SYWZ :: Volume #9

#876: The bright moon, I for you make reparations( big result)

Black and red, floods in the entire world. The filthy air from the sky surges and paces back and forth. Occasionally the temperature suddenly rises suddenly, that is the dark red colored rock magma opens certainly the earth to flow willfully. 黑与红,充斥在整个世界之中。污浊的空气在空中激荡、徘徊。偶尔有一处温度突然暴涨,那一定是暗红色的岩浆翻开大地恣意流淌着。 Suddenly, purple light does not have the omen shines together in the midair. What is mysterious, that purple light stagnated unexpectedly in the midair, then opened to the both sides slowly, presented an appearance of leaf of gateway. 突然,一道紫光毫无预兆的在半空中亮起。神奇的是,那紫光竟然停滞在了半空之中,然后徐徐向两侧张开,呈现出一扇门户的样子。 Two forms, the hand shakes hand to appear in this black and red world. 两道身影,手拉着手出现在这黑与红的世界之中。 Sparkling stone white mail-armor and helmet covers on a youth, in the top of the head mounts the imperial crowns of nine gems is seeming that dazzling. He a appearance, on the mail-armor and helmet is sending out the shining white colored light color easily isolates in this black and red world all dirty aura. 莹白色的甲胄覆盖在一名青年身上,头顶上镶嵌着九颗宝石的皇冠看上去是那么的璀璨夺目。他才一出现,甲胄上散发着的莹白色光彩就轻而易举隔绝开这黑与红世界中一切肮脏的气息。 A more mysterious situation appears, in he is pulling on female. The young girls are outstandingly beautiful, the long hair is floating, she is only static float side that man, but, from her, actually lends a pure and fresh aura, in this black and red world, all dirty aura contacts in her body surrounding one foot range, will be purified voluntarily. 更为神奇的情况出现在他牵着的女子身上。少女绝色,长发飘飘,她只是静静的悬浮在那男子身边,但是,从她身上,却散发出一种纯净而清新的气息,在这黑与红的世界中,一切肮脏的气息接触到她身体周围一尺范围内,都会自行被净化。 Finally relied on the aura that in the Hao Yue bloodline was leaving behind to find the Coordinate.” That wears Armor of Eternity and Creation , is not just Long Haochen? But side him, naturally is Cai'er. “终于凭借着皓月血脉中留下的气息找到了坐标。”那身穿永恒与创造之铠的,可不正是龙皓晨么?而在他身边的,自然就是采儿 Cai'er supple sound track: Haochen, you also left worry. Leaves your information according to Hao Yue, if he can the reincarnation, then, now should start.” 采儿柔声道:“皓晨,你也别太着急了。按照皓月留给你的信息,如果他能够转生的话,那么,现在应该已经开始了。” Long Haochen nodded, said: Hao Yue will certainly live. It before leaves the symbol of my seal at the point of death, not only my cultivation to fix on 999,990 nine spiritual energy, told me it to have the possibility reincarnation. If I have not guessed that wrong, his brand mark in my symbol, must make me live its also seal after reincarnation according to the similar way. Even if Austin Griffin also has the soul of residual destruction in the Hao Yue within the body of reincarnation, so long as I its cultivation to forever the solid seal, it cannot grow to enough great strength, certainly will again not present God of Scourge Nine Heads Chimera.” 龙皓晨点了点头,道:“皓月一定会活过来的。它在临死之前留给我的封印之符,不但将我的修为固定在999990九灵力上,同时也告诉我它有可能转生。如果我没猜错的话,他烙印在我身上的符文,就是要让我按照同样的方式将转生后的它也封印住。