SYWZ :: Volume #8

#762: Dawn of VS soul king ( Part 2 ) light

However, what has to say is. In the battlefield, had the superiority besides Long Haochen and Ya Ting these two sides, the fights in other aspects, a Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad powerhouse received the suppressions of varying degrees. 不过,不得不说的是。战场上,除了龙皓晨雅婷这两方占据了优势以外,其他各方面的战斗,光之晨曦猎魔团一众强者都受到了不同程度的压制。 Chen Ying'er to Witch Demon King. They excel at the summon, in the Domain aspect, Chen Ying'er God of Beasts Domain is unable to suppress the match, but can actually strengthen own summon living thing. Undead biology that but Witch Demon King summoned, actually must dominate in the grade above her summon. 陈樱儿对上了巫妖王。她们都擅长于召唤,在领域方面,陈樱儿兽神领域无法压制对手,但却能够增强自己的召唤生物。可巫妖王召唤出的亡灵生物,在品级上却要凌驾于她的召唤物之上。 When they fight space that occupies is also biggest one, Chen Ying'er, through the Domain amplification, summoned three ten six heads Ninth Step demon beastly storm Witch Demon King, but that side Witch Demon King does not show weakness, over a hundred bone dragon regiments attack intrepidly. Relied on overwhelming superiority in quantity to suppress Chen Ying'er. 她们战斗时所占据的空间也是最大的一个,陈樱儿这边,已经通过领域的增幅,召唤出了三十六头九阶魔兽强攻巫妖王,而巫妖王那边也不示弱,上百的骨龙军团强悍出击。凭借着数量上的绝对优势压制了陈樱儿 Side Chen Ying'er, six orange-red color Epic Tier crystal ball unceasing circling and sparkles, over a hundred Spiritual Pill on Spiritual Sacred Clothes are releasing the intense ray, helping her restore spiritual energy. 陈樱儿身边,六颗橘红史诗级水晶球不断的盘旋、闪耀,灵魂圣衣上的上百颗灵丹更是释放着强烈的光芒,帮她恢复灵力 She must before the bone dragon regiment routs her summon beast, completes the second community summon. That side Witch Demon King has not been idling, attack magics unceasingly to Chen Ying'er. By McDull Devil Dragon 11 block. 她必须要在骨龙军团击溃她的召唤兽之前,完成第二次的群体召唤。巫妖王那边也没闲着,一道道攻击魔法不断向陈樱儿袭来。被麦兜所化的逆天魔龙11挡住。 Although there is divine artifact in the body, but the bilateral disparity is too big, what can foresee, so long as the time is long, Chen Ying'er must be defeated by Witch Demon King surely. 虽然有神器在身,但双方差距太大,可以预见的是,只要时间一长,陈樱儿必定要被巫妖王击败。 The Wang Yuanyuan situation also compared with Chen Ying'er very many, the match who she looked for is that Skeleton Sovereign. 王原原的情况也比陈樱儿好不了多少,她找上的对手是那位骷髅君王 The fight from the beginning, Skeleton Sovereign transforms handle black huge bone blade, relied on the overwhelming superiority on build to initiate to Wang Yuanyuan has attacked crazily. 战斗一开始,骷髅君王就幻化出一柄黑色的巨大骨刀,凭借着体型上的绝对优势向王原原发起了狂攻。 Wang Yuanyuan left hand Gigantic Divine Soul Shield, right hand Bloody Storm, fully resistance. As before is actually retreating in defeat again and again. The Skeleton Sovereign strength was too strong. Each bombardment, will let Wang Yuanyuan at airborne moved back several points. Wang Yuanyuan Bloody Domain by opposite party the territory of counter-balance of biting soul. Between both completely is the collision on strength. If after were not Gigantic Divine Soul Shield inlaid completely Spatial Water Crystal, has been the level of Immortal Tier equipment, erupted the force attack successively several times, perhaps Wang Yuanyuan could not resist. Even if so, she must often through the Spatial Gate spiritual stove transformation body, be able to transfer Skeleton Sovereign. Does not let approach to direction Hao Yue that side. 