SYWZ :: Volume #8

#761: Dawn of VS soul king ( Part 1 ) light

Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation changes into Armor of Eternity to cover the whole body, Long Haochen only thought one as if really have achieved that boundary that Undead disaster Elux said that the hand grasps the livelihood to pick the stars! 永恒与创造之神印王座化为永恒之铠覆盖全身,龙皓晨只觉得自己仿佛真的已经达到了亡灵天灾伊莱克斯所说的那种境界,手握日月摘星辰! In hand of Sword of Eternity previous in body horizontal, a Tao Sky Sword intended to airborne as if changed into the visible thing. 手中永恒之剑在身前一横,一股滔天剑意在空中仿佛化为了有形之物。 Clang “锵” In the crisp whining noise, Sword of Eternity has supported the Undead Trial Knight purple black great sword. 脆鸣声中,永恒之剑架住了亡灵审判骑士的紫黑色巨剑。 The jet black thick fog, changes into the fiercest devil to swallow to Long Haochen crazily, but. Nine color rays along with it blooming, attack in that black fog together, stir this thick fog instantaneously crush. 漆黑的浓雾,化为最狰狞的恶魔向龙皓晨疯狂吞噬而至。九彩光芒随之绽放,与那黑雾冲击在一起,瞬间就将这浓雾搅得粉碎。 The Long Haochen arm inspires, the infinite great strength bursts out, will ride Undead Trial Knight of bone Dragon King to shake actually draws back hundred meters. Meanwhile, dark element in air unexpectedly also rapid goes to the Long Haochen fusion. After that nine color halos, unexpectedly changes into the pure non- attribute element to integrate Long Haochen within the body. 龙皓晨手臂一振,无穷的巨力迸发,硬是将骑乘着骨龙王的亡灵审判骑士震退百米。与此同时,空气中的暗元素竟然也飞速的向龙皓晨融合而去。透过那九彩光晕后,居然化为纯净的无属性元素融入到龙皓晨体内。 In the hand, the world I have eternal. Long Haochen does not know that own strength has been what kind of degree. He can only feel that Light God Domain and Domain of Eternity fuse completely, the strength that oneself can direct as if cannot see terminus. 永恒在手,天下我有。龙皓晨也不知道自己的力量达到了怎样的程度。他只能感觉到光神之域永恒之域完全融合,自己所能指挥的力量似乎看不到尽头似的。 This is his first time uses Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation, realizes from experience innumerably in the heart unceasingly pan-, came from the Divine Throne information innumerably emerges in his soul, and is absorbing by his unceasing acceptance. As the matter stands, his not active threat Undead Trial Knight. 这是他第一次使用永恒与创造之神印王座,无数体悟在心中不断泛起,无数来自于神印王座的信息涌入他的灵魂之中,被他不断的接受与吸收着。这样一来,他并没有主动攻击亡灵审判骑士 Undead Trial Knight was somewhat anxious, the ultra divine artifact prestige can imagine him is more formidable. Repairing of Long Haochen for clearly is inferior he, under may fight, he actually cannot occupy slightly the winning side. 亡灵审判骑士有些急了,超神器的威能比他想象中更加强大。龙皓晨的修为分明远逊于他,可交手之下,他却占不到丝毫上风。 He simultaneously roared with bone Dragon King. Fires into Long Haochen once more, has launched the comprehensive attack. 他与骨龙王同时咆哮一声。再次冲向龙皓晨,展开了全面攻击。 In Long Haochen hand Sword of Eternity high and low fluttering, just like strolling general, is melting the offensive of these two big Undead kings unceasingly. How whatever they attack. Long Haochen on float stands one's ground steadfastly there. Nine color sword glow vertically and horizontally open and close, blocks the offensive of match time and time again. 龙皓晨手中永恒之剑上下翻飞,宛如闲庭信步一般,不断化解着这两大亡灵君王的攻势。任由他们如何攻击。龙皓晨就悬浮在那里岿然不动。九彩剑芒纵横开阖,一次又一次挡住对手的攻势。 Long Haochen stabilizes stays in a brothel overnight the surface at the same time, other fights comprehensively have also launched. 龙皓晨这边稳定住局面的同时,其他各方的战斗也已经全面展开。 Cai'er looks, is that body complete black actually like the shadow unreal, cannot see Shadow Sovereign of five senses completely. Because she feels, this Shadow Sovereign strength is out of the ordinary. Comes more fearful compared with Witch Demon King. 采儿找上的,是那身体完全黑色却像影子一样虚幻,完全看不到五官的阴影君王。因为她感受到,这阴影君王的实力非同凡响。比起巫妖王来更加可怕。 Really, she just had the accident to Shadow Sovereign. 果然,她才刚刚对上阴影君王就出现了意外。 