, is several other. Present it, truly is not Hao Yue. Although Hao Yue has the unified body, there is a close unified thought that but that after is eight souls in the same place, but now, this Austin Griffin soul actually only then, is symbolizing destruction that. 小光小火在左右分开,然后才是其他几个。现在的它,确实已经不是皓月了。皓月虽然有着统一的身体,也有接近统一的思想,但那毕竟是八个灵魂在一起,而现在,这奥斯汀、格里芬的灵魂却只有一个,象征着毁灭的那一个。 God of Scourge and Nine Heads Chimera and Austin Griffin that huge main body appears very broad Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation to support full. But each demon god pillar of that big main body also shines completely under the stimulation of movement of Demon God Emperor and Moon Demon God. 天谴之神九头奇美拉奥斯汀、格里芬那庞大的本体才一显现出来就将原本十分宽阔的十地九天灭神大阵撑的满满的。而那大阵本体的每一根魔神柱也在魔神皇月魔神的催动下完全亮起。 In the sky, the terrifying pressure scatters in all directions, that formidable oppression strength, all Ninth Step following powerhouses of suppression fall down completely is unable to act, even if Ninth Step , can only maintain standing reluctantly. 天空中,恐怖的威压四散,那强大的压迫力,压制的所有九阶以下强者全部瘫倒在地无法动作,哪怕是九阶,也只能勉强维持着站立。 This holy war from start to the present, passed the free time of several double-hour, who can think that the final result evolved so the appearance unexpectedly. Finally the most formidable enemy, unexpectedly is not Demon God Emperor of head of demonkind, but is the Long Haochen mount partner. 这场圣战从开始到现在,已经过去了几个时辰的工夫,谁能想到,最终的结果竟然演变成了如此模样。最终最强大的敌人,竟然并不是魔族之首的魔神皇,而是龙皓晨坐骑伙伴。 This is how inconceivable one, but he truly appeared. But present demonkind, seal that Austin Griffin whole-heartedly, but human powerhouses actually anything did not do. demonkind that works as one originally so fearful. No wonder they do not have the strength of creation, will not produce, originally their sources are not a nationality, but is one terrifying law comprised of 72 divine artifact! 这是多么不可思议的一幕,但他却确确实实的出现了。而现在的魔族,正在全力以赴的封印那奥斯汀、格里芬,而人类强者们却什么也做不了。齐心合力的魔族原来是如此的可怕。难怪他们没有创造之力,不会生产,原来他们的本源就不是一个民族,而是一件由72件神器组成的恐怖法阵啊! Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation is not the human powerhouse can participate, but at this time, float Long Haochen in midair had not paid attention to airborne surrounded Austin Griffin unexpectedly again, but turned head. 十地九天灭神大阵已经不是人类强者所能参与的,而这个时候,悬浮在半空中的龙皓晨居然没有再关注空中被困住的奥斯汀、格里芬,而是回过头来。 His vision, first fell on mother, at this time, Bai Yue, because formerly mood excited, fainted. Is Cai'er is holding her, with the strength of purification will be protecting future mother-in-law. 他的目光,首先落在了母亲身上,此时,白玥因为先前情绪的过于激动,已经昏倒了。是采儿在扶着她,用之的净化之力保护着未来婆婆。 Long Haochen has turned around, Cai'er also saw his double pupil, why does not know, the Cai'er heartbeat leaked suddenly likely has patted. 龙皓晨转过身,采儿也看到了他的双眸,不知道为什么,采儿的心跳突然像是漏了一拍似的。 The Long Haochen vision is very gentle and is very gentle, the thick attachment with has not abandoned. Suddenly, Cai'er as if understood anything resembles, in the beautiful pupil has filled panic-stricken, „, Haochen, does not want.” But, she anything cannot do now, even if takes her cultivation as, is unable to break through the terrifying pressure that Ten Earth and Nine Heaven God Exterminator Great Formation as well as Austin Griffin bring at this moment. She of that tyrannical strength suppression is unable the move iota, only to force to protect by the strength of Domain and Bai Yue. 龙皓晨的目光很平和、很温柔,还有浓浓的眷恋与不舍。突然,采儿仿佛明白了什么似的,美眸之中充满了惊恐,“不、皓晨,不要。”可是,她现在什么也做不了,就算是以她的修为,此时此刻也无法冲破十地九天灭神大阵以及奥斯汀、格里芬带来的恐怖威压。那强横的力量压制的她根本无法动弹分毫,只能勉强以领域之力护住自己和白玥 Long Haochen gently shook the head to her, the lip buzz moves, said anything to Cai'er, although can only see his shape of the mouth, but Cai'er immediately has actually understood, tears instantaneous to rush forth, in the air under formidable the pressure changes into innumerable tiny water element to disperse in the air. 龙皓晨轻轻的向她摇了摇头,嘴唇嗡动,向采儿说了些什么,虽然只能看到他的口型,但采儿却立刻看懂了,泪水瞬间奔涌而出,在空气中强大的压力作用下化为无数细小的水元素在空气中飞散。 The Long Haochen vision shifts to father on again, this time Long Xingyu is unable to move the iota similarly. When the Long Haochen vision falls on him, said sentence anything to him. 龙皓晨的目光再转移到父亲身上,此时的龙星宇也同样是无法移动分毫。当龙皓晨目光落在他身上的时候,也向他说了句什么。 Long Xingyu has also understood similarly, once was that strong Divine Knight of Adjudication and Trial, at this time actually had tears streaming down the face. But, he same anything does not do now. 龙星宇也同样看懂了,曾经是那么坚强的裁决与审判之神印骑士,此时却是泪流满面。可是,他现在也同样什么都做不了。 The Long Haochen vision passed over gently and swiftly from Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad each partners again, passed over gently and swiftly again the Temple Federation powerhouses and Eternal Heroes. Everyone saw in his eyes does not abandon, but, saw gradually that in his look renounces. 龙皓晨的目光再从光之晨曦猎魔团的每一位伙伴们身上掠过,再掠过圣殿联邦的强者们、永恒英雄们。每个人都看到了他眼中的不舍,但是,也渐渐看到了他眼神中的那一份决绝。 Long Haochen, we must unable to insist. Has not thought that is actually you must go to that another world with me together. However, can hear your grandfather's summon, I was very happy.” 龙皓晨,我们要坚持不住了。没想到,却是你要与我一起去那另一个世界。不过,能够听到你那一声外公的呼唤,我很高兴。” --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- The gluttony grand feast starts! Tang Men brothers and sisters, but also waits for anything, gives to god seal your final enthusiasms. The monthly ticket, pounds. The one breath looks at the termination bureau, do not forget to go to peerless Tang Men. That side also similarly has splendid renewal. Also invited everybody all recommendation tickets, pounding maliciously gave peerless. Peerless Tang Men needs your support. Next week's goal, only then, the point pushes first! 饕餮盛宴开始!唐门的兄弟姐妹们,还等什么,把你们最后的热情献给神印吧。月票,都砸出来。一口气看完结局,别忘了去绝世唐门哦。那边也同样有精彩的更新。还请大家将所有的推荐票,都狠狠的砸给绝世。绝世唐门需要你们的支持。下周的目标,只有一个,点推第一!
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