王原原左手巨灵神之盾,右手血腥风暴,全力抵抗。却依旧在节节败退。骷髅君王的力量太强了。每一次轰击,都会让王原原在空中后退几分。王原原血域被对方的噬魂之域抵消。两者之间完全是力量上的碰撞。如果不是巨灵神之盾镶满了空银水晶后达到了不朽级装备的层次,先后数次爆发强力攻击,恐怕王原原已经抵挡不住了。就算如此,她还是要不时通过空间之门灵炉变换身位,才能调动骷髅君王。不让对方向皓月那边靠近。 Bang a fulmination bursts out with the strong purple electric light, shone upon the purple a battlefield end. “轰隆”一声爆鸣伴随着浓烈的紫色电光迸发,将战场的一端都映照成了紫色。 The electric light of that terror erupts from Sima Xian Energetical Ball of Light, his both hands are holding Energetical Ball of Light, sticks to that giant metal ball in the chest place, through the Energetical Ball of Light amplification and enlargement, the purple electricity god thunder spiritual stove striking power also promoted the extremely terrifying degree. 那恐怖的电光正是从司马仙光之大力丸上爆发而出的,他双手捧着光之大力丸,将那巨大的金属球紧贴在胸口处,通过光之大力丸的增幅、放大,紫电神雷灵炉的攻击力也提升到了极其恐怖的程度。 Beyond his opposite hundred meters, Hate Sovereign of whole body miserable white fat looks down to own chest. Center its chest, burned black scar thorough fat of diameter several rice. Even can see the internal organs of deep place. 就在他对面百米外,满身惨白色肥肉的憎恶君王低头看向自己的胸膛。在它胸口正中处,一个直径数米的焦黑伤痕深入肥肉内部。甚至已经能够看到更深处的内脏了。 Roars, roars and roars!” The thump that the Hate Sovereign left hand makes an effort is striking own chest, in the right hand. Also brings the rust color giant iron hook to fling crazily, the figure of scarlet brilliance from the chains after iron hook connects forefront, directly soars Sima Xian to pursue. “吼、吼、吼!”憎恶君王左手用力的捶击着自己的胸膛,右手之中。一个还带着锈色的巨大铁钩狂甩而出,猩红色的光彩从铁钩后的锁链上一指连接到最前端,直奔司马仙追去。 But his thump to own chest strikes is not aimless, can clear seeing, the massive disgusting decadent fat be pushed from the wound by him, buries that huge wound completely, moreover is repairing the wound at an exceptional pace. 而他对自己胸口的捶击也并非无的放矢,能够清楚的看到,大量恶心的黄色脂肪被他从创口周围挤出来,将那巨大的伤口完全掩埋,而且正以惊人的速度修复着伤口。 Mother. Suffered a loss.” Sima Xian at this time is also depressed. He looks for Hate Sovereign , because this fellow looks that the volume is big enough, hits to suffice crisply is. But who knows that he has run upon the sheet iron. This Hate Sovereign defensive power is extremely terrifying. Sima Xian Energetical Ball of Light once several times fell on him. The smashing, roller compactions and tertiary demolition these effects are quite limited in the role that on Hate Sovereign can play. He who even if hits is bruised and lacerated, his fat can also in a short time complete the self- repair. “妈的。太吃亏了。”司马仙此时也是大为郁闷。他找上憎恶君王,是因为这家伙看着体积够大,打起来应该够爽才是。可谁知道,他可是撞上了铁板。这憎恶君王的防御力极其恐怖。司马仙光之大力丸曾经数次落在他身上。粉碎、碾压、三重爆破这些效果在憎恶君王身上能起到的作用极为有限。就算打的他皮开肉绽,他那一身肥肉也能在很短的时间内完成自我修复。 Sima Xian just had attempted with purple electricity god thunder spiritual stove, the injury, although wants to be bigger, but as before is actually not enough to take to the Hate Sovereign heavy losses. 