The Death God Scythe brilliance sparkles, Cai'er like lightning with the opposite party one wrong. But she surprised discovery, own Death God Scythe has not actually cut the entity, but looks like in the air plunders but. When she turns round to look, saw only that Shadow Sovereign distance to evolve Hao Yue already less than hundred meters. 死神镰刀光华闪耀,采儿闪电般与对方一错而过。但她却吃惊的发现,自己的死神镰刀并没有斩中实体,而是像在空气中一掠而过似的。当她回身看时,只见那阴影君王距离正在进化中的皓月已经不足百米了。 It is not good. Under Cai'er is surprised. The strong white light bursts out from within the body, stretches across the kilometer instantaneously, has formed white light screen, keeps off in front of Shadow Sovereign. 不好。采儿大吃一惊之下。强势的白光从体内迸发而出,瞬间横跨千米,形成了一层白色光幕,挡在阴影君王面前。 Shadow Sovereign actually as if not cares a whoop, hits actually to the light of purification. However. This time he actually cannot succeed. 阴影君王却似乎毫不在意,硬是撞向净化之光。但是。这一次他却没能成功。 Saw that the body and purification light of his black shadow contact in together, a sad and shrill soul keenly blowing erupts, the when body of Shadow Sovereign compares a more rapid rebound returns. 眼看着他那黑色的阴影之体与净化之光接触在一起,一声凄厉的灵魂尖啸爆发,阴影君王的身体比去时更加迅速的反弹而回。 Cai'er cold snort, in heart mused. You can not come under my physical attack influence, thinks that doesn't come under the influence of light of purification? 采儿冷哼一声,心中暗想。你能够不受到我的物理攻击影响,难道还想不受到净化之光的影响么? Resists the Undead biology. Nobody was more suitable than the Cai'er strength. Her that derives the inheritance of god of death, the most formidable ability is to purify Undead! Although Shadow Sovereign cultivation to extremely high. But under general idea, had been fired the soul by the light of purification. 对抗亡灵生物。没有谁比采儿的力量更加适合了。她那得自死神的传承,最强大的能力就是净化亡灵啊!阴影君王虽然修为极高。但在大意之下,还是被净化之光灼烧了灵魂。 Meanwhile, the Cai'er left hand lifts, gold light dodges, small golden seven pagodas appear above her palm. 与此同时,采儿左手抬起,金光一闪,一座小小的金色七层宝塔就出现在她掌心之上。 The different color time sparkles, release from the pagoda, flies rapidly to Hao Yue in ground, but Death God Scythe in Cai'er hand from the sky transforms ten thousand light, Purification Domain comprehensively launches, throws to Shadow Sovereign. 一道道不同颜色的流光闪耀,从宝塔中释放而出,飞速向地面上的皓月飞去,而采儿手中的死神镰刀则在空中幻化出万道光影,净化之域全面展开,向阴影君王扑去。 Time altogether 12 that projects from Tower of Eternity, when they fall to the ground, happen to encircles, protects Hao Yue. Not was just initially in Tower of Eternity, has tested Bright Rays of Sunlight ten two Holy Guard repeatedly? 永恒之塔内射出的流光一共有12道,当他们落地时,正好围成一圈,将皓月护在其中。可不正是当初在永恒之塔内,多次考验了光之晨曦的十二圣卫么? Holy Necromancer and Undead disaster Elux leaves Cai'er, not only Tower of Eternity this divine artifact, once followed him to go on an expedition the sandy plain in the past, performed the innumerable merit ten two Holy Guard also to leave Cai'er. However, because Tower of Eternity was reduced the divine artifact boundary from close ultra divine artifact edge, these ten two Holy Guard strengths also by certainly weakening, were only the Ninth Step powerhouses, was actually only Ninth Step primary, did not have the Domain ability. But so, this is also 12 has Ninth Step of several thousand years of fight experience! 死灵圣法神亡灵天灾伊莱克斯留给采儿的不只是永恒之塔这件神器,当年曾经跟随他征战沙场,立下无数功劳的十二圣卫也全部留给了采儿。不过,因为永恒之塔由接近超神器的边缘降低到了神器境界,这十二圣卫的实力也受到了一定的削弱,都只是九阶强者,却只是九阶初级,也没有领域的能力。但就算如此,这也是12名拥有数千年战斗经验的九阶啊! Temple Great Competition time, if not does not let use the weapon, Cai'er relies on Tower of Eternity nearly is being invincible existence, even if Long Haochen is not his match. Naturally, now after having ultra divine artifact Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation, the Long Haochen overall strength was unmatched in the team. 圣殿大比的时候,如果不是不让使用武器,采儿凭借着永恒之塔就近乎是无敌的存在,哪怕龙皓晨也不是他的对手。当然,现在拥有了超神器永恒与创造之神印王座后,龙皓晨的整体实力在团队中已经无人可比。 