哪怕是奥斯汀、格里芬还有残留的毁灭之魂在转生的皓月体内,只要我将它的修为永固封印,它不能成长到足够的强大,就一定不会再出现天谴之神九头奇美拉了。” On that day, Long Haochen, Hao Yue and Demon God Emperor joint effort, has killed Austin Griffin of head of destruction finally. Hao Yue also therefore dies. Before at the point of death he left Long Haochen symbol forever to solidify cultivation of Long Haochen is. In other words, Long Haochen does not need to be worried after to turn into a god, appears in the situation that in society withers away. 那天,龙皓晨皓月魔神皇合力,终于杀死了毁灭之头的奥斯汀、格里芬皓月也因此而死。在临死前他留给龙皓晨符文永固了龙皓晨的修为。也就是说,龙皓晨不需要担心成神后在世间消亡的情况出现。 The Demon God Emperor suicide perished, carries wife's posthumous writings to go to another world to seek his most loves. In some sense, he truly has not died, cultivation for has achieved him of god level, even if no position of god slandering, soul also incomparable strength. Perhaps, he can find wife's soul. 魔神皇自杀而亡,携带着妻子的遗书去另一个世界寻找他的最爱了。从某种意义上来说,他确实没死,修为已经达到了神级的他,就算没有神诋之位,灵魂也无比的坚强。说不定,他真的能够找到妻子的灵魂。 Demon God Emperor died. Lost completely demon god pillar demonkind is a group of people without a leader. Their strengths like such that Demon God Emperor said. As passing of time withers away. 魔神皇死了。失去了全部魔神柱魔族更是群龙无首。他们的力量就像魔神皇所说的那样。随着时间的流逝而消亡。 Long Haochen awakes after the stupor transfers, after the Moon Demon God Agares careful discussion, Agares returns to demonkind. Reorganizes the surplus demonkind strengths, contracts to the seashore. First returned human 50% lands. With the lapse of time, did not have demon god pillar demonkind. Finally can only be assimilated by humanity. 龙皓晨从昏迷中醒转后,与月魔神阿加雷斯仔细商议后,阿加雷斯重返魔族。整顿剩余的魔族力量,向海边收缩。先归还了人类一半的土地。随着时间的推移,没有了魔神柱魔族。最终只能是被人类所同化。 One year quick on the past, Long Haochen and Cai'er, Sima Xian and small white bloom, Lin Xin and Li Xin, Han Yu and Weiyang, Zhang Fangfang and Wang Yuanyuan, Chen Ying'er and Yang Wenzhao get married separately. 一年时间很快就过去了,龙皓晨采儿,司马仙与小白花,林鑫与李鑫,韩羽与未央,张放放王原原,陈樱儿杨文昭分别喜结连理。 Under the persuasion of Long Haochen, body and mind comes under the huge attack Bai Yue, has forgiven eventually Long Xingyu. Long Xingyu led her to return to initial Odin Town, in small thatched hut on the Dingshan. Meanwhile, Long Xingyu has relieved itself among the contract with Divine Throne of Doom and Slaughter, has given Yang Wenzhao this Divine Throne. He said that he must come to confess to Bai Yue with latter half of one's life, he is not Divine Knight, is only the Bai Yue husband. 龙皓晨的劝说下,身心受到巨大打击的白玥,终究还是原谅了龙星宇龙星宇带着她返回到当初的奥丁镇,在奥丁山上的小茅屋中住了下来。同时,龙星宇解除了自己与末日与杀戮之神印王座之间的契约,将这张神印王座让给了杨文昭。他说,他要用后半生来向白玥忏悔,他再也不是神印骑士,只是白玥的丈夫。 When Long Xingyu is Long Haochen spares no sacrifice the life that moment. Bai Yue or Long Haochen, have forgiven him, after all, blood is thicker than water! 龙星宇龙皓晨不惜牺牲生命的那一刻。无论是白玥还是龙皓晨,就都已经原谅了他,毕竟,血浓于水啊! After the war, prestige of Long Haochen in Temple Federation increased pinnacle. Is universally recognized as the human first hero in history. 大战之后,龙皓晨圣殿联邦中的声威攀升到了极致。被公认为是人类有史以来的第一英雄。 