司马仙刚用紫电神雷灵炉尝试了一下,伤害虽然要大一些,但却依旧不足以带给憎恶君王重创。 Most makes Sima Xian disgusting, was Hate Sovereign this giant iron hook. Do not look that the Hate Sovereign stature is so huge. But controls this iron hook to come is actually the clever ten points. Especially red glow on iron hook, once bumps into, will immediately produce to be similar the adsorption effect on Energetical Ball of Light. To run difficultly. If not Sima Xian equipment has some special effects, he already suffered a loss. 最让司马仙恶心的,就是憎恶君王这巨大的铁钩了。别看憎恶君王身材那么巨大。但操控起这铁钩来却是灵巧十分。尤其是铁钩上的红光,一旦碰上,立刻就会产生出类似于光之大力丸上的吸附效果。想跑都难。如果不是司马仙身上的装备有一些特殊效果,他早就吃了大亏。 Saw that the iron hook flings once more, the Sima Xian anger snort, a face valiant face upwarding rave, in the hand Energetical Ball of Light sweeps away to go, the frontage touches hardly. He has also made the anger. 眼看铁钩再次甩过来,司马仙怒哼一声,一脸彪悍的仰天狂吼,手中光之大力丸横扫而去,正面硬碰。他也是打出了火气。 Two handle long-distance heavy weapons from the sky collide in together, erupts innumerable Mars. The volume or the weight, Energetical Ball of Light cannot have the superiority. However, it must be promoted the Epic Tier degree unexpectedly. Ability of the supplementary is the Hate Sovereign iron hook is actually not able to compare. 两柄远程重武器在空中碰撞在一起,爆发出无数火星。无论是体积还是重量,光之大力丸都丝毫占不到优势。但是,它必竟已经被提升到了史诗级程度。其附带的能力却是憎恶君王的铁钩所无法比拟的了。 Thunders one after another resounding, the iron hook is shaken eventually opens. The Sima Xian back wings flaps, body soaring is higher, looks angrily at Hate Sovereign saying: Not compared with father big. Is the weapon also big? The father compares with you, whose big looks.” 轰鸣接二连三的响起,铁钩终究还是被震得偏开。司马仙背后双翼拍动,身体飞翔的更高一些,怒视着憎恶君王道:“不就是比老子个大。武器也大么?那老子就跟你比比,看谁的更大。” At the same time was saying, sees only in the Sima Xian hand Energetical Ball of Light to upcasting. One group of strange golden gloss from Energetical Ball of Light core place bright. This gold light is glittering unexpectedly lightly seven colored. Immortal? Has Energetical Ball of Light promoted to the degree of Immortal Tier equipment unexpectedly? 一边说着,只见司马仙手中光之大力丸向上抛起。一团奇异的金色光泽从光之大力丸核心处亮起。这种金光竟然闪烁着淡淡的七彩色。不朽?光之大力丸竟然已经提升到不朽级装备的程度了? Simultaneously glistens also has Sima Xian own body, sees only him to swing the body in a flash, the personal appearance rises instantaneously in a big way, the free time but who blinks, his height has been about hundred meters, is equally matched with Hate Sovereign. What is most terrorist, his Energetical Ball of Light volume is also when production costs rise , prices rise too. The diameter seemed like really has about 50 meters. 同时闪亮的还有司马仙自己的身体,只见他摇身一晃,身形瞬间涨大,只是眨眼的工夫,他的身高就达到了百米开外,和憎恶君王不相上下。最为恐怖的是,他那光之大力丸的体积也是水涨船高。直径看似竟然有50米左右了。 Hate Sovereign has a look at Sima Xian, in having a look at the iron hook in oneself hand, somewhat is in a daze. He also felt several points of crisis, small eye ominous light dodged, the dark-green colored mist burst out from within the body, fast has covered to Sima Xian. This is it unique plague Domain, most excels at the group war. Any attribute powerhouse, will be corroded in this plague, the time is longer, corrosion is also fiercer. 