Ten two Holy Guard have several thousand years of fight experiences, has them to protect side Hao Yue, even if were these kings broke through the blockade of Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad, was impossible directly to injure Hao Yue. 十二圣卫都有着数千年的战斗经验,有他们守护在皓月身边,就算是这些君王突破了光之晨曦猎魔团的封锁,也不可能直接伤害到皓月 Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi protection is away from the Hao Yue recent place, watches the airborne war, they somewhat dazzling and intoxicating feeling. That moment that especially Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation presents, shocks in their heart promote the apex. Until this time, in the Yang Wenzhao heart again did not have and Long Haochen comparison idea, because he knows, the strength of poor life, was impossible to pursue on Long Haochen. 杨文昭断忆守护在距离皓月最近的地方,看着空中的大战,两人都有几分目眩神迷的感觉。尤其是永恒与创造之神印王座出现的那一刻,他们心中的震撼已是提升到了顶点。直到此时,杨文昭心中才再没有了和龙皓晨比较的想法,因为他知道,穷自己一生之力,也不可能追赶上龙皓晨了。 The Shadow Sovereign strength truly looks like Cai'er to be expected the great strength. After the soul is damaged, he lived in the position on the stability quickly. The dusky air current proliferates from him, even if meets the light of purification not to dissipate, the range of instead covering is getting bigger and bigger. Iriss out the piece of him and Cai'er battlefield between. 阴影君王的实力确实像采儿预料中的强大。在灵魂受创之后,他很快就稳定住了阵脚。灰蒙蒙的气流从他身上扩散开来,哪怕是遇到净化之光都没有消散,反而覆盖的范围越来越大。圈出一片他和采儿之间的战场。 The cloudy and cold aura is attacking Cai'er, Cai'er grasps Death God Scythe, has not actually acted rashly. Purification Domain sends out unceasingly, has not actually sent out the too broad range. Is maintaining about 20 meters in diameter. Has such distance to take the cushion, Shadow Sovereign, regardless of launches the attack from that side, she responded with enough time. 阴冷的气息侵袭着采儿,采儿手持死神镰刀,却并未轻举妄动。净化之域不断散发,却并未散发到太广阔的范围。只是维持着直径20米左右。有这样的距离作为缓冲,阴影君王无论从那一面发动攻击,她都来得及反应了。 Suddenly, back one cold. Cai'er is almost instantaneous turning around without hesitation, Death God Scythe brings to wipe sad and shrill cold Dian to cut, God of Death Seven Absolutes and Casualty of Death. 突然,背后一寒。采儿几乎是毫不犹豫的瞬间转身,死神镰刀带着一抹凄厉的冷电斩出,死神七绝死之殇 Biting in resounding sound, the body of Shadow Sovereign dodges to pass. That matter dusky the gloss around his body Cai'er the light of purification is cut off unexpectedly outside, but he has not stopped in Purification Domain, strikes draws back. “叮”脆响声中,阴影君王的身体一闪而逝。在他身体周围那层灰蒙蒙的光泽竟然将采儿的净化之光都阻隔在外,但他也没有在净化之域中多做停留,一击即退。 Cai'er both eyes narrow the eyes, she knows that she has run into the unprecedented powerful enemy. Is Assassin, she, was actually attacked by the Shadow Sovereign sneak attack at this time. However, she also does not have other means. The competion concealment ability, she is inferior to the opposite party. 采儿双眼微眯,她知道,自己遇到了史无前例的强敌。身为一名刺客,她此时却被阴影君王偷袭、攻击。但是,她又没有别的办法。比拼隐匿能力,她远不如对方。 Shadow Sovereign Domain perhaps and attack irrelevant, but as well as promotes own resistance to have the huge amplification to his own hideaway absolutely, otherwise the light of purification will not be cut off outside. However, the Cai'er body and mind, this Shadow Sovereign in any event is a Undead living thing, so long as is the Undead biology, does not have by the light of restraint purification. The matches could maintain are corroded by the light of purification in a short time, but the time is long, as before is actually not able to contend. Otherwise, by the Shadow Sovereign strength, already should choose with spells hardly, but is not such You Dou tactic. 阴影君王领域或许和攻击无关,但对他自身的隐藏以及提升自身抗性绝对有着巨大的增幅,否则也不会连净化之光都被阻隔在外了。不过,采儿身心,这阴影君王无论如何都是一名亡灵生物,只要是亡灵生物,就没有不被净化之光克制的。对手或许能够在短时间内保持着不被净化之光侵蚀,但时间一长,却依旧无法抗衡。否则的话,以阴影君王的实力,早就应该和自己选择硬拼,而不是这样游斗的战术。 