In one year, big marriage later Long Haochen with the help of six big temple high levels. Makes determined efforts, receives the demonkind restore unceasingly the land, Temple Federation internal affairs processing in good order. All, have straightened out. 一年内,大婚之后的龙皓晨在六大圣殿高层们的帮助下。励精图治,不断接收魔族归还的土地,同时也将圣殿联邦内部事务处理的井井有条。一切,都已经步入了正轨。 Also at this time, Long Haochen proposed, federal chairman rotation system. Every five years the federal parliament carries on an election, selects new federal chairman, vice- chairman as well as the congressman. Most continues as two. 也就在这个时候,龙皓晨提出,联邦主席轮换制。每五年联邦议会进行一次选举,选出新任的联邦主席、副主席以及议员。最多连任两届。 The darkness eradicates, the mainland eventually completely has not actually belonged to the peace, Long Haochen must continue to do in the federal chairman position. Luckily, he has given his work to formulate time. Nine years later, he can thorough free, bringing Cai'er to roam through in the world, even is carries on to pass through the traveling of plane. 黑暗破除,大陆却终究未曾完全归于和平,龙皓晨必须要在联邦主席的位置上继续做下去。幸好,他已经给自己的这份工作制定了一个时间。九年后,他就可以彻底自由,带着采儿在天下遨游,甚至是进行穿越位面的旅游。 But regarding Long Haochen, in his heart the biggest regret is Hao Yue. One year passed by, if Hao Yue can the reincarnation be successful, should come back. Moreover, Long Haochen has also been ready for the Hao Yue reincarnation. 而对于龙皓晨来说,他心中最大的遗憾就是皓月。一年过去了,皓月如果能够转生成功的话,也应该回来了。而且,龙皓晨为了皓月的转生也已经做好了准备。 Long Haochen brings Cai'er to stop in the upper air, he face upwards to send out a resonant long and loud cry, less than half double-hour, the Undead ten big kings get together. 龙皓晨带着采儿在高空中停下来,他仰天发出一声嘹亮的长啸,不到半个时辰,亡灵十大君王齐聚。 Feels Long Haochen formidable to the aura that they definitely are unable to contend with, ten big kings salute respectfully. 感受到龙皓晨强大到他们完全无法抗衡的气息,十大君王恭敬行礼。 Long Haochen told after them half double-hour, ten big kings then diverge. 龙皓晨向他们讲述了半个时辰之后,十大君王这才散去。 They really trustworthy?” Cai'er somewhat worries said to Long Haochen: If after they found Hao Yue, is disadvantageous to Hao Yue, what to do?” “他们真的值得信任么?”采儿有些担忧的向龙皓晨说道:“万一他们找到皓月后却对皓月不利,怎么办?” Long Haochen shaking the head of gently, said: You do not understand their regards, for them. If can make this world have the life aura, even if pays the fires of their soul they to be also willing. Initially Austin Griffin Hao Yue, had ruined the life of this world. Our comes, does our best, comes to be Hao Yue makes reparations. I believe that which is the lighter and which is the heavier that these Undead monarchies, understand. They sought, we also start.” 龙皓晨轻轻的摇了摇头,道:“你不明白他们的心意,对他们来说。如果能够让这个世界重新拥有生命的气息,就算是付出他们自己的灵魂之火他们也心甘情愿。当初还是奥斯汀、格里芬皓月,毁掉了这个世界的生命。我们此来,就是尽我们所能,来为皓月赎罪。我相信,这些亡灵君主们,懂的孰轻孰重。他们去寻找了,我们也开始吧。” At the same time was saying, Long Haochen brings Cai'er to fall to, drops down above the earth. Feels in this black and red world that fills the toxin the air, Long Haochen heaves a deep sigh. destruction, forever compared with creating easily many! 一边说着,龙皓晨带着采儿向下方落去,一直落在大地之上。感受到这黑与红的世界中那充满毒素的空气,龙皓晨不禁长叹一声。