憎恶君王看看司马仙,在看看自己手中的铁钩,不禁有些发愣。他也感受到了几分危机,一双小眼睛凶光一闪,墨绿色雾气从体内迸发而出,飞快的向司马仙覆盖了过去。这是它所特有的瘟疫领域,最擅长群战。任何属性的强者,在这瘟疫之中都会受到侵蚀,时间越长,侵蚀的也就越厉害。 Sima Xian tiger is greatly bright, actually does not evade facing plague Domain, void one step steps forward, a Energetical Ball of Light lou coping, directly soars Hate Sovereign to pound. 司马仙虎目大亮,面对瘟疫领域却是丝毫不避,虚空一步跨出,光之大力丸蒌头盖顶,直奔憎恶君王砸去。 Demon Hunt Squad Transactions Center, Long Haochen has purchased two precious compounded drugs, can help the Ninth Step powerhouse condense the Domain compounded drug. Has given Sima Xian, has given Lin Xin. Lin Xin has completed his Holy Sun Domain, Sima Xian with the help of his small white bloom, not only the weapon also had the archery target promotion, practiced to belong to his Domain similarly. Said accurately that is Domain Weapon, is the same with Long Yating. 猎魔团交易中心,龙皓晨购买了两枚珍贵的丹药,能够帮助九阶强者凝聚领域的丹药。一枚给了司马仙,一枚给了林鑫林鑫已经完成了他的圣阳领域,司马仙在他那小白花的帮助下,不但武器又有了质的提升,也同样修炼出了属于他的领域。准确的说,是领域武器,和龙雅婷一样。 He liked his Energetical Ball of Light, therefore, his Domain fully has also conformed to the idea of his innermost feelings in the evolution. The personal appearance rises suddenly, what amplification is strength and defense, in addition enhancement of Energetical Ball of Light. Bald Priest Sima Xian radically is incarnation became a human form weapon for criminal. The shortcoming also has, is unable long-distance attack. It is not able to use any skill, the spiritual energy spending rate is extremely fast. 他太喜欢自己的光之大力丸了,因此,他的领域也在进化过程中完全符合了他内心的想法。身形暴涨,增幅的是力量与防御,再加上光之大力丸的增强。光头牧师司马仙根本就是化身成为了一件人形凶器。缺点也有,无法远程攻击。无法使用任何技能,灵力消耗速度极快。 Two colossi, outrageously hit in there together, is carrying on the simplest and direct fighting hand-to-hand collision. That is „, and collision between meat and meat. Even also often can see the fat splash of Hate Sovereign. In the entire battlefield, their this fought is also affords a marvelous view. 两个庞然大物,就在那里悍然撞击在一起,进行着最简单、直接的肉搏碰撞。那是“啪、啪、啪”的肉与肉之间的碰撞。甚至还不时能够看到憎恶君王的脂肪飞溅。在整个战场上,他们这一战也算是蔚为奇观了。 Them is the collision of body, but another side, between Lin Xin and Earth Pit Demon Spider Sovereign, completely were the fight between magic and magic. 他们这边是身体的碰撞,而另一边,林鑫地穴魔蛛君王之间,就完全是魔法与魔法之间的战斗了。 Holy Sun Curse Technique hangs the top of the head, the Lin Xin two Immortal Tier equipment both are the brilliance greatly put, before Fires of Immortal Dragon unceasingly refers , the Holy Sun Curse Technique place, erupts unceasingly the tyrannical blue flame bang to Earth Pit Demon Spider Sovereign. 圣阳咒法高悬头顶,林鑫两件不朽级装备都是光彩大放,不朽的龙之火不断前指,圣阳咒法处,不断喷发出强横的蓝色火焰轰向地穴魔蛛君王 After learning Holy Sun Curse Technique, to Lin Xin even more powerful, Domain that particularly he practices also based on Holy Sun Curse Technique, made this give up study to promote the unprecedented altitude. 