To consume the light my spiritual energy? The Cai'er corners of the mouth place reveals one to sneer. Her cultivation, although is inferior to Long Haochen, but the Purification Domain resilience in all circumstances is less inferior than Long Haochen Light God Domain. Especially filled the place of Undead biology in this, the light of purification is purifying these death aura frequently. 想要耗光我的灵力么?采儿嘴角处流露出一丝冷笑。她的修为虽然远不如龙皓晨,但净化之域在任何情况下的恢复能力却一点也不比龙皓晨光神之域逊色。尤其是在这充满了亡灵生物的地方,净化之光时时刻刻都在净化着那些死亡气息。 In this time, the chill in the air suddenly from one side is appearing, Cai'er Death God Scythe wields to cut once again. 正在这时,寒意突然从侧面出现,采儿死神镰刀又一次挥斩而出。 Also is biting a resounding. The body of this Cai'er actually fiercely rocked, the complexion also changes. 又是“叮”的一声脆响。这次采儿的身体却剧烈的晃动了一下,脸色也是一变。 The Shadow Sovereign striking power is very strong, even if has evolved by the hand in Death God Scythe, Cai'er enormously was also shaken. Moreover she can only bully in the match recently can discover that without doubt is very passive. Shadow Sovereign does not have the main body, seems only the soul shape exists, this causes the physics to attack to him does not have any effect. Continues to come under attack like this passively, the Cai'er aspect is also becoming more and more disadvantageous, because she when relies on God of Death Seven Absolutes and opposite party attack can not drop the wind. But the consumption of God of Death Seven Absolutes can be imagined. 阴影君王的攻击力很强,哪怕凭借手中进化过的死神镰刀,采儿也受到了极大的震荡。而且她只能在对手欺近时才能发现,无疑是十分被动的。阴影君王没有本体,似乎只是灵魂形态存在,这就导致物理攻击对他没有任何效果。继续这样被动挨打,采儿的局面也正在变得越来越不利,因为她只有凭借死神七绝和对方对攻时才能不落下风。而死神七绝的消耗可想而知。 Confronts Undead Trial Knight and bone Dragon King like Long Haochen, Cai'er also fell into the deadlock condition, what is just different, the Long Haochen that side is he suppresses the match, but here is Cai'er is actually suppressed. 就像龙皓晨对阵亡灵审判骑士和骨龙王一样,采儿这边也陷入了僵持状态,只不过不同的是,龙皓晨那边是他压制对手,而这边却是采儿被压制。 What Cai'er looks is Shadow Sovereign, but Ya Ting looks, is Resentful Spirit Sovereign. These two big kings have a common trait, is they do not have the entity. Also most formidabe two besides Undead Trial Knight. 采儿找上的是阴影君王,而雅婷找上的,则是怨灵君王。这两大君王有一个共同特点,就是它们没有实体。也是除了亡灵审判骑士之外最难对付的两个。 Sword of Kings at this time is not a handle, but is over a thousand handles, in the airborne strategic maneuvering, closes off the route that Resentful Spirit Sovereign is fending unceasingly. 王者之剑此时已经不是一柄,而是上千柄之多,在空中合纵连横,不断的封锁着怨灵君王闪避的路线。 Light attribute ability that Ya Ting has inherited the purity of Long Haochen that arteries, although the Resentful Spirit Sovereign strength is strong, but his attack capability mainly shows in the soul. Is Fairy Queen of Light Ya Ting, the soul is extremely stable . Moreover, Queen Yue Ye who she has now the body is not her. Originally she is Light Elemental Fairy time, can say that is also the soul shape. After fusing two handle Divine Sword, she has the ability that the soul solidifies. It can be said that has restrained the attack of Resentful Spirit Sovereign perfectly. 雅婷所拥有的光属性能力继承了龙皓晨那一脉的纯净,怨灵君王实力虽强,但他的攻击能力主要展现在灵魂上。身为光之精灵王雅婷,灵魂极其稳固,而且,她现在所拥有的月夜女王身体本就不是她自己的。原来她是光元素精灵的时候,可以说也是灵魂形态。融合两柄神剑之后,她有着灵魂固化的能力。可以说是完美的克制了怨灵君王的攻击。 As the matter stands, Ya Ting completely suppressed the match, Resentful Spirit Sovereign once had also tried the fission to break through. But in that goes forward under strangling to death of Sword of Kings, definitely is actually not able to approach the body of Ya Ting. Only can unceasing dodging, really be somewhat in an extremely difficult situation. 这样一来,雅婷就完全压制了对手,怨灵君王也曾尝试过分裂突破。但在那上前王者之剑的绞杀之下,却完全无法接近雅婷的身体。只能不断的闪躲,着实是有些狼狈不堪。 -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Fourth. ( to be continued ) 第四更。(未完待续)
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