毁灭,永远比创造更加容易的多啊! jade light dodges, fairy of Ye Xiaolei god drilled from the Eternal Divine Stone place of Long Haochen chest place quietly. 碧光一闪,神之精灵夜小泪悄然从龙皓晨胸口处的永恒神石处钻了出来。 „Is this that place that you said? Good filthy air. Here, really?” “这就是你说的那个地方?好污浊的空气。这里,真的可以么?” Long Haochen firm nod, said: I believe that certainly. For Hao Yue, to let this plane life recovers, I must do everything possible.” 龙皓晨坚定的点了点头,道:“我相信,一定可以的。为了皓月,也为了让这个位面生命复苏,我一定要尽力而为。” Ye Xiaolei nodded, said: That starts. Your this Armor of Eternity and Creation has the God of Creation aura, if the person can complete such magnificent feat. Perhaps also only then you.” 夜小泪点了点头,道:“那就开始吧。你身上这永恒与创造之铠有着创世神的气息,如果说有一个人能够完成这样的壮举。恐怕也只有你了。” Long Haochen shows a faint smile, said: Makes us work as chapter of God of Creation in this plane.” 龙皓晨微微一笑,道:“就让我们在这个位面当一回创世神吧。” Cai'er both hands separate in the front, pure white Flourishing World Lotus Flower to airborne fly to swing to go., White halos from the sky disperse gradually, are purifying all filthy air. 采儿双手在胸前分开,一朵朵洁白的盛世莲花向空中飞荡而去。渐渐的,一圈圈白色光晕在空中散开,净化着一切污浊的空气。 The time is not long, one 3000 square meters, the high kilometer space, completely was purified by the Purification Domain aura. The air also became fresh. 时间不长,一片3000平方米,高千米的空间,就已经完全被净化之域的气息所净化。空气也随之变得清新了许多。 Long Haochen personal appearance lightning flash. Earth starts to present rumble bang sound. These hard black lands were crushed gradually. These have the crack of rock magma, by Long Haochen seal and settlement stiffly. 龙皓晨身形电闪。大地开始出现隆隆的巨响声。那些坚硬的黑色土地渐渐被粉碎。那些有着岩浆的裂缝,被龙皓晨硬生生的封闭、沉陷。 The soil of big piece starts from airborne to sway. That is the Sacred Demon Continent soil, the rich soil delicate fragrance starts to send out in these 3000 square meters scopes. 紧接着,大片的泥土开始从空中挥洒而出。那是圣魔大陆的泥土,浓郁的泥土清香开始在这3000平方米范围内散发着。 The green misty brilliance sends out from Ye Xiaolei, in the process that the thick life aura in these soils drop from the clouds integrates. The black earth was substituted by the brown color gradually. Thick life aura. Is taking root to the earth. 绿蒙蒙的光彩从夜小泪身上散发而出,浓浓的生命气息在这些泥土从天而降的过程中融入其中。黑色的大地渐渐被土黄色所替代。浓浓的生命气息。正在向大地扎根。 Long Haochen face upwards to cry loud and long, one group of gold light release from him, rises slowly into airborne. It looks like a golden Sun is ordinary, is hanging in the midair. Concentrate solid solid spiritual energy after airborne is fixed, is lending the thick bright aura. Takes cultivation of Long Haochen as, the small Sun that he makes, at least can also maintain for one month will not extinguish. 龙皓晨仰天长啸一声,一团金光从他身上释放开来,缓缓升入空中。就像是一颗金色太阳一般,悬挂在半空之中。凝实的固体灵力在空中固定之后,散发着浓浓的光明气息。以龙皓晨的修为,他所制造出的这颗小型太阳,至少也能维持一个月的时间不会熄灭。 Already prepared the good seed to sway in the Long Haochen hand, drills into the earth in the soil. Then is the water, gentle wave from the sky sways. It looks like timely rain falls. 一颗颗早已准备好的种子在龙皓晨手中挥洒而出,钻入大地的泥土内。接下来是水,柔和的水波在空中挥洒。就像是一场甘霖落下。 