学会圣阳咒法之后,对林鑫来说如虎添翼,尤其是他所练成的领域也正是以圣阳咒法为基础的,就更令这门绝学提升到了前所未有的高度。 Repairing of Earth Pit Demon Spider Sovereign to also surpass 30 ten thousand spiritual energy, tyrannical violently poisonous Undead magic arts are quite strong. But how the flame to have certain restraint to Undead itself, moreover that Radiant Sacred Fire Praise that on Lin Xin puts on will also supplement the Light Element effect. Both sides fought unexpectedly evenly matched. Moreover, Lin Xin as if is also having several points of superiority. Really is his Heart of Flames flame high of too, in this black and red world, the Lin Xin supernatural power reply speed is also quick, he does not count the consumption attacks, Earth Pit Demon Spider Sovereign that makes fully crazily somewhat is also thrown into confusion. 地穴魔蛛君王的修为也超过了30万灵力,一身强横的剧毒亡灵法术相当强势。但奈何火焰对亡灵本身就有一定的克制,而且林鑫身上穿着的那件光辉圣火之礼赞还会附带光系效果。双方竟然战成了势均力敌。而且,林鑫似乎还占据着几分优势。实在是他那心焱火焰的太高,在这黑与红的世界中,林鑫的法力回复速度也很快,他根本是不计消耗的全力狂攻,弄的地穴魔蛛君王也是有些手忙脚乱。 Similarly evenly matched, another two battlefields, wear Divine Throne of Fear and Sadness, has Han Yu of Divine Knight of Destruction and Forgiveness title, a dark-green colored god armor covers the whole body, his weapon only then the shield, on the dark-green colored shield has two designs at the same time, side is the frightened devil, another side is the sad angel. 同样势均力敌的,还有另外两个战场,身穿恐惧与悲伤之神印王座,拥有毁灭与宽恕之神印骑士称号的韩羽,一身墨绿色神铠覆盖全身,他的武器只有一面盾牌,墨绿色的盾牌上有着两个图案,一边是恐惧的恶魔,另一边是悲伤的天使。 His match is Zombie Sovereign. The Zombie Sovereign movement and his stiff body are in reverse proportion, quickly like lightning. However, how regardless of he moves, Han Yu can always prompt keeping off before him. Whenever the attack of Zombie Sovereign falls when that sincere Shield of Fear and Sadness, the fire of his soul fiercely will shiver. Body inevitable sluggishness. Then will immediately be hit by Han Yu. Han Yu does not attack on own initiative, is only the stable defense, makes Zombie Sovereign be at wit's end completely. 他的对手是僵尸君王僵尸君王的动作和他僵硬的身体成反比,快如闪电。但是,无论他如何移动,韩羽总能及时的挡在他面前。每当僵尸君王的攻击落在那厚重的恐惧与悲伤之盾上时,他的灵魂之火就会剧烈的颤抖一下。身体不可避免的迟滞。然后立刻就会被韩羽撞开。韩羽也不主动进攻,只是稳固的防守,就让僵尸君王完全无计可施。 Wears Divine Throne of Wisdom and Mind, is having Zhang Fangfang of Knight Temple Divine Knight of Enlightenment and Inheritance title, the procedure and Han Yu in battlefield is exactly the same. They are extremely steady Knight. Divine Throne of Wisdom and Mind takes to his weapon is a handle fights the hammer and at the same time the round shield. Fights the hammer every time to wield, will have extremely intense light element eruption. That explosive force even also above Energetical Ball of Light. The attack of Infernal Flame Sovereign is similarly intrepid, but does not have the means under the Zhang Fangfang stable defense. ( to be continued ) 身穿智慧与精神之神印王座,拥有着骑士圣殿教化与传承之神印骑士称号的张放放,在战场上的做法与韩羽如出一辙。两人都是极为稳健的骑士智慧与精神之神印王座带给他的武器是一柄战锤和一面圆盾。战锤每一次挥出,都会带有极其强烈的光元素爆发。那份爆炸力甚至还在光之大力丸之上。地狱火君王的攻击同样强悍,但在张放放稳固的防御之下也是毫无办法。(未完待续)
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