This was also not finished, after completing these, Long Haochen has released the Sacred Sweet Rain forbidden spell magic, making that golden drizzle arrive once more. Meanwhile, Yisidun King was summoned by him, is coordinating Ye Xiaolei, the thick life aura will proliferate in this 3000 square meters range. 这还并非结束,完成这些之后,龙皓晨又释放了神圣甘霖禁咒魔法,令那金色的细雨再次降临。与此同时,伊斯顿王被他召唤而出,配合着夜小泪,将浓浓的生命气息遍布在这片3000平方米的范围之内。 Gradually. Light green thin buds drilled from the soil at an exceptional pace. Under that huge life aura irrigation, in the moistening of sunlight and water, they are growing rapidly. 渐渐的。一个个嫩绿的细芽以惊人的速度从泥土中钻了出来。在那么庞大的生命气息灌注之下,在阳光与水的滋润之中,它们飞速的生长着。 That is seedlings, their roots start to dig to a deeper place, they are absorbing the thick life aura simultaneously. Also starts to release own that life aura. 那是一颗颗树苗,它们的根开始向更深的地方扎入,它们在吸收着浓浓的生命气息同时。也开始释放出属于自己的那份生命气息。 The Long Haochen selection, most has the tree seed that the vitality also most can resist the adverse circumstance. After a double-hour. A forest quietly appears above this stretch of earth. They under shining of airborne ray, purify Purification Domain to cover the air within range voluntarily. 龙皓晨选取的,是最具有生命力也是最能抵抗恶劣环境的树种。一个时辰后。一片森林悄然出现在这片大地之上。它们在空中光芒的照耀下,自行净化着净化之域笼罩范围内的空气。 When does not know, beyond these 3000 square meters green world, starts to have massive Undead to gather, mood beyond description, is beating in the fires of their soul. 不知道什么时候,在这3000平方米的绿色世界外,开始有大量的亡灵聚集过来,难以形容的情绪,在它们的灵魂之火中跳动着。 Undead Trial Knight and Witch Demon King unite pick out, but, looks at that greens, is feeling that thick life aura, they already excited speech. 亡灵审判骑士巫妖王联抉而至,看着那一片绿色,感受着那浓浓的生命气息,他们已经激动的说不出话。 Long Haochen looks at outside Purification Domain millions of Undead, the sinking sound track: Initially, Austin Griffin has taken to this plane destruction. I am willing to make reparations for him. Today, this is only a start, I will show to you with the motion that the life aura will rise in this plane again. The airborne sincere and dirty dust and poisonous cloud have prevented the genuine sunlight. I plan with ten years purifies and cleans up them gradually. Let the genuine sunlight sprinkle the world. This plane not deficient water, but more water bury by the rock magma and soil in the place bottom deep place. I believe that the sunlight of water and space under local area by that day that I draw out, is this plane glows the life aura the time.” 龙皓晨看着净化之域外千千万万的亡灵,沉声道:“当初,奥斯汀、格里芬带给了这个位面毁灭。我愿为他赎罪。今天,这只是个开始,我会用行动向你们证明,生命气息将重新在这个位面崛起。空中厚重而肮脏的尘埃与毒云阻挡了真正的阳光。我计划用十年的时间将它们逐渐净化、清理。让真正的阳光重新洒落人间。这个位面并不缺乏水,只是更多的水都被岩浆与泥土掩埋在地底深处。我相信,当地下的水与天上的阳光被我引出的那一天,也就是这个位面重新焕发生命气息的时刻。” I, Long Haochen, take an oath in this, in my lifetime, must let this plane has from living the life aura surely, completes the food chain to start to evolve. How long me finally this process needs not to know that what I can say, my completely all my will complete all these diligently. I know, Hao Yue likely already in this world reincarnation, there is a possibility can never again the reincarnation. The commitment that but in any event, I make today cannot change. I only hope, if you have discovered it, then, you can hide it, but please do not injure it, waits one day, I have completed my commitment, you give me it again, ok?” “我,龙皓晨,在此起誓,在我有生之年,定要让这个位面重新拥有自住的生命气息,重新完成食物链开始进化。最终这个过程需要多久我不知道,但我能说的是,我会尽我一切努力来完成这一切。我知道,皓月很可能已经在这个世界转生了,也有可能永远的不会再转生。但无论如何,我今天做出的承诺不会改变。我只希望,如果你们真的发现了它,那么,你们可以将它藏起来,但请不要伤害它,等有一天,我完成了我的承诺,你们再将它交给我,好么?” Undead Trial Knight and Witch Demon King flew slowly, looks on the earth is growing healthy and strong the big tree, they arrives at the Purification Domain edge, Shan Xi slowly knees down. 亡灵审判骑士巫妖王缓缓飞了出来,看着大地上茁壮成长着的大树,他们来到净化之域边缘,缓缓的单膝跪倒在地。 You, are our God of Creation. I take an oath in the name of fire of soul, if the Austin Griffin rebirth, we will certainly bring it to you in front.” Undead Trial Knight respectful saying. “您,就是我们的创世神。我以灵魂之火的名义起誓,如果奥斯汀、格里芬重生,我们一定会将它带到您面前。”亡灵审判骑士恭敬的说道。 The Long Haochen personal appearance dodges, left Purification Domain, he has helped up Undead Trial Knight and Witch Demon King personally, trusts thank you, I with the motion to you will prove all that I said. Now, I must continue my work. If possible, making your subordinates help together. For this plane life aura reignition.” 龙皓晨身形一闪,已经出了净化之域,他亲手扶起了亡灵审判骑士巫妖王,“谢谢你们的相信,我会用行动向你们证明我所说的一切。现在,我要继续我的工作了。如果可以的话,让你们的属下一起帮忙吧。为了这个位面生命气息重燃。” Obeys your order tightly.” Drinks with Undead Trial Knight one greatly, all Undead living thing have all done obeisance to Long Haochen. “紧遵您的命令。”伴随着亡灵审判骑士的一声大喝,所有亡灵生物全都向龙皓晨拜了下来。 The Long Haochen vision looks into, the [say / way] that muttered to the distant place: Hao Yue, I came, you where?” 龙皓晨目光向远处眺望,喃喃的道:“皓月,我来了,你在哪里?” Beyond ten thousand li (0.5km), in a small level area. In clear stone impact noise, glitters the light purple egg to tumble quietly, the egg shell started to present the slight fissure, a lizard head of small triangle, diligently drilled from that crack 万里之外,一个小小的山坳中。清脆的石头撞击声中,一颗闪烁着淡淡紫色的蛋悄然滚落,蛋壳开始出现了细微的裂痕,一个小小的三角形的蜥蜴头,就从那裂缝中努力的钻了出来 ( The book ends) (全书完) --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Finally, with these hundred bit word number big chapter of termination god seal, does not know that many people burst into tears for this result. Let us burst into tears together, is together excited. Together after god seal ends, opens our peerless Tang Men. Moves, the brothers and sisters, I are waiting for you in peerless Tang Men. If you are the same with me, deeply is loving our Tang Men , helping me clash the list together. Sought the collection, to seek recommendation for the new book. If you do not abandon god seal, please leave behind the monthly ticket. 最后,用这百位字数大章完结神印,不知道有多少人为了这个结局而流泪。让我们一起流泪吧,一起激动吧。一起在神印终结之后,开启我们的绝世唐门。搬家啦,兄弟姐妹们,我在绝世唐门等着你们。如果你们和我一样,深爱着我们的唐门,就去帮我一起冲榜吧。为新书求收藏、求推荐。如果你们不舍神印,请将月票留下。
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